An Investigation of Cash Management Practices and Their Effects On The Demand For Money
An Investigation of Cash Management Practices and Their Effects On The Demand For Money
An Investigation of Cash Management Practices and Their Effects On The Demand For Money
The use of Kleins rate involves some empirical issues
that make interpreting its effect difficult (see Carlson and
F r e w [ 6 ] ) . However, to the extent that one believes
that corporations earn a competitive rate on their de-
posits, omission of RD leads to specification bias. (For
more detail see Dotsey [9], especially footnotes 6 and 7.)
Since the emphasis of this article is to illustrate the
effects of cash management practices on the demand for
demand deposits, equation 2 is not discussed in detail.
For a full discussion see Dotsey [S].
Descriptions of these test statistics are quite technical
and are therefore omitted. The interested reader can
find a more detailed discussion in Dotsey [8] or can read
the referenced articles. An excellent summary can also
be found in Boughton [4]. Demand Deposits
Table II
costs in adopting new technology, it would be natural THE LOGARITHM OF ONE PERIOD AHEAD
to use both variables simultaneously. This was FORECAST ERRORS
attempted, but only LNP retained its significance,
perhaps because these variables only reflect general None T RATCHET LNP EFT
trends and are therefore only picking up an overall
tendency toward increasing cash management so- 1966 - .19 .04 - .15 .00 .05
phistication. Finally a regression including LNP, 1967 - .24 .04 - .13 .00 .11
RATCHET, and EFT was run with only EFT
retaining its significance. 1968 - .16 .16 .08 .18 .18
Second, all of the proxies decrease the instability 1969 - .15 .14 .16 .17 .23
of the regressions in the sense that the cusum of
1970 - .18 .15 .19 .17 .21
square statistic is lowered. However, only by using
EFT could a lack of stability be rejected using the 1971 - .14 .10 .06 .12 .17
Brown-Durbin-Evans test. Also, one could not reject
1972 - .25 .05 - .12 - .03 .07
stability of the regression with EFT under the pro-
cedure developed by Cooley and Prescott. However, 1973 - .17 .07 - .04 .10 .32
when the sample was divided in 1949, stability was
1974 - .26 - .02 - .08 .03 .20
rejected using a standard F-test. Given that EFT
only includes the number of wire transfers over the 1975 - .71 - .04 - .47 - .38 - .28
Federal Reserve wire system, and is therefore an
1976 - .94 - .62 - .72 - .53 - .26
imperfect measure of total wire transfers, the net
result of the stability tests is encouraging. 1977 - .63 - .48 - .70 - .36 .02
Third, an examination of one step ahead out of 1978 - .73 - .48 - .80 - .33 .05
sample forecast errors is depicted in Table III.
Again, all the proxies generally improve the forecasts, 1979 - .69 - .30 - .60 - .40 .41
with EFT performing the best. Using EFT resulted Avg.
in a reduction of the average absolute error of the Error - .38 - .12 - .24 - .07 .11
forecast by 52 percent and a reduction in the root
RMSE .29 .28 .35 .24 .19
mean square error by 34 percent.
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