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Primary Mathematics

For Primary and
Special Schools

Prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)


1 Introduction 03

2 Rationale 10

3 Aims 12

4 Strands and Elements 13

5 Learning Outcomes 18

6 The Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Practice 24

7 Outline of the Primary Mathematics Toolkit 38

8 Glossary 40

9 References 42
1. Introduction
The primary curriculum supports high-quality The primary curriculum acknowledges that from
learning, teaching and assessment for all children birth, children begin their educational journey
attending primary and special schools. The through interactions and experiences with the
curriculum recognises primary education as a world around them. In primary and special schools,
time of ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ – highlighting children engage in playful and engaging learning
the importance of interesting, relevant and experiences that build upon the knowledge, skills
appropriately challenging experiences. It is and dispositions they have acquired at home and
important that children enjoy and benefit in preschool settings through Aistear: the Early
from these experiences in the present, whilst Childhood Curriculum Framework. As children
simultaneously equipping them for learning in progress through primary and special school their
the years ahead. The primary curriculum is learning connects with, and is further progressed
premised on a vision of children as unique, through, the learning experiences provided in
competent and caring individuals. It aims to Junior Cycle. Each child’s learning journey is
provide a strong foundation for every child different, and so the curriculum provides flexibility
to thrive and flourish. It supports children in and choice to teachers and school leaders as they
realising their full potential as individuals and support children in their holistic development.
as members of communities and society during
childhood and into the future. This takes place Principles of learning, teaching and assessment
through high-quality learning, teaching and The following principles, as outlined in the Primary
assessment that is inclusive and responsive. Curriculum Framework, convey what lies at the
heart of primary education, including children’s
learning of Mathematics.

Partnerships and collaboration Children’s learning is shaped and
between schools, families, and nurtured by the physical environment, Inclusive education provides
communities enrich and extend indoors and outdoors. These diverse for equity of opportunity and
children’s learning by environments encourage children’s participation in children’s learning.
acknowledging and supporting independence, and stimulate and Inclusive education celebrates
their lives in and out of school. support their learning across the diversity and responds to the
curriculum. uniqueness of every child.


Teachers use appropriate and
evidence-based pedagogical
PRINCIPLES OF Children are active and
approaches and strategies to LEARNING, demonstrate agency as the
foster children’s engagement, capacity to act independently
ownership, and challenge. Such TEACHING, AND and to make choices about and
pedagogical approaches and
strategies connect with children’s
ASSESSMENT in their learning. Curriculum
experiences provide them with
life experience, circumstances, opportunities for decision-making,
strengths, and interests. creativity, and collaboration.


Caring relationships within the Children’s prior learning, self-worth,
school community support and and identity are built upon as they Meaningful assessment is
impact positively on children’s move from home to preschool and collaborative and integral to
engagement, motivation, and on to junior infants, and as they high-quality learning and
learning. progress through primary school. teaching. Involving children,
This provides important teachers, parents, and others,
foundations for learning as they it provides information which
move to post-primary school. enhances teaching and informs
and supports progression in
children’s learning across the

Figure 1: Principles of learning, teaching, and assessment

Children’s mathematical learning experiences The primary curriculum has seven key
In the primary curriculum, Mathematics is competencies which overlap and combine to
situated within the Science, Technology, support the curriculum’s vision. As outlined in the
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Primary Curriculum Framework, the competencies
curriculum area. Mathematics provides an build on the capabilities children acquire through
important foundation upon which to develop their early childhood education experiences with
and refine children’s learning in STEM Education. Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework;
Rich learning experiences in STEM Education and are further strengthened in post-primary
help children to understand relationships, school in Junior Cycle. As children work towards
connections and patterns, and to engage fully the Learning Outcomes in the Mathematics
with the world around them. curriculum and engage in rich mathematical
learning experiences, they simultaneously build
and develop the key competencies.


Being an Being a
active digital
citizen learner

Being an Being
active mathematical

Being a
Being communicator
creative and using

Figure 2: Key competencies

Table 1: Examples of attributes of each key competency developed through learning in Mathematics

Key Competency Examples of attributes developed through learning

in Mathematics
Being an active citizen • Applying mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real world
• Using Mathematics to generate and manage information that informs
and promotes a critical understanding of the world and society

Being creative • Exploring Mathematics with curiosity, open-mindedness and

• Investigating, using and sharing diverse mathematical ideas and
solution paths

Being a digital learner • Using a range of digital technologies to expand how to engage with,
express and represent complex mathematical ideas
• Reducing complexity and allowing for the development of higher-order

Being mathematical • Framing real world information and situations in mathematical terms
• Engaging in mathematical activities that involve enjoyment, effort,
risk-taking, critical thinking and reflection

Being a communicator • Expressing thinking using mathematical language, signs and symbols
and using language • Sharing and comparing ways of representing mathematical thinking
and ideas

Being well • Developing and contributing unique perspectives and ideas about
mathematical situations
• Applying Mathematics in meaningful contexts and experiencing
learning success

Being an active learner • Persevering with complex mathematical problems and tasks
• Reflecting on and evaluating approaches and solutions to
mathematical tasks

Overview of the Mathematics curriculum
The opening sections of the Primary Mathematics The Primary Mathematics Curriculum is supported
Curriculum present the Rationale, Aims, Strands by the Primary Mathematics Toolkit. It contains
and Elements, and Learning Outcomes. Chapter 6 a range of supports for enacting the curriculum,
provides guidance on the curriculum in practice, such as mathematical concepts, progression
while the final chapters provide an overview of the continua, support materials and examples of
Primary Mathematics Toolkit and a glossary of terms. children’s learning.

Contents of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum

The Primary
Learning Mathematics
Aims, Strands
Outcomes Curriculum in
& Elements

Contents of the Primary Mathematics Toolkit

Mathematical Progression Support Examples of

concepts continua materials children’s learning

Figure 3: Overview of Primary Mathematics Curriculum and Toolkit

2. Rationale
Learning Mathematics
Mathematics is the study of the relationships, journey begins from birth. Children initially learn
connections and patterns that surround us, and Mathematics through their interactions and
is thus intrinsic to our concept of the world. experiences in their home environment. They later
Mathematics greatly enhances our capacity to build on this learning through early childhood,
understand and engage fully with the world primary, special and post-primary education.
around us. A child’s mathematical learning


Figure 4: Building on children’s learning in Mathematics

Every child is mathematical Mathematics is a tool that helps us to
Every child has an innate, intuitive and instinctive make sense of our world
sense of Mathematics. Every child is capable of Mathematics is used to think about, see and
engaging with mathematical concepts and ideas organise our everyday lives and the world.
from birth, and deepening and developing their Primary mathematics education equips children
learning over time. with mathematical, statistical and financial
literacy skills and tools. It helps them to better
Primary mathematics education evokes function in, critically engage with and navigate
children’s innate ability to think and communicate the world around them. It also enables children
mathematically, to solve problems and to make to develop the language of Mathematics so that
sense of the world using Mathematics. Children they can communicate and solve problems using
are encouraged and supported to have a positive Mathematics.
disposition to Mathematics and to develop
their mathematical understanding, language, Mathematics is beautiful and worthy of pursuit
in its own right
communication skills, perseverance and
resilience, interactions and expressions. It is important that children have the opportunity
to engage with Mathematics as a discipline in
Mathematics is both a human its own right and to explore its many intriguing
and social phenomenon aspects. Through playful, creative and engaging
Mathematics learning is dependent on social learning opportunities, children can experience
and cultural experiences as well as on children’s the beauty and power of Mathematics.
educational experiences in school. Primary mathematics education fosters a love
of Mathematics. It provides children with the
Primary mathematics education provides opportunity to explore, discover and refine their
children with playful and engaging learning ideas. Children are supported to think critically
experiences that promote mathematical thinking, and flexibly, and to be creative and innovative
such as modeling, thinking aloud and maths talk. in their approach to learning Mathematics.
It also provides opportunities for children to
collaborate, communicate mathematical thinking Mathematics is everywhere and for everyone
and express their understanding in multiple ways Mathematics is a human activity that develops in
and in various contexts. response to everyday problems and interactions.
Primary mathematics education provides children
with opportunities to engage with appropriately
rich, meaningful and challenging Mathematics in
educational settings, including social and familial
settings. Such engagement results in children
co-constructing knowledge and skills as they
interact and collaborate to solve real and complex

3. Aims
The over-arching aim of the Primary Mathematics adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, and
Curriculum is the development of mathematical productive disposition. Importantly, all five
proficiency. Mathematical proficiency encompasses aspects are interwoven and interdependent.
conceptual understanding, procedural fluency,

The comprehension of
mathematical concepts,
operations and relations
Strategic Procedural
Competence Fluency

The skill to devise, The ability to use a variety of

represent and solve mathematical procedures in
mathematical problems an effective and efficient way

Adaptive Productive
Reasoning Disposition
The capacity to use logic The tendency to see
to understand, explain Mathematics as practical,
and justify one’s thinking useful and worthwhile

Figure 5: Five aspects of mathematical proficiency

4. Strands and Elements
Strands outline the main categories of mathematics: algebra; data and chance;
mathematical learning (what children learn) measures; number; and shape and space.
across five domains or content areas of primary Each strand has a set of strand units.

Table 2: Strands and strand units

Algebra Data and chance Measures Number Shape and space

Patterns, rules and Data Measuring Uses of number Spatial awareness
relationships and location
Expressions and Chance Time Numeration and Shape
equations counting
Money Place value Transformation
and base ten
Sets and operations

Elements describe the main categories of are categorised into four elements: understanding
processes (how children learn) that children and connecting; communicating; reasoning and
engage in as they learn Mathematics. These applying; and problem-solving. These are central
processes include: connecting, communicating, to the development of children’s mathematical
reasoning, justifying, representing, problem- proficiency.
solving, generalising and argumentation, and

and chance
Data Measures
Chance Measuring


Algebra Money

Patterns, rules and


Expressions and
equations Number
Uses of number

Numeration and counting

Place value and base ten

Sets and operations


Understanding and connecting

Communicating Shape
Reasoning and space
Applying and problem-solving Spatial awareness
and location



Figure 6: The strands and elements of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Element 1: Children make connections between related
Understanding and concepts and procedures—the ‘why’ and the
connecting ‘how’ of Mathematics—and between new and
prior knowledge, in order to make sense of what
they are learning. They apply and connect their
understanding to contexts within Mathematics,
with other areas of learning and with the real world.

Element 2: Children use appropriate language and/or means

Communicating of communication and a variety of representations
and conventions to convey thinking, ideas,
relationships and logical arguments. They improve
and refine their thinking and communication
through engaging in inquiry-based learning
and social learning environments that promote
discourse and groupwork.

Element 3: Children develop and apply reasoning to make,

Reasoning assess and justify ideas and conjectures. They
engage in logical thought and actions such as
analysing, proving, inferring and generalising.
They plan and construct solid arguments to justify
their explanations, proofs and decision making.

Element 4: Children investigate, develop, select, apply,

Applying and interpret, model and compare a variety of
problem-solving problem-solving situations and strategies as
they explore Mathematics and deepen their
mathematical understanding. They apply their
mathematical knowledge and skills in flexible,
efficient and creative ways to solve problems;
conduct investigations; and develop and share
their computational thinking.

Data allows
for display,

Data and chance

of complex
• D
 ata can be collected, analysed,
recorded and used to answer
questions of interest.

• C
 hance is the probability of Number
things happening in the future. concepts
are essential
to analysing

Measuring generates Numbers are essential

data. Measures can for describing measures
be analysed as data with accuracy

Connections across strands

The strand structure of the curriculum
should not be taken to imply that topics Measures
are to be explored in isolation. Where
• M
 easuring is used to specify ‘how
appropriate, connections should be made much’ of an attribute something
between and across the strands, and with possesses (e.g. length, weight, etc.),
other areas of learning, to enhance their and can be determined by using
tools (with standard units for
interrelatedness and relevance for learning. increased accuracy).
While there are numerous connections that
• T
 ime passes and can be quantified,
can be made between strands, the following measured, recorded and compared
graphic (Figure 7) highlights a number of in units.
these connections. • M
 oney represents value and can
be used in exchange for goods
and services.

Figure 7: Examples of connections across strands

Data analysis can be used to organise information
to uncover patterns and deduce relationships

Number represents
numbers and

• N
 umbers can be used to quantify,
relationships Algebra
label or tell the order of something. different
• P
 atterns and rules are key to
• C
 ounting allows us to quantify the establishing order and can be
amount of something in numbers. useful to make predictions and
• T
 en is the base unit of our number
system. It is the foundation for how we • R
 elationships can be conveyed
record, represent and calculate numbers. as expressions and equations,
Algebra which can then be used to
• N
 umber operations are used to calculate
can be used find unknown information
solutions accurately and efficiently.
to identify and solutions to problems.
• F
 ractions and decimals quantify patterns,
parts of a whole. rules and
in number

Measures are Numbers Shape and space have quantifiable Algebra can be used to
a useful context and number attributes that can be described describe, map, identify and
for learning and patterns can and measured using number extend geometric patterns
understanding be represented
number geometrically

Shape and space

The context of
Shape and space
is important for • O
 bjects, including our bodies, can be
understanding and moved around for different purposes.
applying measures Distance, direction and the location
of objects in space can be analysed in
mathematical terms using grids, maps
and co-ordinates.

Measuring quantifies • S
 hapes can be composed and decomposed;
some attributes of and have attributes, which can be used
shape and space for classification and analysis.

• S
 hapes can be transformed in a range
of ways for a range of purposes.

Geometric representations can be useful

in graphing and interpreting data

Equivalence can be determined and applied by understanding and examining relationships

5. Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes are used to describe the and provides for rich learning experiences that
expected mathematical learning and development reflect relevant pedagogical approaches as outlined
for all learners at the end of a two-year stage, in chapter 6, ‘The Primary Mathematics Curriculum
when due account is taken of individual abilities in Practice’.
and varying circumstances. Learning Outcomes
articulate big mathematical ideas across different The curriculum recognises that children learn and
stages, and encompass the knowledge, skills and teachers teach in a variety of contexts. Therefore,
dispositions that children develop with the Primary the learning and teaching journey is varied and
Mathematics Curriculum. Some strand units have different across contexts. A Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes across all stages, some do not. approach recognises that teachers are best placed
These Learning Outcomes reflect the mathematical to determine the learning needs and strengths of
learning that is most appropriate for each stage. the children in their class. They make decisions
about what, and how, to teach and assess using
Reflecting the principles and pedagogical appropriate pedagogical approaches and tools.
approaches in the Primary Curriculum Framework, Learning Outcomes, when shared with children,
the ‘stem’ ‘Through appropriately playful and can support them to have clear expectations and
engaging learning experiences’ is used to introduce to be active agents in their own learning.
Learning Outcomes across all stages. A playful and
engaging approach to learning and teaching serves A range of tools can be found in the Primary
to present Mathematics as an open and accessible Mathematics Toolkit to support teachers in
learning space, while also encouraging children working towards Learning Outcomes across
to appreciate the beauty, challenge and power each stage.
of Mathematics. This Learning Outcome stem
emphasises a learning environment that motivates
children to develop their mathematical proficiency

Learning Outcomes for Algebra Strand
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Junior and First and second Third and fourth Fifth and sixth
senior infants classes classes classes

Through appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences, children should be able to

Patterns, explore, extend identify and express identify rules identify, explain and
rules and and create relationships in that describe the apply generalisations,
relationships patterns and patterns, including structure of a pattern including properties
sequences. growing or shrinking and use these rules of operations,
shape patterns and to make predictions. mathematical models
number sequences. and patterns.
represent the
relationships represent
between quantities. mathematical
structures in multiple
ways, including verbal
expressions, diagrams
and symbolic

Expressions interpret the represent and articulate,

and meaning of symbols express problems represent and
equations or pictures in with known and solve mathematical
number sentences. unknown values in situations through
different ways to the use of
include the use of expressions and
appropriate letter- equations that
symbols or words. include letter-

Learning Outcomes for Data and Chance Strand
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Junior and First and second Third and fourth Fifth and sixth
senior infants classes classes classes

Through appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences, children should be able to

Data explore, interpret pose questions of pose questions of pose questions, collect,
and explain data interest, record interest and collect, compare, summarise
in a variety of and use data as display and critically and represent data
ways for a range evidence to answer analyse data in a selectively to answer
of purposes. those questions and range of ways for a those questions.
communicate the range of purposes
findings. and communicate critically analyse
the findings. and evaluate findings;
and communicate
inferences, conclusions
and implications from
the findings.

Chance describe and test use probability to

predictability and (un) make informed
certainty in events. decisions and

represent and
express probability
in different forms.

Learning Outcomes for Measures Strand
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Junior and First and second Third and fourth Fifth and sixth
senior infants classes classes classes

Through appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences, children should be able to

Measuring demonstrate an compare, compare, estimate determine and

awareness that approximate and and measure length, calculate units of
attributes such measure length, weight, capacity, measurement in
as length, weight, weight, capacity area and volume fractional and/or
capacity and area and area using using appropriate decimal form to solve
can be measured appropriate instruments and record practical problems.
and compared. instruments and and communicate
record using appropriately. find, interpret and
appropriate units deduce measures
of measurement. identify the relationship experimentally with
between equivalent increasing precision.
units of measurement,
and rename measures
using equivalent units.

Time develop a understand how compare, approximate solve and pose

sense of time time is measured, and measure time using practical tasks and
and its uses. expressed and appropriate units of problems involving
represented. measurement. the interpretation and
calculation of time.
explore equivalent identify the relationship
expressions of time. between different units
and representations of

Money develop an recognise the value transfer knowledge of solve and pose
awareness of of money and use the base ten system in practical tasks to
money and euro and cent in a number to monetary investigate and make
its uses. range of meaningful contexts and use for informed judgements
contexts. purposes of calculation. about transactions
and financial plans.

Learning Outcomes for Number Strand
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Junior and First and second Third and fourth Fifth and sixth
senior infants classes classes classes

Through appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences, children should be able to

Uses of develop an awareness

number that numbers have a
variety of uses.

Numeration develop an awareness demonstrate

and that the purpose of proficiency in
counting counting is to quantify. using and applying
different counting
use a range of strategies.
counting strategies for
a range of purposes.

Place value develop a sense of understand that explore equivalent investigate how
and base ten as the foundation digits have different numerical decimals and
ten for place value and values depending expressions of percentages (and
counting. on their place or numbers using the fractions) can be
position in a number. base ten system. compared, ordered
and expressed in
use estimation to related terms.
quickly determine
number values and
number calculations.

Sets and recognise and select, make use understand and build upon, select
operations understand what of and represent a apply flexibly the and make use of a
happens when range of addition four operations; and range of operation
quantities (sets) and subtraction the relationships strategies.
are partitioned and strategies. between operations.

Fractions develop an awareness recognise and name compare and explore (model,
of part-whole fractions according express in compare and convert)
relationships using to their part-whole equivalent terms; the relationships
a variety of models relationships. and order fractions. between fractions,
(area, length and set). decimals and
explore the concept calculate the percentages.
of equivalence in fraction of
terms of simple quantities and investigate
fractions. express in proportionality
multiple ways. and ratios of
quantities (sets).

Learning Outcomes for Shape and Space Strand
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Junior and First and second Third and fourth Fifth and sixth classes
senior infants classes classes

Through appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences, children should be able to

Spatial develop a use spatial describe, interpret describe location on the

awareness and sense of spatial knowledge for and record directional full co-ordinate plane.
location awareness in the purposes of instructions and
relation to their orientation and location. interpret scale maps
bodies and navigation. and create simple scale
the immediate compare and classify drawings.
environment. visualise and angles, recognising
model location them as a property
describe the using symbolic of a shape and as a
spatial features of co-ordinates. description of a turn.
objects and their
relative position
in space.

Shape explore and examine, categorise investigate and construct 3-D and 2-D
recognise and model 3-D and analyse the models or structures
properties of 2-D shapes. properties of 3-D given defined
3-D and 2-D and 2-D shapes and measurements and/or
shapes. identify classes of specific conditions.
shapes based on
these properties. investigate and
construct angles in the
represent shapes context of shape; and
with drawings and solve angle-related
models, and calculate problems.
dimensions of

Transformation explore the understand that model and explain perform and devise a
effects of shape shapes and line the effects of range of steps involving
movements. segments can be transformations transformations.
reflected, rotated on shapes and line
and translated. segments. analyse and show how
shapes are enlarged on
scaled diagrams.

6. The Primary Mathematics
Curriculum in Practice
As outlined in chapters 2 and 3, the rationale
and aims of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum
describe the vision held for children’s mathematical
learning in primary and special schools. This
chapter describes the fundamental features of
children’s learning with the curriculum and the
corresponding pedagogical practices that support
and enhance learning.

6a. Learning primary mathematics
A mathematics-rich learning environment provides for playful and engaging mathematical learning
an important context for children’s learning experiences, it is essential to offer opportunities
experiences with Mathematics. In providing for children to:

• take time to think • learn, use and apply

Understanding and connecting

mathematical language
• interact and collaborate with peers
•  xpress their ideas and share
• c onnect new and previous learning
their thinking with others
and ideas
•  odel and represent their
•  ake links and relationships between
thinking in different ways
ideas, procedures and solutions
• c ompare how they and
• c onnect learning across mathematical
others represent their ideas
strands, and beyond Mathematics
• argue their logic
•  ngage in learning that offers an
appropriate level of challenge • listen to others
• be curious and innovative • be open, confident and sociable

Applying and problem-solving

• a nalyse and deduce ideas, •  ngage with a range of
strategies and solutions appropriate problems rooted
in meaningful contexts
• argue and justify their thinking
• pose problems
• question and evaluate evidence
• investigate and explore
•  eneralise their learning to
ways to solve problems
other areas
• c ompare ideas, strategies
•  etermine and justify how
and approaches
their ideas and conjectures
make sense •  ake decisions and apply
Mathematics to real-world
• be logical and analytical
• interpret and evaluate solutions
• be creative and adventurous

Figure 8: Mathematical learning opportunities

Technology and mathematical tools can be useful procedural load and support children to represent
to support children’s mathematical thinking and complex ideas.
conceptual understanding. These can also reduce

6b. Teaching primary mathematics
‘How’ children learn is as important as ‘what’ children these pedagogical practices allow for children to
learn. The following five pedagogical practices are learn and develop at a pace and level of challenge
rooted in contemporary research. These practices are that is individual to their needs and interests
acknowledged as essential to the provision of quality whilst developing their confidence and proficiency
mathematical learning experiences. They foster an in Mathematics. As such, these practices should
inclusive learning environment and culture where permeate teachers’ everyday decision-making about
children engage in rich and meaningful learning learning, teaching and assessment of Mathematics.
processes, as described in section 6a. Moreover,


Promoting Encouraging
maths Fostering playfulness
talk productive


Figure 9: Five key pedagogical practices for the classroom

As with most good classroom practices, these
practices are dynamic and naturally link with
each other. For example, when teachers place
an emphasis on mathematical modeling, children
are enabled to express and make visible their
conceptual understanding. This gives teachers
the opportunity to use assessment to gain deeper
insights into children’s level of understanding.
Similarly, by using cognitively challenging tasks,
teachers can open up rich opportunities for
children to engage in maths talk as they discuss,
refine and justify their ideas and solution paths.

The practices highlighted here should not be

considered exhaustive or hierarchical. There are a
range of tools in the Primary Mathematics Toolkit
to support teachers to enact these and other
pedagogical practices in their settings.

Fostering productive disposition attitudes to Mathematics and values, both at
Dispositions are not static and can be nurtured home and in the classroom, also have a strong
or changed over time. The multiple ways in which impact on the development of the child’s
children engage with Mathematics, how they productive disposition for Mathematics. A
perceive Mathematics, and the rich contexts in classroom which emphasises the rich, useful
which Mathematics is meaningfully presented and meaningful nature of Mathematics has a
to them, are what help form and shape their very positive effect on the child’s disposition
dispositions towards Mathematics. In addition, to learning.

Teachers can help foster children’s productive disposition by:

• demonstrating enthusiasm for Mathematics themselves
• providing rich and meaningful contexts for learning
• celebrating effort and success
• valuing the process as well as the product of learning
• normalising struggle and mistakes as part of the learning process productive
• giving children opportunities to interact and work collaboratively
with their peers
• facilitating children to find patterns and make connections
• encouraging children to take risks and persevere
• engaging children in meaningful self-assessment and reflection.

Fostering a productive disposition to disposition in the home by suggesting fun

Mathematics is a shared responsibility and meaningful mathematical activities and
Families, teachers and other significant adults games that can be used with children.
in the child’s life all play a role in presenting a
positive view of Mathematics. When children Many everyday activities that children enjoy
see the application of Mathematics in situations offer opportunities for a rich engagement
they care about and which are relevant to their with Mathematics. There are supports available
lives, it is more likely that they will engage with in the Primary Mathematics Toolkit for families to
Mathematics in a meaningful way. Teachers promote positive and purposeful engagement with
can promote the development of productive Mathematics in the home environment.

Encouraging playfulness with Mathematics, and to remain interested and
Mathematics engaged in the process of learning.

Playful learning is appropriate for all children

Mathematical learning can be greatly enhanced in
across all stages of primary and special education.
a play environment that is interactive, engaging,
Children’s learning experience in Mathematics, as
inclusive and supportive; and that provides
in all other areas of learning, is characterised by
opportunities for exploration, investigation,
play and playfulness. Throughout childhood, play
challenge, creativity, choice and independence.
is of value in and of itself and children have both
Play provides a context for mathematical thinking
a right and a desire to play. Before mathematical
and the development of mathematical language
language and concepts are formally introduced
and concepts, with clear potential for promoting
to children, they typically engage in a range of
maths talk. Through play, children can be
mathematical processes. These include testing,
supported to engage in increasingly sophisticated
discovering, revising, extending, combining and
and cognitively challenging activities and make
choices about their learning. In doing so, their
mathematical concepts are strengthened and
Play is an opportunity for teachers to engage
extended; the tools, approaches and strategies
with children in purposeful and sensitive ways.
they employ are refined; and the opportunities
By infusing playfulness in children’s learning
for children to make connections and share
experiences and the interactions between the
ideas are increased.
teacher and child, children are encouraged
to develop a productive disposition towards

Teachers can help encourage playfulness with Mathematics by:

• being playful in their own dispositions and interactions with children
• tapping into children’s interests and curiosities
• integrating mathematical learning with playful activities
throughout the day
• signalling when children encounter Mathematics in spontaneous Encouraging
play and exploration playfulness

• introducing and reinforcing mathematical language as it arises

through play
• encouraging multiple means of expression and representation
• providing opportunities for children to explore and experiment
with mathematical ideas
• allowing a safe space for spontaneity, creativity and imaginative
play with Mathematics
• providing access to a wide range of resources, visual supports and technologies.

Emphasising mathematical modeling formal, sophisticated and efficient models which
Mathematical modeling involves children using they can use to share, connect and communicate
Mathematics to describe a problem-context and their ideas with others. They may also transfer
determine meaningful solutions to the problem. these models to a range of different contexts in a
Children form models through a process of testing, way that is meaningful to themselves and others.
revising and expressing their interpretation In forming models, children might use physical
of different mathematical ideas, experiences, actions, spoken words, objects, images (e.g.,
problems and situations, typically posed to them graphs, diagrams and pictures), symbols or written
as questions or challenges. Children naturally words. While accuracy is valued, mathematical
generate their own informal mathematical models modeling places more importance on exploration,
in a way that is context-specific and makes sense sense-making, conceptual understanding and
to them. As children’s knowledge, understanding flexibility in thinking.
and experience grows, they may develop more

Teachers can help emphasise mathematical modeling by:

• providing opportunities for sense-making
• allowing freedom and autonomy for children to develop
and express their own models and solution pathways
• using model-eliciting activities, questions, prompts
and feedback to provoke situations for modeling
• encouraging individuality, choice and independence
• facilitating children to build, test and apply mathematical
mathematical models
• challenging children to test and refine their models
through collaboration
• celebrating diversity and creativity in working with
mathematical models
• supporting children to generalise their models for a
range of different contexts and purposes.

Using cognitively challenging tasks When used effectively, children perceive and
Cognitively challenging tasks are rich, higher- experience these tasks as having few prescribed
order learning opportunities that should or memorised rules or methods; as well as an
appropriately stretch and challenge children’s opportunity to freely explore different ways of
conceptual understanding as they encounter solving problems. It is through exploring these
significant mathematical ideas and situations. tasks and grappling with problems and solutions
Sometimes referred to as low-threshold in meaningful ways that children deepen their
high-ceiling tasks, these tasks should provide understanding of Mathematics. Through their
all children with the opportunity to access efforts to engage with cognitively challenging
Mathematics, while offering the potential for tasks, children develop persistence and resilience
deeper engagement. Simple, considered and which are essential to a productive disposition
well-pitched tasks can present a rich medium for Mathematics.
through which children can engage meaningfully
in mathematical content and processes. They
also offer opportunities for teachers to
incorporate other key pedagogical practices,
such as maths talk and mathematical modeling.

Teachers can help promote the use of cognitively challenging tasks by:
• selecting, designing or modifying tasks to appropriately stretch
and deepen children’s understanding
• providing opportunities for deep and sustained engagement with
mathematical content and processes through the use of tasks
• allowing children to grapple with ideas and problems freely and
to explore problems with multiple correct solution pathways
• encouraging different ways of solving problems cognitively
• assisting children to make connections with prior and new tasks
• encouraging children to express and communicate their ideas
frequently and openly
• holding high expectations for what children are capable of
understanding, doing and communicating
• providing opportunities for children to collectively share and
evaluate their experiences from working with tasks
• celebrating individual and collaborative effort and success in grappling with challenging tasks.

Promoting maths talk Maths talk equips children with tools to make
Maths talk is a collaborative process where their thinking visible. These tools include words,
children’s thinking, strategies and ideas are sign language, body language and gestures,
expressed, shared and/or exchanged. This allows symbols, diagrams, concrete manipulatives
children to reflect on their own understanding; and technology. All children are mathematical
define, present and justify their ideas; make sense language learners, regardless of their language
of and critique their own ideas and those of others; proficiency, and all can engage in maths talk.
and develop their ability to express and articulate Opportunities should be provided for children
their thinking. Through maths talk, children can to communicate in ways that are meaningful
engage in rich mathematical processes which for them. The learning environment should be
deepen their understanding of Mathematics. For flexible in terms of recognising and catering
example, by presenting, arguing or justifying their for multiple forms of expression and multiple
mathematical ideas, they can refine, consolidate means of engagement. The physical space should
or extend their existing knowledge. provide children with access to a variety of
materials that stimulate and enable maths talk.

Teachers can help promote the use of maths talk by:

• providing a safe environment for children to share and
exchange thinking and ideas
• encouraging active listening, respect and value for all
• identifying and selecting appropriate situations and
problems to promote maths talk Promoting
• re-casting everyday experiences using mathematical words talk

and phrases
• prompting maths talk through strategic, skilful, open and
thoughtful questioning
• providing suggestions for parents on how to promote and
stimulate maths talk at home
• allowing waiting time and time for sustained interactions,
collective sharing and reflection
• re-voicing children’s mathematical ideas.

6c. Assessing primary mathematics
Assessment is an integral part of learning and The curriculum
teaching. It involves teachers and children As children work towards Learning Outcomes,
working together to use information to inform and develop and deepen their mathematical
and support learning and teaching. Teachers are proficiency, assessment provides useful insights
committed, skilled and agentic professionals who and information about children’s progress. This
make key decisions every day about mathematical information can be observed, interpreted, and
learning and teaching. These decisions are used by teachers or children in a responsive way to
informed and shaped by: support ongoing decision-making about the next
• knowledge of the child and their prior steps for the child’s mathematical learning journey.
• knowledge of the curriculum Pedagogy

• knowledge of pedagogy. By reflecting on the learning opportunities

provided to children (as described in section 6a)
The child and their prior learning and mathematics-related pedagogies enacted
in the classroom (as described in section 6b),
Children engage with and process their learning in
teachers can refine and adjust both the learning
Mathematics in different ways depending on their
experiences and the learning environment. This
age, ability, strengths, preferences and interests.
serves to ensure that teachers are responding
Given the incremental nature of mathematical
appropriately to children’s learning. Professional
learning, having a solid knowledge of children’s
conversations with colleagues, continuing
prior learning and understanding is fundamental.
professional development and accessing
This knowledge informs the appropriate learning
mathematical teaching resources and tools
sequence and scaffolds that support children to
provide further supports for teachers.
build on and deepen their knowledge, concepts
and skills. Prior learning can be assessed through
any activity that offers children opportunities to
express their understanding and reasoning. The
more that is understood about where children are
at in their learning journey and how they learn,
the better their mathematical understanding and
productive disposition can be nurtured, and the
learning environment tailored to meet their needs.

Children as mathematical learners: Providing Opportunities for assessing mathematical
children with regular time to talk about their learning: The ability to recognise Mathematics in
learning, reflect and determine their next steps children’s everyday activities and to extend the
contributes to their identity and confidence as potential learning arising from these everyday
mathematical learners. In addition to informing activities is critical to planning for assessment in
learning and teaching, when used effectively, the classroom. Children’s mathematical learning
assessment can also help children to become can be assessed along a continuum from ‘intuitive’
increasingly independent and motivated in to ‘planned interactions’ to ‘assessment events’ as
learning Mathematics. shown in Figure 10. The three types of assessment
are complementary, and necessary, to gain a
By equipping children with appropriate skills, comprehensive picture of a child’s progress and
and by sharing the focus of learning and agreeing achievement.
criteria for successful learning with them,
teachers can give children the tools they need to
peer and self-assess, reflect on and take greater
responsibility for their own mathematical learning.


Unplanned, unrecorded, More visible, may be recorded, and related Distinct, visible, recorded events
and ongoing to Learning Outcomes/competencies Children are usually aware
Children usually unaware Children may or may not be aware they are being assessed
they are being assessed they are being assessed

Example Example Example

posing appropriate questions to asking children to construct concept teacher designed tests/quizzes;
scaffold learning; being flexible maps to communicate their current externally constructed standardised
and responsive to indications of understanding of a topic; conferencing assessments; diagnostic assessments
children’s misconceptions with a child about a piece of work

Figure 10: Assessment continuum

During the mathematical learning process,
assessment is likely to occur incidentally, intuitively
and in response to contingency moments i.e.
unplanned and unexpected responses from the
child. Providing an openness for such contingency
moments, and capitalising where appropriate
on insights gleaned from children’s responses,
questions, problems and tasks, can allow for very
rich assessment data.

The Primary Mathematics Toolkit contains

supports which may be useful for teachers in
assessing children’s mathematical learning.

Methods for assessing mathematical learning Portfolios: Portfolios can be assembled, digitally
As teachers continually assess children’s or otherwise, to compile evidence of children’s
mathematical knowledge, skills and dispositions, mathematical learning and provide a source of
they are likely to use multiple assessment methods, self-reflection, feedback and assessment. Artefacts
in inter-changeable ways, to build a rich picture of could include pictures, recordings and work
children’s mathematical learning. Below are some samples, among others.
of the methods likely to be used.
Summative tests: When used in conjunction
Observations: Teachers are well placed to actively with other forms of assessment, analyses from
monitor and observe children as they engage in summative tests can provide an important source
mathematical learning experiences and to respond of detailed feedback on children’s learning.
to opportune learning situations as they arise
organically. Peer and self-assessment methods: Teachers may
also use strategies to support children to engage in
Questioning: Effective, well-crafted and probing peer and self-assessment and rely to a lesser degree
questions that are open, related to the focus of on extrinsic affirmation and motivation. An open,
learning and accompanied by appropriate wait respectful and collaborative classroom culture
time encourage children to think deeply, develop and learning environment is essential to support
their understanding and express their ideas and children to think about their own learning and that
solutions. of others. Children working in pairs or small groups
facilitates group reflection and feedback sharing. It
Conferencing: Through teacher/child, peer/peer may be useful to display children’s work to allow for
and group meetings, teachers can gain an insight peer and self-assessment.
into children’s mathematical thinking, the nuances
of their learning and their experience of learning. Peer and self-assessment can also be promoted by:
• allowing time and space for children to
Tasks: Tasks can be very useful to provide an reflect on and discuss their mathematical
insight into children’s level of understanding and learning
their preferred methods for learning Mathematics. • making explicit to children what they are
Assessment tasks can be written, oral or practical. going to learn, how they might build on prior
knowledge and possible connections with
Feedback: The provision of feedback, focused on other areas of Mathematics familiar to them
the mathematical learning or task in hand, can help • suggesting criteria for children to use in
children identify and celebrate their progress and monitoring their progress
achievements, pinpoint challenges they experience,
• promoting and celebrating respectful and
give direction for future work and decide what the
open collaboration, reflection and sharing.
appropriate next steps might be.

7. Outline of the Primary Mathematics Toolkit
The Primary Mathematics Toolkit provides The components of the toolkit are mathematical
practical support for teachers in building rich concepts, progression continua, support materials
mathematical learning experiences for children. and examples of children’s learning.

Mathematical concepts
Mathematical concepts are considered key ideas Primary Mathematics Toolkit. They are presented
that underpin each Learning Outcome. These according to stages 1 to 4 and link with the
key ideas may provide useful entry and reference corresponding Learning Outcomes. Children
points in relation to planning, teaching and will develop their understanding of these
assessment and may serve to remind teachers corresponding mathematical concepts through
of key mathematical knowledge at each stage. engaging with the mathematical processes, as
The mathematical concepts are situated in the outlined in the elements.

Progression continua Support materials
In working towards Learning Outcomes, The Primary Mathematics Toolkit includes a
teachers seek to engage children in a range range of support materials for teachers to use
of appropriately playful and engaging learning with the Primary Mathematics Curriculum. The
experiences. These learning experiences should support materials include important resources
be responsive to the needs, interests and abilities and reference material to support teachers
of every child. The progression continua outline to enact the curriculum in a meaningful way.
a sample learning trajectory of Mathematics at Support materials include descriptions and
primary level. They suggest a series of learning examples of the pedagogical practices outlined
experiences, which children might engage with in chapter 6, supports for fostering a rich
as they develop and deepen their mathematical learning environment, as well as supports for
knowledge, skills and dispositions. promoting links with home and community. These
materials are developed and reviewed in response
Classrooms are complex and children come to to research and the evolving needs of children,
school with different experiences and learn in teachers and school communities.
diverse ways. They also learn and develop at
different rates. Therefore, while the progression Examples of children’s mathematical learning
continua suggest a sample learning journey in The Primary Mathematics Toolkit includes a
Mathematics at primary level, they are not intended range of examples of children’s mathematical
to be prescriptive or exhaustive. Indeed, children learning and development. These examples
rarely learn in a linear or typical way. Some children illustrate teacher-child interactions, cognitively
may move forwards and backwards across the challenging tasks, learning in integrated contexts
continua for different strands or elements of and problem-based learning. In doing so, it is
mathematical learning. Others may work within intended that these examples will exemplify
one progression step or across a small number playful and engaging learning experiences and
of steps for the duration of their primary years. demonstrate good pedagogical practices as
Teachers should exercise professional judgement children work towards Learning Outcomes.
when making decisions as to the learning
experiences which are most appropriate for the
children in their classroom.

There are fifteen progression continua tables,

one for each of the strand units. Each continuum
describes the learning journey across eleven
progression milestones (a-k) in terms of
mathematical content and processes.

8. Glossary
The glossary highlights key words and terminology used in the curriculum which may be new to teachers
or which may require further explanation.

Argumentation A dynamic process for discovering and understanding new mathematical

ideas and presenting the rationale for same.

Child agency Children are active in their own learning and can display their agency by
taking the initiative in learning situations, by observing and becoming
involved in ongoing events, or by initiating conversations with others.

Collaborative learning Learning that takes place in social contexts and uses the resources of the

Conceptual Understanding of mathematical concepts, operations and relations.

Conferencing Dedicated time, space or meeting to elicit and gain a deeper insight into
children’s level of understanding.

Conjecture An educated guess that is based on known and/or incomplete information.

Contingency moments Unplanned or unexpected events or responses from children that occur
during the learning process.

Co-ordinate plane A two-dimensional plane divided into four quadrants.

Data A collection of information or facts, such as numbers, words, measurements,

observations or other descriptions.

Disposition An enduring habit of mind and action. The tendency to respond to

situations in characteristic ways.

Generalising To make assertions, claims or justifications as to how children’s

understanding is applicable or transferrable to other circumstances.

Learning environment Describes any space in which children learn or develop their understanding.

Low-threshold Tasks that provide accessible entry points for learning with the scope for
high-ceiling tasks exploration and challenge for all learners.

Mathematical modeling Involves using Mathematics to conceptualise a problem or situation and
determine meaningful solutions, and in doing so help children formalise
their mathematical learning in a way that makes sense to them.
Mathematical Consists of the five intertwined and interrelated strands of conceptual
proficiency understanding, procedural fluency, adaptive reasoning, strategic confidence,
and productive disposition.
Maths talk A collaborative process where children’s thinking, strategies and ideas are
discussed, shared and exchanged

Peer assessment Involves children looking at each other’s work in a reflective way.

Productive disposition The inclination to see Mathematics as something worthwhile, useful and

Re-voicing The teacher repeats some or all of what the child has said and then asks the
child to clarify whether or not this may be correct.

Rotation Turning around a centre point.

Scaffolding Describes the process by which teachers support and guide children’s
learning, by building on their current knowledge and experience.

Self-assessment Involves children looking at their own work in a reflective way.

Summative assessment Assessment is summative when it is used to evaluate children’s learning at

the end of the instructional process or of a period of learning.

Symbolic co-ordinates Used to describe the position or location of a point or object.

Translation A shape or line is translated when it is moved a certain distance from its
original position (without turning).

Delaney, S. (2020). Number in the Senior Primary Classes: Commissioned Research Paper for National
Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Accessed at

Dooley, T. (2019). Learning and Teaching Primary Mathematics: An Addendum to NCCA Research
Reports 17 and 18. Accessed at

Dooley, T., Dunphy, E., & Shiel, G. (2014). Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education.
Research Report 18. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.
Accessed at

Dunphy, E. Dooley, T. & Shiel, G. (2014). Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary
Education. Research Report 17. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.
Accessed at

Leavy, A. (2020). Data and Chance in the Senior Primary Classes: Commissioned Research Paper for
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Accessed at

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (2016). Background Paper and Brief for the
development of a new Primary Mathematics Curriculum. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and
Assessment. Accessed at

Nic Mhuirí, S. (2020a). Measures in the senior primary classes: Commissioned research paper for
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Accessed at

Nic Mhuirí, S. (2020b). Shape and Space in the Senior Primary Classes: Commissioned Research
Paper for National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Accessed at

Twohill, A. (2020). Algebra in the Senior Primary Classes: Commissioned Research Paper for National
Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Accessed at:



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