Meike Janssen Et Al Consumers Response Acceptedmanuscript
Meike Janssen Et Al Consumers Response Acceptedmanuscript
Meike Janssen Et Al Consumers Response Acceptedmanuscript
A Systematic Review
Ketelsen , Meike ; Janssen, Meike; Hamm, Ulrich
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Journal of Cleaner Production
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PII: S0959-6526(20)30170-0
Reference: JCLP 120123
Please cite this article as: Meike Ketelsen, Meike Janssen, Ulrich Hamm, Consumers’ response to
environmentally-friendly food packaging - a systematic review, Journal of Cleaner Production
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– a systematic review
a Universityof Kassel
Department of Agricultural and Food Marketing
Steinstraße 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Wordcount: 16,868
Consumers play an important role in the market penetration of environmentally-friendly food
packaging because it is they who decide whether or not to buy a particular product. The objective of
this paper is to analyse the state of the art regarding consumers’ response to environmentally-
friendly food packaging in order to identify existing barriers to purchase and potential measures to
overcome these barriers. The paper is based on a systematic synthesis of 46 scientific journal articles
on consumer studies related to environmentally-friendly packaging. The literature review applies a
conceptual framework regarding the ways consumers respond to product stimuli and the
psychological processes involved. Three important barriers to purchasing environmentally-friendly
packaging are identified. First, consumers need guidance in recognizing environmentally-friendly
packaging; for while consumers primarily consider the packaging material itself and any eco-labels,
they also consider other packaging design elements such as colours and pictures of ‘nature’ that can
be misleading. Second, it became obvious that consumers lack knowledge, in particular about new
packaging materials like bio-based packaging. Third, many of the studies reviewed provide evidence
that other product attributes such as price and product quality are more important to consumers
than environmentally-friendly packaging. Nevertheless, some studies recorded a significantly higher
willingness on the part of consumers to buy and pay for environmentally-friendly packaging and
products with reduced packaging compared to products with standard packaging, signalling an
overall positive attitude. The literature review revealed many research gaps. For example, it became
obvious that consumers’ response to environmentally-friendly food packaging is not yet well
understood, in particular with regards to purchasing behaviour (in the real world as opposed to in a
survey setting) and measures for overcoming existing barriers.
Packaging, consumer, food, sustainable, environmentally-friendly, green
1. Introduction
Human activities are causing irreversible environmental effects, such as climate change and loss of
biodiversity (Rockström et al. 2009). A large part of each individual’s ecological footprint stems from
their consumption of products. The production and consumption of more environmentally-friendly
products is an important step towards achieving more sustainable lifestyles. At present, however,
environmentally-friendly or ‘green’ products are still a niche market. Gleim et al. (2013) estimate the
global market share for green products at less than 4%. According to FTSE Russell (2018), the green
economy accounts for 6% of the market capitalization of globally listed companies.
A serious side effect of product consumption is the generation of packaging waste. The global
packaging market was estimated at 4,300 billion packaging units in 2015, of which 73% were for food
and drinks (ALL4PACK 2016). In the European Union, 1,130 billion packages were used for food and
drinks in 2018 (Fuhr et al. 2019). Since 2010, waste production has grown at an annual rate of 4.2%
and is expected to continue at the same rate to 2024. Rigid and flexible plastic is the packaging
material with the largest market share, at 47% in 2015 (ALL4PACK 2016).
One way to tackle the waste problem is to introduce environmentally-friendly food packaging
(Geueke et al. 2018). The market share of environmentally-friendly packaging is difficult to estimate,
however, as there is no common definition (PWC 2010) and there are many synonyms such as ´eco-
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friendly´, ´sustainable´ and ´green packaging´ (Prakash and Pathak 2017). Steenis et al. (2017, p. 278)
define sustainable packaging as “packaging that has a comparatively low environmental impact as
measured by life-cycle assessment models”. Magnier et al. (2016) take a slightly different approach
by focusing on the product’s environmental impact: they define sustainable packaging as “the
endeavour to reduce the product’s footprint through altering the product’s packaging, for example,
by using more environmentally-friendly materials” (Magnier et al. 2016, p. 132). The definition of
sustainable or green packaging developed by Han et al. (2018) is more detailed and covers three
levels: raw materials, production processes, and waste management. Regarding raw materials, the
authors advocate the use of recycled materials and renewable resources to reduce the use and
environmental impact of oil. Environmentally-friendly packaging should be produced in an energy-
efficient way and the package should be as light and thin as possible. At the end of its life-cycle,
packaging should be biodegradable, reused or recycled (Han et al. 2018).
The implementation of environmentally-friendly packaging requires more serious efforts. Firstly,
packaging fulfils important functions that need to be considered when developing environmentally-
friendly packaging. The main functions of packaging are protection, storage, loading and transport,
sale, promotion, service and guarantee (Lindh et al. 2016b). It should be emphasized that packaging
prevents food waste, which is a very important function given that food waste has a higher
environmental impact than packaging itself (Molina-Besch et al. 2018; Dilkes-Hoffman et al. 2018).
The functions of sale, promotion and service should also not be overlooked. Ultimately it is
consumers who determine the market success of packaging through their buying decisions. Indeed, a
buying decision is a trade-off between many product attributes. Packaging design is important in
communicating the attributes of a product to consumers (Mueller Loose and Szolnoki 2012). For
instance, the colour of packaging can influence consumers’ perceived taste of a product (Becker et al.
2011). This makes consumers´ opinions very important in the entire process of packaging design
(Grönman et al. 2013), including the design of environmentally-friendly packaging (Boesen et al.
Consumer awareness and perceptions are only the beginning of a buying decision process. A positive
perception of a product does not automatically mean that a person will purchase it, however, since a
buying decision is typically influenced by many different factors (Grunert 2011). The so-called
´attitude-behaviour gap´ or ´intention-behaviour gap´ is a well-known phenomenon in the field of
sustainable consumer behaviour whereby many consumers’ positive attitude and noble intentions to
act in a sustainable way are not translated into actual consumer behaviour. Many studies have
investigated potential factors explaining the occurrence of the attitude/intention-behaviour gap in
the area of environmentally-friendly behaviour (e.g. Grunert 2011; Moser 2016; Sheeran and Webb
2016; Vermeir and Verbeke 2006; Kollmuss and Agyeman 2002). Amongst the barriers to purchasing
sustainable products commonly mentioned in the literature across different types of sustainable
products are higher prices, lack of availability, and perceived lower quality (Stern 2000; Hughner et
al. 2007; De Jonge and van Trijp 2013; Young et al. 2010; Magnier and Crié 2015).
It is challenging to explain why the attitude/intention-behaviour gap occurs because the reasons
often differ from consumer to consumer and a factor preventing one consumer from buying
sustainable products might not constitute a barrier for another (Stern 2000). Accordingly, several
studies on sustainable consumer behaviour have applied the consumer segmentation method to
identify consumer groups with similar characteristics and distinguish them from groups with different
characteristics (Müller and Hamm 2014). However, each study uses a slightly different set of
segmentation criteria, making direct comparisons across studies somewhat difficult. A general
finding of previous studies on sustainable product purchases has been that the group of consumers
truly dedicated to buying sustainable products is rather small, at less than 10%, although a larger
share of consumers hold positive attitudes towards sustainable products.
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2. Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework was adapted from Grunert (2011) and Grunert and Wills (2007). Grunert
(2011) analysed consumer response to sustainability labels on food and identified barriers to
purchase, while Grunert and Wills (2007) applied the framework to explain consumer response to
nutrition information on food labels. Both frameworks were inspired by the ´Hierarchy of Effects
Theory´ developed by Lavidge and Steiner (1961) to measure the effectiveness of advertising. The
original ‘Hierarchy of Effects’ model postulates that “consumers normally do not go from
disinterested individuals to convinced purchasers in one instantaneous step” (Lavidge and Steiner
1961, p. 59) but rather undergo several stages between initial exposure to advertising and final
product purchase. This original model has been contested on account of its simplified assumption
that consumers undergo these stages of awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and
purchase in a stepwise or chronological order.
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The present framework also assumes, much like the original ‘Hierarchy of Effects’ model, that several
affective and cognitive processes are involved before consumers react to a stimulus. In contrast to
the original model, however, several authors (Grunert and Wills 2007; Grunert 2011; Kroeber-Riel
and Weinberg 2003) have argued that these affective and cognitive processes do not occur in a strict
stepwise order but may happen simultaneously and influence each other as well. Following this line
of thinking, the literature review was based on the framework presented in Figure 1, which displays
in a central box several processes that happen in a consumer’s mind after having been exposed to
environmentally-friendly packaging and before reacting to this stimulus. These processes are not
directly observable, in contrast to ‘exposure’ and ‘purchase’, which are displayed outside of the box.
The framework assumes that environmentally-friendly packaging can only lead to a reaction when
consumers are aware of and recognise such packaging. Possible effects include cognitive knowledge
and understanding, as well as affective liking. Based on these processes, consumers´ preferences and
attitudes may develop, which can lead to the formation of ‘conviction’ (as it was called in the original
‘Hierarchy of Effects Theory’) in favour of products with environmentally-friendly packaging. This
conviction can be measured by concepts such as willingness to buy or willingness to pay.
The present review paper has similar objectives as the studies undertaken by Grunert and Wills
(2007) and Grunert (2011), which is why this framework was selected over other prominent theories
of consumer behaviour. The barriers to the purchase of eco-labelled food identified by Grunert
(2011) demonstrate the importance of consumer awareness and perception for understanding
consumer reactions and ascertaining why consumers might not purchase particular products. For the
purchase of products with environmentally-friendly packaging, lack of awareness on the part of
consumers may already constitute a first barrier, since consumers do not expect such labelling to be
there and consequently do not search for it (Mancini et al. 2017).
The framework chosen for the present review study covers all stages from awareness to purchase.
Other important theories for analysing consumers’ decision-making, including the ´Theory of Planned
Behaviour´ (Ajzen 1991) and the ´Theory of Reasoned Action´ (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975), focus on
other factors influencing consumer behaviour but do not adequately capture whether consumers are
actually familiar with the stimulus in question. The same limitation applies to other theories relevant
to environmentally significant consumer behaviour, such as the ´Value-Belief-Norm Theory´ (Stern
2000) or the ´ABC Theory´ (Guagnano et al. 1995).
Figure 1. Conceptual framework adopted from Grunert and Wills (2007) and Grunert (2011)
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Figure 2. Flow chart of the procedure for selecting the articles to be reviewed
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All of the studies included in this review article investigated factors in some way connected to
consumers’ buying behaviour in relation to environmentally-friendly food packaging. Interestingly,
we observed important differences across the studies in terms of the role of environmentally-friendly
packaging in the research objectives of the studies. In 21 studies, the research objectives directly
addressed the topic of environmentally-friendly packaging. In the other 25 studies, however,
environmentally-friendly packaging was only a side issue, either because their structured interview
formats included only a few items on this topic or because aspects of environmentally-friendly
packaging arose only due to being raised by participants themselves in open-ended research formats.
These 25 studies focussed on requirements for packaging, consumer perception of and preferences
for packaging in general (18 studies), sustainable or environmental behaviour in general or in relation
to food in particular (6 studies), and bio-based products (1 study).
Theories on consumer preferences and willingness to pay: Eleven of the studies analysed consumer
preferences, willingness to pay (WTP) or willingness to buy (WTB) with regard to food products with
environmentally-friendly packaging, applying the method of choice experiments (Klaiman et al. 2016;
Rokka and Uusitalo 2008), conjoint analysis (Arboretti and Bordignon 2016; Koutsimanis et al. 2012),
contingent valuation (Ertz et al. 2017; Neill and Williams 2016), or other methods (Van Herpen et al.
2016; Singh and Pandey 2018). These studies include explicit or implicit references to microeconomic
foundations such as utility maximisation and/or Random Utility Theory (McFadden 1974).
Theories on cue utilization and signalling: Nine of the studies analysed the relationship between
product packaging (material, design and/or labelling) and consumers’ product perception and
evaluation. Studies in this category investigated, for example, how environmentally-friendly
packaging affects perceived product quality (Ertz et al. 2017; Magnier et al. 2016) or how package
design and labelling elements influence consumer perceptions of the environmental-friendliness of
packaging (Ertz et al. 2017; Magnier and Crie 2015). The studies in this category have explicit or
implicit foundations in information economics, e.g. Cue Utilization Theory (Olson and Jacoby 1972) or
Signalling Theory (Spence 1973; Stigler 1961).
Other theoretical foundations: Eighteen of the studies did not fall into one of the fields outlined
above. These studies mostly focussed on (selected) processes in the consumer organism and covered
a wide variety of constructs, including consumer perception, knowledge, affection/emotions,
expectations and attitudes. These studies are mostly either exploratory or descriptive in nature. Eight
of the ten qualitative studies in the review were assigned to this category. Some of the studies in this
category also collected data on reported behaviour but without analysing statistical relationships to
attitudinal constructs (e.g. Scott and Vigar-Ellis 2014), which is why they were not grouped under the
attitude-behaviour category described above.
Overall, a wide variety of concepts from consumer behaviour theory were analysed in the 46 studies.
Some of these concepts differed in their terminology from the psychological processes included in
the conceptual framework of our literature review (see Figure 1). In the synthesis of results, we
linked all concepts from the studies reviewed to one of the psychological processes of our conceptual
framework. For example, ‘perception’ was linked to ‘knowledge and understanding’, ‘emotions’ to
‘liking’, and ‘willingness to pay’ to ‘conviction’.
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Experiment 4 100–302
Eye-Tracking 1 89
Qualitative (n=10)
Focus group 5 12–89
Interview 4 8–195
Projective technique 1 25
1 Several articles used more than one method of data collection.
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format, 27 studies used stimuli only in text format, including written and spoken questions,
instructions and information about environmentally-friendly packaging. In addition to text stimuli, 19
of the 46 studies presented participants with real products, empty packages or pictures of products
or logos (Table 4).
Interestingly, only 25 articles provided information about the original wording of the stimuli used in
the study. Fourteen of the other articles outlined the stimuli presented to the participants without
directly replicating the original wording in the article. The remaining seven studies used pictures of
products or real packaging without labels or written information referring to environmental
friendliness. Of the 19 studies that used a picture or real product stimuli, only 9 presented pictures of
the stimulus in the article.
In terms of the thematic content of the stimuli, we identified 5 categories of thematic stimuli across
the 46 studies (Table 4). The theme most often investigated was that of ‘environmentally-friendly
packaging in general’ (15 studies). In terms of specific packaging solutions, recycling was addressed
most often (13 studies), followed by unpackaged food/less packaging (8 studies), and bio-degradable
and bio-based packaging (7 studies). Eight studies focused on packaging in general.
Table 4 also provides information about the combination of stimuli content and format, as well as
stimuli content and methods of data collection. From this table it is apparent that the ‘text stimulus
only’ format was most common in studies of environmentally-friendly packaging in general, while
specific packaging solutions were investigated relatively more often with more specific stimulus
formats such as real products and packages or pictures of these.
In addition to a wide range of different types of environmentally-friendly packaging, the studies
reviewed many different products. In total, 24 of the 46 articles focused on specific products:
beverages (11 studies), dairy products (8 studies), sweets (6 studies), vegetables (5 studies), fruits (3
studies), ready-to-eat meals (2 studies), canned food, fresh produce in general, and nuts (1 study
1 Table 4 Stimuli content, stimuli format and method of data collection of the reviewed studies
Stimuli content
Others (Reuse of
Unpackaged Bio-based packaging packaging,
friendly Recycling of Packaging in
food/less and Bio-degradable Returnable packaging,
packaging in packaging general
packaging packaging Low energy packaging, Number of
FSC logo, no content) studies1
Text stimuli only 13 5 8 4 4 2 27
Stimuli format
Pictures of products
4 7 1 3 2 0 15
or logos
Real products or
0 0 4 1 0 0 4
empty packaging
Questionnaire 14 7 7 6 5 2 34
Method of data collection
Experiment 2 1 1 2 0 0 4
Focus group 0 2 2 0 1 0 5
Interview 1 1 2 0 0 1 4
Other methods
(IAT, Eye-tracking,
Free choice profiling 1 2 0 0 1 0 4
method, Projective
Number of studies1 15 13 8 8 7 3
4 1Several articles used more than one method of data collection or stimuli content and therefore the column/line ‘number of studies’ does not equal the sum of
5 all columns/lines.
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104 in Sweden conducted by Fernqvist et al. (2015) preferred paper to plastic packaging and engaged in
105 extensive discussion of the negative environmental impact of plastic packaging .
106 Two studies, one undertaken in Turkey by Aday and Yener (2014), and the other in South Africa by
107 Venter et al. (2011), provided information about which aspects of packaging materials consumers
108 perceived as negative for the environment. The consumers in these studies perceived plastic and
109 glass as being difficult to recycle (Aday and Yener 2014) and plastic as not being biodegradable
110 (Venter et al. 2011). Nevertheless, only 24% of consumers in Turkey thought there was a problem
111 with environmental pollution as a result of plastic packaging, although 70% of the participants agreed
112 that glass supports ´healthy nature´ (Aday and Yener 2014). In the study by Venter et al. (2011),
113 cardboard was also seen as problematic and perceived as a contributor to pollution because product
114 packaging with cardboard often entails additional packaging material. In a study conducted in the
115 Netherlands by Steenis et al. (2017), consumers were also asked about their perception of the
116 environmental friendliness of packaging material, revealing that these consumers´ perceptions are
117 not in line with life cycle assessments. For example, consumers incorrectly rated the packaging
118 options judged most sustainable by the life-cycle assessment (i.e. dry cardboard sachets and mixed
119 material pouches) as least sustainable. Likewise, the packaging materials judged as most sustainable
120 by the participants (glass and bioplastic) are rated the least sustainable according to the life-cycle
121 assessment. It must also be mentioned that there was little consensus among the participants as to
122 the sustainability of the 14 different packaging options (in terms of materials and appearance). In
123 their study on organic food packaging, Lindh et al. (2016a) found that 56% of the participants did not
124 know whether such packaging was sustainable or not.
125 Finally, Herbes et al. (2018) asked consumers in France, Germany and the United States how they
126 perceived the environmental friendliness of different packaging materials. The participants in France
127 and the US rated the packaging option made from recyclable material as the most environmentally-
128 friendly, whereas in Germany the reusable packaging option was rated as best. Participants in
129 Germany rated recyclable material second in terms of environmental friendliness, while in France
130 and the US the participants rated biodegradable plastic from renewable resources (other than bio-
131 methane) as second. In all three countries, plastic packaging made from bio-methane was rated as
132 least environmentally friendly, followed by non-biodegradable plastic from renewable resources
133 (other than bio methane).
135 4.3 Liking
136 Only two of the reviewed articles included in this study provided evidence on consumers´ affective
137 liking of environmentally-friendly packaging. The study undertaken in Norway by Koenig-Lewis et al.
138 (2014) found evidence of emotional effect arising from the perceived ecological benefits of a partly
139 plant-based water bottle. Not surprisingly, the positive emotions evoked by packaging were
140 significantly influenced by the perceived benefits of the packaging, while negative emotions arose
141 when participants were uncertain about the ecological benefits of the packaging. Koenig-Lewis et al.
142 (2014) also found that the positive and negative emotions evoked by partly plant-based packaging
143 had a strong impact on purchase intention. More specifically, the effect of positive emotions on
144 purchase intention was found to be greater than that of negative emotions. In contrast, the cognitive
145 benefits associated with the packaging did not directly influence purchase intention.
146 In a qualitative study conducted in five European countries, Sijtsema et al. (2016) revealed that
147 consumers had positive, negative and mixed feelings towards bio-based products. Positive feelings
148 were connected to aspects such as the packaging being good for the environment, natural, healthy,
149 or innovative. Negative feelings were aroused when people were not familiar with the concept of
150 bio-based packaging or perceived it as a marketing trick.
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200 Regarding bio-based packaging, two studies found that consumers were sceptical and uncertain as to
201 the benefits of such material (Sijtsema et al. 2016; Herbes et al. 2018). In focus group discussions
202 held in five European countries, consumers showed both positive perceptions of bio-based packaging
203 (good for the environment or natural, healthy, energy-related, and innovative) and negative
204 perceptions. Participants who were not familiar with the term ‘bio-based’ or who perceived it as a
205 marketing gimmick questioned whether bio-based packaging was truly innovative, environmentally-
206 friendly and healthy (Sijtsema et al. 2016). The study by Herbes et al. (2018) revealed that consumers
207 in France, Germany and the USA felt uncomfortable about using packaging made from biomethane,
208 both for environmental reasons in general as well as specifically for its lack of biodegradability. Only
209 the German participants in the study showed some concern regarding ethical factors and the
210 disposal of such packaging.
211 With regard to reusable packaging and recyclable materials, several studies recorded positive
212 consumer perceptions, including a study in Finland and the Netherlands by Heiniö et al. (2017) and in
213 South Africa by (Venter at al. 2011). One study in Belgium by Songa et al. (2018) focused on the
214 research question of how implicit and explicit attitudes and emotional reactions are triggered by
215 recyclability logos. The results of the tests revealed a positive implicit attitude (measured with an
216 implicit attitude test) and explicit attitude (measured with a questionnaire) towards recyclability. In
217 line with these results, the participants’ emotional reaction (measured with eye-tracking) to yoghurt
218 products with a recyclability logo was also positive. Not surprisingly, the participants evaluated the
219 products with a recyclability logo more positively than the products with the logo stating that the
220 packaging was not recyclable.
222 4.4.2 Preferences for environmentally-friendly packaging
223 Fourteen studies reviewed for this article provided findings on the importance of environmentally-
224 friendly packaging to consumers. In a study of consumers in Italy, Mancini et al. (2017) found that
225 focus group participants with medium to low levels of education evinced little interest in sustainable
226 packaging material. Amongst students in Poland, Jerzyk (2016) found sustainable packaging was of
227 little importance in the buying decision process, though most respondents stated that they expected
228 the importance of sustainable packaging for consumers to increase in the future. In a questionnaire
229 conducted in Australia by Lea and Worsley (2008), only 20% of the participants stated that they
230 frequently avoided buying products with non-environmentally-friendly packaging, while 45% said
231 they sometimes avoided such packaging, 26% rarely, and 9% never. Students in a study conducted in
232 Spain by Rodríguez-Barreiro et al. (2013) said they would rather not consider types of packaging
233 when buying a product.
234 Several studies have found that environmentally-friendly packaging is less important to consumers
235 than other product attributes. Martinho et al. (2015) found that sustainable packaging was less
236 important to the participants of their study in Portugal than product quality and price, although more
237 important than packaging design. The results of a study in Denmark by Nørgaard Olesen and
238 Giacalone (2018) were similar, showing that environmentally-friendly packaging of carrots was
239 important to only 15% of the participants, while the following aspects were important to a larger
240 share: transparent packaging, organic quality, Danish origin, and the ‘nice and clean’ appearance of
241 the carrots. The only aspect rated less important than environmental packaging was familiarity with
242 the brand. Baruk and Iwanicka (2015, 2016) found in their study in Poland that the eco-friendliness of
243 the packaging of dairy products was of medium importance to participants during the buying
244 process, while attributes considered more important than eco-friendly packaging included the expiry
245 date, the brand, the regional origin of the product, the unit size of the packaging, and the ease with
246 which packaging could be used. The inclusion of information about the company’s webpage, a
247 helpline and the quality management system were deemed least important. Furthermore, a study in
248 New Zealand by Duizer et al. (2009) revealed that elderly consumers ranked the recyclability of
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249 packaging fourth in importance when choosing food products. The price of the product, the safety
250 and the size of the packaging were all considered more important than the recyclability of the
251 packaging. The results of a study by Jerzyk (2016) showed that student participants in France and
252 Poland would not accept any modification of packaging to protect the environment that might also
253 decrease the quality of the product. Surprisingly, van Birgelen et al. (2009) found that only price and
254 taste were more important than environmentally-friendly packaging for consumers in Germany when
255 buying a product. Product brand and design were attributes that the participants in this study were
256 specifically willing to trade-off for more eco-friendly packaging.
257 A study of consumers in the UK by Clonan et al. (2010) revealed that the highest priority for
258 participants in terms of sustainable food was how the food had been produced, followed by
259 packaging and seasonality. The findings of Hanss and Böhm’s (2012) study in Norway indicated that
260 consumers rated recyclable packaging and low-energy packaging as important product attributes for
261 sustainable products, while product attributes related to natural wholesomeness, animal protection,
262 and economic attributes were perceived as less relevant.
263 Regarding the importance of environmentally-friendly packaging in relation to other packaging
264 attributes, a study in Turkey by Aday and Yener (2014) observed that the recyclability of packaging
265 and its non-harmfulness to nature (12%) were ranked third in order of importance by the
266 participants. The most important attributes for these consumers were that packaging provided food-
267 related information (47%) and that it was easy to use and store (36%). Only one aspect was ranked as
268 less important than the environmental-friendliness of packaging and this was the packaging’s ease of
269 transport (5%). Interestingly, Arboretti and Bordignon (2016) found from their study of consumers in
270 Italy that the aspect of disposal (i.e. whether the packaging is recyclable, non-recyclable or
271 biodegradable) was most important compared to other packaging attributes. The participants
272 regarded biodegradable packaging as having many advantages over recyclable and non-recyclable
273 packaging.
275 4.5 Conviction
276 4.5.1 Willingness to buy environmentally-friendly packaging
277 Seven of the studies reviewed provide substantial evidence of consumers’ willingness to buy
278 environmentally-friendly packaging. Magnier and Schormans (2015, Netherlands) found that the
279 ecological appearance of packaging positively influenced Dutch consumers’ purchasing decisions
280 when buying nuts. In addition, 66% of the students in a study conducted by Jerzyk (2016) in France
281 and Poland stated they would buy a different product if it had sustainable packaging, while only 6%
282 said that they would definitely not do so.
283 A study in South Korea by Seo et al. (2016) compared the influence of eco-friendly packaging and
284 eco-friendly ingredients on consumers’ willingness to buy (WTB). Interestingly, the authors found
285 different results for different types of products, recording a significantly higher WTB for jellybeans
286 and energy drinks with eco-friendly packaging than for products with eco-friendly ingredients and
287 conventional packaging. For yogurt drinks, however, the opposite was true: eco-friendly ingredients
288 evoked a higher WTB than eco-friendly packaging. For protein bars there were no significant
289 differences in WTB between eco-friendly packaging and eco-friendly ingredients.
290 Three studies focused on reduced packaging. Clonan et al. (2010) found that 90% of the UK study
291 participants preferred unpackaged fruits and vegetables for environmental reasons. Similarly, Seo et
292 al. (2016) revealed that their study participants in South Korea were significantly more willing to buy
293 organic cookies with appropriate packaging than organic cookies with excessive packaging.
294 Moreover, the results of a study of consumers in the Netherlands by van Herpen et al. (2016) showed
295 that the participants bought organic food (fruits and vegetables) more often when it was
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296 unpackaged. In contrast, a study carried out in China (Wang et al. 2014) found that consumers stated
297 they would not purchase products with less packaging.
298 Regarding packaging made of bio-based materials, Koutsimanis et al. (2012) found that the
299 participants in a study in the USA significantly preferred bio-based materials to petroleum-based
300 packaging, although overall this aspect did not have a strong influence on consumers’ product
301 evaluation. In a conjoint analysis, product evaluations were found to be mostly influenced by price
302 (25%), followed by shelf life (19%) and container size (17%). A study on consumers’ perceptions of
303 recyclable packaging in Finland (Rokka and Usitalo 2008) concluded that the attributes of ‘price’ and
304 ‘recyclable carton packaging’ had similar relative importance values based on conjoint analysis (35%
305 and 34%), while the ‘re-sealability of the packaging’ and the ‘brand’ had relatively low values (17%
306 and 15%).
308 4.5.2 Willingness to pay for environmentally-friendly packaging
309 Several studies analysed consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) or intention to pay a price premium for
310 environmentally-friendly packaging. These studies applied discrete choice analysis, contingent
311 valuation and other methods. It is problematic to compare the absolute WTP values across these
312 studies since the WTP was measured under very different conditions and the results of conjoint
313 analysis and choice experiments need to be interpreted within the context of each experimental
314 setting. Therefore, we do not report concrete WTP values in this section.
315 Most studies found that the majority of consumers were willing to pay a price premium for
316 environmentally-friendly packaging, including 86% of participants in a study conducted in Sweden
317 (Lindh et al. 2016a), 81% of participants in a study conducted in the USA (Neill and Williams 2016),
318 and 67% of participants in a study in Germany (van Birgelen et al. 2009). In their study of US
319 consumers, Klaiman et al. (2016) investigated the WTP for the recyclability of different packaging
320 materials for fruit juice and found a significantly higher WTP for the recyclability of plastic than for
321 the recyclability of glass and the recyclability of cartons. In addition, consumers in a study in France
322 by Orset et al. (2017) stated the highest WTP for bottles made from r-PET (recycled material, 100%
323 recyclable), and for the PLA bottles (biodegradable), followed by PEF (renewable material, 100%
324 recyclable, not biodegradable), while the lowest WTP was recorded for PET bottles (petroleum, 100%
325 recyclable, not biodegradable). In contrast to studies that recorded a positive WTP, consumers in a
326 study from Canada were not willing to pay more for a reduction in the material used in cardboard
327 packaging (Ertz et al. 2017), while Barber (2010) found that only 28% of the participants in a US study
328 were willing to pay more for green packaging for wine.
330 4.6 Purchase of products with environmentally-friendly packaging
331 None of the studies analysed consumer behaviour in the real marketplace, e.g. through test markets
332 or consumer purchase panels, and we accordingly conclude that none of the reviewed studies
333 provided evidence on consumers’ real purchase behaviour concerning products with
334 environmentally-friendly packaging.
335 Instead, 19 of the 46 reviewed studies investigated consumers’ intention to buy, willingness to buy or
336 willingness to pay for environmentally-friendly packaging, while 20 other studies discussed their
337 results with respect to purchase behaviour. However, drawing conclusions regarding purchase
338 behaviour based on self-reported attitudes or intended/stated behaviour is problematic due to the
339 well-known phenomenon of attitude/intention-behaviour gap (Janssen 2018; Moser 2016; Sheeran
340 and Webb 2016). Only six of the reviewed studies discussed their results in light of the attitude-
341 behaviour gap (i.e. Trivedi 2018, India; Scott and Vigar-Ellis 2014, South Africa; Wang et al. 2014,
342 China; Fernqvist et al. 2015, Sweden; Ertz et al. 2017, Canada; Songa et al. 2018, Belgium). The
343 authors of 17 other studies in the review acknowledged that consumer surveys do not provide data
Journal Pre-proof
344 on real purchase behaviour. Also, the authors of four experiment-based studies raised the issue that
345 their results could not be interpreted as real purchase behaviour due to the experimental
346 environment of the research (Koutsimanis 2012, USA; Magnier and Schormans 2015, Netherlands;
347 Steenis et al. 2017, Netherlands; Songa et al. 2018, Belgium).
348 Another important issue surrounding consumer research on pro-environmental behaviour is that of
349 social desirability bias. Surprisingly, only 7 studies mentioned the problem of social desirability and
350 its consequences for their research (i.e. Rokka and Uusitalo 2008, Finland; van Birgelen et al. 2009,
351 Germany; Tobler et al. 2011, Switzerland; Wang et al. 2014, China; Fernqvist et al. 2015, Sweden;
352 Klaiman et al. 2016, USA; Nørgaard Olesen and Giacalone 2018, Denmark).
353 Overall, it can be stated that there is a lack of evidence based on real purchase behaviour; all we
354 know about consumer response to environmentally-friendly packaging is derived from self-reported
355 (intended) behaviour and attitudes. An essential task, therefore, is to ascertain the extent of the
356 attitude/intention-behaviour gap; however, the 46 reviewed studies provided no relevant evidence
357 with which to assess this gap. Previous studies on organic food consumption have suggested that
358 attitudes could explain around 50% of observed variation in pro-environmental behaviour (Hauser et
359 al. 2013; Honkanen et al. 2006; Janssen 2018; Pino et al. 2012; Tarkiainen and Sundqvist 2009; Zhou
360 et al. 2013). With regard to other types of pro-environmental behaviour, however, previous studies
361 have reported only a weak influence of attitudes on behaviour (Gupta 2009; Kollmuss and Agyeman
362 2002; Peattie 2010).
364 4.7 Influencing factors
365 Sixteen studies investigated the influence of demographic and psychographic characteristics of
366 consumers on their response to environmentally-friendly packaging. The most frequently measured
367 factors were related to environmental concern (16 studies), age/generation (6 studies), gender (6
368 studies), and preference for organic food (5 studies). This chapter considers only those influencing
369 factors that were researched by more than one study.
371 4.7.1 Environmental concern and environmental beliefs
372 In a study of consumers in India, Trivedi et al. (2018) found in general that consumers´ environmental
373 concern had an impact on their attitude towards environmentally-friendly packaging. A study in
374 Poland by Jeżewska-Zychowicz and Jeznach (2015) found that people with a positive attitude towards
375 the environment more frequently claimed not to buy food in disposable plastic or paper packaging
376 compared to people with a negative attitude towards the environment. Conversely, people with
377 negative attitudes towards the environment more frequently stated that they did not do anything to
378 minimize the amount of packaging waste. In addition, Martinho et al. (2015) found that participants
379 in a study in Portugal who stated that the sustainability of packaging was important to them also
380 showed more environmental awareness. Similar results were found in Germany by van Birgelen et al.
381 (2009), who found that consumers who were aware of current environmental problems and
382 consumers with a positive attitude towards protecting the environment through the purchase of
383 environmentally-friendly packaging were more likely to buy ecologically-friendly beverage packaging.
384 Lea and Worsley (2008) found that consumers in their study in Australia who scored highest on the
385 Food-Environment Belief Score were significantly more likely to state that they frequently avoided
386 purchasing products with environmentally-unfriendly packaging. For milk packaging, Neill and
387 Williams (2016) found that US consumers´ preference for returnable glass milk bottles over
388 paperboard gable-top packaging and plastic jugs was positively influenced by the perception that
389 returnable bottles are helpful for the environment, as well as by the frequency with which
390 consumers used canvas or reusable bags for food shopping.
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391 The results of the study undertaken in Norway by Koenig-Lewis et al. (2014) showed that a higher
392 level of concern for the environment leads to a more positive cognitive assessment of the benefits of
393 a partly plant-based water bottle. In addition, the study found that positive emotions with respect to
394 the packaging were significantly influenced by the environmental concerns of the participants,
395 whereas there was no effect of environmental concern on negative emotions. The environmental
396 concerns of the participants were found to have a significant positive influence on purchase
397 intention. Additionally, Prakash and Pathak (2017) revealed that the purchase intention of young
398 consumers in India for environmentally-friendly packaging was significantly influenced by attitudes
399 towards eco-friendly packaging and environmental concern. Personal norms related to saving the
400 environment and using eco-friendly packaging had the highest impact on purchase intention.
401 Interestingly, in their study in the Netherlands of consumers’ attitudes to conventional-looking
402 packaging of nuts, Magnier and Schormans (2015) found that consumers with low environmental
403 concern registered an even higher intention to purchase packaging without a sustainability claim
404 than packaging that included such a sustainability claim. However, whether the sustainable-looking
405 packaging presented a sustainability claim or not did not significantly affect the purchase intention of
406 consumers with low environmental concern. Regarding consumers with high environmental concern,
407 the same factors were investigated but no significant effect was found.
408 With respect to the willingness to pay for environmentally-friendly packaging, Barber (2010, USA)
409 found that participants in a US study who evinced high environmental concerns, those with a positive
410 attitude towards the importance of being environmentally-friendly, and those who evinced an
411 attitude that it is not inconvenient to behave in an environmentally-friendly way, all declared
412 themselves willing to pay more for green wine packaging. In line with this finding, consumers who
413 stated that they considered environmental issues when purchasing food were also willing to pay
414 more for green wine packaging compared to other consumers. Similarly, Orset et al. (2017, France)
415 showed that the WTP for environmentally-friendly bottles was affected both by consumers´ belief
416 that the manufacturer cares about the environment as well as the importance consumers attach to
417 environmental protection in general. Klaiman et al. (2016, USA) found a higher WTP for recyclable
418 plastic packaging of fruit juice among participants who reported that recycling improves water
419 quality and saves energy, as well as among participants who stated that they felt good when they
420 participated in environmentally-friendly activities.
422 4.7.2 Preference for organic food
423 Lindh et al. (2016a) reported that organic food consumers in Sweden took into account
424 considerations of packaging material (e.g. amount of packaging material, recyclable material)
425 significantly more than non-organic consumers and were also willing to pay more for
426 environmentally-sustainable packaging. Neill and Williams (2016, USA) found that a preference for
427 eco-labelled products positively influenced the preference of participants for returnable glass milk
428 bottles. In two studies with a focus on unpackaged fruits and vegetables, van Herpen et al. (2016,
429 Netherlands) found a positive relationship between attitudes towards organic food and self-reported
430 preferences for unpackaged products. Nevertheless, this effect was not observed in the experiment
431 that formed part of the study, in which consumers with a positive attitude towards organic food
432 chose more organic food independently of whether it was packaged or unpackaged; they did not
433 choose more non-packaged products than did consumers with a less positive attitude towards
434 organic food.
436 4.7.3 Age
437 In a study by Jeżewska-Zychowicz and Jeznach in Poland (2015), older participants were more likely
438 to agree with a statement that they thought about how long packaging materials stayed in the
Journal Pre-proof
439 environment. Another study in Poland by Baruk and Iwanicka (2016) also found that the importance
440 of the ecological features of dairy product packaging to participants increased with the respondent’s
441 age. Barber (2010) provided evidence that age (in this study referred to as ‘generation’) had an
442 influence on US consumers’ intention to pay more for green wine packaging, with 80% of ‘baby
443 boomers’ stating their intention to pay more, while only 6% of the millennial generation did so. In a
444 study by Koutsimanis et al. (2012, USA), the two older consumer segments preferred bio-based to
445 petroleum-based plastics, in contrast to the younger segment. Indeed, compared to the older cluster
446 (62 years), participants from the younger cluster (33 years) were better informed in answering the
447 question: “What raw materials are used to produce containers of bio-based plastic?” Finally, Klaiman
448 et al. (2016) also identified age as an influencing factor on WTP for the recyclability of fruit juice
449 packaging, with younger and elder consumers showing the highest WTP. In contrast to these results,
450 Neill and Williams (2016, USA) found no significant impact of age on the preference for returnable
451 glass milk bottles. In addition, Scott and Vigar-Ellis (2014, South Africa) found that age had no
452 influence on how consumers identified environmentally-friendly packaging.
454 4.7.4 Gender
455 Jeżewska-Zychowicz and Jeznach (2015) recorded that women were more likely than men to think
456 about the time required for packaging to decompose in the environment and more likely to buy
457 products in large packages in order to minimize packaging waste. The results yielded by Orset et al.
458 (2017, France) showed a higher WTP among women compared to men for all types of
459 environmentally-friendly bottles included in the study. In contrast to these results, Muratore and
460 Zarba (2011, Italy) found that environmental aspects of packaging are more important to men than
461 to women. In line with this finding, Barber (2010, USA) found that gender significantly influenced
462 participants’ willingness to pay more for green wine packaging, with 68% of males and only 32% of
463 females declaring their intention to pay more. In contrast to these results, Koutsimanis et al. (2012,
464 USA) did not find a gender influence on the importance attached by consumers to different
465 packaging characteristics or on their preference for any particular disposal methods (recycling,
466 composting, regular trash bin). Neill and Williams (2016, USA) likewise found no significant impact of
467 gender on consumers’ preference for returnable glass milk bottles. Furthermore, Scott and Vigar-Ellis
468 (2014, South Africa) found no gender influence on how consumers identify environmentally-friendly
469 packaging.
471 4.7.5 Education
472 Whereas high school and college graduates in a study conducted in the USA by Koutsimanis et al.
473 (2012) declared a greater preference for bio-based materials to petroleum-based packaging than
474 other consumers, Neill and Williams (2016, USA) found no significant impact of education on the
475 preference for returnable glass milk bottles. In addition, Barber (2010) found that levels of education
476 did not influence the intention to pay more for green wine packaging.
478 5. Discussion and conclusions
479 In this section we discuss the theoretical contribution of the literature review in terms of barriers to
480 purchase and measures for overcoming these barriers. The paper closes with an outline of research
481 gaps and recommendations for future research.
482 5.1Theoretical contribution
483 Through a systematic literature search we identified 46 studies published between 2008 and 2018
484 that provided evidence on consumers’ responses to environmentally-friendly food packaging. Figure
485 3 summarises the key findings of the review study, structured according to the conceptual
486 framework of the review. The 46 studies dealt with a variety of different packaging solutions for
Journal Pre-proof
487 different products and were based on different methods of data collection in various countries. The
488 fact that 33 of the 46 studies were published in the years 2014–2018 and only 11 in the years 2008–
489 2013 shows that research on consumers’ response to environmentally-friendly packaging is a young
490 research field attracting growing interest. In view of the relatively low number of records in total, and
491 the fact that the data were collected in 24 countries for 38 different products in combination with
492 different packaging solutions, it can be concluded that existing knowledge is rather fragmented. Only
493 21 of the 46 studies in the review focussed primarily on environmentally-friendly packaging. Overall,
494 it became obvious in the course of the review that the topic of consumers’ response to
495 environmentally-friendly packaging has not yet been extensively researched.
496 Our systematic literature review revealed that the existing body of empirical research does
497 constitute a good basis for identifying barriers to increased purchases of food with environmentally-
498 friendly packaging, despite the fact that only a small number of the studies were explicitly designed
499 for this aim. By consolidating existing fragmented knowledge on barriers to purchase (see section
500 5.1.1), this literature review represents an important contribution to theorizing consumer behaviour
501 with regard to consumers’ response to environmentally-friendly packaging. To our surprise, very few
502 previous studies dealt with measures for overcoming these barriers to purchase (see section 5.1.2),
503 thus revealing an important research gap (see section 5.2).
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506 Figure 3. Consumer response to environmentally-friendly packaging (EFP): Synthesis of key findings (N=46
507 articles)
509 5.1.1 Barriers to purchase
510 The results of this literature review have shown that most consumers are aware of the
511 environmental problems caused by food packaging. Regarding awareness and recognition of
512 environmentally-friendly packaging solutions, a somewhat mixed picture emerged. Interestingly,
513 studies showed that many people stated they knew how to identify environmentally-friendly
514 packaging. It became clear that consumers consider packaging material itself as a strong indication of
515 its environmental impact. In this respect, the studies showed a consistent picture: consumers
Journal Pre-proof
516 perceived paper/cardboard and glass as more environmentally-friendly than metal and plastic.
517 Consumers also referred to claims and logos in recognizing environmentally-friendly packaging. At
518 the same time, consumers also stated that their perception of the environmental friendliness of
519 packaging was influenced by packaging design elements such as colour and pictures of nature, which
520 is somewhat worrying in that it suggests consumers can easily be misled by packaging design. Steenis
521 et al. (2017) found that consumers´ perception of the environmental friendliness of different
522 packaging materials was not in line with the results of life cycle analyses. Other studies have also
523 found that consumers have little knowledge regarding environmentally-friendly packaging solutions.
524 For example, many consumers were not familiar with the terms ´sustainable packaging´ and ´bio-
525 based´, nor with the ´Forest Stewardship Council´ (FSC) logo. Moreover, consumers were sceptical
526 about the benefits of some environmentally-friendly packaging materials, especially with respect to
527 bio-based packaging. Overall, we conclude that lack of recognition of environmentally-friendly
528 packaging solutions other than paper/cardboard and glass constitutes an important barrier to
529 increased purchases.
530 Several studies provided evidence that environmentally-friendly packaging was of little importance
531 to consumers as a purchase criterion. Above all, many studies confirmed that other product
532 attributes such as price and product quality were more important than environmentally-friendly
533 packaging. Some consumers even associated environmentally-friendly packaging with detrimental
534 effects, foremost in terms of increased product prices and lower levels of convenience. At the same
535 time, several studies indicated that environmentally-friendly packaging could also have a positive
536 effect on the perceived quality of a product. Overall, we conclude that consumer perceptions and
537 attitudes towards environmentally-friendly packaging are very heterogeneous, ranging from positive
538 to negative overall product evaluations.
539 Despite consistent findings that the environmental impact of packaging is not an important purchase
540 criterion, several other studies recorded a significantly higher willingness to buy and to pay for
541 environmentally-friendly packaging and products with reduced packaging. In order to understand
542 this somewhat contradictory picture, we think it is important to highlight that the WTB and WTP
543 studies were based mostly on contingent valuation analyses (CVA). CVA is a data-collection method
544 for monetarizing the value of a single product attribute – in this case, environmentally-friendly
545 packaging; however, the method does not capture how important this attribute is rated in relation to
546 other attributes (e.g. convenience, taste, price). Moreover, the method is prone to social desirability
547 bias.
548 From the literature review we conclude that consumers have positive attitudes towards food
549 products with environmentally-friendly packaging and are also willing to pay a small price premium;
550 however, when it comes to purchase decisions, other product attributes are more important to
551 consumers than environmentally-friendly packaging, and most consumers would probably not make
552 compromises on other product attributes.
554 5.1.2 Measures for overcoming barriers to purchase
555 In the planning stage of this literature review we aimed to generate new insights on barriers to the
556 purchase of food with environmentally-friendly packaging as well as measures for overcoming these
557 barriers. However, we soon realised that empirical knowledge on measures for overcoming these
558 barriers was scarce. Based on the barriers outlined above and the few studies on contextual factors
559 with a positive influence on the purchase of food with environmentally-friendly packaging, the
560 following recommendations can be made for food companies and retailers.
561 Given the variety of aspects that consumers consider when identifying environmentally-friendly
562 packaging, we conclude it is important for food companies to bear in mind that the environmental
563 impact of a products’ package is not automatically visible to consumers upon purchase. It is also
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564 important to bear in mind that consumers might have mistaken perceptions that are not in line with
565 the results of life cycle analysis (Steenis et al. 2017), which is a common method for determining the
566 environmental impact of a product (Grönman et al. 2013). Overall, this literature synthesis suggests
567 that consumers need guidance to identify environmentally-friendly packaging. Therefore, we
568 recommend that food companies that engage in environmentally-friendly packaging should
569 prominently label their product packages and provide clear information on any environmental
570 benefits. With good communication, environmentally-friendly packaging could pay off for both the
571 environment and for companies in the food and packaging industries.
572 Marketing communication for environmentally-friendly packaging is not easy. On the one hand, this
573 literature review has shown that consumers have knowledge gaps regarding environmentally-
574 friendly packaging. We conclude that communication about environmentally-friendly packaging is
575 necessary for consumers´ acceptance of such packaging, particularly for packaging solutions that
576 consumers are not familiar with, such as bio-based packaging. On the other hand, it has been shown
577 that consumers also consider packaging material and colour when attempting to identify
578 environmentally-friendly packaging and hence there is a risk that food producers could mislead
579 consumers with respect to the environmental friendliness of packaging. Environmentally-friendly
580 packaging needs to stand out with information about the ways in which the packaging is
581 environmentally-friendly and by using labels certifying environmental friendliness. To be trustworthy
582 in consumers’ eyes, a third-party label on environmentally-friendly packaging could be used, as the
583 study by Ertz et al. (2017) has shown.
584 Moreover, it is important to bear in mind that environmentally-friendly packaging is not a top priority
585 for consumers. Most consumers do not actively search for products with environmentally-friendly
586 packaging. From other food consumption areas (e.g. organic food) it is known that consumers can be
587 ‘nudged’ to buy environmentally-friendly products by supportive measures in the so-called choice
588 architecture or purchase environment (Reisch et al. 2013). When it comes to environmentally-
589 friendly food purchases, retailers could play a pivotal role as choice architects, e.g. through signs on
590 supermarket shelves highlighting products with environmentally-friendly packaging.
592 5.1.3 Generalizability to other types of environmentally-friendly behaviour
593 Different types of environmentally-friendly behaviour vary greatly in the degree to which they are
594 influenced by attitudinal factors, personal capabilities, contextual factors and habit and routine,
595 which is why Stern (2000) proposes that each target behaviour should be theorized separately.
596 Nevertheless, we believe the insights of this literature review on barriers to increased purchases of
597 food with environmentally-friendly packaging can be transferred to similar types of purchase
598 decisions and product attributes, e.g. food which leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions or
599 other environmentally-friendly fast-moving consumer goods.
601 5.2 Research gaps and recommendations for future research
602 Existing knowledge on consumer response to environmentally-friendly packaging is fragmented. In
603 this final section we outline research gaps and offer recommendations for future research in terms of
604 ´research questions and topics´, ´methods of data collection´ and ´sampling´.
606 5.2.1 Research questions and topics
607 In light of the fragmented nature of existing knowledge, we recommend that future research focus
608 on consumers’ response to specific packaging solutions (rather than environmentally-friendly
609 packaging in general) so as to contribute to a deeper understanding of potential barriers to consumer
610 acceptance of specific solutions.
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611 Regarding the psychological processes influencing consumers’ purchase behaviour, we identified
612 several research gaps. Surprisingly, only a few studies analysed consumer awareness and recognition
613 of environmentally-friendly packaging (7 studies), and only two studies investigated the aspect of
614 emotions (affective liking). A common feature of the studies included in this review is that they
615 focused on selected psychological processes of consumer behaviour theory. Only few studies
616 investigated effects between several psychological processes of the conceptual framework of
617 consumer behaviour (e.g. Koenig-Lewis et al. 2014 Norway; Prakash and Pathak 2017, India). By
618 investigating the relationships between – for example – consumer awareness of, attitudes towards,
619 and purchasing behaviour regarding specific packaging solutions, future research could help explain
620 why consumers do or do not buy food with environmentally-friendly packaging and offer solutions
621 for overcoming existing barriers.
622 Based on our review we can also identify potential research topics with high relevance for food
623 companies engaging in environmentally-friendly packaging. As previous studies have revealed the
624 crucial role played by package design for consumers in recognising environmentally-friendly
625 packaging, investigation should be undertaken into how environmentally-friendly packaging should
626 be designed in order to be most accepted by consumers. Another interesting question is how the
627 environmental friendliness of a packaging can be communicated to consumers in a transparent and
628 trustworthy way. Previous related studies include, for instance, Ertz et al. (2017, Canada) and Orset
629 et al. (2017, France). For companies it is important to know how to address their target population,
630 and consumer segmentation analyses based on consumers’ reactions to different design and
631 communication elements of environmentally-friendly packaging could thus provide valuable insights.
632 Such segmentation analyses could also draw on previous studies that have analysed the importance
633 of personal factors such as environmental concern, preference for organic food, and socio-
634 demographic variables (see section 4.7 ´Influencing factors´).
636 5.2.2 Methods of data collection
637 Surprisingly, only 25 studies reported the original survey/interview question posed to the
638 participants in their publication, making evaluation and comparison of results somewhat difficult.
639 Only 15 studies stated that they used real products (2 studies) or pictures of products (13 studies) as
640 stimuli. For future research, we generally recommend designing a more realistic shopping situation,
641 for instance by using real product stimuli, as did Fernqvist et al. (2015, Sweden) and Seo et al. (2016,
642 South Korea). To measure willingness to buy and the willingness to pay, more experiments should be
643 used for data collection instead of contingent valuation. Experiments were conducted in only four of
644 the studies reviewed. Interestingly, none of the reviewed studies analyzed consumers’ purchase
645 behaviour in the real marketplace, e.g. through test markets or consumer purchase panels.
647 5.2.3 Sampling
648 Other weaknesses of previous studies pertain to the quality of sampling. Participants were selected
649 via snowball sampling in 10 studies and another 6 studies used student samples, while 17 studies did
650 not clearly specify the sampling method applied. Generally we recommend increasing the quality of
651 sampling by using methods other than convenience sampling or snowball sampling. Instead,
652 participants should be selected using elements of probability sampling methods, as applied by van
653 Birgelen et al. (2009, Germany) and Barber (2010, USA). Another option would be quota sampling, as
654 applied by Baruk and Iwanicka (2016, Poland) and Herbes et al. (2018, Germany, France, USA).
656 Author declaration
657 This paper was produced within the framework of the cooperative ‘Food Economy and Technology’
658 PhD programme of the University of Kassel and the Fulda University of Applied Sciences. The authors
659 are very grateful for the financial support of the Federal Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.
Table 5 List of reviewed articles
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Aday, Yener Understanding the buying behaviour 2014 Turkey quantitative 4 food in food packaging self- sampling 324
of young consumers regarding general in general administered method not
packaging attributes and labels questionnaire specified in the
Arboretti, Consumer preferences in food 2016 Italy quantitative 3 food in recyclable, non- conjoint sampling 205
Bordignon packaging: CUB models and conjoint general recyclable, analysis method not
analysis biodegradable combined with specified in the
questionnaire publication
Banterle, Food labelled information: An 2012 Italy qualitative 4 food in food packaging focus group quota sampling 36
Cavaliere, Ricci empirical analysis of consumer (followed by a general in general
preferences quantitative study
that did not address
the topic of
Barber ‘‘Green’’ wine packaging: targeting 2010 USA quantitative 1 wine environmentall online randomly 313
environmental consumers y-friendly wine questionnaire selected from a
packaging in consumer
general database by a
national data
Baruk, Iwanicka The effect of age, gender and 2016 Poland quantitative 4 dairy dairy product face-to-face quota sampling 550
level of education on the consumer’s products packaging in survey
expectations towards dairy product general
Baruk, Iwanicka Polish final purchasers’ expectations 2015 Poland quantitative 4 dairy dairy product face-to-face quota sampling 550
towards the features of dairy product products packaging in survey
packaging in the context of buying general
Van Birgelen, Packaging and proenvironmental 2009 Germany quantitative 1 beverages pro- online randomly 176
Semeijn, consumption behaviour: Investigating environmental questionnaire selected from
Keicher Purchase and Disposal Decisions for beverage an online
Beverages packaging in research panel
general and snowball
Clonan, UK consumers’ priorities for 2010 UK quantitative 4 sustainable food packaging postal randomly 842
Holdsworth, sustainable food purchases food in in general questionnaire selected from
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Swift, Wilson general five electoral
registers that
both urban and
rural areas
Duizer, Requirements for packaging from an 2009 New Quantitative and 4 Study 1: food Study 1: glass Study 1: face- Study 1: Study
Robertson, Han ageing consumer’s perspective Zealand qualitative in general bottles and jars, to-face survey convenience 1: 100
bags with sampling from
Study 2: sliding Study 2: focus shopping Study
coffee, resealable group centres, the 2: 13
cereal, juice, closures, tin Royal New
milk, canned cans, foil Zealand
food, biscuits, packages, Returned and
cheese plastic Services’
packaging, Association,
cardboard churches and
boxes, Tetra retirement
Pak, aluminium villages
cans, plastic
bottles, Study 2: upon
cellophane completion of
the survey,
Study 2: food participants
packaging in were invited to
general participate in a
focus group
Ertz, François, How consumers react to 2017 Canada quantitative 2 and 3 cereal bars paper online randomly 321
Durif environmental information: An packaging with experiment recruited by a
experimental study and without survey company
environmental (e-mail)
message (less
Fernqvist, What’s in it for me? Food packaging 2015 Sweden qualitative 4 potatoes standing paper focus group convenience 12
Olsson, and consumer responses: a focus bag sample
Spendrup group study with plastic
on back,
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
plastic bag, bulk
Hanss, Böhm Sustainability seen from the 2012 Norway qualitative and 4 food in sustainable face-to-face shopping areas 123
perspective of consumers quantitative general groceries survey and waiting
packaging in areas
general (convenience
Hanssen, Vold, Environmental profile, packaging 2017 Norway quantitative 4 ready to eat readymade online web panel of 1008
Schakenda, intensity and food waste generation meals meal packaging questionnaire ´Norstat´
Tufte, Möller, for three types of dinner meals in general
Olsen, Skaret
Herbes, Consumer attitudes towards 2018 France, quantitative 4 food in from recyclable face-to-face quota sampling 2001
Beuthner, biobased packaging – A cross-cultural Germany general material, and online
Ramme comparative study and USA from reusable survey
plastics from
and not
plastics from
plastics from
resources other
Heiniö, Arvola, Ready-made meal packaging: A 2017 Finland, quantitative 4 ready-made ready-made online consumer panel 1221
Rusko, survey of needs and wants among Netherla meals meal packaging questionnaire of
Maaskant, Finnish and Dutch ‘current’ and nds in general Taloustutkimus
Kremer ‘future’ seniors Ltd research
agency, `SenTo`
(`Seniors of the
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Jerzyk Design and communication of 2016 Poland, quantitative 2 and 4 food in sustainable auditorium students 161
ecological content on sustainable France general food packaging questionnaire (purposive and
packaging in the young consumers´ in general random
opinions sampling)
Jeżewska- Consumers´ behaviours related to 2015 Poland quantitative 1 food in multi-use face-to-face sampling 548
Zychowicz, packaging and their attitudes towards general packaging survey method not
Jeznach environment specified in the
Koenig-Lewis, Consumers’ evaluations of ecological 2014 Norway quantitative 1 bottled water partly plant- online Snowball 312
Palmer, packaging - Rational and emotional (no company based plastic questionnaire sampling (social
Dermody, approaches or brand bottle network), aged
Urbye associations 18–40
were made)
Klaiman, Consumer preferences and demand 2016 USA quantitative 3 fruit juice glass, online discrete consumer 1500
Ortega, for packaging material and drink aluminium, choice database
Garnache recyclability products, plastic and experiments maintained by
carton, ´Survey
recyclable or Sampling
not recyclable International´
Koutsimanis, Influences of packaging attributes on 2012 USA quantitative 3 fresh produce petroleum- and online participants 292
Getter, Behe, consumer purchase decisions for in general bio-based questionnaire recruited using
Harte, Almenar fresh produce and sweet materials, the ´MarketTool
cherries in flexible and Inc.´ database
particular rigid packaging
Lea, Worsley Australian consumers’ food-related 2008 Australia quantitative 1 food in food packaging postal randomly 223
environmental beliefs and behaviours general in general questionnaire selected from
the population
of Victoria via
´Australia on
Disc software
Lindh, Olsson, Consumer perceptions of food 2016 Sweden quantitative 1 and 3 food in environmentall online e-mail 157
Williams packaging: Contributing to or general y-sustainable questionnaire (plausibility
counteracting environmentally food packaging sampling)
sustainable development? in general
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Magnier, Crie Communicating packaging eco- 2015 France qualitative 2 food in eco-designed Study 1: in- 1. convenience Study
friendliness: An exploration of general food packaging depth sample 1: 8
consumers’ perceptions of eco- in general interviews 2. sampling
designed packaging Study 2: method not Study
Zaltman specified in the 2: 10
Metaphor publication
Magnier, Consumer reactions to sustainable 2015 The quantitative 2 nuts recycled paper online Dutch 119
Schormans packaging: The interplay of Netherla appearance and questionnaire university-
visualappearance, verbal claim and nds red aluminium based
environmental concern packaging consumer panel
Magnier, Judging a product by its cover: 2016 France quantitative 2 Study 1: Study 1: white online snowball Study
Schoormans, Packaging sustainability and raisins, plastic vs. questionnaire sampling 1: 132
Mugge perceptions of quality in food chocolate recycled
products bars cardboard Study
Study 2: Study 2: 2: 127
conventional conventional
and organic aluminium vs.
coffee recycled look
Mancini, Which are the sustainable attributes 2017 Italy qualitative and 4 food in food packaging Study 1: focus Study 1: quota Study
Marchini, affecting real consumption quantitative general in general groups sampling 1: 24
Simeone behaviour? Consumer understanding Study 2: face- Study 2: major
and choices to-face survey retail shop Study
(sampling 2: 240
method not
specified in the
Monnot, Consumer responses to elimination of 2015 France quantitative 2 yoghurt overpackaging face-to-face approached in 217
Parguel, Reniou overpackaging on private label survey the street in a
products major French
city (sampling
method not
specified in the
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Martinho, Pires, Factors affecting consumers’ choices 2015 Portugal quantitative 1 food in sustainable online snowball 215
Portela, concerning sustainable packaging general food packaging questionnaire sampling
Fonseca during product purchase and in general
Muratore, Role and function of food packaging: 2011 Italy qualitative 4 food in hollow glass face-to-face approached at 195
Zarba What consumers prefer general packaging interview with retail stores in
laddering urban areas of
technique Sicily (sampling
method not
specified in the
Neill, Williams Consumer preference for alternative 2016 USA quantitative 3 milk returnable glass contingent market street 229
milk packaging. The case of an milk bottle and valuation grocery store
inferred environmental attribute plastic jug survey + bound- (sampling
and-a-half logit method not
model (face-to- specified in the
face publication)
Nørgaard The influence of packaging on 2018 Denmark quantitative 2 carrots plastic bag, online conjoint snowball 251
Olesen, consumers’ quality perception of plastic box, analyses and sampling (social
Giacalone carrots cardboard box ´pick any´ task network)
Orset, Barret, How consumers of plastic water 2017 France quantitative 3 bottled water plastic water online quota sampling 148
Lemaire bottles are responding to bottles with questionnaire
environmental policies? different plastic
and PEF)
Prakash, Pathak Intention to buy eco-friendly 2017 Indian Quantitative 1 food in food packaging face-to-face shopping malls 204
packaged products among young general in general survey (sampling
consumers of India: A study on method not
developing nation further
specified in the
Rodríguez- Approach to a causal model between 2013 Spain quantitative 1 food in food packaging questionnaire students 60
Barreiro, attitudes and environmental general in general (convenience
Fernández- behaviour: A graduate case study sample)
Morales, Calvo,
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
del Valle
Rokka, Uusitalo Preference for green packaging in 2008 Finland quantitative 3 functional small online consumer panel 330
consumer product choices – Do drink (recyclable) questionnaire
consumers care? products cartons and (choice-based
(non-recyclable) conjoint
plastic bottles analysis)
Scott, Vigar-Ellis Consumer understanding, 2014 South quantitative 4 food in environmentall online snowball 323
perceptions and behaviours with Africa general y-friendly food questionnaire sampling
regard to environmentally friendly packaging in (Facebook)
packaging in a developing nation general
Seo, Ahn, Consumers’ attitude toward 2016 South quantitative 2 and 3 Study 1: Studies 1 & 2: Studies 1 & 2: Studies 1 & 2: Study
Jeong, Moon sustainable food products: Korea protein bars with and online snowball 1: 240
Ingredients vs. packaging and jelly without green experiment sampling (social
beans packaging network) Study
certification Study 3: 2: 302
Study 2: (Study 1: paper laboratory Study 3:
yoghurt and box and plastic, experiment Students Study
energy drink Study 2: plastic (convenience 3: 112
bottle and sample)
Study 3: beverage can)
Study 3:
packaging and
(paper box with
plastic insight)
Sijtsema, Consumer perception of bio-based 2016 Czech qualitative 4 Coca-Cola bio-based Coca- focus group sampling 89
Onwezen, products—An exploratory study in 5 Republic, bottle Cola bottle discussions method not
Reinders, European countries Denmark, specified in the
Dagevos, Germany publication
Partanen, , Italy,
Meeusen and
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Singh, Pandey The determinants of green packaging 2018 India quantitative 3 food in glass questionnaire individuals with 343
that influence buyers´ willingness to general the knowledge
pay a price premium of the ‘green’
concept and
who had
purchased a
product with
y- friendly
Steenis, van Consumer response to packaging 2017 Netherla qualitative and 2 14 tomato varying in free choice students 249
Herpen, van der design. The role of packaging nds quantitative soup packaging profiling (convenience
Lans, Ligthart, materials and graphics in products design and method sample)
van Trijp sustainability perceptions and material. glass and collecting
product evaluations jar, bioplastic consumer
pot, liquid evaluations for
carton, dry each packaging
carton sachet, (lab setting)
plastic pouch,
mixed material
pouch (plastic
with carton
wrapping) and
Songa, How do implicit/explicit attitudes and 2018 Belgium quantitative 4 Yogurt packaging with IAT, eye- students 89
Slabbinck, emotional reactions to sustainable products logo recyclable tracking (convenience
Vermeir, Russo logo relate? A neurophysiological or non- sample)
study recyclable or
without logo
Tobler, Eating green. Consumers’ willingness 2011 Switzerla quantitative 1 food in food packaging postal a computer 6189
Visschers, to adopt ecological food consumption nd general in general questionnaire programme
Siegrist behaviors randomly
households in
directories in
the German-
and French-
Author(s) Title Year Country Type of research Theoretical Product Packaging Method of data Sampling of Sample
approach foundations collection participants size
(see code legend
below the table)1
Trivedi, Patel, Causality analysis of media influence 2018 India quantitative 1 food in green food online e-mail 308
Acharya on environmental attitude, intention general packaging in questionnaire addresses on
and behaviors leading to green general ad-hoc basis
purchasing (non-probability
Van Herpen, Organics unpacked: The influence of 2016 Netherla quantitative 3 fruits and unpacked food experiment (3D Part 1: students Part 1:
Immink, van packaging on the choice for organic nds vegetables and plastic virtual (convenience 100
den Puttelaar fruits and vegetables material, with supermarket sample)
the product environment) Part 2: Part 2:
clearly visible convenience 150
sample of
Venter, Merwe, Consumers’ perceptions of food 2011 South qualitative 4 food in ambiguous combination of snowball 25
Beer, Kempen, packaging: an exploratory Africa general mock packaging semi-structured sampling
Bosman investigation in Potchefstroom, South (glass bottle, interviews
Africa cardboard box and ambiguous
and plastic stimuli as a
pouch), empty projective
without labels technique
Wang, Liu, Qi Factors influencing sustainable 2014 China quantitative 1 food in food packaging face-to-face convenience 1403
consumption behaviors: A survey of general in general survey sample
the rural residents in China
1 Categories of theoretical foundations (also see section 3.2):
1 Theories on attitude-behaviour relationships with explicit or implicit reference to Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) and/or
Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen 1991)
2 Theories on consumer preferences and willingness to pay with explicit or implicit reference to microeconomic foundations, i.e. utility maximisation
and/or Random Utility Theory (McFadden 1974)
3 Theories on cue utilization and signalling with explicit or implicit reference to information economics, e.g. Cue Utilization Theory (Olson and Jacoby
1972) or Signalling Theory (Spence 1973; Stigler 1961)
4 Other theoretical foundations with focus on (selected) processes in the consumer organism
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Declaration of interests
☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:
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Most consumers are aware of the environmental problems caused by food packaging
Consumers know little about environmentally-friendly packaging (EFP) solutions
Research gaps exist regarding how to increase consumers’ purchases of EFP
No study on consumers’ purchases of EFP in the real marketplace conducted so far