Mark Scheme For Papers 1 and 2: Science Tests

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KEY STAGE Science tests

3–7 Mark scheme for

Papers 1 and 2
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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

The test papers will be marked by external markers. The markers will follow the mark
scheme in this booklet, which is provided here to inform teachers.

This booklet includes the mark scheme for paper 1 and paper 2 in both tiers.

The structure of the mark scheme for tiers 3−6 and 5−7
The mark scheme for each question shows:

■ the teaching points from the key stage 3 programme of study

■ the marks available for each part of the question

■ the total marks available for the question

■ the answer or answers expected, indicated by an asterisk

■ additional guidance to assist markers in making professional judgements.

When a question appears in an identical form in both tiers, the answers to the
question are given only once in the mark scheme. For clarity, both question numbers
are given. The following example, from tier 3−6 paper 2 question 15 and from
tier 5−7 paper 2 question 7, illustrates this.

Tier Q No
3−6 15
5−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

bi 1 any one from

2/5c * it protects it accept ‘it stops it being eaten’
* it stops it being damaged accept ‘it keeps the contents in’
* it stops it drying out
* it prevents infection
* it keeps out disease accept ‘it stops bacteria or
organisms viruses or germs getting in’
accept ‘it allows oxygen in or
carbon dioxide out’ do not accept ‘it keeps it

Where more than one answer is acceptable, this is indicated in the mark scheme by
‘any one from’. Each possible correct answer is marked with an asterisk. In some
cases, alternative answers are indicated by ‘or’.

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

In the following example, from part b of tier 3−6 paper 1 question 3, an answer giving
‘water’ and ‘minerals’ will be awarded two marks. However, an answer which gives
‘minerals’ and ‘nutrients’ will be given only one mark, as both points are correct
answers for the same mark.

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

b 2 any two from

2/3d * water accept ‘H2O’
accept ‘moisture’
* minerals accept a named mineral
award two marks for two
named minerals
accept ‘nutrients’ or ‘salts’ do not accept ‘food’
* oxygen

In the following example, from part d iii of tier 5−7 paper 1 question 13, the
statement in bold type in the Additional guidance column is given in order to indicate
the general requirement of that part of the question.

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d iii answers must be in terms

4/2c 1 any one from of a comparison
* up to 10 seconds the weight accept the converse ‘it does not have a great
is greater than the (upward) enough upward force’ is
force insufficient
* after 10 seconds there is a ‘at 10 seconds the forces are
resultant or net (upward) force equal’ is insufficient
* after 10 seconds the
(upward) force is greater
than the weight

In the Accept column there may be:

■ examples of answers which are acceptable, although they do not correspond exactly
to the expected answers

■ some examples of higher level answers, which could be given by higher attaining
pupils answering questions on the lower levels in the tier.

In the Additional guidance column there may be:

■ answers which are not acceptable

■ a reminder, in questions involving calculations, that consequential marking may

be used

■ instructions on action in the event of consequential marking (see below)

■ guidance to markers where pupils have not followed the instructions on the question.

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

The number of marks available for each part of a question and the maximum number
of marks for the question as a whole are shown on the question paper. Every part of a
question which has been attempted by a pupil will be marked and the mark for each
part recorded in the mark box alongside that part. Half marks will not be given in any

The total number of marks awarded for all the parts of questions on a double page
will be written in the box at the bottom of the right-hand page. In some instances, this
will be the sum of marks awarded for two questions. The total number of marks
obtained on the paper will be recorded on the front of the test paper.

The total number of marks available is 180 in tier 3–6 and 150 in tier 5–7.

Using professional judgement in marking

The instructions given in the mark scheme will enable the markers to decide whether
pupils have correctly answered a particular question. However, there will be instances
where an answer given by a pupil does not correspond to any of the possible responses
shown in the mark scheme. In such cases, markers will apply their professional
judgement to decide if credit should be given. They will consider whether the response:

■ is equivalent to those listed

■ conveys the ideas underlying the question as outlined in the statement in bold type
in the mark scheme, if one is given.

If any doubt persists, markers will consult with their supervisors for guidance.

Marking misspellings of words

If a pupil misspells a word, markers will apply the following procedures:

■ if it is clear that the pupil has made a simple error, eg ‘tow’ for ‘two’ or ‘Son’ for
‘Sun’, then the incorrect spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded

■ if a pupil misspells a word copied from the text of the question or from a selection
given, and the new word does not have any inappropriate meaning, the incorrect
spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded

■ if specific scientific vocabulary is required in the answer, a creditworthy misspelling

must be a phonetic equivalent of the required word, with the major syllables of the
correct word represented in the answer.

Marking lists of alternative answers

In some instances, pupils give more than one answer to a single question. If any of the
answers given is incorrect, the mark will not be awarded, irrespective of the order in
which the answers are given. In some cases, a correct answer is given alongside other
answers which, while correct, would be insufficient for the mark. In these cases, the
mark will be given for the correct answer.

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

Marking questions containing calculations

Some questions require pupils to perform calculations. Where two marks are available,
they are advised to show their working. Pupils who do not show their working but
give the correct answer will be awarded full marks.

The result of one calculation may be required in order to carry out further
calculations. In such instances:

■ the term ‘consequential marking’ appears in the Additional guidance

■ a pupil’s result for the first calculation is treated as the starting point for the second

■ the pupil is awarded full credit for the second calculation if it is carried out
correctly, even if the result of the first calculation was wrong.

Marking answers given in the wrong place

In some cases, pupils may write correct answers in the wrong part of the question.
Markers will use professional judgement to decide whether a pupil has correctly
understood the question and simply written the answer in the wrong place. Similarly, if
pupils identify an answer by a cross or other indication when a tick is required, they
will be given credit for their responses.

In a planning question, if no answer is given in the expected place but the correct
answer is given in the drafting box, the mark(s) will be given.

Awarding levels
The sum of the marks gained on both papers determines the level awarded. A copy of
the level threshold tables which show the mark ranges for the award of different levels
will be sent to each school by QCA on 30 June 2006.

Schools will be notified of pupils’ results by means of a marksheet, which will be

returned to schools by the External Marking Agency with the pupils’ marked scripts.
The marksheet will include pupils’ scores on the test papers and the levels awarded.

The 2006 key stage 3 science tests and mark schemes were developed by the Oxford,
Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) and the Centre for Research into Primary
Science and Technology (CRIPSAT) on behalf of QCA.

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

Mark Allocation Grid: Tier 3−6

TIER 3−6 Paper 1 TIER 3−6 Paper 2

Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4

1 6 1 4

2 7 2 5

3 4 3 5

4 5 4 4 2

5 2 5 5 5

6 2 2 6 5

7 6 7 7

8 6 8 8

9 7 9 4

10 2 3 10 5

11 4 11 6

12 1 4 12 5

13 4 13 2 4

14 4 14 2 5

15 4 15 2 3 1

16 7 16 6

17 5 Total 26 15 29 20

Total 14 31 15 30

P1 + 2
40 46 44 50



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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Introduction

Mark Allocation Grid: Tier 5−7

TIER 5−7 Paper 1 TIER 5−7 Paper 2

Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4 Q Sc1 Sc2 Sc3 Sc4

1 7 1 4

2 2 3 2 5

3 4 3 6

4 1 4 4 5

5 4 5 2 4

6 4 6 2 5

7 4 7 2 3 1

8 7 8 6

9 5 9 5

10 7 10 1 4

11 4 11 5

12 5 12 5

13 1 3 2 13 5

14 8 14 5

Total 20 21 16 18 Total 19 17 21 18

P1 + 2
39 38 37 36



The requirements of the Introduction to the Programme of Study apply across Sc1, Sc2, Sc3 and Sc4.

The Mark Allocation Grids on this pair of pages show the context of these questions in relation to Sc1, Sc2, Sc3 and Sc4.

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 any two from

2/5e * crabeater seal accept ‘crabeater’ ‘seal’ is insufficient
* cod accept ‘fish’
* squid

bi 1 * producers  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

b ii 1 * herbivores  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

ci 1 any one from

2/5d * it would decrease
* there would be fewer seals accept ‘some would die’ ‘they would all die’ is insufficient

c ii 1 any one from

2/5d * leopard seals eat other animals or food accept ‘they eat other animals or other food or ‘they have more food’ is insufficient
other things’
* leopard seals eat cod or fish or squid or
* crabeater seals or they only eat krill ‘they eat krill’ is insufficient

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * sperm
a ii 1 * testis accept ‘testes’

bi 1 * ovum or egg
b ii 1 * ovary accept ‘ovaries’

c 1 * fertilisation

di 1 * foetus
d ii 1 * uterus
Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 any one from

2/3a * it is long and spindly accept ‘it is tall’ or ‘it has grown more’
accept ‘it is thinner’ or ‘it is thin’
* the leaves are far apart
* the leaves are white or pale accept ‘the leaves are yellow’
accept ‘it is lighter’
accept ‘it has no chlorophyll’
accept ‘its leaves are a different colour’
‘they are shrivelled or crinkled’ is insufficient

a ii 1 any one from

2/3a * it has wilted accept ‘it is not turgid’ ‘it has dried out’ is insufficient
* it has drooped accept ‘leaves pointing down’
* the leaves are floppy accept ‘it is floppy’
accept ‘it has shrivelled’
‘it has died’ is insufficient
‘it is discoloured’ is insufficient

b 2 any two from

2/3d * water accept ‘H2O’
accept ‘moisture’
* minerals accept a named mineral
award two marks for two named minerals
accept ‘nutrients’ or ‘salts’ do not accept ‘food’
* oxygen

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2e * stopclock ‘clock’ is insufficient
* stopwatch ‘watch’ is insufficient
accept ‘timer’

b 2 keep it if all four answers are correct, award two marks

1/2d factor change it measure it if three answers are correct, award one mark
the same
temperature if more than one box is ticked in any row, count
of the oil
 the answer as incorrect for that row

type of oil 

volume of oil 
time taken for
all the oil to

flow through
the funnel

ci 1 any one from

1/2j * it or time gets less accept ‘the time gets faster’ or ‘it gets faster’ do not accept ‘the time gets slower’ unless linked
* it or time decreases to a decrease in temperature
accept ‘the oil flows faster’
accept ‘it goes through faster’

c ii 1 * 180 seconds  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * water: increased or went up accept ‘expanded’ both answers are required for the mark
1/2k accept a reading greater than 7 (cm3) and less
than or equal to 8 (cm3)
wax: decreased or went down accept ‘contracted’
accept a reading lower than 7 (cm3) and greater
than or equal to 5.5 (cm3)

b 1 * water: liquid
3/2c 1 * wax: solid

ci 1 any one from

1/2k * the liquid had turned blue accept ‘the colour changed’ ‘it formed a solution’ is insufficient
accept ‘the water was blue or coloured or grey’
* crystals or copper sulphate or solid could not accept ‘the crystals disappeared’
be seen
* there was no solid left

c ii 1 any one from

3/2b * stir it accept ‘shake it’ or ‘mix it’ do not accept ‘put less in’
* heat it
* use warm water accept ‘use hotter water’
accept ‘add more water’

di 1 * it evaporated accept ‘it went into the air’

d ii 1 * copper sulphate accept ‘crystals’
3/1h accept ‘sulphate’

Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * N both poles are required for the mark


bi 1 * N all four poles are required for the mark



b ii 1 any one from

3/1d * iron
* steel
accept ‘cobalt or nickel’

c 1 any one from

3/1d * wood or it is not magnetised accept ‘the wood does not have any poles’
* wood or it is not magnetic accept ‘wood is not a magnet’
accept ‘the magnet does not attract wood’
accept ‘magnetism cannot pass through wood’
* it increases the distance between the magnets
* the magnets are too far apart
* the magnets are weak

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

4/3h * loud sounds can damage hearing accept ‘they could damage his hearing’
* to protect his ears accept ‘loud sounds can damage the ear’
* loud sounds can burst the eardrum accept ‘it could make him deaf’
accept ‘they are very loud’ ‘they are loud’ is insufficient as ‘loud’ is given in
the question

b 1 any one from

4/5g * the further the sound travels the quieter it gets accept ‘the sound or energy spreads out’
* she was furthest away accept ‘she was further away’ or ‘she was far
accept ‘some of the sound is absorbed’

c 1 any one from

4/3i * the speed of light is greater than the speed accept ‘sound travels more slowly’
of sound
* light travels faster than sound accept ‘light travels faster’
accept ‘light gets there before sound’

di 1 * light
d ii 1 * sound

e 1 * gravity accept ‘weight’

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * Light travels in straight lines.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

b 1 * card B accept a continuous line drawn across card A award a mark for a straight line from the existing
4/3a and reaching card B ray passing through the hole in card A and
card A
reaching card B
the ray must not go beyond card B

c 3 * award one mark for a continuous straight line that

4/3c reflects off the mirror
award one mark for an angle of reflection
mirror approximately equal to the angle of incidence
award one mark for a correct arrow on the
reflected ray

d 1 * Add another battery.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 9
5−7 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2 any two from

2/5b * less or no food accept ‘trees are producers’
* fewer or no places to nest or shelter accept ‘they have lost their home’ ‘they have lost their territory’ is insufficient
accept ‘their habitat is destroyed’ ‘it spoils the environment’ is insufficient
* less or no cover accept ‘they cannot hide from predators’

b 1 any one from

2/3a * more light
* more water
* more space
* more nutrients accept references to nutrients from trees left
to rot
1 * more photosynthesis can take place accept ‘photosynthesis can take place’

c 1 any one from

2/3c * to replace minerals or nitrates that have been accept ‘minerals or nitrates get washed out of
removed (by plants) the soil’
* plants absorb the minerals or nitrates ‘plants feed on the nutrients’ is insufficient
* plants need minerals or nitrates to grow accept ‘so that plants can grow’
accept ‘plants can grow more’
* minerals or nitrates or they are plant nutrients

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 9
5−7 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 2 any two from

2/5a * to provide food for animals ‘it is good for the environment’ is insufficient
2/5b * to provide shelter or nesting sites or habitats accept ‘to provide homes for animals’ ‘to help animals or birds survive’ is insufficient
for birds or animals
* trees absorb carbon dioxide
* trees produce oxygen
* the roots bind soil or prevent soil washing away
accept ‘provides trees to be cut down in the
accept ‘they need trees for paper’ or ‘to get

Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 10
5−7 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * United States accept ‘US’ or ‘USA’

1/2k accept ‘America’
accept lower case letters for ‘US’

a ii 1 * the less starch eaten, the more people get accept the converse do not accept ‘people with cancer eat less
1/2j cancer starch’
accept ‘starch helps to prevent cancer’
accept ‘you should eat a lot of starch’ ‘eat starch’ is insufficient

bi 1 * bread  if more than two boxes are ticked, deduct one

2/2a 1 * pasta  mark for each incorrect tick
minimum mark zero

b ii 1 * fibre  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 11
5−7 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * The biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

b 1 * to allow movement or bending accept ‘otherwise they would snap’ ‘to allow our arms to stretch’ is insufficient

ci 1 any one from

2/2e * for smooth movement ‘so you can move or bend’ is insufficient
* to avoid or reduce friction
* to prevent bones rubbing together or wearing accept ‘to protect the bones’ ‘for protection’ is insufficient
down accept ‘to absorb shocks’
* to lubricate the joint

c ii 1 any one from

2/2e * the bones would rub together or wear down accept ‘more friction’ ‘friction’ is insufficient
* pain accept ‘arthritis’
* stiffness accept ‘you cannot move or bend’
* movement would be difficult do not accept ‘the arm will not work’

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 12
5−7 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * steel do not accept ‘stainless steel’

3/1d do not accept ‘carbon’

b answers may be in either order

3/1d 1 * brass both answers are required for the mark
* solder

c 1 * 80 accept ‘100 − 20’


di 1 * it does not contain iron accept ‘it does not contain steel’
3/3a accept ‘only iron rusts’ or ‘only steel rusts’
accept ‘it is made of tin, copper and zinc’

d ii 1 * oxygen accept ‘O2’

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 13
5−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai answers may be in any order

3/1h 1 * pale blue yellow red all three answers are required for the mark
do not accept ‘blue’ for ‘pale blue’

a ii 1 *2 both the answer and the correct explanation are

3/1h because there are two spots on the paper accept ‘there are two colours from the green ink’ required for the mark
accept ‘because they are straight up from the
green ink’
accept ‘it has dark blue and yellow’
accept ‘it shows two’

a iii 1 * pencil both the answer and the correct explanation are
3/1h any one from required for the mark
* because ink from the felt-tip pen is soluble or accept ‘the ink will also produce colours’ ‘the pencil has no ink in it’ is insufficient
will dissolve in water
* because pencil will not spread out or dissolve accept ‘the ink expands’
or run or smudge

b 1 any one from

3/2b * the ink would not dissolve in water accept ‘the ink was water resistant or permanent
or waterproof’
* the ink would dissolve in ethanol
* ethanol is a solvent for the ink accept ‘ethanol is a suitable solvent’
accept ‘ethanol can absorb the ink’
accept ‘ethanol washes out the ink’
accept ‘some substances will dissolve in one
solvent but not another’

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 14
5−7 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2d * they left the cloth in water for 30 minutes
* they soaked the cloth for the same time
accept ‘cloth in both bowls was egg-stained’

b 2 ways of improving the investigation may be:

1/2p any two from (i) a control
* same cloth(s) in each bowl
* same size fabric
* same level of staining on cloth accept ‘same amount of egg’ or ‘same size stain’
* same amount of each powder
* same volume of water added
* same temperature of water added
* same pH of solutions
accept ‘use egg-stained cloth in water’
* repeat the test (ii) improved reliability
* stir or agitate the cloth (iii) improved procedure
* measure the water accept ‘measure the powder’
* vary the amount of powder (iv) extend the independent variable
* time how long it takes for the stain to go accept ‘longer time’
* vary the amount of egg stain
accept ‘do it at different temperatures’
accept ‘use different washing powders’ do not accept ‘use different stains’

c 1 any one from

1/2a * whether the cloths are stained or not accept ‘how much egg is left on cloths’ ‘the cloth’ or ‘the stain’ are insufficient
* level of staining or time taken to remove stain accept ‘which cloth was the cleaner or cleanest’

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 15
5−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

4/3a if more than one line is drawn from an

4/4a The Earth spins on its observation, award no mark for that observation
4/4c axis.
1 *
A ship going out to sea
goes out of sight.

The Earth is a sphere.

1 *
We have day and
The Earth orbits the
Sun and the Earth’s
axis is tilted.
1 *
We have summer and

Gravity attracts objects

towards the Earth.
1 *
One year on Earth is
365 days.

The Earth orbits the


Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 16
5−7 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * Mars accept ‘6 kg’ do not accept ‘24 N’


b 1 any one from

4/2b * 4 kg weighs more on Earth accept the converse ‘different weights’ is insufficient
* the weight of the object is greater on Earth accept the converse do not accept ‘it has more mass on the Earth’
accept ‘Earth is 40 N and Venus is 36 N’
accept ‘Earth is 40 and Venus is 36’
accept ‘more newtons on Earth’ or ‘less newtons
on Venus’
accept ‘there is a greater force on Earth’

c answers must be in the correct order

4/2b 1 * less (than) or smaller (than) or lower (than)
1 * the same (as) or equal (to)

di 1 * the greater the distance the greater the time for accept ‘it increases’
4/4b one orbit

d ii 1 * an answer from 1.6 to 6 inclusive


e 1 * award a mark for X marked on the orbit within

4/4c the tolerances shown

Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
3−6 17
5−7 9

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 *B

bi answers may be in either order

4/2c 1 * A and C accept ‘lift and weight’ both letters are required for the mark

b ii answers may be in either order

4/2c 1 * D and B accept A and C both letters are required for the mark

ci 1 * Force D is greater than force B.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
c ii 1 * Force A is greater than force C.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 10

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * oviduct or fallopian tube

a ii 1 * cilia move in a wave or from side to side accept ‘they waft or carry it along’
2/1c accept ‘the hairs move it along’
accept ‘the hairs or cilia waft or move’ ‘the hairs’ or ‘the cilia’ are insufficient

bi 1 * embryo: stage 3 accept ‘3’ both answers are required for the mark
2/2h foetus: stage 4 accept ‘4’

b ii 1 * uterus accept ‘womb’


ci 2 any two from

2/4a * a reference to genes or genetic material or accept for one mark ‘to be the same as someone
DNA or chromosomes else you need exactly the same genes’
* it has a different combination (of genes)
* it is made from an egg and sperm accept for two marks ‘it only has half the DNA or
* (it gets genetic information) from both parents chromosomes from each parent’

c ii 1 inherited and affected all three ticks are required for the mark
2/4a human if there is more than one tick in any row, award
inherited only by environmental
characteristic no mark
eye colour 
skin colour 

Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 11

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

markers should read the answers to parts a and b before marking this question

parts a and b should be marked together

a 1 * temperature of the water accept ‘temperature’ do not accept responses that describe rates
1/2d accept ‘room temperature’ of heating

1 any one from answers must refer to both time taken and
* rate of evaporation accept ‘the time for it to evaporate’ amount of water lost
* time taken for all the water to evaporate accept ‘measure how much water is left after a ‘time taken’ is insufficient
* volume or mass or amount of water lost in a certain time’
fixed time

1 any one from

* starting volume of water accept ‘the amount of water’ ‘same heater’ and ‘same starting measurement’
accept a specified volume of water are insufficient
* shape of container
* same ambient conditions accept ‘room temperature’ if the independent
variable is ‘water temperature’

b 1 * a column or row indicating temperature and both headings are required for the mark
1/2i a column or row indicating time or volume lost accept a column or row indicating ‘rate of the units of measurement are not necessary for
or volume remaining evaporation’ the mark
accept ‘amount lost’ or ‘amount remaining’ the second column or row should be consistent
with the dependent variable identified in part a
ignore other columns in the table

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 12

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a award one mark for each correct row

3/3c copper iron magnesium zinc
1 * calcium
1 * copper
1 * iron

b 2 * if all three answers are correct, award two marks

3/3a calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid no reaction if one or two answers are correct, award one
3/3e mark
if more than one line is drawn from a pair of
a chloride, carbon dioxide reactants, award no credit for that pair
magnesium + hydrochloric acid
and water are formed

a chloride and hydrogen

copper + hydrochloric acid
are formed

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 13

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

3/1b * liquids or they take up less space accept ‘particles are closer together in a liquid’
* liquids or they are denser accept ‘particles are further apart in a gas’ do not accept ‘liquids are heavier’
‘liquids are easier to transport’ is insufficient

b 1 * there is no oxygen in space accept ‘there is no air in space’

3/1e accept ‘space is a vacuum’

c 1 any one from

3/1e * the weight of the fuel decreases ‘gravity gets weaker’ is insufficient
* there is less fuel on board
* fuel is being used up accept ‘hydrogen and oxygen or oxygen is being
used up’
* water is released accept ‘waste gas is given off’

di 1 * 27 both answers are required for the mark

1/2k * 16.5 accept a number from 16.3 to 16.7

d ii 1 * 10.5 accept the difference between the numbers given consequential marking applies
4/2c in d i

d iii 1 any one from answers must be in terms of a comparison

4/2c * up to 10 seconds the weight is greater than accept the converse ‘it does not have a great enough upward force’ is
the (upward) force insufficient
* after 10 seconds there is a resultant or net ‘at 10 seconds the forces are equal’ is insufficient
(upward) force
* after 10 seconds the (upward) force is greater
than the weight

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 14

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * X-axis: mass of magnesium (g) both labels are required for the mark
1/2i Y-axis: mass of magnesium oxide (g) units are required for the mark
pupils can gain credit for correct responses to
other parts if the axes are wrongly labelled or
magnesium is on the Y-axis and magnesium
oxide is on the X-axis
1 * reasonable scales accept a scale of 1 g or 2 g per 5 small squares scale need not begin at zero
1 * reasonably accurate plotting of all points all points plotted to ± 1 small square
1 * a line of best fit drawn

bi 1 *E
b ii 1 any one from pupils can gain credit for a response which
1/2n * ignore it in drawing the line of best fit accept ‘ignore it’ suggests they should predict the correct value
* they could predict the figure from the line of accept ‘they could use the graph line’ from the pattern or ignore the anomalous results
best fit or repeat the reading
* they should repeat the reading accept ‘check it’

c 1 * a number from 11 to 13 accept a value consistent with the line of best fit the unit is not required for the mark

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper One

Tier Q No
5−7 14

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 1 any one from

1/2k * the greater the mass of magnesium burned the
greater the mass of oxide formed
* the magnesium and oxygen react in fixed
* the mass of magnesium oxide formed is
proportional to the mass of magnesium burned
* the greater the mass of magnesium the greater
the mass of oxygen that combines with it

Total 8

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme

[Blank page]

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 accept ‘1’ for ‘on’ and ‘0’ for ‘off’ all three answers are required for the mark
* P off
Q on

R on

b 1 any one from

4/1c * battery accept ‘batteries’
* cell accept ‘cells’

c 2 * if all three answers are correct, award two marks

4/1a if two answers are correct, award one mark
if more than one box is ticked for any circuit,
award no credit for that circuit

on on 

off  off

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * bar for material A drawn to 40 decibels allow a tolerance of one small square for the
1/2i drawn line, either above or below 40 decibels

b 1 *4

c 1 *D accept ‘35’

d 1 * Use the same box each time.  if more than two boxes are ticked, deduct one
1/2d 1 * Keep the distance between the sound mark for each incorrect tick
sensor and the bell the same each time.  minimum mark zero

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

4/2c * the forces are balanced ignore references to gravity if the answer is in
terms of balanced forces
* the forces are equal or the same ‘the sides are equal’ is insufficient
* the forces are both 1000 N accept ‘the forces are both 1000’ do not accept ‘both teams weigh 1000 N’
accept ‘the newtons are even’
* they pull with the same force or equally hard accept ‘both teams have the same strength’

b 1 * an arrow drawn to the right accept an arrow drawn to the right anywhere on
4/2c the drawing

c 1 any one from

4/2c * team A pulled harder than team B accept ‘team A pulled harder’ or ‘team A pulled
more’ or ‘they pulled harder’
accept the converse
* team A was stronger accept ‘they used more strength’
* team A was pulling with more than 1000
* team B was pulling with less than 1000
* there was more force to the left accept ‘there are more newtons to the left’

d 1 * 1200 N  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark


e 1 * friction
Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * weathering  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

a ii 1 any one from
3/2e * it is hard or harder accept ‘limestone is softer’ ‘granite or it is solid’ is insufficient
3/3g * it is resistant to acid rain accept ‘it is resistant’
accept ‘limestone is affected by acid rain’
* it is less permeable or porous accept ‘limestone is more permeable or porous’
accept ‘granite is stronger’
* it is less easily weathered accept ‘granite does not weather or erode’

bi 1 any one from

4/5a * coal
* gas accept ‘methane’
* oil accept ‘petrol’ or ‘diesel’ or ‘kerosene’
* peat accept ‘turf’

b ii 1 * All fossil fuels are a source of energy.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
b iii 1 * corrosion  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
b iv 1 * paint accept ‘grease’ or ‘oil’ ‘waterproof coating’ is insufficient
3/2i accept ‘plastic’ or ‘wax’ or ‘polish’
accept ‘varnish’
accept ‘zinc’ or ‘galvanise it’ ‘something to stop them reacting’ is insufficient

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * filtration  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

a ii 1 * chromatography  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

bi 1 * it is alkaline accept ‘alkali’

b ii 1 * red

c 1 * indicator  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * It is flexible.  if more than two boxes are ticked, deduct one

3/1d 1 * It is strong.  mark for each incorrect tick
minimum mark zero

a ii 1 * It becomes rusty.

bi 1 any one from

3/1e * it is flammable accept ‘it is inflammable’ or ‘it catches fire’ or
BS/2b ‘it burns’
* it may explode accept ‘it explodes’
accept ‘it is reactive or very reactive’
accept ‘it reacts with air or oxygen’ ‘it is poisonous’ is insufficient

b ii 1 * helium
Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * 10.5 or 101⁄2 accept ‘105 mm’


b answers may be in either order

1/2k 1 * its teeth
1 * its shape

c 1 * the cut on its body

1/2k accept ‘fish cannot fly’
accept ‘it fell out of the sky’
accept ‘it dropped onto his boat’

d 1 any one from

1/2b * use a key
* use the Internet accept ‘use a computer’
* ask an expert or fisherman or scientist or accept ‘take it to a museum’
* look in a book accept ‘look it up’
accept ‘look at the features’

e 2 * if all four ticks are correct, award two marks

supported by not supported by
1/1a if two or three ticks are correct, award one mark
evidence evidence
if there is more than one tick in any row, award
 no credit for that row

Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * they decreased or went down

2/5d 1 any one from
* more were eaten accept ‘more were killed’
* the mink ate them accept ‘some died’ do not accept ‘they all died’
* more animals to eat them

a ii 1 any one from

2/5d * they decreased or went down accept ‘there were fewer of them’
* they had less food or rabbits accept ‘they had no food’
* the mink ate their food accept ‘they had to share their food or rabbits’

b 1 * prey

ci 1 any one from

2/5d * fox
* snake
* badger
* bird of prey accept a named bird of prey such as ‘owl’ or
‘hawk’ or ‘eagle’
accept ‘cat’

c ii 2 any two from

2/5d * different climate
* disease
* not enough food accept ‘no food’ or ‘they starved’ or ‘competition references to old age are insufficient
for food’
* shot or run over or trapped or poisoned accept ‘people killed them’
* injury due to fighting
* different habitat

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 3−6 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

d 1 any one from

2/4b * they have fur or hair ‘they are warm-blooded’ is insufficient
* they have external ears
accept ‘they give birth to live young’
accept ‘they feed their young on milk’

Total 8

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 9
5−7 1

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * it is between 20 g and 40 g accept a number greater than 20 and ‘more than 20’ or ‘less than 40’ are insufficient
4/2e less than 40

a ii 1 any one from

4/2f * cut a slot between 20 and 40 accept ‘add a mark for 30’ award a mark for an answer referring to cutting
* cut more slots accept ‘add more weights’ a slot for any mass between 20 g and 40 g

bi 1 any one from

4/2f * it is on the wrong side of the pivot accept ‘it is past the pivot line’ award a mark for an answer indicating that it is
on the wrong side of the pivot
* it would not make the scale tip accept ‘the scale is supported on this side’
accept ‘it does not produce a clockwise moment’ do not accept ‘because the cardboard would tilt
the other way’
‘it would not work’ is insufficient

b ii 1 * a line drawn between the 40 g and 100 g slots accept answers which clearly indicate the correct
4/2f position on the diagram
the line must not touch the slots for 40 g or 100 g

Total 4

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 10
5−7 2

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 * pluck them harder accept ‘make the strings vibrate more or move do not accept ‘make the strings vibrate more
4/3j more’ quickly’

b 1 * The sound has a higher pitch.  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

c answers must include a comparison

4/3k 1 * the sound from the thicker string has a lower accept ‘it has a lower pitch or a lower frequency’ ‘it is lower’ is insufficient
pitch or a lower frequency
accept ‘the sound from the thicker string is
louder’ or ‘it is louder’

di answers must show a comparison

4/3k 1 * the sound in A has a higher pitch or a higher accept ‘it has a higher pitch or higher frequency’ ‘the vibrations are quicker’ is insufficient
frequency ‘it is higher’ is insufficient

d ii 1 * the sound in A is louder accept ‘it is louder’ ‘the vibrations are stronger or of greater
4/3j accept ‘the sound in C is quieter’ amplitude’ is insufficient
accept ‘it has a greater amplitude’ do not accept ‘it is higher’

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 11
5−7 3

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * point plotted for (150, 1.5) to ± half a small

1/2i square
the anomalous point should be avoided
a ii 1 * line of best fit the line need not be drawn through the origin

b 1 * point at (300, 3.8) circled accept this result circled in the table

consequential marking applies to both c i and c ii

accept answers consistent with the graph drawn
ci 1 * a number from 640 to 660
c ii 1 * a number from 0.4 to 0.6

d the answer must refer to the results or the

1/2n 1 any one from pattern shown by the results
* the pattern is revealed or observed more accept ‘it allows you to see a pattern’
* it tells you the pattern without working it out accept ‘you can tell the rule by looking at it’
* it gives readings between the recorded readings accept ‘it is easier to make predictions’
* you can see if there are results that are wrong accept ‘it shows better or more quickly the more
or do not fit the pattern mass the more weight’
accept ‘the data is continuous’
do not accept ‘it is more accurate or precise’

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 12
5−7 4

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 any one from

3/1d * iron
* copper
accept ‘calcium’

a ii 1 any one from

3/1d * sulphur
* chlorine
accept ‘oxygen’ or ‘carbon’

a iii 1 any two from answers may be in either order

3/1e * calcium carbonate both answers are required for the mark
* calcium oxide
* carbon dioxide
* iron sulphide
accept ‘copper chloride’

b 1 any one from

3/1e * the iron reacted or combined with sulphur accept ‘the iron gained sulphur’ or ‘sulphur was do not accept ‘iron has mixed with the sulphur’
added to the iron’ do not accept ‘sulphur or iron added a new layer’
accept ‘the iron has joined with the sulphur’
* the sulphur had mass accept ‘the sulphur weighed 0.8 g’

c 1 * copper chloride
Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 13
5−7 5

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 2
* oxygen

* nitrogen

b 1 * water vapour accept ‘vapour’ ‘water’ or ‘moisture’ are insufficient

1 * condenses accept ‘turns into water or a liquid’
accept ‘forms condensation’

ci 1 * respiration
c ii 1 * Air breathed out has more carbon dioxide and if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
2/2j less oxygen than air breathed in. 

Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 14
5−7 6

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * magnesium
a ii 1 any one from answers must indicate that the soil available to
2/3c * a potted plant has a limited amount of soil or accept the converse the potted plant is limited or may not be
minerals replenished
* less chance of minerals being returned to the ‘the garden has more minerals’ is insufficient
soil by dying or decaying plants or by microbes ‘lack of sunlight’ is insufficient
or fungi or bacteria or worms
* no room for roots to extend and find more accept ‘no room for roots to grow’

bi 3 * letter of if all four answers are correct, award three marks

3/1c mineral if three answers are correct, award two marks
accept ‘Epsom Salts’ or ‘MgSO4’ or ‘magnesium if one or two answers are correct, award one
magnesium B sulphate’ mark

accept ‘A and C’ or ‘Easy Grow’ or ‘NH4NO3’ or

nitrogen A or C ‘ammonium nitrate’ or ‘Saltpetre’ or ‘KNO3’ or
‘potassium nitrate’

phosphorus D accept ‘Superphosphate’ or ‘Ca(H2PO4)2’

potassium C accept ‘Saltpetre’ or ‘KNO3’ or ‘potassium nitrate’

b ii 1 *3
b iii 1 *9
Total 7

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 15
5−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

2/5e * it only eats other animals accept ‘predator’
* it only eats meat or fish or flesh accept ‘eats meat’

bi 1 any one from

2/5c * it protects it accept ‘it stops it being eaten’
* it stops it being damaged accept ‘it keeps the contents in’
* it stops it drying out
* it prevents infection
* it keeps out disease organisms accept ‘it stops bacteria or viruses or germs
getting in’
accept ‘it allows air or oxygen in or carbon do not accept ‘it keeps it warm’
dioxide out’

b ii 1 * it reacts with the carbonate accept ‘they react’ or ‘it reacts with it’
3/3g accept ‘acid reacts with the shell’
accept ‘it dissolves the shell’
accept ‘it erodes it’ or ‘wears it away’

b iii 1 any one from

2/5c * makes it easier or quicker or easy to hatch or ‘easy or easier to break’ is insufficient
break out of the egg
* makes the shell more porous accept ‘air or oxygen gets in easily’ or ‘more air
gets in’
accept ‘carbon dioxide gets out more easily’
‘to allow for growth’ is insufficient

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 15
5−7 7

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ci 1 any one from

1/2k * keep the eggs between 26°C and 30°C ‘make it cooler’ or ‘use lower temperatures’ are
* keep the temperature at or below 30°C
* keep the eggs at 26°C accept any temperature from 26°C to 30°C
accept ‘use the three lower temperatures’ or ‘the
lower temperatures in the table’

c ii 1 * between 32°C and 34°C  if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tiers 3−6 and 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
3−6 16
5−7 8

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

1/2a * the distance the ruler dropped accept ‘how far until they caught it’ ‘ruler’ is insufficient
accept ‘length or measurement on the ruler’ ‘length of ruler’ is insufficient
* where the hand grabbed the ruler accept ‘where she caught it’
accept ‘mm’ or ‘cm’

b 1 any one from

1/2e * to avoid the effect of his own reaction time accept ‘he might stop the watch before or after ‘the time keeper would not have been as
she reacted’ accurate’ is insufficient
* the time is too short to measure with a accept ‘you cannot stop a stopwatch ‘you can time incorrectly’ is insufficient
stopwatch straightaway’
accept ‘it might be too fast for the stopwatch’ ‘the ruler is more precise’ is insufficient

c 1 * pupils accept ‘pupil’ or ‘friend’ or ‘person’ or ‘human’


d 2 any two from

1/2d * the position of the ruler above the hand accept ‘height of ruler’ ‘where he put his hand on the ruler’ is insufficient
accept ‘the height it is dropped from’
* the way the ruler is released accept ‘handedness’
accept ‘the same person dropping it’
* the ruler
* distance between finger and thumb accept ‘position of hand’ or ‘position of ruler’
* the conditions in the room accept examples of possible distractions
* measure to same finger of catcher

e 1 * repeat the investigation or it accept ‘do more than one test with each person’ do not accept ‘use more people’
Total 6

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 9

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * kinetic accept ‘movement’ or ‘motion’

a ii 1 * sound accept ‘kinetic’ or ‘movement’ or ‘motion’

b 1 any one from answers must refer to ‘energy’ or ‘power’

4/5e * loud sounds dissipate more energy than accept ‘energy is used or needed more quickly’
quieter sounds
* energy is transferred more quickly accept ‘it is using more power’ or ‘more energy is
transferred per second’
* more potential or kinetic energy is converted to accept ‘more energy is converted to sound’
accept ‘it is using or transferring more energy’
accept ‘it produces more electrical energy’ do not accept ‘it uses more electricity’

c 1 any one from

4/5c * solar energy or light energy is used accept ‘the radio is run by sunlight or light’
4/5e * less energy is provided by or taken from accept ‘the light provides a second source of
the spring energy’
* energy is provided by the solar cell accept ‘the radio is run by the Sun’
accept ‘the radio has two sources of energy’

d 1 any one from

4/5c * batteries or mains electricity are not available
BS/1c * batteries or mains are not needed
* people cannot afford batteries or mains accept ‘the energy resource is free’
accept ‘they are cheap to run’ ‘they are cheap’ is insufficient

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 10

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 * 100 accept ‘200 ÷ 2.0’

1 * N/cm2 accept ‘106 N/m2’ or ‘106 Pa’ for two marks

a ii 1 * 800 accept ‘100 × 8’ the unit is not required for the mark
4/2g accept the numerical answer to a i × 8

bi 1 any one from

3/1b * air or gas can be compressed accept ‘gases are easier to compress’ ‘air or gas provides less resistance’ is insufficient
4/2g * water or liquids cannot be compressed
* gaps between particles of air or accept ‘atoms can be compressed together’
gas can be reduced

b ii 1 any one from

4/2g * less force would be transmitted to the brakes accept ‘the brakes have less effect’ ‘the brakes are spongy’ is insufficient
* less pressure at B accept ‘less pressure could be produced’
accept ‘less or no resistance to the brakes’
* piston B would not move
accept ‘the air bubbles could be compressed'

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 11

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

3/2f * it cools more slowly accept ‘it cools slowly’ or ‘it is cooler above
* large volume of magma accept ‘there is a lot of it’
* magma is insulated by rock accept ‘magma is surrounded by rock’
* heat is transferred more slowly to rock than accept ‘it is hotter underground’
to air
* lava cools more quickly

bi 1 * crystals formed underground will be larger accept the converse

3/2e accept ‘they will be larger’

b ii 1 any one from

3/2e * magma cools more slowly than lava accept ‘magma cools slowly’ do not accept ‘bigger crystals cool more slowly’
* lava cools more quickly than magma accept ‘lava cools quickly’
accept ‘there is no rock above the lava’

ci 1 any one from

3/2f * high temperatures accept ‘heat’ or ‘hot’
* high pressure accept ‘pressure’

c ii 1 * marble

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 12

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

ai 1 any one from

1/2e * the effect of adding no extra insulation to the accept ‘effect of not adding insulation’
windows and roof
* it provides a baseline measure
* the temperature without any effort to reduce the accept ‘as a comparison or control’
heat loss accept ‘how much energy is normally lost’
accept ‘how much heat single glazing keeps in’
accept ‘what would happen if we did nothing’

a ii answers may be in either order

1/2a 1 * double glazing and roof without insulation and both answers are required for the mark
a roof with insulation and single glazing

b 1 any one from

1/1b * a longer time (roof insulation) to fall between accept ‘slower heat loss for insulation’
two temperatures accept ‘faster heat loss for double glazing’
* smaller temperature fall (roof insulation) in a accept ‘more heat loss for double glazing’
given time accept ‘roof insulation stays warmer than double
accept ‘if it is quicker for the house to reach a
given temperature’

c 1 * both lines or curves starting from the same allow a difference of 5 small squares at the start
1/2j temperature, descending and approaching (not accept correctly labelled curves which do not use
crossing) the room temperature line solid and dotted lines as required by the question
1 * the solid line or curve descending more steeply
than the other

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 13

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 1 any one from

2/1c * it is streamlined do not accept ‘it is slimline’
* it has a pointed head ‘its shape’ is insufficient
* it does not have much cytoplasm
accept ‘there are enzymes in the head’
‘it has a nucleus’ is insufficient as it is not a
specific adaptation of a sperm cell

bi 1 any one from

2/1b * in the cytoplasm of the bacterium
* in a nucleus or within a membrane in the cell accept ‘the bacterium does not have a nucleus or
from the intestine nuclear membrane’
accept ‘in the bacterium it is not enclosed’

b ii 1 any one from

2/1b * it determines the characteristics of the cell
2/4a * it transfers information accept ‘gives the cell instructions’
accept ‘it tells the cell what to do’
accept ‘to control the cell’
accept ‘allows the cell to reproduce’

c 1 any one from

2/1c * it has a large surface area
* the folds increase the surface

d 1 * they are independent cells or they do not work accept ‘each sperm cell is individual or works ‘the cells are not joined together’ is insufficient
2/1a together or do not work in a group individually’

Total 5

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2006 KS3 Science Mark Scheme Tier 5−7 Paper Two

Tier Q No
5−7 14

Part Mark Answer Accept Additional guidance

a 3 any three from

2/3a * plants or algae need light for photosynthesis accept ‘for photosynthesis’
2/5b * photosynthesis or algae or plants supply or
produce oxygen
* plants or animals need oxygen accept ‘oxygen is used for respiration’
* photosynthesis supplies glucose or accept ‘glucose is a source of energy for
carbohydrate or biomass the plant’
accept ‘the herbivores eat the plants’ or
‘animals eat plants’ or ‘snails eat plants’
* carbon dioxide is produced by plants or animals

b 1 any one from

2/5b * materials can be recycled
* makes nutrients available
* makes minerals available

c 1 any one from

2/2j * at 27°C the oxygen concentration would drop accept ‘the higher the temperature the less
too low oxygen is dissolved’
accept ‘at a higher temperature they would
* at 15°C there is more oxygen accept ‘the lower the temperature the more ‘there would be more oxygen’ is insufficient
oxygen there is’

Total 5

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First published in 2006

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