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Vol.5, No.

3, 179-185 (2014) Agricultural Sciences

A new market segment for olive oil: Olive oil tourism

in the south of Spain
Genoveva Millán1*, Juan M. Arjona1, Luis Amador2
Department of Quantitative Methods, Loyola Andalucía University, Córdoba, Spain; *Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Department of Economics, Loyola Andalucía University, Córdoba, Spain

Received 19 December 2013; revised 19 January 2014; accepted 1 February 2014

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ABSTRACT mated net worth amounts to 3000 million euros [1,2].

Andalucía, a region geographically in southern Spain,
Spain is the leading producer of olive oil. For produces 80% of the oil in Spain. The Andalucían region
Spain, olive oil and olive growing are not only an dedicates more than 1.5 million hectares to olive cultiva-
important source of economic wealth, but also tion, which represent more than 43% of its cultivated
symbols of its culture and gastronomy renowned area, 60.15% of the olives grown in Spain and 35% of
both nationally and internationally. However, in the entire European Union (Table 1). Also, the olive is a
rural areas where the olive is the primary source crop of great social importance in Andalucía. For many
of income for resident families, proposals are Andalucían regions, olive groves are the only source of
being sought for activities that break away from direct and indirect income for the population, and the
the seasonality in income represented by de- main economic activity in over 300 municipalities in
pendence on agriculture. Among all these pro- Andalucía [3].
posals there is one that is oleotourism, which is It is precisely that heavy reliance on olive growing in
beginning to gain ground because of its facet of
many municipalities in Andalucía that provokes great
culinary tourism. This is due to its uniqueness,
feelings of uncertainty in families regarding their income
and it can also be considered an initiative for
because neither the quantity nor the quality of annual
sustainable rural tourism. Given the interest
production can be foreseen with precision. This uncer-
aroused by this type of initiative, both on the
tainty is due to such uncontrollable elements as the
part of the public administration and also the
weather which play a key role in agricultural production
olive sector, this study involves the demand for
[4,5]. The effects of these uncontrollable factors are ex-
oleotourism in Andalucía and is a strategic
acerbated by the seasonality of olive production, concen-
analysis of oleotourism as a new market sector
trated into a few months of labour and involving the in-
in the south of Spain.
come of an entire year. Thus, for example, in Spain the
production of olive oil in 2012 decreased by more than
KEYWORDS 41% from the 1599 thousand tons in 2011 to 657.3 thou-
Olive Oil; Oleotourism; Sustainability; Andalucía; sand tons in 2012. In Andalucía the decline was some-
Rural Development what less: 38.3% from the 1353.8 million tons in 2011 to
the 519.3 thousand tons in 2012 (Figure 1), although the
area devoted to this crop increased slightly during this
1. INTRODUCTION period (Figure 2).
Olive is a traditional Spanish agri-food export and a To cope with the drop in production and therefore in
symbol of its rich cuisine. In fact, Spain is the world’s the income of people engaged in agriculture, a comple-
largest producer of olive oil with an average of 1,297,841 mentary activity that takes advantage of the olive culture
tons in the last campaigns, which represents 60% of can be generated to create a symbiosis between two such
world production, and with exports of 700,000 tons sectors as agriculture and tourism. This method makes
which makes it the world’s largest exporter, exporting to special use of olive oil as a tourist attraction due to its
over 100 countries on five continents and whose esti- mills, and its forests of million-year-old olive trees and

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Table 1. Olive surface distribution by Autonomous Region This study is not a call to make tourism the main
(Spain) 2012. source of income in rural areas, but rather to get addi-
Community Hectares %
tional revenue for local inhabitants. It seeks to promote
sustainable rural tourism and gastronomy, with the prac-
Andalucía 1,554,771 60.15 tice of eco-activities, to generate wealth and employment
Castilla la Mancha 406,751 15.73 over time, maintaining and preserving the environment
and industrial heritage, using factories (mills, ware-
Extremadura 269,350 10.42
houses, etc.) located in rural areas that can be visited.
Cataluña 116,044 4.48 Tourist activity will not negate the farm but will instead
help reduce regional imbalances in the area.
Valencia 94,723 3.66

Aragón 59,477 2.30 2. OLIVE OIL TOURISM AND

Resto Comunidades 83,448 3.22 SUSTAINABLE RURAL TOURISM
TOTAL 2,584,564 100 Oleotourism is a form of domestic tourism (especially
in rural areas) related to gastronomy, which allows the
Source: compiled by the authors based on the Spanish Survey on Surfaces
and Crop Yields (ESYRCE). essence of the culture encompassing the world of the
olive to be captured while deepening knowledge about
everything connected to olive oil: food, accommodation
in typical architecture integrated into the orchards, beau-
ty and health treatments, relaxation, etc.
Visits to mills, oil tastings, mill breakfasts, guided
tours and the leveraging of local resources associated
with the production of olive oil are some of the services
that can be offered to tourists. Concrete measures are
needed to support both the tourism and olive sectors, in
order to achieve a symbiosis between gastronomical and
tourism products, thus leading to the socio-economic
development of olive-growing areas.
Olive oil tourism can be considered as an economic
agent which has a set of characteristics or qualities that
characterise it as being a bit out of the ordinary. Tourism
Figure 1. Evolution of olive production in Andalucía (thou- based on quality agricultural products in rural areas can
sands of tons). Source: compiled by the authors based on the be a stimulus for the economy to prevent migration to
Agricultural Statistics Yearbook. other areas as a result of high unemployment rates in
these developing areas.
National and supranational associations have been
created to spread the culture of the olive tree. They aim
to reconsider the olive as a tourism resource that gener-
ates cultural, heritage and gastronomical landmarks, thus
providing impetus for more economic development in
the municipalities that make a living from this ancient
crop. Examples of these associations are the Spanish
Association of Olive Municipalities (AEMO) or Euro-
pean Red Olive Municipalities (REMO).
The Spanish Association of Olive Municipalities
Figure 2. Evolution of the olive production surface in Anda- (AEMO, created in 1996 in Baeza (Jaén), is meant to
lucía (thousands of hectares). Source: compiled from the Span- provide a knowledge platform from local government to
ish Survey on Surfaces and Crop Yields (ESYRCE). promote and enhance the “Olive Culture” as the core
element articulating and characterizing the distinctive
olive groves, which all combine into an excellent un- personality of certain communities: their economy, land-
tapped tourism product (oleotourism) based on the raw scape, urbanism, environment, culture, labor market,
material of an olive oil that is well-known internationally history, etc. Since it began, it has developed several pro-
not only for its organoleptic characteristics but for its use jects, such as the creation of a network of olive museums,
in the Mediterranean diet. the creation of organizations to spread and promote olive

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culture, the organization of technical, cultural and gas- Given this increase in consumption of different products
tronomical events, and others for tourist development, due to their quality, one of the most valuable ways of
courses, exhibitions, seminars… all related to Olive Cul- achieving it in the agricultural environment are the geo-
ture. graphical indicators of origin and in particular Designa-
As stated in the document by the European Forum of tion of Origin (DO), which integrate in their definition
Olive Regions at its meeting in Brussels on March 7, not only the geographical origin but, in a relevant way,
2012: “The olive grove contributes to areas of great en- the tradition and expertise involved in producing high
vironmental and scenic value, representing also a key quality products with differentiated personalities, as well
element in generating employment and income in the as the regulation and control mechanisms exercised in
rural areas where it is found; at the same time it is an their production [13].
essential element in the cultural heritage of Mediterra- These designations of origin are endorsed by a regula-
nean regions” [6]. That is why the development of tour- tory board that guarantees that companies that are part of
ism activities anchored in the olive world must have the the D.O. meet certain standards of quality in their manu-
characteristics associated with sustainable rural tourism, factured products, and use raw material (in this case, the
as they should harmonize with the interests of the activ- olive) with specific organoleptic characteristics (color,
ity itself, the environment and local community, manag- smell, and taste).
ing ecological, socio-cultural and economic elements as In Spain there are 31 D.O. of olive oil and extra virgin
well as possible and in a compatible way [7-10]. olive oil, 14 located in Andalucía, where the economic
This activity helps to break with the traditional sea- value of the products of D.O. olive oil were 62.21 mil-
sonality typical of this sector, which is crucial from an lion euros in 2012 (only one-fifth of the production of
economic standpoint. Tourism in rural areas is done more olive oil is marketed under the quality standards of the
regularly throughout the year: weekends, holiday week- D.O.), representing 8.2% of the economic value of agri-
ends, Christmas holidays, etc. It is also less dependent on cultural products covered under the designations of ori-
the weather being experienced. For this reason, the em- gin in Spain, whereas it is the D.O. of cheese that repre-
ployment created does not have to be as temporary as sents the highest percentage at 23.25%. Figure 1 shows
most of what is created by sun and beach tourism, pre- the geographical location of the D.O. in Spain.
dominant in Andalucía. An additional way to publicize oil as a gastronomic
The development of tourism activities in rural areas is product is to market it as a tourism product, protected by
rather risky, since those spaces usually have a great eco- an appellation of origin that creates a tourist route where
logical, scenic and cultural heritage. Moreover, this ac- you can learn about the quality of oil, its production
tivity implies activating some risk factors for this territo- process and its taste. The oil route concept consists in
rial zone of reference (land use, development of infra- forming certain rural destinations with a clear focus on
structures, emissions and discharges of different sub- cultural and rural tourism, an integrated product based on
stances, etc.). Therefore, tourist activity that takes place the olive, dining and cultural activities accompanied by a
in a rural environment must be properly planned and wide range of related accommodation services (mills,
managed [11] to avoid any negative environmental, cul- oleotecas, oil museums…) and a wide range of comple-
tural or social impacts. This requires the adoption of a mentary activities: golf, equestrian, commercial, restau-
long-term approach (strategic planning) and taking into rants, nightlife, etc.
account the many ways in which tourism and the envi- The oil route is not, however, a mere show of road
ronment can be interrelated, thus avoiding situations in signs, but also safe timetables for visitors, the ability to
which these activities or facilities could overwhelm the manage and show off one’s own company, knowing how
capacity of the area, thereby adversely affecting the de- to welcome a tourist and make him feel at home, struc-
mand itself as a result of environmental degradation and/ tural modifications of the mill, careful cleaning and sales
or the culture of the territory. Certainly, unplanned and offers… An oil route is characterized by a mixture of
uncontrolled rural tourism could entail irreparable costs,
natural, cultural and social agents, as well as activities in
even greater than any other traditional tourism, as it in-
the mill, local cuisine, and that contemplate the world of
volves special physical and psychosocial penetrating
oil (such as museums), and the purchase of local handi-
forces [12].
crafts and typical products of the area on a route or visit
through all the places and resources linked to oil and its
3. THE DESIGNATIONS OF ORIGIN OF related lifestyle, without distorting or overdoing it, giv-
OLIVE OIL ing rise to representations or simulations.
New trends in consumer habits have increased interest The oil routes are, therefore, driving forces for tourism
in higher quality and different products adapted to the due to the number of agents involved: farmers, coopera-
new needs of different groups and market segments. tives, restaurateurs, hoteliers, salesmen, traders and local

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182 G. Millán et al. / Agricultural Sciences 5 (2014) 179-185

authorities who can generate wealth in the area. However, able with a trend of variance which has been corrected by
the olive oil routes in Spain and especially in Andalucía the Box-Cox transformation of λ = 0.2 and average trend
are not as well-known or visited by tourists as those per- and cycle that have been corrected with a differentiation
taining to wine, and calls are being made to strengthen in average and in cycle. This gives us the estimated
these and help them to grow by complementing them model for forecasting monthly oleotourist demand in
with other food products such as wine, ham, etc. (Fig- Andalucía.
ure 3). (1 + 0.719859 B) (1 − B)1 (1 − B12 )1 oleoturistast0.2
(1 + 0.635414 B) (1 + 0.876414 B12 )at
Adapting a mill so it can be visited involves a cost for This model predicts that for November 2013, oleot-
the entrepreneur, as he has to invest in infrastructure (the ourist demand will be 27,456 and 24,678 in December,
mill must meet certain safety standards) and personnel which are the peak months for the oleotourism campaign
(the training of staff to attend to tourists and learn about because it is olive harvest time. For 2014, there is an
production techniques and the characteristics of proc- estimated aggregate demand that exceeds 110,000 tour-
essed oil). Therefore it is necessary to know what the ists, which is a far lower figure than the demand for this
estimated demand of oleotourists could be to see if the
investment will render a profit. Table 2. Results for ARIMA.
No studies have been made to forecast the demand for Dependent variable: D (OLEOTOURISM 1,1,12)
oleotourists, hence the novelty of this study. To do so,
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
monthly information for the last five years was obtained
from the number of oleotourists visiting the mills open to AR(1) 0.719859 0.107053 6.724306 0.0000
the public in Andalucía. To model the variable number of MA(1) −0.635414 0.038573 −16.47290 0.0000
tourists, the Box Jenkins methodology was used to de-
SMA(12) −0.876414 0.072401 −12.10496 0.0000
sign a seasonal ARIMA model, which studies a variable
based on its past values (Table 2) R-squared 0.742080 Mean dependent var 0.000629

Φ ( B) φ ( B) (1 − B) (1 − B ) Yt
d s D
Θ( B) θ ( B) at
= (1) Adjusted R-squared 0.725440 S.D. dependent var 0.303877
S.E. of regression 0.159227 Akaike info criterion −0.752877
The demand for Oleotourism in Andalucía is a vari-

Figure 3. Geographic situation of the protected denominations of origin of olive oil in Spain. Source:
Compiled from information provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment
consulted 29-11-2013).

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G. Millán et al. / Agricultural Sciences 5 (2014) 179-185 183

Community’s wine tourism which exceeds 600,000 tour- sector.

ists, or tourism in general, over 8 million people a year. b) Promoting the implementation of technician certi-
The months where demand for oleotourism is very low fications dedicated to specialization in different activities
would be in August with just over 4200 visitors and July in the area.
with 4400. c) Promoting the development of studies in hospitality
Based on the results obtained, it is necessary to per- and tourism oriented towards qualification requirements
form an analysis of strategies to promote oleotourism. for various activities in these sectors.
4) Strategy: To strengthen publicity media, informa-
5. STRATEGIES FOR OLIVE OIL tion, partnerships, etc. to improve the image of oleotour-
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN ism. Proposed actions include:
ANDALUCIA a) Fomenting instruments to identify quality olive oil
As Oleotourism has great potential for development in
b) Foment instruments to associate ideas relating the
Andalucía, it is necessary to analyze the strategies that
quality of services/quality of life and the image of rural
the tourism sector could put into practice in the commu-
nity to analyze what needs to be improved to convert
olive oil, of which Spain is a world leader in production 5) Strategy: To promote a culture of cooperation
and quality, into a benchmark for culinary tourism. among the inhabitants of the area to facilitate fair com-
The promotional strategies of any tourism product un- petition, eradicate illegal activities and thus improve the
doubtedly require knowledge of the characteristics, cir- social perspectives of the area. Proposed actions include:
cumstances, preferences and needs of the market, both a) Promoting and supporting legal measures aimed at
from the point of view of supply and that of demand. curbing the impact of underground economy in the area,
The area must adapt itself by diversifying tourism as is the case of illegal lodging in rural areas.
products, and obtain a specialized supply to meet the b) Promoting adaptation to quality standards of prod-
needs of changes taking place in consumer habits, which ucts, services, facilities and equipment of enterprises and
is ultimately a priority when it comes to loyalty and at- institutions in the area.
tracting new tourism consumers. The strategies and mea- c) Designing and enhancing communication strategies
sures suggested will allow the promotion of the area, that transmits to the market an image of quality with re-
increasing wealth and attracting new investment. spect to the area.
1) Strategy: Encourage the coordination of public and d) Adopting strategic planning systems in municipali-
private institutions to promote culinary tourism. This ties so that they can act in coordination with each other,
requires promoting coordination among the various mu- seeking to develop the whole region.
nicipalities to cooperate in the joint distribution of the 6) Strategy: Removing seasonally linked demand by
activities of various institutions: publishing a catalogue, promoting joint tourism packages. Some of the proposed
a website, etc. Meetings between public and private enti- actions include:
ties should also be promoted to coordinate the actions to a) Promoting specialization and flexible diversification
be carried out to develop oleotourism in Andalucía. in tourism activities, especially taking advantage of the
2) Strategy: Promote the development of tourism as different possibilities available during each season of the
an activity integrating different businesses in the Anda- year.
lucían Community that deal with gastronomic tourism. b) Promoting the direct sale of olive oil products, dif-
The proposed actions include: ferentiating each one’s natural quality and doing so in
a) Developing tourism cooperation with other activi- conjunction with other activities.
ties to design an integrated offering aimed at reducing c) Encouraging the creation of complementary activi-
the seasonality of demand. ties, such as cultural and gastronomic festivals. Some of
b) Promoting joint tourism promotion with other com- the services and products offered at mills may include:
panies whose activities are related to tourism. • Traditional landscapes: olive orchards, mills, visitor
c) Encouraging and supporting associative participa- centers, oil tastings.
tion in certain leisure-oriented events. • Exclusive visits: carriages touring olive orchards,
3) Strategy: Encourage collaboration agreements be- visits to mills…
tween companies and educational institutions to better • Harvest program: This is a tour of the olive orchards
coordinate regulated vocational education to meet the in the company of an agronomist, including oil tast-
needs of enterprises and institutions in the tourism sector. ing.
The proposed actions include: • Pruning program: It is a full day activity in the com-
a) Developing the expertise of a professional training pany of an agronomist, and offers oil tastings.
center and offering practice training in businesses in the • Courses on local cuisine with dishes prepared using

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184 G. Millán et al. / Agricultural Sciences 5 (2014) 179-185

the characteristic products of the area where the join in and participate in tasks, customs, and the local
courses are offered. way of life, and rescue traditional activities all give the
The adoption of measures to improve the image of the product and service offered by the zone a degree of dif-
area, promoting participatory tourism where visitors can ferentiation from other competing destination areas. Of-
join in and help out in chores and customs and local fering oil tourism as a symbiosis between production,
ways of life, and rescuing traditional activities all differ- marketing and tourism, and uniting the different agents
entiate the product and services offered in an area from involved (farmers, restaurateurs, hoteliers, etc.), all cre-
other competing destinations. Offering oil tourism (the ates the driving force that will add value to a new use for
symbiosis between commercial production and tourism oil, tourism.
linking different agents including farmers, restaurateurs, The expected increase in demand for oleotourists next
hoteliers, etc.) becomes the force that will add value to a year indicates that even in times of crisis, oleotourism
new use for oil, tourism. has fomented the existing demand for learning, which is
But certainly the most important thing is to coordinate an opportunity that rural olive zones in Andalucia should
and plan any activity and tourism initiative that could not bypass.
flourish and create economic prosperity in the area. To However, to develop tourism in olive-growing areas, it
do so, it is essential to establish the environment of the is necessary to establish a number of strategies (promo-
place as a tourist attraction, and promote stable and sus- tion, cooperation, investment, etc.). To allow the invest-
tainable development while increasing local inhabitants’ ments made to generate a booming economic prosperity
degrees of involvement with tourism. in the area, it is essential to transform the environment of
the place into a tourist attraction and promote stable and
6. CONCLUSIONS sustainable development while increasing the commit-
Andalucía, the region that geographically occupies ment of the local population in tourism.
southern Spain, dedicates over 1.5 million hectares to the
olive, accounting for 35% of the olives cultivated
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