Direct PCR 5
Direct PCR 5
Direct PCR 5
Macroinvertebrates that are collected in large numbers pose major problems in basic and applied biodiversity
research: identification to species via morphology is often difficult, slow and/or expensive. DNA barcodes are an
attractive alternative or complementary source of information. Unfortunately, obtaining DNA barcodes from speci-
mens requires many steps and thus time and money. Here, we promote a short cut to DNA barcoding, that is, a non-
destructive PCR method that skips DNA extraction (‘direct PCR’) and that can be used for a broad range of
invertebrate taxa. We demonstrate how direct PCR can be optimized for the larvae and adults of nonbiting midges
(Diptera: Chironomidae), a typical invertebrate group that is abundant, contains important bioindicator species, but
is difficult to identify based on morphological features. After optimization, direct PCR yields high PCR success rates
(>90%), preserves delicate morphological features (e.g. details of genitalia, and larval head capsules) while allowing
for the recovery of genomic DNA. We also document that direct PCR can be successfully optimized for a wide range
of other invertebrate taxa that need routine barcoding (flies: Culicidae, Drosophilidae, Dolichopodidae, Sepsidae;
sea stars: Oreasteridae). Key for obtaining high PCR success rates is optimizing (i) tissue quantity, (ii) body part, (iii)
primer pair and (iv) type of Taq polymerase. Unfortunately, not all invertebrates appear suitable because direct PCR
has low success rates for other taxa that were tested (e.g. Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Copepoda, Hymenoptera: Formici-
dae and Odonata). It appears that the technique is less successful for heavily sclerotized insects and/or those with
many exocrine glands.
Keywords: Chironomidae, DNA barcodes, DNA extraction, macroinvertebrates
Received 7 February 2014; revision received 5 May 2014; accepted 5 May 2014
‘Any study in community ecology requires, ideally, difficult, time-consuming and/or error-prone (Meier
that the individuals in a sample be properly et al. 2008; Valentini et al. 2009; Schlick-Steiner et al.
counted and identified to species‘ Gotelli 2004 2010). This is often the case for invertebrate taxa that are
small and very abundant. Such hyperabundant yet hard-
to-identify taxa are the main obstacle to species-based
Introduction bioassessment, biodiversity monitoring and community
ecology. For these taxa, DNA barcoding can provide an
DNA barcoding based on COI (50 cytochrome c oxidase alternative or complementary method to morphological
subunit 1) has been promoted as a method for species identification (Pfenninger et al. 2007). However, this
identification for many taxa (Hebert et al. 2003; Vences requires that the barcodes accurately reflect species
et al. 2005; Ward 2009; Dinca et al. 2011; Zou et al. 2011; boundaries for at least most species in a sample and that
Keskin & Atar 2013). Arguably, DNA barcodes are the sequences can be obtained rapidly and at low cost.
particularly useful when morphological identification is We here address the latter two issues by promoting the
Correspondence: Rudolf Meier, Fax: +65-67792486, E-mail: use of ‘direct PCR’, a method that makes it cheaper and
[email protected] faster to obtain DNA barcodes.
In direct PCR, the time and cost for obtaining DNA (Kerans & Karr 1994; Cranston 2000; Rabeni & Wang
barcodes are reduced by placing tissue directly into a 2001; Nijboer et al. 2005; Roque et al. 2010) although
PCR master mix without DNA extraction prior to ampli- recent studies have shown that inclusion improves accu-
fication of the target gene. This aids in reducing the time racy and signal-to-noise ratio (Ferrington 2008; Raunio
taken (4–16 h depending on extraction protocol) and cost et al. 2011; Brodin et al. 2013; Milosevic et al. 2013). In
by eliminating the usage of kits and decreasing man- addition, the high abundance of chironomids in urban
power needs. Direct PCR procedures were proposed as aquatic systems can degrade the recreational value of
early as 1993 (Panaccio et al. 1993), but success rates were waterfront areas. Thus, their mass occurrence can have
either unreported or low. For example, Panaccio et al. serious economic implications and correct species-level
(1993) and Grevelding et al. (1996) did not mention identification for their control is crucial (Cranston et al.
amplification success rates nor did they discuss whether 2013).
the amplified specimens were suitable for morphological Given the problems with morphology in this case,
study and vouchering. Rochlin et al. (2007) evaluated the DNA barcodes are an obvious alternative or complemen-
method by placing one Culex mosquito leg into the well tary tool as long as one can demonstrate that at least
containing PCR reagents and distilled water but reported most midge species have discrete barcodes. Currently,
low success rate (<50%) that were not likely to encourage the chironomid literature indicates that this is the case.
the use of this method. Yet, our experience with the Most barcoded species are separated by genetic distances
method indicates that it can yield consistently high suc- of >4% at the DNA barcode region while intraspecific
cess rates (>80%) for a wide range of taxa including flies variation rarely exceed 2% (Ekrem et al. 2007, 2010;
(Culicidae, Drosophilidae, Dolichopodidae, Sepsidae) Sinclair & Gresens 2008; Cranston et al. 2013). Beyond
and sea stars (Oreasteridae). Key to success is the optimi- their use in routine identification, DNA barcodes have
zation of a few parameters. We thus consider direct PCR other important uses in Chironomidae. First, species are
a convenient method for taxonomists and molecular traditionally described based on adults, rendering larvae
ecologists who routinely have to obtain DNA barcodes unidentifiable until they are associated with adults via
for taxa, which are used widely for bioassessment or rearing or DNA barcoding. Making such associations is
studies of genetic variability (e.g. Chironomidae, Culici- important because larvae are the more important stage
dae, Drosophilidae). for freshwater assessment (Ferrington 2008; Marziali
et al. 2009; Luoto 2011; Nandi et al. 2012 Milosevic et al.
2013) and nowadays DNA barcodes are the choice
Direct PCR of Chironomidae
method for this purpose (Carew et al. 2005; Ekrem et al.
We here use nonbiting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) 2007). Second, DNA barcodes have been important for
to describe how to optimize direct PCR. These midges the discovery of putatively cryptic species (Ekrem et al.
are extremely abundant in many freshwater samples and 2007; Sinclair & Gresens 2008).
routinely used as key bioindicator taxa for water quality Here, we describe how an optimized direct PCR pro-
assessment (Ferrington 2008; Luoto 2011; Milosevic et al. cedure without prior DNA extraction can yield success
2013) as different species have distinct ecological prefer- rates of 80–100% for a range of taxa. Furthermore, we
ences (Punti et al. 2009; Krosch & Cranston 2012; Molozzi document that direct PCR preserves the cuticle such that
et al. 2012). However, accurate identification of chirono- diagnostic morphological features can be studied and
mid larvae is difficult because the morphological features allows for the recovery of genomic DNA for the amplifi-
are often minuscule and easily obscured (Epler 2001; cation of additional mitochondrial and nuclear genes.
Sharley et al. 2004; Hajibabaei et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2012). We also discuss other invertebrate taxa for which we
These factors can lead to high error rates when the larvae were able to optimize direct PCR successfully.
are identified by parataxonomists (Cranston & Hillman
1992; Krell 2004), thus impacting subsequent water qual-
Materials and methods
ity analyses. In addition to identification problems, the
cost of morphological identification is high because
microscopic slides have to be prepared (Cranston 1994;
Epler 2001; Carew et al. 2007; Cranston et al. 2013), which Larvae and adults of various sizes and species were
requires approximately 15–20 min per specimen. Yet, it collected from three freshwater habitats (Bedok
is not unusual to find thousands of chironomid larvae in Reservior—1°200 32″N 103°550 30″E, Upper Seletar Reserv-
one environmental sample. It is therefore not surprising ior—1°240 04″N 103°480 14″E, Pandan Reservior—1°180 50″
that the high cost of morphological identification has led N 103°440 30″E) in Singapore via sediment grab sampling
to a debate whether chironomid larvae should be (larvae) or light trapping (adults) and preserved in
included in bioassessment of aquatic environments 70–100% ethanol or isopropanol (Cranston et al. 2013).
Larvae and adults were presorted into three size classes mens (see below). In addition to tissue amount and
(Fig. 1). For adults, we consider ‘small’ midges to range source, the type of polymerase influenced PCR suc-
from (anterior to posterior) 1.5–2.4 mm, ‘medium’ from cess rates. Four different polymerases were tested
2.5 to 3.4 mm and ‘large’ >3.5 mm. The corresponding (TaKaRa ExTaq, Qiagen HotStar Taq, KAPA Taq and
size classes for larvae are small (3.0–4.4 mm), medium a homemade Taq). The total reaction volume was
(4.5–6.4 mm) and large (6.5–8.0). 20 lL, with 2 lL of Taq 109 buffer, 1.5 lL of 2 mM
dNTPs, 1 lL of 10 lM primers and varying volume of
Taq- and DNase-free sterile water depending on the
Direct PCR optimization
Taq brand (0.15 lL TaKaRa ExTaq; 0.5 lL Qiagen
We initially used whole specimens for direct PCR. HotStar Taq; 0.5 lL KAPA Taq; 1 lL homemade Taq).
The success rates with primer pair LCO 1490/HCO The highest success rates were achieved using TaKa-
2198 (Folmer et al. 1994) were as low as reported in Ra ExTaq while KAPA Taq and the homemade Taq
the literature (<50%; Rochlin et al. 2007; small adults, gave successful amplifications, but the products were
n = 8, 87.5% successful; medium adults, n = 4, 0%; often ‘smeary’ under UV light. Qiagen HotStar Taq
large adults, n = 4, 0%; small larvae, n = 8, 50%; large did not yield successful amplifications. Given that the
larvae, n = 8, 37.5%). Exceptions were the smallest removal of legs requires time, we tested also if whole
adults (1.5–2.4 mm) that yielded high success rates. specimens for midges and larvae in the mid- and
We thus adjusted the tissue amount for medium- and large-sized classes could be used if a larger reaction
large-sized adults (2.5–3.4 mm and >3.5 mm, respec- volume (40 lL) was used, but success rates were not
tively), and all three size classes of larvae (3.0– as consistent and predictable as with 20 lL and the
4.4 mm, 4.5–6.4 mm and 6.5–8.0 mm, respectively). tissues described above. Lastly, the addition of 1 lL
High success rates were obtained when using (1 mg/mL) of bovine serum albumin (BSA) did not
(i) three legs from medium-sized adult and two legs influence success rates.
from large-sized adults (n = 4: 100% successful),
(ii) the dissected anterior body segments from larvae
Optimized protocol for direct PCR and sequencing
of all three size classes (small larvae, n = 5: 80% suc-
cessful; medium larvae, n = 10: 90% successful; large After optimizing direct PCR for chironomids, we tested
larvae, n = 5: 60% successful). We also experimented the procedure with a new and larger batch of specimens
with another tissue source (dissected abdomen of (Table 2: 30–60). Whole specimens (small adults), three
mid- and large-sized adults; n = 4: 0% successful). legs (medium adult), two legs (large adult), anterior half
After these trials with small numbers of specimens, of larval body (small larvae), or head capsule and 2–3
we applied the methods to larger numbers of speci- anterior ‘segments’ (total length = ~1 mm) for the
medium- and large-sized larvae were used. Relevant agent. For medium- and large-sized adult, this test was
body parts intended for direct PCR were removed, dried not needed because the diagnostically important body
briefly, then placed into the PCR wells and dried further parts were not used during direct PCR and even the legs
for 1 min using a Speed-Vac. PCR reaction mixtures were could be retrieved after direct PCR.
prepared (20 lL volume: 2 lL of 109 ExTaq Buffer,
1.5 lL of 2 mM dNTP mixture, 0.15 lL of TaKaRa ExTaq
Recovery of genomic DNA
polymerase, 1 lL of 10 lM primers for the forward and
reverse direction, DNase-free sterile water) and subse- We tested two methods for recovering genomic DNA
quently pipetted into the wells containing the dried spec- from the small adults that were exposed to direct PCR.
imens. The DNA barcoding region consisting of a 658-bp First, the specimens from the PCR wells were taken out
fragment of COI was amplified using the general inverte- and subjected to DNA extraction using the DNeasy
brate primers LCO 1490—50 GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufac-
AAG ATA TTG G 30 and HCO 2198 50 TAA ACT TCA turer’s protocol. For the second method, we performed
GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA 30 (Folmer et al. 1994). genome amplification for 14 COI PCR products obtained
Cycling conditions were: denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, with direct PCR earlier. The DNA was successfully
annealing at 51 °C for 30 s and extension at 72 °C for amplified using the Repli-G Mini Kit (Qiagen) according
1 min. The cycle was repeated for 41 times. After PCR, to manufacturer’s protocol but with halved reaction vol-
the body parts inside the PCR wells were removed, pre- umes (from 50 to 25 lL). Subsequently, PCRs were per-
served as vouchers in 70% or 100% ethanol and stored in formed for three genes using the genomic DNA obtained
20 °C. The amplification results were checked with by both methods (COI: nonbarcode segment; 18s: nuclear
electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel stained with GelRed rDNA; AATS: segment 1, nuclear protein-encoding).
(Biotium Inc.). Successfully amplified products were These genes were used previously in phylogenetic stud-
purified with SureCleanTM (Bioline) according to the ies of Chironomidae (Cranston et al. 2010, 2012; Dahle
manufacturer’s instructions. Purified products of small- 2012; Krosch & Cranston 2012). Primer sequences and
and large-sized adults and larvae were sequenced in PCR cycling conditions are provided in Table 1.
both directions with BigDye (PerkinElmer) terminator
reactions and analysed on the ABI Avant 3130xl Genetic
Direct PCR of other taxa
Analyzer. Medium-sized adults and larvae were
sequenced in single direction (forward) after we found We subsequently used the same optimization procedures
that single direction sequencing can yield >500 bases described here in an attempt to optimize direct PCR for
which is sufficient for routine species delimitation. other taxa (Copepoda; Coleoptera: Dytiscidae; Hyme-
The chromatograms were assembled and edited using noptera: Formicidae and Odonata; Diptera: Culicidae,
Sequencher ver. 4.6. Alignment of sequences was per- Dolichopolidae, Drosophilidae and Sepsidae; Valvatida:
formed in MAFFT version 7 with default options. The Oreasteridae).
alignments were translatable to amino acid sequences Specimens of Drosophilidae and Sepsidae were
free of stop codons and the sequences checked via obtained from reared cultures at Temasek Life Sciences
MEGABLAST in GenBank and compared to sequences Laboratory and Evolutionary Biology Laboratory
in our own local database for chironomids of Pandan, (National University of Singapore), respectively. Culici-
Bedok, and Upper Seletar Reservoirs in Singapore dae specimens were either obtained from Malaise traps
(Cranston et al. 2013). The sequences were assigned to or from cultures at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
species clusters as described in Meier et al. (2006) using insectary, while all specimens of Dolichopolidae and
uncorrected pairwise distances (4%) as recommended in Formicidae were collected from Malaise traps. The
Srivathsan & Meier (2012). reared culture specimens were preserved in 100% etha-
nol, while the Malaise trap specimens were preserved in
70% ethanol. The Oreasteridae were sampled at Chek
Retrieval of body parts for morphological study
Jawa, Pulau Sekudu, Cyrene Reef, Pulau Semakau and
Adult chironomids are identified based on male genita- Beting Bronok, while the Odonata samples came from
lia, structures of the thorax and wing patterns, while lar- Golf Link Marsh, Kent Ridge Park, Bishan Park, Nee
vae are distinguished based largely on characters of the Soon Swamp Forest and Pulau Ubin and the Copepoda
head capsule (Cranston 1994; Epler 2001; Cranston et al. samples from Pandan and Upper Seletar Reservoirs. The
2013). It was thus important to ascertain that specimens specimens were preserved in 100% ethanol. All locations
that had undergone direct PCR could still be used as mentioned are in Singapore. The Dytiscidae specimens
vouchers. Slide mounts of specimens that had undergone were collected in Brandenburg, Germany, and preserved
direct PCR were prepared using Hoyer’s mounting in 96% ethanol.
Table 1 Primers and cycling conditions used for PCRs of genome-amplified PCR products
Table 2 Chironomidae: number of direct PCR reactions and associated success rates. Refer to Dyrad doi in data accessibility for full
specimen information
Morphospecies Sample size Successful attempts Success rate for first amplification attempt (%) GenBank Accession no.
Number of
Life Body Type of successful Success
Taxa stages parts used* Primer Pairs (COI) Sources polymerase trials rate (%)
Culicidae Adult 2–3 legs LEP F1/LEP R1 Hebert et al. (2004) TaKaRa 27/30 90
Drosophilidae Adult 2–3 legs/ LCO-1490/HCO-2198 Folmer et al. (1994)/ TaKaRa 25/30 83.3
whole body or LEP F1/LEP R1 Hebert et al. (2004) ExTaq
Dolichopodidae Adult 1–3 legs LCO-1490/HCO-2198 Folmer et al. (1994) homemade 17/20 85
Sepsidae Adult 1–3 legs mtD4/mtD9 Simon et al. (1994) TaKaRa ExTaq 77/95 81.1
Oreasteridae Adult 1 mm3 tube foot tRNAasn42F/ Crandall et al. (2008) homemade Taq 78/83 93.9
(Tanytarsus, Cladotanytarsus, Paratanytarsus, Polypedilum, tions, however, and we routinely use direct PCR
Chironomus). Adult chironomids like most other ar- successfully for Malaise trap material preserved initially
thropods are particularly convenient tissue sources for in 70% ethanol (Dolichopodidae).
direct PCR because (i) legs are easily removed thus
providing a convenient way for scaling tissue quan-
Direct PCR: why now?
tity, (ii) they rarely contain large glands that may
harbour PCR inhibitors, and (iii) they are bilaterally Given that direct PCR procedures have been known for
symmetrical so that diagnostic features can be more than 20 years, one has to wonder why they have
retained on the specimen by removing only one leg not been widely adopted. We believe that there are three
on either side of the body. Should initial direct PCR reasons. First, early publications on direct PCR reported
fail, additional pairs of leg are available for a second low or no success rates which are unlikely to encourage
trial. Note that the legs can be retrieved after the pro- the adoption of the method. We find that such discourag-
cedure without significant damages to the structures. ingly low rates are normal during initial rounds of direct
A second factor that influences direct PCR success PCR optimization. We believe that some laboratories
rates is the choice of Taq polymerase. Over the years, we have tried direct PCR, but abandoned it following low,
have observed that some taxa require expensive and initial success rates. These laboratories never went to the
high-fidelity Taq polymerases (e.g. Chironomidae) while optimization stage.
high success rates can be attained for other taxa even Second, scientists may feel uneasy about direct PCR
with low-cost and homemade enzymes (e.g. Sepsidae). procedures that use whole specimens because the initial
Given that simultaneous optimization of tissue quantity barcode may reveal that a specimen belongs to a particu-
and enzyme is time-consuming, we recommend first larly interesting species. Sequencing of additional genes
optimizing the former with a high-fidelity Taq polymer- is then desirable, but it remained untested whether geno-
ase. Once PCR success rates are high, a cheaper and/or mic DNA can be recovered from a specimen that had
more versatile Taq polymerase can be tested. A third fac- already been used in direct PCR. We here show that this
tor that influences PCR success rates is the source of tis- is possible as long as a genome amplification of the origi-
sues. For insects, legs generally work well while nal amplification product is performed. Using the ampli-
abdominal tissues should be avoided. Low success rates fied genome as template, we were able to sequence
for the latter suggest that they may contain PCR inhibi- additional mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Initially,
tors that could come from the digestive tract (Juen & we worried that such procedure would overamplify the
Traugott 2006). If abdominal tissues cannot be avoided COI sequence because it is already enriched in the direct
(e.g. chironomid larvae), success rates increase when the PCR product, but the primers used by the Repli-G Mini
anterior-most abdominal segments are used. In addition, Kit appear to be sufficiently diverse that genomic DNA
we have recently increased success rates further using is amplified effectively. Note that the recovery of tem-
more specific primer pairs (LEP F1/LEP R1 instead of plate DNA via genome amplification is needed only for
LCO 1490/HCO 2198 for insect taxa). Lastly, not surpris- small specimens where the whole body is used as tem-
ingly, storage conditions of specimens influence success plate in direct PCR. For most specimens, direct PCR uti-
rates. Fresh specimens that are used immediately after lizes only legs so that most of the specimen remains in
preservation and/or are stored at low temperatures pristine condition and can be used for DNA extraction.
amplify easily, whereas older material with inferior pres- Lastly, based on previous studies on direct PCR, it
ervation and storage conditions can fail. There are excep- was unclear whether the morphology of specimens
undergoing direct PCR remained intact for vouchering. the next best choice would be DNA barcodes. Again, for
In this study, we found that even sensitive and small these laboratories, a cheaper and faster technique for
body parts are well preserved. Re-identification and generating barcodes will help with implementing itera-
description of specimens that have undergone direct tive procedures for validating parataxonomists’ morpho-
PCR can be performed. species boundaries. Moreover, the DNA barcodes
generated can serve as libraries that are subsequently
used for NGS-based bioassessment.
Direct PCR: still relevant?
Molecular ecology and bioassessment are quickly
adopting next-generation-sequencing (NGS) (Hajibabaei
et al. 2011; Carew et al. 2013) and one may wonder Direct PCR is an old technique neglected by most molec-
whether there is still a need for a technique such as ular ecologists. However, our study demonstrates that
direct PCR. However, the analysis of NGS data gener- for many taxa, high success rates can be achieved with-
ally involves the identification of species (e.g. food out substantial damage to specimens once PCR condi-
species) via barcode-like markers (Porazinska et al. tions have been optimized. This reduces overall
2009; Zhou et al. 2013). Hence, DNA barcode databases sequencing cost by saving time via skipping the DNA
are still very much needed. Unfortunately, these data- extraction step. Based on several years of experience, we
bases remain extremely species-poor for many groups only occasionally encounter taxa for which direct PCR
(Harris 2003; Ekrem et al. 2007; Begerow et al. 2010; optimization fails. Note that further reductions in cost
Kwong et al. 2012; Kvist 2013). Improving species cov- can be achieved through one-directional sequencing,
erage will require a large amount of species-specific which is sufficient for routine identifications.
Sanger sequencing in order to obtain new DNA bar-
codes for additional species. Given that many very
common species have already been barcoded, most
new barcodes will have to be generated for rare spe- We would like to express our gratitude to Rayson Lim, Audrey
cies and these are likely to be produced by laborato- Heyzer (Tropical Marine Science Institute) and Jeremy Woodford
(Environmental Health Institute) for providing the chironomid
ries that specialize in particular taxa and that thus
specimens. We also wish to thank Dr. Ian Mendenhall and the
have an incentive for optimizing direct PCR for these
insectary at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School for providing
taxa. Indeed, much of the species coverage for COI the material for Culicidae. The images were prepared with the
sequences in GenBank already comes from projects help of Ang Yuchen (Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, National
that are unlikely to be associated directly with DNA University of Singapore). We also thank Diego Pitta de Araujo
barcoding studies (Kwong et al. 2012). and Amrita Srivathsan (Evolutionary Biology Laboratory,
Direct PCR will be particularly attractive for two National University of Singapore) for their input in the prepara-
tion of manuscript. Funding was provided by a grant from the
types of laboratories. The first type is invertebrate sys-
Public Utility Board (Singapore), WBS: R-154-000-526-490.
tematics laboratories. Such laboratories routinely acquire
large numbers of specimens in target groups. Many such
laboratories have already adopted sample processing
procedures that consist of rough sorting based on mor-
phology with subsequent testing of the morphological Begerow D, Nilsson H, Unterseher M, Maier W (2010) Current state and
units via COI sequencing for exemplars from the puta- perspectives of fungal DNA barcoding and rapid identification proce-
dures. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 87, 99–108.
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