WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
WAQTC FOP for AASHTO T 265 has been adopted by WSDOT with the following changes:
Sample Preparation
TABLE 1 Sample Sizes for Moisture Content of Aggregate – Shall conform to the following
nominal maximum size definition and include the note below.
*For Aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the largest standard sieve opening listed
in the applicable specification upon which more than 1-percent of the material by weight
is permitted to be retained. For concrete aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the
smallest standard sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is permitted
to pass.
Note: For an aggregate specification having a generally unrestrictive gradation (i.e., wide
range of permissible upper sizes), where the source consistently fully passes a screen
substantially smaller than the maximum specified size, the nominal maximum size, for the
purpose of defining sampling and test specimen size requirements may be adjusted to the
screen, found by experience to retain no more than 5 percent of the materials.
This procedure covers the determination of moisture content of aggregate and soil in
accordance with AASHTO T 255-22 and AASHTO T 265-22. It may also be used for other
construction materials.
Moisture content is determined by comparing the wet mass of a sample and the mass of the
sample after drying to constant mass. The term constant mass is used to define when a
sample is dry.
Constant mass – the state at which a mass does not change more than a given percent, after
additional drying for a defined time interval, at a required temperature.
Balance or scale: capacity sufficient for the principal sample mass, accurate to
0.1 percent of sample mass or readable to 0.1 g, and meeting the requirements of
Containers, clean, dry, and capable of being sealed
Suitable drying containers
Microwave safe container with ventilated lid
Heat source, thermostatically controlled, capable of maintaining 110 ± 5°C (230 ± 9°F).
Forced draft oven (preferred)
Ventilated oven
Convection oven
Heat source, uncontrolled, for use when allowed by the agency, will not alter the material
being dried, and close control of the temperature is not required:
Infrared heater/heat lamp, hot plate, fry pan, or any other device/method allowed by
the agency .
Microwave oven (900 watts minimum)
Utensils such as spoons
Hot pads or gloves
Sample Preparation
Obtain a representative sample according to the FOP for AASHTO R 90 in its existing
condition. If necessary, reduce the sample to moisture content sample size according to the
FOP for AASHTO R 76.
For aggregate, the moisture content sample size is based on Table 1 or other information that
may be specified by the agency.
Sample Sizes for Moisture Content of Aggregate
Nominal Minimum Sample
Maximum Size* Mass
mm (in.) g (lb)
150 (6) 50,000 (110)
100 (4) 25,000 (55)
90 (3 1/2) 16,000 (35)
75 (3) 13,000 (29)
63 (2 1/2) 10,000 (22)
50 (2) 8000 (18)
37.5 (1 1/2) 6000 (13)
25.0 (1) 4000 (9)
19.0 (3/4) 3000 (7)
12.5 (1/2) 2000 (4)
9.5 (3/8) 1500 (3.3)
4.75 (No. 4) 500 (1.1)
* One sieve larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10 percent of the material using an agency
specified set of sieves based on cumulative percent retained. Where large gaps in specification sieves exist,
intermediate sieve(s) may be inserted to determine nominal maximum.
For soils the moisture content sample size is based on Table 2 or other information that may
be specified by the agency.
Sample Sizes for Moisture Content of Soil
Maximum Particle Minimum Sample Mass
Size g
mm (in.)
50 (2) 1000
25.0 (1) 500
12.5 (1/2) 300
4.75 (No. 4) 100
0.425 (No. 40) 10
Immediately seal or cover moisture content samples to prevent any change in moisture
content or follow the steps in “Procedure.”
Determine and record the sample mass as follows:
For aggregate, determine and record all masses to the nearest 0.1 percent of the
sample mass or to the nearest 0.1 g.
For soil, determine and record all masses to the nearest 0.1 g.
When determining the mass of hot samples or containers or both, place and tare a buffer
between the sample container and the balance. This will eliminate damage to or interference
with the operation of the balance or scale.
1. Determine and record the mass of the container (and lid for microwave drying).
2. Place the wet sample in the container.
3. Determine and record the total mass of the container and wet sample.
a. For oven(s), hot plates, infrared heaters, etc.: Spread the sample in the container.
b. For microwave oven: Heap sample in the container; cover with ventilated lid.
4. Determine and record the wet mass of the sample (MW) by subtracting the container mass
determined in Step 1 from the mass of the container and sample determined in Step 3.
5. Place the sample in one of the following drying apparatuses:
a. For aggregate –
i. Controlled heat source (oven): at 110 ±5°C (230 ±9°F).
ii. Uncontrolled heat source (Hot plate, infrared heater, or other heat source as
allowed by the agency): Stir frequently to avoid localized overheating.
b. For soil – controlled heat source (oven): at 110 ±5°C (230 ±9°F).
Note 1: Soils containing gypsum or significant amounts of organic material require special drying. For
reliable moisture contents dry these soils at 60°C (140°F). For more information see AASHTO T 265,
Note 2.
6. Dry until sample appears moisture free.
7. Determine mass of sample and container.
8. Determine and record the mass of the sample by subtracting the container mass
determined in Step 1 from the mass of the container and sample determined in Step 7.
9. Return sample and container to the heat source for additional drying.
a. For aggregate –
i. Controlled heat source (oven): 30 minutes
ii. Uncontrolled heat source (Hot plate, infrared heater, or other heat source as
allowed by the agency): 10 minutes
iii. Uncontrolled heat source (Microwave oven): 2 minutes
Caution: Some minerals in the sample may cause the aggregate to overheat, crack, and
explode; altering the aggregate gradation.
b. For soil – controlled heat source (oven): 1 hour
10. Determine mass of sample and container.
11. Determine and record the mass of the sample by subtracting the container mass
determined in Step 1 from the mass of the container and sample determined in
Step 10.
12. Determine percent change by subtracting the new mass determination (Mn) from the
previous mass determination (Mp) divide by the previous mass determination (Mp)
multiply by 100.
13. Continue drying, performing steps 9 through 12, until there is less than a 0.10 percent
change after additional drying time.
14. Constant mass has been achieved; sample is defined as dry.
15. Allow the sample to cool. Immediately determine and record the total mass of the
container and dry sample.
16. Determine and record the dry mass of the sample (MD) by subtracting the mass of the
container determined in Step 1 from the mass of the container and sample determined in
Step 15.
17. Determine and record percent moisture (w) by subtracting the final dry mass
determination (MD) from the initial wet mass determination (MW) divide by the final dry
mass determination (MD) multiply by 100.
Table 3
Methods of Drying
Drying intervals to
Heat Source Specific Instructions achieve constant
mass (minutes)
Forced draft (preferred), ventilated, or 110 ±5°C (230 ±9°F) 30
convection oven
Hot plate, infrared heater, or any other
Stir frequently 10
device/method allowed by the agency
Heap sample and cover
Microwave 2
with ventilated lid
Drying increments
Heat Source Specific Instructions
Forced draft (preferred), ventilated, or 110 ±5°C (230 ±9°F) 1 hour
convection oven
Constant Mass
Calculate constant mass using the following formula:
𝑀𝑀� � 𝑀𝑀�
% ����𝑔𝑔� � � 100
Mp = previous mass measurement
Mn = new mass measurement
Mass of container: 1232.1 g
Mass of container and sample after first drying cycle: 2637.2 g
Mass, Mp, of possibly dry sample: 2637.2 g - 1232.1 g = 1405.1 g
Mass of container and sample after second drying cycle: 2634.1 g
Mass, Mn, of sample: 2634.1 g - 1232.1 g = 1402.0 g
1405.1 𝑔𝑔 � 1402.0 𝑔𝑔
% ����𝑔𝑔� � � 100 � 0.22%
1405.1 𝑔𝑔
1402.0 𝑔𝑔 � 1400.9 𝑔𝑔
% ����𝑔𝑔� � � 100 � 0.08%
1402.0 𝑔𝑔
0.08 percent is less than 0.10 percent, so constant mass has been reached.
Moisture Content:
Calculate the moisture content, as a percent, using the following formula:
�� � 100
w = moisture content, percent
MW = wet mass
MD = dry mass
Mass of container: 1232.1 g
Mass of container and wet sample: 2764.7 g
Mass, MW, of wet sample: 2764.7 g - 1232.1 g = 1532.6 g
Mass of container and dry sample (COOLED): 2633.5 g
Mass, MD, of dry sample: 2633.5 g - 1232.1 g = 1401.4 g
On forms approved by the agency
Sample ID
MW, wet mass
MD, dry mass
w, moisture content to the nearest 0.1 percent
Record the symbols “P” for passing or “F” for failing on each step of the checklist.