Jacob M. Hornby
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Navasona Krishnan
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Anne M. Parkhurst
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Gerald E. Duhamel
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Navarathna, Dhammika H.M.L.P.; Hornby, Jacob M.; Krishnan, Navasona; Parkhurst, Anne M.; Duhamel,
Gerald E.; and Nickerson, Kenneth W., "Effect of Farnesol on a Mouse Model of Systemic Candidiasis,
Determined by Use of a DPP3 Knockout Mutant of Candida albicans" (2007). Papers in Microbiology. 51.
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Dhammika H.M.L.P. Navarathna, Jacob M. Hornby, Navasona Krishnan, Anne M. Parkhurst, Gerald E.
Duhamel, and Kenneth W. Nickerson
This work extends our previous observation that the fungus Candida albicans secretes micromolar levels of
Candida albicans is a dimorphic commensal fungus which is (32) and evasion of host defense mechanisms (21); also, mu-
localized primarily in the gastrointestinal tract (20). It is a tants which can be regulated in vivo in their ability to undergo
medically important opportunistic pathogen, particularly for the yeast-to-hypha transition were avirulent under conditions
immunocompromised individuals (16), and can invade a wide that inhibited this transition (43); (ii) phenotypic switching
range of organ systems during systemic infections. For healthy, (47)—vaginal candidiasis is increased by high-frequency
immunocompetent individuals, it is an opportunistic pathogen switching between white and opaque colony morphologies
only. However, Calderone and Gow (6), Navarro-Garcia et al. (48); (iii) epithelial adhesion—King et al. (17) first demon-
(28), Naglik et al. (26), and Odds et al. (33) have detailed the strated that C. albicans cells have greater adherence than do
contributions of virulence factors in candidiasis. These viru- cells of other Candida species, and their ability to interact with
lence factors could either promote Candida invasion or affect mucosal epithelia correlates with their relative virulence (6);
host defense mechanisms. It is likely that the virulence of C. and (iv) production of extracellular enzymes, both membrane-
albicans is multifactorial. Therefore, pathogenesis is the sum of
damaging phospholipase B (1, 22) and the secretory aspartyl
the attributes of the fungus, environmental conditions, and the
proteases. Secretory aspartyl proteases are expressed during
effectiveness of host defenses (6, 26, 28, 33). Virulence factors
human disease and are thought to be important virulence de-
which have been recognized so far include the following: (i)
terminants (8, 26, 39).
morphogenesis—yeast-to-hypha switching is associated with
Recently Hornby et al. (12) identified farnesol as an extra-
pathogenesis (5), presumably because it enables tissue invasion
cellular quorum-sensing molecule produced by C. albicans, and
these findings were independently confirmed by others (35,
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: School of Biological Sci- 36). Farnesol prevented mycelial development under growing
ences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0666. Phone: (402) conditions (12) and in a differentiation assay using three chem-
472-2253. Fax: (402) 472-8722. E-mail: [email protected].
ically distinct triggers for germ tube formation: L-proline, N-
† Present address: Division of Natural Sciences, Lewis-Clark State
College, Lewiston, ID 83501. acetylglucosamine, or serum (12). For all in vitro assays, far-
Published ahead of print on 5 February 2007. nesol prevented the yeast-to-mycelium conversion, resulting in
actively budding yeasts without influencing cellular growth aspen shavings as bedding material (laboratory-grade Sano-Chips; Harlan Tek-
rates (12). Recognizing that free farnesol is not normally de- lad, Madison, WI), and maintained on a 12-h light/dark cycle in heated, ther-
mostatically controlled rooms for the duration of the studies. The mice were fed
tected in human plasma (41), Hornby et al. (12) proposed two a commercial rodent diet (4% Mouse/Rat Diet 7001; Harlan Teklad, Madison,
competing hypotheses regarding the role of farnesol in disease WI) ad libitum. Tap water was provided in glass bottles fitted with stainless-steel
pathogenesis. The first hypothesis suggested that the shift from nipples mounted in rubber corks. After a 7- to 10-day observation period, each
yeasts to mycelia might be a critical step in pathogenesis and group of mice was inoculated intravenously in the lateral caudal tail vein using a
27-gauge needle with 0.1 ml containing the appropriate concentration of C.
that exogenous farnesol could block this transition, thus acting
albicans cells. The degree of clinical illness in each mouse was evaluated three
as a therapeutic compound. An alternate hypothesis suggested times daily. In each experiment, mice that had severe clinical signs of illness were
that the farnesol excreted during infection would alter the euthanized immediately by placing them in a closed chamber filled with CO2 gas
membrane fluidity of host cells, allowing C. albicans to pene- and processed for complete necropsy and collection of tissues for histopatho-
trate host tissues and thus indirectly acting as a virulence fac- logical, microbiological, and toxicological examinations. At the conclusion of the
experiment, all remaining mice were similarly euthanized for complete necropsy.
tor. The latter model is based on the lipophilic properties of
The experimental protocol, housing, and care of the mice were in accordance
free farnesol, which would favor membrane localization. with approved guidelines of the University of Nebraska—Lincoln Institutional
The idea that farnesol might promote virulence is supported Animal Care and Use Committee.
by a recent study from our laboratory (27) on the pathogenicity Farnesol administration. Commercial mixed isomers or E,E-farnesol (Sigma,
St. Louis, MO) was diluted in 0.5% (vol/vol) of Tween 80 (Sigma) in sterile,
FIG. 1. Strategy used to disrupt and then reconstitute C. albicans DPP3. It merges the fusion PCR and heterologous marker protocols of Noble Downloaded from iai.asm.org at UNIV OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN on September 5, 2007
and Johnson (31) with the SAT1 flipper protocols of Reu et al. (37). (A) Schematic diagram showing the method used to disrupt both alleles of
DPP3. (B) Construction of disruption fragments for homologous recombination. Primers 1 and 3 and primers 4 and 6 were used to amplify the
350-bp flanking sequences upstream and downstream of DPP3, respectively. Primers 2 and 5 were used to amplify the two selectable markers. Red
and green tails of primers are complementary sequences (31) needed for mutual primed synthesis in the fusion reaction. (C) 5⬘ and 3⬘ junctions
of the selectable marker integration sites were confirmed using the primers mentioned. (D) Structure of the deletion cassette from pSFS2ADPP3
(top) in which the SAT1 flipper is inserted between two downstream fragments of DPP3. The genomic structure of KWN2 (middle) shows that the
DPP3 allele has been replaced by one of the auxotrophic markers His1 and Leu2 (cross-hatched). Complementation of the DPP3 allele replacing
the His1 marker (after flip-mediated excision of the nourseothricin marker) was used to create KWN3 (lower). dwstream, downstream.
without amino acids but with arginine) where only transformed cells will grow. 3⬘ LEU2 junction. Confirmation of correct insertion in DPP3 was provided by
KWN2 was selected. detecting PCR products of the expected size (Fig. 2). As a final check to confirm
To confirm that the HIS1 and LEU2 cassettes had been inserted correctly, the the absence of DPP3 or a similar gene, possibly due to gene duplication in the
following primer pairs were used to span the junction sites (Table 1 and Fig. 1C): evolutionary process, the DPP3 check left and right primers (Table 1) were used
HIS1 Left (near primer 2) and DPP3 upstream check for the HIS1 5⬘ junction; to amplify an 856-internal-base-pair region of the 921-bp sequence of DPP3.
HIS1 Right (near primer 5) and DPP3 downstream check for the HIS1 3⬘ Genomic DNA from KWN2 was used as the test sample and genomic DNA from
junction; LEU2 Left (near primer 2) and DPP3 upstream check for the LEU2 5⬘ SN152 as the positive control. A southern hybridization confirmed the complete
junction; and LEU2 Right (near primer 5) and DPP3 downstream check for the absence of DPP3 (Fig. 3).
DPP3 complementation method. (i) Plasmid construction. The pSFS2A plas- specific recombinase under the control of the C. albicans MAL2 promoter. The
mid was kindly provided by Joachim Morschhauser of the University of Wiirz- cassette is flanked by direct repeats of the minimal recombination target sites of
burg, Germany. This plasmid has a gene deletion or complementation cassette, the FLP recombinase. The SAT1 flipper cassette has been designed to contain a
called the SAT1 flipper cassette, which contains the nourseothricin marker few unique restriction sites on the left (ApaI and XhoI) and right (SacI and
caSAT1 and the C. albicans-adapted FLP gene (caFLP), which encodes a site- SacII) borders that can be used to clone target sequences for homologous
recombination (37). The DPP3 complementation cassette was constructed as
follows. An ApaI-XhoI fragment of the complete C. albicans DPP3 sequence as
well as 0.5 kb of upstream and 0.46 kb of downstream flanking sequences for the TABLE 2. Altered pathogenicity by strains of C. albicans altered in
DPP3 alleles were amplified using primers DPP3 complement 1 and 2 (Table 1). their levels of farnesol production
A SacII-SacI DPP3 downstream fragment from position ⫹20 to ⫹476 was am-
plified with primers DPP3 complement 3 and 4 (Table 1). DPP3 together with up- Amt of farnesol LD50a
and downstream fragments was cloned on the left side of the SAT1 flipper and Strain produced
(g/g 关dry wt兴) 3 days p.i. 7 days p.i. 14 days p.i.
the DPP3 downstream fragment was cloned on the right side of the SAT1 flipper
(Fig. 1D) to generate pSFS2ADPP3. The SAT1 flipper cassette and the cloned SN152 10.9 ⫾ 1.7 1.9 ⫻ 10 6
7.9 ⫻ 10 5
5 ⫻ 104
parts of the plasmids were sequenced at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, KWN1 1.65 ⫾ 0.5 — — —
sequencing facility to confirm accurate cloning. KWN2 1.79 ⫾ 1 7.9 ⫻ 106 1.9 ⫻ 106 5 ⫻ 105
(ii) C. albicans transformation to reconstitute DPP3. Transformation for KWN3 11.5 ⫾ 4.4 — — —
complementation was done according to the method of Reu et al. (37). Briefly, KWN4 21.2 ⫾ 1.2 2 ⫻ 106 — —
the insert from pSFS2ADPP3 was excised as an ApaI-SacI fragment and gel ATCC 10231 Undetectedb 1.2 ⫻ 107 — —
purified. Approximately 1 g (5 l) of the linear DNA fragment was mixed with
40 l of electrocompetent KWN2 cells and subjected to electroporation (0.2-cm LD50 for KWN4 was obtained from Fig. 4. All other LD50s were calculated
cuvette; 1.8 kV). These electroporated KWN2 cells were washed with 1 ml of 1 (see Materials and Methods) from experiments where mice were inoculated with
M sorbitol, resuspended in 1 ml of yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD), and five different cell densities (104 to 108 cells/ml). Note that the other two LD50s
obtained from Fig. 4 (2 ⫻ 106 for both SN152 after 3 days and KWN2 after 7
incubated for 4 h at 30°C with shaking at 200 rpm. The cells were spread on YPD
days) agree very well with the values from the five inoculum-level experiments.
plates containing 200 g/ml nourseothricin and inoculated at 30°C. Resistant —, not done.
colonies were picked after 1 day and reinoculated into YPD liquid medium with b
ratio tests. All three tests revealed that the survival curves
with and without i.p. farnesol differed from each other (P ⫽
0.031). In all mouse experiments (Fig. 4 to 7), the farnesol- on percent survival was significant (P ⫽ 0.048). From this
only, Tween 80-only, and no-treatment control groups (five experiment we conclude that farnesol alone is responsible for
mice per group) showed no mortality and had similar pat- the enhanced C. albicans pathogenesis.
terns of weight gain. Time course of fluorescent farnesol in serum. A fluorescent
A second experiment (Fig. 7) used 15 mice per group with a analog of farnesol with five conjugated double bonds (44) was
sublethal C. albicans challenge. Both groups were challenged used to determine how much i.p. farnesol gets into the blood-
with C. albicans and a 1-ml i.p. injection of either farnesol or stream and how long it remains there. Serum samples were
0.5% Tween 80–saline (vol/vol). Mice administered farnesol analyzed by HPLC. The fluorescent farnesol was detected 10
i.p. started to die 4 days earlier, and by day 6 p.i. the percent min following i.p. injection. The levels reached a maximum (ca.
survival was five times lower than that for the no-farnesol 1 M) after 1 h, were barely detectable at 6 h, and had com-
control mice (Fig. 7). The effect of i.p. farnesol administration pletely disappeared by 12 h. This rapid appearance and disap-
pearance of the fluorescent farnesol is likely relevant for dis-
ease progression, particularly in the early stages following i.p.
injection of farnesol (Fig. 6). Robert et al. (38), using very
similar experimental conditions, found that 98% of the in-
jected C. albicans cells had been cleared from the bloodstream
within 3 min and they were almost all gone within 15 min. For
Fig. 6 and 7, the farnesol i.p. injections occurred ca. 5 min after
the tail vein injections of C. albicans.
Exogenous i.p. farnesol speeds up kidney colonization. We
examined kidney colonization over time for 48 h p.i. (Fig. 8).
Two groups of 24 mice were administered C. albicans i.v.
accompanied by 1.0 ml of either 0.5% (vol/vol) Tween 80–
saline or 20 mM farnesol i.p. Kidneys from mice with i.p.
farnesol had ⬎2 ⫻ 104 CFU/g by 12 h, whereas those from
mice without farnesol required 48 h to reach this level (Fig. 8).
By this time the entire kidney was fully colonized by C. albi-
cans, both grossly and by histopathology. Farnesol i.p. did not
alter C. albicans morphology in kidneys. Extensive filamenta-
FIG. 6. Effect of i.p. administered E,E-farnesol on mouse mortality tion was observed for all organs examined, i.e., kidney, liver,
caused by intravenous administration of wild-type C. albicans A72. spleen, and brain. Finally, we note the congruence in timing for
Each group of treatments had 40 replicates. All control groups con-
the disappearance of fluorescent farnesol from the serum by
tained five replicates. E, C. albicans LD50 (1.3 ⫻ 106) dose, i.v. only; F,
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and the 0.5% Tween 80 i.p. control never showed mortality. 8), and more rapid onset of lethality (Fig. 5).
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Editor: A. Casadevall