Romer 5e Solutions Manual 12
Romer 5e Solutions Manual 12
Romer 5e Solutions Manual 12
Problem 12.1
(a) From mt – pt = c – b(Et [pt+1] – pt ), collecting the terms in pt yields
(1) pt (1 + b) = mt – c + bEt [pt+1],
and so pt is given by
b 1
(2) p t E t [p t 1 ] m t c .
1 b 1 b
(b) Equation (2) holds in all periods so that we can write pt+1 as
b 1
(3) p t 1 E t 1[p t 2 ] m t 1 c .
1 b 1 b
Taking the expected value, as of time t, of both sides of equation (3) yields
b 1
(4) E t [p t 1 ] E t [p t 2 ] E t [m t 1 ] c ,
1 b 1 b
where we have used the law of iterated projections, which states that Et [Et+1 [pt+2]] = Et [pt+2]. If this did
not hold, individuals would be expecting to revise their estimate of pt+2 either up or down, which would
imply that their original estimate was not rational.
(d) With output and the real interest rate constant, the price level must adjust to clear the money market.
If mt+i is higher, pt+i will need to be higher to clear the money market. Thus if individuals expect, in
period mt+i-1 , that mt+i will be higher they will also expect pt+i to be higher. Thus in period t + i – 1,
expected inflation will be higher. This reduces real money demand in period t + i – 1. For a given value
of mt+i-1 , this means that pt+i-1 will need to rise to clear the money market. Now go back one more period.
Suppose that individuals expect, in period t + i – 2, that mt+i will be higher. Then they expect, through
the reasoning above, that pt+i-1 will be higher. Thus expected inflation in t + i – 2 will be higher, real
money demand will be lower and thus pt+i-2 will be need to be higher to clear the money market.
12-2 Solutions to Chapter 12
Reasoning backward, as soon as people expect the nominal money supply to rise in some future period,
the price level will rise in the current period.
To see how the price level changes when money growth changes, use equation (19) to take the derivative
of pt with respect to g:
(20) b 0.
Thus a rise in money growth, even without a rise in the level of the current period's money supply, causes
an upward jump in the current price level.
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-3
Problem 12.2
(a) Substituting the normalized, flexible-price level of output, y0 = 0, into the IS equation, y0 = c – ar0 ,
gives us 0 = c – ar0 . Solving for the real interest rate in period 0 yields
(1) r0 = c/a .
Since the nominal money stock is expected to be constant, the price level is expected to be constant and
thus expected inflation from period 0 to period 1 is
(2) E0 [p1 ] – p0 = 0.
The nominal interest rate in period 0, i0 = r0 + [E0 [p1 ] – p0 ], is simply equal to the real interest rate:
(3) i0 = c/a.
Finally, substituting the assumptions that m0 = 0 and y0 = 0 as well as equation (3) into the condition for
equilibrium in the money market, m0 – p0 = b + hy0 – ki0 , yields – p0 = b – (ck/a) or simply
(4) p0 = (ck/a) – b.
(b) In period 2, the economy is once again at the flexible-price equilibrium level of output, which is 0.
Substituting this fact into the IS equation allows us to solve for the real interest rate in period 2:
(5) r2 = c/a.
Since expected inflation from period 2 to period 3 is equal to g – the price level is expected to rise by the
same amount as the nominal money supply each period – the nominal interest rate in period 2 is given by
(6) i2 = (c/a) + g.
Since m was equal to 0 in period 0 and then increases by g in each following period, the nominal money
supply in period 2 is m2 = 2g. Substituting this fact as well as y2 = 0 and i2 = (c/a) + g into the condition
for equilibrium in the money market leaves us with
(7) 2g - p2 = b – (ck/a) – kg.
Solving for p2 gives us
(8) p2 = – b + (ck/a) + (2 + k)g.
(c) The price level is completely unresponsive to unanticipated monetary shocks for one period. Thus
the price level in period 1 does not change from its period 0 value and hence
(9) p1 = (ck/a) – b.
The expectation of inflation from period 1 to period 2, E1 [p2 ] – p1 , is therefore
(10) E1 [p2 ] – p1 = – b + (ck/a) + (2 + k)g – (ck/a) + b = (2 + k)g,
where we have used equations (8) and (9) to substitute for p2 and p1 .
hc (ck a ) g (2 k )ahg
(16) i1 .
ah k
(d) Using equations (16) and (3), the change in the nominal interest rate from period 0 to period 1 is
hc (ck a ) g (2 k )ahg hc (ck a ) g (2 k )ahg hc (ck a )
(17) i1 i 0 (c a ) .
ah k ah k
Simplifying yields
(2 k )ahg g
(18) i1 i 0 .
ah k
We can determine the condition required of the parameters for the nominal interest rate to fall from
period 0 to period 1; that is, for i1 – i0 < 0. From equation (18), this condition is
g (2 k )ah 1
(19) 0,
ah k
or simply
(20) (2 + k)ah < 1.
The smaller is a (the elasticity of output with respect to changes in the real interest rate), the smaller is h
(the income elasticity of real money demand) and the smaller is k (the interest semi-elasticity of real
money demand), the more likely it is for the condition in (20) to be satisfied and thus the more likely it is
for the nominal interest rate to fall in response to the monetary expansion.
For the nominal interest rate, i = r + e, to fall, we need the liquidity effect to outweigh the expected
inflation effect. That is, we need the real interest rate to fall by more than expected inflation rises. With
the price level fixed by assumption in period 1, y and i must adjust to ensure money market equilibrium.
If k is small, changes in i will not affect real money demand very much. We need y to rise to increase
real money demand and get it equal to the new higher real money stock. If h is small, we need y to rise a
lot to accomplish this. If y is to rise a lot, we need – from the IS equation – the real interest rate to fall a
lot. If furthermore, a is small, we need r to fall a lot just to generate an increase in output. Thus small
values of k, h, and a all work to make the drop in r larger and thus make it more likely that i will fall.
Problem 12.3
(a) Any shock to the nominal money supply in period t + 1 is fully reflected in the price level by period
t + 2. That is, the only reason the price level will change from period t + 1 to period t + 2 is if there is a
non-zero realization of u in period t + 1. From the law of iterated projections, we have
(1) Et [Et+1 [pt+2 ] – pt+1 ] = Et [pt+2 - pt+1 ].
Since the expected value, as of period t, of ut+1 is zero, the price level is not expected to change from
period t + 1 to period t + 2. Thus
(2) Et [Et+1 [pt+2 ] – pt+1 ] = 0.
Since the condition for money market equilibrium must hold each period, we can write
(3) mt+1 – pt+1 = b + hyt+1 – krt+1 – k(Et+1 [pt+2 ] – pt+1 ),
where we have substituted in for it+1 = rt+1 + (Et+1 [pt+2 ] – pt+1 ). Taking the expected value of both sides
of equation (3) yields
(4) E t [m t 1 ] E t [p t 1 ] b hyn kr n ,
where we have used the result from equation (2) that Et [Et+1 [pt+2 ] – pt+1 ] = 0. In addition, since yt+1 and
rt+1 will only depend on the ut+1 shock, which is expected to be zero, they are expected to be equal to their
average values.
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-5
The next step is to solve for output in period t. Rearranging the condition for money market equilibrium
to solve for it yields
(9) i t [ b hy t ( mt p t )] / k .
From equation (7), we have
(10) (m t p t ) u t b hyn krn .
Substituting equation (10) into equation (9) gives us
b hyt u t b hyn kr n h ( y t y n ) kr n u t
(11) i t .
k k
Substituting equation (11) for it and using the fact that te = ut , the IS equation becomes
h ( y t y n ) kr n u t
(12) y t c a au t .
Collecting the terms in yt , we have
k ah ahyn akrn au t
(13) y t c au t ,
k k
which implies
kc ahyn akrn au t kaut
(14) y t ,
k ah
and thus output in period t is given by
kc a[hyn kr n (1 k )u t ]
(15) y t .
k ah
To determine the real interest rate, rearrange the IS equation to obtain
(16) rt = (c/a) - (yt /a).
Substituting equation (15) into equation (16) yields
c kc a[hyn kr n (1 k )u t ]
(17) rt ,
a a (k ah)
which implies
ck cah kc a[hyn kr n (1 k )u t ] ch [hyn kr n (1 k )u t ]
(18) rt .
a (k ah) k ah
Thus the real interest rate in period t is
h (c y n ) kr n (1 k )u t
(19) rt .
k ah
12-6 Solutions to Chapter 12
Problem 12.4
(a) Under rational expectations,
(1) t+1 = Et [t+1]+ t+1 ,
where t+1 is a disturbance that is uncorrelated with anything known at t. Now consider the regression:
(2) it = a + bt+1 + et .
Using the hint in the question, the OLS estimator of b is given by
cov(i t , t 1 )
(3) b .
var( t 1 )
Using it = rt + Et [t+1] and equation (1), we can write the covariance in the numerator as
(4) cov(it , t+1 ) = cov(rt + Et [t+1], Et [t+1] + t+1 ).
Since rt and Et [t+1] are uncorrelated and t+1 is uncorrelated with anything known at t, this implies
(5) cov(it , t+1 ) = var(Et [t+1]).
Again using equation (1), the variance in the denominator of equation (3) can be written as
(6) var(t+1 ) = var(Et [t+1] + t+1 ) = var(Et [t+1]) + var(t+1 ),
where we have used the fact that cov(Et [t+1], t+1 ) = 0. Substituting equations (5) and (6) into equation
(3) allows us to write the OLS estimator as
var(E t [ t 1 ])
(7) b̂ 1.
var(E t [ t 1 ]) var( t 1 )
The hypothesis that the real interest rate is constant, so that changes in expected inflation cause one-for-
one movements in the nominal interest rate, only predicts that the coefficient on t+1 should be positive
and less than one, not that it will take on any specific value.
var(E t [ t 1 ])
(11) b̂ .
var(r ) var(E t [ t 1 ])
The hypothesis that the real interest rate is constant, so that var(r) = 0, predicts a coefficient of one on i t .
But now, controlling for t , the other variables – t-1 , ..., t-n – provide no new information about t+1 .
Any effect that t-1 , say, has on t+1 is already captured indirectly by t-1's impact on t . Thus we would
expect b1 = ... = bn = 0 in the above regression. Thus the claim is incorrect since we would have
b0 + b1 + ... + bn = , not b0 + b1 + ... + bn = 1.
Problem 12.5
(a) We have t = pt – pt-1 and te = pte – pt-1 . Thus t – te = (pt – pt-1 ) – (pte – pt-1 ) = pt – pte . We can
therefore write the Lucas supply function as
(1) yt = yn + b(pt – pte ).
Setting aggregate supply equal to aggregate demand (which is given by yt = mt – pt ) gives us
(2) mt – pt = yn + b(pt – pte ).
Solving equation (2) for pt yields
1 b e 1 n
(3) p t mt pt y .
1 b 1 b 1 b
With rational expectations, the expected value of both sides of equation (3) must be equal. Hence
(4) p et
m t 1 a b pet 1 y n ,
1 b 1 b 1 b
where we have used the fact that the expected value of mt = mt-1 + a + t is equal to mt-1 + a since is
white noise. Subtracting equation (4) from equation (3) yields
1 1 1
(5) p t p et
1 b
1 b
m t 1 a
1 b
m t m t1 a .
Substituting equation (5) into equation (1) gives us
(6) y t y n
m t m t 1 a .
1 b
(b) From equation (6), we can see that we also need to know a, as well as mt and mt-1 , in order to
determine the current level of output. Intuitively, equation (6) says that only unexpected money affects
output since the difference between mt and (mt-1 + a) is the random shock, t . However, if we don't know
a, we cannot determine how much of the change in the nominal money stock from period t – 1 to period t
was due to a (and thus was expected) and how much was due to (and thus was unexpected).
12-8 Solutions to Chapter 12
(c) Again, it must be true that with rational expectations, the expected value of both sides of equation (3)
must be equal. However, the expected value of mt is now mt-1 + (0) + (1 – )a = mt-1 + (1 – )a since
private agents believe that the probability that a = 0 is . Thus
(7) p et
m t 1 (1 )a b pet 1 y n .
1 b 1 b 1 b
Subtracting equation (7) from equation (3) yields
(8) p t p et
1 b
m t m t1 (1 )a .
Substituting equation (8) into equation (1) gives us
(9) y t y n
m t m t 1 (1 )a .
1 b
(d) Equation (6) holds in any period in which there is no regime shift. Thus if there is no regime shift in
period t – 1, we can write
(10) y t 1 y n
m t 1 m t 2 a .
1 b
Subtracting equation (10) from equation (6) yields
(11) y t y t 1
1 b
m t m t1 m t1 m t2 .
Defining yt yt – yt-1 and mt mt – mt-1 , we have
m t m t1 .
(12) y t
1 b
Equation (12) states that in the absence of regime shifts, output growth is determined by the change in
money growth.
If there is a regime shift in period t, equation (9) holds. Subtracting equation (10) from equation (9)
b b
(13) y t y t 1
1 b
m t m t 1 m t 1 m t 2
1 b
a (1 )a ,
or simply
m t m t1 .
(14) y t
1 b 1 b
Under the null hypothesis of no credibility of the announcement of the regime shift, = 0, the first term
on the right-hand side of equation (14) is equal to zero. Thus if the announcement is not believed,
equations (14) and (12) are identical. Thus we can run a regression of yt on [mt – mt-1 ] and a dummy
variable that equals one in the period of a regime shift. The coefficient on that dummy variable will
reflect the amount of credibility of the policymaker's announcement. In fact, since we will have an
estimate of b/(1 + b) and can determine a (the average change in the money stock before the regime
shift), we can calculate an estimate of from the coefficient on the dummy variable.
Problem 12.6
(a) (i) The one-period nominal interest rate is given by it1 = Et [t+1] since the real interest rate is
assumed constant at zero. Since t+1 = mt+1 , we have
(1) it1 = Et [mt+1].
Since money growth is given by
(2) mt = kmt-1 + t ,
and since equation (2) holds in all periods, we can write
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-9
(a) (ii) The expectation, as of time t, of the nominal interest rate from period t + 1 to t + 2 is
(5) Et [it+11] = Et [t+2] = Et [mt+2].
Since equation (2) holds every period, we can write
(6) mt+2 = kmt+1 + t+2 .
Substituting equation (3) into equation (6) gives us mt+2 as a function of mt :
(7) mt+2 = k2 mt + kt+1 + t+2 .
Substituting equation (7) into equation (5) gives us
(8) Et [it+11] = Et [k2 mt + kt+1 + t+2 ] = k2 mt ,
where we have used the fact that mt is known at t and the 's are mean-zero disturbances.
(a) (iii) Under the rational-expectations theory of the term structure, the two-period interest rate is
(9) it2 = (i1 + Et [it+11])/2.
Substituting equation (8) into equation (9), we have
(10) it2 = (it1 + k2 mt )/2.
From equation (4), kmt = it1 and so equation (10) can be rewritten as
(11) it2 = (it1 + kit1 )/2 = it1 (1 + k)/2.
(a) (iv) From equation (11), a rise in k will increase the two-period interest rate, it2 , for any given one-
period rate. For a given level of inflation in period t, expected inflation for period t + 1 will now be
higher. Thus for a given one-period interest rate in t, the one-period rate in t + 1 is expected to be higher.
Therefore it2 , which is the average of the one-period rate in t and the expected one-period rate in t + 1,
will now be higher for a given it1 .
Note that as k goes to one, so that money growth and thus inflation approach a random walk, the two-
period interest rate becomes equal to the one-period interest rate. That is because with inflation a
random walk, next period's inflation (and thus next period's one-period nominal rate) is expected to be
equal to this period's inflation (and thus this period's one-period nominal rate).
(b) (i) Equation (4) holds in all periods and thus the actual one-period interest rate in t + 1 is
(12) it+11 = kmt+1 .
Substituting equation (3) into equation (12) yields
(13) it+11 = k2 mt + kt+1 .
(14) it+11 – it1 = k2mt + kt+1 – kmt = k(k – 1)mt + kt+1 .
From equation (11), we can write
(15) it2 – it1 = [it1 (1 + k)/2] – it1 = [it1 (1 + k – 2)/2],
or substituting in for it1 = kmt , we have
k ( k 1)m t
(16) i 2t i1t .
Using the hint in the question, the OLS estimator of b in the following regression:
(17) it+11 – it1 = a + b[it2 – it1 ] + et+1 ,
is given by
12-10 Solutions to Chapter 12
(b) (ii) With the time-varying term premium, equation (16) becomes
k ( k 1)m t
(23) i 2t i1t t .
Using equations (14) and (23), the covariance in the numerator of equation (18) is now given by
k ( k 1) m t
(24) cov[(i1t 1 i1t ), (i 2t i1t )] cov k ( k 1) m t k t 1 , t .
Since and are white noise, this is simply
k 2 ( k 1) 2 2
(25) cov[(i1t 1 i1t ), (i 2t i1t )] .
This covariance is the same as it was without the time-varying term premium. The variance of
(it2 – it1 ) will change, however. It is now given by
2 1 k 2 ( k 1) 2 2
(26) var(i t i t ) 2 ,
where we have used the fact that the covariance between and is zero.
(b) (iii) Since k2 ( k – 1)2 reaches a maximum at k = 1/2, the OLS estimator is highest when k = 1/2. For
k > 1/2, an increase in k (more persistent money growth and inflation), reduces the value of the OLS
estimator. As k approaches one, so that money growth, inflation and thus the one-period nominal interest
rate all approach random walks, the OLS estimator goes to zero.
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-11
Problem 12.7
The new aggregate supply equation can be written as
y t 1 t .
(1) t t 1 ~
Since the change to the model described in the problem affects just the AS equation, we must only
consider how the change affects E[π2]. Substituting equation (12.23), ~y t q t IS Y
t t , into our
new AS equation lagged forward one period yields
(2) t 1 (1 q) t IS Y
t t t 1 .
t , t , and t 1 are all uncorrelated
Next, we want to take the expectation of the square of (1). Since IS Y
with each other and with πt and have a mean of zero, all their cross terms become zero. Therefore,
(3) E[ 2t 1 ] (1 q) 2 E[ 2t ] 2 2IS 2 2Y 2 ,
where 2 is the variance of .
Since in this model E[2t 1] E[2t ] in the long run, we can substitute and solve for E[π2], giving us
2 (2IS 2Y ) 2 2 (2IS 2Y ) 2
(4) E[2 ] .
1 (1 q) 2 q(2 q)
Having found E[π2] in terms of q, we turn our attention to finding E[(y – y*)2]. Since the problem
changed only the aggregate supply equation, the equation for E[(y – y*)2] given by (12.26) is still valid.
From (4) and (12.26), we can obtain q* by taking the first order condition of E[(y – y*)2] + λE[π2] with
respect to q. That is, we have
(5) E[(y – y*)2] + λE[π2] = 2 q 2 E[ 2 ] 2Y 2IS E[ 2 ] (q 2 )E[ 2 ] 2 2Y 2IS .
The first-order condition for q is thus given by
E[ 2 ]
(6) (q 2 ) 2qE[ 2 ] 0 ,
or equivalently
E[ 2 ]
(7) (q 2 ) 2q 0.
E[ 2 ] q
Defining K 2 ( 2IS 2Y ) 2 , we have
(8) E[ 2 ] ,
q(2 q)
E[ 2 ] K (2 2 2 q)
(9) .
q [q(2 q)]2
Thus, the ratio is given by
E[ ]2
q(2 q) q(2 q)
(10) .
2 2
E[ ] q K (2 2 q) (2 2 2 q)
[q(2 q)]2
Substituting equation (10) into the first-order condition, equation (7), gives us
12-12 Solutions to Chapter 12
q(2 q)
(11) (q 2 ) 2q 0.
(2 2 2 q)
We can rewrite equation (11) as
(12) (q 2 )(2 2 2 q) 2q[q(2 q)] 0 .
Dividing both sides by 2α results in
(13) (q 2 )(1 q) q 2 (2 q) 0 .
Expanding equation (13) yields
(14) q 2 q 3 q 2q 2 q 3 0 .
Thus, we have the following polynomial in q:
(15) q 2 q 0 .
Using the quadratic formula, the solution for q* is given by
2 2 4
(16) q* .
We find that q* is unchanged from the one described by (12.27). Note that once again, we throw out the
negative root since a negative q* causes the variances of y and π to be infinite.
Problem 12.8
(a) When ϕπ = 1, the matrix A simplifies to
1 0
(1) A .
The characteristic equation of A is defined by det(A – tI) = 0, where I is the identity matrix and the
solutions of the equation, t, are the eigenvalues. Recall that the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix, such as
a b
(2) B ,
c d
is given by
(3) B ad bc.
Therefore, the characteristic equation of A is given by
1 t 0
(4) (1 t )( t ) 0
The characteristic equation implies that the eigenvalues are t 1 = β and t2 = 1.
(9) t ~
y t t .
(b) In part (a), we found that when ϕπ = 1, one of the eigenvalues is 1 and the other is strictly inside the
unit circle (since β < 1). According to equation (12.42), the eigenvalues are continuous functions of ϕ π.
Consequently, the derivative of equation (12.42) evaluated at ϕπ = 1 will determine whether the
eigenvalues will increase or decrease for values of ϕπ that are infinitesimally close to 1. Before we take
the derivative, note that we need only focus on the eigenvalue given by
1 (1 ) 2 4
(14) ,
since this is the solution that equals 1 when ϕπ = 1. Taking the derivative of both sides of equation (14)
with respect to ϕπ gives us
d 1 1
(15) [(1 ) 2 4] 1 / 2 2(1 ) .
d 2 4
Since α ≡ κ(1 – ϕπ)/θ, we have
(16) .
Substituting equation (16) into (15) and simplifying leaves us with
d 1
(17) [(1 ) 2 4] 1 / 2(1 )
d 2 2
We want to evaluate the derivative in (17) at ϕπ = 1. Substituting the fact that ϕπ = 1 implies that α = 0
into equation (17) yields
d 1
(18) [(1 ) 2 4] 1 / 2(1 ) .
d 1 2 2
We can determine the values of λ and c that satisfy equation (12.41) in the text by following the same
steps as in the solution to part (a). Substituting our known values into (12.41) yields
2(1 ) t 1 2t 1Z(1 )
y t ct Z 1
~ c Z ct 1
(28) .
t t Z 2(1 ) t 1Z t 1
t 1
c Z Z 2(1 ) Z
t 1
Using the values of λ and c that we have solved for, we can now conclude that the self-fulfilling
movements take the form
(42) t (1) t Z ,
(43) ~
y t (1) t Z.
Therefore π and ỹ oscillate between the values ± Z and ± (1 + β)Z/κ, respectively.
Problem 12.9
(a) When the policymaker fixes i, the money-market equilibrium condition is irrelevant. Equilibrium
output is determined by the IS curve and the fixed nominal interest rate, i̇̅ . Substituting i̇̅ into the IS curve
(1) y = c – a i̇̅ + 1.
The variance of y is simply
(2) var(y) = var(1 ) = 12.
(b) When the policymaker fixes m, the equilibrium level of output is determined by the intersection of
the IS and money-market equilibrium equations. Rearranging the IS curve to solve for i gives us
(3) i = (c + 1 – y)/a .
Substituting equation (3) and the assumption that m = ṁ̅ into the money-market equilibrium equation,
12-16 Solutions to Chapter 12
m – p = hy – ki + 2 , gives us
(4) ṁ̅ – p = hy – [k(c + 1 – y)/a] + 2 = [h + (k/a)]y – (kc/a) – (k/a)1 + 2 .
Solving for y yields
m p (kc a ) (k a )1 2 a ( m p) kc k1 a 2
(5) y .
h (k a ) ah k
The variance of y is
2 2
k 2 a 2
(6) var(y) 1 2 .
ah k ah k
(c) If 12 = 0 – if there are only monetary shocks – then from equations (2) and (6):
(7) var( y) 0,
i i
a 2
(8) var(y) mm 2 0 .
ah k
Thus interest-rate targeting leads to a lower variance of output than money-stock targeting. In fact,
output is constant under interest targeting.
(d) If 22 = 0 – if there are only IS shocks – then from equations (2) and (6):
(9) var(y) ii 12 ,
k 2 2
(10) var(y) m m 1 1 .
ah k
Thus money-stock targeting leads to a lower variance of output than interest-rate targeting.
(e) Consider the situation in part (c) in which there are only monetary shocks. If the policymaker targets
the nominal interest rate, it ensures that i remains constant in the face of any monetary shock. Since i is
not allowed to change, planned expenditure does not change and thus the level of output that equates
planned and actual expenditure does not change. If the policymaker targets the nominal money stock, the
monetary shocks do require a change in the interest rate to restore money-market equilibrium. The
change in the interest rate then changes planned expenditure and thus the level of output that equates
planned and actual expenditure.
Consider the situation in part (d) in which there are only IS shocks. A positive IS shock shifts the IS
curve to the right. If the policymaker keeps m fixed, then as Y rises to equate planned and actual
expenditure, i rises as well for the money market to remain in equilibrium. This rise in i reduces planned
expenditure and thus mitigates some of the positive shock. If, instead, the policymaker targets the
nominal interest rate, equilibrium output changes by the full extent of the shock to the IS curve.
(f) If there are only IS shocks, it is possible to keep y constant at some target level y . By rearranging
the money-market equilibrium equation with y set to y , the nominal money supply must be such that
(11) m = p + h y - ki.
The policymaker knows the fixed p, has picked y herself and can observe i. Thus when i changes – and
since there are only IS shocks, we know this must be due to a shift of the IS curve – the policymaker must
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-17
change m accordingly. As i rises, for example, the policymaker must reduce m. The policymaker can
stop reducing m when m and i are such that equation (11) is satisfied.
Problem 12.10
(a) Using the fact that for a random variable X, var(X) = E[X2 ] – (E[X])2 or E[X2 ] = var(X) + (E[X])2,
we have
(1) E[(y – y*)2 ] = var(y – y*) + (E[y – y*])2.
Substituting the expression for output, y = x + (k + k )z + u, into var(y – y*) and simplifying yields
(2) var(y – y*) = var(x + kz + k z + u – y*) = z2 k2 + u2.
Substituting for output in (E[y – y*])2 and simplifying yields
(3) (E[y – y*])2 = (E[x + kz + k z + u – y*])2 = (x + kz – y*)2,
where we have used the fact that k and u both have mean zero. Substituting equations (2) and (3) into
equation (1) gives us
(4) E[(y – y*)2] = z2 k2 + u2 + (x + kz – y*)2.
(b) The policymaker chooses z in order to minimize E[(y – y*)2 ]. Using equation (4), the first-order
condition is
(5) (E[(y – y*)2])/z = 2zk2 + 2k(x+ kz – y*) = 0.
Collecting the terms in z yields
(6) z(k2 + k2 ) = (y* – x)k,
and thus the optimal choice of z is
( y * x) k
(7) z .
k 2 k 2
(c) To see the way in which policy should respond to shocks (i.e. changes in x), to take the derivative of
z, as given by equation (7), with respect to x:
z k
(8) 0.
x k 2 k 2
The fact that the derivative in (8) is negative implies that higher values of x should be offset with lower
values of z to keep output from varying as much.
Note that z/x does not depend on u2, the parameter that represents uncertainty about the state of the
economy. Thus in this model, the optimal degree of "fine-tuning" does not depend on the amount of
uncertainty about the state of the economy.
(d) In contrast, z/x does depend on k2, the parameter that represents uncertainty about the effects of
the policy instrument. In fact, we have
z x k
(9) 0.
k 2
k 2 k 22
Since z/x is negative to begin with, a rise in k2 makes it less negative. That is, higher values of k2 –
more uncertainty about the effects of the policy instrument – reduces the amount that policy should
respond to shocks or in other words, reduces the amount of "fine-tuning" that should be done.
12-18 Solutions to Chapter 12
Problem 12.11
(a) From the assumption of the problem, we first conclude
(1) ~y(0) b[i(0) (0)] 0 .
The inequality expressed by (1) also implies
(2) (0) ~
y(0) 0
since λ is positive. Therefore, π is decreasing at time zero. We also know that π(0) is a positive quantity
since we are told to assume
(3) 0 < bπ(0), b > 0.
As time moves forward, inflation decreases since its derivative is negative. Because inflation decreases,
output also decreases since
(4) ~y(t ) b[i(t ) (t )] b(t ) i(0) .
As y( t ) decreases, ( t ) gets more negative, causing π(t) to decrease at a faster rate. Because the interest
rate is constant, this cycle continues indefinitely, causing ~y( t ) and π(t) to diverge to – ∞ as t goes to ∞,
as reflected in the following sketches:
(b) Our graphs will look identical to the sketches in part (a) until π(t) reaches below the x-axis at a time
we will call time T. At time T, ~y( t ) will immediately increase to a less negative value since
(5) ~y(T) b[i(T) (T)] b(T) b(T) i(0) .
This implies that the derivative of inflation also increases,
(6) (T) ~
y(T) .
But since the derivative is still negative, π(t) continues to decrease after time T, causing ~y( t ) to also
decrease after time T. This behavior is described by the following sketches:
(d) According to this model, waiting to reduce the interest rate until the economy experiences deflation
can result in a brief bump in output followed by a relapse back into recession. On the other hand, acting
quickly can immediately boost output and avoid a recession, while also causing inflation in the near
future. Having avoided the deflationary collapse, the central bank presumably could raise i at some point
to prevent inflation from exploding.
Problem 12.12
(a) We can begin with equation (12.56) from the text, which states that household optimization requires
the following condition to hold for periods t and t + 1:
1 at (1 i t ) a t 1
(1) dX dX .
Pt C t Pt 1 C t 1
With the period-1 price level fixed at Ṗ̅ and the assumption that the economy is in steady state in period
2, equation (1) for periods 1 and 2 becomes
1 a1 (1 i1 ) a *
(2) .
P C1 P* C*
Since consumption and output must be equal in each period, we can rewrite equation (2) as
1 a1 (1 i1 ) a *
(3) . ii MM
P y1 P* y
Solving for the interest rate in period 1 gives us
a P*y
(4) i1 1 1.
a * Py1
Equation (4) is analogous to equation (12.60) in the text.
We will refer to it as the CC curve. It is downward-
sloping in (y1,i1) space. See the figure at right. 0
The cash-in-advance constraint, equation (12.55) in the
text, is given by y1
P if i t 0
(5) C t
M t if i 0.
Pt t
Since in equilibrium consumption equals output and because we are assuming the price level in period 1
is fixed at Ṗ̅, it follows that in period 1 we have
12-20 Solutions to Chapter 12
P if i1 0
(6) y1
M1 if i 0.
P 1
Equation (6) is analogous to equation (12.61) in the text. The set of points satisfying (6) is shown as the
MM curve in the figure above. It is horizontal at i1 = 0 until y1 = M1/Ṗ̅, and then vertical. In the case
depicted in the figure, the CC curve intersects the vertical portion of the MM curve and thus the nominal
interest rate is positive and output equals M1/Ṗ̅.
(b) For i1 to equal 0, the CC curve must intersect the horizontal portion of the MM curve. Thus the level
of Y implied by CC at i1 = 0 must be less than M1/Ṗ̅. From equation (4), when i1 = 0, CC implies
a1P * y
(7) 1.
a * Py1
Solving equation (7) for y1 yields
1 a P *
(8) y1 1 y .
a * P
In steady state, we know that P* = M*/ y. Thus we can write equation (8) as
1 a M *
(9) y1 1 .
a * P
Thus for i1 = 0 we require
1 a M * M1
(10) 1 ,
a * P P
or equivalently
1 a
(11) M1 1 M * .
a *
Intuitively, expanding the money supply “too much” so that M1 is high, will drive the nominal interest
rate to 0.
From equation (8), we can see that for y1 to be less than y, we require
1 a P *
(12) 1 1,
a * P
or equivalently
1 a
(13) P 1 P * .
a *
(c) When i1 = 0, the CC curve intersects the horizontal portion of the MM curve. From equation (4), we
can see that M1 does not appear in the CC curve and thus an
increase in M1 has no effect on CC. i1 CC MM MMNEW
y1 M1/Ṗ̅ M1NEW/Ṗ̅ y1
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-21
An increase in M* causes P* to rise proportionately. Since P* appears in the CC curve given by equation
(4), we can see that it causes the CC curve to shift out to the right (i1 would now be higher for any given
y1). Since M1 is assumed to be unchanged when M* rises, the
MM curve given by equation (6) is unaffected. See the figure i1 MM
at right. CC CC
Problem 12.13
The CC curve for period 1 is given by
1 a P *
(1) i1 1 1.
a * P1
Since P* = M*/y*, a fall in y* implies an increase in the steady-state price level, P*. From equation (1),
we can see that this means the CC curve would shift out to the right (i1 would be higher for any given
level of P1).
Since y1 does not change – we are told that y1 need not i1 CC CCNEW MM
equal y* – and M1 does not change, the MM curve is
inflation would be higher and so the real interest rate would be lower. The demand for goods would
exceed the supply of goods. Since this cannot happen, the result is that the price level is bid up in period
Problem 12.14
(a) (i) The period-2 CC curve is given by i2 MM MMNEW
1 a P *
(1) i 2 2 1.
a * P2 CC
The period-2 MM curve is given by
y if i 2 0
0 E
(2) P2
M 2 if i 0.
y 2
Since we begin with i2 = 0, we know that the CC curve
intersects the horizontal portion of the MM curve. See the
figure at right. The increase in M2 has no effect on the CC curve. It extends the horizontal portion of the
MM curve and shifts the vertical portion to the right. Thus the increase in M2, holding M1 and M* fixed,
has no effect on the price level or nominal interest rate in period 2. See the figure at right.
The change in M2 has no effect on the MM curve in period 1 either. Thus the increase in M2, with M1 and
M* held fixed, has no impact on the price level in period 1.
(a) (ii) An increase in the steady-state money supply, M*, will raise the steady-state price level since
P* = M*/y. From equation (1), we can see that this increase in P* will shift the period-2 CC curve out to
the right (i2 would be higher for any given P2).
would exceed the supply. Since this cannot happen, the price level and/or the nominal interest rate must
(a) (iii) The increase in M* increases P* proportionately. From equation (1), we can see that this increase
in P* will shift the period-2 CC curve out to the right (i2
would be higher for any given P2) and have no effect on i2
the period-2 MM curve. The increase in the money MM MMNEW
supply in period 2, M2, has no effect on the CC curve in
that period but it extends the horizontal portion of the CC
MM curve and shifts the vertical portion to the right, in
proportion to the increase in M2. See the figure at right.
The price level in period 2 rises from P2 to P2NEW, and the 0
increase will be in proportion to the increase in M2 and CCNEW
M*. That is, unlike the case in the solution to part (a) (ii),
we know that the nominal interest rate will remain at 0 in P2 P2NEW P2
period 2.
We can see from equations (3) and (4), that the effect in i1
period 1 will be similar. The increase in P2 shifts the MM MMNEW
period-1 CC curve out to the right in proportion to the CC
increase in P2 and thus M2. The increase in M1
extends the horizontal portion of the MM curve and
shifts the vertical portion to the right in proportion to the
increase in M1. The result is that the price level in period 0 CCNEW
1 rises in proportion to the increase in M1, M2, and M*.
See the figure at right in which the price level in period 1
rises from P1 to P1NEW. P1 P1NEW P1
12-24 Solutions to Chapter 12
Problem 12.15
As described in the text, in equilibrium, output equals yn and inflation equals * + (b/a)(y* – yn).
Substituting these values into the loss function given by equation (12.64) in the text, which is given by
L = (1/2)(y – y*)2 + (1/2)a( – *)2, yields the following value of the loss function in equilibrium:
1 n 2 1 b 1 2 1 b2 2
(1) LEQ y y * a y * y n y * yn y * y n ,
2 2 a 2 2 a
or simply
(2) LEQ
y * y n 1
2 a
Output equals yn in equilibrium, regardless of the value of a. Thus to see how the equilibrium loss varies
with a, use equation (2) to take the derivative of LEQ with respect to a:
LEQ b 2
2a 2
y * y n 0 .
Equation (3) states that a fall in a increases LEQ. That is, a reduction in the cost of inflation increases the
loss to society. It is true that any given deviation in inflation from its optimal level, *, has a lower cost
to society. However, the problem is that this causes the equilibrium level of inflation itself to be higher.
Intuitively, at a given e, the marginal cost of additional inflation is now lower for the policymaker. For a
given e, it then becomes optimal to set a higher inflation rate. But the public knows this and thus the
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-25
level of for which e = is now higher. It turns out that the fact that EQ exceeds * by more than it
used to, outweighs the fact that any given deviation in EQ from * has a lower cost to society.
Problem 12.16
(a) Let S be the amount of social welfare from a given policy. Thus, we have
a a
(1) S y1 12 y 2 22 .
2 2
Substituting equation (12.63) for output into equation (1), we get
a a
(2) S ( y n b1 12 b1e ) ( y n b2 22 be2 ) .
2 2
Taking the derivative of (2) with respect to π2 and setting the result equal to zero gives the solution
π2 = b/a.
(b) Since the type 1 policymaker never chooses π1 = 0, there is no doubt in the second period that the
policymaker is of type 1, since a type 2 policymaker would have picked π1 = 0. Therefore, people will
expect the policymaker to maximize social welfare in the second period. Consequently, e2 b / a .
Taking the derivative of (2) with respect to π1 and setting the result equal to zero, we find that the
policymaker selects π1 = b/a to maximize social welfare. Setting 1 2 e2 b / a in equation (2), we
(3) S 2y n b1e .
(c) Since the public expects the policymaker to select π2 = b/a with probability p and π2 = 0 with
probability (1 – p), we have
(4) e2 p(b / a ) (1 p)0 p(b / a ) .
Therefore, substituting π1 = 0, 2 b / a , and e2 p(b / a ) into equation (2), we get
b2 1
(5) S 2 y n b1e p .
a 2
(d) Since 0 < p < 1/2, the value of S in part (c), equation (5), is larger than the value of S obtained in part
(b), equation (3), because the term (b2/a)[(1/2) – p] is positive. Thus, a type 1 policymaker would select
π1 = 0. Notice also that as p gets smaller, S gets larger. This implies that a strong reputation as a
policymaker who is tough on inflation can allow a type 1 policymaker to achieve higher social welfare by
first selecting π1 = 0.
(e) For 1/2 < p < 1, if the public believes the type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = 0, then e2 p(b / a ) as in
part (c). However, now (1/2) – p is negative and consequently the term (b2/a)[(1/2) – p] reduces the
value of S in equation (5). Thus, if the public believes that a type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = 0, he or
she will choose π1 = b/a.
Suppose instead the public believes the type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = b/a. If he or she picked π1 =
b/a, the public would know that the policymaker was of type 1 and would adjust their expectation so that
e2 (b / a ) . Substituting 1 2 e2 b / a into equation (2) gives us
(6) S 2y n b1e .
12-26 Solutions to Chapter 12
If the policymaker chose π1 = 0, the public would believe for certain that she is a type 2 policymaker
(because the public believes that type 1 policymakers always choose π1 = b/a), and so e2 0 . Choosing
π2 = b/a would then achieve a level of social welfare given by
(7) S 2 y n b1e
Since (7) yields a higher level of social welfare than (6), the policymaker of type 1 will choose π1 = 0 if
the public believes that a type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = b/a.
Therefore, neither the public always believing a type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = 0 nor the public always
believing a type 1 policymaker will pick π1 = b/a can be an equilibrium. The equilibrium will instead
consist of the type 1 policymaker playing a mixed strategy for period 1 in which he or she selects π1 = 0
with some probability and π1 = b/a with some probability.
Problem 12.17
(a) The policymaker chooses inflation to maximize her objective function, which is given by
W = cy – (a2 /2), subject to the constraint that output is given by the Lucas Supply function,
y = yn + b( – e ). Thus the policymaker's problem is
(1) max W = c[ y + b( – e )] – (a2 /2).
(b) The public knows the policymaker sets inflation according to equation (3). Thus with rational
expectations, expected inflation must equal the expectation of the right-hand side of equation (3):
(4) e = E[bc/a] = bcE[]/a = bc /a.
(c) The true social welfare function is given by WSOC = y – (a2 /2). Taking the expectation of both
sides of this expression with respect to the public's information set, so that is random, gives us
(5) E[WSOC ] = E[(yn + b( – e )) – (a2 /2)],
where we have substituted for y = yn + b( – e ). Now substitute the policymaker's choice of , equation
(3), and the public's expectation of inflation, equation (4), into equation (5):
bc bc ab c
2 2 2
(6) E[ WSOC ] E y n b .
a a 2a 2
Simplifying yields
b 2cE[ 2 ] b 2cE[ ] b 2c 2 E[ 2 ]
(7) E[ WSOC ] y n E[ ] .
a a 2a
Since E[] = , equation (7) becomes
(8) E[ WSOC ] y n
b 2c
E[ 2 ] 2 b 2c 2 E[ 2 ]
Now use the facts that for a random variable X:
(9) var(X) = E[X2 ] – (E[X])2,
(10) E[X2 ] = var(X) + (E[X])2.
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-27
(13) E[ WSOC ] y n
b 2c 2 b 2c 2 2
2 .
(d) To find the first-order condition for the maximization, use equation (13) to set the derivative of the
expected value of the social welfare function with respect to c equal to zero:
E[WSOC ] b 2 2 b 2 c
2 2 0 .
The value of c that maximizes the expected value of true social welfare is decreasing in the mean of .
Since we know that e equals on average (since equals on average), output equals full-employment
output on average, regardless of the values of c or . From equation (3), we can see that if is higher on
average, inflation will also be higher on average, for a given c. Thus it will be welfare-improving to
offset this higher average and keep inflation lower on average by having a policymaker with a lower c;
that is, having a more "conservative" policymaker.
However, the value of c that maximizes expected social welfare is increasing in the variance of the
shock. The more variable is the shock, the less "conservative" the central banker should be. Since the
policymaker can act after is realized, she can choose to offset any deviation in from its expected
value, which raises welfare. The policymaker will do this only to the extent that she cares about the
shock's effect. Thus the more that varies, the better it is to have a policymaker who cares about the
shock's effect and will act to offset it.
Problem 12.18
(a) Social welfare is higher when the policymaker turns out to be a Type-1, the type that shares the
public's preferences concerning output and inflation. The choice of setting = 0 in both periods – as the
Type-2 policymaker does – is a choice available to the Type-1 policymaker. She chooses not to do this;
to maximize social welfare, she decides to choose another pair of inflation rates. Since she is attempting
to maximize social welfare, welfare must be higher under the choices made by the Type-1 policymaker.
For example, as explained in the text, if < 1/2, it is optimal for the Type-1 policymaker to choose 1 =
b/a and 2 = b/a. That must be because it achieves higher welfare than choosing 1 = 0, 2 = 0.
(b) Expected inflation, e, is determined by the public's beliefs. So both the " a' " policymaker and the
"a" policymaker face the same e, since in either case, the public believes it is facing an " a' "
12-28 Solutions to Chapter 12
policymaker. Thus both policymakers have the same choice set. The "a" policymaker makes her choice
to maximize true social welfare, whereas the " a' " policymaker makes her choice to maximize something
else. Thus social welfare must be higher with the "a" policymaker.
Problem 12.19
(a) Suppose that differs from in some period t0 . Then e = b/a for all periods after t0 . Substituting
this expression for expected inflation into the Lucas supply function, yt = yn + b(t – te ), gives us output
in each subsequent period:
(1) yt = yn + b(t – b/a) for all t > t0 .
With expected inflation now constant into the future, the equilibrium in each period is independent of the
policymaker's action in the previous period. Thus we can concentrate on a representative period, t; the
equilibrium in all periods will be the same. Substituting equation (1) into the policymaker's objective
function for period t, wt = yt – (a2 /2), yields
(2) wt = yn + b(t – b/a) – at2 /2 for all t > t0 .
The first-order condition for the choice of inflation is
(3) wt /t = b – at = 0,
and thus the policymaker chooses
(4) t = b/a for all t > t0 .
Since t = t = b/a, then from the Lucas supply function we have
(b) To keep things simple, we can assume that the monetary authority chooses to depart from = in
period 0. This does not alter the message. Since has always been equal to , 0e = . Substituting
this into the Lucas supply function gives us
(6) y0 = yn + b(0 – b/a).
Given the fact that the policymaker is choosing to depart from = , the choice of 0 does not affect e
and thus the equilibrium in future periods. Thus only the current period's objective function matters to
the policymaker. She will choose 0 to maximize
(7) w0 = yn + b(0 – ) – (a02 /2).
The first-order condition for the choice of 0 is
(8) w0 /0 = b – a0 = 0,
and thus the policymaker chooses
(9) 0 = b/a.
With this choice of inflation, using the Lucas supply function, output in period 0 is given by
(10) y0 = yn + b[(b/a) – ].
Substituting equations (9) and (10) into the policymaker's objective function, w0 = y0 – (a02 /2), yields
(11) w0 = yn + (b2 /a) – b – (b2 /2a),
or simply
(12) w0 = yn + (b2 /2a) – b .
As shown in part (a), in all subsequent periods after the policymaker has deviated, t = b/a and yt = yn.
Substituting these values of output and inflation into the objective function, wt = yt – (a2 /2), gives us
(13) wt = yn – (b2 /2a) for all t > 0.
Thus the policymaker's lifetime objective function if she deviates is given by
Pulling the [yn – (b2 /2a)] out of the summation sign and using the fact that, since < 1, we have
t 1
2 3 2
(15) 1 (1 ) ,
we can write the lifetime objective function as
b2 n b2 n b2
(16) W D y n bˆ y 1 y bˆ 1 ,
2a 1 2a 1 1 2a
or simply
1 n 1 2 b 2
(17) W D y bˆ .
1 1 2a
If the policymaker chooses = every period, output will be equal to yn every period. The
policymaker's objective function in each period is therefore given by
(18) wt = yn – (a 2 /2).
Thus the policymaker's lifetime objective function if she does not deviate is given by
(c) One way of solving the problem is to calculate the benefit and cost of deviating as a function of
and the other parameters. We can then examine the range of 's over which the cost exceeds the benefit
and thus the range of 's over which the policymaker will choose not to deviate from = .
The benefit of departing from = in some period t0 is that welfare in period t0 is yn + (b2 /2a) – b
[see equation (12)] rather than yn – (a 2 /2) [see equation (18)]. Thus the benefit of deviating, B, is
(22) B = yn + (b2 /2a) – b – yn + (a 2 /2),
or simply
(23) B = (b2 /2a) + (a 2 /2) – b .
The cost of deviating is that in all periods subsequent to t0 , welfare will be yn – (b2 /2a) [see equation
(13)] rather than yn – (a 2 /2). Thus the cost of deviating in each future period is
yn – (a 2 /2) – yn + (b2 /2a) or simply (b2 /2a) – (a 2 /2). The total cost of deviating, discounted to time
t0 is
(24) C
t t o 1
t t 0 ( b 2 / 2a ) (a 2 / 2) ( b 2 / 2a ) (a 2 / 2) 2 3 .
Substituting the result in equation (15) into equation (24) gives us the following cost of deviating:
b 2 a 2
(25) C .
1 2a 2
12-30 Solutions to Chapter 12
We can plot the benefit and cost from deviating as a function of . First, we will deal with the benefit
from deviating. From equation (23), we have
(26) B/ = a – b,
(27) 2 B/ 2 = a > 0.
Thus B is a parabola that reaches a minimum at = b/a. From equation (23), at = 0, B = b2 /2a.
Finally, at its minimum at = b/a, B = (b2 /2a) + (b2 /2a) – (b2 /a) = 0. B, the benefit from deviating as a
function of , is plotted in both figures below.
Now dealing with the cost of deviation, we have from equation (25)
(28) C/ = – [/(1 – )]a ,
(29) 2 C/ 2 = – [/(1 – )]a < 0.
Thus C is an inverted parabola that reaches a maximum at = 0. From equation (25), the value of the
cost of deviating at = 0 is given by C = [/(1 – )](b2 /2a). In addition, at = b/a, C = 0.
1 2a
b2 /2a Benefit
b2 /2a
1 2a
The case of < ½, so that /(1 – ) < 1, is depicted in the left-hand figure. The case of > ½, so that
/(1 – ) > 1, is depicted in the right-hand figure. We need to solve for the values of where the benefit
of deviating equals the cost of deviating. Setting the right-hand sides of equations (23) and (25) equal
b 2 aˆ 2 b 2 aˆ 2
(30) bˆ ,
2a 2 1 2a 2
which implies that
aˆ 2 b2
(31) 1 bˆ 1 0,
1 2 1 2a
or simply
1 a 2 1 2 b 2
(32) b 0.
1 2 1 2a
Multiplying both sides of equation (32) by (1 – )2a gives us an equivalent condition for B = C :
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-31
2ab(1 ) 4a 2 b 2 (1 ) 2 4a 2 b 2 (1 2)
2ab(1 ) 4a 2 b 2 1 2 2 1 2
(34) .
2a 2 2a 2
Some further algebra yields
2ab(1 ) 2ab b(1 ) b
(35) ,
2a 2 a
and thus finally
b(1 ) b b
(36) 1 ,
a a
b(1 ) b b(1 2)
(37) 2 .
a a
These two values of for which the benefit of deviating just equals the cost of deviating are depicted in
the figures above. Note that for the case of > 1/2 – the figure on the right – 2 is negative and is thus
not relevant. We can now interpret the figures.
For the case of > 1/2 – depicted in the figure on the right – the cost of deviating exceeds the benefit of
deviating for any such that 0 < b/a. With these values of the parameters, the policymaker will
choose not to deviate from = . Right at = b/a, the policymaker is indifferent and in fact at = b/a,
deviating is the same as producing = . Finally, for any value of > b/a, the benefit of deviating
exceeds the cost of deviating and hence the policymaker will in fact deviate from = .
For the case of < 1/2 – depicted in the figure on the left – the cost of deviating exceeds the benefit of
deviating for any value of such that [b(1 – 2)]/a < < b/a. With these values of the parameters, the
policymaker will choose not to deviate from = . Right at = b/a and = [b(1 – 2)]/a, the
policymaker is indifferent. Finally, for any value of < [b(1 – 2)]/a or > b/a, the benefit of
deviating exceeds the cost of deviating and hence the policymaker will in fact deviate from = .
For the policymaker to set = 0 if = 0, we would need the cost of deviating to exceed the benefit of
deviating, evaluated at = 0. From our earlier discussion, we know this will be true if > 1/2. Thus
regardless of the values of a and b, the policymaker will choose to set inflation to zero if
= 0 as long as the discount rate is greater than 1/2.
Problem 12.20
(a) We can use the same technique as in part (c) of the solution to Problem 12.19. We can examine the
range of 's over which the cost of deviating from setting = exceeds the benefit of deviating. This
gives the range of 's over which the policymaker chooses = each period. The benefit from
deviating, B, is the same as it was in Problem 12.19. Thus we have
(1) B = (b2 /2a) + (a 2 /2) – b .
The cost of deviating in some period is that in the following period, e = b/a rather than e = . As
shown in part (a) of the solution to Problem 12.19, when e = b/a, the policymaker chooses = b/a. Thus
output is equal to yn in the following period. Since the policymaker chooses = e in the period after
deviating, expected inflation reverts to e = in all subsequent periods. Thus there is only a one-period
cost to deviating. Specifically, the cost is that in the period after deviating, the value of the policymaker's
objective function is yn – (b2 /2a) rather than yn – (a 2 /2). Discounting that back to the period in which
the deviation occurs yields the following cost, C:
12-32 Solutions to Chapter 12
We can now plot the benefit and cost of deviating as a function of . The benefit from deviating is the
same as in Problem 12.19 and so we can concentrate on the cost. From equation (2):
(3) C/ = –a ,
(4) 2 C/ 2 = –a < 0.
Thus C is an inverted parabola that reaches a maximum at = 0. From equation (2), the value of the
cost of deviating at = 0 is given by C = (b2 /2a) < (b2 /2a) since < 1. The next step is to solve for
the values of where the benefit of deviating equals the cost of deviating. Setting the right-hand sides
of equations (1) and (2) equal yields
b 2 aˆ 2 b 2 aˆ 2
(5) bˆ ,
2a 2 2a 2
which simplifies to
(1 )a 2 (1 )b 2
(6) ˆ bˆ 0.
2 2a
Multiplying both sides of equation (6) by 2a gives us the following equivalent condition for B = C:
(7) (1 + )a2 2 – 2ab + (1 – )b2 = 0.
Using the quadratic formula gives us
2ab 4a 2 b 2 4a 2 b 2 (1 )(1 )
2ab 4a 2 b 2 1 1 2
(8) .
2a 2 (1 ) 2a 2 (1 )
Some further algebra yields
2ab 2ab b(1 )
(9) 2 ,
2a (1 ) a (1 )
and thus finally
b(1 ) b b(1 )
(10) 1 , and (11) 2 .
a (1 ) a a (1 )
B,C From the figure at left, we can see that the cost of
deviating from = exceeds the benefit from
deviating for any such that
(12) b(1 – )/a(1 + ) < < b/a.
b2 /2a Benefit
With these values of the parameters, the
policymaker will choose not to deviate. For any
Cost value of greater than b/a or less than
b(1 – )/a(1 + ), the benefit from deviating
b2 /2a exceeds the cost of deviating and hence the
policymaker will in fact deviate from = .
b(1 ) b
2 1
a (1 ) a
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-33
(b) Again, we will employ the same technique. The benefit from deviating remains the same; it is given
by equation (1), B ( b 2 / 2a) (a 2 / 2) b .
We need to determine the cost of deviating for the policymaker. Suppose the policymaker deviates in
some period t. Then in period t + 1, t+1e = 0 > b/a. We can also write this as t+1e = b/a + x, x > 0. The
variable x captures the extent of the punishment for deviating. When the policymaker takes expected
inflation as given, she chooses to set inflation equal to b/a. Thus, using the Lucas supply function, output
in period t + 1, the period after deviating, is
(13) y t 1 y n b[(b / a ) (b / a ) x] y n bx .
Thus output is below the natural rate the period after deviating. The value of the policymaker's objective
function in period t + 1 is
(14) w t 1 y t 1 (a2 / 2) y n bx (b 2 / 2a ) .
Thus the cost of deviating in period t + 1 is that welfare is given by (14) rather than y n (aˆ 2 / 2) .
Discounting this back to period t, we have the cost in period t + 1:
(15) Ct 1 [ y n (aˆ 2 / 2) y n bx (b 2 / 2a )] ,
or simply
(16) C t1 [ bx (a 2 / 2) ( b 2 / 2a)] .
Now consider the situation in period t + 2, two periods after a deviation. Expected inflation equals b/a.
Taking expected inflation as given, the policymaker chooses to set inflation equal to b/a. Thus output is
at the natural rate. The value of the policymaker's objective function in t + 2 is
(17) w t 2 y t 2 (a2 / 2) y n (b 2 / 2a ) .
Thus the cost of deviating in period t + 2 is that welfare is equal to y n (b 2 / 2a ) rather than
y n (aˆ 2 / 2) . Discounting this back to period t, we have the cost in period t + 2:
(18) C t 2 2[ y n (aˆ 2 / 2) y n (b 2 / 2a )] 2 [(b 2 / 2a ) (aˆ 2 / 2)] .
In period t + 3, since actual inflation last period was equal to expected inflation last period, expected
inflation reverts to and there is no further cost to the deviation in period t.
(24) bx > (b2/2a)[1 – (1 + )],
or simply
(25) x > (b2/2a)[1 – (1 + )]/b.
(c) As we have shown previously, if the policymaker takes expected inflation as given, she chooses
inflation equal to b/a. Thus if e = b/a, the policymaker chooses = b/a, so that the public's expectation
is fulfilled and output is at the natural rate. There is no incentive for the policymaker to choose a
different inflation rate and there is no incentive for the public to change its expectation of inflation and
thus = e = b/a will be an equilibrium for any a > 0, b > 0.
Problem 12.21
The key is to reason backward from the last period, which we will denote T. In that last period, the
policymaker's choice of has no effect on next period's expected inflation; there is no next period. Thus
the policymaker's problem in the final period is to take expected inflation as given and choose in order
to maximize the period T objective function. From previous analysis in the solution to Problem 12.19,
we know that the policymaker's choice of inflation in this type of situation is T = b/a. Since the public
knows how the policymaker behaves, expected inflation also equals b/a and thus output equals yn.
Now consider the situation in period T – 1. The important point is that the policymaker knows her
choice of T-1 will have no bearing on what happens the next and final period. Regardless of the level of
she chooses in period T – 1, expected inflation next period will be b/a, as described above. Since the
policymaker's problem has no impact on the future, she chooses , taking e as given, to maximize the
period T – 1 objective function. Again, the optimal choice is T-1 = b/a. The public knows this and so
T-1e = b/a and thus output in period T – 1 equals yn.
Working backward, the same thing happens each period. The policymaker knows that expected inflation
the following period will be b/a regardless of what she does this period. Thus she acts to maximize the
one-period objective function and chooses = b/a, which results in output equal to the natural rate.
Therefore the unique equilibrium for all periods is te = t = b/a and yt = yn.
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-35
Problem 12.22
The politician faces the following problem, where E is defined as the probability of being reelected:
(1) max E Pr[ 2 u 2 K] ,
u1, u 2
subject to
(2) t t 1 (u t u n ) st ,
(3) uL ut uH ,
for t = 1, 2. Substituting equation (2) evaluated at t = 2 into the probability that the politician is reelected
(4) E Pr[1 (u 2 u n ) s2 u 2 K] .
We can rewrite equation (4) as
(5) E Pr[s2 K 1 u n ( )u 2 ] .
The probability on the right-hand side of equation (5) is simply the cumulative distribution function of
2S evaluated at K 1 u n ( )u 2 and so we can write the probability of being reelected as
(6) E F(K 1 u n ( )u 2 ) .
Note that the choice of u2 does not depend on 1, which in turn is a function of u1. To see the way in
which the probability of being reelected varies with the choice of u1, take the derivative of E with respect
to u1:
(7) f (K 1 u n ( )u 2 )( 1 ) ,
u1 u1
where f(•) is the probability density function of 2S. Since 1 0 (u1 u n ) 1s , where 0 is given,
1 u1 . Thus we can write
(8) f (K 1 u n ( )u 2 )
Since f(•) 0, the derivative given in equation (8) is greater than or equal to zero. Thus picking a higher
value for first-period unemployment can never reduce the probability of being reelected and might
increase it. Thus it is optimal to pick the highest feasible level of unemployment in the first period, uH.
Intuitively, since only second-period inflation and unemployment determine the probability of being
reelected, the politician wants to face the best possible inflation-unemployment tradeoff in period 2.
From equation (2), we can see that is accomplished by having the lowest possible inflation rate in the
previous period, period 1. That, in turn, is accomplished by having the highest possible unemployment
rate in period 1.
Problem 12.23
(a) Rearranging the relationship between output and inflation given by
(1) y t y n b( t E t 1[ t ]) ,
to solve for t gives us
(2) t (1/ b)(y t y n ) E t 1[ t ] .
The liberal leader chooses yt to maximize aLyt – t2/2 subject to inflation being determined by equation
(2). The first-order condition is
12-36 Solutions to Chapter 12
(3) a L t 0.
From equation (2), taking Et-1[t] as given, the derivative of t with respect to yt is (1/b). Substituting that
fact, as well as equation (2), into the first-order condition gives us
(4) a L [(1/ b)(y t y n ) E t 1[ t ]](1/ b) 0 .
Equation (4) can be rewritten as
(5) (1 / b)(y t y n ) E t 1[ t ] ba L .
Solving equation (5) for yt gives us
(6) (1/ b) y t (1/ b) y n ba L E t 1[ t ] ,
and multiplying both sides of equation (6) by b yields
(7) y L n 2
t y b a L bE t 1[ t ] .
Equation (7) gives the value of output that a liberal leader will choose.
An analogous exercise would allow us to derive the following expression for the level of output chosen
by a conservative leader:
(8) y C n 2
t y b a C bE t 1[ t ] .
(b) Substitute the liberal's choice for output into equation (2) to obtain
(9) t (1/ b)(y n b 2a L bE t 1[ t ] y n ) E t 1[ t ]
Thus the inflation rate with a liberal leader is given by
(10) Lt ba L .
Similarly, the inflation rate with a conservative leader is
(11) Ct ba C .
Individuals know this is how the leaders will behave in period 1. Since the public knows that the
probability of a liberal leader is p, and the probability of a conservative leader is (1 – p), the expected
value of inflation in period 1 is a weighted average of the two possible inflation rates given by (10) and
(11), where the probabilities serve as weights. That is,
(12) E 0 [1 ] pba L (1 p)ba C b[pa L (1 p)a C ] .
To determine output in period 1 under a liberal leader, substitute equation (12) into equation (7):
(13) y1L y n b 2a L bE 0 [1 ] y n b 2a L b 2 [pa L (1 p)a C ] .
Equation (13) can be rearranged to obtain
(14) y1L y n b 2a L (1 p) b 2 (1 p)a C ,
or simply
(15) y1L y n b 2 (1 p)[a L a C ] .
To determine output in period 1 under a conservative leader, substitute equation (12) into equation (8):
(16) y1C y n b 2a C bE 0 [1 ] y n b 2a C b 2 [pa L (1 p)a C ] .
Equation (16) can be rearranged to obtain
(17) y1C y n b 2 [pa L paC ] ,
or simply
(18) y1C y n b 2 p[a L a C ] .
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-37
Since aL > aC > 0, output and inflation are higher in period 1 under a liberal leader than they are under a
conservative leader.
(c) In period 1, the public knows for certain who the leader will be in period 2. Thus if a liberal is in
power, the public expects inflation in period 2 to equal baL; similarly, if a conservative is in power, the
public expects inflation in period 2 to equal baC.
The leaders continue to maximize their objective function, taking expected inflation as given. Thus,
from equation (7), the liberal leader's choice of y2 is given by
(19) y L n 2
2 y b a L bE1[ 2 ] .
Substituting the fact that E1[2] = baL if there is a liberal leader gives us
(20) y L n 2 2
2 y b aL b aL .
And thus period-2 output under a liberal leader is simply
(21) y L
2 y .
Without the uncertainty about who the leader will be, output will not deviate from potential.
Problem 12.24
We can focus on a situation in which gM , , i, and r are constant and in which e = . Although not
technically correct – since Y and thus M/P are growing – we will refer to such a situation as a steady
state in what follows. Under these assumptions, it is therefore reasonable to assume that output, and the
real interest rate are unaffected by the rate of money growth and that actual and expected inflation are
equal. Taking the exponential function of both sides of the money demand function, which is given by
ln(M(t)/P(t)) = a – bi + lnY(t), yields
(1) M(t)/P(t) = e a bi Y( t ) .
The nominal interest rate is given by i = r + e. In steady state, e and r are constant and thus so is the
nominal interest rate. Thus in steady state, the quantity of real balances must grow at the same rate as
Y(t). In other words, M ( t ) M( t ) P ( t ) P( t ) g . Solving for inflation yields
(2) = gM – gY ,
where gM is the growth rate of the nominal money stock. This means that the nominal interest rate in
steady state is given by
(3) i r r g M g Y ,
where we have used the fact that actual and expected inflation are equal. Substituting equation (3) into
equation (1) gives steady-state real balances:
b ( r g M gY )
(4) M( t ) P( t ) e a e Y( t ) .
Seignorage is given by
12-38 Solutions to Chapter 12
M ( t ) M( t )
M M( t )
(5) S(t) = . gM
P( t ) M ( t ) P( t ) P( t )
Substituting equation (4) into equation (5) gives steady-state seignorage:
b ( r g M gY ) bgM
(6) S( t ) g M e a e Y( t ) Cg M e Y( t ) ,
a b( r gY )
where C e e . We need to find the choice of nominal money growth, gM , that maximizes
steady-state seignorage. Again, we are assuming that output is unaffected by money growth. The first-
order condition is
bg bg
(7) S( t ) g M Ce M Y( t ) bCg M e M Y( t ) 0 ,
which simplifies to
(8) 1 – bgM = 0.
Thus seignorage is maximized when money growth is given by
(9) gM = 1/b.
From equation (2), we know that = gM – gY and thus the rate of inflation that maximizes seignorage is
(10) = (1/b) – gY .
Equation (10) implies that the higher is the growth rate of real output, the lower is the rate of inflation
that maximizes steady-state seignorage.
Problem 12.25
(a) Desired real money holdings are given by
(1) m( t ) Ce b ( t ) .
The assumption is that expected inflation adjusts gradually toward actual inflation. Specifically, our
assumption is
(2) e ( t ) = [(t) – e (t)].
As usual, seignorage is given by M (t)/M(t)][M(t)/P(t)]. Assuming that the
(t)/P(t) or equivalently [ M
nominal money supply is growing at rate gM (t), we can write seignorage as
(3) S(t) = gM (t)m(t).
To see the dynamics of inflation and money holdings formally, note that the growth rate of real money,
m (t)/m(t), equals the growth rate of nominal money, gM (t), minus the rate of inflation, (t). Rewriting
this as an equation for inflation gives us
(4) (t) = gM (t) – [ m
Define G as the amount of real purchases that the government needs to finance with seignorage. Thus
from equation (3), we have
(5) gM (t) = G/m(t).
Taking the time derivative of both sides of equation (1) yields
( t ) b e ( t )Ce b ( t ) .
(6) m
Dividing both sides of equation (6) by m(t) gives us
(7) m ( t ) m( t ) b e ( t ) .
Substituting equations (5) and (7) into equation (4) yields
(8) ( t ) b e ( t ) .
m( t )
Substituting equation (8) into equation (2) gives us
(9) e ( t ) b e ( t ) e ( t ) .
m( t )
Collecting the terms in e ( t ) yields
Solutions to Chapter 12 12-39
(10) e ( t ) 1 b e (t) ,
m( t )
and thus
G e ( t ) m( t )
(11) e ( t ) .
1 b m( t )
(b) The assumption that G > S* (where S* represents the maximum steady-state value of seignorage) is
equivalent to G > e m for all possible values of e. Thus since b < 1, the right-hand side of equation
(11) is everywhere positive: regardless of where it starts, expected inflation grows without bound. To
examine the nature of the phase diagram, substitute m( t ) Ce b ( t ) into equation (11):
(12) e ( t ) e (t) .
(1 b) Ce b ( t ) 1 b
(c) Now consider the case of G < S*. The left-hand figure below reproduces Figure 12.12 from the text.
It depicts the amount of seignorage the government can obtain in steady state as a function of the growth
rate of the nominal money supply. In the case of G < S*, there are two possible growth rates of the
nominal money supply, labeled g1 and g2 in the figure, consistent with raising the amount G in
seignorage. Recall that in a steady state, expected inflation equals actual inflation which in turn equals
the constant growth rate of the nominal money supply. Thus, by assumption, e (t)m(t) = G at e (t) = g1
and e (t) = g2. From equation (11) then, e ( t ) = 0 at e (t) = g1 and e (t) = g2 . From the figure on the
left, when g1 < e (t) < g2 , we have e (t)m(t) > G and thus e ( t ) < 0. Otherwise, e (t)m(t) < G and thus
e ( t ) < 0. Putting all this information together gives us the phase diagram depicted on the right. The
low-inflation steady state with e (t) = (t) = g1 is stable and the high-inflation steady state with e (t) =
(t) = g2 is unstable.
12-40 Solutions to Chapter 12
S(t) e ( t )
g1 g2
e (t)
g1 g2 gM (t)