Easa Ad NL-1993-168 1
Easa Ad NL-1993-168 1
Easa Ad NL-1993-168 1
of the Netherlands
Bijzondere Luchtwaardigheids Aanwijzing (BlA)
BlA nr 93-168 (AB)
Date December 17, 1993
In accordance with the Civil Air Navigation Regulations (RTL),
Articles 76 and 88, the following Airworthiness Diredive (BLA) B/E AEROSPACE
is issued by the Diredor-General of Civil Aviation of the INVENTUM Galley Products Division
Netherlands (Directeur-Generaal van de Riiksluchtvaartdienst
-RLD). Airworthiness Diredives affed aviation safety. They are Model DRl and DR6 series Water Heaters
regulations which require immediate attention. You are
cautioned that no person may operate an aircraft to which an
Airworthiness Directive applies, except in accordance with the
requirements of the Airworthiness Diredive.
The RlD has recently received a report of an exploded aircraft galley water
heater, Inventum Model DR6. The accident occurred during an overheat test in a
maintenance facility. Investigation has revealed that the subject water heater
was of an earlier type, which did not have a pressure relief valve and no
3-phase safety devices installed on the water tank. The RlD has reviewed and
approved Inventum Alert Service Bulletins (ASB) DR1/DR6-25-4 and DR1/DR6-25-5
that describe, respectively, the installation of a pressure relief valve and two
3-phase safety devices on each water heater.
Since an unsafe condition has been identified that is likely to exist or develop
on other water heaters of the same or a similar type design, this Airworthiness
Directive (BlA) is issued to prevent explosions of water heaters and subsequent
injuries to passengers or cabin crew members.
Inventum Model DR1 and DR6 series water heaters, part numbers and serial numbers
as listed in Inventum Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) DR1/DR6-25-4 Revision A and
ASB DR1/DR6-25-5 Revision A, both dated December 6, 1993, installed in, but not
limited to Boeing Model 727 and 737 series airplanes; McDonnell Douglas Model
DC-9 series airplanes; and Fokker Model F.28 series (except Mk.Ol00) airplanes,
all serial numbers.
Correspondence address
P.O. box 575, 2130 AN Hoofddorp, the Netherlands Telephone 31-(0)2503-63131
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(b) As of the effective date of this AD, no person shall install a Model DR1
or DR6 water heater, as listed in Inventum ASB DR1/DR6-25-4 Rev.A and ASB
DR1/DR6-25-5, both dated December 6, 1993, on any airplane, unless it has been
modified in accordance with the requirements of the referenced (A)SB's, as
Operators of the affected aircraft may obtain copies of the referenced service information upon request
directly from the manufacturer.
B/E Aerospace
Inventum Galley Products Division
(Royal Inventum Company)
P.D.Box 250
3430 AG Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
Telephone: 31-(0)3402-46252
Facsimile: 31-(0)3402-36949
- Compliance with this AD must be recorded in the proper Aircraft Log Book(s).