KS3 Science 2007 Mark Scheme

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KS3 Sc MS1+2 Intro275657.

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Science tests

3 Mark scheme
for Papers 1 and 2


National curriculum assessments

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme −6 and 5−
Tiers 3− −7 Introduction

The test papers will be marked by external markers. The markers will follow the mark
scheme in this booklet, which is provided here to inform teachers.

This booklet includes the mark scheme for paper 1 and paper 2 in both tiers.

The structure of the mark scheme for tiers 3−6 and 5−7
The mark scheme for each question shows:

■ the teaching points from the key stage 3 programme of study

■ the marks available for each part of the question

■ the total marks available for the question

■ the answer or answers expected, indicated by an asterisk

■ additional guidance to assist markers in making professional judgements.

When a question appears in an identical form in both tiers, the answers to the
question are given only once in the mark scheme. For clarity, both question numbers
are given. The following example, from tier 3−6 paper 1 question 12 and from
tier 5−7 paper 1 question 4, illustrates this.

Tier Q No
3− 12
5− 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai answers may be in either

3/3a order
1 * oxygen ‘air’ is insufficient
1 * water ‘moisture’ or ‘dampness’ or
‘wet’ are insufficient

a ii 1 any one from

3/3a * it prevents contact between accept ‘it prevents air getting to
the steel or the car and the car’
oxygen or water
* it is waterproof or water runs accept ‘wax fills scratches or ‘it forms a protective layer’ is
off chips where paint is damaged’ insufficient

Where more than one answer is acceptable, this is indicated in the mark scheme by
‘any one from’. Each possible correct answer is marked with an asterisk. In some
cases, alternative answers are indicated by ‘or’.


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme −6 and 5−
Tiers 3− −7 Introduction

In the following example from part b of tier 3−6 paper 1 question 15 and tier 5−7
paper 1 question 7, an answer giving ‘it has a longer orbit’ and ‘the Sun’s gravity is
less’ will be awarded two marks. However, an answer which gives ‘it has a longer
orbit’ and ‘it is further away’ will be given only one mark, as both points are correct
answers for the same mark.

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

b 2 any two from

4/4c * it has a longer orbit accept ‘it has a bigger orbit’
accept ‘it has a greater
distance to cover’
* it is further from the Sun accept ‘it is further out’ ‘it is further away’ or ‘it is
further’ are insufficient
accept ‘Mars is closer to the
* the Sun’s gravity is less accept ‘there is a smaller
gravitational pull on it’
* it is slower

In the following example, from part c of tier 5−7 paper 1 question 9, the statement in
bold type in the Additional guidance column is given in order to indicate the general
requirement of that part of the question.

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

c 1 any one from

2/4a * eye colour is inherited or
controlled by genes
* eye colour is not affected by
environmental factors
answers must refer to both
1 any one from weight and skin colour
* weight and skin colour are accept ‘weight and skin colour ‘weight and skin colour are
affected by environmental are not just controlled by not controlled by genes’ is
factors genes’ insufficient
* weight is affected by diet or
exercise and skin colour by
the Sun

In the Accept column there may be:

■ examples of answers which are acceptable, although they do not correspond exactly
to the expected answers

■ some examples of higher-level answers, which could be given by higher-attaining

pupils answering questions on the lower levels in the tier.

In the Additional guidance column there may be:

■ answers which are not acceptable


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme −6 and 5−
Tiers 3− −7 Introduction

■ a reminder, in questions involving calculations, that consequential marking may

be used

■ instructions on action in the event of consequential marking (see below)

■ guidance to markers where pupils have not followed the instructions in

the question.

The number of marks available for each part of a question, and the maximum number
of marks for the question as a whole, are shown on the question paper. Every part of a
question which has been attempted by a pupil will be marked and the mark for each
part recorded in the mark box alongside that part. Half marks will not be given in any

The total number of marks awarded for all the parts of questions on a double page
will be written in the box at the bottom of the right-hand page. In some instances, this
will be the sum of marks awarded for two questions. The total number of marks
obtained on the paper will be recorded on the front of the test paper.

The total number of marks available is 180 in tier 3−6 and 150 in tier 5−7.

Using professional judgement in marking

The instructions given in the mark scheme will enable the markers to decide whether
pupils have correctly answered a particular question. However, there will be instances
where an answer given by a pupil does not correspond to any of the possible responses
shown in the mark scheme. In such cases, markers will apply their professional
judgement to decide if credit should be given. They will consider whether the response:

■ is equivalent to those listed

■ conveys the ideas underlying the question as outlined in the statement in bold type
in the mark scheme, if one is given.

If any doubt persists, markers will consult their supervisors for guidance.

Marking misspellings of words

If a pupil misspells a word, markers will apply the following procedures:

■ if it is clear that the pupil has made a simple error, eg ‘tow’ for ‘two’ or ‘Son’ for
‘Sun’, then the incorrect spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded

■ if a pupil misspells a word copied from the text of the question or from a selection
given, and the new word does not have any inappropriate meaning, the incorrect
spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded

■ if specific scientific vocabulary is required in the answer, a misspelling must, in

order to be creditworthy, be a phonetic equivalent of the required word, with the
major syllables of the correct word represented in the answer.


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme −6 and 5−
Tiers 3− −7 Introduction

Marking lists of alternative answers

In some instances, pupils give more than one answer to a single question. If any of the
answers given is incorrect, the mark will not be awarded, irrespective of the order in
which the answers are given. In some cases, a correct answer is given alongside other
answers which, while correct, would be insufficient for the mark. In these cases, the
mark will be given for the correct answer.

Marking questions containing calculations

Some questions require pupils to perform calculations. Where two marks are available,
they are advised to show their working. Pupils who do not show their working but
give the correct answer will be awarded full marks.

The result of one calculation may be required in order to carry out further
calculations. In such instances:

■ the term ‘consequential marking’ appears in the Additional guidance

■ a pupil’s result for the first calculation is treated as the starting point for the second

■ the pupil is awarded full credit for the second calculation if it is carried out
correctly, even if the result of the first calculation was wrong.

Marking answers given in the wrong place

In some cases, pupils may write correct answers in the wrong part of the question.
Markers will use professional judgement to decide whether a pupil has correctly
understood the question and simply written the answer in the wrong place. Similarly,
if pupils identify an answer by a cross or other indication when a tick is required,
they will be given credit for their responses.

In a planning question, if no answer is given in the expected place but the correct
answer is given in the drafting box, the mark(s) will be given.

Awarding levels
Level threshold tables, which show the mark ranges for the award of different levels,
will be available on the NAA website www.naa.org.uk/tests from Monday 25 June
2007. QCA will also send a copy to each school in July.

Schools will be notified of pupils’ results by means of a marksheet, which will be

returned to schools by the External Marking Agency with the pupils’ marked scripts.
The marksheet will include pupils’ scores on the test papers and the levels awarded.

The 2007 key stage 3 science tests and mark schemes were developed by Oxford
Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) on behalf of QCA.

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction
Mark Allocation Grid: Tier 3−6

TIER 3−6 Paper 1 TIER 3−6 Paper 2

Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4

1 6 1 3 2

2 6 2 6

3 1 4 3 5

4 5 4 3

5 6 5 6

6 2 3 6 1 5

7 6 7 7

8 6 8 7

9 5 9 6

10 5 10 4

11 5 11 5

12 7 12 5

13 1 7 13 6

14 4 14 6

15 1 5 15 1 6

16 2 3 16 6

Total 22 20 21 27 Total 18 26 25 21

P1 + 2
40 46 46 48




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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction
Mark Allocation Grid: Tier 5−7

TIER 5−7 Paper 1 TIER 5−7 Paper 2

Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4

1 5 1 6

2 5 2 4

3 5 3 5

4 7 4 5

5 1 7 5 6

6 4 6 6

7 1 5 7 1 6

8 2 3 8 6

9 6 9 5

10 4 3 10 5

11 2 4 11 4

12 5 12 1 5

13 6 13 5

Total 16 20 21 18 14 3 2

Total 20 19 16 20

P1 + 2
36 39 37 38



The requirements of the Introduction to the Programme of Study apply across Sc1, Sc2, Sc3 and Sc4.

The Mark Allocation Grids on this pair of pages show the context of these questions in relation to Sc1, Sc2, Sc3 and Sc4.


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 any two from

2/1a * heart
* lungs
* windpipe or trachea do not accept ‘bronchiole’
* oesophagus or gullet
accept ‘blood vessels’ or ‘arteries’ or ‘veins’

b 1 any one from

2/2i * so the lungs can expand or get bigger references to growth are insufficient
* so we can breathe
* so we can take in air or oxygen
accept ‘so the pressure drops’


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

c if more than one line is drawn from any organ

2/2b 1 * digestion of food system, award no credit for that organ system


1 *

control of the body

1 * taking in oxygen from

the air

movement of the body

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * 25 accept ‘2.5 cm’


b 1 * 21−25 accept 2.1 cm−2.5 cm


ci 1 * numbers from 1 to 5 written on the y-axis accept numbers from 1 to 4 written on the y-axis
c ii 1 * bar drawn in the chart to 3 give credit for a correctly drawn bar to 3 squares
1/2i when the axis is not labelled or is labelled
give credit for a bar drawn consistent with the
labelling on the axis

d 2 * true false cannot tell if all four rows are correct, award two marks
1/2o if three rows are correct, award one mark
 if more than one box is ticked in any row, award
no credit for that row

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * fat accept ‘cream’


bi 1 * calcium
b ii 1 any one from
2/2c * in the blood accept ‘plasma’
* in blood vessels accept a named blood vessel
accept ‘arteries’ or ‘veins’ or ‘capillaries’ or
‘circulatory system’
accept ‘blood cells’ or ‘red cells’
accept ‘the heart pumps blood’ ‘pumped by the heart’ is insufficient

ci 1 * mammals  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

c ii 1 * The milk contains antibodies.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

3/1h * ink dissolves in water accept ‘ink dissolves’
* ink would smudge or run or move up the accept ‘ink expands’
filter paper
* pencil does not dissolve in water accept ‘pencil does not smudge’

bi 1 * yellow
b ii 1 * brown

c 1 * red

d 1 * chromatography  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * Zoe  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

1/2a 1 any one from
* best needs to be defined accept ‘best needs to be described’
accept ‘you do not know what best means’
* best is not observable or measurable accept ‘it is not doable’
* best is subjective accept ‘best is an opinion or judgement’
accept ‘best is not clear’

bi 1 any one from do not accept ‘do it more than once’

1/2d * use the same area of material each time accept ‘same amount of material’
accept ‘same size of rucksack’
* use the same volume of water accept ‘same amount of water’
accept ‘same liquid’
accept ‘same timing’
accept ‘allow the water to drip through the
material for the same length of time’
accept ‘keep the temperature the same’

b ii 1 any one from

1/2e * measuring cylinder accept ‘measuring beaker’ do not accept ‘cylinder’ or ‘measuring tube’ or
‘measuring jug’
* stopclock or stopwatch accept ‘clock’ or ‘timer’ or ‘watch’

c 1 *B  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

answers must include or imply a comparison
1 * the smallest volume of water passes through accept ‘only 5 cm3 passed through’ ‘5 cm3 passed through’ is insufficient
the material accept ‘less water passed through’
accept ‘not as much water gets through’ ‘not much water gets through’ is insufficient

Total 6

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * it will go down accept ‘it will tip anticlockwise’ ‘tip’ is insufficient

4/2e accept ‘it will tip towards A’
accept ‘end B will go up’

b 1 * all three balls are required for the mark

4/2f ignore any shading and size

c 1 * 100

di 1 * carbon  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

d ii 1 any one from the answer must relate to the elements
3/1d * steel contains iron accept ‘steel contains iron and carbon’
* brass does not contain iron
* iron is magnetic or sticks to a magnet ‘steel is magnetic’ is insufficient
* copper and zinc are not magnetic or will not ‘copper is not magnetic’ is insufficient
stick to a magnet ‘zinc is not magnetic’ is insufficient
‘brass is not magnetic’ is insufficient
‘copper and zinc are not magnets’ is insufficient

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a answers may be in either order

4/5a 1 * coal accept ‘coal fire’ or ‘A’ ‘fire’ is insufficient
1 * gas accept ‘gas boiler’ or ‘D’ ‘boiler’ is insufficient
accept ‘petrol’ or ‘petrol generator’ or ‘C’ or ‘oil’ ‘generator’ is insufficient

bi 1 * the Sun accept ‘solar energy’ or ‘solar’ references to heat are insufficient
4/5a accept ‘light’ or ‘sunlight’

b ii 1 any one from

4/5a * it is dark
* no light accept ‘it needs light’
* the Sun has set accept ‘no Sun’ references to heat are insufficient

c 1 * wind accept ‘moving air’ or ‘air’

4/5a accept ‘air currents’

d 1 any one from

4/5a * Sun or solar energy accept ‘solar panel’ or ‘E’
* waves accept ‘wave turbine’ or ‘F’ ‘water’ is insufficient
* wind accept ‘wind turbine’ or ‘turbine’ or ‘B’

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * M accept a battery drawn as ‘ ’ or ‘ ’ all three symbols must be connected in series

4/1a all three symbols must be drawn correctly

do not accept a switch drawn as

do not accept a battery drawn as

do not accept a motor drawn as M

bi 1 * the battery or cell(s) accept ‘batteries’

b ii answers may be in either order
4/5g 1 * heat accept ‘thermal’
1 * sound

ci 1 * it turned more slowly accept ‘not as much energy’

4/1b accept ‘it was less powerful’
accept ‘it does not work as well’
accept ‘it would stop’ or ‘it would not go round’
‘it heats up’ is insufficient

c ii 1 * it was brighter accept ‘blew it’ or ‘it went out’

4/1b accept ‘it became hotter’ or ‘it heated up’

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 9
−7 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 *9

bi 1 any one from

2/2h * it protects the baby accept ‘it keeps it safe’
* it helps to maintain a constant temperature accept ‘it keeps the baby warm’
* it allows the baby to move accept ‘it absorbs shocks’
accept ‘it protects against infection or disease’

b ii 1 * muscles contract accept ‘contractions’ ‘the uterus or it contracts’ is insufficient


c 1 any one from

2/2h * (through the) placenta ignore references to food
* (through the) umbilical cord
* (from the) mother’s blood ‘through the blood’ is insufficient
‘it gets everything from the mother’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘the mother breathes for the child’

d 1 * alveolus ‘air sac’ is insufficient

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 10
−7 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a answers must be in the correct order

2/5e 1 * fox all three answers are required for the mark


b both the answer and the correct explanation are

2/5f required for the mark
credit both correct answers written in the same
1 * fewer foxes or they decrease accept ‘there would be less’ ‘foxes die’ is insufficient
accept ‘they would drop or go down’

any one from

* fewer partridges (for foxes to eat) accept ‘less food’
* the poison gets into the food chain accept ‘partridges would be poisoned’ do not accept ‘the chemicals poison the foxes’
* they move elsewhere to find food accept ‘some die of starvation’ do not accept ‘they all die of starvation’
do not accept ‘they have nothing to eat’

c 1 any one from

2/5d * greater chance of survival
* more would survive accept ‘the more eggs they lay the more
partridges there will be’
accept ‘some eggs will be damaged or eaten’
accept ‘some eggs will not hatch’
accept ‘young partridges or chicks may be ‘partridges will die’ is insufficient
eaten or trampled on or die’
accept ‘so they will not become extinct or die out’


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 10
−7 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 2 any two from

2/5a * there would be a greater variety of plants
* more plants or weeds accept ‘there would be plants to eat’
* more insects accept ‘there would be insects to eat’
* more nesting places
* more cover accept ‘protection from predators’
* the partridges are not poisoned
accept ‘more food’ or ‘they would have food’ or
‘partridges will come to feed’ if none of the first
three marking points are given
do not accept ‘they had not been sprayed with

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 11
−7 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 any two from

1/2a * he used the same amount of pollen accept ‘he used the same number of pollen
grains’ or ‘he controlled the number of pollen
* he measured the concentration of the solutions accept ‘he has given percentages’
or he used a range of strengths of solution accept ‘he used a range of sugar solutions’
accept ‘he used exact amounts’
* he observed the pollen grains after one hour accept ‘he looked at them after one hour’ or
‘he kept the time the same’
* he worked out the percentage which
accept ‘more detail’ or ‘more precise’ ‘more accurate’ is insufficient
‘it is a fair test’ is insufficient
accept answers formulated in terms of what
Amy’s plan does not do

1 * the concentration of sugar solution accept ‘strength of solution’ do not accept ‘the amount of sugar solution’
b accept ‘different sugar solutions’
1/2d accept ‘the sugar solution’
accept ‘the amount or percentage of sugar’

c 1 * a point at (20,10) plotted to ± half a small

1/2i square


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 11
−7 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 1 do not accept for either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ reading off

1/2o one point in the chart
* no  if both boxes are ticked, award no mark
because the germination rate decreases after accept ‘because the results go down’
the concentration is 10% accept ‘because the graph shows a peak or does
not continue to rise’
accept ‘it only rises up to 10% or at first’
* yes  if both boxes are ticked, award no mark
because the germination rate increases up to do not accept ‘the greater the concentration the
10% sugar solution (but then starts to fall) fewer grains germinated’

(if both boxes are ticked and the reason given

explains why both could be correct, a mark may
be awarded)

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 12
−7 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai answers may be in either order

3/3a 1 * oxygen ‘air’ is insufficient
1 * water ‘moisture’ or ‘dampness’ or ‘wet’ are insufficient

a ii 1 any one from

3/3a * it prevents contact between the steel or the car accept ‘it prevents air getting to the car’
and oxygen or water
* it is waterproof or water runs off accept ‘wax fills scratches or chips where paint ‘it forms a protective layer’ is insufficient
is damaged’

a iii 1 any one from

3/3a * paint
* chrome accept ‘they are coated in zinc’ or ‘they are
accept ‘polish’ ‘rust treatment’ is insufficient
‘cover it’ is insufficient

b 1 * acid rain accept ‘sulphur dioxide’

3/3g accept ‘oxides of nitrogen’
accept ‘car exhaust fumes’
accept ‘burning fossil fuels’
accept ‘sea air’ or ‘salty air’ or ‘salt’
‘carbon dioxide’ is insufficient


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 12
−7 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ci 1 * gas: particles randomly arranged and most not accept black shaded circles if drawn correctly ignore arrows attached to circles
3/1b touching accept fewer or more than 8 circles if the
arrangement is clear

c ii 1 * solid: particles regularly arranged and all accept white circles if drawn correctly ignore location of circles in box
3/1b touching accept 2 rows of particles with at least 2 do not accept a single row of circles
particles in the second row
accept fewer or more than 8 circles if a regular
arrangement is clear

Total 7


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 13
−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2m * it absorbed water accept ‘it soaks up water’
3/2e * its mass or weight increased accept ‘the mass or weight of the granite or ‘granite or marble did not change’ is insufficient
marble did not increase or change’

bi 1 any one from

3/2d * it would crack
* it would crumble or break up accept ‘the grains would move apart’

b ii 1 * weathering accept ‘freeze-thaw’

3/2d accept ‘erosion’

c 1 any one from

3/3g * granite would not react with acid rain accept ‘granite or it is not affected by acid rain or ‘granite does not react with air pollution’ is
acid’ insufficient
accept ‘granite would not erode or crumble or
* marble reacts with acid rain accept ‘marble is affected by acid rain or rain’
accept ‘marble would erode’ do not accept ‘it would erode’
accept ‘rain or pollution might have acid in it’


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 13
−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

di 2 * if all three lines are correct, award two marks

granite sedimentary
3/2f if one or two lines are correct, award one mark
if more than one line is drawn from a name of a
rock, do not credit that line
marble igneous

sandstone metamorphic

d ii 2 * the effect of high if all three lines are correct, award two marks
3/2f sedimentary temperature and if one or two lines are correct, award one mark
pressure on limestone if more than one line is drawn from a group of
rocks, do not credit that line

formed when magma


particles are deposited

in layers

Total 8


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 14
−7 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a both the answer and the correct explanation are

4/3c required for the mark
1 * 65 accept ‘number 4’ or ‘the fourth’ award a mark for ‘60’ if the explanation is correct
it is different from the angle of incidence or all accept ‘it is not 60°’ or ‘it should be 60°’
the others are the same accept ‘the angle of reflection and the angle of ‘they go up in tens’ is insufficient
incidence should be the same’
accept ‘it is 5° out’ ‘it does not fit the pattern’ is insufficient
accept ‘they are not the same’

bi 1 * a number from 30 to 32
b ii 1 * greater than accept ‘greater’ or ‘bigger’

c 1 * accept a continuous straight line that the ray need not be parallel to the incident ray
4/3d bends away from the normal
accept a line without an arrow

Total 4


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 15
−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * X: the Sun
4/4b 1 * Y: Mercury

b 2 any two from

4/4c * it has a longer orbit accept ‘it has a bigger orbit’
accept ‘it has a greater distance to cover’
* it is further from the Sun accept ‘it is further out’ ‘it is further away’ or ‘it is further’ are insufficient
accept ‘Mars is closer to the Sun’
* the Sun’s gravity is less accept ‘there is a smaller gravitational pull on it’
* it is slower

ci 1 any one from

4/4c * the orbit times were the same
* it came at regular intervals
* they saw it every 76 years accept ‘he took 1531 from 1607 and 1607 from

c ii 1 * 2062
Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 16
−7 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * both picked up the same number or four accept ‘they both picked up the same number’ ‘they hold the same clips’ is insufficient
4/1f paper-clips accept ‘same amount of paper-clips’
accept ‘there were 5 out of 9 paper-clips left for
accept ‘the same mass of paper-clips’

b 1 any one from

4/1f * it does not stay magnetised
* it can be turned off accept ‘you cannot turn steel off’
* objects do not stay attracted to it
* iron loses its magnetism
* steel stays magnetised


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−6 16
−7 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ci 1 any one from

1/2j * the greater the distance the lower the reading accept the converse do not accept ‘the bigger the distance the
4/1f * the further away the smaller the reading accept ‘at big distances the field is weaker’ or the smaller the amps or current’
accept ‘at 50 mm the reading is lower’
accept the converse

c ii 1 * the greater the current the stronger the

1/2j electromagnet
c iii 1 any one from
4/1f * change the number of turns accept ‘use more coils’ ‘use bigger coils’ is insufficient
accept ‘use fewer or less coils’
accept ‘put the coils closer together’ or the ‘use more wire’ is insufficient
* change the thickness of the wire accept ‘change the metal of the coils’
* change the diameter of the core accept ‘use a different sized core’
accept ‘use nickel or cobalt core’
accept ‘use a different core’
do not accept ‘add more batteries’

Total 5


KS3 Sc MS1 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:19 am Page 30

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 9

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * genes or DNA or chromosomes ‘in the nucleus’ is insufficient

2/4a 1 * in gametes or sex cells or eggs or sperm accept ‘at fertilisation’

a ii 1 * they have genes or DNA or chromosomes from accept ‘they have genetic information from both
2/4a both parents parents’
accept ‘from eggs and sperm’

b 1 * they have the same genetic information or accept ‘they are from the same egg and same ‘from the same egg’ or ‘from the same sperm’ is
2/4a genes or DNA or chromosomes sperm’ insufficient
accept ‘the fertilised egg or zygote split in two’
accept ‘they are from the same fertilised egg’ accept references to the egg dividing if the
answer makes clear that this is after fertilisation
eg ‘the egg divides after it has joined with a
‘the egg divides in the uterus’ is insufficient

c 1 any one from

2/4a * eye colour is inherited or controlled by genes
* eye colour is not affected by environmental
answers must refer to both weight and
1 any one from skin colour
* weight and skin colour are affected by accept ‘weight and skin colour are not just ‘weight and skin colour are not controlled by
environmental factors controlled by genes’ genes’ is insufficient
* weight is affected by diet or exercise and skin
colour by the Sun

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 10

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 any two from

2/1e * mucus will build up accept ‘cilia cannot move’ ‘cilia do not work as well’ is insufficient
2/2i * airways will be (partially) blocked accept ‘narrower airways’ or named part of do not accept ‘lungs will be blocked’
the airway
accept ‘breathing will be more difficult’
* coughing
* lungs can become infected or bacteria are not
* particles or dust are not removed

b 2 any two from

2/2m * reduction in nicotine accept ‘mass of nicotine goes down’
* she gets used to less nicotine accept ‘it reduces the craving’ or ‘it reduces the
amount she needs’
* the patch or it provides her with nicotine so she
does not need to smoke
* it provides her with less nicotine than a

ci 1 * the elements are combined or joined or bonded accept ‘the atoms are joined’ ‘it has three elements’ is insufficient as it is given
3/1e accept ‘it has a definite composition’ in the question

c ii 2 any two from

3/1e * carbon dioxide accept ‘CO2’
* water accept ‘hydrogen oxide’ or ‘steam’ or ‘H2O’
* carbon monoxide accept ‘CO’
accept ‘carbon oxide’ if neither ‘carbon dioxide’
nor ‘carbon monoxide’ is given

Total 7

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 11

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 2 any two from ignore references to calcium sulphate

1/2j * (the solubility of) potassium chloride and accept ‘they both increase’
3/2b sodium chloride increase
* the difference is smaller at low temperatures or
greater at higher temperatures
* at lower temperatures potassium chloride is accept the converse
less soluble than sodium chloride or at high
temperatures potassium chloride is more
soluble than sodium chloride
* sodium chloride changes less than potassium accept ‘the line for potassium chloride is steeper’
chloride or ‘the line for sodium chloride is flatter’
accept ‘sodium chloride is affected less’ or
‘potassium chloride is affected more’
accept ‘sodium chloride hardly changes but
potassium chloride increases’
* at 25°C they are equally soluble accept ‘between 23°C and 27°C they are the

accept, for one mark, an answer stating the

solubility of both salts at a given temperature
other than 25°C

accept for two marks ‘the solubility of potassium

chloride increases more than sodium chloride’ or
‘sodium chloride increases less than potassium


KS3 Sc MS1 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:19 am Page 33

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 11

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a ii 1 any one from

3/2b * crystals or solid or particles would appear
* potassium chloride (would be precipitated) accept ‘it goes cloudy or white’
1 any one from
* cooler water cannot dissolve as much accept ‘less dissolves’ or ‘at 90°C more
potassium chloride dissolves’
* solubility is less at a lower temperature
* the solubility decreases

bi 1 any one from

3/2b * above 25°C sodium chloride is deposited before accept ‘below 25°C there would be a different
potassium chloride order’
accept ‘because of the order in which they fell’
* below 25°C potassium chloride would be accept ‘below 25°C sodium chloride would be
deposited before sodium chloride above potassium chloride’
* below 25°C the order would be calcium accept ‘below 25°C sodium chloride would be at
sulphate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride the top’
* calcium sulphate is the least soluble followed by accept ‘the least soluble was deposited first’
sodium chloride and then potassium chloride

b ii answers must be in the correct order

3/2b 1 * sodium chloride accept ‘sodium’ all three answers are required for the mark
potassium chloride accept ‘potassium’
calcium sulphate accept ‘calcium’

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 12

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2n * variation in the way the person acts accept ‘he might not fire it so hard each time’ ‘the timer is not accurate’ is insufficient
accept ‘human reaction time starting and
stopping the stopwatch’
* variation in the way the toy works accept ‘less air in the toy’
* variation in external conditions accept ‘draught’
accept ‘the wind has affected it’

b 1 any one from

1/2i * time is the dependent variable accept ‘time is being tested’ ‘time is the thing that changes’ is insufficient
accept ‘time is being measured’ ‘because time is the axis that is changing’ is
* distance is the independent variable in this case accept ‘we chose the distance to use’ insufficient
accept ‘we are changing the distance’
accept ‘we fixed or controlled the distance’


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 12

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ci 1 * all four points must be plotted to + or − one

1/2i small square

c ii 1 * a smooth curve of best fit the graph need not go through the origin

d 1 * The pulse of air slows down as it travels.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 5

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
−7 13

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

192 000 000

a 1 * 960 000 accept ‘ __________ ’
4/2a 200
1 * km/day or kilometres per day or km day−1 accept ‘40 000 km/hr’ for two marks do not accept ‘km pday’
accept ‘11.1 km/s’ for two marks
accept ‘11 111 m/s’ for two marks
accept ‘d’ for ‘day’ and ‘h’ for ‘hour’

b 1 * gravity on Mars is less accept ‘gravity is greater on Earth’


c 1 any one from

4/4b * Mars is further from the Sun accept ‘the Sun is closer to the Earth’ ‘Mars is further away’ is insufficient
* less light reaches Mars accept ‘the light rays have spread out more’ do not accept ‘less heat reaches Mars’

d 1 * 1600 accept ‘40/0.025’

1 * N/m2 or Pa or Nm−2 accept ‘pascals’ do not accept lower case ‘n’

Total 6


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 37

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * 52 accept ‘40 + 12’

a ii 1 * liquid into a solid both states are required for the mark

b 1 any one from

3/1d * iron
* steel
accept ‘cobalt’ or ‘nickel’

ci 1 * both poles are required for the mark

4/1d N S

c ii 1 * it would be repelled accept ‘pushed away’ ‘they would not attract’ is insufficient
4/1d accept ‘it would fall down or drop’

Total 5


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 38

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 * if all three lines are correct, award two marks

4/4b if one or two lines are correct, award one mark
4/4d if more than one line is drawn from any part of
the solar system, award no credit for that part



b 2 * award one mark for the Sun in the correct

Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
4/4b position
award one mark for both Earth and Neptune in
the correct positions


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 39

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ci 1 any one from

4/4e * weather forecasting accept ‘weather’
* communications accept ‘phone’ or ‘fax’
* telescopes
* global positioning system accept ‘GPS’
* TV
* spying accept ‘taking photographs’
* internet

c ii 1 * gravity  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 6


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 40

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2e * stopwatch ‘watch’ is insufficient
* stopclock accept ‘timer’ ‘clock’ is insufficient
‘seconds’ or ‘s’ are insufficient

b 1 *s  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark


c 1 * the type of trainer  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

d 2 * the angle of the ramp  if all three answers are correct, award two marks
1/2d * the length of the ramp  if one or two answers are correct, award one
* the surface of the ramp  mark
if more than three boxes are ticked, deduct one
mark for each incorrect tick
minimum mark zero

Total 5


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 41

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * an arrow labelled R, to the right, drawn on the accept a labelled arrow to the right, drawn
4/2c rope parallel to the rope

a ii 1 * an arrow labelled G, vertically downwards


b 1 any one from

4/2d * snow is smoother ‘snow is soft’ or ‘concrete is hard’ are insufficient
* snow is more slippery accept ‘snow is slippery’
accept ‘concrete or the path is rough’

Total 3


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 42

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a if more than one line is drawn from an object,

It does not rust.
3/1d 1 * award no mark for that object
base of a saucepan
It is a good conductor
of electricity.
1 *
It is a good conductor
of heat.
1 *
wires in a cable

It is not magnetic.

b 1 * Brass does not bend as easily as copper.  if more than two boxes are ticked, deduct one
3/1d 1 * Brass is harder than copper.  mark for each incorrect tick
minimum mark zero

c 1 * liquid zinc and solid copper  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * filtration  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

a ii 1 * A: sand accept ‘residue’
a iii 1 * B: filter paper accept ‘paper’ or ‘filter’ do not accept ‘funnel’ or ‘filter funnel’

bi 1 * 100
b ii 1 * it had evaporated accept ‘it went into the air’ do not accept ‘it disappeared’
b iii 1 * salt accept ‘sodium chloride’
3/1h accept ‘salts’ or ‘minerals’ or ‘crystals’

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 2 any two from

2/5c * large or sharp claws or nails or talons ‘claws’ or ‘nails’ or ‘talons’ are insufficient
* large or strong or sharp beak accept ‘curved beak’ ‘beak’ is insufficient
* large eyes or eyes that face forward accept ‘it can see in the dark’ ‘eyes’ is insufficient
* wings for hovering accept ‘it can hover’ ‘it has wings’ or ‘it flies’ are insufficient
accept ‘it can fly silently’
a ii if more than one line is drawn from an animal,
2/5e award no mark for that animal
1 * mouse
1 * barn owl

b 1 any one from

2/5c * to keep warm accept ‘protection from cold’ do not accept ‘to keep the cold out’
* for insulation accept ‘for flight’

ci 1 any one from

2/5d * fewer places to nest accept ‘nowhere to nest’ or ‘no home’
* fewer places to lay eggs accept ‘nowhere to lay eggs’
* they lay fewer eggs accept ‘they cannot lay eggs’
* less food for owls accept ‘fewer mice’ or ‘no mice’ or ‘no food’
* owls can be frightened by traffic or people accept ‘it is too noisy’
* loss of habitat

c ii 1 * they catch or kill mice accept ‘to stop mice eating the crops’ ‘to protect the crop or grain’ is insufficient
2/5d accept ‘to keep mice away’

Total 7

KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 45

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−

−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 any one from

2/5a * it protects them from frost accept ‘protects them from the cold or weather’ ‘protects them’ is insufficient
BS/1a accept ‘it keeps them warm’
accept ‘it warms the soil’
* the soil is kept moist accept ‘they do not dry out’
* it protects them against birds or insects or accept ‘it stops animals digging them up’

a ii 1 * light
2/3a answers may be in either order
1 * air
1 * water

b 1 any one from

2/5a * so (potato) plants can grow accept ‘more space to grow’ ‘more space’ is insufficient
* it prevents pollution
* it protects the environment
* it will not get tangled with machinery or animals
* it does not have to be picked up

ci 1 * ladybirds eat aphids accept ‘they eat them’ ‘they kill them’ is insufficient
c ii 1 * insecticide  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 7


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 9
−7 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from award a mark for an answer which implies she is
4/5e * she is not moving or falling accept ‘she has not dived or jumped’ not moving
* she is standing still accept ‘she is still’

bi 1 *8
b ii 1 any one from
4/5g * the total energy is the same accept ‘they are the same’
* the gravitational potential and the kinetic energy accept ‘they all add up to 8’
add up to 8

ci 1 * gravity accept ‘gravitational’ or ‘gravitational pull’

4/2b accept ‘weight’ do not accept ‘mass’

c ii 1 any one from

4/2a * the distance between stages or drawings accept ‘they are further apart’
* she falls further each time accept ‘the positions are further apart’ ‘by the position of her body’ is insufficient
accept ‘the arrows get longer’
accept ‘her kinetic energy increases’

d 1 any one from

4/2d * friction accept ‘water resistance’ do not accept ‘air resistance’
* drag accept ‘upthrust’ ‘resistance’ is insufficient

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 10
−7 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 *E

b award one mark for each correct row

off off off

1 * on off on

* off off off


c 1 * 0.8 0.8  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 4


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 11
−7 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2k * the clock works accept ‘when the light goes on’ ‘it is making electricity’ is insufficient
* the time on the clock accept ‘it shows 12.30’

b 1 * voltmeter ‘multimeter’ is insufficient


c 1 any one from

1/2d * the fruit or lemon do not accept ‘the acid’
* condition of metal accept ‘the size or surface area of the metal’
accept ‘the distance between them’
accept ‘the amount of metal’
* temperature
accept ‘how far they push them in’

d answers may be in either order

1/2k 1 * copper and magnesium accept ‘most reactive with least reactive’ both metals are required for the mark

e 1 any one from

1/2k * no difference in reactivity accept ‘there would be no reaction between
* they produce zero voltage them’
accept ‘it would not work’
accept ‘there would be no difference’

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 12
−7 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * a number less than 7

a ii 1 * it would turn milky or cloudy accept ‘white or chalky’

b 1 * magnesium sulphate

ci 1 * a number less than 7

c ii 1 * lava do not accept ‘magma’
Total 5


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 50

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 13
−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2d * mass of salt (in the solution) accept ‘amount or weight of salt’ ‘salt’ is insufficient
* concentration

bi 1 * point at (10, 33) circled

b ii 1 any one from
1/2n * an incorrect reading accept ‘she could have read the scale wrongly’
* a recording error accept ‘she wrote the wrong result’
accept ‘she marked the wrong point on the graph’
* an error during the investigation accept ‘the wrong mass was added’
accept ‘not enough salt was added’
accept ‘too much water’ do not accept ‘too much salt’

c 1 either both the answer ‘Abi’ and the correct explanation

1/2h * Abi are required for the mark
need to check accuracy or correct an error or accept ‘to check whether it is right or wrong’
check an anomaly accept ‘she might have done it differently’ ‘it is a fair test’ is insufficient
accept ‘it’s a freak result’
or or
* Robert both the answer ‘Robert’ and the correct
you can predict the results from the pattern in accept ‘you can use the graph’ explanation are required for the mark
the graph accept ‘you can ignore the point’
accept ‘there is enough evidence’ award a mark if both Abi and Robert are ticked if
the reason given explains why both could be


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 51

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 13
−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 2 * true false cannot tell if all four rows are correct, award two marks
1/2k if two or three rows are correct, award one mark
 if more than one box is ticked on any row, award
no credit for that row

Total 6


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 52

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

[Blank page]


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 53

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 14
−7 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

3/1e * the mixture glowed accept ‘the temperature increased’
* there was a colour change
* a black solid formed accept ‘a compound or iron sulphide was formed’
* a new substance has been formed accept ‘there is no longer any sulphur or yellow
or iron or grey’

b 2 * iron: metallic element accept ‘metal’ if all three answers are correct, award two marks
3/1d * sulphur: non-metallic element accept ‘non-metal’ if two answers are correct, award one mark
3/1e * iron sulphide: compound

c 1 * sulphur: no both answers are required for the mark

3/1d iron: yes

di 1 * zinc sulphide do not accept ‘zinc sulphate’

d ii 1 * sulphur dioxide accept ‘sulphur oxide’ or ‘sulphur trioxide’
Total 6


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 54

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 15
−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * fat
a ii 1 * carbohydrate
a iii 1 * protein

b 1 * 200 g  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark


c 1 any one from

2/2a * vitamins accept a named vitamin
* water
* fibre accept ‘roughage’
accept ‘minerals’ or a named mineral do not accept ‘calcium’


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 55

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 15
−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

di 1 * 1100 accept a number from 1000 to 1300

d ii 1 any one from
2/2d * to make milk
* milk contains calcium
* a breast-fed baby needs calcium for growth or accept ‘the baby needs calcium’
for bones or teeth
* she has to have enough calcium for herself accept ‘to feed herself and the baby’ ‘to feed the baby’ is insufficient
and the baby accept ‘the baby needs 600 and she needs 500’
accept ‘this is recommended for mother and

Total 7


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−

−6 and 5−
−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−6 16
−7 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * chloroplast accept ‘chlorophyll’

2/1b 1 any one from
* photosynthesis accept ‘it produces food or glucose or sugar or ‘contains chlorophyll’ is insufficient
* absorbs or traps light

b 1 * nucleus
2/1b 1 * it controls the cell accept ‘it tells the cell what to do’ ‘brain of the cell’ is insufficient
accept ‘it transfers or contains genetic
information or chromosomes’
do not accept ‘for reproduction’
‘it controls substances entering or leaving the
cell’ is insufficient

c 1 any two from

2/1b *A accept ‘chloroplast’ or ‘chlorophyll’
*B accept ‘vacuole’
*D accept ‘cell wall’

d 1 * it has chloroplasts or chlorophyll accept ‘it is green’ ‘it is a different shape’ is insufficient
2/1b ‘it does not have a hair’ is insufficient

Total 6


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 9

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * only red light passes through the filter accept ‘the other colours are filtered out or ‘red light passes through’ is insufficient
4/3f absorbed’ a mark for this answer may be awarded in either
a i or a ii provided there is no contradiction
1 * the ball reflects red light accept ‘white objects reflect all colours’

a ii 1 * black accept ‘you cannot see it’

4/3f 1 any one from
* the green ball does not reflect red light or the
light that passes through the filter
* the ball absorbs red light accept ‘no green light reaches the ball’

b 1 * two red spots accept ‘red black red’ ‘two spots’ is insufficient
4/3f ‘red spots’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘only red light’

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 10

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * 100 accept ‘5 × 20’

4/2f 1 * Ncm accept ‘cmN’ do not accept lower case n
accept ‘1.0 Nm’ for two marks

a ii 1 * 100 accept ‘the same’ the mark for the unit may be awarded in part a ii
4/2f accept the numerical answer to part a i if not given in part a i
the unit is not required for the mark

a iii 1 * 10 accept the numerical answer to a ii ÷ 10


b 1 both the answer and the correct explanation are

4/5e required for the mark
* it decreased accept ‘it slowed down’ do not accept ‘it stopped’
any one from
* less light energy changed to electrical energy accept ‘less light to power plane’ ‘less light’ is insufficient
accept ‘it received less energy’ do not accept ‘no light to provide energy’
* the voltage produced by the solar cell was accept ‘less electrical or kinetic energy produced’

Total 5


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 11

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * that water enters the cells in clusters of water accept ‘that clusters of water molecules are too do not accept ‘tap water molecules are too large
1/1a molecules big to enter the cells’ to be absorbed by the body’
accept ‘the size of the clusters matters’ do not accept ‘the size of the clusters does not
accept ‘small clusters are more efficient’ matter’
accept ‘only their water would be absorbed by
the cells’

b 1 any one from

1/2a * beauty cannot be measured accept ‘beauty is difficult to measure or judge or
accept ‘feeling beautiful is subjective or an
* blood pressure can be measured

c 1 any one from

1/2d * so that judgement was not accept ‘so the company cannot rig the results’ ‘bribing’ is insufficient
biased accept ‘so you can trust it’ ‘to make it fair’ is insufficient
* to avoid influencing the outcome
* to avoid influencing the researchers

d 1 any one from

1/2d * if they believe there is a benefit they may report accept ‘so they cannot lie’ ‘to make it fair’ is insufficient
feeling better accept ‘so they do not just say what they believe
* so that they cannot prejudge the results about different types of water’
* to get a more objective opinion
* to prevent bias

Total 4


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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 12

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

3/3b * zinc displaces copper from the copper sulphate accept ‘copper is displaced by the zinc’
* zinc changes places with copper accept ‘the more reactive metal displaces or
takes the place of the other one’

accept ‘zinc takes the sulphate’

b 1 * he only needed to find out the temperature rise

1/2e or change

ci 1 any one from

3/3c * magnesium is the most reactive metal used accept ‘magnesium is above the others’
* the biggest difference in reactivity is between accept ‘magnesium is more reactive than iron
magnesium and copper and zinc’

c ii 1 any one from

3/3c * the reactivity is nearly the same accept ‘zinc is slightly more reactive than iron’ ‘zinc is more reactive than iron’ is insufficient
* they are next to each other in the reactivity

c iii 2 * Would there be a award one mark for identifying the two reactions
3/3c mixture that take place
rise in temperature?
aluminium + award one mark for identifying the two mixtures
sodium chloride of chemicals which do not react
calcium +
zinc sulphate
lead +
zinc chloride
magnesium +
iron chloride

Total 6

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2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 13

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 any one from

2/2g * menstruation accept ‘the period’
* the lining of the uterus is shed accept ‘the lining of the uterus breaks up’ do not accept ‘the uterus is shed’
accept ‘the wall of the uterus breaks down’ ‘the wall of the uterus breaks’ is insufficient

a ii both the answer and the correct explanation are

2/2g required for the mark
1 * a day from day 14 to day 18 accept ‘in the middle’ do not accept ‘around day 14’
any one from
* it is just after ovulation or day of ovulation
* that is when an egg is likely to be in the oviduct
or fallopian tube
* that is just after an egg is released
* an egg is released on day 14 accept ‘that is when an egg is released’ ‘it is in the middle of the cycle’ is insufficient

a iii 1 any one from

2/2g * so that a fertilised egg can be implanted
* to receive an egg

bi 1 * a line which continues to rise or remains accept a line rising or remaining horizontal after
2/2g horizontal after day 28 day 1

b ii 1 any one from

2/2g * menstruation stops accept ‘the embryo or foetus or baby needs a ‘provides support’ is insufficient
blood supply’
* so the ovum or embryo will implant accept ‘the lining would become thicker or stay
accept ‘the lining is not shed’

Total 5


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 62

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 14

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai Award a mark for an answer that shows that maggots will only be found in meat that flies have had contact with, for example:
1/2k 1 any one from
* there were no maggots in container 2
* there were no maggots in container 3
* there were only maggots on the meat in
container 1 or in the container that was open
* the meat the flies could not reach had no accept ‘when the meat is sealed there are no
maggots in it maggots’
* there are maggots on the mesh but not on ‘there are maggots on the mesh’ is insufficient
the meat

a ii Award a mark for an answer that shows that contact with air is not sufficient for maggots to develop, for example:
1/2k 1 any one from
* there were maggots in container 1 but no accept ‘there were no maggots in container 2 or
maggots in container 2 or 3 3’
* air could get into container 3
* there is air in container 2
accept ‘there would have been maggots in all
of them’

b 1 any one from

1/2m * they had no food accept ‘maggots could not get to the food’ ‘maggots could not get to the meat’ is insufficient
* they starved or died accept ‘maggots could not eat the meat’


KS3 Sc MS2 275657.qxp 17/1/07 10:20 am Page 63

2007 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−

−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
−7 14

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

c 2 any two from

2/2n * flies or insects cannot reach the meat
* too cold for bacteria or fungi to multiply or accept ‘microbes grow more slowly’ do not accept ‘it kills bacteria’ or ‘stops the
bacteria multiply more slowly growth of bacteria’
do not accept ‘it is too cold or too cool’ without
* prevents meat rotting accept ‘keeps the meat or food fresh’ or ‘so it
does not go off’ or ‘too cold for enzymes to work’
accept ‘eggs or maggots grow more slowly’ do not accept ‘maggots are killed by the cold’

Total 5


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