Desert Island Discs Script & Notes
Desert Island Discs Script & Notes
Desert Island Discs Script & Notes
Song 1:
This tells us that there are no sonic or recording faults. The song is perfectly produced!
Song 2:
By recording this song in a studio the recordings and sonics do not have faults. This
means that the song is greatly produced.
Song 3:
These melodies are very very clear because they were recorded well and there are no
sonic or recording faults. This is good because it means that the song is mixed well.
This tells us that this song has no sonic or recording faults. Furthermore the eects that
are added in are really eective because create more atmosphere, for example,
D4 critically comment on the textures of musical instruments and sounds and the eect of
the acoustic environment on them.
The vocal sample is monophonic because there is only one of them. However the
instruments are polyphonic because there is more than one of them. Sometimes the
instruments accompany the vocal sample. This makes the song homophonic!
This song is homophonic because the vocals are accompanied by the instruments. Plus
the instruments are played polyphonically.
The texture of this song is homophonic because the singers sing harmonies and
accompany each other. Secondly the instruments play polyphonically because they are in
time with each other.
This song is mainly polyphonic. However it is also homophonic because the instruments
play in the background when the singer sings. Thirdly the singer does sing on his own
sometimes, so this makes the song monophonic too.
Song Structure:
Song 1:
This song slowly builds up. After this build up the cheerful beat comes in around 1:08.
The mood throughout this song is positive! Also the artist plays to the listeners taste, as
there are catchy ris. Plus there are parts that have a stronger bass and smoother vocals.
Furthermore the introduction and ending are very powerful because they go well with the
verses and the choruses. (These verses and choruses are the dierent melodies).
Song 2:
This song has 5 ris and they are F, G, A minor, C and D minor. These ris are very clear.
Furthermore it is clear that the start and end of this song are dierent. They are dierent
because the ending is louder and faster then the start. This is eective because you know
that the song is going to end. (The melodies are eective too because the verses and the
choruses go well with each other and they are an important part of any song)!
Song 3:
This is song is in D minor and its structure is: introduction, verse, pre chorus, chorus,
hook, verse, pre chorus, chorus, hook, breakdown and chorus. This structure is the way
most songs would be composed because all need to have a beginning, middle and end.
Like this song does. (The melodies reflect this structure)!
Song 4:
This song has a basic structure and it is: Introduction, a few main parts and the ending.
This is a good structure because it is easy to remember. Also it is not structured the way a
song would normally be structured. This means that the artist has missed out a few of the
main structure elements. This is not a bad thing because at least the melodies of this
song are well planned, simple and eective.