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Date Time Scene Shot No.

Camera Angle


Tbc Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc

1 1 1

1 Long shot 2 Long shot 3 Long shot

4 secs 5 secs 3 secs

Description Location Blank white studio room with big lights In the studio 3 bitchy girls walk in In the studio 3 girls posing In the studio

Equipment 1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera




None 3 bitchy girls 3 bitchy girls

No sound Non diegtic music plays Non diegtic music plays

In studio In studio In studio



4 Mid shot

4 secs



5 Mid shot

2 secs



6 Mid shot

4 secs

Another girl joins the group In the studio The three girls give her a nasty look In the studio One of the bitchy girl then greets her being very fake In the studio

1 innocent Non diegtic music gir1 plays 3 bitchy girls bitchy girl and innocent girl business man and drug dealer bachelor Non diegtic music plays

In studio

In studio

1 tripod, 1 camera

Non diegtic music plays and bitchy girls voiceover in her head In studio Non digetic music plays and digetic speech of buissness man on phone Non diegtic music plays

Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc

7 Long shot 8 Long shot

3 secs 3 secs

Buisness man and drug dealer arrive In the studio Bachelor arrives In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera

In studio

Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc

1 1

9 Close up 10 Close up

2 secs 2 secs

He checks out the girls In the studio The girls smile In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera

bachelor 3 bitchy girls

Non diegtic music plays and voiceover of bachelors thoughts In studio Non diegtic music plays In studio

Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc

1 1

11 Mid shot 12 Long shot

6 secs 4 secs

Mother and son come in, the mother ties the sons tie up The 2 potential dads arrive

In the studio In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera

mother and son 2 dads

Non diegtic music plays Non diegtic music plays

In studio In studio

Tbc Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc Tbc

1 1 1

13 Close up 14 Long shot 15 Long shot

2 secs 4 secs 2 secs

Mother looks worried Couple walk in They stand in position

In the studio In the studio In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera

mother couple couple girlfriend and bachelor bachelor

Non diegtic music plays and voiceover of mothers thoughts In studio Non diegtic music plays In studio Non diegtic music plays In studio Non digetic music plays and voice over of girlfriends thought In studio Non diegtic music plays In studio

Tbc Tbc

Tbc Tbc

1 1

16 Mid shot 17 Close up

2 secs 2 secs

The girl turns round and looks at the bachelor In the studio He smiles In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera



18 Mid shot

2 secs

The girl turns back around and smiles at her boyfriend In the studio Sugar daddy comes in with 2 girls round his arm In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera


Non diegtic music plays

In studio



19 Long shot

3 secs

1 tripod, 1 camera

sugar daddy and Non diegtic music girls plays

In studio



20 Close up

3 secs

Close up of one of the girls In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera


Non digetic music plays and voice over of girls thoughts In studio



21 Long shot

5 secs



22 Long shot

3 secs

Long shot of the group very rowdy In the studio Photographer goes to take the picture In the studio Long shot of the group going silent and smiling for the camera In the studio

1 tripod, 1 camera 1 tripod, 1 camera



23 Long shot

4 secs

1 tripod, 1 camera

Non digetic music plays and speech of actors all rowdy In studio Music stops Photograp photographer says "3, her 2, 1" In studio Silence actors have photo taken then a voiceover of "not All the everythings perfect in actors paradise" In studio All the actors

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