Extc-Sem-1-4-2021 Syllabus

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's

Sardar Patel Institute of Technology

(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

B. Tech. (Electronics &

Telecommunication Engineering)
(Semester I-VIII)

2021 Iteration (2021-25)

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 1
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Nomenclature of the Courses
BSC Basic Science Course PC Program Core
BSE Basic Science Elective PE Program Elective
ESC Engineering Science Course MLC Mandatory Learning Course
ESE Engineering Science Elective OE Open Elective
SBC Skilled Based Course HSSE Humanities and Social Science Elective
ABL-SATVA Self- Accomplishment SCOPE Skill Certification for Outcome based
Through Various Activities Professional Education
ABL-SEVA Social Empowerment Through Various Activities

L Lecture Hour O Other Work (Self Study)
T Tutorial Hour E Total Engagement in Hours
P Laboratory Hour C Credit Assigned

Engagement and Credit Scheme

Semester I
No. Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 BSC MA101 Engineering Calculus 3 1 0 8 12 4
2 BSC AS101 Engineering Physics 2 1 2 5 10 4
3 ESC AS104 Engineering Graphics 1 0 2 2 05 2
4 ESC ET101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 0 2 6 11 4
5 ESC CS101 Problem Solving using Imperative 2 0 4 4 10 4
6 SBC AS106 Skill Shop 0 0 2 0 02 1
7 ABL SV1X/ST1X SEVA-I or SATVA-I 0 0 0 2 02 1
TOTAL 11 2 12 27 52 20

Semester II
No. Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 BSC MA102 Differential Equations and Complex Analysis 3 1 0 8 12 4
2 BSC AS102 Engineering Chemistry 2 0 2 3 07 3
3 BSC AS103 Biology for Engineers 2 0 0 3 05 2
4 ESC AS105 Engineering Mechanics 2 0 2 4 08 3
5 ESC CS102 Problem Solving using OOPs 2 0 4 4 10 4
6 ESC EC101 Digital Systems and Microprocessors 3 0 2 5 10 4
7 SBC AS107 Communication Skills 1 0 2 2 05 2
TOTAL 15 1 12 29 57 22

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 3
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 1 0 8 12 3 1 0 4
Examination Scheme
Engineering Calculus
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 100 100 200 400

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. HSC Mathematics

Course Objective: To develop mathematical skills for solving engineering problems.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to:-
MA101.1 Differentiate a function partially.
MA101.2 Find extreme values of a given function.
MA101.3 Find the nth order derivative of a given function.
MA101.4 Expand a given function as a power series.
MA101.5 Calculate the value of integrals in one variable using different techniques and solve multiple
integrals in various coordinate systems.
MA101.6 Calculate Area using double integration.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA101.1 3
MA101.2 3 1
MA101.3 2
MA101.4 2
MA101.5 3
MA101.6 2 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)



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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember √ Understand √ Apply √ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Partial Differentiation 1,2,3 10
1.1 Partial derivatives of first and higher order. Partial derivatives of 4
composite functions.
1.2 Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions with two and three 3
independent variables, deductions from Euler’s theorem.
1.3 Application of partial derivatives: i) Local Maxima and Minima of 3
functions of two variables. Ii) Lagrange’s Method of undetermined
2 Title Successive Differentiation and Series 1,2,3 10
2.1 Successive Differentiation: Proofs of nth derivatives of standard 3
functions. Use of De Moivre’s theorem and partial fractions to calculate
nth derivatives of given functions.
2.2 Leibnitz’s Theorem on nth derivative of product of two functions 2
2.3 Infinite series: 1) Maclaurian’s series (without proof) and derivation of 5
series of some standard functions using Maclaurin series. Expansion of
functions in powers of x by using i) Standard series method
ii) Method of differentiation and integration.
2) Taylor’s series and applications.
3 Title Integral Calculus (one variable) 1,2,3 8
3.1 Gamma functions: properties of gamma functions and integrals reducible 2
to gamma functions.
3.2 Beta functions: properties, relation between Beta and Gamma functions, 4
integrals reducible to Beta functions, Duplication formula.
3.3 Differentiation under Integral sign: differentiating integrals with 2
constant limits of integration for one parameter.
4 Title Integral Calculus (multi variable) 1,2,3 14
4.1 Tracing of curves. Sketching standard solids (Spheres, Ellipsoids, 2
Cylinders, Cones, Tetrahedrons, planes)
4.2 Double Integration: definition and evaluation. Evaluate by changing the 7
order of integration and by changing to polar form.
4.3 Application of double integral to finding area of given regions. 2
4.4 Triple integration: definition and evaluation (Cartesian and cylindrical 3

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
5 Self- 1.1 Partial differentiation of implicit functions. 1,2,3 08
Study 2.3 Series by method of Substitution
3.2 Proof of Duplication Formula
3.3 Differentiation under Integral sign using two parameters and variable
4.1 Finding lengths of curves in Cartesian and polar form
Total 42*

*Total of 42 hours does not include self-study hours.

Text Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Higher Engineering 44th Dr. B. S. Grewal Khanna Publications 2020

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Advanced Engineering 28th H.K Das S. Chand 2014
2. Advanced Engineering 10th Erwin Kreysizg John Wiley & Sons 2011
3. Advanced Engineering 4th Jain and Iyengar Narosa Publications 2014

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 6
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 1 2 5 10 2 1 1 4
(BSC) Examination Scheme
Engineering Physics Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. HSC level physics

Course Objective: To provide the knowledge and methodology necessary for solving problems in the field
of engineering
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS101.1 Illustrate the knowledge of basic concepts of semiconductor physics, lasers and quantum
AS101.2 Solve the problems by applying the basics concepts of physics.
AS101.3 Use the Schrodinger equation to realize the concept of discreteness and quantum tunneling.
AS101.4 Explain the working of various LASERs and its practical applications.
AS101.5 To develop experimental skills and the practical abilities.
AS101.6 To develop an ability of understanding of concepts and principles of physics.
AS101.7 To comprehend importance of precision, accuracy of the experimental data.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS101.1 1
AS101.2 1
AS101.3 1
AS101.4 1
AS101.5 1
AS101.6 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Quantum Mechanics 09
1.1 De-Broglie hypothesis; experimental verification of de Broglie 1,2,3
hypothesis; wave packet, group velocity and phase velocity; Wave
function, Physical interpretation of wave function; Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle; Electron diffraction experiment; Applications of
uncertainty principle
1.2 Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation, time independent wave 1,2,3
equation; Application of time-independent Schrodinger equation –
Particle trapped in one dimensional box and Potential barrier
(Tunnelling), Harmonic oscillator (qualitative)
2 Title Physics of Semiconductors and Semiconductor devices 13
2.1 Conduction in metals and semiconductors; Fermi-Dirac distribution 5
function and Fermi level in a conductor, insulator and semiconductor
2.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; intrinsic conductivity and 5
extrinsic conductivity; Law of mass action, charge neutrality
condition; intrinsic carrier concentration, electron and hole
concentration; Extrinsic carrier concentration as a function of
temperature; Effect of impurity concentration and temperature on the
Fermi Level; Hall Effect and its applications. Drift and Diffusion
current density
2.3 Formation of a P-N junction, depletion region and barrier potential; 5,6
Energy band structure of P-N Junction (unbiased, forward-bias,
reverse-bias); concept of carrier current densities in p-n junction in
equilibrium, forward bias and reverse bias; Breakdown mechanism –
Zener effect and avalanche
2.4 P-N junction devices: LED, Zener diode, photoconductors, 5,6
photovoltaic solar cells and Bipolar Junction Transistors
3 Title LASERS 06
3.1 Processes – Absorption of light, spontaneous emission, stimulated 3,4
emission; Einstein’s equations, Population inversion; metastable
states; pumping and pumping schemes; optical resonance cavity
3.2 Ruby and Helium Neon laser, semiconductor laser; Applications of 3,4
laser in industry, medicine, and holography. (construction &
reconstruction of holograms)

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
4 Self- Interference of light in thin films having uniform thickness, Newton’s 05*
Study rings, Applications of interference in anti-reflecting and highly
reflecting thin films.
Diffraction of light, Diffraction due to single slit, double slit, and
diffraction grating.
Total (*Not included) 28
Laboratory Component
Sr. Title of the Experiment*
1 Determination of energy band gap of a semiconductor
2 Study of I-V characteristics of a Zener diode
3 Determination of the type of semiconductor sample, concentration of charge carriers and its
mobility using Hall Effect
4 Determination of Planck’s constant using photo vacuum tube
5 Measurement of ultrasonic velocity in liquid medium using ultrasonic interferometer
6 Determination of radius of curvature using Newton’s Rings
7 Determination of thickness of a thin foil or wire using the interference pattern of a wedge-shaped
8 Determination of wavelengths of a mercury source and resolving power of a plane diffraction
9 Study of single slit diffraction
10 Determination of grating element of a diffraction grating using a laser source
11 Determination of the numerical aperture of an optical fibre
12 Uses of a Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope
*Students will perform any 10 of the above experiments

Text Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. A Textbook of 11 Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu & S. Chand 2018
Engineering Physics Dr. P. G. Kshirsagar
2. Engineering Physics 1 D. K. Bhttacharya & Oxford University Press 2015
Poonam Tandon

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Concepts of Modern 6 Arthur Beiser McGraw Hill Education 2009
2. Modern Physics 3 Serway, Moses and Moyer Thomson Learning 2005

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
3. Fundamentals of 10 Halliday and Resnick Wiley 2013
4. Solid State Physics 8 S. O. Pillai New Age International 2018
5. Solid State Electronic 7 Ben G. Streetman and Pearson Education 2016
Devices Sanjay Kumar Banerjee
6. Lasers: Fundamentals 2 Ghatak and Thyagarajan Springer 2011
and Applications

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 10
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
1 0 2 2 5 1 0 1 2
(ESC) Examination Scheme
Engineering Graphics Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 20 20 60 100
Laboratory 60 -- 40 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Fundamentals up to 12th science

Course Objective: To develop technical drawing and visualization skills using instrumental
drawing and soft tool, required for design and modeling, in Engineering Applications and
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS104.1 Construct basic engineering curves.
AS104.2 Draw projections of points and lines.
AS104.3 Draw projections of regular solids inclined to both the reference planes.
AS104.4 Read the 3-dimensional view and draw the orthographic projections.
AS104.5 Read the 3-dimensional view and draw the sectional orthographic projections.
AS104.6 Read the orthographic projections and draw isometric view.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS104.1 3 3 3
AS104.2 3 3 3
AS104.3 3 3 3
AS104.4 3 3 3
AS104.5 3 3 3
AS104.6 3 3 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 11
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Unit1 Introduction to Engineering Drawing 1,2
1.1 Introduction to Drawing Instruments, Types of Lines, 4
Dimensioning Systems and Scaling as per IS conventions. First
angle method of projection only
1.2 Basic construction of Cycloid and Involutes.
2 Unit2 Projections of Points and Lines 1 4
2.1 Projection of points in all four quadrants
2.2 Projection of lines parallel to one principal reference plane.
2.3 Lines inclined to both the Reference Planes (Excluding Traces of
3 Unit3 Projections of solids (Regular solids like Prism, Pyramid, 1,2 7
Cylinder, Tetrahedron, Hexahedron and Cone only)
3.1 Projection of solid resting on plane (Single step projection)
3.2 Projection of solid such that base inclined to one reference plane
(Two step projection)
3.3 Projection of solid such that base inclined to both reference
planes (Three step projection/problem) (Exclude Spheres,
Composite, Hollow solids and frustum of solids)
4 Unit4 Orthographic Projections 1,2 Lab
4.1 Orthographic views of a simple machine part as per the first angle ons
method of projection recommended by I.S.
4.2 Full Sectional views of the Simple Machine parts.
5 Unit5 Isometric Projections and views 2 Lab
5.1 Isometric views (Natural scale only) Sessi
6 Self 1.2 Construction of Engineering curves like ellipse, parabola, 1,2, 6*
Study hyperbola, helix, other types of cycloids etc. by using different 3
method of construction.
2.1 Projection of lines with traces, application-based problems on
Projection of lines
3.1 Projections of cut solids with different cutting planes.
4.1 Solve more practice examples of orthographic views. Draw
different views of a machine part/any object using third angle
method of projection. (Axonometric view, oblique view,
perspective etc.)
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 12
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
4.2 Half sectional orthographic views.
5.1 Development of surfaces of frustum of solid, and retaining
part of the solid after cutting plane, reverse development of solid.

Total (*Not included) 15

Laboratory Component (Minimum 5 sheets are expected)
Sr. Noof Engineering AutoCAD Laboratory
No Sessions
Introduction to Auto-CAD: -Basic Draw and Modify Commands.
1 2 Knowledge of setting up layers, Dimensioning, Hatching, plotting, and
Auto-Cad Practice sheet-1
2 1 Auto-Cad Practice sheet-2
3 2 Introduction to Orthographic projections sheet 3
4 2 Orthographic projections sheet 4
5 2 Introduction to Sectional Orthographic projections sheet 5
6 2 Sectional Orthographic projections sheet 6
Introduction to Isometric Projection/View: -
Isometric View of blocks with plain and cylindrical surfaces is using
7 2 plain/natural
scale only. (Exclude Spherical surfaces).
Isometric Projection/View sheet 7
8 2 Isometric Projection/View sheet 8
Total 15

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Engineering Drawing 53rd N D Bhatt Charotar 2016
2 Engineering Drawing 3rd Dhananjay A Jolhe Tata McGraw Hill 2011

Reference Books
Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 AutoCAD 2017 -- Sham Tickoo DreamTech Press, Delhi 2017

Engineering Drawing and

2 Fifth K Venugopal New Age International 2011

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 13
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
(ESC) Examination Scheme
Basic Electrical Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Basic concepts of electric charge, current, voltage and
Course Objective: To impart a basic knowledge of electrical quantities, circuits and components.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
ET101.1 Compute various electrical quantities of given dc circuit using circuit simplification
techniques and various network theorems.
ET101.2 To expose the students to different terms and concepts in AC Circuits at fundamental
frequency and to expose them to basics of effects of harmonics in the waveforms
ET101.3 To study the working principles of electrical machines and their applications
ET101.4 To expose the students the fundamental concepts in Controllable Switch and Modulation
based Power Conversion
ET101.5 To study Electrical Parameters of the Batteries and their selection and design criteria for a
specific application

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
ET101.1 3 2 3
ET101.2 3 2 3
ET101.3 3 3
ET101.4 3 3
ET101.5 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

ET101.1 3 3
ET101.2 3 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 14
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title DC Circuits
1.1 Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), Voltage and current sources, 10
Equivalent resistance of circuits, Simplification using delta-star and star-
delta transformation.
1.2 Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, Analysis of simple circuits with dc
excitation. Mesh analysis, Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum
Power Transfer Theorems
1.3 Time-domain analysis of first-order DC Transients in RL and RC circuits.
2 Title AC Circuits 12
2.1 Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values,
phasor representation, real power, reactive power, apparent power,
power factor. Harmonics, Total Harmonic Distortion, Power
supplied by Harmonic voltages and currents, Power factor in case of
non-sinusoidal waveforms.
2.2 AC Analysis of series and parallel RLC Circuits with Resonance, Concept
of Bandwidth and Q-factor,
2.3 Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and
delta connections.
3 Title Electromagnetic and Electro-Mechanical Energy Converters 10
3.1 Magnetically Coupled Coils, Self and Mutual Inductance and Dot
3.2 Single Phase Transformer: Principle of Operation, Equivalent Circuits,
Efficiency and Regulation.
3.3 Introduction to Three-phase Transformers and Applications
3.4 Fundamental Principles of Rotating Machines, Characteristics of Induction
motor and DC motor
4 Title Electric Power Converters 05
4.1 Fundamental Principles of Buck, Boost and buck-boost DC-DC converters
and their Transfer Characteristics, Duty Ratio Control
4.2 Single-phase voltage source inverters and PWM
5 Title Batteries: Electrical Characteristics and Applications 05
5.1 Introduction to type of Batteries, Generalized Battery parameters such as
SoC, DoD, Energy and Power Densities, Battery C-rating, etc. Comparison
of Batteries, Charging and Discharging Characteristic
5.2 Selection and Sizing of Battery Packs for Specific Applications
6 Self- Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, 3*
Stud MCCB, Types of Wires and Cables, Earthing. Elementary calculations for
y energy consumption and power factor improvement.
Total (*Not included) 42
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 15
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Laboratory Component (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
01 Introduction to Electrical Measuring instruments, Lamp Loads, Inductor Loads and Capacitor Bank
02 Verification of Star-Delta and Delta-star Transformation with Kirchoff’s Laws
03 Verification of Thevenin’s Norton’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
04 Verification of DC Transient equations in RL and RC Circuits

05 Experimental study of single-phase AC circuit with R-L and R-C Load with Measurement of Power and
Power factor
06 Experimental study of R-L-C Series Resonance. To plot resonance curve, To compute Bandwidth and
07 Experiment on Magnetic Circuit Fundamentals

08 Loading of a transformer: measurement of primary and secondary voltages and currents, and power. To
compute efficiency and regulation.
Three-phase transformers: Star and Delta connections. Voltage and Current relationships (line-line
09 voltage, phase-to-neutral voltage, line and phase currents). Phase-shifts between the primary and
secondary side. Cumulative three-phase power in balanced three-phase circuits.
Synchronous speed of two and four-pole, three-phase induction motors. Direction reversal by change of
10 phase-sequence of connections. Torque-Slip Characteristic of an induction motor. Generator operation
of an induction machine driven at super-synchronous speed.
11 Demonstration of (a) dc-dc converters (b) dc-ac converters – PWM waveform.
12 Demonstration of V/F control of Induction motor
13 Experimental study of charge and Discharge characteristics of a Lead-acid Battery
14 Introduction to L.T. Switch gear

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 16
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Sr. Editio
Title Authors Publisher Year
No. n
1 Basic Electrical Engineering 3rd D. P. Kothari and I. J. Tata McGraw Hill 2010
2 Electrical Technology 23rd B. L. Theraja S. Chand 2003

Reference Books

Title Edition Author Publisher Year
01 Basic Electrical Engineering 2nd D. C. Kulshreshtha McGraw Hill 2019
02 Fundamentals of Electrical 2nd L. S. Bobrow Oxford University 2011
Engineering Press
03 Electrical and Electronics 3rd E. Hughes Pearson 2010
04 Electrical Engineering 2nd V. D. Toro Prentice Hall India 1989
05 Elements of Power Electronics 2nd P. T. Krein New York and 2015
Oxford: Oxford
University Press
06 Power Electronics: Converters, 2nd Ned Mohan, T.M John Wiley and 1995
Application and Design Undelands and W Sons. Inc.
P Robbins
07 Electric Machinery 6th A. E. Fitzgerald, C. McGraw-Hill 2003
Kingsley and S. D.

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 17
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 4 4 10 2 0 2 4
(ESC) Problem Solving using Examination Scheme
Imperative Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Programming Theory - - - -
Laboratory 300 -- 100 400

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To develop problem solving skills using imperative programming
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
CS101.1 Explain the problem-solving aspects using various programming paradigms.
CS101.2 Solve real world problems using imperative programming approach.
CS101.3 Solve problems using control structures for real world problems.
CS101.4 Solve problems using Arrays and Text processing.
CS101.5 Develop modular code for a given problem.
CS101.6 Solve real world problems using Structures and Unions
CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CS101.1 1
CS101.2 2 2
CS101.3 2 2
CS101.4 2 2
CS101.5 2 2
CS101.6 2 2
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply √ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 18
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
Title Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Paradigms
1.1 What is a Problem, Problem Solving Aspect, Top-Down Design,
Implementation of Algorithms, Characteristics of a good algorithm, what
is a computer program, real life examples of programming, Computer 3,4 2
based applications of programming, Steps followed in Program
Development, Characteristics of good Program
1.2 Overview of Programming Paradigms - Declarative and Imperative,
3,4 2
Problem-solving using Algorithm and Flowcharts,
Title Basic Elements of Computer Programming and Control flow
2.1 Variables, keywords, Data types, Operators: Arithmetic, Relational and
Logical, Assignment, Unary, Conditional, Bitwise, Expression, 1,2 1
2.2 Branching Structures: if statement, if-else statement, multi-way decision,
switch statement, continue statement, break statement 1,2 3
Iterative Structures: while, do-while, for, nested loops
2.3 Problem solving using Control Structures for real world problems 1,2,4 2
Title Problem Solving using Array Techniques
3.1 Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Definition, accessing array elements,
1,2 2
one-dimensional array, two-dimensional array, array of characters, Strings
3 3.2 Classical Problem-Solving using Arrays like Array Order Reversal, Array
1,2,4 2
Counting or Histogramming, Finding the maximum number in a set.
3.3 Text Processing problems like finding length, keyword search, finding
1,2,4 2
Title Problem Solving using Modular Approach
4.1 Defining a Function, accessing a Function, Function Prototype, Passing
4 Arguments to a Function, call by value, pointers and call by reference, 1,2 4
4.2 Problem solving using Functions and Recursive applications 1,2,4 3
Title Structures and Unions
5.1 Structures and Union: Declaration, Initialization, structure within structure,
5 Array of Structure, Operation on structures, Concept of Union, Difference 1,2 3
between structure and union,
5.2 Real world problems using Structures and Unions 1,2,4 2
Self File handling: Types of Files, File operation- Opening, Closing, Creating,
6 Study Reading, Processing File, Command line arguments, Dynamic Memory 1,2,4 4*
Total (*Not included) 28

Laboratory Component (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Note: All problems should be implemented using C language.

Title of the Experiment
1 Use the formatted input/output statements, operators and expressions of C language
2 Apply various control structures to solve given problems.
3 Apply the concept of functions to incorporate modularity.
4 Demonstrate the use of one-dimensional arrays to solve a given problem.
5 Demonstrate the use of two-dimensional arrays to solve a given problem.
6 Apply the concept of recursion to solve a given problem.
7 Implement various text processing problems.
8 Apply the concepts of structures/union to solve a given problem.
9 Demonstrate the use of pointers to solve a given problem.
10 Implement various operations on files to solve a given problem.


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
McGraw Hill
1 Programming with C Fourth (Schaum’s outline 2018
Kernighan ,
2 The C programming Language Second Pearson 2015
Foundations of Programming
3 Second Kent D. Lee Springer 2017
R. G.
4 How to Solve it by Computer First Prentice Hall India 1998

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Let Us C Sixteenth Yashavant Kanetkar BPB 2017
2 Programming Third Carlo Ghezi, John Wiley & 2008
Language Concepts Mehdi Jazayeri Sons
3 Computer Second V. Rajaraman & PHI Learning, 2014
Programming in C Neeharika Adabala Eastern Economy

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
0 0 2 0 02 0 0 1 1
(SBC) Examination Scheme
Skill Shop Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory -- -- -- --
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To equip the students with the fundamental skills involved in the creation of
simulated and physical design.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS106.1 Operate basic electronic equipment and instruments.
AS106.2 Make PCB designs in simulations.
AS106.3 Assemble, disassemble, and troubleshoot computer hardware and network peripherals.
AS106.4 Fabricate basic jobs in traditional trades.
AS106.5 Design a 3D model and translate it to a 3D printed component.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS106.1 3 3
AS106.2 3 3 3
AS106.3 3 3
AS106.4 3 3
AS106.5 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

AS106.1 3
AS106.2 3
AS106.3 3
AS106.4 3
AS106.5 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Lab Component
Trade Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Unit 1 Electronic Components 5 4
1.1 Introduction to Electronic Components
Exposure to usual electronic equipment/instruments such as Multi-
meter, Oscilloscope, Function generator, IC tester and Power
supply, Information about their front panels, Demonstrations on
their working, Hands-on for measurement of component values and
DC voltage using multi-meter, AC mains voltage/1 KHz Square
wave/any small signal from function generator on Oscilloscope,
Testing of sample digital ICs using IC tester.
Repairing of gadgets and appliances:
Elementary skills of repairing juicer, mixer, grinder, etc.
2 Unit 2 PCB Laboratory Exercises 6 4
2.1 Layout drawing, Positive and negative film making, PCB etching
and drilling, Tinning and soldering technique.
3 Unit 3 Hardware and Networking 7, 8 4
3.1 Dismantling of a Personal Computer (PC), Identification of
Components of a PC such as power supply, motherboard,
processor, hard disk, memory (RAM, ROM), CMOS battery, CD
drive, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, pen drives, disk
drives etc.
3.2 Assembling of PC, Installation of Operating System and Device
drivers, Boot-up sequence. Installation of application software (at
least one).
3.3 Basic troubleshooting and maintenance.
3.4 Identification of network components: LAN card, wireless card,
switch, hub, router, different types of network cables (straight
cables, crossover cables, rollover cables) Basic networking and
4 Unit 4 Traditional Trades* 1, 2 4
Use and setting of hard tools like hacksaws, jack planes, chisels and
gauges for construction of various joints, wood turning and modern
wood turning methods. One carpentry job involving a joint and
report on demonstration of a job involving wood turning required
for successful completion of module.
Electrical board wiring
House wiring, staircase wiring, and wiring diagram for fluorescent
tube light, Godown wiring and three phase wiring for electrical
Sheet Metal Practice

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Introduction to primary technology processes involving bending,
punching and drawing various sheet metal joints, development of
joints. Utility job in sheet metal required for successful completion
of module.
5 Unit 5 3D Modeling and Printing 3, 4 4
5.1 Modeling approaches for ideation and creation. Developing a
CAD file (.iges/.step/.dwg) of a 3D model and export it as an .stl
file for the purpose of 3D printing. Importing the 3D .stl file to
generate a .gcode file for 3D printing through slicing, using open
source software.
5.2 Introduction to 3D printing: methodologies, best practices,
material and model variation. Live printing sessions of generated
.gcode files in real time with optimal parameters and
Total 20
* Students can opt for any one of the three trades from Unit 4.

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Workshop Manual 6th Venkat Reddy BS Publication 2008
2 Wiring Simplified: Based on Frederic P Hartwell, Park Publishing 2017
2017 National Electrical Code 45th Herbert P. Richter, W.
C. Schwan

Reference Books:
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
3 Autocad 2017 1st Shyam Tikoo Dreamtech Press 2016
4 Ultimaker 2+ reference manual - - Ultimaker 2017
5 Encyclopedia of Electronic 1st Charles Platt O Reilly 2012
6 Printed Circuit Boards 1st Khandpur R. S. Tata McGraw Hill 2005
7 Troubleshooting Your PC For 2nd Gookin Dan For Dummies 2005
8 Networking For Dummies 8th Lowe Doug For Dummies 2007

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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 1 0 8 12 3 1 0 4
(BSC) Differential Equations Examination Scheme
and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
MA102 Complex Analysis
Theory 100 100 200 400

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Semester-I Mathematics

Course Objective: To develop mathematical skills for solving engineering problems.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to:-
MA102.1 Solve differential equations of first order.
MA102.2 Solve differential equations of higher order using operators.
MA102.3 Solve differential equations in electrical engineering problems.
MA102.4 Find powers, roots & logarithm of a complex number and to separate the function of a complex
number into real and imaginary.
MA102.5 Check whether a given function is analytic and construct analytic functions.
MA102.6 Compute integrals of complex valued functions.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA102.1 3
MA102.2 3
MA102.3 1 1
MA102.4 3
MA102.5 2
MA102.6 2 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)



BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 25
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Linear Differential Equations of first order 1,2,3 11
1.1 Exact Differential Equations, Integrating Factors, equations reducible 3
to exact form.
1.2 Linear differential equations (Definition), equations reducible to linear 2
form, Bernoulli’s equation
1.3 Simple application of differential equation of first and second order to 2
electrical engineering problems.
1.4 Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order and 4
first degree using
(a)Taylor’s series method
(b)Euler’s method
(c) Modified Euler method
(d) Runge‐Kutta fourth order formula.
2 Title Linear Differential Equations of higher order 1,2,3 11
2.1 Linear Differential Equation with constant coefficient‐ complementary 7
function, particular integrals of differential equation of the type f(D)y =
X where X is 𝑒 𝑎𝑥 , sin(ax+b), cos(ax+b), 𝑥 𝑚 , 𝑒 𝑎𝑥 V, xV, where V is
a function of x.
2.2 Cauchy’s homogeneous linear differential equation and Method of 2
variation of parameters for second order.
2.3 System of Differential Equations. 2
3 Title Complex Numbers 1,2,3 12
3.1 Revision: Complex Numbers as ordered pairs, Argand’s diagram, 1
Cartesian, Polar and Exponential form of Complex Numbers.
3.2 De Moivre's Theorem and its application to determine powers of 3
complex numbers. Roots of complex numbers by De Moivre's Theorem.
3.3 Expansion of sin𝑛𝜃and cos𝑛𝜃in terms of powers of sin𝜃 and 2
cos𝜃. Expansion of 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑛 𝜃 and 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑛 𝜃 in terms of sines and cosines of
multiples of 𝜃.
3.4 Hyperbolic Functions: relation between circular and hyperbolic 4
functions, Inverse hyperbolic functions. Separation into real and
imaginary parts of complex functions.
3.5 Logarithm of a complex number. 2
4 Title Analytic functions and Complex Integrals 1,2,3 8
4.1 Analytic functions, Cauchy Reimann equations in cartesian and polar 4
form, construction of analytic functions using Milne-Thompson’s
method, Harmonic functions, poles of f(z).
4.2 Line Integral, Cauchy’s Integral theorem for simply connected regions, 4
Cauchy’s Integral formula (for poles lying inside or outside the curve).

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
5 Self- 1.3 To form D.E. for given L-C-E-R circuit 08
Study 1.4 Picard’s method
2.1 Method of undetermined coefficients to solve differential equations.
2.2 Legendre’s differential equation, Method of variation of parameters
for third order differential equations.
3.2 Complex examples using De Moivre's Theorem.
4.1 Construction of analytic function f(z) =u+iv when u+v or u-v is
given. Orthogonal trajectories
Total 42*

*Total of 42 hours does not include self-study hours.


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics 44th Dr. B. S. Khanna 2020
Grewal Publications

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 28th H. K Das S. Chand 2014
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th Erwin John Wiley & 2011
Kreysizg Sons
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematic 4th Jain and Narosa 2014
Iyengar Publications

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 27
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 3 7 2 0 1 3
Examination Scheme
Engineering Component ISE MSE ESE Total
AS102 Chemistry
Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. HSC level Chemistry

Course Objective: To provide necessary background of Chemistry suited for relevant areas of engineering
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS102.1 Relate thermodynamic principles and laws to crucial applications like heat engines
AS102.2 Summarize properties and applications of different materials like polymers, ceramics, alloys,
nanomaterials, conductors, and insulators (Understanding)
AS102.3 Identify methods for corrosion control based on knowledge of different types of corrosion and
factors affecting rate of corrosion (Application)
AS102.4 Compare different sources of energy like conventional fossil fuels, alternative fuels, batteries, and
fuel cells with respect to availability, working principles, constitution, efficiency of performance
and environmental impact (Understanding)
AS102.5 Apply knowledge of electrochemistry and green chemistry in the interest of public health and
environment (Application)
AS102.6 Make use of analytical techniques (complexometric and iodometric titrations) and instruments
(pH-meter, conductometer and Orsats’s Apparatus) for various purposes like hardness parameters
of water, composition of alloys etc.
AS102.7 Estimate key properties of lubricants like flash point, viscosity and acid value
AS102.8 Estimate molecular weight of polymer

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS102.1 1
AS102.2 1
AS102.3 2
AS102.4 2 1
AS102.5 1 2
AS102.6 1
AS102.7 1
AS102.8 1

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)



BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
Title Thermodynamics
Introduction, Terminology, Concepts of Internal Energy and
1.1 Thermodynamic equilibrium, Zeroth and First Law of 1,3
Thermodynamics, Implications and Limitations of First law
1 Concept of Enthalpy, Joule Thomson Effect, Carnot's Cycle,
1.2 Carnot's theorem and related numerical, Second Law of 1,3
Applications of thermodynamic principles to the working of
1.3 1,3
refrigerator and air conditioner
Title Polymers
Introduction, Effect of heat on polymers: Glass transition
2.1 1, 2, 3
2 temperature and melting with significance; 3
Conducting polymers, Liquid crystal polymers, Engineering
2.2 1, 2 ,3
Title Corrosion
Introduction, Dry corrosion(i) Due to oxygen (ii) Due to other
3.1 1,2
Electrochemical corrosion and mechanism, Galvanic, differential
3.2 aeration corrosion, Significance of galvanic series for corrosion 1,2
3 phenomenon 5
Factors affecting rate of corrosion
3.3 (i)Position in galvanic series, (ii) relative areas of anode and 1,2
cathode, (iii) conductance of medium
Methods to decrease the rate of corrosion: Material selection, Proper
3.4 1,2
designing, Cathodic protection- i) Sacrificial anodic protection
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 29
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
ii) Impressed current method, Metallic coatings, Cathodic and
anodic coatings (Galvanization and Tinning: principle and
application only)
Title Energy Sciences
Definition and classification of fuels, Calorific value: Definition,
Gross or Higher calorific value & Net or lower calorific value, 1,2
Dulong’s formula & numerical for calculations of Gross and Net
calorific values.
Knocking, Octane number, Cetane number, Antiknock agents, 1,2
4 4.2 5
unleaded petrol
Combustion- Calculations for requirement of only oxygen and air 1,2
(by weight and by volume only) for given solid & gaseous fuels.
Disadvantages of fossil fuels, Alternative (Green) Fuels: Power
4.4 alcohol, Biomass, Biogas, Biodiesel, Natural Gas and CNG 1,2
(Description, Utility, advantages, and disadvantages)
Title Batteries and Battery Technology
Introduction, Important terms, Nickel-Hydrogen (metal hydride), 1,2
Rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries
Reserve Batteries, Fuel cells, characteristics, description,
5 1,2 4
5.2 construction and working of Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, Types of
fuel cells (in brief)
Electrochemical sensors: Working principle, construction and 1,2
Title Green Chemistry
6 12 principles of green chemistry with examples, numericals on 1,2
6.1 3
Atom Economy, Green Solvents (Water, Supercritical Fluids),
Title Engineering Materials
Eutectic mixtures and soft solders, Advanced Ceramic materials
and cermets : magnetic, electronic and electrical applications
7.1 1,2,3
Carbon nanomaterials: Fullerenes and Carbon nanotubes,
Structure, Properties and applications
7 Insulators, Semiconductors and Superconductors: Thermal and
electrical insulating materials and important engineering
7.2 1,2,3
applications, Stoichiometric, defect and controlled valency semi-
Superconductors, perovskite structure and 1:2:3 compound
7.3 1,2,3
YBa2Cu3O7-y, properties and applications
1. Supramolecular polymers and their applications
2. Anodic Protection as a corrosion control strategy
Self- 3. Current research and advances in fuel cells
8 4*
Study 4. Commercial applications of superconducting materials
5. Tops down vs bottoms up approach to nanotechnology and
applications of nanoparticles other than carbon
Total (*Not included) 28

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Laboratory Component
Title of the Experiment
1 Determination of total, temporary and permanent hardness of water sample
2 Removal of hardness using ion exchange column
3 Molecular weight determination of polymers by Oswald’s Viscometer
4 To determine flash point of a lubricating oil
5 Determination of Viscosity of oil by Redwood Viscometer
6 Estimation of acid value of lubricant
7 Determination of amount of strong acid present in a solution using a conductometer
8 Determination of strength of acid using a pH meter
9 Estimation of Copper in brass by Iodometric Titration
10 Analysis of Flue gas for its composition (by Orsat’s Apparatus)
11 Estimation of Iron in plain Carbon steel
12 Determination of COD of wastewater sample

Text Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
P. C. Jain & M. Dhanpat Rai & Co.
1 Engineering Chemistry XI 2014
Jain (Pvt) Ltd.
A Textbook of S. S. Dara & S. S.
2 XII S. Chand & Co. 2014
Engineering Chemistry Umare
A Textbook of Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3 III S Chawla 2015
Engineering Chemistry (Pvt) Ltd.

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
Oxford University
1 Physical Chemistry Eleventh Peter Atkins 2017

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 31
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 0 3 5 2 0 0 2
Examination Scheme
Biology for
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
AS103 Engineers
Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory - -- - -

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. HSC level Biology

Course Objective: To provide engineering perspective towards the biological principles and systems
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS103.1 Understand basic biological principles and organizational structure of living systems at
molecular level.
AS103.2 Comprehend basic biological principles and organizational structure of living systems at
cellular level
AS103.3 Know Energy transformation and information processing in biological systems
AS103.4 Appreciate biological process with engineering perspective
AS103.5 Identify significance of Gene, Blood and Skin in human health system.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS103.1 3
AS103.2 3
AS103.3 2
AS103.4 2 1
AS103.5 2 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

AS103.5 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
Title Biomolecules and bio-polymers: Structure and Function 1,3
1.1 Organic and inorganic molecules, Unique Properties of water
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Amino Acids and proteins, Nucleic Acids 4
(DNA and RNA)
Title Levels of organization of life 1,3
Cell as a basic unit of life, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
2 2.1 microbes, plant and animal cells; Cell organelles – structure and 4
function; Cell membrane.
2.2 Levels of organization: cells, tissues, organs, systems & organism
Title Energy transformations 1,3
Energy transformations in Chloroplast: Photosynthesis
3.1 (photochemical & biochemical phase) and ATP generation, Aerobic
3 5
and anaerobic systems
Energy transformations in Mitochondria: Cellular respiration
(glycolysis and Kreb cycle) and ATP generation
Title Transport and Defense mechanisms 1,3
Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems: Membrane
channels and ion channels; Fluid flow and mass transfer (nutrients
5.1 & ions); In plants: Xylem and Phloem; In animals: Blood and
4 Lymph Transport of gases: Oxygen and Carbon dioxide Heat 5
Transport - Body temperature regulation.
Defense mechanisms:
5.2 In plants: Herbivory, secondary metabolites
In animals: Innate and Adaptive immune systems
Title Engineering perspectives of biological sciences: 1,3
Biology and engineering crosstalk –
5 6.1 At cell level: Hybridoma technology
At tissue level: Plant Tissue Culture, Animal Tissue Culture; 6
Tissue Engineering: Principles, methods and applications
Introduction to Biomimetics and Biomimicry, nano-biotechnology
Title Role of Gene, Blood and Skin in human health system. 2,4
Introduction to Genetic Engineering. Blood Type, Complete Blood
6 7.1 4
Count Test and Abnormalities.
Structure of Skin, Functions of Skin. Engineering methods for
identification of Skin diseases.
Introduction to Biosensors, transducers, amplifiers; Introduction to
Self medical imaging and different medical Imaging modalities;
7 4*
Study Review of Signals and system; Electro Physiological Signal
Total (* Not included) 28

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(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
Lodish H, Berk A,
1 Molecular Cell Biology IV W. H. Freeman 2000
Zipursky SL
Textbook of Anatomy and
Indu Khurana & CBS Publsihers &
2 Physiology for Nurses and allied I 2019
Arushi Distributors Pvt Ltd
Health Sciences

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
Lehninger Principles of Nelson, D. L., &
3 IV Freeman 2004
Biochemistry Cox, M. M.
Introduction to Biomedical Joseph D. Bronzino,
III Academic Press 2012
4 Engineering. John Enderle

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 4 08 2 0 1 3
(ESC) Examination Scheme
Engineering Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To provide knowledge of force analysis methods required in engineering
applications and solutions. Also, to develop analytical and computational ability.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS105.1 Draw free body diagram and determine reactive forces using conditions of equilibrium and
Lami’s theorem
AS105.2 Determine coefficient of friction for various contact surfaces
AS105.3 Analyze the three-dimensional system of space forces.
AS105.4 Analyze the kinematics of particle and obtain the various parameters of motion.
AS105.5 Determine Instantaneous center of rotation (ICR).
AS105.6 Design and conduct an experiment to demonstrate principles of statics and dynamics

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS105.1 3 3
AS105.2 3 3
AS105.3 3 3
AS105.4 3 3
AS105.5 3 3
AS105.6 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

AS105.1 3
AS105.2 3
AS105.3 3
AS105.4 3
AS105.5 3
AS105.6 3

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 35
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Equilibrium of forces
1.1 Equilibrant force, conditions of equilibrium for concurrent forces, 1,3
parallel forces and general force system, equilibrium of connected 8
bodies, Lami’s theorem.
1.2 Types of supports, types of loads, Beams, Determination of reactions 3
at supports for various types of loads on beams
2 Title Friction
2.1 Introduction to Laws of friction, Cone of friction, Equilibrium of 1,2 4
bodies on inclined plane, Application to problems involving wedges,
3 Title Forces in space 5
3.1 Rectangular Components of Forces in Space, Resultant of Space 1
forces, Moment of a Force about a point, axis and line. Equilibrium of
a particle in space.
4 Title Kinematics of Particle 8
4.1 Motion along straight and curved path, Rectangular component of 2,3
velocity and acceleration, Tangential & Normal component of
acceleration, Motion curves(a-t, v-t, s-t curves), Projectile motion,
5 Title Kinematics of Rigid Bodies 3
5.1 Instantaneous center of rotation for the velocity of bodies in plane 3
motion, (up to 2 linkage mechanism)
6 Self- 1. Applications of resultant of forces, concept of couple and moments, 1,2,3 6*
Study 2. Centroid and center of gravity, analysis of trusses.
3. Kinetics of rigid body, work energy principle.
4. Principle of Law of Conservation of momentum, Impact and
Total (*Not Included) 28

Laboratory Component if any

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 36
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Title of the Experiment
1 Draw the force polygon and determine the equilibrant force for concurrent coplanar force system.
2 Use the conditions of equilibrium for parallel force system and determine the support reactions.
3 Apply the principle of moment for equilibrium of levers.
4 Determine the coefficient of friction for glass slab and a metal plate on an inclined plane.
5 Determine the axial forces using Lami’s theorem for Jib crane apparatus.
6 Use the conditions of equilibrium for non-concurrent non-parallel force system and draw the force
7 Measure the acceleration due to gravity with the help of simple pendulum apparatus.
8 Determine the range of projectile and the time of flight for the projectile motion.
9 Verify the law of conservation of momentum and determine the coefficient of restitution for collision
10 (Plot the motion of projectile using air-cushion table apparatus.) A small project based on
Engineering Mechanics concept.

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Vector Mechanics for 9th Beer and McGraw Hill 2010
Engineers statics and Johnston
2 Engineering Mechanics 5th Bhavikatti S S New Age 2009
and International
3 Engineering Mechanics 14th A K Tayal Umesh 2012
Statics and Dynamics Publication, Delhi

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
3 Engineering Mechanic: Statics 5th E.W. Nelson, McGraw Hill 1998
and Dynamics, C.L. Best, W.G.
4 Singer’s Engineering 3rd Vijaya Kumar BS Publication 2012
Mechanics Statics and Reddy. K. and
Dynamics Suresh Kumar. J

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 37
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 4 3 7 2 0 2 4
(ESC) Examination Scheme
Problem Solving using
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory -- -- -- --
Laboratory 300 -- 100 400

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Problem Solving using Imperative Programming

Course Objective: To learn problem solving using Object-Oriented programming paradigm
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to

CS102.1 Apply concepts of object-oriented programming using classes and objects

CS102.2 Apply Inheritance for a given scenario
CS102.3 Apply polymorphism for solving a given problem
CS102.4 Apply abstraction and exception handling to create efficient program.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CS102.1 2 2 2
CS102.2 2 2 2
CS102.3 2 2 2
CS102.4 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)



BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 38
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory (This course content delivery will be in C++/Java. Course Contents to be taken care accordingly)

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
Introduction and Encapsulation 8
1.1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Procedural verses Object 1,2
Oriented Programming, Principles, Benefits and applications of Object-
1 Oriented Programming.
1.2 Encapsulation: Problem solving with Objects and Classes
1.3 Static data member and methods, constructors and their types. Types of
functions and keywords, Strings, Arrays
Inheritance 6
2.1 Concept of Inheritance, parent class, derived class, base class, and 1,2
2 derived class constructor
2.2 Types of inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, hybrid
2.3 Aggregation and Composition
Polymorphism 6
3.1 Static Polymorphism: Method overloading and Constructor overloading 1,2
3.2 Dynamic Polymorphism: Method overriding
3.3 Data conversion
Abstraction 2
4.1 Abstraction: abstract class 1,2
Exception Handling 6
5 5.1 try, throw, and catch exceptions 1,2
5.2 Function exception declaration
Self File Handling, 1,2 5*
6 Study $STL, $pointers, $virtual functions
@Multithreading, @Packages, @interface
Total (*Not included) 28+

$ only for C++

@ only for Java

** Language used: C++ for Etrx and Extc Branch

** Language used: C++ / Java for IT and CE Branch

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 39
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component

Title of the Experiment
1 Program on Encapsulation: Write a program to demonstrate classes and objects
2 Program on Encapsulation: Write a program to demonstrate constructor
3 Program on Polymorphism: Implement a Program to demonstrate method overloading,
4 Program on Polymorphism: Implement a Program to demonstrate constructor overloading
5 Program on Polymorphism: Implement a Program to demonstrate method overriding
6 Program on Inheritance: Implement a Program to demonstrate single, multilevel Inheritance
7 Program on Inheritance: Implement a Program to demonstrate multiple Inheritance
8 Program on Abstraction: Implement a Program to demonstrate Abstraction using abstract class
9 Program on Abstraction: Implement a Program to demonstrate multithreading/ STL
10 Program to demonstrate File Handling


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
Object Oriented Programming with Tata McGraw
1 Sixth E Balagurusamy 2017
C++ Hill
Oriented Programming in Turbo
2 Fourth Robert Lafore Galgotia 2001
Tata McGraw-
3 Java -The Complete Reference Tenth Herbert Schildt 2017
Java Programming From the Ground Ralph Bravaco, Tata McGraw-
4 First 2009
Up Shai Simoson Hill

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
Tata McGraw
1 The Compete Reference C++ Fourth Herbert Schlitz 2017
An introduction to Programming and Jaime Nino, Wiley Student
2 Third 2010
Object Oriented Design using Java Frederick A. Hosch Edition

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 40
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 5 10 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Digital Systems and
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC101 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various digital electronic
circuits and introduce them to the concept of microprocessors
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC101.1 Explain various logic gates, SOP, POS forms and their minimization with k- map for given
combinational circuits.
EC101.2 Construct combinational circuits using given MSI devices.
EC101.3 Apply the knowledge of flip-flops and MSI to design sequential circuits
EC101.4 Compare the logic families based on their characteristics
EC101.5 Comprehend the architectural features of 8085 with basic assembly language programming

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC101.1 3 3 3 3
EC101.2 3 3 3 3
EC101.3 3 3 3 3
EC101.4 3 2 2 3
EC101.5 3 2 2 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC101.1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
EC101.2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
EC101.3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
EC101.4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
EC101.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 41
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Combinational Circuits 11
1.1 Logic Gates: Basic gates, Universal gates, Sum of products and 1,4
products of sum, minimization with Karnaugh Map (up to four
variables), Quine McCluskey method and realization.
1.2 Combinational Circuits using basic gates as well as MSI 1,4
devices: Half adder, Full adder, Half Subtractor, Full
Subtractor, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoder, Comparator
2 Title Sequential Circuits
2.1 Sequential Logic: Latches and Flip-Flops. Conversions of Flip- 1,4 11
2.2 Counters: Asynchronous Counters, Synchronous Counters, 1,4
Up Down Counters, Mod Counters, Ring and Twisted Ring
Counters, Shift Registers, Universal Shift Register
2.3 MSI counters (IC 7490, IC 74160, IC 74163, IC 74169), MSI 2,5
Shift registers (IC 74194) and their applications
3 Title Clocked Synchronous Machines
3.1 Mealy and Moore Machines, clocked synchronous state 2,5 05
machine analysis, State reduction techniques.
4 Title Logic Families 05
4.1 Types of logic families (TTL and CMOS), characteristic 1,4
parameters (propagation delays, power dissipation, Noise
Margin, Fan-out, and Fan-in), transfer characteristics of TTL
5 Title Introduction to Microprocessors 10
5.1 Evolution of computers and Microprocessors 3
5.2 Essential components of a conventional Central Processing 3
Unit (CPU)
5.3 Architecture of 8-bit microprocessor 8085 3
5.4 Basic instruction set with its addressing modes and concepts of 3
Instruction cycle, Machine cycle and T states. Elementary
programming in assembly language.
5.5 Elements of I/O data transfer with the concept of interrupts 3
6 Self Concepts of PROM, PAL and PLA. 5*
Study Timing Considerations and Meta-stability in Flip-Flops.
Clocked synchronous state machine design.
Interfacing CMOS to TTL and TTL to CMOS.
Concepts of peripherals and memory with its interfacing with
8085 microprocessors
Total (*Not included) 42

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 42
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component, if any (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)
Sr. No. Title of the Experiment
1 To implement the combinational logic for given function using basic gates/MSI ICs.
a. To study and verify the truth table of logic gates
b. To study the universal NAND and NOR gate
c. To study the working of half adder, full adder, half subtractor, Full subtractor
along with truth table
2 To implement TTL and CMOS logic family
a. To study TTL NAND gate (BJT implementation).
b. To study CMOS NAND gate
c. To study interfacing of the TTL /CMOS
3 To implement 4-bit, 5-bit and 8-bit comparator using given MSI
4 To design implement gate level multiplexers and MSI multiplexers
5 To design and implement gate level and MSI circuits of flip-flops
6 To design counters
a. To design a MOD4 synchronous up/down counter
b. To study IC 7490 – Asynchronous Decade Counter
7 To synchronous counters, synchronous counters and shift register using given MSI.
a. To study IC 74160 as Synchronous Decade Counter and Mod 6 counter
b. To study IC 74163 as Synchronous MOD 16 Counter and Mod 10 counter
c. To verify the truth table of IC 74194 as Universal Shift Register and implement Ring
and Twisted Ring Counter.
8 To perform basic arithmetic operations through assembly language program in 8085
9 To simulate COPY and PASTE operation through 8085 assembly programs
10 To write a program to add N elements stored in an array of 8 bit numbers (8085)

Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Modern Digital Electronics Forth R. P. Jain Tata McGraw 2009
2 Digital Design Principles Third John F. Wakerly Pearson 2001
And Practices Education
3 Microprocessor Architecture, Sixth Ramesh S. Gaonkar Penram 2013
Programming, and International
Applications with the 8085

Reference Books
Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
4 Digital Design Forth Morris Mano Pearson 2008
5 Fundamentals of digital Second Stephen Brown and McGraw Hill 2006
logic design with VHDL ZvonkoVranesic
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 43
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
1 0 2 2 5 1 0 1 2
SBC Examination Scheme
Communication Component ISE MSE ESE Total
AS107 Theory -- 50** -- 50
Laboratory 150* -- -- 150

** MSE will be evaluated based on written test based on module 1 and 2.

** ISE will be evaluated based on marks scored in practical, out of 150.

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To apply the principles of communication in personal and professional
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
AS107.1 Apply the principles of business writing for professional documents.
AS107.2 Develop advance vocabulary and grammar for spoken and written communication.
AS107.3 Design the draft a formal speech.
AS107.4 Analyze received information by using active listening and reading skills.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS107.1 2
AS107.2 2
AS107.3 2
AS107.4 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Analyze Evaluate Create
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 44
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit L P
Topics Ref.
No. No. Hrs. Hrs
1 Title Vocabulary Building & Grammar
1.1 Concept of word formation, the root words from 7,1 2 4
foreign languages and their use in English
1.2 Common errors in writing, confused pair of words, 6, 2
redundancies, clichés
2 Title Writing Skills 7 14
2.1 Principles of Business Writing: 7Cs of communication, 4
sentence structures, Organizing paragraph in direct and
indirect style; Summarization
2.2 Practices in Writing: E-mail Etiquettes, e-mail for 3
business purposes
2.3 Critical Reading: understanding the concept of critical 5
reading and applying to analyze a given text.
3 Title Oral Skills 5 10
3.1 Listening Comprehension(audio): Pronunciation, 5
intonation, Stress and Rhythm
3.2 Speaking Practices: 3
1. Common everyday situation: Conversation and
dialogues (group activity, ice-breaking session)
2. Public Speaking: Extempore, formal speech
4 Self- 1. Basic Rules of Grammar 6*
Study 2. GRE Vocabulary
3. Reading a book (fiction/non-fiction) and
preparing a review on it
Total (*Not included) 42hrs
List of activities (Graded, Non-graded)
Title of the assignments Marks
1 Skit based on a given situation -
2 ISE 1 – Summary Writing 10
3 ISE 2 – Extempore 10
4 ISE 3 – Grammar 20
5 ISE 4 – Vocabulary 20
6 Reviewing a book (fiction/ non-fiction) 10
7 ISE 5 – Email Writing (Inquiry) 20
8 ISE 6 – Email Writing (Complaint) 20
9 ISE 6 – Speech 20
10 ISE 7 – Critical Reading 20
Total 150
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 45
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Text Books:

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Communication Skills 2013 Shirley Mathews Technical Publication, 2013
2 English Vocabulary in Use 1999 Michael McCarthy , Cambridge University 1999
Felicity O’Dell Press, India

Reference Books:

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Oxford Practice Grammar 1999 John Eastwood Oxford, India 1999
2 Communication Skills 2011 Meenakshi Raman, Oxford, India 2011
Sangeeta Sharma
3 Communication Skills 2010 Dr. Meera Bharwani Synergy Knowledge- 2010
ware, India
4 English Grammar for 2005 Geoffrey Leech Palgrave, UK 2005
5 Word Power Made Easy 1978 Norman Lewis Anchor Books, New 1978

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 46
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Semester III
No Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 BSC MA201 Linear Algebra 2 0 2 5 09 3
1 BSC* MA202 Foundation of Mathematics-I* 2 1 0 6 09 3
2 PC EC201 Computer Architecture & Organization 3 0 2 4 09 4
3 PC EC202 Electronic Devices 3 0 2 4 09 4
4 PC EC203 Network Theory 3 0 2 4 09 4
5 SBC EC204 Electronic Instruments and Measurement
Lab 0 1 2 2 05 2
6 SBC AS201 Communication Skills 1 0 2 2 05 2
0 0 0 0 03 1
8 HSSE HSEXX HSS-I 2 0 0 3 05 2
TOTAL 16 2 12 30 63 25
*Only for Lateral Entry Students

Semester IV
No. Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 BSC MA203 Probability and Stochastic Processes 3 0 0 5 08 3
1 BSC* MA204 Foundation of Mathematics-II 2 1 0 6 09 3
2 PC EC205 Analog Circuits 3 0 2 6 11 4
3 PC EC206 Microcontrollers 3 0 2 6 11 4
4 PC EC207 Signals and Systems 3 0 2 6 11 4
5 SBC EC208 Mini Project-I 0 0 0 4 04 2
6 ABL SVXX/STXX SEVA II or III /SATVA II or III 0 0 0 3 01 1
7 HSSE HSEX2 HSS-II 2 0 0 3 05 2
8 S/M SCX1/MNX1 SCOPE-I/Minor-I 3
TOTAL 16 1 6 39 60 26
*Only for Lateral Entry Students
Second Summer for HSC students
No. Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 MLC AS202 Constitution of India 1 0 0 05 06 NC

Second Summer (For Lateral Entry Students)

No. Type Code Course L T P O E C
1 BSC MA201 Linear Algebra 2 0 2 5 09 3
1 BSC MA203 Probability and Stochastic Processes 3 0 0 5 08 3
2 MLC AS202 Constitution of India 1 0 0 05 06 NC

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 47
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 5 9 2 0 1 3
(BSC) Examination Scheme
Linear Algebra Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101, MA102

Course Objective: To develop mathematical skills for solving engineering problems.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to:
MA201.1 Solve a homogeneous and non-homogeneous system of linear equations using rank of amatrix.
MA201.2 Solve system of linear equations by Numerical Methods.
MA201.3 Solve equations in real life problems and to encode and decode messages using the concept of
MA201.4 Identify whether given structures are vector spaces and subspaces and construct a basis
for them.
MA201.5 Show if a given matrix is diagonalizable or not.
MA201.6 Apply concepts of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors to calculate functions of a square matrix,
Google page rank vector and solve systems of differential equations using
diagonalization of matrices.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA201.1 3
MA201.2 3
MA201.3 3 1
MA201.4 3
MA201.5 3
MA201.6 3 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 49
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Basics of matrices 3,5 03

1.1 Revision of basic matrices and types of matrices. 01

1.2 Row echelon form, Reduced Row Echelon form, Rank of a matrix. 02
2 Title Linear equations & its solutions 1,2,3,5 07
2.1 Consistency and solution of simultaneous linear homogeneous and non- 02
homogeneous equations.
2.2 Application of solving systems of equations in traffic control. 01
2.3 Solution of system of linear algebraic equations, by 04
(1) Gauss Elimination Method
(2) Gauss Jordan method
(3) Gauss Jacobi Iteration method
(4) Gauss Seidel Method.
(5) LU Decomposition -Crout’s method
3 Title Vector spaces (over field of real numbers) 1,2,5 08
3.1 Vector space, subspace, span, linear dependence and 08
independence of vectors, basis, dimension, orthogonal projection
& gram-Schmidt process. Null space, row space, column space,
Rank-Nullity theorem (only statement). Least square method.
4 Title Encoding & decoding using Matrices. 4 02
4.1 Application of matrices to Coding and Decoding 02
5 Title Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 1,2,3,5 08
5.1 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and its properties. Cayley Hamilton theorem 04
and its applications. Diagonalization of matrices. Derogatory and Non-
derogatory matrices.
5.2 Application to find google page rank. Functions of a square matrix. 04
Solving system of differential equations using diagonalization.
6 Self- 1.2 Normal form. 1,2,3,5 05*
Study 2.2 Forming equations using KVL for circuits and solving them
using matrices.
3.1 Singular Value Decomposition.
5.1 Additional properties with proofs of eigenvalues and
Total (*Not included) 28

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 50
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component, if any (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 Introduction to Scilab (getting started) and its benefits to use as a mathematics tool.
2 Basic commands of scilab and vectors & matrix operations.
3 Conditional branching and iterations using Scilab.
4 Solution of linear equations using row-echelon and inverse of a matrix.
5 Solutions of linear equations using Gauss Elimination method.
6 Solutions of linear equations using Gauss Jordan method.
7 Solutions of linear equations using Gauss-Jacobi method.
8 Solutions of linear equations using Gauss-Seidel method.
9 Solutions of linear equations using Crout’s method.
10 To find Eigen values and Eigenvectors using Scilab


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Linear Algebra and its applications 4th Gilbert Cengage 2014
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics 44th Dr. B. S. Khanna 2020
Grewal Publications

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1. Linear Algebra and its applications 3rd David. C. Pearson 2006
Lay Education
2. Elementary Linear Algebra 6th H Anton John Wiley & 2010
Application Version and Crorres Sons
3. Advanced Engineering 28th H. K Das S. Chand 2014
4. Hill Ciphers 1st Jonaki B At Right Angles 2015
5. Advanced Engineering 10th Erwin John Wiley & 2011
Mathematics Kreysizg Sons

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 51
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 1 0 6 9 2 1 0 3
Foundations of Examination Scheme
Mathematics-I Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. -

Course Objective: To develop foundation of mathematical skills.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to: -
MA202.1 Differentiate a function of one variable and partially differentiate a function of more than one
MA202.2 Apply the concept of partial differentiation to find extreme values of a given function.
MA202.3 Find nth order derivative of a given function.
MA202.4 Expand a given function as a power series.
MA202.5 Perform operations on matrices and find inverses and determinants of them.
MA202.6 Perform vector operations and compute dot products and cross products between them.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA202.1 2
MA202.2 2
MA202.3 2
MA202.4 1
MA202.5 1
MA202.6 1
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 52
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Differential Calculus 1,2 18

1.1 Partial fractions. Derivatives of standard functions, product and quotient 04

rule for differentiation.
1.2 Partial derivatives of first and higher order, composite differentiation 03
1.3 Application of partial derivatives: Local Maxima and Minima of 02
functions of two variables.
1.4 Successive Differentiation: Proofs of nth derivatives of standard 05
functions. Use of partial fractions to calculate nth derivatives of
given functions. Leibnitz theorem for nth derivative of product of
two functions.
1.5 Infinite series: expansion of functions in powers of x using maclaurin 04
series. Taylor’s series.
2 Title Matrices 1,2 07
2.1 Addition and scalar multiplication of matrices. Matrix multiplication, 03
types of matrices.
2.2 Elementary row transformations, finding inverses using matrices, 04
determinants and its properties
3 Title Vectors 1,2 03
3.1 Vector definition, addition, scalar multiplication, dot product of two 03
vectors, angle between two vectors, cross product.
Total 28


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Higher Engineering 44th Dr. B. S. Khanna 2020
Mathematics Grewal Publications

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Advanced Engineering 10th Erwin Kreysizg John Wiley & 2011
Mathematics Sons
2 Advanced Engineering 28th H. K. Dass S. Chand 2014
Mathematics Publications

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 53
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 4 9 3 0 1 4
(PC) Computer Examination Scheme
Architecture & Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC201 Organization Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC101, Any Programming Language

Course Objective: Imparting concepts of each component of computer architecture thoroughly with
practical aspects including memory systems and I/O communications with interfacing
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC201.1 Describe basic computer structure and compare computer architecture models
EC201.2 Design algorithms to solve ALU operations and memory mapping techniques
EC201.3 Comprehend processor architecture with various design methods of CPU with comparative
EC201.4 Describe memory systems with design and analysis of mapping techniques for cache and virtual
EC201.5 Analyze different parallel processing and pipelining concepts with pipelining hazards
EC201.6 Comprehend different types of I/O buses, compare and contrast different types of data transfer
methods and arbitration techniques
CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC201.1 3
EC201.2 2 2
EC201.3 2 2
EC201.4 2 2
EC201.5 2
EC201.6 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand Apply Analyze √ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 54
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Overview of Computer Architecture and Organization
1.1 Introduction of Computer Organization and Architecture, Basic organization 1 5
of computer and block level description of the functional units, Evolution of
x86 Computers, Von Neumann model, Harvard Model, Embedded system
1.2 Performance Issues: Designing for performance, Amdahl’s Law, Multi- 1
core, GPGPU
2 Title Data Representation and Arithmetic Algorithms 6
2.1 Number representation: Floating-point representation, Floating point 2,3
arithmetic, IEEE 754 floating point number representation
2.2 Integer Data computation: Addition, Subtraction. Multiplication: Signed 2,3
multiplication, Booth’s algorithm.
2.3 Division of integers: Restoring and non-restoring division 2,3
3 Title Processor Organization and Control Unit 9
3.1 CPU Architecture, Register Organization 1,2,4
Instruction formats, basic instruction cycle. Instruction interpretation and
sequencing, Case Study of 8086 Architecture and Register Organization.
3.2 Control Unit: Soft wired (Micro-programmed) and hardwired control unit 2,4
design methods. Microinstruction sequencing and execution. Micro
3.3 RISC and CISC: Introduction to RISC and CISC architectures and design 2,4
4 Title Memory Organization 11
4.1 Introduction to Memory and Memory parameters. Classifications of primary 1,2
and secondary memories. Types of RAMS and ROM, Allocation policies,
Memory hierarchy and characteristics.
4.2 Cache memory: Concept, architecture (L1, L2, L3), mapping techniques. 1,2
Cache Coherency, Interleaved and Associative memory.
4.3 Virtual Memory: Concept, Segmentation and Paging, Page replacement 1,2,4
5 Title I/O Organization and Introduction to Parallel Processing 11
5.1 Buses: Types of Buses, Bus Arbitration, BUS standards 2
5.2 I/O Interface, I/O channels, I/O modules and IO processor, Types of data 1,2
transfer techniques: Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O and DMA.
5,3 Introduction to parallel processing concepts, Flynn’s classifications, pipeline 1,2,4
processing, Pipeline stages, Pipeline Hazards
6 Self Comparative Study of microprocessors and micro architectures with respect 4*
Study to their important features.8086 instructions and assembler directives with
addressing modes with memory interfacing techniques. Cache memory
protocol and virtual memory concepts in Pentium processors. Vector and
Array Processors with VLIW architecture
Total (*Not included) 42

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 55
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component, if any: (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)
Title of the Experiment
1 Implementation of various Arithmetic Operations through Assembly Language Programming for
microprocessor 8086 (MASM)
2 Simulate the operation of COPY and PASTE in 8086 (MASM)
3 Implement various String Operations in 8086 through the utilities provided by DOS interrupts
4 Generation of alphabetic arrangement of a given string in 8086 (MASM)
5 Design password application (generation and detection) in 8086 (MASM)
6 Design of Carry Look Ahead Adder
7 Implementation and programming of Booth’s Multiplication Algorithm
8 Implementation and programming of Division Algorithm (Non-Restoring and Restoring)
9 Implementation of Mapping techniques of Cache memory
10 Implementation of Page Replacement Policies

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Computer Organization Fifth Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Tata 2002
Vranesic and Safwat Zaky McGraw-Hill
2 Computer Organization and Eighth William Stallings Pearson 2010
Architecture: Designing for
3 Computer System Third M, Morris Mano Pearson 1993
Architecture Reprinted
4 Computer Architecture & Third John P. Hayes McGraw- 1998
Organization Hill

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Structured Computer Sixth Andrew S. Tanenbaum Pearson 2013
2 Microprocessor and Third Douglas V Hall Tata- 2012
Interfacing: Programming McGraw
& Hardware Hill
3 Computer Architecture and Second B. Govindarajulu McGraw Paperback
Organization: Design Hill -2017
Principles and Applications

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 56
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 4 9 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Electronic Devices Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC202 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ES13 (Basic Electrical Technology)

Course Objective: To teach fundamentals of electronic devices
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC202.1 Discuss device physics and characteristics of semiconductor devices.
EC202.2 Discuss working principle and characteristics of BJT
EC202.3 Discuss working principle and characteristics of FET
EC202.4 Analyze single stage BJT and FET amplifier circuits
EC202.5 Discuss semiconductor device fabrication process
EC202.6 Discuss construction, working principle and characteristics of advance semiconductor devices

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC202.1 2 1 2
EC202.2 2 1 2
EC202.3 2 1 2
EC202.4 2 3 2
EC202.5 2 1 2
EC202.6 2 1 2 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 57
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Diode 1
1.1 Review of PN Junction Analysis 6
1.2 Applications of Diode: Simple diode model, Limiter circuits,
Rectifiers, Clamper Circuits, Peak Detector and Voltage Doubler
1.3 Zener diode and Schottky diode
2 Title Bipolar Devices 1,2 11
2.1 BJT: The bipolar transistor action, minority carrier distribution, low-
frequency common-base current gain, non-ideal effects, Ebers-Moll
Model and Hybrid-Pi Model
2.2 Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, trans-conductance amplifier and
trans-resistance amplifier.
Biasing schemes for BJT amplifiers, bias stability, various
configurations (such as CE, CB, CC) and their features, small signal
analysis, low frequency models, estimation of voltage gain, input
resistance, output resistance etc., design procedure for specifications,
frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
3 Title Field Effect Devices: JFET 1,2 11
3.1 Construction, operation, and device characteristics
3.2 Biasing schemes for FET amplifiers, bias stability, various
configurations (such as CS, CG, CD) and their features, small signal
analysis, low frequency models, estimation of voltage gain, input
resistance, output resistance etc., design procedure for specifications,
frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
4 Title Field Effect Devices: MOSFET 2 10
4.1 Two terminal MOS structure, MOSFET construction,
Band diagrams under equilibrium and external bias, Threshold
4.2 V-I and CV characteristics, Channel length modulation,
Short Channel effects, MOSFET Model
5 Title Integrated circuit fabrication process R-3 4
5.1 Oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography
5.2 Etching, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, twin-tub CMOS
6 Self- Device structure, principle of operation and V-I characteristics of 4*
Study MODFET (i.e. HEMT), MESFET and HBT
Total (*Not included) 42

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 58
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component, if any (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 To plot forward and reverse characteristics of semiconductor diode
2 Implement clipper and clamper circuits using diode
3 Implement half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits
4 To plot characteristics of Zener diode and observe Zener as voltage regulator
5 Finding characteristics of BJT configurations (CE/CB/CC) using simulation and hardware
6 Obtain the operating point for different biasing circuits
7 Design and implement single stage BJT based amplifier for the required specifications.
8 Obtain frequency response of single stage BJT based amplifier
9 Finding characteristics of FET (CG/CS/CD) using Simulation and Hardware Implementation
10 Design and implement single stage FET based amplifier for the required specifications.
11 Obtain frequency response of single stage FET based amplifier
12 Obtain Input-Output Characteristics of MOSFET using circuit simulator

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Electronic Devices and Circuits Eleventh RL Boylestad and Lous Prentice Hall 2013
2 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Third Donald A. Neamen Tata McGraw 2006
Design Hill

Reference Books:
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Semiconductor Physics and Fourth Donald A. Neamen and Tata McGraw 2017
Devices Dhrubes Biswas Hill
2 CMOS Digital Integrated Fourth Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Tata McGraw 2019
Circuits Leblebici and Chulwoo Hill
R-3 Semiconductor Devices: Third S. M. Sze and Ming- Wiley 2015
Physics and Technology Kwei Lee

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 59
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 4 09 3 0 1 4
Examination Scheme
Network Theory Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC203 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET101

Course Objective: To teach fundamental theorems for circuit analysis.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC203.1 Analyze the given circuits using theorems and transformation techniques
EC203.2 Analyze the given circuit using Graph Theory
EC203.3 Analyze the given RL, RC and RLC circuits in time domain
EC203.4 Analyze the given RL, RC and RLC circuits in frequency domain
EC203.5 Predict the circuits using Foster and Cauer realization methods
EC203.6 Explain the concept of two port network, relation between the parameters
and their interconnection

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC203.1 3
EC203.2 3
EC203.3 3
EC203.4 3
EC203.5 3
EC203.6 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC203.1 3 2
EC203.2 3 2
EC203.3 3 2
EC203.4 3 2
EC203.5 3 2
EC203.6 3 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze√ Evaluate Create
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 60
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Analysis of DC circuits and coupled circuits: 12
1.1 Analysis of circuits with and without controlled sources using generalized 3
loop, node matrix, Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power
1.2 Self and mutual inductances, coefficient of coupling, Dot convention, 1
equivalent circuit, solution using loop analysis
2 Title Graph Theory: 4
2.1 Concept of loop, tree, co-tree, incidence matrix, 4
cut set matrix and tie set matrix
2.2 Duality principle and its application 4
3 Title Transient Analysis: 12
3.1 Time domain analysis of R-L and R-C circuits: Forced and natural 1,3
response, time constant, initial and final values
3.2 Time domain analysis of R-L-C circuits: Forced and natural response, effect 1,3
of damping
Solution using second order equation for standard input
signals: Transient and steady state time response
3.3 Frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits: S-domain 1,3
representation, applications of Laplace Transform insolving electrical
4 Title Network Synthesis: 6
4.1 Network Function: driving point and transfer function, Poles and Zeros, 2
calculation of residues by analytical and graphical method,
frequency response
4.2 Positive real functions: Concept of positive real function, testing for 2
Hurwitz polynomials, testing for necessary and sufficient
conditions for positive real functions
4.3 Synthesis of RC, RL, LC circuits: Concepts of synthesis of RC, 2
RL, LC driving point functions.
Title Two Port Network: 8
5.1 Parameters: Open Circuit, Short Circuit, Transmission and Hybrid 1
parameters, relationships among parameters, reciprocity and symmetry
5.2 Series/parallel connection: T and Pi representations, 1
interconnection of Two-Port networks
6 Self- Millman’s theorem, Telogen’s theorem, Nonplanar graphs, Solution 4*
Study using first order equation for standard input signals, Transient and
steady state time response, solution using universal formula, Terminated
Two-Port networks
Total (*Not included) 42

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 61
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component
Title of the Experiment
1 To measure and calculate currents and voltages for a given resistive circuit and verify KCL
and KVL.
2 To verify superposition theorem experimentally for a given resistive circuit consisting of
two independent sources.
3 To verify Thevenin’s theorem experimentally for a given circuit.
4 To verify maximum power transfer theorem experimentally for a given circuit.
5 To verify reciprocity theorem experimentally for a given circuit.
6 To measure and calculate RC time constant for a given RC circuit.
7 To measure and calculate RC time constant for a given RL circuit.
8 To measure and analyze (settling time, overshoot, undershoot, etc.) step response of for a
given series RLC circuit for following cases: (1) ζ =1 (critically damped system), (2) ζ
>1(over damped system), (3) ζ <1 (under damped system). Choose appropriate values of
R, L, and C to obtain each of above cases one at a time.
9 To measure and calculate Z-parameters for a given two-port system.
10 To measure and calculate Y-parameters for a given two-port system.
11 To measure and calculate h-parameters for a given two-port system.
12 To measure and calculate ABCD-parameters for a given two-port system.

Design based Problems (DP)/Open Ended Problem:

1. Write a ‘c’ program to obtain RC time constant from a given step response of RC circuit.
2. Write a ‘c’ program to plot frequency response of RC circuit for different values of R and C.
3. Write a ‘c’ program to obtain 3-dB bandwidth and RC time constant from a given frequency
response of RC circuit.
4. Write a ‘c’ program to plot impedance of a given series RLC circuit as a function of frequency.
Also obtain minimum value of impedance and series resonance frequency using ‘c’ program.
5. Write a ‘c’ program to obtain following parameters from step response of series RLC circuit for
different values of R, L and C.
a. Propagation delay
b. Overshoot
c. Undershoot
d. Damping factor
e. Natural frequency
f. Settling time

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 62
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Text Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Circuit Theory Seventh A. Dhanpat Rai and Co., 2018
Revised Edition Chakrabarti New Delhi
2 Network Analysis Third Edition M E Van Prentice-Hall of 2018
Valkenburg India Pvt. Ltd.

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
3 Network Analysis and Second Edition Franklin F Wiley 2006
Synthesis Kuo
4 Networks and Systems Second Edition D. Roy New Age 2009
Choudhury International Pvt.
Ltd, Wiley

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 63
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
0 1 2 2 5 0 1 1 2
(SBC) Electronics Examination Scheme
Instruments and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC204 Measurement Lab Theory -- -- -- --
Laboratory 150 -- 50 200

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET101

Course Objective: To teach principle of working and application of various measuring instruments used in
Electronics Laboratories
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC204.1 Describe the working of measuring instruments available in the lab
EC204.2 Find out and verify the manufacturers, make, models, market cost and specifications of the given
EC204.3 Select the suitable test and measuring instrument for the given circuit
EC204.4 Operate the instrument for observing and recording the given signal in time domain and frequency
EC204.5 Recognize the importance of calibration of instruments
EC204.6 Design signal conditioning circuit for measurement of various parameters

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC204.1 2 1 3
EC204.2 2 1 3 2
EC204.3 2 2 3
EC204.4 2 1 3
EC204.5 2 1 3
EC204.6 2 1 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 64
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Title of the Experiment
1 Measurement of static parameters using analog ammeter, voltmeter, and galvanometer.
2 Exploring controls of CRO/DSO and measurement of various parameters in the given circuit using
3 Study of working principle and exploring controls of function generator, signal generator and
arbitrary function generator
4 Study of working principle of tachometer, lux meter, clamp meter and thermal camera and
demonstrate its use.
5 Study of working principle of multimeter, wattmeter & energy meter and demonstrate its use.
6 Designing DC bridge for Resistance Measurement (Quarter, Half and Full bridge)
7 Designing signal Conditioning circuit for Strain Measurement
8 Designing AC bridge Circuit for capacitance measurement and verification using Q-meter
9 Designing signal Conditioning circuit for Temperature Measurement
10 Designing signal Conditioning circuit for Distance Measurement

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 65
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
1 0 2 2 5 1 0 1 2
Professional Examination Scheme
Communication Component ISE MSE ESE Total
AS201 Theory -- --
Laboratory 200 -- -- 200

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To demonstrate the desired spoken and written communication skills required in
early professional life, with focus on job placements.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
AS201.1 Demonstrate the spoken and written skills for job placements.
AS201.2 Draft professional documents.
AS201.3 Design written communication for social media.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
AS201.1 2
AS201.2 2
AS201.3 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)



BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 66
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit L P
Topics Ref.
No. No. Hrs. Hrs
1. Title Placement Skills 6 12
1.1 Resume Writing & Cover Letter
1.2 Group Discussion
1.3 Case Studies/Pitching a startup
1.4 Team Building Skills/Work
1.5 Interview Skills
2 Title Corporate Communication 6 12
2.1 Presentation Skills
2.2 Meeting: Notice, Agenda, Minutes
2.3 Proposal Writing
2.4 Report Writing: Informative, Analytical report
3 Title Research Writing 2 4
3.1 Sourcing information through digital media
3.2 Written communication using social media: Blog
4 Self Research Paper, News Analysis 6*
Total(*Not included) 42 hrs

List of ISEs

Title of the Experiment Marks
1 Resume 20
2 Cover Letter 20
3 GD 40
4 Mock Interview 20
5 Presentation 20
6 Blog Writing 20
7 Team Building Activity --
8 Minutes of the Meeting/Notice & Agenda 20
9 Proposal Writing 20
10 Report Writing 20
Total 200

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Interpersonal Skills at 2002 John Hayes McGraw Hill Education 2002
2 Campus Placement: A 2016 Ankur Malhotra McGraw Hill Education 2016
Comprehensive Guide

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 67
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 If I Understood You, Would I Have This 2017 Alan Alda Random 2017
Look on My Face? My Adventures in the Art House
and Science of Relating and Communicating
2 Handbook for Writing Proposals 2010 Robert J. Hamper, McGraw Hill 2010
Sue Baugh Education
3 Effective Communication Skills for 2000 Harry Chambers Paperback 2000
Scientific and Technical Professionals Basic Books
4 The Art of Writing Together 2008 William Issac Crown 2008
5 Communication Skills 2011 Meenakshi Oxford, India 2011
Raman, Sangeeta

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 68
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 0 5 8 3 0 0 3
(BSC) Examination Scheme
Probability and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Stochastic Processes
MA203 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory - -- - -

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101, MA102

Course Objective: To provide the fundamentals and advanced concepts of probability theory and random
process to support core courses in electronic and Electronic and communication engineering. The required
mathematical foundations will be studied at a fairly rigorous level and the applications of the probability
theory and random processes to engineering problems will be emphasized.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
MA203.1 Apply concepts of mathematics to set operations and probability theory
MA203.2 Apply concepts of probability theory to single random variables
MA203.3 Apply theorems to multiple random variables and investigate significance of Central Limit
MA203.4 Determine solutions to various characteristics of random variables/distributions/processes
MA203.5 Investigate characteristics of random processes
MA203.6 To interpret use of probability distributions in real world and illustrate Markov Theory application
to Queuing theory.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA203.1 3 3 1 1 3 1
MA203.2 3 3 1 1 3 1
MA203.3 3 3 1 1 3 1
MA203.4 3 3 1 1 3 1
MA203.5 3 3 1 1 3 1
MA203.6 3 - 1 3 1
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
MA203.1 2 2
MA203.2 2 2
MA203.3 2 2
MA203.4 2 2
MA203.5 2 2
MA203.6 2 2

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Probability 1,2 08
1.1 Sets and set operations; Probability space; Conditional
probability and Bayes theorem
2 Title Single Random Variable 1,2 08
2.1 Discrete random variables, probability mass function,
probability distribution function, example random variables and
2.2 Continuous random variables, probability density function,
probability distribution function, example distributions
3 Title Multiple Random Variables 1,2 10
3.1 Joint distributions, functions of one and two random variables,
moments of random variables;
Conditional distribution
3.2 densities and moments; Characteristic functions of a random
3.3 Markov, Chebyshev and Chernoff bounds
4 Title Sequence of Random Variables 1,2 06
4.1 Random sequences and modes of convergence (everywhere,
almost everywhere, probability, distribution and mean square)
4.2 Limit theorems; Strong and weak laws of large numbers, central
limit theorem.
5 Title Random Process 1,2 10
5.1 Random process. Stationary processes. Mean and covariance
functions. Ergodicity.
5.2 Transmission of random process through LTI. Power spectral
6 Self- Application of different probability distributions (to any 1,2 06*
Study one field of interest but not limited to)
1.Wireless Communication
2.Queuing theory
3. Networking
4. Digital Signal Processing.
Total 42
*Not included in the total

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Probability, Random Variables 4th A. Papoulis and S. McGraw Hill 2002
and Stochastic Unnikrishnan Pillai
2 Probability and Random 3rd H. Stark and J. Pearson 2002
Processes with Applications to Woods education
Signal Processing

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Probability And Random 3rd Alberto Leon Pearson 2008
Processes for Electrical Garcia education
2 Probability, Statistics and 3rd T Veerarajan McGraw Hill 2008
Random Processes

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 1 0 6 9 2 1 0 3
Foundations of Examination Scheme
MA204 Mathematics-II Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Foundations of Mathematics-I

Course Objective: To develop basic foundation of mathematical skills.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to: -
MA204.1 Integrate a function of one variable using various techniques
MA204.2 Sketch basic curves and solve double and triple integrals.
MA204.3 Solve basic problems using properties of complex numbers.
MA204.4 Solve differential equations of first order.
MA204.5 Apply the techniques of solving first order differential equations to electrical
engineering problems.
MA204.6 Solve differential equations of higher order

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MA204.1 1
MA204.2 1
MA204.3 1
MA204.4 2
MA204.5 1 1
MA204.6 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 73
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Integral Calculus 1,2 13
1.1 Formulae for integral of standard functions, integration by parts, 04
integration by method of substitution.
1.2 Gamma functions, Beta functions. Differentiation under Integral sign 04
with constant limits and one parameter.
1.3 Standard curves (lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses). Concept of double 05
integration. Evaluation of double and triple integrals.
2 Title Complex Numbers 1,2 03
2.1 Operations on complex numbers, polar form of a complex number, 03
properties of a complex number.
3 Title Differential Equations 1,2 12
3.1 Exact differential equations. Linear differential equations of the first 04
order and equations reducible to linear.
3.2 Solving differential equations of first order in electrical networks. 01
3.3 Linear differential equations with constant coefficients: complementary 07
function and particular integral.
Total 28


Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Higher Engineering 44th Dr. B. S. Khanna 2020
Mathematics Grewal Publications

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Advanced Engineering 10th Erwin John Wiley & 2011
Mathematics Kreysizg Sons
2 Advanced Engineering 28th H. K. Dass S. Chand 2014

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Analog Circuits Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET101, ET202

Course Objective: To teach fundamentals of analog electronic circuits
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC205.1 Apply the concept of negative and positive feedback
EC205.2 Discuss differential amplifier and power amplifier circuits
EC205.3 Discuss fundamentals of operational amplifier IC
EC205.4 Design linear and non-linear applications using operational amplifier IC
EC205.5 Discuss various data conversion techniques
EC205.6 Design applications with special purpose ICs
CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC205.1 1 1 2 2
EC205.2 1 1 2 2
EC205.3 1 1 2 2
EC205.4 1 1 2 2
EC205.5 1 1 2 2
EC205.6 1 1 3 2
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 75
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Feedback topologies and Oscillators 1 8
1.1 Voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current shunt, effect of
feedback on gain, bandwidth etc., calculation with practical circuits,
concept of stability, gain margin and phase margin.
1.2 Oscillators: Review of the basic concept, Barkhausen criterion, RC
oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.) and LC oscillators
(Hartley, Colpitt, Clapp etc.)
2 Title Differential amplifier and Power Amplifier 1 8
2.1 Current mirror: Basic topology and its variants, V-I characteristics,
output resistance and minimum sustainable voltage (VON),
maximum usable load.
2.2 Differential amplifier: Basic structure and principle of operation,
calculation of differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR and
2.3 Power amplifiers: Power BJTs, Power MOSFETs, Heat Sinks,
Class A, Class B, Class C and Class AB operation, Power efficiency
3 Title Operational Amplifier 2 12
3.1 Functional Block Diagram of op amp, DC and AC characteristics of
an op-amp, Ideal op-amp
3.2 Linear Applications of Operational Amplifier
Inverting and non-inverting amplifier, adder, subtractor, integrator,
differentiator, difference amplifier, instrumentation amplifier
Active Filters: First order filters, second order active finite and
infinite gain low pass, high pass
3.3 Non-Linear Applications of Operational Amplifier
Comparators: Inverting comparator, non-inverting comparator,
zero crossing detector
Schmitt Triggers: Inverting Schmitt trigger
4 Title Data Converters 2 6
4.1 Digital-to-analog converters (DAC): Weighted resistor, R-2R
ladder, resistor string etc.
4.2 Analog to-digital converters (ADC): Single slope, dual slope,
successive approximation, flash etc.
4.3 Switched capacitor circuits: Basic concept, practical configurations,
application in amplifier, integrator, ADC etc.
5 Title Special Purpose Integrated Circuits 2 8
5.1 Timer 555 and its applications
5.2 Three-terminal fixed (78XX series) and general purpose 723 voltage

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
6 Self- Multiplier IC’s, Power Amplifier IC’s, PLL and VCO. Design of 6*
Study applications using these IC’s.
Total (*Not included) 42

Laboratory Component, if any (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 Design and implement any one negative feedback amplifier
2 Design and implement any one oscillator circuit
3 Design and implement differential amplifier with and without current mirror circuit
4 Design and implement any one power amplifier circuit
5 To measure (a) Input bias current, (b) Input offset current, (c)Input offset voltage & (d) Slew
rate of the given Op-Amp IC 741.
6 Design and implement linear application using Op-Amp IC 741.
7 Design and implement non-linear application using Op-Amp IC 741
8 Design and implement active filter circuit using Op-Amp IC 741.
9 Design and implement data converter circuit
10 Design and Implement Multivibrator Circuits using IC 555
11 Design, Implement and analyze Voltage Regulator Circuit using IC 723.

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Third Donald A. Tata McGraw 2006
Design Neamen Hill
2 Linear Integrated Circuits Fourth D. Roy New Age 2018
Choudhury and S. International
B. Jain Publishers

Reference Books:
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Millman’s Electronic Devices and Third Jacob Millman, McGraw Hill 2014
Circuits Christos C
Halkias, and
Satyabratata JIT
2 Design with operational amplifiers Fourth Sergio Franco Tata McGraw 2016
and analog integrated circuits Hill
3 Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Fourth Ramakant A. Pearson 2015
Circuits Gayakwad Prentice Hall

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Microcontrollers Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC101, ET201

Course Objective: Imparting the detailed architectural features of various microcontrollers like 8051, PIC
and ARM along with integrated peripherals and programming
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC206.1 Compare and contrast traditional microprocessor with traditional microcontroller 8051
EC206.2 Understand and describe architectural features of microcontrollers like PIC and ARM
EC206.3 Comprehend ARM core model and classify different modes of operation with justification
EC206.4 Classify various instructions with addressing modes of microcontrollers like PIC and ARM
EC206.5 Analyze the given problem statement and apply the programming concepts to solve the problem
through program in PIC and ARM
EC206.6 Illustrate and utilize the integrated peripherals of 16- and 32-bit microcontrollers

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC206.1 3
EC206.2 3
EC206.3 3
EC206.4 3
EC206.5 3 3 3 3
EC206.6 3 2
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze √ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 78
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit Topics Ref. Hrs.
1 No.
Title Introduction of 8-bit Microcontroller – 8051
1.1 Overview of 8051 Family of Controllers 1 4
1.2 Architecture of 8051 with block diagram schematic 1
1.3 Brief description of integrated components of 8051 1
2 Title PIC Microcontroller 10
2.1 Microcontroller architecture and Programming model 2
2.2 Instruction set with addressing modes 2
2.3 Programming and Problem-solving approaches 2
3 Title PIC Integrated Peripherals 9
3.1 I/O Ports with its interfacing 2
3.2 Interrupt Structure 2
3.3 Timers with its configuration 2
3.4 Data Converters (ADC and DAC) 2
3.5 Serial I/O (SPI and I2C protocol) 2
4 Title ARM7TDMI(ARMv4T) Architecture 10
4.1 Features and advantages, ARM versions 3,4
4.2 Processor operating states, ARM core data flow model, operating 3,4
4.3 modes, registers,
Instruction set withprogram status
addressing registers, exceptions, and pipelined
modes 3,4
architecture advantage
5 Title LPC2148 ARM7 Processor Programming and Interfacing 9
5.1 Processor state changing (ARM→THUMB), Exceptions, interrupts, 3,4
5.2 and its handling.
Timer Programming, Watchdog Timer 3,4
5.3 ADC and Sensor Interfacing 3,4
5.4 SPI and I2C Peripheral Interface 3,4
6 Self ARM-v7-M (Cortex-M3), Comparison of ARM-v&-A (Cortex 6*
Study A8), ARM-v7-R (Cortex R4), ARM-v7-M (Cortex M3).
Application Case Study for PIC and ARM controllers
Total (*Not included) 42

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component, if any (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 Programming the I/O Port of 8-bit 8051 Microcontroller and effectively interface the LED and
2 Programming and Interfacing for utilization of on-chip resources like Timers and Serial
Communication of 8-bit 8051 Microcontroller.
3 PIC assembly language programming and simulation
4 PIC LED/LCD interfacing and programming
5 PIC Timers and interrupts programming
6 PIC ADC Programming
7 ARM LEDs and Keyboard Interface
8 ARM Programming and Interfacing of sensors using on chip ADC
9 ARM Programming and Interfacing on chip Serial Port
10 ARM Programming and Interfacing on chip timer

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 The 8051 Microcontroller and Second Muhammad Ali Pearson 2006
Embedded Systems: Using Mazidi, Janice G.
Assembly and C Mazidi and R. D.
2 Fundamentals of Fourth Ramesh Gaonkar Penram 2007
Microcontrollers and International
Applications in Embedded Publishing Pvt.
Systems (with PIC18 Ltd
microcontroller family)
3 ARM System Developer’s First Andrew N. Sloss, Elsevier Inc 2004
Guide Designing and Dominic Sysmes and Morgan
Optimizing System Chris Wright Kaufmann
4 ARM Architecture, Reference Second David Seal Addison Wesley 2001

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 PIC Micron roller: An Second Han- Way Huang Cengage 2005
Introduction to Software & Learning
Hardware Interfacing
2 ARM System-on-Chip Second Steve Furber Addison- 2000
Architecture Wesley
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 80
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Signals and Systems Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101, MA102

Course Objective: To develop strong foundation of continuous time signals and systems
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC207.1 Classify and illustrate various operations on signals and systems.
EC207.2 Analyze the properties of a continuous time signal in frequency domain and observe the spectrum.
EC207.3 Apply Laplace Transform on continuous time signals
EC207.4 Evaluate Linear Time Invariant system response using Laplace Transform
EC207.5 Design analog Butterworth and Chebyshev filter
EC207.6 Interpret system using state space model

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC207.1 3 - 3 3 3 2
EC207.2 3 2 3 3 3 2
EC207.3 3 2 3 3 3 2
EC207.4 3 2 3 3 3 2
EC207.5 3 2 3 3 3 2
EC207.6 3 - 1 3 3 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC207.1 2 2 2
EC207.2 2 2 2
EC207.3 2 2 2
EC207.4 2 2 2
EC207.5 2 2 2
EC207.6 2 2 -

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 81
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Overview of Continuous Time Signals and Systems 1,2 08
1.1 Introduction: Signals, systems, elementary signals, exponential, sine,
step, impulse, ramp, rectangular, triangular and operations on signals
1.2 Classification of signals: Continuous Signals, deterministic and non-
deterministic, periodic and aperiodic, symmetric (even) and
asymmetric (odd), energy and power, causal and anti-causal signals.
1.3 Operations of Signals: Shifting, Scaling, Time Reversal, Addition and
Multiplication, Convolution, Correlation
2 Title Fourier Series and Fourier Transform 1,2 10
2.1 Fourier series: Orthogonal representation of signals, Continuous Time
Fourier Series (CTFS), magnitude and phase spectra, Gibbs
phenomenon, Parsevel's relation,
2.2 Fourier Transform: Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier
Transform on periodic and non-periodic signals, Limitations of Fourier
Transform and need for Laplace Transform, Properties of Fourier
Transform, Parsevel’s relation, Energy and Power Spectral Density and
3 Title Laplace Transform 1,2 04
3.1 Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform, Relation between
Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform,
3.2 Inverse Laplace Transform using Partial Fraction method
4 Title Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems 1,2 08
4.1 Classification of systems: Static and dynamic, time variant and time
invariant, linear and nonlinear, causal and non-causal, stable and
unstable systems.
4.2 Impulse Response, Transfer Function, Differential Equation, Stability
of Systems, Frequency Response, Solution of Differential Equation
using Laplace Transform
5 Title Analog Filter Design 1,2 12
5.1 Design of Ideal Analog filter, Butterworth Low Pass Filter (LPF)
design, Butterworth High Pass Filter (HPF) design, Butterworth Band
Pass Filter (BPF) and Band Reject Filter design, Pole zero plot of
Butterworth filters, Magnitude Spectrum
5.2 Equiripple Filters, Chebyshev Type-I LPF, HPF Design, Pole zero
plot of Chebyshev filter, magnitude spectrum.

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
5.3 Realization diagram (Form I and II)
6 Self State Space Model: Procedure to determine state equations, State 6*
Study equations from transfer function, Laplace transform solution of state
Total (*Not included) 42

Laboratory Component

Title of the Experiment
1 Representation of Signals
2 Operations on Signals
3 Convolution on Continuous Time Signals
4 Synthesis of signals using Fourier Series
5 Synthesis of signals using Fourier Transform
6 Analysis of LTI system using Laplace Transform
7 Plotting of frequency spectrum
8 Butterworth filter design
9 Chebyshev filter design
10 Mini project: Analysis of real-world signals

Text Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Signals and Systems 3rd Nagoor Kani Tata McGraw Hill 2011
2 Digital Signal 4 Ramesh Babu Scitech 2014

Reference Books
Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Signals and Systems 2nd Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S, Pearson 2002
Willsky and A Hamid
2 Signals and Systems 3rd Simon Haykin and Barry John Wiley & Sons 2002
Van Veen
3 Linear Systems and 4th B. P. Lathi Oxford University 2005
Signals Press
4 Signals and Systems 2nd H. P Hsu, R. Ranjan Schaum’s outlines 2006

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P O Total
0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 2 2
(SBC) Examination Scheme
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Mini Project-I
Theory -- -- -- --
EC208 Laboratory -- -- -- --
Self-Study 100 -- 100 200

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any.

Course Objective: To apply engineering knowledge and propose innovative, sustainable solutions
to the real-life challenges
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
EC208.1 Discover potential research areas for addressing societal issues
EC208.2 Conduct a survey of basic and contemporary literature in the preferred field of study.
EC208.3 Formulate and propose a plan for creating a solution for the research plan identified.
EC208.4 Exercise the team building, communication and management for design and
implementation of projects.
EC208.5 Compare and contrast the several existing solutions for research challenge
EC208.6 Report and present the findings of the study conducted in the preferred domain.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 84
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. appropriate)
Remember Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate√ Create

Pre-requisite Course All the Courses till third Semester

Mini project is an opportunity to make a difference in the experience of education in its own way. It is
an attempt of scientific study of the problem in surrounding in order to guide, correct and evaluate the
actions and decisions about it. It is based on a small project correlating scientific knowledge and day to
day experience which encourages development of scientific attitude to solve real life problems among
The Objectives of Action Research are:
✓ To make students sensitive towards societal issues
✓ To learn scientific principles from day-to-day experiences
✓ To develop psycho-technological skills through observation, classification, statement of
hypothesis etc.
✓ Development of communication, organizational skills and maturity through discussion,
presentation etc.
✓ To develop ability to correlate science, technology and society
✓ To apply engineering knowledge and propose innovative, sustainable solutions to the real-life
Steps for Implementation: (ISE: Through 2 Phases of Evaluation) and ESE
✓ Keen observation of the surrounding/society
✓ Identification of the problem
✓ Analysis of the problem
✓ Collection of relevant information by formulating research questions
✓ Suggesting plan of action
✓ Conducting experiments
✓ To draw conclusion
✓ To find the possible solution to rectify the problem
✓ To execute experiments and remedial measures wherever possible

Students can seek guidance from teachers, other experts and make effective use of other sources of
information available around them. Students must ensure that problem to be solved in manageable
in one semester.

Teachers must follow the below mentioned principles:

✓ Make student confront problem solving
✓ Develop methods and techniques of handling problems.
✓ Teach how to use the methods and not directly give solution to the problem.
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 85
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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
✓ Lead the students to the peak of their powers for improvement of better learning.

The H/W and S/W resources required to complete the Mini-Project-I may be beyond the scope of
curriculum of courses taken or may be based on the courses but thrust should be on
• Learning additional skills
• Development of ability to define and design the problem and lead to its accomplishment with
proper planning
• Learn the behavioral discipline by working in a team. The team may be maximum three (03)

Project report should contain project title, student details, certificate and acknowledgements. Other
sections of the report shall be decided by the department based on projects. But it must have
introduction, necessity of project, objectives, hypothesis, plan, observations, and analysis of results,
conclusion and references along with other sections related to technology. The ISE and ESE
evaluation will be carried out based on the rubrics framed by the Department. The ESE marks will
be based on final demonstration of the project and viva based on it and report/poster/technical paper
of the project in the standard format provided by the Department.

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
PC Examination Scheme
Analog and Digital Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC301 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC202: Electronic Devices

MA203: Probability and Stochastic Processes
EC207: Signals and Systems
Course Objective: The objective is to equip the students with basic knowledge for analyzing analog
and digital communication systems ranging from data networks and internet to mobile data
communication systems such as cellular and Wi-Fi systems. Specifically, the students will learn how
to manage communication system resources including bandwidth and power by selecting a proper
signaling and/or analog/pulse/digital modulation scheme
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC301.1 Describe various entities of analog, pulse, and digital communication system.

EC301.2 Apply concepts of signals and systems to analyze behavior of modulated signals in time
domain, frequency domain and signal space.
EC301.3 Analyze and computer system performance measures such as efficiency, bit rate and
bandwidth of various analog, pulsed and digital modulation methods.
EC301.4 Analyze the behavior of a various analog, pulse, and digital modulation schemes in presence
of noise.
EC301.5 Compare various modulation and demodulation techniques.
EC301.6 Examine various wired and wireless applications and further infer health, safety, and
environment aspects of wired and wireless systems.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC301.1 3 - - - 1

EC301.2 2 2 3 3 3
EC301.3 2 2 3 3 3 1
EC301.4 3 3 3 3 3 1
EC301.5 2 2 3 3 3
EC301.6 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC301.1 2 2
EC301.2 2 2 2 1
EC301.3 2 2 2 1
EC301.4 2 2 2 1
EC301.5 2 2
EC301.6 1 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember✓ Understand✓ Apply✓ Analyze✓ Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Continuous-Wave Modulation 1,2
1.1 Review of signals and systems, Frequency domain representation of 10
signals, classification of Frequency spectrum, Block diagram of an
analog and digital communication system, Need for modulation.
1.2 Principles of Amplitude Modulation Systems- DSB, SSB and VSB
modulations, Principle of FDM.
1.3 Angle Modulation, Representation of FM and PM signals, Spectral
characteristics of angle modulated signals.
1.4 Super heterodyne receiver
1.5 Noise in amplitude modulation systems, Noise in Frequency
modulation systems. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, Threshold
effect in angle modulation.
2 Title Pulse Modulation 1,2 08
2.1 Sampling process. Types of Pulse modulation
2.2 Pulse code modulation (PCM), Differential pulse code modulation.
2.3 Delta modulation, Noise considerations in PCM, Time Division
multiplexing, Digital Multiplexers
3 Title Baseband Pulse Transmission 1,2 10
3.1 Baseband receiver, Probability of error of integrate and dump
receiver, Matched filter, optimum filter
3.2 Line coding and Power spectral density (PSD) of line codes, inter
symbol Interference and Nyquist criterion, Raised cosine filter,
3.3 Duobinary encoding, Introduction to linear and adaptive
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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
4 Title Pass band Digital Modulation schemes 2 14
Principle of working, PSD, and Signal space analysis
4.2 Digital Modulation tradeoffs, Probability of Error evaluations of
various modulations. (Derivation not expected)
4.3 Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for Digital modulation.
4.4 Introduction to OFDM
5 Self- a. Case study (anyone) 06
Stud 1. Effect of various Communication systems on health, safety, and
y environment.
2. Professional engineering regulations, legislation and standards
related to communication.
3. Code of ethics for wired and wireless systems for
b. Research article (anyone)
1.Applications of analog and digital modulations
2.Digital modulations specifications and effect of various
parameters in wireless networks such as WLAN
3.Software defined radio for digital communication
4. Error correction codes for digital communication
5.Comparative analysis of analog and digital communication
through applications
Total 42+6

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 Simulation and implementation of double sideband full carrier for various modulation index.
2 Implement the frequency modulation circuit to obtain FM waveforms and calculate
modulation index
3 Analyze effect of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis on FM waveforms.
4 Implementation of natural sampling and reconstruction of waveforms
5 Implementation and detection of pulse amplitude modulation.
6 Implementation of Binary Phase Shift Keying.
7 Implementation of Binary Frequency shift keying.
8 Duo binary Encoder.
9 Simulation of digital modulation scheme and analysis of Power spectral density.
10 Simulation and analysis of signal space of various modulations in presence of noise.
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Department of EXTC

11 Signal transmission through Raised cosine filter and eye pattern analysis.
12 Simulation of OFDM.
13 Mini project in analog/pulse/digital modulation methods.


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Communications Systems Fourth Haykin S John Wiley and Sons 2001
2 Principles of Second Taub H. and Tata McGraw Hill 2001
Communication Systems Schilling D. L

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Digital Third Haykin S John Wiley and Sons 2001
2. Communication Fourth Proakis J. G. Pearson Education 2002
Systems Engineering and Salehi M.
3. Digital and Analog Fourth B.P.Lathi Oxford 2017

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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
PC Examination Scheme
Control Systems Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC302 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101: Engineering Calculus

MA102: Differential Equations and Complex Analysis
EC 101: Digital Systems and Microprocessors
EC 203: Probability and Stochastic Processes
EC 204: Electronic Instruments and Measurement Lab
Course Objectives: To develop a system for real life application by applying the concepts of control
system theory and allied techniques for system performance evaluation.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Classify different types of control systems, component of control system and formulate
mathematical modeling of the given system.
EC302.2 Apply various methods for representation of the given control system.
EC302.3 Analyze the transient and steady state behavior of given system for standard test inputs.
EC302.4 Analyze the stability of systems in time domain and frequency domain.
EC302.5 Discuss the concept of controllability and observability using state variable model.
EC302.6 Evaluate the system performance with the use of compensators & controllers.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC302.1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
EC302.2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
EC302.3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
EC302.4 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
EC302.5 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
EC302.6 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC302.1 1 1 2 -
EC302.2 1 1 2 -
EC302.3 1 1 2 2
EC302.4 1 1 2 2
EC302.5 1 1 2 2
EC302.6 1 1 2 2

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate✓ Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Introduction to control system and system Modeling
1.1 Introduction to control system: 1,2 10
Definition of system, Notion of feedback, Open loop and closed
loop systems; feedback and feed forward control structure;
Examples of control systems.
1.2 Dynamic Response: Standard test signals; Transient and steady 1,2
state behavior of first and second order systems; Generalized error
coefficients, steady state errors in feedback control systems and
their types.
1.3 Control System Modeling: Types of model’s Impulse response 1,2
model, State variable model, Transfer function model, Modeling
of electrical systems and translational mechanical systems.
2 Title Representation of Control System and State Space Analysis 10
2.1 Block diagram representation of systems, Block diagram reduction 1,2
methods, closed loop transfer function, signal flow graph. Mason’s
gain rule
2.2 State Space Analysis: Concepts of state space, State equations, 1,2
State transition matrix, properties of state transition matrix,
Solution of homogeneous systems.
2.3 Controllability and Observability: Concept of controllability, 3,4
Controllability analysis of LTI systems, Concept of observability,
Observability analysis of LTI systems using Kalman approach.
3 Title Time Domain System Stability Analysis 8
3.1 Concepts of Stability Concept of absolute, relative and robust 1,2
3.2 Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria 1,2
3.3 Root Locus Analysis: Root-locus concepts; General rules for 1,2
constructing root-locus, Root-locus analysis of control systems.
4 Title Frequency Domain System Stability Analysis 8
4.1 Relation between time and frequency response 1,2
4.2 Bode Plot: Magnitude and phase plot, Method of plotting Bode 1,2
plot; Stability analysis by using Gain and phase margins on the
Bode plots
4.3 Polar plots, Nyquist stability criterions; Nyquist plot; Gain and 1,2
phase margins.
5 Title Compensators & Controllers 6

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Department of EXTC
5.1 Types of compensators, Realization of basic compensators – 1,2
cascade compensation in time domain and frequency domain.
5.2 Controllers: Concept of ON/OFF controllers; Concept of P, PI, 1,2
PD and PID Controllers.
5.3 Advanced Control Systems: Introduction to Robust Control, 3,4
Adaptive control and Model predictive control, Neuro- fuzzy
6 Self- Examples on open loop and closed loop control system, Modeling 1,2,3,
Study of rotational mechanical systems, Pole placement using state 4,5
feedback Popov–Belevitch–Hautus (PBH) test in state space,
Design of lag, lead and lag-lead compensator using Bode plot and
Root locus techniques, Design of real-life applications of control
Total 42

Laboratory Component:
Exp. Experiment Details Marks
No. CO
1 To obtain the characteristics of control system components: 05
i. To plot the Synchro transmitter characteristics and Synchro transmitter and CO1
receiver as an error detector.
ii. To plot characteristics of Potentiometer and its loading effect for different
conditions of load.
2 To demonstrate the working of real-life feedback control system and obtain 05
their characteristics: CO1
i. To plot Speed torque characteristic of DC servo motor.
ii. To determine the line and load regulation characteristics of AC servo voltage
stabilizer at different line and load conditions and observe the mechanism of
AC voltage stabilization as an example of closed control system.
3 To develop a program in Matlab/Scilab/LabVIEW: 05
i. To define the given closed loop transfer functions of system and plot their CO2
poles & zeros on s-plane.
ii. To reduce the given control system block diagram or signal flow graph.
4 To develop a program in Matlab/Scilab/LabVIEW: 10
i. To obtain the step response of a given first/second order control system and CO3
obtain its time domain parameters from this step response. Compare these
results with mathematical calculations.
ii. To determine step response for a Type 0, Type 1, Type 2 systems and find
error coefficients.
iii. To find solution for a given control system described by its state space
equation in terms of state transition matrix, zero input response, zero state
response, complete response.
5 Develop a program in Matlab/Scilab/LabVIEW: 10
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
i. To obtain the root locus of a system described by its Transfer Function with
unity feedback, Comment on the stability of this given control system.
Compare these results with mathematical calculations.
ii. To find gain margin and phase margin of the system described by its
Transfer Function with unity feedback using Bode/Nyquist plot. Comment on
the stability of this given control system. Compare these results with
mathematical calculations.
6 Develop a program in Matlab/Scilab/LabVIEW: 10
i. To find whether a given control system described by its state space equation CO5
is controllable or not, observable or not, to find rank of matrix and using rank
comment on system controllability and observability.
ii. To design a controller and observer via state space.
7 Evaluate the effect of Compensator/PID controller on performance of the 5
control system. CO6

ISE Evaluation: CO1-CO6

Mini-Project: Identify the model of control system for real life application and demonstrate
controlling action for the same.
This is group activity. Students will form a group of minimum 3 students. Students will develop the
block diagram of the system first, then design each block using appropriate components. Simulate the
complete block diagram using any tool like Matlab, Scilab or LabVIEW. The duration of this activity
is a complete semester, but evaluation will be done in phases and rubrics designed. In the first phase
students will develop the block diagram for the given problem statement. In the second phase students
will develop the block diagram and simulate each of the block diagrams and test it for input-output
relationship. In the third phase students will interface all the designed blocks to obtain final input-
output relationship of the system. Hardware implementation is optional.
Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Control Systems Fifth I. J. Nagrath, New Age International 2012
Engineering M. Gopal
2 Modern Control Fifth Ogata. K Prentice Hall of India 2010
Reference Books
Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Control Systems: Principle and First M. Gopal Tata McGraw Hill 1998
2 Modern Control System Eleventh Richard C. Dorf Pearson 2013
and Robert H.
3 Control Systems Engineering Sixth Norman Nise John Wiley & Sons 2011
4 Linear Control System First Constantine H. Mcgraw-Hill 1975
Analysis and Design: Houpis and Joh
Conventional and Modern n J. D'Azzo
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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 5 10 3 0 1 4
PC Examination Scheme
Digital Signal
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC303 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC207: Signals and Systems

Course Objective: To develop mathematical foundation of system and design digital filters
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC303.1 Classify and perform various operations on signals and systems.
EC303.2 Apply DFT properties and illustrate FFT algorithms.
EC303.3 Apply Z Transform on discrete time signals.
EC303.4 Analyze LTI System using Z Transform.
EC303.5 Design and Realize Digital filters.
EC303.6 Analyze Multirate Signal Processing.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC303.1 3 1 2 2
EC303.2 1 1 2 2
EC303.3 1 1 2 2
EC303.4 1 1 2 2
EC303.5 1 1 2 2
EC303.6 1 1 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC303.1 2 2
EC303.2 2 2
EC303.3 2 2
EC303.4 2 2
EC303.5 2 2
EC303.6 1 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand ✓ Apply ✓ Analyze ✓ Evaluate Create

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Overview of Discrete Time Signals 6,7,8
1.1 Sampling of Continuous Time Signal, Standard Discrete Time 08
Signals: Impulse Signal, Unit Step, Unit Ramp, Sinusoidal,
1.2 Classification of Signals: Deterministic and non-
deterministic, Periodic and a periodic, Symmetric (even) and
Asymmetric (odd), Energy and Power, Causal and Anti-causal
1.3 Operations of Signals: Shifting, Scaling, Time Reversal,
Addition and Multiplication, Convolution (Linear and
Circular), Correlation
2 Title Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 1, 3 12
2.1 Discrete Time Fourier transform (DTFT), Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT), Properties of DFT, Inverse DFT.
2.2 Fast Fourier Transform: Radix-2 Decimation in Time Fast
Fourier Transform (DIT-FFT) and Decimation in Frequency
Fast Fourier Transform (DIF-FFT) algorithms, Real and
Complex Calculations using FFT, Linear and Circular
Convolution using FFT,
2.3 Filtering of long data sequence, Overlap Add Method, Overlap
Save Method
3 Title Z-Transform 6,7 04
3.1 Z-Transform of discrete time signals, Properties of Z-
Transform, Relation between Z-Transform and DTFT,
3.2 Inverse Z-Transform, Long division Method, Partial Fraction
Expansion Method
4 Title Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems 1,4 08
4.1 Classification of systems: Static and dynamic, time variant
and time invariant, linear and nonlinear, causal and non-causal,
stable and unstable systems.
4.2 Impulse Response, Transfer Function, Differential Equation,
Stability of Systems, Frequency Response, Solution of
Differential Equation using Z-Transform
4.3 LTI systems as frequency-selective filters like; Low pass, High
pass, Band pass, Invertibility of LTI systems, Minimum-phase,
Maximum-phase, Mixed-phase systems
5 Title Design of Digital filters and Implementation 1,2 10
5.1 Design of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters using Impulse
Invariant Method and Bilinear Transformation Method,
Butterworth and Chebyshev Type I filter design.
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Department of EXTC
5.2 Concepts of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter, symmetric
and anti-symmetric FIR filter, FIR filter design using Window
method and Frequency sampling method.
5.3 Realization structures for IIR and FIR filters using direct Form
Realization, cascade, parallel structures; Linear Phase
Realization, Frequency Sampling Realization.
6 Self- 1.Multirate Signal Processing: Down-sampling and Up- 1,5 *5
Study sampling by integer factors; Decimator and Interpolator,
Sampling rate conversion by non-integer factor.
2. Application of Filter: Sub-band filters.
Total 42+*5

Laboratory Component
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Discrete Convolution and Correlation
2 Discrete Fourier Transform
3 Fast Fourier Transform
4 Linear Filtering using Overlap Add Method/ Overlap Save Method.
5 Design of Butterworth IIR Filter using Impulse invariant method
6 Design of Butterworth IIR Filter using Bilinear Transformation method
7 Linear phase FIR Filter design using Windowing method
8 Linear phase FIR Filter design using Frequency sampling method
9 Multirate Signal Processing
10 Mini Project on real Time DTSP application

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Digital Signal Processing: Fourth J. Proakis, D. G. Pearson 2014
Principles, Algorithms and Manolakis, and D. Education
Applications Sharma
2 Digital Signal Processing Fourth Ramesh Babu Scitech 2014
3 Digital Signal Processing - S. Salivahanan, A Tata McGraw 2010
Vallavaraj, C Gnanapriya Hill

Reference Books
Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Signals and Systems Second Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S, Pearson 2002
Willsky and A Hamid Nawab
2 Signals and Systems Third Simon Haykin and Barry Van John Wiley 2002
Veen & Sons
3 Theory and Applications of Second L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold Prentice- 2006
Digital Signal Processing Hall
4 Multirate Systems and Filter First P. P. Vaidyanathan, Pearson 1992
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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 5 10 3 0 1 4
PC Examination Scheme
Electromagnetic Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC304 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101: Engineering Calculus

MA102: Differential Equations and Complex Analysis
MA201: Linear Algebra
Course Objective: To teach fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC304.1 Apply basic laws of electromagnetic and Maxwell’s equations.
EC304.2 Illustrate the behavior of EM waves and travelling of waves in free space as well as media.
EC304.3 Solve problems related to the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
EC304.4 Discuss the types of antennas and their parameters.
EC304.5 Discuss types of radio wave propagation.
EC304.6 Design applications using Electromagnetic Waves theory.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC304.1 1 1 2 2 3
EC304.2 1 1 2 2
EC304.3 1 1 2 2 3
EC304.4 1 1 3 2 1
EC304.5 1 1 2 2
EC304.6 1 1 3 2 2 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC304.1 2 2
EC304.2 2 2
EC304.3 2 2
EC304.4 2 2
EC304.5 2 2
EC304.6 1 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Coordinate system transformation and vector calculus
1.1 Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate, Differential 2 3
length, area and volume, line surface and volume integrals.
1.2 Del Operator, Gradient of scalar, Divergence of a vector and
Divergence Theorem, Curl of a Vector and Stoke’s Theorem,
Laplacian Theorem, Classification of a Vector Field.
2 Title Basic Laws of Electromagnetic and Maxwells Equations 1 9
2.1 Coulombs law, Electric fields due to continuous charge
distributions, Gauss law and its applications, Electric potential
(Magnetic vector potential and Electrical Scalar Potential),
relationship between E and V, Poisson and Laplace equations,
Bio-Savarts law, Amperes law.
2.2 Boundary conditions for static electric and magnetic fields
2.3 Faradays Law, Displacement current, Maxwells Equations:
Integral and differential form for static and time varying fields and
its interpretation
3 Title Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 1,2 9
3.1 Wave equation: Derivation and its solution in Cartesian co-
3.2 Solution of wave equations: Partially conducting media, perfect
dielectrics and good conductors, Concept of Skin Depth.
3.3 Electromagnetic Power: Poynting Vector and power flow in free
space and in dielectric, conducting media.
3.4 Polarization of wave: Linear, Circular and Elliptical.
3.5 Propagation in different media: Behavior of waves for normal and
oblique incidence in dielectrics and conducting media.
4 Title Waveguide 1,2 6
4.1 Wave propagation in parallel plane waveguide (No derivation
expected), Analysis of waveguide general approach (No
derivation expected), in waveguide.
4.2 Rectangular waveguide, Modal propagation in rectangular
waveguide, Surface currents on the waveguide walls, Field
visualization, Attenuation.
5 Title Transmission Lines 1,2 9
5.1 Power frequency lines: Representation, losses and efficiency in
power lines, effect of length, calculation of inductance and
Radio frequency lines: Representation, propagation constant,
attenuation constant, phase constant, group velocity, input
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Department of EXTC
impedance, characteristic impedance, trade-off between
attenuation and power transfer, reflection coefficient, standing
wave ratio, VSWR, ISWR, ABCD parameters of transmission
5.2 Smith Chart: Impedance locus diagram, impedance matching.
6 Title Applications of Electromagnetics 2,3 6
Self- Xerography. Laser printer, Faraday’s cage, lightning, RF MEMS, 1,2,6 06
Study Magnetic levitation, Metamaterials, RFID, Stealth aircraft, remote
sensing, radio astronomy, EMI and Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Different types of antennas.
Total 42

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Sr. No Title of the Experiment

1 Basic operations on scalar and vectors
Working with Numbers: Scalars and Vectors using any simulation platform or Python.
Working with Complex Numbers using any simulation platform or Python.
Working with Matrices using any simulation platform or Python.
2 Curl and Divergence
Numerical Computation of Divergence and Curl.
Numerical Computation of Divergence and Curl for a Current Carrying Wire.
3 Write a program that displays the distribution of the electric potential due to an electric
dipole with a moment located at the origin of a spherical coordinate system.
4 Numerical Integration and Calculating the Electric Field from a Ring of Charge.
5 3-D and 2-D radiation patterns of a Hertzian dipole using MATLAB/Python.
6 Antenna parameters
Visualization of a wireless system with two antennas.
Radiation patterns of a small loop antenna.
Radiation patterns of a quarter-wave monopole.
7 Waveguide: Verify the relationship between wavelength of an EM wave in air and
inside a rectangular waveguide.
8 Simulating the Two-ray Propagation Model in any simulation platform or Python.
9 Using Virtual Lab: Introduction to Smith chart and its application for the unknown
impedance measurement using virtual lab IIT K
10 Measurement of Frequency and wavelength of a waveguide using Microwave bench
11 Using Virtual Lab: Study of field pattern of various modes inside a rectangular
waveguide using virtual lab IIT K
12 Case Study- The student is required to develop a simple tool to carry out unit
conversions that are associated with EM-related calculations.

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Department of EXTC

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Electromagnetic Third R. K. Shevgaonkar Tata McGraw Hill 2009
2 Principles of Sixth Matthew N.O. Oxford International 2015
Electromagnetics Sadiku Student

Reference Books:

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Engineering Third W.H. Hayt, and J.A. McGraw Hill 2006
Electromagnetics Buck
2 Electromagnetic Waves and Second Edward C. Jordan Pearson 2006
Radiating Systems and Keth G. Balmin Publications
3 Engineering Third Nathan Ida Springer 2015
Electromagnetics Publications
4 Antennas & Wave Fourth J.D. Kraus, R.J. McGraw Hill 2011
Propagation Marhefka, and A.S.

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
0 1 2 2 5 0 1 1 2
(SBC) Examination Scheme
Java Programming Component ISE MSE ESE (%) Total
EC305 Theory 100* -- -- 100
Laboratory 50 -- 50# 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. CS101: Problem Solving using Imperative Programming
CS102: Problem Solving using OOPs
Course Objective: To learn Object-Oriented programming paradigm using Java programming
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC305.1 Demonstrate programming using basic constructs of JAVA.
EC305.2 Apply Inheritance and polymorphism for a given scenario.
EC305.3 Apply abstraction and exception handling to create an efficient program.
EC305.4 Use Generic classes and collection for solving problem.
EC305.5 Develop a mini project based on the real-world problem.
*= Tutorial-50 marks and Mini Project-50 marks (Preferably based on real-world problem statement
from Industry/Academia/Research)
#= oral exam-20 marks and Lab experiment-30 marks
CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC305.1 3 2 2
EC305.2 2 2 2
EC305.3 2 2 2
EC305.4 2 2 2
EC305.5 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC305.1 2 2
EC305.2 2 2
EC305.3 2 2
EC305.4 2 2
EC305.5 2 2

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create✓

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Introduction to JAVA 1,2,3 3
1.1 Fundamentals of Java Programming: Classes, JDK, JRE,
JVM, Unicode system, I/O using Scanner class and Buffered
Reader class.
1.2 Instance variables, Methods, Constructors.
1.3 Object class, Nested class, Access Specifiers, Abstract Classes
and Wrapper Classes.
2 Title OOP Concepts Mapping to JAVA 1,2,3 4
2.1 Inheritance (IS – A), Aggregation & Composition (Has – A)
Method overloading & overriding, this, super, final keyword,
2.2 Auto boxing and Un boxing, Polymorphism.
2.3 Packages and Interfaces: Package concept, creating user
defined package, Access control protection, Interface.
3 Title Exception Handling and Multithreading 1,2,3 4
3.1 Try and catch block, Multiple catch block, Nested try, finally
block, Throw, Throws keywords, Exception propagation,
Custom exception.
3.2 Create thread using Thread and Runnable class. Thread
methods, schedule, sleep, join, Thread priority, Thread group,
perform multiple tasks using multiple thread Thread
4 Title Generics and Collection 1,2,3 3
4.1 Creating Generic Classes, Generic Methods, Bounded Type
4.2 Collection’s framework, methods of collection interface
(Array list, Linked list, Queue etc.)
Total 14

Laboratory Component, if any.

Sr. No Title of the Experiment

1 Program on I/O using command line arguments, scanner class, Buffered Reader etc.
2 Program on Constructor, types of constructors and constructor overloading.
3 Program on Polymorphism, Runtime polymorphism.
4 Program on Inheritance, Abstract Class, Interface.
5 Program on Nested Class, Aggregation, Composition.
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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
6 Program on Multithreading.
7 Program on Exception Handling. (built in and User defined)
8 Program on Package and access modifiers.
9 Program on Generics
10 Program on Collection


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Java Programming First Ralph Bravaco, Tata McGraw-Hill 2009
from the Group Up Shai Simoson
2 Java The Complete Eleventh Herbert Schildt Tata McGraw-Hill 2019

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 An introduction to Third Jaime Nino, Wiley Student 2008
Programming and Object- Frederick A. Edition
Oriented Design using Java Hosch
2 Java Programming A First C Xavier Tata McGraw- 2011
Practical Approach Hill
3 Java™ Programming Fourth Ken Arnold, The (Java 2005
Language James Gosling, Series) by Sun
David Holmes

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 6 11 3 0 1 4
PC Fundamentals of Examination Scheme
Antenna Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC306A Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC304: Electromagnetic Waves

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC306A.1 Calculate the fundamental parameters of Antenna.
EC306A.2 Describe fundamental theory of antennas.
EC306A.3 Select antenna based on applications.
EC306A.4 Evaluate antenna based on applications.
EC306A.5 Design Antenna Arrays.
EC306A.6 Design antenna based on given requirements.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC306A.1 2 3 2 2 2
EC306A.2 2 3 2 2 2
EC306A.3 2 2 2 2
EC306A.4 2 2 2 2 2
EC306A.5 2 2 2 2 2
EC306A.6 2 1 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC306A.1 2 -
EC306A.2 2 2
EC306A.3 2 2
EC306A.4 2 2
EC306A.5 2 2
EC306A.6 1 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Fundamental Concepts: 1 08
(CO1) 1.1 Introduction, types of Antennas, Radiation mechanism, Poynting
vector, Steradian concept, Power intensity
1.2 Antenna Parameter: Radiation pattern, Radiation power density,
Radiation Intensity, Gain, Directivity, HPBW, FNBW, Beam
efficiency, Bandwidth, Polarization, Input Impedance, Reflection
coefficient, Return loss, VSWR, Antenna Efficiency, Effective
Aperture, Communication link and Friis transmission equation.
2 Radiation from wires and loops 1 10
(CO2, 2.1 Introduction, Infinitesimal dipole: Radiation zones, Total radiated
CO3) power, Radiation resistance, Directivity, Effective area, short dipole,
Finite-length dipole: Radiated power, Radiation resistance, Directivity,
Effective area, Half-wave dipole and its properties, Loop antenna.
3 Aperture Antennas 1 06
(CO3, 3.1 Introduction, Field equivalence principle, Love's equivalence
CO4) principle, Electrical and magnetic conductor equivalence principle,
Computation of field quantities of aperture antenna, Relation between
wire and aperture antennas, Horn antenna design principle.
4 Antenna Arrays 1 10
(CO5) 4.1 Introduction, Two-element array, Example problems, Pattern
multiplication concept, N-element array, Uniform array, Array factor,
Broad-side and end-fire arrays, Phased array, Directivity and pattern
characteristic of linear uniform array, non-uniform array, Binomial
array, Dolph-Chebyshev array concept, Design principle of Chebyshev
array and examples, Planar arrays
5 Microstrip Antennas
(CO6) 3.1 Introduction: Rectangular Patch, Circular Patch, Parametric study, 1,4 08
Circularly polarized antennas, Axial Ratio, MSA suspended
3.2 MSA Arrays and Feed Networks, Corporate and Series Feeds
6 (Self Advanced Antennas: 06
Study) Reflector antenna, Dielectric Resonator antenna, Metamaterial based
antennas, Wearable antenna, Reconfigurable antennas, Ultra-wideband
antennas, Smart Antennas
Total 42

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Design a Dipole Antenna using HFSS
2 Design a monopole Antenna using HFSS
3 Design a Horn Antenna using HFSS
4 Design a Helical Antenna using HFSS
5 Design a Microstrip Patch Antenna
6 To calculate and infer various fundamental parameters of antenna like radiation pattern,
Radiation power density, Radiation Intensity, Gain, Directivity, HPBW and FNBW
using Scilab.
7 To calculate the power delivered to the Receiver Antenna.
8 To design a Pyramidal Horn Antenna in E-plane and H-plane
9 To show Pattern Multiplication phenomena in an Antenna using two infinitesimal
10 To design Array factor pattern of N-element of uniform amplitude of Broadside Array.
11 To design Array factor pattern of N-element of uniform amplitude of End-fire Array
12 To design Array factor pattern of N-element of non-uniform amplitude of Broadside /
End-fire Array using Binomial Array method.
13 To design Array factor pattern of N-element of non-uniform amplitude of Broadside
/End-fire Array using DolphTschebyscheff Array method.


S. N. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year

1 Antenna Theory: Analysis Constantine A. Fourth Wiley 1982
and Design Balanis

Reference Books:

S. N. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year

1 Antennas & Wave J.D. Kraus, R.J. Fourth McGraw Hill 2011
Propagation Marhefka, and
A.S. Khan
2 Handbook of Microstrip R. James and P.S. Third Peter 1989
Antennas Hall Peregrinus
3 Antennas and Radio Wave R. E. Collin Fourth McGraw-Hill 1985
4 Broadband Microstrip Girish Kumar and First Artech House 2003
antennas K. P. Ray

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 2 5 10 3 0 1 4
(PC) Examination Scheme
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Objective: To impart knowledge on the basic topology, operation and analysis using
performance parameters of power electronic converters.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC306B.1 Understand the operation of power semiconductor switches.
EC306B.2 Analyze various single and three phase AC-DC power converter circuits
EC306B.3 Illustrate the operating principle and construct a various type of DC-DC converters.
EC306B.4 Analyze various single and three phase DC-AC power converter circuits
Understand the operation of AC-AC voltage converters by means of circuit topology and

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

CO/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC306B.1 2.5
EC306B.2 2 3
EC306B.3 2
EC306B.4 2.5 2.5
EC306B.5 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC306B.1 2 1
EC306B.2 2 2
EC306B.3 2 2
EC306B.4 2 2
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Power Semiconductor Devices
1.1 Principle of operation, constructional features, characteristics of: T1,
SCR, GTO, MOSFET and IGBT, Si-Carbide-MOSFET and IGBT, T3 6
Ga-Ni Power devices, Common type of Power Modules
1.2 Basic Gate Drive circuits for SCR, MOSFET and IGBT
2 Title AC to DC Converters
2.1 Operation and analysis of single-phase controlled rectifiers with R, T1,
and RL load, freewheeling effect. Operation and analysis of three- T2,
phase controlled rectifiers with resistive load, effect of source R4 10
2.2 Single Phase and Three-Phase PWM Rectifier, Vienna Rectifier. T1,
Power factor improvements R4
3 Title DC to DC Converters
3.1 Switch Mode Power Converters, non-isolated and isolated T1,
converters, Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters, flyback and R4
forward converters, Hardware design of SMPS converters and their 10
3.2 Closed loop control of Switched Mode DC-DC Converters with R5
Constant Voltage and Constant Current mode of Operation
4 Title DC to AC Converters
4.1 Principle of operation of Inverters, Inverter Classification. T1,
4.2 Voltage source inverters: -Principle of operation and analysis of: T2,
Single phase Half bridge, full bridge, and three-phase bridge R4
inverters, six step operation (R-Load), PWM control of Voltage
source converters. Introduction to Space Vector Modulation
5 Title AC–AC converters
5.1 Principle of on-off and phase control – single-phase half and full T2
wave AC voltage controller, three-phase AC voltage controller. R6 6
Single Phase Bidirectional AC switches using MOSFETs, IGBTs,
Single-phase Bidirectional AC-AC converters
6 Self Comparison of Power Semiconductor Devices, Detailed analysis of 6*
Study minimum one application for each type of converter (AC-DC, DC-
Total (*not included) 42

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component (Indicative): To be completed minimum of 8 to 10 experiments

Sr. No Title of the Experiment

1 Study of Characteristics and Specification of SCR, MOSFET/ IGBT
2 Gate Driver Circuits for SCR, MOSFET, IGBTs
3 Single phase Line Commutated Semi-converter and Fully controlled Converter
4 Single phase PWM Vienna Rectifier
5 Operation and analysis of single- phase bridge inverter with R Load and controllable
6 Demonstration of PWM three phase bridge Voltage Source inverter with L-C filter
7 Design and Demonstration of a Buck-Converter and Boost Converter in CCM
8 Design and Demonstration of a flyback-Converter
9 Design and Demonstration of single-phase AC Voltage Controller using Thyristors
10 Simulation Exercise on PWM Vienna Rectifier
11 Simulation Exercise on Single-phase PWM AC-AC converters with Bidirectional switches

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Power Electronics: Third Ned Mohan, John Wiley and 2003
converters, Application, and Undeland and sons
design Robbin
2 Power Electronics Circuits, Fourth Rashid M.H. Pearson 2004
Devices and Applications Education
3 Power Electronics Second MD Singh and K.B Tata McGraw 2006
Khanchandani Hill
Reference Books
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Modern Power Electronics and First Bimal K Bose Pearson 2002
AC Drives Education Asia
2 Modern Power Electronics Second P.C Sen S.chand 2005
3 Power Electronics Eleventh P.S.Bimbra, Khanna 2003
4 Power Electronics First S. K. Mandal McGraw Hill 2014
Education (India)
5 Switch-mode power converters First Keng C. Wu. Elsevier Inc. 2006,

6 Advanced Power Electronics First EUZELI CIPRIANO John Wiley & 2015
Converters DOS SANTOS JR., Sons

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 - 2 6 11 3 - 1 4
PC Computer Examination Scheme
Communication Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Networks Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC301: Analog and Digital Communication

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of
ComputerCommunication networks.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply Conceptual understanding and functional aspects of computer communication and
telecom networks.
Analyze design and configure small and medium sized computer network that meets a
specific need for communications.
Simulate computer networks and analyze the simulation results including troubleshoot
connectivity problem occurring at layers of TCP/IP model.
Apply the principles behind the Modern Network approaches such as SDN NFV and IoT
and security issues.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix: (1-Weak, 2-Medium, 3-Strong)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC307.1 3 3
EC307.2 3 2 3 2
EC307.3 3 3 2
EC307.4 2 2 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix: (1-Weak, 2-Medium 3-Strong)


EC307.1 2
EC307.2 2 3
EC307.3 2 3
EC307.4 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate√ Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 113
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Fundamental of Computer Networks 1 08
1.1 Basic definitions. Networking devices. Layering architecture: The
OSI model. Description of layers.
1.2 The Internet protocols TCP/IP protocol suit, IP Protocol, and address.
What is the Internet? Delay on the Internet (trace route and ping).
History of the Internet. Security on the Internet.
2 Title Enterprise Network Design 2 06
2.1 Network requirements, Planning and Design, Structured Wiring and
Structured Network Design consist of Core Layer, Distribution
Layer, and Access.
2.2 Network Design methodology &Network Design considerations Co
re Layer Technologies.Investigating Server Farms and Security Inte
grating, Remote Sites into the Network Design.
3 Title Transport and Application Layer 1,3 06
3.1 Transport Protocols introduction. Reliable data transfer - Stop-and-
wait and Go-back-N design and evaluation. TCP and UDP semantics
and syntax. TCP RTT estimation. Principles of congestion control -
efficiency and fairness, reactive and proactive. Socket’s
programming A simple client-server implementation.
3.2 Application layer: Application layer protocols, Client-server as a key
model. Web, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, and DNS. Peer-to-peer files
sharing networks.
4 Title Software Defined Network and Network Function Visualization 5 10
4.1 Network Requirements - The SDN Approach - SDN- and NFV-
Related Standards - SDN Data Plane - Open Flow Logical Network
Device - Open Flow Protocol - SDN Control Plane Architecture -
REST API - SDN Application Plane Architecture.
4.2 NFV Concepts - NFV Reference Architecture - NFV Infrastructure -
Virtualized Network Functions - NFV Management and
Orchestration - NFV Use Cases - SDN and NFV
5 Title Internet of Things (IoT) SECURITY 1,3 10
5.1 Threats and attacks. Symmetric and public key cryptography. IPsec-
Authentication Header-Encapsulating security payload,
5.2 Secure sockets-Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - Firewalls and Internet
access- Packet filter firewall- Proxy firewall- VPNs – Mobile IP –
Header Compression – Voice over IP –
Title Networks 5
6 Self- Types of Networks, Transmission media, Network Topologies
Total 42

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Network Lab set up
2 IP Networking & Network Commands: ipconfig, ping, trace route, net stat, arp, ns
lookup dig & route etc.
3 Network Protocol Analyzers: TCPDUMP & Wire shark
4 Installation & Configuration of Web Server (at least four) using open-source tool
5 Network Socket Programming
6 Installation and configuration of open-source Network simulator software
7 Firewall Implementation (IPTABLES)
8 Implementation of SDN
9 Implementation of VPN
10 Cryptography using open-source tools/Crypt tools and open SSL

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 TCP/IP protocol suit Fourth Behrouz A. McGraw Hill 2009
Forouzan (Author) Education
2 Introducing Network - CCNA Discovery - -
Design Concepts Learning Guide
3 Computer Networking: A Fifth J. F. Kurose and K. W. Prentice Hall 2009
Top-Down Approach Ross
4 Data Communication and Fourth B. A. Forouzan McGraw Hill 2017
5 Information Security: First Deven Shah Wiley 2007
Principles and Practice

Reference Books
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Foundations of Modern -- William Stallings Addison-Wesley 2015
Networking: SDN, NFV, ISBN:
QoE, IoT, and Cloud 9780134175393
2 Computer Networks Fifth A. Tanenbaum Pearson Education 2013
3 Data and Computer Tenth William Stallings Pearson Education 2013

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 - 2 2 6 2 - 1 3
PE-1 Mobile and Examination Scheme
Wireless Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Communication Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC307: Computer Communication Network

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of Mobile
and Wireless Communication.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Demonstrate the ability to discuss wireless communication concepts, system capacity and
service provided.
EC311.2 Evaluate various path loss and fading effects.
EC311.3 Analyze losses, multipath effects, architecture, and protocols of 3G,4G and 5G systems.
EC311.4 Compare various operational aspects of Wireless Personal Area Networks.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC311.1 2 2

EC311.2 2 2 2 2 2

EC311.3 3 2 2 2 2

EC311.4 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC311.1 2

EC311.2 2 2

EC311.3 2 2

EC311.4 2

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand√ Apply √ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit Topics Ref. Hrs


1 Title Introduction to mobile communication 1 5

1.1 Frequency Division Multiple access, Time Division Multiple

access, Spread Spectrum Multiple access, Space Division
Multiple access, and OFDM.

1.2 Frequency reuse, channel assignment strategies, handoff

strategies, interference and system capacity, trunking and grade
of service, improving the capacity of cellular systems and related
design problems

2 Title Mobile Radio Propagation 2,3 10

2.1 Introduction to radio wave propagation, reflection, diffraction,

scattering. Indoor and Outdoor propagation Models. Practical
Link Budget Design using path loss models.

2.2 Small-Scale Multipath propagation, small scale multipath

measurements, types of small-scale fading, fading effects due to
Doppler spread. Statistical models for multipath fading channels-
Clarks model,2-day Rayleigh fading model, Saleh and Valenzuela
indoor model.

3 Title 3G UMTS Network, 4G LTE and 5G Technologies 4 8

3.1 UMTS network architecture, Protocol Structure, Channel

Structure, Frame slots and symbols, modulation, coding, multiple
antenna techniques, WCDMA, Modulation, Handoff and Power

3.2 4G LTE network Architecture, LTE Radio Access, Radio-

Interface Architecture, Physical Transmission Resources,
Downlink and Uplink Physical-Layer Processing, Scheduling and
Rate Adaptation.5G Concepts and Architectures, Network Slicing
Architecture, mm Wave communication, multiple Cell Types.

4 Title Personal Area Network Technologies 3 5

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

4.1 Bluetooth: concepts of Piconet, scatternet etc., protocol stack,

link types, security, network connection establishments, usage
models, etc.

4.2 Wi-Fi and ZigBee: components, architecture, network

topologies, protocol stack etc.

5 Self- Rayleigh fading model, Saleh, and Valenzuela indoor model. 2,3 4*
Study UWB and RFID: technical requirements, components and
characteristics, applications.

Total (* Not Included) 28

Laboratory Components:

Sr. No Title of the experiment

1 Study of GSM modem: i] Install and configure minicom, wvdial & AT Commandsii]
Python scripting.

2 Channel Allocation Techniques

3 Modulation Techniques using GNU Radio.

4 Spread Spectrum Modulation, OFDM Modulation.

5 Wireless Path Loss Computations: I] Free-space Propagation Path Loss Model ii] Indoor
Propagation Model - Okumura Model etc.

6 Wireless Path Loss Computations: iii] Outdoor Propagation Model - Hata Model etc

7 Open-Source LTE/EPC Network Simulation using NS-3, Omnet++

8 Open-Source Personal Area Network simulation using NS-3, Omnet++

9 Millimeter Wave (5G) Network, Wi-Fi Network simulation usingNS-3, Omnet++

10 Virtual Lab.

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Wireless Communications Third Theodore S. Prentice Hall of India, -
Rappaport PTRpublication
2 Wireless Communications Second Andreas Molisch Wiley -
3 Wireless Network Third Vijay Garg Pearson Education
Evolution 2G-3G
4 4 G Roadmap and Second Young Kyun Kim Artech house
Emerging Communication and Ramjee
Technologies Prasad

Reference Books
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Wireless Communication Second Singhal TMH
2 Mobile Communication Second C.Y Lee Wiley

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs./week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 6 11 2 0 1 3
PE-2 Examination Scheme
Microwave Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 50 50 100 200
EC312 Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC304: Electromagnetic Waves

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of
Microwave Communication
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply EM Wave theory to understand nature of Microwave Signal and their
corresponding guiding structures.
EC312.2 Identify Passive Waveguide Components, Sources and Detectors
EC312.3 Analyze Passive Waveguide Components, Sources and Detectors
Compute amplifier and filter design parameters on the basis of
EC312.5 Justify choice of amplifier and filter design parameter.
EC312.6 Design Microwave System components.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC312.1 3 3 3 1 3 3
EC312.2 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC312.3 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC312.4 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC312.5 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC312.6 3 3 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC312.1 2 -
EC312.2 2 -
EC312.3 2 2
EC312.4 2 2
EC312.5 2 2
EC312.6 1

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create
Theory Component
Module Unit Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Introduction to Microwave Engineering 1 10
1.1 Lumped and Distributed Elements, Frequency Bands, Characteristics,
Application, Advantages, and disadvantages
1.2 Rectangular and circular waveguides: TE, TM modes, dominant mode
1.3 Microwave Components: Resonators, re-entrant cavities, scattering
parameters, tees, hybrid ring, directional couplers, phase shifters,
terminations, attenuators, ferrite devices such as isolators, gyrators, and
2 Microwave Tubes and semiconductor devices 1 10
2.1 Two Cavity Klystron and Reflex Klystron, Helix Travelling Wave
Tube, Cross Field Amplifier, Cylindrical Magnetron.
2.2 PIN Diode, Varactor Diode, Schottky Diode, Gunn Diode, Tunnel
Diode, IMPATT Diodes.
3 Microwave Amplifiers and Filters 1 08
3.1 Two port power gain and stability
3.2 Microwave Low pass Filter design
4(Self Microwave Frequency Applications: 06
Study) Radars, Biomedical Devices, Drying materials, Microwave
Tomography, Satellite Communication
Total 28

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments using both hardware

and software are expected)

Sr. No Title of the Experiment

1 Model and simulate rectangular waveguide in CAD to study EM wave propagation within
2 Model and simulate circular waveguide in CAD to study EM wave propagation within it.
3 Design of Waveguide H-plane TEE using CAD
4 Design of Directional Coupler Using CAD
5 Design of Low pass Filter using CAD
6 Implementation of a technical paper using CAD
7 Microwave bench setup (CO1) A) Introduction to the lab B) Identification of waveguide
and its components. How to determine the parameters for each component by looking at
the data sheet. C) Klystron setup and characterization plotting Vr vs Vo D) Frequency and
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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
wavelength measurement of the signal generated by klystron
8 Determination of parameters of passive components using Bench and VNA. Analysis of
comparative study to be submitted.
9 Determine the frequency and wavelength in a rectangular waveguide using direct and
indirect measurement.
10 Design of Planar Hybrid Ring using CAD


S. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year

1 Microwave Engineering David M Pozar Fourth John Wiley & 2012
2 Microwave Devices and Samuel Y Liao Third Pearson
Circuits Education

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 8 8 2 0 1 3
PE-I Examination Scheme
Speech and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Audio Processing
EC321 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC303: Digital Signal Processing

Course Objective: To familiarize the basic & advance mechanisms of speech and audio
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC321.1 Apply concepts of speech coding.
EC321.2 Analyze Audio Perception& psycho-acoustic model.
Demonstrate parametric representation, time domain & frequency domain
representation of speech.
EC321.4 Analysis of predictive methods of speech.
EC321.5 Develop systems for various applications of speech& audio processing.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC321.1 2
EC321.2 2
EC321.3 2
EC321.4 2 2
EC321.5 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC321.1 2 2
EC321.2 2 2
EC321.3 2 2
EC321.4 2 2
EC321.5 2 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate√ Create

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Mechanics of speech
1.1 Speech production: Mechanism of speech production, Acoustic 1,2 8
phonetics – Digital models for speech signals -Sampling speech
signals, basics of quantization, delta modulation, and Differential
1.2 Signal Processing Models of Audio Perception: Basic anatomy of 1,2
hearing System. Auditory Filter Banks, Psycho-acoustic analysis:
Critical Band Structure, Absolute Threshold of Hearing,
Simultaneous Masking, Temporal Masking, Quantization Noise
Shaping, MPEG psycho-acoustic model.
2 Title Time domain methods for speech processing 8
2.1 Time domain parameters of Speech signal – Methods for extracting 1,2
the parameters Energy, Average Magnitude, zero crossing Rate –
Silence Discrimination using ZCR and energy
2.2 Short Time Auto Correlation Function – Pitch period estimation 4
using Auto Correlation Function.
3 Title Frequency domain method for speech processing 1,2 8
3.1 Short Time Fourier analysis: Fourier transform and linear filtering 4
3.2 Sampling rates - Spectrographic displays - Pitch and formant 2,3
extraction - Analysis by Synthesis - Analysis synthesis systems:
Phase vocoder, Channel Vocoder.
3.3 Homomorphic speech analysis: Cepstral analysis of Speech, 3,5
Formant and Pitch Estimation, Homomorphic Vocoders, Speech
coding, speech enhancement.
4 Title Linear predictive analysis, synthesis of speech 3,5 4
4.1 Basic Principles of linear predictive analysis – Auto correlation
method – Covariance method.
4.2 Solution of LPC equations – Cholesky method – Durbin’s
Recursive algorithm.
4.3 Application of LPC parameters – Pitch detection using LPC
parameters – Formant analysis – VELP – CELP, Speech synthesis:
basics of articulatory, source-filter, and concatenative synthesis –
5 Self Audio compression methods, Audio quality analysis, Spatial Audio
Study Perception and rendering, Speaker identification and verification
Total 28

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component

Experiment Title
1 Speech production
2 Analysis of speech signal
3 Short-time spectrum analysis of speech
4 Spectrographic analysis of speech
5 Linear prediction analysis of speech
6 Formant synthesis
7 Cepstral analysis of speech
8 Analysis by synthesis of speech
9 Manual speech signal-to-symbol transformation
10 Speaker Analysis /speaker recognition


Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Speech Communications: Second Douglas IEEE Press, 1999
Human & Machine O'Shaughnessy Hardcover 2/e, ISBN:
2 Discrete-Time Speech First Thomas F, Prentice Hall /Pearson 2004
Signal Processing Quatieri, Education

Reference Books:
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Speech Processing and First Donald G. John Wiley & Sons,
Synthesis Toolboxes Childers September 1999
2 Fundamentals of Speech First L.R. Rabiner and Prentice Hall
Recognition B. H. Juang 2009

3 Speech and Audio Signal Second Ben Gold and John Wiley and
Processing Nelson Morgan Sons Inc., Singapore
4 Discrete Time First J.R. Deller, J.H.L. John Wiley, IEEE Press
Processing of Speech Hansen and J. G. 1999
Signals Proakis
5 Digital Processing of First L. R. Rabiner and Prentice Hall
Speech Signals R. W. Schaffer . 1979

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 4 4 2 0 1 3
PE-2 Examination Scheme
DSP Processors Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC322 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC303: Digital Signal Processing

Course Objective: To develop implementation of DSP algorithms using DSP Processor
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC322.1 Evaluate different types of errors in DSP implementation.
EC322.2 Describe architectures of TMS320XX devices.
EC322.3 Explore various interfacing devices to DSP Processors.
EC322.4 Demonstrate Fast DSP algorithms using DSP processor
EC322.5 Develop DSP application using DSP hardware.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC322.1 2
EC322.2 2 1
EC322.3 2 1
EC322.4 2 1
EC322.5 2 1 1 1 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC322.1 2 2
EC322.2 2 2
EC322.3 2 2
EC322.4 2 2
EC322.5 2 2
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand ✓ Apply ✓ Analyze ✓ Evaluate Create

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Computational Accuracy in DSP Implementations
1.1 Number formats for signals and coefficients in DSP systems. 1,2 04
Dynamic Range and Precision, Sources of error in DSP
implementations, A/D Conversion errors, DSP Computational errors,
D/A Conversion Errors, Compensating filter.
1.2 Sources of error in DSP implementations, A/D Conversion errors, 1,2
DSP Computational errors, D/A Conversion Errors.
2 Title Programmable DSP Hardware 08
2.1 Processing Architectures (von Neumann, Harvard), DSP core 1,2
algorithms (FIR, IIR, Convolution, Correlation, FFT).
2.2 IEEE standard for Fixed- and Floating-Point Computations, Special 1,2
Architectures Modules used in Digital Signal Processors (like MAC
unit, Barrel shifters), On-Chip peripherals, DSP benchmarking.
3 Title Structural and Architectural Considerations 06
3.1 Parallelism in DSP processing, Texas Instruments TMS320 Digital 1,2
Signal Processor Families, Fixed Point &floating-Point TI DSP
3.2 Data Addressing modes, Memory space of Processors, Program 1,2
Control, instructions, and programming of TMS320XX Processors.
3.3 On-Chip Peripherals, Interrupts of TMS320XX processors, Pipeline 1,2
operation of TMS320XX Processors.
4 Title VLIW Architecture 06
4.1 Current DSP Architectures, GPUs as an alternative to DSP 1,2
4.2 Code Composer Studio, Mixed C and Assembly Language 1,2
programming, on-chip peripherals, Simple applications
developments as an embedded environment.
4.3 Peripherals to Programmable DSP Devices: Memory space 1,2
organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface,
Parallel I/O interface, Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct
memory access (DMA).
5 Title Hardware implementation of DSP Algorithms 04
5.1 The Q-notation, FIR Filters, IIR Filters, Interpolation Filters, 1,2
Decimation Filters, PID Controller, Adaptive Filters
5.2 An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation, A Butterfly Computation, 1,2
Overflow and scaling, Bit-Reversed index generation
6 Self- A CODEC interface circuit, A CODEC-DSP interface example.
Total 28

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Harmonic Generation
2 FIR Filtering
3 IIR Filtering
4 Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
5 Linear Filtering Algorithm
6 Sensor Interface
7 ADC-DAC Interface
8 Real Time Audio Signal Processing
9 Real time Biomedical Signal Processing
10 Real Time Power Signal Processing

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Digital Signal Processors, First B. Venkata Tata McGraw 2004
Architecture, Programming and Ramani and Hill (TMH)
Applications. M. Bhaskar Publication 2004

2 DSP Implementation using DSP First Avtar Singh, S. Thomson 2004

microprocessor with Examples Srinivasan Publication
from TMS32C54XX

Reference Books:
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 DSP Processor Fundamentals, First Phil Lapsley, Wiley 1997
Architectures & Features Jeff Bier, Publication
Edward A. Lee
2 Digital Signal Processors First Sen M. Kuo & Pearson 2009
Architectures, Implementation and WoonSergGan,
3 Architectures for Digital Signal First Peter Pirsch, Wiley 1998
Processing Publication

4 Digital Signal Processing Second S. Salivahanan Tata McGraw 2001

A. Vallavaraj Hill Publication
G. Gnanapriya

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 -- -- 5 8 3 -- -- 3
PE Examination Scheme
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC331 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory -- -- -- --

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET101: Basic Electrical Engineering

EC101: Digital Systems and Microprocessors
ET202: Electronic Devices
ET205: Analog Circuits
Course Objective: Today’s growth in electronic sector is due to improvements in semiconductor chip
design. VLSI course is the foundation course introduced to teach fundamentals of MOSFET based
logic circuit design. The primary objective of this course is to impart basic knowledge required to
study advanced courses in VLSI domain.
Course Outcomes (CO): After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
EC331.1 Discuss scaling theory for MOSFET
EC331.2 Design MOSFET based inverter circuits with given constraints
EC331.3 Analyze MOSFET based combinational and sequential logic circuits
EC331.4 Realize MOSFET based logic circuits with different design styles
EC331.5 Discuss principle of working of semiconductor memories

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC331 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC331.1 3
EC331.2 3
EC331.3 3
EC331.4 3
EC331.5 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC331.1 1 2 2
EC331.2 2 1 2 2 2
EC331.3 1 1 1 2
EC331.4 2 2 2 2
EC331.5 1 2 1 2

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze √ Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs
No. No.
1 Title Review of MOSFET Physics 08
1.1 Threshold Voltage Equation, MOSFET Structure and Operation, 1
Current-Voltage Characteristics and MOSFET Capacitances
1.2 MOSFET Scaling, Types of scaling and small geometry effects 1
2 Title MOSFET Inverters 08
2.1 Static Characteristics of resistive load and CMOS Inverter, 1
comparison of all types of MOS inverters
2.2 Dynamic Characteristics of inverters, design of CMOS inverters 1
with constraints
3 Title Combinational MOS Logic Circuits 1,2 08
3.1 MOS Logic Circuits with Depletion NMOS Loads and CMOS
Logic Circuits
3.2 Complex Logic Circuits and Concept of equivalent CMOS
4 Title Dynamic Logic Circuits 1 08
4.1 Static CMOS, pass transistor logic, transmission gate
4.2 Pseudo NMOS, Domino, NORA, Zipper, C2MOS
5 Title Sequential MOS Logic Circuits 1,2 06
5.1 Behavior of Bi-stable Elements
5.2 Circuit Realization: SR Latch, JK FF, D FF, 1 Bit Shift
Register, MUX, decoder
6 Title Semiconductor Memories 2,3 06
6.1 ROM Array, SRAM (operation, design strategy, leakage currents,
read/write circuits),
6.2 DRAM (Operation 3T, 1T, operation modes, leakage currents,
refresh operation, Input-Output circuits),
6.3 Flash (mechanism, NOR flash, NAND flash)
6.4 Peripheral Circuits: Sense amplifier, decoder
Total 42

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Reference Books

Title Edition Author Publisher Year
1 CMOS Digital Integrated Third Sung-Mo Kang, Tata McGraw
Circuits Analysis and Design Edition Yusuf Leblebici Hill
2 Digital Integrated Circuits: A Second Jan M. Rabaey, Pearson
Design Perspective Edition Anantha Education
Borivoje Nikolic
3 Introduction to VLSI Circuits Student John P. Uyemura Wiley 2013
and Systems Edition

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 -- -- 5 8 3 -- -- 3
PE Examination Scheme
Embedded Systems Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC332 Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory -- -- -- --

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC101: Digital Systems and Microprocessors

ET201: Computer Architecture and Organization
ET206: Microcontrollers
Course Objective: To empower the students in system design skills using modeling practices and
learn key concepts in reliability of embedded systems with respect to Industrial standards.
Course Outcomes (CO): After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
EC332.1 Discuss design metrics of embedded system to design real time applications to match
recent trends in technology.
Analyze the reliability of embedded system with respect to fault detection and fault
EC332.3 Apply the industry standards for assessment of embedded product
EC332.4 Analyze the given embedded application with respect to security
EC332.5 Choose suitable criteria for selection of embedded application.
EC332.6 Demonstrate hardware and software skills based on embedded case studies.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC332.1 2 2 2
EC332.2 2 2 2
EC332.3 2 2 2
EC332.4 2 2 2
EC332.5 2 2 2
EC332.6 2 2 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC332.1 1
EC332.2 1 1
EC332.3 1 1

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
EC332.4 1 1 1
EC332.5 1 1
EC332.6 1 1 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze √ Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs
No. No.
1 Title Fundamentals of Embedded System 12
1.1 Introduction to Embedded Systems, Characteristics of Embedded 1,2
System, Design Process, Design Metrics, and optimization of
various parameters of embedded system. Design trade-offs due to
process compatibility, thermal considerations, etc. Real time
System’s requirements, real time issues, interrupt latency
1.2 Embedded Product development lifecycle. 1,2
Program Modeling concepts with design examples: DFG, FSM,
Petri-net, UML, Use case, Object and Class Structuring
1.3 Technological aspects of embedded systems: Embedded 1,5
microcontroller cores, embedded memories, interfacing between
analog and digital blocks, signal conditioning, digital signal
processing, sub system interfacing, interfacing with external
systems and user interfacing.
Introduction to real time programming languages and operating
systems for embedded systems.
2 Title Reliable Embedded System 08
2.1 Reliable Embedded System: Single-program, real-time embedded 3
systems, TT vs. ET architectures, Modeling system timing
characteristics, basic tick lists, determining the required tick
interval, short tasks, importance of task offsets, task sequence
initialization, task jitter, response times, importance of
WCET/BCET information, challenges with WCET/BCET
measurements, TTC scheduler, Fault-tolerance Techniques
3 Title Industry Standards 06
3.1 Introduction to IEC 61508 standard: Organizing and managing the 6,7
life cycle, Requirements involving the specification, Requirements
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 133
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
for design and development, Integration and test, Operations and
maintenance, Validation, Modifications, acquired sub-systems,
Organizing, and managing the software engineering
3.2 Introduction to IEC 60601 standard: Protection of radio services, 8
Protection of the Public Mains network, Immunity, Electrostatic
Discharge, Radiated RF electromagnetic fields, Electrical fast
transients and bursts.
3.3 Introduction to IEC 26262: Introduction of ISO/DIS 26262 (ISO 9
26262), Parts of ISO 26262, ASIL Levels, Product Development
System Level, Product Development Software Level, Fitting
software tools into ISO 26262 process
4 Title Security in Network Embedded System 08
4.1 Networked Embedded System: Network Fundamentals, Layers 10
and Protocols. Network Architectures, Network Components-
Bridges, Routers, Switches, Distributed Embedded Architectures,
Elements of Protocol Design, High Level Protocol Design
Languages, Network Based Design, Internet-Enabled Systems:
Protocols for industrial and control applications, Internetworking
Protocols. Wireless Applications: Blue tooth
4.2 Security in Embedded Devices and Systems: Introduction to 4
secure embedded systems, The Key, Using Keys, Various
protocols, attacks on embedded systems and counter measures.
5 Title Case Studies * 08
5.1 Embedded Control Applications: 1,2
Introduction, Open-loop and Closed Loop Control Systems
Examples: Speed Control.
PID Controllers: Software Coding of a PID Controller, PID
Fuzzy Logic Controller
Application Examples: Washing Machine, Auto-focusing digital
camera and Air-conditioner
5.2 Automotive Embedded Systems: Automotive Architectures, 1,2
embedded communication, embedded software and development
processes, Verification, Testing and Timing Analysis
5.3 Embedded systems in healthcare domain. 1,2
Total 42
* Students are supposed to do some experiments/mini-projects as per instructions of teacher
and requires individual efforts of students

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Reference Books

Title Edition Author Publisher Year
1 Embedded System: Architecture, 2nd Rajkamal Tata McGraw-Hill 2011
Programming and Design edition
2 Introduction to Embedded Systems 2nd Shibu K. V Tata McGraw-Hill 2017
3 The Engineering of Reliable - Pont M. J SafeTTy Systems 2014
systems: LPC1769
4 Security in Embedded Devices 2010th Gebotys, Springer 2010
edition Catherine H.
5 Embedded Microcomputer 3rd Jonathan W. Cengage Learning 2012
Systems: Real time Interfacing edition Valvano
6 Functional Safety, A 2nd David Smith Elsevier 2004
Straightforward Guide to applying edition
IEC 61508 and Related Standards
7 IEC 61508: IEC standard for the - - https://www.iec.ch/s -
functional safety for electrical, afety
electronics and programmable
electronics equipment
8 IEC 60601: IEC standard on - - https://www.iec.ch/s -
Medical Electric Equipment afety
9 IEC 26262: IEC standard on Road - - https://www.iec.ch/s
vehicles afety
10 Embedded Systems Handbook: 2nd Richard CRC Press 2009
Networked Embedded Systems edition Zurawski

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
L T P O E L T P Total
Power 3 0 0 5 8 3 0 0 3
PE Electronic Examination Scheme
Converters Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC341A (@) Theory 75 75 150 300

@--> Not to be repeated if already studied as a Program Core i.e. Power Electronics

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Objective: To impart knowledge on the basic topology, operation and analysis using
performance parameters of power electronic converters.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC341A.1 Understand the operation of power semiconductor switches.
EC341A.2 Analyze various single and three phase AC-DC power converter circuits
EC341A.3 Illustrate the operating principle and construct a various type of DC-DC converters.
EC341A.4 Analyze various single and three phase DC-AC power converter circuits
EC341A.5 Understand the operation of AC-AC voltage converters by means of circuit topology and

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11
EC341A.1 2.5
EC341A.2 2 3
EC341A.3 2
EC341A.4 2.5 2.5
EC341A.5 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC341A.1 2 1
EC341A.2 2 2
EC341A.3 2 2
EC341A.4 2 2

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand √ Apply √ Analyze √ Evaluate Create
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Power Semiconductor Devices
1.1 Principle of operation, constructional features, characteristics of: T1,
SCR, GTO, MOSFET and IGBT, Si-Carbide-MOSFET and IGBT, T3 8
Ga-Ni Power devices, Common type of Power Modules
1.2 Basic Gate Drive circuits for SCR, MOSFET and IGBT
2 Title AC to DC Converters
2.1 Operation and analysis of single-phase controlled rectifiers with R, T1,
and RL load, freewheeling effect. Operation and analysis of three- T2,
phase controlled rectifiers with resistive load, effect of source R4 10
2.2 Single Phase and Three-Phase PWM Rectifier, Vienna Rectifier. T1,
Power factor improvements R4
3 Title DC to DC Converters
3.1 Switch Mode Power Converters, non-isolated and isolated T1,
converters, Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters, flyback and R4
forward converters, Hardware design of SMPS converters and their 8
3.2 Closed loop control of Switched Mode DC-DC Converters with R5
Constant Voltage and Constant Current mode of Operation
4 Title DC to AC Converters
4.1 Principle of operation of Inverters, Inverter Classification. T1,
4.2 Voltage source inverters: -Principle of operation and analysis of: T2,
Single phase Half bridge, full bridge, and three-phase bridge R4
inverters, six step operation (R-Load), PWM control of Voltage
source converters. Introduction to Space Vector Modulation
5 Title AC–AC converters
5.1 Principle of on-off and phase control – single-phase half and full T2
wave AC voltage controller, three-phase AC voltage controller. R6 6
Single Phase Bidirectional AC switches using MOSFETs, IGBTs,
Single-phase Bidirectional AC-AC converters
6 Self Exercise on minimum of 4 to 6 Simulations 6*
Total (*not included) 42

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
In-Semester Evaluation (Indicative): To be completed minimum of 4 to 6 Simulations
Sr. No Title
1 Simulation Exercise on Single phase Line Commutated Semi-converter and Fully controlled
2 Simulation Exercise on Single phase PWM Vienna Rectifier
3 Simulation Exercise on Single- phase bridge inverter with R Load and controllable Switches
4 Simulation Exercise on PWM three phase bridge Voltage Source inverter with L-C filter
5 Simulation Exercise on Buck-Converter and Boost Converter in CCM
6 Simulation Exercise on Fly-back-Converter
7 Simulation Exercise on Single-phase AC Voltage Controller using Thyristors
8 Simulation Exercise on PWM Vienna Rectifier
9 Simulation Exercise on Single-phase PWM AC-AC converters with Bidirectional switches

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Power Electronics: Third Ned Mohan, John Wiley and 2003
converters, Application and Undeland and sons
design Robbin
2 Power Electronics Circuits, Fourth Rashid M.H. Pearson 2004
Devices and Applications Education
3 Power Electronics Second MD Singh and K.B Tata McGraw 2006
Khanchandani Hill
Reference Books
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Modern Power Electronics and First Bimal K Bose Pearson 2002
AC Drives Education Asia
2 Modern Power Electronics Second P.C Sen S. Chand 2005
3 Power Electronics Eleventh P. S. Bimbra Khanna 2003
4 Power Electronics First S. K. Mandal McGraw Hill 2014
Education (India)
5 Switch-mode power converters First Keng C. Wu. Elsevier Inc. 2006,

6 Advanced Power Electronics First EUZELI CIPRIANO John Wiley & 2015
Converters DOS SANTOS JR., Sons

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 0 5 8 3 0 0 3
PE-1 Examination Scheme
IC and MEMS Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC341B Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET202 Electronic Devices

ET205 Analog circuits
Course Objectives: To develop a system for real life application by applying the concepts of control
system theory and allied techniques for system performance evaluation.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Discuss integrated circuit fabrication processes
CO2 Illustrate the sequence of process of semiconductor device fabrication
Discuss fundamental principles of MEMS devices including physical operation and
mathematical modeling.
Apply various fabrication processes and materials for MEMS device fabrication and its
Develop different concepts of micro system sensors and actuators for real world

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3
CO6 3 3 3 3
CO 3 3 3 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

CO1 1 1 2 --
CO2 1 1 2 --
CO3 1 1 2 2
CO4 1 1 2 --
CO6 1 1 2 --
CO1 1 1 2 --
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 139
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create✓
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Environment and Crystal Growth for VLSI Technology 08
1.1 Environment: Semiconductor technology trend, clean rooms, Wafer 1,2
1.2 Semiconductor Substrate: Phase diagram and solid solubility, 1,2
Crystal structure, Crystal defects, Czochralski growth, Bridgman
growth of GaAs, Float Zone growth, Wafer Preparation and
2 Fabrication Processes Part 1 08
2.1 Deposition: Evaporation, Sputtering and Chemical Vapor Deposition. 1,2
2.2 Epitaxy: Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Liquid 1,2,3,4
Phase Epitaxy, Evaluation of epitaxial layers
2.3 Silicon Oxidation: Thermal oxidation process, Kinetics of growth, 1,2
Properties of Silicon Dioxide, Oxide Quality, high κ and low κ
2.4 Diffusion: Nature of diffusion, Diffusion in a concentration gradient, 1,2,3,4
diffusion equation, impurity behavior, diffusion systems, problems in
diffusion, evaluation of diffused layers.
2.5 Ion Implantation: Penetration range, ion implantation systems, 1,2
process considerations, implantation damage and annealing.
3 Fabrication Processes Part 2 08
3.1 Etching: Wet chemical etching, dry physical etching, dry chemical 1,2
3.2 Lithography: Photoreactive materials, Pattern generation and mask 1,2
making, pattern transfer, Electron beam, Ion beam and X-ray
3.3 Device Isolation, Contacts and Metallization: Junction and oxide 1,2
isolation, LOCOS, trench isolation, Schottky contacts, Ohmic
contacts, Metallization and Packaging: Integrated circuit packages,
Electronics package reliability
3.4 CMOS Process Flow: N well, P-well and Twin tub 1,2
3.5 Design rules, Layout of MOS based circuits (gates and combinational 1,2
logic), Buried and Butting Contact.
4 Introduction to MEMS, MEMS Materials and Properties 10
4.1 Introduction to MEMS Technology, Difference between ICT & 3,4
MEMS Technology, Difference between ICs and MEMS Devices and
Real-world Sensors/Actuators examples with brief description.
4.2 Architecture, working and basic quantitative behaviour of MEMS 3,4
devices like Cantilevers, Microheaters, Accelerometers, Pressure
Sensors, Micromirrors in DMD, Inkjet printer-head.
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 140
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
4.2 Materials (eg. Si, SiO2, SiN, Cr, Au, Ti, SU8, PMMA, Pt); Important 3,4
properties: young modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density, piezoresistive
coefficients, TCR, Thermal Conductivity, Material Structure.
4.3 Bulk, Surface & LIGA Micromachining, Die, Wire & Wafer Bonding, 3,4
Dicing, Packaging.
5 MEMS Devices Fabrication and Characterization 06
5.1 Understanding steps involved and materials used in Fabricating 3,4
MEMS device like Cantilevers, Microheaters, Accelerometers,
Pressure Sensors, Micromirrors in DMD, Inkjet printer-head and
Selection of Fab processes and materials based on fabrication of a
given MEMS device and its intended application.
5.2 MEMS Devices Characterization: MEMS Device dimensions, Piezo 3,4 02
resistance, TCR, Stiffness, Adhesion, Vibration, Resonant frequency,
& importance of these measurements in studying device behavior.
Self Packaging of ICs and MEMS devices, IC and MEMS Reliability 1,2,3,4 05*
(*not included) Total 42


Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Silicon VLSI Technology Fifth James D. Plummer, Pearson, 2020
Michael D. Deal and Indian
Peter B. Griffin Edition
2 Micro Electromechanical First J. Allen CRC Press 2005
System Design
3 Microsystem Design First S. Senturia Springer 2005

Reference Books:
Sr. No. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 The Science and Second Stephen A. Oxford 2012
Engineering of Campbell University
Microelectronic Fabrication Press
2 VLSI Fabrication Principles First Sorab K. Gandhi Wiley, Student 2008
3 An Introduction to Second N. Maluf, K Artech House 2002
Microelectromechanical Williams Inc
Systems Engineering
4 Practical MEMS First Ville Kaajakari Small Gear 2009

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 141
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
ISE Evaluation: Simulation based work as per the indicative details given in Table 1 using open
source and proprietary tools to simulate fabrication processes, MEMS devices and compare the
results of simulation with analytical results. (At least 4 to 6 Simulations)
Table 1:
Sr. No. Simulation Work
1 Use nano hub platform to simulate and analyze the Oxidation process for various process
parameters and wafer specifications.

Use nano hub platform to simulate and analyze the diffusion process for various given
2 To use Industry graded VLSI CAD tools to draw layout and analyze CMOS Inverter
To use Industry graded VLSI CAD tools to draw layout and analyze MOS based circuit.
3 To analyze MEMS cantilever in MATLAB.

4 To model and analyze MEMS cantilever in COMSOL Multiphysics.

To model and analyze the Hot Arm actuator in COMSOL Multiphysics.

To model and analyze Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor in MEMS Design and Simulation
FEM Tool (CoventorWare).
5 To analyze MEMS Piezoelectric Harvester model in Sugar tool.

To analyze MEMS cantilever in Sugar Tool.

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 142
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
Embedded 3 0 0 5 8 3 0 0 3
(PE-2) System Design Examination Scheme
for Power Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC342 Applications Theory 75 75 150 300

Course content
Digital Signal Controller (DSC: A micro-controller with a DSP engine): Architecture and real-time
programming in Assembly and Embedded C. Introduction to Fixed Point Arithmetic. Understanding the
constraints of program memory and execution time. Programming peripherals including GPIO, TIMERS etc.
On Chip FLASH and EEPROM programming.
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): Architecture and programming of digital circuits including Finite
State Machines (FSM) in Verilog HDL. Understanding the CAD tool and various timing issues.
Communication-Chip level: AXI, Board level: SPI, I2C, System level: RS 232, CAN, MODBUS RTU on
RS 485. Developing a GUI for supervisory control and monitoring. Introduction to different semiconductor
memories: RAM, ROM, NVRAM etc. and their applications.
Analog sensing: Anti-aliasing filter design, scaling, online calibration and biasing. Continuous time feedback
controller design and its discrete time implementation, D/A and A/D converters, effects of sampling, modeling
the Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) etc.
Co-design: How to optimally implement an embedded task using a programmable processor (DSC)
and a re-configurable hardware (FPGA). Embedded design of a typical Power Conversion System including:
process control, protection, monitoring, real-time feedback control etc.
Concept of Hardware-in-the loop simulation in Power converters, Case-study: Design of Embedded
system controller for (a) Induction Heating System (b) Three Phase Active Rectifier for PF Correction

Undergraduate level analog electronics, digital electronics and classical feedback control theory. Familiarity
with micro-processor, digital signal processing and previous experience in programming will be helpful but
not a necessity.

(1) Fundamentals of Digital logic with Verilog Design, S Brown and Z Vranesic, McGraw Hill Edu-
cation; 2nd edition (2017).
(2) PIC Micro-controllers and Embedded Systems, Using assembly and C for PIC 18 Mazidi, Mckin-
lay and Causey, Pearson Education India; 1st edition (2008)
(3) Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, GF Franklin, JD Powell and Naeini, Pearson (2008)
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 143
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

(4) Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications, AS Sedra and K Smith, Oxford University
Press (2017)

(5) Digital Signal Processing, JG Proakis and DK Manolakis, Pearson Education India; 4th edition
(6) Digital Control of High Frequency Switched Mode Power Converters, (IEEE Press Series on
Power Engineering) Lucca Corradini, Dragan Maksimovi, Paolo Mattavelli, Regan Zane, Wiley-
Blackwell (2015)
(7)A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Co-design, Patrick R. Schaumont Springer; 2nd
edition (2014).

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 - 2 3 7 2 - 1 3
Networking Examination Scheme
Fundamentals Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC351 (@) Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

@--> Not to be repeated if already studied as a Programme Core i.e. Computer

Communication Networks

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET301: Analog and Digital Communication

Course Objective:
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the successful completion of the course students will be able
E3451.1 Identify network topologies, physical devices and standards
E3451.2 Recognize the significance of multiple layers of the OSI model in networking
E3451.3 Solve network issues by using IP addressing concepts.
E3451.4 Examine the current challenges in computer security and identify possible solutions to
resolve the same.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix: (1-Weak, 2-Medium 3-Strong)

10 11 12
E3451.1 3 3
E3451.2 3 2 3 2
E3451.3 3 3 2
E3451.4 2 2 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix: (1-Weak, 2-Medium 3-Strong)

E3451.1 2
E3451.2 2
E3451.3 2
E3451.4 2 2

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 145
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply √ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics CO Ref. Hrs
No. No.
1 Title Introduction CO1 1,2 06
1.1 Topologies, LAN, MAN, WAN
1.2 Introduction to networking devices
1.3 Transmission Medias: Wired and Wireless network
2 Title Reference Models CO2 1,2 06
2.1 Defining Networks with the OSI and TCP/IP Model
3 Title IP addressing CO3 1,2 06
3.1 Working with IPv4: IP addressing schemes, Subnet Masks,
Subnetting, Introduction to IPv6.
4 Title Introduction to Network Security CO4 3 10
4.1 Introduction to Core Security Principles: Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability, Authentication.
4.2 Cryptography Threats: Malware Attacks, Social
4.3 Attacks, Networking-based and Server based Attacks
5 Self Fairness algorithms, Congestion Control *03
Study mechanisms.
Total (*Not included) 28

Laboratory Component (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Title of the Experiment
1 Identify and observe the behavior of networking command line tools in Ubuntu/Windows OS
2 To build and test straight through UTP ethernet network cables.
3 Write a program in C/C++/Python/Java/Scilab to identify the IP address, Subnet mask, DNS
server address and Hardware address of the client device.
4 Write a program in C/C++/Python/Java/Scilab to determine the administrator’s requirement to
define the number of subnets, host/subnet, customized subnet masks and valid subnet ranges
for a class C IP addressing scheme.
SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 146
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
5 Examine Data Breaches and Scan for Malware Using the Microsoft Safety Scanner
6 Handson experience on how to Write-Protect and Disable a USB Flash Drive
7 Protocol Visualization with open-source tools
8 Network Reconnaissance using open-source tools
9 Web Reconnaissance Using a Web Browser/open-source tools
10 Cryptography using open-source tools/Crypt tools and open SSL
11 Install and configure application-based server

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Data Communication and 4th A. A. Forouzan McGraw Hill 2017
2 Data and Computer 10th William Stallings Pearson 2013
Communications Education
3 Information Security: 1st Deven Shah Wiley 2007
Principles and Practice

Reference Books
Title Edition Author Publisher Year
1 Computer Networking: A Top- 5th J. F. Kurose and Pearson 2009
Down Approach K. W. Ross Education
2 Computer Networks 5 A.Tanenbaum Pearson 2013
3 Computer Networks: 2nd Uyless Black Prentice Hall 1993
Protocols, Standards and

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 - - 6 09 3 - - 3
PE Fundamentals of Examination Scheme
Antenna Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC352A Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory -- -- -- --

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC304: Electromagnetic Waves

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC352A.1 Calculate the fundamental parameters of Antenna.
EC352A.2 Describe fundamental theory of antennas.
EC352A.3 Select antenna based on applications.
EC352A.4 Evaluate antenna based on applications.
EC352A.5 Design Antenna Arrays.
EC352A.6 Design antenna based on given requirements.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC352A.1 2 3 2 2 2
EC352A.2 2 3 2 2 2
EC352A.3 2 2 2 2
EC352A.4 2 2 2 2 2
EC352A.5 2 2 2 2 2
EC352A.6 2 1 2 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC352A.1 2 -
EC352A.2 2 2
EC352A.3 2 2
EC352A.4 2 2
EC352A.5 2 2
EC352A.6 1 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

SPIT/Syllabus/2021-25/EXTC/pg. 148
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No. .
1 Fundamental Concepts: 1 08
(CO1) 1.1 Introduction, types of Antennas, Radiation mechanism, Poynting vector,
Steradian concept, Power intensity
1.2 Antenna Parameter: Radiation pattern, Radiation power density,
Radiation Intensity, Gain, Directivity, HPBW, FNBW, Beam efficiency,
Bandwidth, Polarization, Input Impedance, Reflection coefficient,
Return loss, VSWR, Antenna Efficiency, Effective Aperture,
Communication link and Friis transmission equation.
2 Radiation from wires and loops 1 10
(CO2, 2.1 Introduction, Infinitesimal dipole: Radiation zones, Total radiated
CO3) power, Radiation resistance, Directivity, Effective area, Short dipole,
Finite-length dipole: Radiated power, Radiation resistance, Directivity,
Effective area, Half-wave dipole and its properties, Loop antenna.
3 Aperture Antennas 1 06
(CO3, 3.1 Introduction, Field equivalence principle, Love's equivalence principle,
CO4) Electrical and magnetic conductor equivalence principle, Computation
of field quantities of aperture antenna, Relation between wire and
aperture antennas, Horn antenna design principle.
4 Antenna Arrays 1 10
(CO5) 4.1 Introduction, Two-element array, Example problems, Pattern
multiplication concept, N-element array, Uniform array, Array factor,
Broad-side and end-fire arrays, Phased array, Directivity and pattern
characteristic of linear uniform array, non-uniform array, Binomial
array, Dolph-Chebyshev array concept, Design principle of Chebyshev
array and examples, Planar arrays
5 Microstrip Antennas
(CO6) 3.1 Introduction: Rectangular Patch, Circular Patch, Parametric study, 1,4 08
Circularly polarized antennas, Axial Ratio, MSA suspended
3.2 MSA Arrays and Feed Networks, Corporate and Series Feeds
6 (Self Advanced Antennas: 06
Study) Reflector antenna, Dielectric Resonator antenna, Metamaterial based
antennas, Wearable antenna, Reconfigurable antennas, Ultra-wideband
antennas, Smart Antennas
Total 42

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

S. N. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year

1 Antenna Theory: Analysis Constantine A. Fourth Wiley 1982
and Design Balanis

Reference Books:

S. N. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year

1 Antennas & Wave J. D. Kraus, R.J. Fourth McGraw Hill 2011
Propagation Marhefka, and
A.S. Khan
2 Handbook of Microstrip R. James and P.S. Third Peter 1989
Antennas Hall Peregrinus
3 Antennas and Radio Wave R. E. Collin Fourth McGraw-Hill 1985
4 Broadband Microstrip Girish Kumar and First Artech House 2003
antennas K.P. Ray

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

Teaching Scheme (Hrs/week) Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 2 6 2 0 1 3
PE-2 Information Examination Scheme
Theory and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC352B Coding Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100
Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC301: Analog and digital communication
EC307: Computer Communication Networks
Course Objective: To introduce the principles and applications of information theory. To teach
study how information is measured in terms of probability and entropy. To teach coding schemes,
including error correcting codes.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC352B.1 Interpret information theory concepts and compute the capacity of various types of
EC352B.2 Construct various source codes and error correction codes.
EC352B.3 Examine information theory and coding algorithms.
EC352B.4 Estimate various performance parameters of information theory and error correction
coding algorithms.
EC352B.5 Survey various error correction codes used in wired and wireless applications.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC352B.1 3

EC352B.2 3 2 2

EC352B.3 3 2 2 2 2 2

EC352B.4 3 3 1

EC352B.5 1 1 1 1 1

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC352B.1 2

EC352B.2 2 2

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

EC352B.3 2 2 3

EC352B.4 1

EC352B.5 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember ✓ Understand ✓ Apply ✓ Analyze Evaluate Create

Theory Component

Module Unit Topics Ref. Hrs.

No. No.
1 Information theory and source coding 1,2 8
1.1 Block diagram and sub-system description of a digital communication
system, measure of information and properties, entropy and its
properties, differential entropy and mutual information kraft inequality,
optimal codes, bounds on optimal code length, kraft inequality for
uniquely decodable codes.
1.2 Source Coding, Shannon’s Source Coding Theorem, Huffman Source
Coding and its second and third order extensions, Shannon Fano coding,
Lempel Ziv coding.
1.3 Shannon’s Channel capacity: discrete memoryless channels and
capacity, examples of channel capacity, symmetric channels, AWGN
channel and, fading channels, properties of channel capacity, channel
coding theorem.
2 Linear Block Codes 1,2 6
2.1 Generator and Parity check Matrices, Encoding circuits, Syndrome and
Error Detection, Minimum Distance Considerations, Error detecting
and Error correcting capabilities.
2.2 Standard array and Syndrome decoding.
2.3 Hamming Codes, Reed – Muller codes, Golay code, Product codes and
Interleaved codes.
3 Cyclic Codes 1,2 6
3.1 Introduction, Generator and Parity check· Polynomials, Systematic
Cyclic codes – Encoding and decoding using Feedback shift register
circuits and polynomial method.
3.2 Generator matrix for Cyclic codes, Syndrome computation and Error
3.3 Meggitt decoder, Cyclic Hamming codes, Golay code, Shortened
cyclic codes.

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
4 Convolutional Codes 1,2 8
4.1 Graphical representation for encoding and decoding using code tree,
trellis, state diagram.
4.2 Polynomial and time domain method, Viterbi decoding
4.3 Introduction to Turbo coding and LDPC codes
5(Self Case study (anyone): Golay codes, turbo codes, LDPC codes, Reed 4
Study) Solomon codes, BCH codes
Total 28

Laboratory Components:
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Write a simulation program to test shannon’s source coding, channel coding and
channel capacity theorem.
2 Write a program to encode and decode a text file and determine the code efficiency
using Shannon – Fano coding and Huffman Coding
3 Write a program to construct Lempel Ziv Coding and decoding and examine its code
4 Write a program to examine BER performance of linear block code for a coded and
uncoded BPSK communication system in AWGN channel
5 Write a program to examine BER performance of cyclic codes for a coded and
uncoded BPSK and QPSK communication system in AWGN channel
6 Write a program to examine BER performance of BPSK modulated linear block coded
communication system in AWGN channel and fading channel
7 Write a program to examine BER performance of convolutional encoder in a coded and
uncoded communication system based on 802.11a standard with and without AWGN
8 Write a program to examine BER performance of convolutional encoder in a coded and
uncoded OFDM system with and without AWGN channel
9 Write a program to examine BER performance of convolutional encoder in a coded and
uncoded OFDM system with and without fading channels
10 Simulation either turbo codes/RS codes/ LDPC codes/BCH codes and test their error
correction capability.

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Digital Communication Fourth Haykin Simon John Wiley and 2014
Systems Sons, New Delhi
2 Modern Digital and Fourth Lathi B Pand Ding Oxford University 2009
Analog Communication Z Press

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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
Reference Books:
Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Information Theory and R. G. Gallager Wiley, ISBN-13: 1968
Reliable Communication 978-0471290483

2 Introduction to Coding Roman, Steven Springer, ISBN 978-

and Information Theory 0-387-94704-4

3 Error Control Coding Second Shu Lin & Prentice Hall 2004
Daniel J.
4 Error Control Systems for S. B Wicker Prentice Hall 1995
Digital Communication International
and Storage
5 Digital Communication: Second Sklar B, and Pearson, India 2009
Fundamentals and Ray P. K
6 Information theory, Ranjan Bose TMH publication, 2008
Coding and Cryptography ISBN: 978-0-07-

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 2 6 2 0 1 3
PE-III Examination Scheme
Wireless Sensor Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 50 50 100 200
EC413 Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC307: Computer Communication Networks

EC311: Mobile Wireless communication
Course Objective: Wide range of applications such as disaster management, military and security
have fueled the interest in sensor networks during the past few years. Sensors are typically capable
of wireless communication and are significantly constrained in the number of available resources
such as energy, storage and computation. Such constraints make the design and operation of sensor
networks considerably different from contemporary wireless networks and necessitate the
development of resource conscious protocols and management techniques. This course provides a
broad coverage of challenges and latest research results related to the design and management of
wireless sensor networks.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC413.1 Evaluate architecture of sensor networks and its characteristics.
EC413.2 Determine suitable medium access protocols and radio resources.
EC413.3 Devise appropriate data dissemination protocols and acquisition system.
EC413.4 Explore the design space of various supportive OS, its performance, and resources.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC413.1 2

EC413.2 2

EC413.3 2

EC413.4 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC413.1 2

EC413.2 2

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Department of EXTC

EC413.3 2

EC413.4 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand✓ Apply✓ Analyze Evaluate Create✓

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Characteristics Of WSN 1,2 07
1.1 Characteristic requirements for WSN - Challenges for WSNs – WSN
vs. Adhoc Networks - Sensor node architecture – Commercially
available sensor nodes –Imote, IRIS, Mica Mote, EYES nodes,
BTnodes, TelosB, Sunspot -Physical layer and transceiver design
considerations in WSNs, Energy usage profile, Choice of
modulation scheme, Dynamic modulation scaling, Antenna
considerations, Power, signal processing transmission related
2 Title Medium Access Control Protocols 1,2 08
2.1 Fundamentals of MAC protocols - Low duty cycle protocols and
wakeup concepts - Contention-based protocols -Schedule-based
protocols - SMAC - BMAC -, 802.11pVehicular IEE std., Traffic-
adaptive medium access protocol (TRAMA) - The IEEE 802.15.4
MAC protocol, Case Study: IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPANs Standard -
Target detection and tracking - Contour/edge detection - Field
3 Title Routing And Data Gathering/Acquisition 1,2 08
3.1 Routing Challenges and Design Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks,
Flooding and gossiping – Data centric Routing – SPIN – Directed
Diffusion – Energy aware routing -Gradient-based routing - Rumor
Routing – COUGAR –ACQUIRE – Hierarchical Routing - LEACH,
PEGASIS –Location Based Routing – GF, GAF, GEAR, GPSR –
Real Time routing Protocols – TEEN, APTEEN, SPEED, RAP -
Data aggregation - data aggregation operations – Aggregate Queries
in Sensor Networks - Aggregation Techniques – TAG, Tiny DB.
4 Title Embedded Operating Systems 1,2 05
4.1 Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks – Introduction
RTOS and operation - Operating System Design Issues – Examples
of Operating Systems – TinyOS – Mate – MagnetOS – MANTIS -
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Department of EXTC
OSPM - EYES OS – SenOS – EMERALDS – PicOS – Introduction
to Tiny OS – NesC – Interfaces and Modules- Configurations and
Wiring - Generic Components -Programming in Tiny OS using
NesC, Emulator TOSSIM.
5 Self- Security challenges, Threat and attack models, Quality of service 1,2 *05
Stud provisioning, Clock synchronization, Supporting fault tolerant
y operation
Total 28

Laboratory Components
Lab Title of the Lab Marks Reference
Preparatory Lab: Study of Hardware, Software, Middleware with -- 1,5
1 Embedded/RTOS OS fundamentals 5 5
2 Onboard RTOS environment settings 5
3 MAC algorithms using NS3 5
4 MAC algorithms using NetSim, Omnet++ 5
5 Routing algorithms using NS3 5
6 Routing algorithms using GNS3 5
7 Virtual Lab 5 4
8 Energy management using NS3 5
9 QoS using NS3, NetSIM, Omnet++,GNS3, Contiki 5
10 Build the WSN application using Python Framework (Django) and 5
Cloud environment


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Wireless Sensor -- Kazem Sohraby, Daniel John Wiley 2007
Networks Technology, Minoli and Taieb Znati and Sons
Protocols, and
2 Protocols and -- Holger Karl and John Wiley 2005
Architectures for Andreas Willig and Sons
Wireless Sensor
3 Wireless Sensor -- Cauligi S. Raghavendra, Springer, 2004
Networks Krishna Sivalingam, ISBN 1-4020-
Taieb M. Znati 7883
4 A Guide to Wireless -- A. Swapna Kumar University 2013
Sensor Network Science Press
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Department of EXTC

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 A survey of routing -- K. Akkaya and Elsevier Ad Hoc --
protocols in wireless M. Younis Network Journal,
sensor networks Vol. 3, no. 3, pp.
2. Tiny OS -- Philip Levis. -- --
3. Wireless Sensor -- Edited by INTECH 2012
Network- Mohammad
Technology and A. Matin

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 0 0 3 6 3 0 0 3
PE-4 Examination Scheme
Next Generation Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
EC414 Laboratory -- -- -- --

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC307: Computer Communication Networks

EC311: Mobile Wireless communication
Course Objective: To provide a working knowledge of emerging network technologies, how they
are used, what their advantages or disadvantages are, and what their future offers. Consider the
business potential for current and future services. Summarize architecture and technology options
for Multi-Service Networks. Identify the key technologies for core, access and infrastructure.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC414.1 Describe technical features and design considerations of the next generation networks.
EC414.2 Apply the concept of convergence of service.
EC414.3 Identify the NGN services in business-oriented aspects.
EC414.4 Demonstrate technologies for next generation networks.
EC414.5 Evaluate the performance of Next Generation Networks.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC414.1 3 2
EC414.2 2
EC414.3 2
EC414.4 3
EC414.5 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC414.1 2
EC414.2 2
EC414.3 2
EC414.4 2 3

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Department of EXTC

EC414.5 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply✓ Analyze✓ Evaluate✓ Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Introduction to Next generation Network and ITU standards, 1,2 12
1.1 Introduction Evolution of public mobile services - Main drivers
to Next Generation Networks – NGN, ITU NGN standards.
1.2 All-IP network concept, Numbering, naming, and addressing
for all NGN, NGN control architectures and protocols,
Transport Stratum, Service Stratum, Service Management,
Application Functions. Wireless NG Technologies, 5G
networks and small cell types, Integration with services.
1.3 Transition of IP networks to NGN, Future packet-based
network. IPv6 NGN implementation, NGN business challenges,
NGN evaluation.
2 Title IMS and Convergent Management IMS Architecture 2,3 08
2.1 IMS services, QoS Control and Authentication, Network and
Service management for NGN, IMS advantages
2.2 Next Generation OSS Architecture - standards important to OSS
architecture, Information framework, OSS interaction with IMS,
NGN OSS function/ information view reference model, DMTF
CIM, Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC) Service, MS-Based FMC

3 Title NGN Services: Technology, Business Aspects 2 08

3.1 VoIP, IPTV, rich multimedia, future web, Quality of Service
(QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE) in NGN
3.2 Control and Signaling protocols for NGN, NGN security, Service
convergence, Business, and regulatory aspects of NGN,
Ubiquitous Sensor Network Services-USN Functional
Architecture, USN Applications, Business models and regulation
of the NGN services.
4 Title MPLS and VPN Technology 1,2 07
4.1 MPLS & QoS, MPLS services and components – layer 2 MPLS
multicast, IPv6 and MPLS - Technology overview, Future of
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Department of EXTC
MPLS – Integrating IP and optical networks, Future Layer2
layer3 services
4.2 VPN, layer Internetworking, VPN services, signaling, layer 3
VPN – Technology overview, Remote Access, and IPsec
integration with MPLS VPN. VPN services in NGN with
emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT)
5 Title NGN Management and Future Evaluation 2,3 07
5.1 Configuration, Accounting, performance, security, case study for
5.2 Future enhancements – Adaptive self-healing networks,
Intelligent Networks, Self-organizing Network (SON)
6 Self- Software Defined Networks (SDN) & NFV, Network 5,6 06
Study Automation and Containerized NFV, IMS Advantages, NEXT
on NGN
Total 42+6


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Next generation -- Thomas Plavyk Wiley and 2010
Telecommunication IEEE Press
Networks, Services and Publications
2 NGN Architectures, -- Toni Janevski John Wiley 2014
Protocols and Services and Sons
3 Next Generation -- Gerardus Blokdyk 5 STAR 2018
Network –A Complete Cooks

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Next Generation Network Services: -- Neill Wilkinson John Wiley 2002
Technologies and Strategies Publications
2. Foundations of Modern -- William Pearson 2015
Networking-SDN, NFV and QoE, Stallings Publications
IoT and Cloud
3. SDN: Software Defined -- Thomas D. Oreilly 2013
Networks: An Authoritative Nadeau and Ken Publications
Review of Network Gray
Programmability Technologies

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 - 2 5 8 2 - 1 3
PE-3 Examination Scheme
Image and Video
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC423 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC207: Signals and Systems

EC303: Digital Signal Processing
Course Objective: To study the image and video fundamentals and mathematical transforms
necessary for processing and enhancement techniques. To study image restoration procedures and
compression procedures for different applications.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply the image fundamentals and mathematical models for digital image and video
EC423.2 Analyze time and frequency domain techniques for image enhancement.
EC423.3 Apply segmentation and compression techniques.
EC423.4 Develop image and video processing applications.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC423.1 3 3

EC423.2 3 2 3 2

EC423.3 3

EC423.4 2 2 3 2 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC423.1 2

EC423.2 3

EC423.3 2

EC423.4 2 3

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Department of EXTC
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply✓ Analyze✓ Evaluate✓ Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Fundamental of Image and Video 1,6 04
1.1 Structure of the Human Eye, Light, Brightness adaption and
discrimination, Pixels, coordinate conventions,
1.2 Imaging Geometry, Image acquisition, sampling and
quantization, image resolution, basic relationship between pixels,
color images, RGB, HSI and other models
2 Title Two Dimensional Transforms and Image Enhancement 1,5 06
2.1 Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, KL
Transform, and Discrete Wavelet Transform
2.2 Intensity transformations, contrast stretching, histogram
equalization, Correlation and convolution, smoothing filters,
sharpening filters, gradient and Laplacian, Frequency domain
3 Title Image Segmentation and Compression 1,5 05
3.1 Point, line and edge detection, edge linking using Hough transform
and graph theoretic approach, thresholding, and region-based
segmentation, Morphological operations.
3.2 JPEG and MPEG compression standard, H.265 video compression
4 Title Image Restoration 1,6 04
4.1 Basic Framework, Image degradation model, Noise
characterization, Noise restoration filters,
4.2 Adaptive filters, and Estimation of Degradation functions,
Restoration Techniques.
5 Title Video Formation and Representation 2,3 05
5.1 Digital Video Sampling, Video Frame classifications, I, P
and B frames, Notation
5.2 Video Capture and display: Principle of color video camera, video
camera, digital video Sampling of video Signals: Required
sampling rates, sampling in two dimensions and three dimensions,
progressive virus interlaced scans
6 Title Motion Estimation 2,3 04
6.1 Optical Flow: Motion Vs optical flow, optical flow equations,
motion representation, motion estimation criteria, optimization

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Department of EXTC
6.2 Pixel based motion estimation, Block Matching Algorithms,
Multi resolution Motion Estimation: General formulation.
7 Self- Study of different format of image and video, Basics of image and
Study video terminology, ITU-RBT 601, Digital Video formats, Digital
video quality measure.
Total 28

Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1. Image Enhancement
2. Image Transformations.
3. Image Filtering
4. Image Segmentations
5. Image Compression
6. Image Restoration
7. Object Detection in video
8. Motion Estimation on video
9. Color Image Segmentation
10. Discrete Wavelet Transforms on image


Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Computer Vision and First Bernd Jahne and Elsevier --
applications-A Guidefor Host Hau Becker
Students and Practitioners
2 Digital Image and Video First Dhananjay Pearson 2019
Processing Theckedath Education

Reference Books

Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Digital Image Processing Third Rafael C. Gonzalez Pearson 2010
and Richard E. Woods Education

2 Digital Video Processing Second Murat Tekalp Pearson 2010

3 Handbook on Image --- A. I. Bovik Academic 2009
and Video Processing Press

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 6 8 2 0 1 3
PE- 4 Examination Scheme
Principles of Soft Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC424 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. MA101: Engineering Calculus

MA102: Differential Equations and Complex Analysis
Course Objective: To implement soft computing-based solutions for solving real-world problems
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
EC424.1 Identify soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent Machines.
EC424.2 Apply fuzzy logic reasoning to build model for solving various engineering problems.
EC424.3 Analyze optimization issues using Genetic Algorithm.
EC424.4 Design various hybrid soft computing models by using different techniques.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC424.1 2 2 3
EC424.2 2 2 3
EC424.3 2 3
EC424.4 2 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC424.1 2 2 2
EC424.2 2 2 2
EC424.3 2 2
EC424.4 3 2 3

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand ✓ Apply ✓ Analyze ✓ Evaluate Create

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Department of EXTC
Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Introduction To Soft Computing and Neural Networks 1,2
1.1 Introduction to Soft Computing, Difference between Hard and 04
Soft Computing. Conventional AI, Computational Intelligence
2 Title Neural Networks 1,2 10
2.1 Biological neuron, Artificial Neuron Model, Single layer
Multilayer Architecture of Neural Networks Architecture,
Activation functions, Learning rules.
2.2 Supervised Learning Neural Network: Back Propagation Network,
Radial Basis Function Network.
2.3 Unsupervised Learning Neural Network: Adaptive Resonance
3 Title Fuzzy Logic 3 6
3.1 Fuzzy Sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Relations
3.2 Membership Functions, Fuzzy Rules, and Fuzzy Reasoning
3.3 Fuzzy Inference Systems, Fuzzy Models.
4 Title Genetic Algorithm 3 8
4.1 Introduction to Genetic Algorithm, Working Principle of Genetic
4.2 Various Encoding methods, Fitness function.
5 Self- Analyse advanced soft computing techniques.
Total 28

Laboratory Component
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Linear & Nonlinear analysis using single &multiplayer neural network
2 Supervised learning neural network
3 Unsupervised learning neural network
4 Fuzzy logic operations
5 Fuzzy system design
6 Genetic Algorithm
7 Design Neuro-fuzzy model
8 Hybrid Design/Expert system Design

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Department of EXTC

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Introduction to Artificial -- Jacek M. Zurada PWS Publishing 1995
Neural Systems Company
2 Principles of Soft Computing Third S. N. Sivanandamand Wiley 2018
S. N. Deepa Publication,
3 Neural Networks, Fuzzy -- S. Rajasekaran and G.• Prentice-Hall of 2004
Logic, and Genetic A. Vijayalakshami India

Reference Books

Sr. Title Edition Authors Publisher Year

1 Neural Networks: A -- Simon Haykin Macmillan College 1994
Comprehensive Foundation Publishing Company
2 Neural Network Design -- Martin Hagan CENGAGE 2008
Learning, India
3 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy -- George J. Klir Prentice-Hall of 1994
Logic: Theory and and Bo Yuan India

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 -- 2 5 9 2 -- 1 3
PE-III Examination Scheme
Real Time Operating
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET201: Computer Architecture and Organization

ET206: Microcontrollers
IT12: Embedded System
Course Objective: To impart students the fundamentals of Operating Systems and provide the
knowledge on the implementation aspects of real time concepts.
Course Outcomes (CO): After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
EC433.1 Demonstrate the basic concept of OS and configure the System.
EC433.2 Analyze different types of scheduling algorithms with given application
EC433.3 Apply kernel Services and Synchronization
EC433.4 Evaluate memory management strategies

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC433.1 2 2 2 3 2 2
EC433.2 2 2 2 3 2 2
EC433.3 2 2 2 3 2 2
EC433.4 2 2 2 3 2 2

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC433.2 1 1
EC433.3 1 1
EC433.4 1 1

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

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Department of EXTC
Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title OS Fundamentals 06
1.1 Operating system objectives and functions, Evolution of OS, 1,2
Characteristics of modern OS
1.2 Basic concepts: Task, Processes, Files,System calls, Shell, I/O 1,2
management, Architecture of OS (Monolithic, Microkernel,
Layered, Exo-kernel and Hybrid kernel structures)
1.3 Batch, Multi programming, Multitasking, Multiuser, parallel, 1,2
distributed & real –time O.S
1.4 Real time issues, soft and hard real time services 4,5
2 Title Scheduling 08
2.1 Need of scheduling, Scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SJF, Priority, 4,5
Round Robin, RMS
2.2 UNIX Multi-level feedback queue scheduling, Thread 3
Scheduling, Multiprocessor Scheduling concept
3 Title Task / Process Management 08
3.1 Concurrency: Principles of Concurrency, Mutual Exclusion, 4,5
H/W Support, software approaches, Semaphores and Mutex,
Message Passing techniques
3.2 Deadlock: Principles of deadlock, Deadlock Detection, Deadlock 4,5
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, An Integrated Deadlock
4 Title Memory Management 06
4.1 Memory Management requirements, Memory partitioning: 2,3
Fixed, dynamic partitioning
4.2 Memory allocation Strategies (First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit, Next 2,3
Fit), Fragmentation, Swapping, Segmentation, Paging, Virtual
Memory, Demand paging
4.3 Page Replacement Policies (FIFO, LRU, Optimal, clock), 2,3
Thrashing, Working Set Model
5 Self
Case Studies
5.1 Comparison and study of RTOS: RT Linux, Vx works, μ COS 3,4,
and Free RTOS 6, 7
5.2 RTOS for Industrial Control System (ICS)
Total 28

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Department of EXTC
Laboratory Component
Sr. Title of the Experiment*
1 Basic commands of LINUX, User management and Booting process
2 Process management in LINUX
3 Advanced bash Shell scripting in LINUX
4 Memory management in LINUX
5 Configure network interface in LINUX
6 Comparing Foreground background and Task management system in μ COS/ Free RTOS
7 Scheduling of Task in μ COS/ Free RTOS
8 Task Synchronization using semaphores in μ COS/ Free RTOS
9 Resource protection using mutex in μ COS/ Free RTOS
10 Task Synchronization using message queue and mailbox in μ COS/ Free RTOS

Reference Books

Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Operating Systems: Internals 8th William Pearson
and Design Principles Edition Stallings
2 Modern Operating System 4th Andrew S. Pearson
Edition Tanenbaum,
Herbert Bos
3 The Design of the UNIX Maurice J. Bach Prentice Hall
Operating System
4 Embedded System: Rajkamal Tata McGraw- 2011
Architecture, Programming Hill Education
and Design
5 Introduction to Embedded Shibu K. V. Tata McGraw- 2017
Systems Hill Education
6 Mastering the FreeRTOS™ Richard Barry 2016
Real Time Kernel, A Hands-
On Tutorial Guide
7 MicroC/OS-II: The Real Time Jean J. Labrosse CRC press 05 Feb
Kernal 2002

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
3 -- -- 5 8 3 -- -- 3
PE Examination Scheme
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Theory 75 75 150 300
Laboratory -- -- -- --

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. ET101: Basic Electrical Engineering

EC101: Digital Systems and Microprocessors
ET202: Electronic Devices
ET205: Analog Circuits
PE-1T11: Digital CMOS VLSI Design
Course Objective: This primary goal of this course is to impart knowledge related to basic building
blocks of CMOS analog circuits. This course will make students aware of technological challenges
offered by scaled technologies coupled with multiple trade-offs in analog design. This course is
expected to build analytical skills related to CMOS analog design among the students. Knowledge of
fundamentals of MOSFET and CMOS Digital VLSI design is a must to understand this course in a
better manner.
Course Outcomes (CO): After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
EC434.1 Recognize trade-offs involved in analog VLSI Circuits
EC434.2 Analyze current mirrors and bandgap references
Analyze single stage amplifier using small signal model as well as large signal
EC434.4 Analyze MOSFET based differential and operational amplifier

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC434.1 3
EC434.2 3
EC434.3 3
EC434.4 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

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Department of EXTC


EC434.1 1 2 2
EC434.2 1 2 2
EC434.3 1 2 2
EC434.4 1 2 2

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze √ Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs
No. No.
1 Title CMOS analog building blocks 1 08
1.1 Necessity of CMOS analog design
1.2 MOS Models: Structure of MOSFET, Review of characteristics
of MOS device, Second order effects, MOS small signal model,
MOS spice models
2 Title Current Mirrors and Bandgap References 1 08
2.1 Passive and Active Current Mirrors: Basic current mirrors,
Cascode current mirrors and Active current mirrors
2.2 Band Gap References: General Considerations, Supply-
independent biasing, Temperature independent references, PTAT
current generation and Constant Gm biasing
3 Title Single Stage Amplifiers 1 10
3.1 Basic concepts, Common source stage: resistive load, diode-
connected load, current-source load, triode load and source
3.2 Source follower, Common gate stage, Cascode stage
4 Title Differential Amplifiers 1 06
4.1 Single ended and differential operation, Basic differential pair,
Common-mode response, Differential pair with MOS loads and
Gilbert cell
5 Title MOS Operational Amplifiers 1,2,3 10
5.1 Op-amp: General Considerations, performance parameters, One-
stage op-amps, Two-stage op-amps, Gain Boosting, Common-

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Department of EXTC
mode feedback, Input range limitations, Slew Rate, Power supply
5.2 Stability and Frequency Compensation: General
Considerations, Multipole systems, Phase margin, Frequency
compensation, compensation of two stage op-amps
Total 42

Reference Books

Title Edition Author Publisher Year
01 Design of Analog CMOS 1st B Razavi Tata McGraw 2017
Integrated Circuits Edition Hill
02 CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, Student R. Jacaob Baker, Wiley 2009
and Simulation Edition Harry W. Li,
David E. Boyce
03 rd 2016
CMOS Analog Circuit Design 3 P. E. Allen and Oxford
Edition D. R. Holberg University Press

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 - 2 3 7 2 - 1 3
Examination Scheme
Energy Storage
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Systems in EV
EC443 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

(1) To learn the characteristics and specifications of major Energy storage apparatus being used and explored
in EV Applications such as Batteries, Super-capacitors and Fuel Cell (2) To be able to analyze and design the
commonly used Battery charger circuits for EV Applications (3) To know various national and international
battery charging standards and protocols.

Course Content:
Module-1 Batteries and Fuel Cells
Li-Ion Battery characterization and testing systems & Battery life cycle, Modular battery packs, design,
packaging, thermal control and legislative implications. Super-capacitors : Materials and Construction, Basic
Model, Specific Behavior of Supercapacitors, Hydrogen Generation and Storage of Hydrogen, Conversion
from Hydrogen to Electricity, Power Needed for the Fuel Conditioning, Efficiency of the Fuel Cells, Overall
Module-2 Battery Management System:
Need of BMS, Concept of Battery Cell Balancing and strategies, Passive and Active cell Balancing circuits,
BMS hardware Design, BMS hardware Protection, BMS Software Strategies, Intelligent Cell Balancing
Algoritms, Monitoring and Protections, Charging and Discharging Management, Diagnostics and testing,
Module-3: Battery Charging Standards and Protocols:
AC Charging: Bharat EV Charger AC-001, DC Charging: Bharat EV Charger DC-001, Home Charging: AC
Charging with Single Phase 230V/15A supply, Public Charging AC-001: AC Charging with three Phase 415V
AC supply Mains, Public Charging DC-001, Fast Charging for high voltage EVs: Combined charging system
CCS-2 and CHAdeMo with ratings from 50kW to 150kW and DC voltages ranging from 400Vto 950V DC.
Course Projects and Lab Work:
(a) battery materials; (b) novel thermal management system for maintaining temperature uniformity among the
cells and restrict the rise of maximum temperature above normal conditions; (c) Digital twin based on IoT;
sensors; cloud computing; multi-physics modelling and machine learning for real-time monitoring of SoC and
SoH of batteries under dynamic discharge conditions;(d) aging controlled fast charging of batteries by
evaluation of optimal charging current, and simultaneously optimizing charging time and capacity.
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Department of EXTC

1. Energy Storage by Robert A. Huggins, Springer Publication
2. Energy storage (A new approach) by Ralph Zito Wiley Publication
3. Handbook of Energy Audit, Albert Thumann P.E. CEM, William J. Younger CEM, The Fairmont Press
Inc., 7th Edition.
4. Energy Management Handbook, Wayne C. Turner, The Fairmont Press Inc., 5th Edition,Georgia.
5. Energy Storage Systems, Alfred Rufer, CRC Press

Additional References:
1. Z. Zhang, H. Gui, D. Gu, Y. Yang and X. Ren, "A Hierarchical Active Balancing Architecture for
Lithium-Ion Batteries," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2757-2768,
April 2017.
2. M. Daowd, N. Omar, P. Van Den Bossche and J. Van Mierlo, "Passive and active battery balancing
comparison based on MATLAB simulation," 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference,
Chicago, IL, 2011, pp. 1-7.
3. M. Caspar, T. Eiler and S. Hohmann, "Systematic Comparison of Active Balancing: A Model-Based
Quantitative Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 920-934,
Feb. 2018.
4. Xiaoqiang Zhang†, Weiping Zhang, and Geyang Lei,” A Review of Li-ion Battery Equivalent Circuit
pp. 311-316, December 25, 2016
5. Min Chen, Student Member, IEEE, and Gabriel A. Rinc´on-Mora, Senior Member, IEEE,” Accurate
Electrical Battery Model Capable of Predicting Runtime and I–V Performance ”,inIEEE
6. Jian Cao, Nigel Schofield and Ali Emadi,” Battery Balancing Methods: A Comprehensive Review ”,
in IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008

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Department of EXTC
Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 - 2 3 7 2 - 1 3
PE Examination Scheme
Power Electronic
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
Converters in EV
EC444 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Course Content:
Module-1 Battery Chargers
Types of EV Chargers, On board Chargers, DC Fast Chargers, PF Improvement strategies and Control, DC-
DC Converter design and Control Scheme. Topology Selection, Control Method for Fast Charger, Charger
Converter Hardware Design, Magnetics Design and Selection, Charger Converter Software Design, Enclosure
and Connectors, Thermal Engineering.
Module-2 EV Traction Drive and Control
Motor Selection and types, Torque/Speed curve of different motor types and their comparison, Motor Inverter
hardware Design, MOSFET/IGBT Selection, Gate Driver Circuit Design, Power Supply and Controller
Hardware, Motor Inverter Software Strategies for control of BLDC Motor Drive and Induction Motor Drive,
Motor Inverter Thermal Engineering, Connectors and Wiring, Active and Passive Discharge (in case of DC
Bus > 60V). EMI/EMC Standards Introductions

Module-3: DC-DC converter Unit for EV Ancillary Power System

Power Converter Topology Selection, Control Method for DC-DC converter, Hardware Design, Magnetics
Design and Selection, DC-DC Converter Software Design, Enclosure and Connectors, Thermal Engineering,
Active and Passive Discharge, EMI/EMC Standards Introductions

Case Studies: (To be covered in Practical Session)

Design and development of high-power density power electronics converters, onboard chargers, machines for
electric vehicles, power train technology and various controllers for drives and converters. Development of
various novel control algorithms for converters and motor drives
1. Chang Liang Xia,”Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc Motor Drives and Controls” Wiley 2012.
2. Rashid M.H., "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications", Prentice Hall India,
Third Edition, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Bimal K Bose, "Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education, second
Edition, 2003.

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Department of EXTC
4. Dubey. G.K., "Thyristorised power controllers", New age International, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Bhimbhra P.S., "Power Electronics", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005
6. Miller. T. J. E., "Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives", Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1989.
7. Kenjo. T and Nagamori. S, "Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors", Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1989.
8. Kenjo. T, "Stepping Motors and their Microprocessor Control", Clarendon Press, Oxford,
9. Robert .L.Boylsted,and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
Education,9th edition,2009.
10. David A Bell, "Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 2009.
11. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, 2nd Edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2003

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Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs./week) Credits Assigned

(Category) Course Name L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 6 11 2 0 1 3
PE-3 Examination Scheme
Optical Fiber
Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC453 Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. AS101: Engineering Physics

EC304: Electromagnetic Waves
Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of usage of optical
fiber for communication.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the End of the course students will be able to
Apply EM Wave theory to understand nature of Optical Signal and their
corresponding guiding structures.
EC453.2 Identify Passive Optical Components, Sources and Detectors.
EC453.3 Analyze Passive Optical Components, Sources and Detectors.
EC453.4 Evaluate losses in the optical systems.
EC453.5 Compare different Optical Networks.
EC453.6 Design optical Link Budget system.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
EC453.1 3 3 3 1 3 3
EC453.2 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC453.3 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC453.4 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC453.5 2 2 2 2 3 3
EC453.6 3 3 3 3 3

CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

EC453.1 2 2
EC453.2 2 2
EC453.3 2 2
EC453.4 2 2
EC453.5 2 2
EC453.6 2 1

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Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC

BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)

Remember√ Understand√ Apply√ Analyze√ Evaluate Create

Theory Component
Module Unit Topics Ref Hrs.
No. No. .
1 Optical communication fundamentals 1 10
1.1 Block diagram of Optical Communication system, advantages, loss and
bandwidth window, ray theory transmission, total internal reflection,
acceptance angle, numerical aperture, skew rays and meridional rays
1.2 EM waves, modes in planar guide, phase and group velocities, types of
fibre according to refractive index profile and mode transmission.
1.3 Couplers, Isolators, circulators, multiplexers, filters, fibre gratings,
Fabry Perot filters, arrayed waveguide grating, switches and wavelength
2 Optical communication Components 1 08
2.1 Sources (LED, LASER), Detectors (PIN, APD) and Amplifiers
3 Optical Networks and losses in the system 1 10
3.1 Attenuation, absorption, linear and nonlinear scattering losses, bending
losses, modal dispersion, waveguide dispersion, dispersion and pulse
broadening, dispersion shifted, and dispersion flattened fibers, and
nonlinear effects Measurements of attenuation, dispersion and OTDR
3.2 Optical Networks: Link budget, SONET, SDH, WDM, DWDM
4(Self Review of latest optical fiber application and research 06
Total 28

Laboratory Component, if any. (Minimum 10 Laboratory experiments are expected)

Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Setup of Optical fiber communication link and measurement of Bit Error Rate (BER)
and Eye pattern analysis
A) Setup of analog fiber optic communication link
B) Setup of digital fiber optic communication link
C)Measurement of Bit Error Rate
D)Study and measurement of Eye pattern
2 Measurement of Numerical Aperture (NA) of optical fiber
3 Measurement of Losses in Optical Fiber
4 Study characteristic of LED and Photo detector in optical fiber communication link.
5 To verify the Brewster's law and to find the Brewster's angle

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Department of EXTC
6 Michelson's Interferometer- Refractive index of glass plate: To determine the refractive
index of a thin glass plate.
7 To Demonstrate the working of LASER using Phet virtual Lab
8 Measure propagation loss in plastic fiber and to measurethe bending loss.
9 Plotting optical link power budget.
10 Mini project on optical network.

S. N. Title Authors Edition Publisher Year
1 Optical Fiber John M. Senior Fourth Prentice Hall 2013
Communication of India
2 Optical Fiber Gred Keiser Third Mc-Graw Hill 2012
Communication Publication
3 Optical Networks: A Rajiv Third Elsevier 2010
Practical Perspective Ramaswamy and Publication
Kumar N.

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Department of EXTC

Course Teaching Scheme

Credits Assigned
(Category) Course Name (Hrs/week)
Code L T P O E L T P Total
2 0 2 2 6 2 0 1 3
PE-4 Telecom Network Examination Scheme
Operations and Component ISE MSE ESE Total
EC454 Management Theory 50 50 100 200
Laboratory 50 -- 50 100

Pre-requisite Course Codes, if any. EC307: Computer Communication Network

Course Objective: To develop understanding the concept of Telecommunication network
management, architecture, and protocol. Appreciate the need for interoperable network
management. This course offers students a hands-on experience managing network hardware and
essential network services such as DHCP, DNS, ARP, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SSH, SMTP, TFTP,
and SNMP using scripting and python programming.
Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of the course students will be able to
Identify network requirements and apply the concept of structured wiring, structured
Network Design and select the best solutions to meet the needs of a business.
Analyze the network management standards and protocols to support FCAPS Model
of Network Management.
Identify the functions of the Network Manager and show how management
information is stored & accessed within a managed object.
Apply effective troubleshooting and debugging techniques to resolve the network
Apply fundamental components of Network Management and implement server and
agent architectures to monitor and control networks, devices and applications.
EC454.6 Develop programs in Python to solve real problems in Network Management.

CO-PO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

EC454.1 2 2

EC454.2 2 2

EC454.3 3

EC454.4 3

EC454.5 3

EC454.6 3

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Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400058-India

Department of EXTC
CO-PEO/PSO Correlation Matrix (3-Strong, 2-Moderate, 1-Weak Correlation)


EC454.1 2

EC454.2 2

EC454.3 2

EC454.4 2 3 2

EC454.5 2 3

EC454.6 2 2
BLOOM’S Levels Targeted (Pl. Tick appropriate)
Remember Understand ✓ Apply ✓ Analyze ✓ Evaluate ✓ Create

Theory Component

Module Unit
Topics Ref. Hrs.
No. No.
1 Title Introduction to Enterprise Network Design 2,1,3 08
1.1 Introducing Network Design Concepts: Medium Enterprise
Design Profile (MEDP)—LAN Design, LAN design principles,
LAN design model for the medium enterprise, Considerations of
a multi-tier LAN design model for medium enterprises,
Designing network foundation services for LAN designs in
medium enterprise, Scalability, Service uptime, WAN Design,
Business, and network-based economy.
1.2 Challenges of IT managers, Network management architecture
and organization network management perspectives
management: Goals, organization, and functions
2 Title OSI Network Management 1,2,3 02
2.1 Network management standards, Network management models,
Organization model, Information model Communication model
and functional model, Abstract syntax notation – encoding
structure, macros, functional model CMIP/CMISE
3 Title Internet Management (SNMP) 1,2,3 08
3.1 SNMP-organizational model-System overview. Information
model, communication model, functional model, SNMP proxy
server, Management information, Protocol SNMPv1,v2 and V3,
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Department of EXTC
Remote monitoring. RMON, Limitations of SNMP, Beyond
4 Title Telecommunication Management Networks (TMN) 1,2.3 03
4.1 Need for TMN, Conceptual TNM model, TMN Network
Management Architecture, TMN management services
architecture and TMN implementation
5 Title Network Management Tools and Applications 1,4,5 07
5.1 System Utilities for network management, Network statistics and
measurements, NMS Design, NMS components, NMS Server
Architecture, Network Management Systems and FCAPS,
Automatic Fault Management and Event correlation Techniques,
Security Management
6 Self Broadband Network Management: ATM Network 04
Study Management and Wireless Network Management
Total 28

Laboratory Component
Sr. No Title of the Experiment
1 Network Monitoring tools: a) Status b) Routec) Traffic Tools d) Audit
2 Monitoring and management network using SNMP: a) Basic SNMP b) Advanced SNMP v3
Authentication/Encryption and ACL c) SNMP Trap Daemon Implementation
3 Configuration SNMP Protocol on Cisco Router using Packet Tracer
4 Configuration manageable Switch: L2/L3 Switch
5 LAN Troubleshooting using tcpdump and Wireshark
6 Monitoring of services and Servers using a) Observium/ Cacti b) Nagios/Icinga
7 Implementation of Centralized Logging infrastructure and security event correlation
8 Open Source SIEM Project
9 Python scripts for Network Monitoring
10 Network Management using Python

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Department of EXTC
Reference Books
Sr. No Title Edition Authors Publisher Year
1 Network Management -- Mani Subramaniam Addison Wisely, 2000
Principles and Practice New York
2 Designing and -- Kenneth Stewart, Cisco Press ---
Supporting Computer Aubrey Adams,
Networks, CCNA Allan Reid, Jim
Discovery Learning Lorenz
3 Network Management: -- J. Richard Burke Pearson --
Concepts and Practice, A Publications.
Hands-On Approach
4 Network Management: -- Benoit Claise- CCIE Cisco Press --
Accounting and No. 2686; Ralf
Performance Strategies Wolter
5 Network Management -- Alexander Clemm Cisco Press, ISBN- 2006
Fundamentals 13: 978-158720137
6 Python for Software -- Allen B. Downey Cambridge 2009
Design University Press
ISBN-13: 978-

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Department of EXTC
• 4 Electives are sufficient to specialize in a particular vertical/thread/area.
THREAD 1: T11: T12: T13: T14: Two
Communication Mobile and Microwave Wireless Sensor Next from the
Wireless Communication Networks Generation following
communication Network list
THREAD 2: T21: T22: T23: T24: T21,
Signal Speech and Audio DSP Processors Image & Video Principles Soft T31,
Processing Processing Processing Computing T32,
THREAD 3: T31: T32: T33: T34: T42,
X, Y
VLSI & Digital CMOS Embedded Real Time Analog
Embedded VLSI Design Systems Operating CMOS VLSI
Systems Systems Design
THREAD 4: T41: T42: T43: T44:

Power Power Electronic Embedded Energy Storage Power

Electronics and Converters (Cat2) System Design Systems in EV Electronic
Energy Systems for Power Applications Converters in
IC & MEMS Converter EV
Technology Applications Applications

Network Fundamentals Optical fiber Telecomm
Fundamentals of Antenna Communication Network
(Cat2) (Ct2) Operations &
Any other PE1 Information
(Cat1) Theory and
Coding (Ct1)
T11, T12, T11, T12,
T21, T22, T21, T22,
T31, T32, T31, T32,
T41, T42 T41, T42

*For Open Elective courses refer to the document: “Open Elective Syllabus”
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