Genetic and Evolution - Questions

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Genetic + Evolution
Section A (Attempt all Questions) 8. What map unit (Centimorgan) is adopted in the
construction of genetic maps
1. Identify the wrong statement with reference to the (1) A unit of distance between two expressed genes
gene ‘I’ that controls ABO blood groups. representing 10% cross over.
(1) A person will have only two of the three alleles. (2) A unit of distance between two expressed genes
(2) When IA and IB are present together, they representing 100% cross over.
express same type of sugar. (3) A unit of distance between genes on
(3) Allele ‘i’ does not produce any sugar chromosomes, representing 1% cross over.
(4) The gene (I) has three alleles (4) A unit of distance between genes on
chromosomes, representing 50% cross over.
2. Experimental verification of the chromosomal
theory of inheritance was done by: 9. What is the genetic disorder in which an individual
(1) Sutton (2) Boveri has an overall masculine development
(3) Morgan (4) Mendel gynecomastia, and is sterile?
(1) Turner’s syndrome
3. Select the correct match (2) Klinefelter’s syndrome
Column – I Column - II (3) Edward syndrome
(1) Phenylketonuria Autosomal dominant (4) Down’s syndrome
(2) Sickle cell anaemia Autosomal recessive 10. The frequency of recombination between gene pairs
trait, chromosome- on the same chromosome as a measure of the
11 distance between genes was explained by
(3) Thalassemia X linked (1) T.H. Morgan (2) Gregor J. Mendel
(4) Haemophilia Y linked (3) Alfred Sturtevant (4) Sutton Boveri

4. How many true breeding pea plant varieties did 11. In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower was
Mendel select as pairs, which were similar except in crossed with a white flower and in F1 generation
one character with contrasting traits? pink flowers were obtained. When pink flowers
(1) 2 (2) 14 were selfed, the F2 generation showed white, red and
(3) 8 (4) 4 pink flowers. Choose the incorrect statement from
the following:
5. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed (1) This experiment does not follow the principle
by: of dominance.
(1) Bateson and Punnet (2) Pink colour in F1 is due to incomplete
(2) T.H. Morgan dominance.
(3) Watson and Crick (3) Ratio of F2 is 1/2 (Red) : 2/4 (Pink) :1/4
(4) Sutton and Boveri (White)
(4) Law of segregation does not apply in this
6. The number of contrasting characters studied by experiment
Mendel for his experiments was:
(1) 4 (2) 2 12. Select the incorrect statement
(3) 7 (4) 14 (1) Male fruit fly is heterogametic
(2) In male grasshoppers 50% of sperms have no
7. The best example for pleiotropy is: sex-chromosome
(1) Phenylketonuria (3) In domesticated fowls, sex of progeny depends
(2) Colour Blindness on the type of sperm rather than egg
(3) ABO Blood group (4) Human males have one of their sex-
(4) Skin colour chromosome much shorter than the other

13. Select the correct statement: 20. Which one from those given below is the period for
(1) Franklin Stahl coined the term “linkage”. Mendel’s hybridisation experiments?
(2) Punnett square was developed by a British (1) 1856 - 1863 (2) 1840 - 1850
scientist. (3) 1857 - 1869 (4) 1870 - 1877
(3) Spliceosomes take part in translation.
(4) Transduction was discovered by S. Altman. 21. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material
came from the experiments of
14. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched? (1) Griffith
(1) Starch synthesis in pea : Multiple alleles (2) Hershey and Chase
(2) ABO blood grouping : Co-dominance (3) Avery, McLeod and McCarty
(3) XO type sex determination : Grasshopper (4) Hargobind Khorana
(4) T.H. Morgan : Linkage
22. During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are
15. Which of the following characteristics represent used to elongate
‘Inheritance of blood groups’ in humans (1) The leading strand towards replication fork
(1) Dominance (2) The lagging strand towards replication fork
(2) Co-dominance (3) The leading strand away from replication fork
(3) Multiple dominance (4) The lagging strand away from the replication
(4) Incomplete dominance fork
(e) Polygenic inheritance
(1) b, c and e (2) a, b and c 23. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of:
(3) b, d and e (4) a, b and e (1) Plants (2) Fungi
NEET Past 10 Years Que (3) Animals (4) Bacteria
16. A woman has an X-linked condition on one of her
X- chromosomes. This chromosome can be 24. DNA fragments are:
inherited by: (1) Positively charged
(1) Only daughters (2) Negatively charged
(2) Only sons (3) Neutral
(3) Only grandchildren (4) Either positively or negatively charge
(4) Both sons and daughters depending on their size

17. Among the following characters, which one was not 25. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea? protein with 333 amino acids, and the base at
(1) Stem – Tall or Dwarf position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
(2) Trichomes – Glandular or non-glandular RNA becomes 998 bases, how many codons will be
(3) Seed – Green or Yellow altered?
(4) Pod – Inflated or Constricted (1) 1 (2) 11
(3) 33 (4) 333
18. A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-
disjunction is 26. Which of the following RNAs should be most
(1) Down’s syndrome abundant in animal cell?
(2) Klinefelter’s syndrome (1) r-RNA (2) t-RNA
(3) Turner’s syndrome (3) m-RNA (4) mi-RNA
(4) Sickle cell anemia
27. Select the wrong statement:
19. The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are IAIB and (1) DNA stores genetic information
IAi. Among the blood types of their children, how (2) There is now enough evidence that essential
many different genotypes and phenotypes are processes like metabolism, translation and
possible? splicing evolved around RNA
(1) 3 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes (3) DNA may act as a catalyst
(2) 3 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes (4) RNA can splice itself and is also able to act as a
(3) 4 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes catalyst
(4) 4 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes

28. A couple claimed in court that a child belonged to 34. A molecule that can act as a genetic material must
them. Their claim can be true if the DNA fingerprint fulfill the traits given below, except: (2016 - II)
pattern of the child shows: (1) It should be unstable structurally and
(1) 50% bands similar to father and 50% similar to chemically
another DNA fingerprint pattern (2) It should provide the scope for slow changes
(2) 100% similarity to both the parents’ DNA that are required for evolution
fingerprint as both contribute equally to zygote (3) It should be able to express itself in the form of
formation ‘Mendelian characters’
(3) 100% similarity to mother’s DNA fingerprint (4) It should be able to generate its replica
because of maternal inheritance
(4) 100% similarity to father’s DNA fingerprint 35. The equivalent of a structural gene is:
due to large number of mitochondria in sperm (1) Operon (2) Recon
(3) Muton (4) Cistron
29. The technique of DNA fingerprinting is superior to
conventional fingerprinting because it can: Section B- (Attempt any 10 Questions)
(1) Be generated more rapidly and is inexpensive
(2) Generate unique fingerprints for each finger 36. Taylor conducted the experiment to prove
(3) Compare the whole DNA sequence of two semiconservative mode of chromosome replication
individuals on:
(4) Differentiate between polymorphic DNA (1) Drosophila melanogaster
sequences among individuals (2) E. coli
(3) Vinca rosea
30. Which of the following enzymes is not protein? (4) Vicia faba
(1) Ribozyme (2) Polymerase
(3) Ligase (4) Lysozyme 37. Which of the following rRNA acts as structural
RNA as well as ribozyme in bacteria?
31. Consider the following statements and choose the (1) 23 S rRNA (2) 5.8 S rRNA
correct option: (3) 5 S rRNA (4) 18 S rRNA
(1) six codons do not code for any amino–acid
(2) codon is read in mRNA in a contiguous fashion 38. Which one of the following is the starter codon?
(3) three codons function as stop codons (1) AUG (2) UGA
(4) the initiator codon aug codes for methionine (3) UAA (4) UAG
(1) (1) is wrong 39. Which of the following is not required for any of the
(2) (1), (2) and (4) are wrong techniques of DNA fingerprinting available at
(3) (1), (2) and (3) are wrong present?
(4) (2), (3) and (4) are wrong (1) Polymerase chain reaction
(2) Zinc finger analysis
32. If the ratio (A + G) / (T + C) in one strand of DNA (3) Restriction enzymes
is 0.7, what is the same ratio in the complementary (4) DNA-DNA hybridization
(1) 2.10 (2) 0.35 40. Which of the following is required as inducer(s) for
(3) 0.70 (4) 1.43 the expression of Lac operon
(1) Glucose
33. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyses (2) Galactose
transcription on one strand of the DNA which is (3) Lactose
called the: (4) Lactose and Galactose
(1) Alpha strand
(2) Anti-strand 41. Flippers of Penguins and Dolphins are examples of:
(3) Template strand (1) Convergent evolution
(4) Coding strand (2) Industrial melanism
(3) Natural selection
(4) Adaptive radiation

42. Which of the following refer to correct example(s) 47. A Hominid fossil discovered in Java in 1891, now
of organisms which have evolved due to changes in extinct, having cranial capacity of about 900 cc
environment brought about by anthropogenic action was:
1. Darwin’s Finches of Galapagos islands. (1) Neanderthal man (2) Homo sapiens
2. Herbicide resistant weeds. (3) Australopithecus (4) Homo erectus
3. Drug resistant eukaryotes.
4. Man-created breeds of domesticated animals like 48. The phenomenon of evolution of different species
dogs. in a given geographical area starting from a point
(1) (1) and (3) (2) (2), (3) and (4) and spreading to other habitats is called-
(3) Only (4) (4) Only (2) (1) Co-evolution
(2) Natural selection
43. Embryological support for evolution was (3) Adaptive radiation
disapproved by: (2020) (4) Saltation
(1) Alfred Wallance
(2) Charles Darwin 49. A gene locus has two alleles A and B If the
(3) Oparin frequency of dominant allele A is 0.4, then what
(4) Karl Ernst von Baer will be the frequency of homozygous dominant,
NEET Past 10 Years Questions heterozygous and homozygous recessive
44. From his experiments, S.L. Miller produced amino individuals in the population?
acids by mixing the following in a closed fl ask: (1) 0.36(AA); 0.48(Aa); 0.16(aa)
(2020) (2) 0.16(AA); 0.24(Aa); 0.36(aa)
(1) CH3, H2, NH4 and water vapor at 800°C (3) 0.16(AA); 0.48(Aa); 0.36(aa)
(2) CH4, H2, NH3 and water vapor at 600°C (4) 0.16(AA); 0.36(Aa); 0.48(aa)
(3) CH3, H2, NH3 and water vapor at 600°C
(4) CH4, H2, NH3 and water vapor at 800°C 50. Variations caused by mutation, as proposed by
Hugo de Vries are
45. After about how many years of formation of earth, (1) Random and directional
life appeared on this planet? (2) Random and directionless
(1) 50 million years (2) 500 million years (3) Small and directional
(3) 50 billion years (4) 500 billion years (4) Small and directionless

46. Embryological support for evolution was proposed

(1) Karl Ernst von Baer
(2) Charles Darwin
(3) Alfred Wallace
(4) Ernst Heckel

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