Ezcurdia - Introducing Sense (Frege)
Ezcurdia - Introducing Sense (Frege)
Ezcurdia - Introducing Sense (Frege)
CDD: 149.9
Abstract: In this paper I present what I take to be the best argument for
the introduction of the semantic category of sense. This argument, or a
version of it, can be extracted from Frege’s renowned ‘On Sense and
Reference’, but has not been properly understood or appreciated. I begin
by discussing the Russellian objections to other versions of the argument
attributed to Frege, in order to expound the argument which fends off
such objections.
In his renowned “On Sense and Reference” (‘OSR’ from now on)
Frege famously introduced what he intended to be a semantic level or con-
tent level different from that of reference, viz. that of sense. The argument
put forth by Frege has been called (amongst other things) ‘the paradox of
identity’ by Burge (1977) or ‘Frege’s puzzle’ by Salmon (1986) and has
been widely discussed (Burge, 1977; Evans, 1982; Millikan, 1991; Sainsbury,
1983; Salmon, 1986, amongst others). The category of sense itself has also
been widely discussed (Evans, 1981 and 1982; Perry, 1977; Salmon, 1986
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Burge (1977) calls Frege’s argument for the introduction of sense,
‘the “paradox” of identity’. He describes it in the following way:
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
The second part seeks to conclude that the difference between sentences
of those two forms is (according to Burge) accounted for by Frege in
terms of the modes of presentation associated with those singular terms, and
that this difference amounts to a difference in sense.
Many philosophers have supposed that a difference in mode of
presentation is equivalent to a difference in sense, and many have equated
modes of presentation with senses. 2 It is clear in Frege’s texts that he
intends his notion of sense to be essentially semantic. By ‘semantic’ I will
mean here truth-value, truth-conditions, reference or objects of refer-
2 Perry (1977), Evans (1981) and Salmon (1986) are examples. For a discus-
sion of the relation between modes of presentation and senses see Ezcurdia,
1995, 1997, and 2001.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
ence. 3 By ‘content’ I will mean here any of the latter except truth-value.
However, modes of presentation, the ways in which a subject is presented
with an object, are not clearly semantic. They are primarily psychological.
They include senses but also things like sensations, signs (i.e. syntactical
objects), prototypes, causal chains, and thus many things which Frege
would not have wanted to include as senses. At best the category of
mode of presentation is too broad and includes things which are not
senses, and at worst it is the wrong category in being primarily a psycho-
logical category. So if in the argument for the introduction of sense, Frege
– as Burge thinks – is taking the difference in cognitive value between
⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ to be one solely of modes of presentation, it is not clear
that he has succeeded in introducing the semantic level of sense. Until we
are given a reason to believe that the particular modes of presentation
involved are also semantically relevant we have no introduction of sense
as a semantic category.
3 This way of being semantic may be seen as too narrow for it seems to ex-
clude semantic rules, viz. those things which are necessary for understanding and
which determine truth-conditions and objects of reference. So one might wish to
expand the category of what is semantic to those things that determine truth-
conditions and objects of reference. Yet this brings the problem of how to ex-
clude things which are involved in the fixing of reference in Kripke’s sense
(Kripke, 1980). Those things may be presemantically important but not semanti-
cally relevant. On the other hand, one may want semantic rules to be captured
truth-conditionally (viz. through the axioms of an interpretive truth-theory), and
so find no need in including as semantic something that determines truth-
conditions and objects of reference. But sometimes, and at least for some inter-
pretive truth-theories, that will not be possible, especially where context-
dependent expressions are concerned. Nonetheless, notice that reference was
included amongst those things which are semantic. Taking reference as the rela-
tion of reference, and taking semantic rules to be rules of reference or relations
of reference, we can see how they are incorporated into the category of the se-
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that the only genuine referential expressions are simple ones, and the rest are
quantified expressions. Although I do believe that there are complex referential
expressions, for the purposes of the present argument one could think of what I
call ‘complex referential expressions’ just as complex noun phrases. The present
argument seems to be present in Russell and more recently in Millikan, 1991.
5 There is an unstable position here concerning the way in which ‘The Eve-
ning Star’ and ‘the Morning Star’ are being taken. Given that they are in capital
letters it would appear that they figure as names, not as descriptions. As such,
even if the reference of ‘the Evening Star’ failed to satisfy the description ‘the
evening star’ due to it being perceived in the afternoon but not in the evenings,
or as is the case, due to it not being a star, that name would still refer to that star,
just as ‘Dartmouth’ refers to the town even if it is no longer at the mouth of the
river Dart. But for the argument to go through these expressions do not func-
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same semantic content, but not in another sense. They share the same seman-
tic content insofar as they refer to the same object, but differ in semantic
content insofar as they arrive at that content (as Millikan puts it) via differ-
ent routes and from different starting points. Given that ‘evening’ and
‘morning’ refer to different parts or times of day, and hence have different
references, we may say that the complex expressions ‘The Evening Star’
and ‘The Morning Star’ have in some respect different contents or refer-
ences. Yet because they refer to the same object, namely, Venus, they have
the same reference. So these expressions differ in content in some way,
but not in another. They both refer to Venus but they get there via differ-
ent routes and from different starting points: via the different times or
parts of the day to which ‘evening’ and ‘morning’ refer.
This account does not, however, cover all referential expressions,
but only complex ones. Simple referential expressions, that is, expressions
with no identifiable semantic complexity or semantic proper parts, like
‘Hesperus’ and ‘Phosphorus’ or like ‘Tully’ and ‘Cicero’, are not covered
by such an account. The difference in content between these co-referring
expressions cannot be explained in terms of the difference in the refer-
ences of the parts as we did with complex referential expressions. ‘Hespe-
rus’ and ‘Phosphorus’ have the same reference, but because they are prima
facie genuinely simple referential expressions, they do not have semantically
relevant proper parts whose reference we could pick on to explain how
they differ in the way of arriving at their reference. Russellians, and in par-
ticular Millikan, hold that only if the Fregean denies such genuine semantic
simplicity, could she hold a view of simple referential expressions as ellip-
tical for complex referential expressions, and only then could she follow
tion solely as names, but also as descriptions. The descriptive elements in them
are taken to have a semantic role to play in determining or arriving at the refer-
ence of the names.
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6 Frege need not assume a hidden complexity in proper names. It is true that
in ‘The Thought’ he suggests that the senses of proper names are descriptive,
and were that to be his view then he would have no problem about simple co-
referential expressions. However, there is an alternative interpretation of Frege’s
views on proper names which pays more attention to his OSR in McDowell,
7 Taschek (1991) has argued that Frege’s argument for the introduction of
sense depends on the reference of sentences being their truth-values, the argu-
ment being the introduction of a difference in the senses of the sentences, viz. in
the thoughts expressed by sentences with the same truth-value. But then there
would be no dispute between the Fregean and the Russellian for it will not be
clear that a different semantic or content level will have been introduced. In fact,
a Russellian can accept that there are two types of references for a sentence, one
being its semantic value and the other its semantic content, the semantic value
for a sentence just being its truth-value and the semantic content being captured
by truth-conditions made up of the references of the meaningful parts of a sen-
tence arranged in a certain way. Such truth-conditions are what I have elsewhere
called ‘purely referential truth-conditions’. (See Ezcurdia, 1994 and 1995.) Thus,
for there to be a genuine dispute between the Fregean and the Russellian, I shall
assume that the reference of sentences are just what the Russellians would take
their semantic content to be (or their purely referential truth-conditions).
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
∴4. ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ differ in some respect other than their refer-
∴5. Because ‘α’ and ‘β’ are simple co-referring expressions, and the
sign of identity is common to both sentence-forms, the differ-
ence between sentences of the form ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ must be a
difference in the modes of presentation of the reference of ‘α’ and
‘β’, in their senses.
So if ⎡α=α⎤ did not differ from ⎡α=β⎤ then coming to know that Cicero is
Tully would not consist in new knowledge and we would be able to infer
directly ‘Cicero is Tully’ from ‘Cicero is Cicero’. The fact that we can take
opposing attitudes towards the contents of the sentences ‘Cicero is
Cicero’ and ‘Cicero is Tully’ is evidence that these sentences differ in
cognitive value. Since the simple referential expressions in those sen-
tences have the same reference they must differ at another semantic or
content level, viz. at the level of sense or of modes of presentation. Such a
level, Frege will claim, is a semantic level.
But if this argument purports to be an argument for sense as
something semantic, then as it stands it is invalid. Since it overlooks the
fact that the notational or syntactical difference between ‘α’ and ‘β’ in
⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ may give us the desired difference. For why could it not
be the case that the difference in cognitive or information value of ⎡α=α⎤
and ⎡α=β⎤ be owed solely to a difference in notation? Why couldn’t the
difference in notation or syntax suffice to ‘move the mind differently’? Why
could it not be that our ability to take opposing attitudes to sentences of
these two different forms lie in our failure to know that ‘α’ refers to the
same thing as ‘β’? A notational account of the difference between true sen-
tences of the form ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ would say that they differ in their
cognitive value because they differ in their notation. ⎡α=α⎤ contains two
tokens of the same sign whereas ⎡α=β⎤ contains two tokens of different
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signs. There are two such notational accounts. The first, which I shall call
‘the Begriffsschrift notational account’, is suggested by Frege himself in his Be-
griffsschrift; and the second, which I shall call ‘the psychological notational ac-
count’, is suggested more recently by Millikan, 1991.
Under the first account, the content of sentences of the form
⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ is not given merely by the references of ‘α’, ‘β’ and ‘=’.
Rather under its content we have it that ⎡α=α⎤ simply states that ‘α’ has
the same reference as ‘α’ and ⎡α=β⎤ states that ‘α’ has the same reference
as ‘β’ (or that the referent of ‘α’ is the referent of ‘β’). Thus, in order to
account for the difference in cognitive value between ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤
taking account of the reference of ‘α’ and ‘β’ and syntactical notations
would seem to suffice to argue that ‘α’ and ‘β’ have different contents at
one level but not at another. ‘α’ and ‘β’ have the same reference but the
sentences which contain such simple referring expressions and which
involve the identity-sign do not. 9 There ‘α’ and ‘β’ refer to themselves as
well, so to speak. So when a subject takes opposing attitudes to the con-
tents of ‘Cicero is Cicero’ and ‘Cicero is Tully’, she does so because those
sentences differ in their content in virtue of their difference in syntax.
count only for sentences containing the identity-sign. Yet, as Salmon (1986) has
been quick to remark, the argument for the introduction of sense has little to do
with sentences containing the identity-sign, and more with simple referring ex-
pressions. For example, ‘Hesperus is a big star’ and ‘Phosphorus is a big star’ are
sentences which do not concern identity, which have the same reference, but
which still differ in cognitive value. So we could take the Begriffsschrift notational
account to cover all sentences in which simple referring expressions occur and
not just identity-sentences. Wherever a sentence occurs with a simple referring
expression the semantic contribution of that simple referring expression will not
be its referent only, but also itself. Thus, ‘Hesperus is a big star’ will state that the
reference of ‘Hesperus’ is a big star.
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Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
say, same way of helping to determine truth value. That this is the case is
not given. (1991, p. 455.)
This, however, cannot be had by the Fregean for in the face of (at least)
the psychological notational account it begs the question at issue. There-
fore, according to Millikan either Frege’s argument for the introduction
of sense as a semantic category begs the question or, as it stands, it is in-
valid. 10 However, even if the Fregean were able to rule out Millikan’s psy-
chological notational account, she would still require an argument against
the Begriffsschrift notational account, where the signs themselves are part of
the content of identity-sentences.
Were Frege’s argument to be the one that either Burge or Millikan
envisage, Frege would not have succeeded in introducing sense. How-
ever, I think that both Millikan’s and Burge’s versions of Frege’s argu-
ment are not the only ones. There is a version of the argument which
avoids the problems here presented.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Burge is right in concluding that there are two parts to Frege’s ar-
gument. However, he is wrong in believing that the conclusion to the first
part is just that the difference between ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ cannot be a dif-
ference in reference alone. Rather the conclusion is that such a difference
cannot be just a difference in the reference of the terms nor, crucially, a
difference in signs between ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤. The first part of Frege’s
argument (which I shall call ‘The Negative Phase’ from now on) has three
stages. Its overall aim is to establish that differences in the cognitive value
of sentences with the forms ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ cannot be accounted for
either in terms of their syntactic differences or in terms of the references
of ‘α’ and ‘β’. The First Stage of this phase establishes that ⎡α=α⎤ and
⎡α=β⎤ differ in cognitive value. The Second Stage concerns the Be-
griffsschrift notational account of the relation of identity, in terms of which
a notational account of the difference in cognitive value between ⎡α=α⎤
and ⎡α=β⎤ is given. And The Third Stage consists of an argument against
such a notational account of the difference in cognitive value. Finally, the
second part of his argument, which I shall call ‘The Positive Phase’, argues
that the difference in cognitive value between sentences of those two
forms will be owed to a semantic difference, in particular to a difference in
senses, or more specifically, ways of determining reference or ways of referring. Let
us then look at the argument.
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Given (I) and (II), even if all the English-speaking community were to
know that Hesperus is Phosphorus it will still be possible for there to be
a subject for whom sentences of the form ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’ will
be cognitively valuable (even if that subject is only a possible subject, not
an actual one). So ‘Hesperus is Hesperus’ will always differ in cognitive
value from ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’.
However, a difference in cognitive value is not exhausted by (I)
and (II). There is more to it than this. ⎡α=α⎤ is knowable a priori whilst
⎡α=β⎤ is not necessarily knowable a priori, 11 where the latter form of iden-
tity-sentences, but not the former, contain valuable extensions to our
knowledge. This is what makes a sentence cognitively valuable, viz. that it
11 Frege says further that ⎡α=α⎤ is analytic, and whilst he does not explicitly
extend the difference by claiming in OSR that ⎡α=β⎤ is synthetic, in his Be-
griffsschrift he had already recognized its synthetic nature, and since in “Function
and Concept” he had made it clear that the truth of α=β is not immediately rec-
ognizable, we can say that it is not knowable a priori. I take it that such analytic-
synthetic difference is a good indication of a difference in cognitive value, but I
do not take it to be essential to such a difference. For this reason I have left it
out of the main characterization of the difference between sentences of the form
⎡α=α⎤ and those of the form ⎡α=β⎤.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
may extend our body of knowledge. In the light of this, the question we
must ask ourselves when considering Frege’s argument is whether a mere
difference in notation between ⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤ would suffice for the
12 There are other cases where one might think that two signs differ trivially,
viz. when one is an abbreviation of another as in the case of ‘NY’ for ‘New
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Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
that case the sentence a=b would no longer refer to the subject
matter, but only to its mode of designation; we would express
no proper knowledge by its means. But in many cases this is just
what we want to do.
B If the sign ‘a’ is distinguished from the sign ‘b’ only as an object
(here, by means of its shape) not as a sign (i.e. not by the man-
ner in which it designates something), the cognitive value of
a=a becomes essentially equal to that of a=b, provided a=b is
C A difference can arise only if the difference between the signs
corresponds to a difference in the mode of presentation of the
thing designated. (OSR, p. 57)
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Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
and that of sentences like ‘Hesperus is ’, where ‘’ is a sign introduced
arbitrarily as having the same reference as ‘Hesperus’. In not being able to
distinguish between the cognitive value of these, the Begriffsschrift nota-
tional view cannot account properly for the cognitive value of sentences
of the form ⎡α=β⎤, and so cannot properly account for the way the cogni-
tive value of such sentences differs from that of sentences of the form
⎡α=α⎤. This in a nutshell is what the argument in A is. Let us spell it out.
Anyone can introduce any arbitrary sign to refer to an object, but
coming to know that the new sign referred to the same object that an old
sign did would not constitute proper knowledge.
(i) Hesperus is Phosphorus
(ii) Hesperus is .
(i) and (ii) are both true. Prima facie these two sentences differ in their
cognitive value. The former, but not the latter, gives us proper knowl-
edge; it reports a new and genuine scientific discovery. This does not oc-
cur with (ii). (ii) at most purports to tell us how someone intends us to
use ‘’. But (i) purports to do something different from (ii). What it pur-
ports to do must be described by the account of identity-sentences.
However, if the Begriffsschrift notational account cannot bring out the dif-
ference between (i) and (ii), then it will not be able to account properly
for the cognitive value of (i).
For the Begriffsschrift notational account, (i) is equivalent to
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Thus, such an account does not have the tools to distinguish properly (i)
from (ii). It does not say why (i) constitutes an extension in our proper
knowledge but (ii) does not, nor why we think that, although (ii) is really
expressing some metalinguistic knowledge, (i) is not. For the Begriffsschrift
notational account knowing that (i) and knowing that (ii) are just two
forms of the same kind of metalinguistic knowledge and nothing else. So
our intuitions about the cognitive value of (i) being different from that of
(ii) are not vindicated.
Furthermore, if an account cannot distinguish the cognitive value
of sentences like (i) from that of sentences like (ii), then it cannot give a
proper account of the cognitive value of (ii) and hence of the difference
in cognitive value between (i) and
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
say that Frege is right in asserting in B that sentences of the form ⎡α=α⎤
and ⎡α=β⎤ are equivalent in cognitive value for the Begriffsschrift notational
account. Both extend our metalinguistic knowledge in the same way. That
they are not thus equivalent is an argument against such an account.
We are now in a position to spell out fully the argument of The
Negative Phase of Frege’s argument for the introduction of sense:
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Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
which have no semantic relevance, and that such a difference will suffice
for a subject to take opposing attitudes towards sentences of these forms.
She believes that these differences in vehicles or in purely syntactical
modes of presentation will suffice to account for differences in cognitive
value, because they will suffice to ‘move the mind differently’. It is not
clear, however, that such an account (or even supplementing the Be-
griffsschrift notational account with the claim about the different syntactical
modes of presentation) will suffice to bring out the difference in cogni-
tive value between ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’ and ‘Hesperus is ’. It will
certainly be possible to account for why a subject took opposing attitudes
to these sentences or their contents since her mind would have been sen-
sitive to their differences in modes of presentation, in vehicles. But it will
not be possible for the psychological notational account (nor the supple-
mented Begriffsschrift account) to explain or predict the difference in cogni-
tive value between ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’ and ‘Hesperus is ’. The dif-
ference in vehicles or modes of presentation does not suffice to explain
why the former, but not the latter, brings new and proper knowledge in the
way explained above. In fact, the psychological notational account (as
well as the supplemented one) will predict that ‘Hesperus is ’ is cogni-
tively valuable because the difference in signs involve a difference in
purely psychological modes of presentation and so a subject may take a
different attitude to it from the one it takes to ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’
or ‘Hesperus is Hesperus’. But ‘Hesperus is ’ is not cognitively valu-
able. So a supplemented notational account, as it stands, would make the
wrong predictions about such a sentence. Something more is needed.
This is the challenge which Frege’s account will pose to any notational
account (or for that matter, to any account), viz. to bring out the differ-
ence in cognitive value between ‘Hesperus is ’ and ‘Hesperus is Phos-
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
[…] different names for the same [reference] are not always just a trivial
matter of formulation; if they go along with different ways of determining the
[reference], they are relevant to the essential nature of the case. (p. 12; my
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
value between the propositions α=β and α=α, and so to allow for the possibility
of a subject taking opposing propositional attitudes to sentences of those two
forms. If a difference in senses is to allow for such a possibility there must be
some way in which senses are psychologically relevant. So there must be a connec-
tion between psychological modes of presentation and semantic senses or ways
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
(1) and (2) state two epistemically different ways of determining the refer-
ence, each corresponding respectively to ‘A’ and ‘B’. Yet one need not be
committed to the idea that all ways of determining reference are always
epistemic ways of determining the reference as in this example. The impor-
tant point about ways of determination is that they determine the refer-
ence of a name, sentence or predicate, that is, of a meaningful expression
in the language, in a certain way. Such ways of determining reference may
well be essentially semantic. Given what we said was essentially semantic,
ways of determining reference will have to be shown to be either truth-
values, truth-conditions, reference or objects of reference. There are at
least two manners (which do not exclude each other) in which ways of
determining reference may be said to be semantic categories. One of
them is to say that ways of determining reference are just ways of refer-
ring and that the relation of reference is what is included under ‘reference’ in
what is semantic, so that ways of determining reference are just different
ways in which the relation of reference may be implemented. In this case,
we come close to identifying senses as ways of referring with semantic
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Until we have a reason then for supposing that something different from
ways of determining reference or senses can allow for the difference in
cognitive value between ‘Hesperus is Hesperus’ and ‘Hesperus is ’, we
may assert with Frege that only differences in ways of determination will
be able to account for such differences in cognitive value. 16
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
What is then the state of play between the Fregean and the Russel-
Nothing of what I have said so far entails that the situation which
Millikan envisages, or which any other Russellian might envisage, is false
and it is not available as an alternative account. Yet it is important to note
that such an account would be a revisionary account not only of our lan-
guage but more importantly of what we take knowledge and genuine sci-
entific discoveries to be. 17 What I have said so far only entails that the
argument for Fregean sense is both non-question begging and valid. If
someone, however, intends to pursue a notational account then she must
face what I shall call ‘the Fregean Challenge’. The Fregean Challenge just
consists in either offering an account which allows for an explanation of
the differences in the knowledge we derive from ‘Hesperus is Phos-
17 Some might try (see Blackburn, 1979, pp. 27-8) to revive the notational ac-
(i) the way of determination associated with ‘Hesperus’ determines the same
reference as the way of determination associated with ‘Hesperus’
The problem with this is that the cognitive value of ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’
and of (ii) may not be the same. A subject may know that Hesperus is Phospho-
rus, but not that the way of determination associated with ‘Hesperus’ determines
the same reference as the way of determination associated with ‘Phosphorus’. In
knowing that Hesperus is Phosphorus the subject has knowledge which is sensi-
tive to differences in ways of determination or senses, but this is different from
having knowledge of those ways of determining reference.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
phorus’ and ‘Hesperus is ’, or saying why coming to know that Hespe-
rus is Phosphorus does not differ in cognitive value from our coming to
know that Hesperus is (contrary to our intuitions).
Against the Begriffsschrift notational account of sentences there is at
least one prima facie undesirable consequence which needs to be pointed
out. If identity-sentences containing simple referring expressions assert
just equivalence in reference between two signs then identity will turn out
to be contingent, when we in fact think it as necessary. ‘“Hesperus” has
the same reference as “Phosphorus”’ would be only contingent because
those signs or expressions could have had different references from that
of Venus. Furthermore, the metalinguistic fact that ‘Hesperus’ has the
same reference as ‘Phosphorus’ cannot alone explain properly why know-
ing that Hesperus is Phosphorus is having some knowledge in astronomy.
The Begriffsschrift notational account will have to say more than just assert
the metalinguistic fact in order to explain why the knowledge we get is
astronomical. But it will have to do more. For the Fregean our understand-
ing of simple referring expressions will involve knowledge of their associ-
ated ways of determination. But the Russellian will have to explain how it
is that our understanding of simple referring expressions can be framed in a
notational form.
Yet a Russellian may not want to go the notational way in account-
ing for the difference in cognitive value between sentences of the form
⎡α=α⎤ and ⎡α=β⎤. She might just want to claim that there is no difference
in cognitive value between sentences of these two forms – as Salmon (in
some way) and Millikan have done –, thus denying that Frege’s argument
is sound by claiming that premise 2 of The Negative Phase is false. Or she
might just claim that ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’ is just as cognitively valu-
able as ‘Hesperus is ’. To take either of these two routes are viable op-
tions, yet they are revisionist options. And to take a revisionist option one
needs to be furnished with a good argument against pursuing an account
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
that intends to vindicate our intuitions and accord with the commonsense
and day to day evidence as a Fregean account would intend to do.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil., Campinas, v. 26, n. 2, pp. 279-312, jul.-dez. 2003.