M-Iii, 2 Marks (2017-18) - 1

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1. Define rank of a matrix. (2016)

Sol: A matrix is said to be of rank ‘r’ when
(i) It has at least one non-zero minor of order r and
(ii) every minor of order higher than
‘r’ vanishes.
2. State Cayley Hamilton theorem. (2016)
Sol: Every square matrix satisfies its own characteristics equation

3. Explain unitary matrix with proper example. (2016)

Sol: let A is unitary matrix then
AAθ= AθA=I

Example A = [ i √❑ 3i ] A = 1 [ −i √❑ 3−i ]
2 2

Aθ = AT = [ −i √ ❑ 3−i ]

1 1 1 1
AAθ = [ i √ ❑ 3i ] [−i √ ❑3−i ]= [ 1+ 3 √ ❑−√ ❑ √ ❑−√ ❑3+1 ] = [ 4 0 0 4 ]== [ 1 0 01 ]=I
2 2 4 4

1 1 1 1
AθA= [ −i √ ❑ 3−i ] [ i √ ❑3 i ] = [ 3+1−√❑+3 i−√❑+3 i3+1 ]= [ 4 0 0 4 ]=[ 1 0 01 ]=I
2 2 4 4

[ ]
1 2 0 3
1 −2 3 0
0 0 4 8.
4. find the rank of the matrix
2 4 0 6

[ ]
1 2 0 3
1 −2 3 0
0 0 4 8.
Sol given
2 4 0 6
[ ]
1 2 0 3
0 −4 3 −3
0 0 4 8.
0 0 0 0 R2-----R2-R1; R4-----R4-2R1
Rank of the matrix is 3
5 show that the matrix A =[ 11−3 i3+5 i1+3 i 8 6−7 i 3−5 i 6+7 i 4 ]is a Hermitian.

Sol: given A =[ 11−3 i3+5 i1+3 i 8 6−7 i 3−5 i 6+7 i 4 ] A =[ 11+3 i 3−5 i1−3 i8 6+7 i 3+5 i6−7 i 4 ]

A =[ 11−3 i3+5 i1+3 i 8 6−7 i 3−5 i 6+7 i 4 ]

A= A then A is a Hermitian matrix

6 Explain the Echelon form

Sol : A matrix A is said to be in Echelon form if

● All the non zero rows, if any precede the zero rows.

● The number of zeros preceding the first non - zero element in a row is less than the number of

such zeros in the succeeding rows.

● The first non zero element in a row is unity.(If it is possible )

● We can reduce the given matrix to the echelon form by elementary row transformations only.
“The number of non- zero rows in the echelon form is the rank of the matrix
7 Explain the Normal form
Sol. The Normal form of the matrix as follows
Every non zero matrix A of rank ‘r’, can be reduced by a sequence of elementary transformations,

to any of the form 0

[ ]
Ir 0
0 , are called as the normal forms of a matrix A
8. define diagonal matrix.
Sol A square matrix in which all the off-diagonal elements are zeroes is called a diagonal matrix.
9. Explain the diagonalization form
Sol :diagonalization as follows

● Any two matrices A and B which are related by a relation B= P AP where P is any nonsingular
matrix then A,B are said to be similar.
● If a square matrix A of order n has n linearly independent eigen vectors then there exists a non
singular matrix P such that P−1AP is a diagonal matrix i.e., P−1AP=D, whose diagonal elements
are eigen values of A.
● Where P is the modal matrix formed by grouping the eigen vectors of A as columns.
8 define the characteristics equation.

10. Define characteristic equation of a matrix.

Sol. Characteristic equation :- If A is any square matrix of order ’n’ we can form

the matrix where I is the nth order unit matrix .The determinant of this matrix equated to zero

a11 −λ a12 .. .. .. . . a 1n
a a22−λ .. .. .. . . a 2n
| 21 |=0
. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .
|A-λI|= an 1 an 2 .. .. .. . . ann− λ

11. Write any three properties Eigen values.

Sol : Properties of Eigen values

● The sum of the Eigen values of a square matrix is equal to its trace and product of the Eigen
values is equal to its determinant.
● If X is an Eigen value of A Corresponding to the Eigen vector X, then is Eigen value of
An corresponding to the Eigen vector X.
● A square matrix A and its transpose (AT) have the same Eigen values.

12.Find the quadratic .form relating to A =[ 13−1 3 4 5−15 2 ] .

Sol : given to A =[ 13−1 3 4 5−15 2 ]

X2 +4y2 +2z2+6xy+10yz-2zx

13 define Hermitian matrix.

Sol: A square matrix A such that AT = A or AT =A then A is called Hermitian matrix

14. Show that the inverse of unitary matrix is unitary

Sol: let A be a unitary matrix then

AθA = I

( A A❑) = I −1

( A❑) -1 (A)-1 = I

(A-1)θ A-1 = I
Thus A-1 unitary matrix
15. Explain the nature of a quadratic form.
Sol :the nature of the Nature of a quadratic form as follows
A real quadratic form in n variables is said to be
Positive definite: If all the Eigen values are positive
Negative definite: If all the Eigen values are negative
Positive semi-definite: If at least one Eigen value is zero and the remaining Eigen values are positive
Negative semi-definite: If at least one Eigen value is zero and all other Eigen values are negative
Indefinite: If some of the Eigen values are positive and some are negative

16. Explain the nature of solution of the system of homogeneous linear equation.
Sol: Find the rank of the coefficient matrix A by reducing it to the Echelon form by elementary row
i) If rank of A(r) = n (no. of unknowns) then the system has a trivial solution
i.e. x1 = x2 =………….= xn = 0
ii) If r < n, the system has non trivial solution and (n- r) linearly independent solutions
17. Explains the nature of solution of the system of non- homogeneous linear equation.
Sol. Find the ranks of the coefficient matrix A and the augmented matrix [AB], by reducing [AB] to the
Echelon form by elementary row operations. Let the rank of A be ‘r’ and that of [AB] be r 1.
i) If r ≠ r1 the system is inconsistent, there is no solution
ii) If r = r1 = n, the system is consistent, there is unique solution
iii) If r = r1< n, the equations are consistent and there are infinite number of solutions

18. show that A= [ i0 0 0 0 i 0i 0 ] is skew-Hermitian.

Sol : given A= [ i0 0 0 0 i 0i 0 ]

A =[ −i0 0 0 0−i 0−i 0 ]

( A¿) ¿T = [ −i0 0 0 0−i 0−i 0 ] = - [ i0 0 0 0 i 0i 0 ] = -A

Thus A skew Hermitian matrix.

19 . Find the characteristic equation and Eigen value of the matrix A= [ 11 1 0 21 0 0 3 ] .

Sol : given A= [ 11 1 0 21 0 0 3 ]

We know that the Eigen values of Triangular matrix are its diagonal elements.
Since the given matrix is a Triangular matrix ,the Eigen values are 1,2,3.

20. Find the nature of the quadratic form 2x2+ 2y2 + 2z2 +2yz

Sol : the given Q.F 2x2+ 2y2 + 2z2 +2yz

[ 2 0 0 02 1 0 12 ]
The characteristic equation of the matrix as follows

(2−¿)[¿)2 -1] =0

The roots of the characteristic equation are 1,2,3. It shows that the Nature of

Quadratic form is positive definite .


1. Define Transcendental equation and give one example.

Sol : A function other than algebraic function is called transcendental function .

If f(x)=0 is a transcendental function , then the equation f(x)=0 is called a transcendental


Eg: f(x) = ae x +b e x =0 , 2logx - - =0 etc.

2. Define Algebraic equation and give one example.

Sol . A function which is a sum or difference or product of two polynomials is called an

algebraic function.

If f(x)=0 is an algebraic function , then the equation f(x)=0 is called an algebraic equation.

Eg: x2– 3x +1=0 , x3 +3 x 2+ ¿ 5x +1=0 etc.

3. Write formula for finding root of the equation in Regula-Falsi method .

Sol :. The formula for finding root of the equation f(x)=0 in Regula-Falsi method is given by

x i−1 f ( x i ) −x i f (x i−1)
x i+1= where f( x i ¿ and f( x i−1 ¿ are of opposite signs and x i−1< xi .
f ( x i )−f (x i−1)

4. Write formula for finding root of the equation in Newton-Raphson method .

Sol: The formula for finding root of the equation f(x)=0 in Newton-Raphson method is

given by

f (x i )
x i+1=x i− where x 0 , x 1 , x2 , …. … . x i+1are successive approximations .
f 1 (xi )

In general x i+1 is better than x i .

5. Give the formula for finding the squqre root of the number N , using Newton-Raphson

Sol:. Let f(x) = x 2−N=0,where N is the number whose square root is to be found.
⇒ f ( x i )=2 x

f (x ) 2
x i −N
By Newton’s - Raphson method x i+1=x i− 1 i ⇒ x i+1=x i−
f (xi ) 2 xi

x i+1= ¿ ¿ )

6. Write sufficient condition for convergence of Newton-Raphson method for convergence.

Sol:. The Newton-Raphson method for convergences ,Provided |f ( x )f (x)11|<|f ( x)1| .
7. Write the merits and demerits of Newton-Raphson method method.

Sol. Merits:

1. This method can used for solving both algebraic and transcendental equations. It can
aiso be used when the roots are complex.
2. In this method convergence is quite fast provided the starting value is close to the
desired root.
3. Newton-Raphson iteration is a single-point iteration.

De merits:

In deriving the formula for this method , it is assumed that α is not a repeated root
of f(x)=0. In this case the convergence of the iteration is not guaranteed. Thus the Newton-
Raphson method is not applicable to find the approximated values of a repeated root.

8. Explain briefly about court’s triangularisation method.

Sol. 1. Consider the system of linear equations .Write the system of equations in the form of

2. Now write the coefficient matrix A in to product of lower and upper triangular matrices
L and U.

3. Let us choose UX=Y where Y is column matrix of unknowns. Then LY=B. From this
obtain Y.

4. Now the matrix Y is obtained from UX=Y .Which is the solution of given system.

9. Write the sufficient condition for Gauss-seidel method to converge.

Sol Gauss-sidle method converges if in each equation , the absolute value of the largest
coefficient is greater than the sum of the absolute values of the remaining coefficients.
10. Find the first approximation of the root of the equation e x sinx−1=0 by Newton-Raphson
method that is nearer to 1.

Sol. Given f(x)=e x sinx−1=0

Since f(0)=e 0 sin 0−1=−1 ¿ 0

f(1)=e 1 sin 1−1=1.287 ¿ 0

Let us choose x 0= =0.5

f (x 0) (−0.20956)
Hence the first approximation x 1=x 0− 1 ⇒ x 1=0.5− x 1=0.593665
f (x 0 ) 2.237328

11. Explain briefly procedure of Bisection method.

Sol 1. Consider the Algebraic or the Transcendental equation f(x)=0.

2. Let us choose two values x 0∧x 1such that f( x 0) and f( x 1) are of opposite signs and also
x0 < x1.

x 0+ x 1
3. Let us bisect the interval [ x 0 x 1 ] by taking mid point . choose this as x 2 which is

First approximation.

4. If f( x 2) ¿ 0 then x 2 is a root of the equation f(x)=0 otherwise we go to next iteration.

x2 + x 1
5. The second approximation x 3= ; when f( x 2) ¿ 0 or the second approximation
x 0+ x 2
x 3= when f( x 2) ¿ 0 .

6. If f( x 3 ¿=0 then x 3is aroot of f(x)=0 , otherwise we go to next step. Continue the same

process until we get desired accuracy.

12. Find the second approximation of the root of the equation x 3−x−1=0 by Bisection method
that lies between 1 and 2.

Sol Let us choose f(x) = x 3−x−1=0

1+ 2
In Bisection method The first iteration that lies between 1 and 2 is given by x 1= =1.5

Now f(1.5)=1.53−1.5−1=0.875¿ 0 , so root lies between 1 and 1.5

1+ 1.5
Hence the second iteration x 2= =1.25
13. Explain briefly the procedure of Regula-Falsi method.

Sol. 1. Consider the Algebraic or the Transcendental equation f(x) =0.

2. Let us choose two values x 0∧x 1such that f( x 0) and f( x 1) are of opposite signs and

also x 0 < x 1 .

3. In Regula-Falsi method the iterative formula is given by

x i−1 f ( x i ) −x i f (x i−1)
x i+1= where f( x i ¿ and f( x i−1 ¿ are of opposite signs and x i−1< xi .
f ( x i )−f (x i−1)

x0 f ( x 1 ) −x1 f (x 0)
4. Now the first iteration x 2= .
f ( x 0 ) −f ( x1 )
5. If f( x 1) ¿ 0 then x 1 is a root of the equation f(x)=0 otherwise we go to next iteration.

x1 f ( x 2 )−x 2 f ( x1 )
6. The second approximation x 3= ; when f( x 1) ¿ 0 or the second
f ( x 2 )−f ( x 1 )

x 0 f ( x1 ) −x1 f (x 0)
approximation x 3= ; when f( x 1) ¿ 0.
f ( x 1 ) −f ( x 0 )

7 If f( x 3 ¿=0 then x 3is aroot of f(x)=0 , otherwise we go to next step. Continue the same
process until we get desired accuracy.
14. Explain briefly the procedure of Newton-Raphson method.

Sol. 1. Consider the Algebraic or the Transcendental equation f(x) =0.

2. Let us choose two values a∧b such that f(a) and f(b) are of opposite signs

and also a< b .

3. Since it is a single point iteration method , choose x 0=

4. In Newton-Raphson method the iterative formula is given by

f (x i )
x i+1=x i− where i=0,1,2….. and x 0 , x 1 , x2 , …. … . x i+1are successive
f 1 (xi )

approximations .

f (x 0) f (x 1)
5. Now find the first iteration x 1=x 0− 1 , second iteration x 2=x 1− 1 ,
f (x 0 ) f (x 1)
………….until we get equal successive iterations .
15. Find the first approximation of the root of the equation x e x =2by Regula-Falsi method
that lies between 0 and 1.

Sol. Let us choose f (x)=x e x −2=0

Since f(0)=0 e 0−2 = -2 ¿ 0,

f(1)¿ e 1−2=2.7183 ¿ 0

0 f ( 1 )−1 f (0)
By Regula-Falsi method , first iteration x 1= =0.73575
f ( 1 )−f (0)

16. Explain briefly the procedure of Gauss-seidel method.

Sol. Consider the system equations

a 1 x 1+ b1 x 2 +c 1 x 3 =d 1

a 2 x 1+ b2 x2 +c 2 x3 =d 2

a 3 x 1+ b3 x 2+ c3 x 3=d 3

If a 1,b 2,c 3 are large as compared to other coefficients , then solving these for x,y,z

respectively, the system can be written in the form

x1 = ( d 1 - b 1 x 2+ c 1 x 3 )

x2 = ( d 2-a 2 x 1+ c 2 x 3)

x3 = ( d 3- a 3 x 1+ b3 x 2 ).

Let us choose initially x 2 , x 3 are zero ie., the values x(0) (0)
2 , x3 are zero.

Now the first iteration

1 (0) (0)
x1 = (d −b x + c1 x 3 )
a1 1 1 2

1 (1) (0)
x2 = (d 2−a 2 x 1 + c2 x3 )

1 (1) (1)
x3 = (d3 −a3 x 1 +b3 x 2 )

The second iteration

1 (1) (1)
x1 = (d −b x +c 1 x3 )
a1 1 1 2

1 (2) (1)
x2 = (d 2−a 2 x 1 + c2 x 3 )

1 (2) (2)
x3 = (d −a x +b 3 x 2 )
c3 3 3 1

The third iteration, fourth iteration ……..can be found in the same manner. The process is
continued until the successive iterations are equal.

17. Decompose the coefficient matrix A=[ 13 8 1 4 3 1 3 4 ] in to lower and upper triangular matrices.

Sol. Given A=[ 13 8 1 4 3 1 3 4 ]

Let us write A = LU , where L = [ l 11 0 0 l 21 l 22 0 l 31 l 32 l 33 ] , U = [ 1 u12 u13 01 u23 0 0 1 ]

Now [ l11 0 0 l21 l22 0 l31 l32 l33 ] [ 1 u12 u13 01 u23 0 0 1 ] = [ 13 8 1 4 3 1 3 4 ]

[ l11 l11 u 12 l11 u13 l21 l21 u 12+l22 l21 u13 +l22 u23 l31 l31 u12+ l32 l31 u13+ l32 u23+ l33] =
[ 13 8 1 4 3 1 3 4 ]
Comparing corresponding elements , we get

l 11 = 1 ; l 21 = 1 ; l 31 = 1

l 11 u12 = 3 ; l 21 u12 +l 22 = 4 ; l 31 u12 +l 32 = 3

l 11 u13 = 8 ; l 21 u13 +l 22 u23 = 3 ; l 31 u13 +l 32 u23 +l 33 = 4

Solving these , we get

l 11 = l 21 = l 31 =1,

u12 = 3 ,u13 = 8 ,

l 22 = 1 , l 32 = 0 ,

u23 = -5 , l 33 = -4

Thus we have L = [ 1 0 01 1 0 10−4 ] , U = [ 13 8 0 1−50 0 1 ]

18. Find the first iterative values x,y ,z of following system by using Gauss-sidle method

8x-3y+2z=20 ; 4x+11y-z=33 ; 6x+3y+12z=36.

Sol. Given system of equations

8x-3y+2z=20 ;
4x+11y-z=33 ;


These equations can be written as

X = ( 20 + 3y - 2z)

Y= ( 33- 4x + z )

Z= ( 36 – 6x -3y )

We start iteration by taking y=0,z=0 in equation (1) to get

(1) 1
x = (20) =2.5

(1 ) 1
y = (33-10) = 2.1

(1) 1
z = (36-15-6.3) = 1.2

19. Find the first approximation of the root of the equation X −COSX=0by Bisection method that
lies between 0 and 1.

Sol. Given equation X −COSX=0

Here we have to find the root lies between 0 and 1.

In Bisection method, The first approximation x 1 = =0.5

20. Find the first approximation of the root of the equation X 4− X−10=0by Regula-Falsi method
that lies between 1.8 and 2.

Sol. Given equation X 4− X−10=0

Since f ( 1.8 ) = 1.84 −1.8−10=−1.3 ¿ 0

f ( 2 ) = 24 −2−10=4 ¿ 0 we have from Regula-Falsi method , the first
1.8 f ( 2 )−2 f (1.8) 1.8 ( 4 )−2(−1.3)
approximation x1 = = = 1.849
f ( 2 )−f (1.8) 4−(−1.3)


1. Write the . Relation between thOperators.

Sol : the . Relation between the Operators :

1 −1

(i) ∆ = E-1 (ii) ∇ = 1-E-1

2 2
(iii) = E -E

( )
1 −1
μ E 2
+E 2
∆ ∇ ∇ 1

(iv) (v) =E = E= E (vi) E=EhD

2. Write Newton’s forward formula.

Sol : Newton’s Interpolation formulae :- let the function y=f(x) take the values y 0,y1,y2 . . . . . .
Corresponding to the values x0, x0+h, x0+2h . . . . . . of x. To evaluate f(x) for x=x 0 + ph, where p is any
real number, the following two formulas are found useful.

Newton’s forward interpolation formula :

p ( p−1) + p ( p−1 )( p−2)

∆ ∆2 ∆3
Yx = y0 + p y0 + 2! y0 3! y0+ . . . . . . . . .

x−x 0
Where p = h

3. Write Newton’s backward formula.

Sol :Newton’s Interpolation formulae :- let the function y=f(x) take the values y0,y1,y2 . . . . . .
corresponding to the values x0, x0+h, x0+2h . . . . . . of x. To evaluate f(x) for x=x 0 + ph, where p is any
real number, the following two formulas are found useful.

Newton’s backward interpolation formula :

p ( p +1) p ( p +1)( p+2 )

∇ ∇2 ∇3
Yx = yn+ p yn+ 2! yn+ 3! yn+ . . . . . . . .

x−x n
Where p= h

Note : (1) Newton’s forward formula is used for interpolating the values of y near the beginning of a
set of tabulated value and also for extrapolating values of y a little backward (i,e, to the left) of y 0

(ii) New ton’s back ward formula is used for interpolating the values of y near the end of set of
tabulated value and also for extrapolating values of y a little ahead (to the right)of yn
4. Write Lagrange’s formula.

Sol:Lagrange’s formula for unequal intervals : if y=f(x) takes the values y0,y1 . . . . . . yn
corresponding to x=x0 , x1 . . . . . xn then

( x−x 1 )( x−x 2 ). . .( x−x n ) (x− x0 )( x−x 2 ).. .( x−x n )

y0+ y 1 +. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .
f(x) = ( x 0 −x1 )( x 0 −x 2 ). ..( x 0 −x n ) ( x 1 −x 0 )( x1 −x 2 ). ..( x 1 −x n )

( x−x 0 )( x−x 1 ). . .( x−x n−1 )

. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . ..+ yn
( x n −x 0 )( x n−x 1 ). . ..( x n −x n−1 )

this is known as Lagrange’s interpolation formula for unequal intervals .

5 Write Gauss forward formula.

Sol: Gauss Forward Interpolation Formula:

P ( P−1) 2 ( P+1)(P−1) 3 ( P+1) P(P−1)(P−2) 4

y(x) =y0 +PΔy0 + Δ y-1+ Δ y-1+ + Δ y-2 + ………………
2 3 4

The value p is measured forwardly from the origin and 0<p<1.

6 Write Gauss back ward formula.


P ( P+1) 2 ( P+1)(P−1)P 3 ( P+1) P(P−1)(P+2) 4

Y(x) =y0 +PΔy-1 + Δ y-1+ Δ y-2+ + Δ y-2 + ………..
2 3 4

The value p is measured forwardly from the origin and1¿ P<0 .

7 Write sterling’s interpolation formula.

Sol: The sterling’s interpolation formula

2 2
1 p p ( p −1) 1 3
Yp = y0+ ( ∆ y 0+ ∆ y−1 )+ ( ∆2 y−1 )+ ( ∆ y −1+ ∆ y−2 )+………….
2 2! 3! 2

This is used when p lies between 4

8 Write Bessel’s interpolation formula

Sol: The Bessel’s interpolation formula

Yp = y0+P∆ y 0+
P(P−1) 1 2
2! 2
( ∆ y−1 +∆ y 0 )+
p− P(P−1)
( ∆ y −1 )
( p+ 1 ) P ( p−1 ) ( p−2) ( ∆ 2+∆ y−1 ) +………….
4 4
4! 2

This is used when p lies between 4

9 Find the Forward difference table for the following data.

x 0 1 2 3 4

y 3 6 11 18 27

Sol : the Forward difference table as follows

2 3 4
x y ∆y ∆ y ∆ y ∆ y

0 3

1 6 2

5 0

2 11 2 0

7 0

3 18 2

4 27
10 Find the backward difference table for the following data
x 0 1 2 3 4

F(x) 1 14 15 5 6

So. The backward difference table as follows

x Y ∇y ∇2 ∇3 ∇4
y y y

0 1


1 14 -12

1 1

2 15 -11 21

-10 22

3 5 -11

4 6

11 Find the central forward difference table for the following data

x 10 20 30 40 50

y 1.1 2 4.4 7.9 11.2

x Y δy δy 2 δy 3 δy 4

10 1.1


20 2.0 1.5

2.4 -0.4

30 4.4 1.1 -0.7

3.5 -1.3

40 7.9 -0.2

50 11.2

Sol : The central forward difference table as follows

12 Find the central backward difference table for the following data

x 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

24.145 22.043 20.225 18.644 17.262

sol. . The central backward difference table as follows

x Y δy δy 2 δy 3 δy 4

2.5 24.145


3.0 22.043 0.284

-1.818 -0.047

3.5 20.225 0.237 0.009

-1.581 -0.038

4.0 18.644 0.199


4.5 17.262
13. Find Δ(log x)

Sol : Δ(f( x) = f(x+h)-f(x)

f (x +h)
Δ(log x)= logf(x+h)-logf(x) = log( )
f (x )

f ( x+ h )−f ( x )+ f (x )
= log( )
f (x )

Δ(f( x) =log(1+¿ ¿)

14 Find Δ tan-1(x)

Sol : Δ(f( x) = f(x+h)-f(x)

Δ tan-1(x) = tan-1(x+h)- tan-1(x)

x+ h−x
=tan-1( )
1+ x(x + h)

Δtan-1(x)= tan-1( )
1+ x(x + h)

15 FindΔ[x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)]

Sol: Δ(f( x) = f(x+h)-f(x)


Δ[x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)] =[ ( x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4)-x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)]

= (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)[x+4-x]

= 4(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)


−f ( x)
16 If the interval of defference is unit prove that Δf(x) = .
f ( x ) f ( x +h)

1 1
Sol: By the definition Δf(x) = −
f (x +h) f ( x)

−[f ( x +h ) −f ( x ) ]
f ( x ) f (x+ h)

−[f ( x ) ]
f ( x ) f ( x +h)
−[f ( x ) ]
Δf(x) =
f ( x ) f ( x +h)

17 Find Δ[f(x)g(x)]

Sol: By the definition Δf(x)= f(x+h)-f(x)

Δ[f(x)g(x)]= [f(x+h)g(x+h)- f(x)g(x)]

=[f(x+h)g(x+h)- f(x+h) g(x )+ f(x+h) g(x )+ f(x)g(x)]

=[ f(x+h) [g(x+h)- g(x )]+ g(x ) [f(x+h)- f(x)]

= f(x+h) Δg(x)+ g(x) Δf(x)

Δ[f(x)g(x)]= f(x+h) Δg(x)+ g(x) Δf(x)

f ( x)
18 Find Δ[ ¿]
g (x) ¿

Sol: By the definition Δf(x)= f(x+h)-f(x)

f ( x) f ( x+ h) f (x )
Δ[ ¿] = [ ¿− ¿]
g (x) ¿ g (x+ h)¿ g(x )¿

f ( x+ h ) g ( x )−g ( x +h ) f ( x)
g (x)g ( x+ h)

= [ f ( x +h ) g ( x )−f ( x) g(x)¿+ f (x )g(x )−g ( x+ h ) f (x ) g(x )g( x+ h)

g ( x ) [ f ( x +h )−f ( x ) ]−f (x )[g (x+ h)−g ( x ) ]

g (x) g (x +h)

g ( x ) [ f ( x ) ]−f (x )[g (x)]

=[ ]
g(x ) g(x +h)

f ( x) g ( x ) [ f ( x ) ]−f (x )g (x)
Δ[ ¿] = = [ ]
g (x) ¿ g (x) g( x +h)

19. show that Δ10[(1-x)(1-2x2)(1-3x2)(1-4 x2)]=24x210x10! ifh=2

Sol: Δ10[(1-x)(1-2x2)(1-3x2)(1-4 x2)]

=Δ10[(-1)(-2)(-3)(-4) x10+terms congaing power of x less than 10 ]

= 24Δ10[ x10]

since Δnf( x) = n!hn

Δ10[(1-x)(1-2x2)(1-3x2)(1-4 x2)] =24 10!210

20. find ∆ ¿ )

Sol: by the definition Δf(x)= f(x+h)-f(x)

∆ ¿ ) = ¿) -¿)

=e ax +b )e a h ¿ ¿-¿)

=e ax +b (e a h−1 ¿


1. What is the use of method of least squares? (DEC 2016)

Sol. It is a statistical method, used to determine a line of best fit by minimizing the sum of
squares created by a mathematical function.
2. What are the normal equations to fit a straight line y = a + bx.
Sol. Σ y = na + b Σ x, Σ xy = a Σ x + b Σ x2
3. What are the normal equations to fit a parabola y=a+bx +cx 2
∑ y=na+b ∑ x +c ∑ x 2
∑ xy=a ∑ x +b ∑ x 2+c ∑ x 3
∑ x 2 y =a ∑ x 2+b ∑ x 3+c ∑ x 4
4. Reduce y=ax 2 +bx in to linear form.
Y= , X=x
Sol. Y =aX +b Where x
5. If x , then the first normal equation to fit the curve is ∑ xy=
Sol. ∑ xy=a x +nb ∑ 2

6. Write the normal equations to the exponential curve. (JUNE 2017)

Sol. Consider, y¿ ae bx
Take log on both sides log y¿ ae bx
logy=log a+ bx log e
logy=log a+ bx
Let log y=Y , loga=A, then the above reduces to Y=A+bx
By the principle of least square method, we get

∑ Y =nA +b ∑ x
∑ xY = A ∑ x+b ∑ x
On solving above normal equations, we get A and b
a=antilog (A)
Substitute a and b values in y¿ ae bx , we get required exponential curve.
7. Define Numerical differentiation.
Sol. Numerical differentiation is the process of calculating the derivatives of a
given function by means of a table given values of that function.
8. Write the forward difference formula to compute first derivatives?

() (
1 1 1 1
= Δy0 − Δ2 y 0 + Δ3 y 0 − Δ4 y 0 +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
x=x0 h 2 3 4 )
9. Write the forward difference formula to compute second derivatives?

Sol. x=x0
( ) (
d2 y
dx 2
1 2
3 11 4 5 5
Δ y 0−Δ y 0 + Δ y 0 − Δ y 0 +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
6 6 )
10. Write backward difference formula to compute first derivatives?

( dydx )
x= xn
h ( 1 2 1 3 1 4
∇ y n + ∇ y n + ∇ y n + ∇ y n +−−−−−−−−−−
2 3 4 )
11. Write backward difference formula to compute second derivatives?

( )
d2 y
dx 2
x= xn
h 2 ( 11
∇ 2 y n +∇ 3 y n + ∇ 4 y n + ∇ 5 y n +−−−−−−−−−−
6 )
12. Define Numerical Integration.
Sol. The term numerical integration is the numerical evaluation of a definite integral.
13. State Trapezoidal rule? (JUNE 2017)

∫ f ( x ) dx= h2 ( ( y 0 + y n )+2( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 +−−−−−−+ y n−1 )

∫ 2
14. 0 1+x by using Trapezoidal rule.
x 0 =0 , x n=6 , n=6 and h= =1
Sol. From the given data, we have 6

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0588 0.0385 0.027

1+ x 2

∫ f ( x )dx = h2 (( y 0+ y n )+2( y 1+ y 2+ y 3+−−−−−−+ y n−1) )


∫ 11+ x 2 dx=12 ((1+0 . 027 )+ 2(0. 5+0 . 2+0 .1+ 0. 0588+ 0. 0385 ) )=1 . 4108
15. What is formula for Simpson’s 3 rule?

∫ f ( x ) dx= h3 ( ( y 0 + y n )+4 ( y 1 + y 3 + y 5 +−−−+ y n−1 ) +2( y 2 + y 4 + y 6+−−−+ y n−2 )

1 1
∫ 2
16. 0 1+x by using Simpson’s 3 rule. (DEC 2015)

x =0 , x n=6 , n=6 and h= 6 =1
Sol. From the given data, we have 0

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.0588 0.0385 0.027

1+ x 2

By using Simpson’s 3 rule,
∫ f ( x ) dx =
( ( y 0 + y n )+ 4 ( y 1 + y 3 + y 5 +−−−+ y n−1 ) +2( y 2 + y 4 + y 6 +−−−+ y n−2 ))

∫ 11+ x 2 dx=13 (( 1+0 . 027 )+ 4 ( 0 .5+ 0. 1+0 . 0385 ) +2( 0 . 2+ 0 .0588 ))=1. 3662
17. Write about Simpson’s 8 rule. (DEC 2016)

∫ f ( x ) dx= 38h ( ( y 0 + y n )+ 3( y 1 + y 2 + y 4+−−−+ y n−1 ) +2( y 3 + y 6 + y 9 +−−−+ y n−3 )

x 3
∫ 2+x dx
18. 0 by using Simpson’s 8 rule. (DEC 2015)
x =0 , x n=3 , n=6 and h= 6 =0 . 5
Sol. From the given data, we have 0

x 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

x 0 0.2 0.333 0.4286 0.5 0.5556 0.6

2+ x
By using Simpson’s 8 rule,

∫ f ( x ) dx=38 h ( ( y 0 + y n )+ 3( y 1 + y 2 + y 4+−−−+ y n−1 ) +2( y 3 + y 6 + y 9 +−−−+ y n−3 )

x 3 ( 0 .5 )
∫ 2+ x
(( 0+0 . 6 )+ 2( 0 . 4286 )+3 ( 0 .2+0 . 333+0 . 5+0 .5556 ) )=1 . 1670

1 3
∫ 1+x dx
19. 0 by using Simpson’s 8 rule.
x =0 , x n=6 , n=6 and h= 6 =1
Sol. From the given data, we have 0

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 0.5 0.3333 0.25 0.2 0.1666 0.1428

1+ x

By using Simpson’s 8 rule,

∫ f ( x ) dx=38 h ( ( y 0 + y n )+ 3( y 1 + y 2 + y 4+−−−+ y n−1 ) +2( y 3 + y 6 + y 9 +−−−+ y n−3 )

3 ( 1)
∫ 11+ x dx= 8 (( 1+0 . 1428)+2( 0 . 25)+3 ( 0 .5+0 . 3333+0 . 2+ 0 .1666 ) )=1 . 9659

1 3
20. What are the restrictions to apply Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 3 rule and Simpson’s 8 rule.

Sol. While there is no restriction for the number of sub intervals in Trapezoidal rule, the number of
1 3
sub intervals in case of Simpson’s 3 rule must be even, for Simpson’s 8 rule must be multiple of 3.


1. Write the formula for Taylor’s series method. (DEC 2016)

2 3
( x−x 0 ) ( x−x 0 ) ( x−x 0 )
y ( x )= y ( x0 )+ y ' ( x 0 )+ y ''( x 0 )+ y '''( x 0 )+−−−−−−−−
Sol. 1! 2! 3!
=x+ y , y (0 )=1 .
2. Using Taylor’s series method , solve the equation dx (DEC 2015)
Sol. Given y =x+ y , x 0 =0 , y 0 =1
Taylor’s series expansion of y(x)
( x−x 0 ) ( x−x 0 )2 ( x−x 0 )3
y ( x )= y ( x0 )+ y ' ( x 0 )+ y ''( x 0 )+ y '''( x 0 )+−−−−−−−− (1)
1! 2! 3!
x 0 =0 in equation (1)
( x−0) ( x−0 )2 ( x−0 )3
y ( x )= y (0)+ y '( 0)+ y ''(0 )+ y '''(0 )+−−−−−−−− (2)
1! 2! 3!
y 11 =1+ y 1 ; y 111 = y 11
⇒ y ' (0)=x 0 + y 0 =0+1=1 , y ''(0 )=1+ y 10 =1+1=2 , y '''(0)=2
Substitute all these values in equation (2), we obtain
y ( x )=1+x +x 2 + +−−−−−−−
=−xy , y ( 0)=1 .
3. Using Taylor’s series method , solve the equation dx (DEC 2014)
Sol. Given y =−xy , x 0 =0 , y 0 =1
( x−x 0 ) ( x−x 0 )2 ( x−x 0 )3
y ( x )= y ( x0 )+ y ' ( x 0 )+ y ''( x 0 )+ y '''( x 0 )+−−−−−−−− (1)
1! 2! 3!
x 0 =0 in equation (1)
( x−0) ( x−0 )2 ( x−0 )3
y ( x )= y (0)+ y '( 0)+ y ''(0 )+ y '''(0 )+−−−−−−−− (2)
1! 2! 3!
y 1 =−xy ⇒ y 1 (0 )=0
y 11=−( xy 1 + y ) ⇒ y 11(0 )=−1
y 111=−( xy 11 +2 y 1 )⇒ y 111(0)=0
Substitute all these values in equation (2), we obtain
y ( x )=1− +−−−−−−−
= yCosx , y (0 )=1 .
4. Using Taylor’s series method , solve the equation dx (DEC 2015)
Sol. Given y = yCosx , x 0 =0 , y 0 =1
( x−x 0 ) ( x−x 0 )2 ( x−x 0 )3
y ( x )= y ( x0 )+ y ' ( x 0 )+ y ''( x 0 )+ y '''( x 0 )+−−−−−−−− (1)
1! 2! 3!
x 0 =0 in equation (1)
( x−0) ( x−0 )2 ( x−0 )3
y ( x )= y (0)+ y '( 0)+ y ''(0 )+ y '''(0 )+−−−−−−−− (2)
1! 2! 3!
y 1 = yCosx ⇒ y 1 (0 )=1
y 11=− ySinx+ y 1 Cosx ⇒ y 11(0 )=1
y 111(0 )=1
Substitute all these values in equation (2), we obtain
x 2 x3
y ( x )=1+x + + −−−−−−−
2! 3!
5. What is the merits and demerits of Taylor’s series method?
Sol. 1. It is very powerful if one can calculate the derivatives of y easily
2. But if the function f (x, y) is complicated and finding the derivatives are difficult, then
the evaluation becomes very tedious.

6. State Picard’s method of successive approximation. (JUNE 2017)


y n = y 0 +∫ f ( x , y n−1 )dx , n=1 ,2 , 3 ,−−−−

7.What is the disadvantage of Picard’s method.
Sol. That it can be applied to those equations only in which successivge integartion can be performed

8. If , at , using Picard’s method find the first approximation.

y 1 = y 0 +∫ f ( x , y 0 ) dx
Sol. By Picard’s method, the first approximation is
Given f ( x , y )=x+ y , x 0 =1 , y 0 =1 then
y 1 =1+∫ ( x +1)dx=1+ x +
0 2
dy x
= 2
9. If dx 1+ y , y (0 )=0 using Picard’s method find the first approximation.
y 1 = y 0 +∫ f ( x , y 0 )dx
Sol. By Picard’s method, the first approximation is
f ( x , y )= , x 0=0 , y 0=0
Given 1+ y 2 then
y 1 =0+∫ x 2 dx=
0 3
dy y−x
10. If dx y+ x , y (0 )=1 using Picard’s method find the first approximation.

y 1 = y 0 +∫ f ( x , y 0 )dx
Sol. By Picard’s method, the first approximation is
y −x
f ( x , y )= , x =0 , y 0 =1
Given y+ x 0 then
x x
y 1 =1+∫
0 1+x
dx= 1+∫ −1+
1+x ( )
dx= 1−x +2 log(1+x )

11. Write the formula for Euler’s method.

Sol. y n = y n−1 +hf ( x n−1 , y n−1 ) (this is also called as first order R-K method)
12. Given y =log( x + y ), y (0 )=2 , h=0 . 2 find y(0 . 2) by using Euler’s method. (JUNE 2014)
Sol. Given f ( x , y )=log( x + y ), h=0. 2 , x0 =0 , y 0 =2
By Euler’s method, we have
y 1 = y (0 .2 )= y 0 +hf ( x 0 , y 0 )
y 1 = y (0 .2 )=2+0 . 2 log(0+2 )=2+0 . 2 log2=2. 0602
13. What is the merits and demerits of R-K method?
Sol. The principal advantage of R-K method is the self starting feature and consequently the ease of
programming. One disadvantage of R-K method is the requriment that the function f(x,y) must be
evaluated for sevaral slightly different values of x and y in every step of the function. This repeated
determination of f(x,y) may result in a less efficient method with respect to computing time than other
methods of comparable accuracy in which previously determined values of the dependent variable are
used in sub sequent steps .
14. Write the formula for second order R-K method.
y 1= y 0+ ( k 1+ k 2 )
Sol. 2
Where k 1=hf (x 0 , y 0 )
k 2=hf ( x0 +h , y 0 + k 1 )
15. Write the formula for third order R-K method.
y 1 = y 0 + (k 1 +4 k 2 + k 3 )
Sol. 6
Where k 1=hf (x 0 , y 0 )
h k
k 2=hf ( x0 + , y 0 + 1 )
2 2
k 3=hf ( x 0 +h , y 0 + 2 k 2−k 1 )
16. Write the formula for fourth order R-K method. (DEC 2014, JUNE 2015)
y 1 = y 0 + ( k 1 +2 k 2 +2 k 3 +k 4 )
Sol. 6
Where k 1=hf (x 0 , y 0 )
h k
k 2=hf ( x0 + , y 0 + 1 )
2 2
h k
k 3=hf ( x 0 + , y 0 + 2 )
2 2
k 4 =hf ( x 0 +h , y 0 +k 3 )
17. Apply Runge-Kutta fouth order method, to find an value of y when x=0.2. Given that
=x+ y , y (0 )=1 .
dx (DEC 2016)

Sol. Here x 0 =0 , y 0 =1, h=0 . 2, f ( x 0 , y 0 )=1

k 1=hf (x 0 , y 0 )=0 .2×1=0 . 2

h k
k 2=hf ( x0 + , y 0 + 1 )=0 . 2×f (0 .1 , 1 .1 )=0 . 2400
2 2
h k
k 3=hf ( x 0 + , y 0 + 2 )=0. 2×f (0 . 1 , 1 .12 )=0 . 2440
2 2
k 4 =hf ( x 0 +h , y 0 +k 3 )=0 .2×f (0. 2 , 1. 244 )=0 . 2888
y 1 = y 0 + (k 1 +2 k 2 +2 k 3 +k 4 )=1 . 2428

18. What is the best method for solving initial value problems and write its formula.

Sol. Runge-Kutta method of order four is the best method for solving initial value problems.

y 1 = y 0 + ( k 1 +2 k 2 +2 k 3 +k 4 )
Where k 1=hf (x 0 , y 0 )
h k
k 2=hf ( x0 + , y 0 + 1 )
2 2
h k
k 3=hf ( x 0 + , y 0 + 2 )
2 2
k 4 =hf ( x 0 + h , y 0 +k 3 )
19. What are advantages of Finite Difference Method? (DEC 2016)

Sol. Finite-difference methods (FDM) are numerical methods for solving differential equations by
approximating them with difference equations, in which finite differences approximate the derivatives.
FDMs are thus discretization methods.
Today, FDMs are the dominant approach to numerical solutions of partial differential equations.
20. Give Standard five point formula and diagonal five point formula. (JUNE 2017)

Sol. Standard five point formula is

ui , j = (ui−1 , j +ui+1 , j +ui, j+1 +ui, j−1 )

Diagonal five point formula is

ui , j = (ui−1 , j+1 +ui+1 , j−1 +u i+1 , j+1 +ui−1 , j−1 )

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