This project gives the detailed overview of the IC Engines. To describe how difference in phase
of technology has helped to improve the thermal efficiency. Compare the Technologies of the
IC Engines of the past with the modern Technology IC Engines based on the Thermal Efficiency
and the emissions on the environment. This project also includes the types of cycles involved in
IC Engines. Also explain the types of IC Engines based on the number of strokes and the pros
and cons of those types. The main part involves reviewing the Research papers about IC
Engines. Also compairing the emissions of older engines with newer engines based on the UN
SDG-7 and UNSDG-11.
The first IC Engine in the world was invented in 1876 by Nikolaus Otto a German.
An internal combustion engine is a type of heat engine where the combustion of a fuel takes
place within a combustion chamber that is an essential component of the flow circuit, typically
involving a component to like oxygen but commonly air. This is the most used in the whole
world. There are total of 1.4 billion IC Engines in this world right now.
Types of IC Engines:
A) OTTO Cycle Engine:
The Otto cycle engine represents an idealized cycle designed for Spark Ignition engines. It is
characterized by two isentropic processes, along with two isochoric processes. An engine that
operates based on this thermodynamic cycle is referred to as an Otto cycle engine.
Literature Review:
1. Design and Weight Optimization of IC Engines:
IC Engines Produce power by converting heat energy into mechanical energy. The heat is
obtained by burning of Chemical energy. Force generated by this is transmitted by using a
connecting rod by piston. So in Design piston play important role so it has to be built by a
material that is sustainable by heat and durable. So materials like aluminum alloys are used to
overcome heat problem. Now a days for engines produces high power and heat steel alloys are
used in pistons. Weight is optimized by following things in a piston as it plays a important role
in many aspects:
Material Selection, Forging Process and Design Optimization. [1]
5. A Challenging Future for the IC Engine: New Technologies and the Control
Along the history, Internal Combustion (IC) engines have been of great importance in the
combustion vehicles sectors. The goal of the future technology is to design the IC Engines in
such a way that the emission of CO2 is minimum. The older IC engines were great innovations
in technology but at that time our lesser knowledge caused the environment in a bad manner.
So the Future Technology is all about reducing the bad effect on the environment. [5]