Sip Enrolment One Time Debit Mandate Form (Editable)

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New investors subscribing to the scheme through SIP must submit this Form alongwith Common Application Form
ARN & Name of Distributor Branch Code Sub-Broker ARN Code Sub-Broker Code EUIN* Reference No.
(only for SBG) (Employee Unique Identification Number)

Declaration for “execution-only” transaction (only where EUIN box is left blank) :* I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/
relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.

1st Applicant / Guardian / Authorised Signatory 2nd Applicant / Authorised Signatory 3rd Applicant / Authorised Signatory
Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor
In case the subscription amount is Rs. 10,000/- or more and if your Distributor has opted to receive Transaction Charges, Rs. 150/- (for first time mutual fund investor) or Rs. 100/- (for investor other than
first time mutual fund investor) will be deducted from the subscription amount and paid to the distributor. Units will be issued against the balance amount invested.
Folio No./Application No.

Name of 1st Applicant

SIP Cheque No/s :

1 2 3
Scheme Name

Plan Regular Direct Regular Direct Regular Direct

Option Growth IDCW Frequency Growth IDCW Frequency Growth IDCW Frequency
Income Distribution
Reinvest Payout Reinvest Payout Reinvest Payout
cum Capital Withdrawal
(IDCW) Facility
Each SIP
Instalment Amount (`)
SIP Frequency Monthly (Default) Quarterly Monthly (Default) Quarterly Monthly (Default) Quarterly
Daily Weekly Daily Weekly Daily Weekly
Half - Yearly Annual Half - Yearly Annual Half - Yearly Annual
SIP Date 1st 15th 30th (For February, 1st 15th 30th (For February, 1st 15th 30th (For February,
last business day) last business day) last business day)
(for Monthly, Quarterly, 5th 20 th
5th 20 th
5th 20 th

Half-Yearly & Annual) _________________ _________________ _________________

10th (Default) 25th (Any other date from 1st to 30th) 10th (Default) 25th (Any other date from 1 to 30 )
st th 10th (Default) 25th (Any other date from 1st to 30th)

(for Weekly Fixed Date Fixed dates (1,8,15,22) Fixed dates (1,8,15,22) Fixed dates (1,8,15,22)
or Day) Or Or Or
Any Day (Default) Any Day (Default) Any Day (Default)
______________________________ (Monday to Friday) ______________________________ (Monday to Friday) ______________________________ (Monday to Friday)
SIP Period From M M Y Y Y Y
From M M Y Y Y Y From M M Y Y Y Y
To To To

(Select any one)

(Select any one)

(Select any one)

OR 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs OR 3 yrs 5 yrs OR 3 yrs 5 yrs
10 yrs 10 yrs
15 yrs
30 yrs 15 yrs
20 yrs 20 yrs 30 yrs 15 yrs 20 yrs 30 yrs
Use Existing One Time Debit Mandate (if already registered in the Folio)
Bank Name Bank A/c No
TOP-UP SIP (Select anyone % or Amount)
1 2 3
Top-Up Percentage 5% 10% OR Other_________ 5% 10% OR Other_________ 5% 10% OR Other_________
(in multiples of 5% only)
Or Or Or Or
Top-Up Amount Rs.
(in multiples of Rs. 500 only) Amount Rs._____________________________ Amount Rs.___________________________ Amount Rs.__________________________
Top-Up Frequency Half - Yearly Annual Half - Yearly Annual Half - Yearly Annual
TOP-UP SIP CAP (Investor has to choose only one option)
Top-Up SIP CAPAmount `
(maximum SIP installment including
Top-Up amount)
Top-Up SIP CAP Month-Year M M Y Y Y Y M M Y Y Y Y M M Y Y Y Y

DECLARATION : I/We hereby declare that the particulars given in this mandate form are correct and express my/our willingness to make payments towards investment in the schemes of SBI Mutual
Fund. I/We hereby confirm and declare that the monies invested by me in the schemes of SBI Mutual Fund do not attract the provisions of Foreign Contribution Regulations Act (“FCRA”). I/We are
aware that SBI Mutual Fund and its service providers and bank are authorized to process transactions by debiting my/our bank account through Direct Debit / NACH facility. If the transaction is delayed
or not effected for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the user institution responsible. I/We will also inform SBI Mutual Fund/RTA about any changes in my/our bank
account. I/We confirm that the aggregate of the lump sum investment (fresh purchase & additional purchase) and SIP installments in rolling 12 months period or financial year i.e. April to March does
not exceed Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) (applicable for “Micro investments” only). The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other
mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. I/We have read, understood and agreed to
the terms and conditions and contents of the SID, SAI, KIM and Addendum issued from time to time of the respective Scheme(s) of SBI Mutual Fund. I/We hereby authorize the bank to honour such
payments for which I/We have signed and endorsed the Mandate Form.



Sponsor Bank Code Utility Code

CREATE  I/We, hereby authorize SBI Mutual Fund To debit (Please  ) SB / CA / CC / SB-NRE / SB-NRO / Other
Bank A/c No.

with Bank Bank Name IFSC OR MICR

an amount of Rupees `
FREQUENCY: Weekly Monthly Quarterly  As & when presented DEBIT TYPE : Fixed Amount  Maximum Amount
Folio No.: Moblie No.:

Appln No. : Email ID:

I Agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorizing to debit my account as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.
Signature of 1st Bank Account Holder Signature of 2nd Bank Account Holder Signature of 3rd Bank Account Holder
Name as in Bank records Name as in Bank records Name as in Bank records
This is to confirm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I/We are authorizing the User entity/Corporate to debit my account, based on the instruction as agreed and signed by me/us.
I/We have understood that I/ we are authorized to cancel/amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation / amendment request to the User entity /Corporate or the bank where I/We have authorized the debit.
INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL ONE TIME DEBIT 5. If none of the above options is selected by the investor, the SIP Top-up
will continue as per the SIP end date subject to the maximum amount
MANDATE (OTM) mentioned in OTM form.
1. Investors who have already submitted One Time Debit Mandate (OTM) 6. The AMC/Trustee reserves the right to terminate or modify the conditions
form or already registered for OTM facility should not submit OTM form of the Facility at its discretion.
again as OTM registration is a one-time process only for each bank Illustration for Top us SIP
account in the Folio. However, if such investors wish to add a new bank
Fixed amount Top-up SIP:
account towards OTM facility may submit the new OTM form.
2. Investors, who have not registered for OTM facility, may fill the OTM form SIP Tenure 01-Mar- 2017 to 1-Mar-2022
and submit duly signed with their name mentioned (as per bank records).
SIP Amount (Rs) 5000
3. Along with OTM, investors should enclose an original CANCELLED
cheque (or a copy) with name and account number pre-printed of the bank SIP Frequency Monthly
account to be registered failing which registration may not be accepted. Top-up Amount 1000
4. First applicant / unitholder must be one of the account holder in the bank Top-up Frequency Yearly
account. Investor’s cheque / bank account details are subject to third
party validation. SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top-up SIP Amount
5. Investors are deemed to have read and understood the terms and con- Date Amount Amount (Rs) post Top-up
ditions of Systematic Investment Plan mentioned in SID, SAI & KIM of (Rs) (Rs)
the respective Scheme(s) of SBI Mutual Fund. 01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
6. UMRN, Sponsor Bank Code and Utility Code are meant for Office use 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 1000 6000
only and need not be filled by investors. 01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 6000 1000 7000
7. Please mention OTM date and OTM “From date” in DDMMYYYY format. 01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 7000 1000 8000
8. For the convenience of the investors the frequency of the mandate men- 01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 8000 1000 9000
tioned as “As and When Presented”. In the above scenario, if the investor specifies an SIP Top-up cap amount of
9. From date & to date is mandatory. However, the maximum duration for Rs. 7000. The calculation would be as shown below:
enrollment is 30 years.
10. Please provide all the information / details in the OTM. SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top-up SIP Amount
Date: Amount Amount post Top-up
Mandatory information to be provided in One (Rs) (Rs)* (Rs)
Time Debit Mandate (OTM): 01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
1. Date of Mandate 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 1000 6000
2. Bank A/c Type 01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 6000 1000 7000
3. Bank A/c No. (please enclose CANCELLED cheque leaf) 01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 7000 N.A 7000
4. Bank Name 01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 7000 N.A 7000
5. IFSC and/or MICR Code
In the above scenario, if the investor specifies SIP Top-up Cap month and
6. Maximum Amount (Rupees and Words) Year as Dec 2019. The calculation would be as show below:
7. Mandate From date
8. Mandate To date SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top SIP Amount
9. Signature/s of account holders in bank records Date Amount Amount post Top-up
(Rs) (Rs)* (Rs)
10. Name/s of account holders as in bank records
01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
Instructions for Top-Up Sip 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 1000 6000
01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 6000 1000 7000
1. Investors can either opt for fixed amount SIP Top-up or percentage SIP
Top-Up option. In case investors selects both the options, percentage SIP 01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 7000 N.A. 7000
Top-Up would be made applicable. In case the investor selects multiple 01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 7000 N.A. 7000
% SIP Top-up options under percentage-based SIP Top-Up option, the Percentage Top-up SIP:
lower percentage would be considered.
2. The minimum SIP Top-up amount under fixed amount SIP Top-up is Rs. SIP Tenure 01-Mar- 2017 to 1-Mar-2022
500 and in multiples of Rs. 500. The minimum Top-up percentage would SIP Amount (Rs) 5000
be 5% of the SIP amount and in multiples of 5% thereof.
SIP Frequency Monthly
3. If the Top-up % is not in multiples of 5, it will be rounded down to nearest
Top-up Percentage 10%
multiple of 5. The Top-up amount would be rounded off to the nearest
Rs. 10. Top-up Frequency Yearly
4. Percentage SIP Top-up would be computed on the immediately preceding
SIP instalment value as on the SIP Top-Up trigger date. SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top-up SIP Amount
5. The Top-up details cannot be modified once enrolled. In order to make Date Amount Amount post Top-up
any changes, the investor must cancel the existing SIP and enrol for a (Rs) (Rs)* (Rs)
fresh SIP with Top-up option. 01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
6. In case of Monthly SIP, Half-yearly as well as Yearly frequency are avail- 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 500 5500
able for Top-up. If the investor does not specify the frequency, the default 01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 5500 550 6050
frequency for Top-up will be considered as Half-yearly.
01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 6050 610 6660
7. In case of Quarterly SIP, only the Yearly frequency is available for Top-up.
01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 6660 670 7330
8. Top up facility will not be applicable for SIP frequencies other than Monthly
& Quarterly. SIP Top-up facility will be allowed in all schemes in which * SIP Top-up amount is rounded off to nearest Rs. 10
SIP facility is being offered.
In the above scenario, if the investor specifies an SIP Top-up cap amount of
9. All other terms & conditions applicable for regular SIP will also be appli- Rs. 6500. The calculation would be as shown below:
cable to Top-up SIP.
10. The AMC/Trustee reserves the right to terminate or modify the conditions SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top-up SIP Amount
of the Facility at its discretion. Date: Amount Amount post Top-up
(Rs) (Rs)* (Rs)
Instructions for Top-up SIP Cap 01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
Under this option, post selecting SIP Top-up option, the investor can define the 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 500 5500
maximum SIP Top-up Cap, beyond which the SIP instalment will not increase
in future. The investor shall have the flexibility to choose either Top-up SIP 01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 5500 550 6050
Cap amount or Top-up SIP Cap Month-Year. In case of multiple selection, 01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 6050 610 6500
Top-up SIP Cap amount will be considered as default selection. 01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 6500 N.A 6500
Terms and conditions of Top-up SIP Cap facility are as follows:
* SIP Top-up amount is rounded off to nearest Rs. 10
1. Top-up SIP Cap Amount: Investor has an option to fix the Top-up SIP
amount i.e. maximum SIP instalment including Top-up amount. The In the above scenario, if the investor specifies SIP Top-up Cap month and
pre-defined amount should be equal to or lesser than the maximum Year as Dec 2019. The calculation would be as show below:
amount mentioned by the investor in One Time Mandate Form (OTM). The
instalment amount after Top-up shall not exceed the amount mentioned SIP From SIP To Date SIP SIP Top SIP Amount
in OTM at any given time. Date Amount Amount post Top-up
2. In case of difference between the Top-up SIP Cap amount & OTM Debit (Rs) (Rs)* (Rs)
Mandate, then amount which is lower of the two shall be considered as 01-Mar-17 01-Feb-18 5000 N.A. 5000
the Top-up SIP Cap amount. 01-Mar-18 01-Feb-19 5000 500 5500
3. If SIP amount (including SIP Top-up amount) reaches the Top-up Cap 01-Mar-19 01-Feb-20 5500 550 6050
before the end of SIP tenure, the SIP Top up will cease and SIP instalment
01-Mar-20 01-Feb-21 6050 N.A 6050
amount will remain constant for remaining SIP Tenure.
01-Mar-21 01-Feb-22 6050 N.A 6050
4. Top-up SIP Cap Month-Year: It is the month from which SIP Top-up amount
will cease and last SIP instalment including Top-up amount will remain * SIP Top-up amount is rounded off to nearest Rs. 10
constant till the end of SIP tenure.

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