Zero Food Waste Flexible Packaging

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One of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions
is emission of landfill methane resulting from rotting food
Global food waste, if it were a country, would be the third
largest contributor to greenhouses gases, behind only
China and the U.S.
Studies from the United Nations have cited that about one-
third of all food produced for human consumption is
Many governments, including the U.S. have set goals to
reduce food waste over the next decade. The EPA, for
instance, has established a goal to reduce food waste by
50% (from a 2015 baseline) by 2030 through voluntary

How packaging can play

an important role in reducing food waste?

By extending the shelf life

providing convenience features,
using technologies such as:
modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
active packaging
freshness indicators.
Refrigerated Shelf Life (days)

Fresh Food Category Non - MAP MAP

Lettuce 2-4 14

Fresh red meat 2-3 21

Fresh pasta 3 60

Cheese 7 180

When analyzing how consumers perceive waste, it is

noticeable that consumers only see the packaging waste at
the end of product use, but do not consider the impact of
cultivation, water, land, and transportation energy that is
required to bring food products to their plate.

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition says, “The rule of

thumb for a packaged food product is that packaging
comprises around 10% of the overall carbon footprint” for
many products. Consumers tend to believe that packaging
has a much larger impact on a products overall carbon
impact than the product, whereas in most cases packaging
tends to have a much smaller impact.
Packaging can play a positive role when the entire food
system is taken into account. Packaging, and certainly
flexible packaging, can have a dramatic impact on overall
waste and subsequent carbon impact when overall food
waste is considered.
When packaging and food waste are composted, they are
part of CE (circular economy). When packaging helps to
extend shelf life and reduce overall food waste they are
enabling SMM (sustainable materials Management)

As food waste becomes a large policy focus, it will be

important to consider the contributions and benefits
resulting from appropriate packaging technologies.

Choose flexible
packaging IN

A Holistic View of the Role of Flexible Packaging in a Sustainable World

By Todd Bukowski and Michael Richmon


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