Electrons Holes

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Semiconducting materials have electrical properties that fall between true

conductors, (like metals) which are always highly conducting and
insulators (like glass or plastic or common ceramics) which always
conduct very poorly. The physical property is “conductivity”, with symbol
σ and units of siemens/meter (S/m). It indicates how much current will
flow when an electric field is applied. Metals have high conductivity
(σ > 107 S/m), and insulators have very low (σ < 10–12 S/m).
Semiconductors fall between these extremes. More importantly, the
conductivity can be modified over a wide range by adding tiny amounts (a
few parts per million) of “impurities” to the semiconductor. For example,
the conductivity of silicon can range from 10–2 S/m to 107 S/m, depending
on the amount of impurity added. The electric properties of silicon can
range from almost metallic to reasonably insulating. In general, conductors
and insulators are not as sensitive to compositional changes.
Semiconductor conductivity is also strongly dependent on temperature —
increasing the temperature increase the conductivity. In general,
conductors and insulators are not as sensitive to temperature changes.
Semiconductors also can collect and generate photons (light), so they are
important in hybrid “opto-electronic” applications.
EE 230 semiconductors – 1
In the semiconductor industry, silicon is the most important material,
although it is by no means the only option. Currently, it is the best
option for making integrated circuits.

Elemental semiconductors Compound semiconductors



Al Si P S Al Si P S

Ga Ge As Se Ga Ge As Se

In Sn Sb Te In Sn Sb Te

Si, Ge, C (diamond), GaAs, AlAs, InP, InAs, GaN, GaSb,

SiGe, SiC. (Al,Ga)As, (Ga,In)As, GaIn AsP.
Heterojunction devices — two
semiconductors used in a single
structure, GaAs/(Al,Ga)As
EE 230 semiconductors – 2
Some important semiconductors
• silicon (Si) — vast majority of integrated circuits, various sensors, light
senors, solar cells, miniature mechanical devices
• gallium arsenide (GaAs) — prototypical compound semiconductor,
heterojunction bipolar and field-effect transistors for higher
performance, infra-red light-emitting diodes (remote controls, etc.)
• gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs) — derivative from GaAs, used in
highest speed heterojunction field-effect transistors
• gallium indium arsenide phosphide (Ga,In)(As,P) — used for lasers
and detectors in fiber optic systems
• gallium nitride (GaN) — used for high performance microwave and
high-power switching transistors and for making ultra-violet LEDs that
are the key part of white LEDs for illumination.
• silicon carbide (SiC) — used for high-power switching transistors.

EE 230 semiconductors – 3
Why is silicon dominant?
• It is abundant — it is the 4th most common element. It is a major
component of sand.
• Abundance makes it inexpensive.
• It is relatively easy to purify and crystallize into wafers that are the
starting form for integrating circuits.
• The electrical properties can be varied over a wide ranges.
• It is easy to form an insulating layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) on the
surface of the silicon. The interface between Si and SiO2 is
particularly conducive to making transistors. (This is absolutely key.)
• There are well developed fabrication techniques for turning raw
silicon into transistors.
• Integrated circuits can be made that contain billions of transistors
whose sizes that are a few billionths of a meter and that switch on and
off in a fraction of a billionth of a second.

EE 230 semiconductors – 4
From chemistry: The silicon atom has 14 electrons arranged in the shells
of 2, 8, and 4 electrons. The inner two shells are completely filled and
play no role in the chemistry of silicon. The outer shell is only half full.


Silicon atoms can bond through the sharing of electrons (covalent

bonding). By sharing electrons with 4 other atoms, the atom can “feel
like its outer valence shell is full”. This arrangement leads to the lowest
total energy.

EE 230 semiconductors – 5
For a silicon atom to most effectively bond with 4 adjacent atoms in
three dimensions, the group will arrange into a “tetrahedral” formation.

EE 230 semiconductors – 6
Extending the tetrahedral arrangement to a few quintillions atoms, a silicon
crystal is formed. Every atom is in a specific location in the crystal.

In a silicon crystal, there

are about 5x1022 atoms in
one cubic centimeter.
There are non-crystalline
forms of silicon, also.
EE 230 semiconductors – 7
Silicon crystal
It is difficult to depict the 3-D lattice on a flate, but we can get a
qualitative idea of what is going on with the 2-D version of crystal, as
shown below. The dots represent silicon atoms. The lines connecting
dots represent shared bonding electrons. The figure represents a very
tiny section of a 2-D crystal.

In a perfect silicon crystal, all of the electrons are serving to bond atoms
EE 230 semiconductors – 8
Everything is always in motion
Although the picture implies a
static situation, in reality everything
is in constant motion. The atoms
are vibrating about their lattice
sites. The electrons are also
vibrating and swapping positions.
The electrons are in constant
motion — some moving up, some
moving down, some moving left,
some moving right. All this motion
is part of fundamental

But if we average the motion over time, then static picture above
emerge — the vibrations and movements smooth to zero The atoms are
properly located at lattice sites with elections between, bonding
everything together.

EE 230 semiconductors – 9
In a perfect crystal, no current flows
A simple though experiment: Take a snapshot of a perfect crystal with all
particles in their proper places. Then apply an electric field for short period of
time. After the field is turned off, take another snapshot of the crystal.
Before After

There is no apparent change — the “after” snapshot looks exactly the same as
the “before”. If there is no change in the arrangement of the electrons, then
the field had no real effect — no net current flowed during the time the field
EE 230 was present. semiconductors – 10
Bad musical chairs
As an analogy, consider a badly implemented game of musical chairs. There
are 10 identical children. (Maybe they are clones. Maybe they are all dressed
the same, with the same clothes, hats and corona virus masks. How they
came to be identical is not the point. The point is that you cannot tell them
apart.) There are also 10 chairs.
1. At the start of the game, you photograph the 10 children sitting in the 10
2. You close your eyes and the music starts. The children begin marching
around the chairs.
3. The music stops and the children scramble to sit down. Of course, with
10 chairs, they all end up with a seat. (That’s why this is a bad game of
musical chairs.)
4. You open your eyes and take another picture of the children in the chairs.
Comparing the before and after photos, you are unable to see any change.
Did anything happen while your eyes were closed? Apparently there was a
lot of action while the music played, but there was no net effect overall. So it
is with electrons in a perfect crystal. Even if the electrons were moving while
field was applied, there was no apparent change at the end. We must
interpret this as meaning that no current flowed.
EE 230 semiconductors – 11
Some electrons break loose
Now suppose that a few rogue electrons have managed to break loose from
the bonds and have become “free”. If we repeat the electric field experiment
again with a field that pushes electrons to the right, we note a distinct
difference between the “before” and “after” pictures. The free electrons have
moved to the right. There is a measurable change in the electron
configuration — a current must have flowed!
Before After

Our conclusion is that in order to have currents in the crystal, it cannot be

EE 230 “perfect”, there must be some free electrons available. semiconductors – 12
Thermodynamics and free electrons
How can electrons break loose? Recall that in a little cube of silicon, 1 mm
on side, there are about 5x1019 (50 quintillion) atoms and so four times that,
or 2x1020 (200 quintillion) valence electrons. The electrons are all wiggling
like crazy, but mostly they stay between the atoms in the bond positions.
However, according to the rules of thermodynamics, the electrons have a
distribution of energies and the number of electrons at a given energy is
specified by a probability function — in classical physics it is the

( kT )
Boltzmann function, f (E) = exp − , where E is the energy, kT is the
thermal energy, and f(E) is the probability that an electron has that energy.
(In a quantum system like a semiconductor crystal, the probability function
is different, but the basic concepts are the same. We will not delve into the
differences here — we save it for EE 332.)
The probability decreases exponentially as the energy increases, but it
never goes to zero. There is a small, but finite, probability that some
electrons will have very high energies — high enough that they can break
out of the bonds and become free to move through the crystal. Because
there are so many electrons, it is certain that some will have broken loose.
The fraction of free electrons may be small, but it will not be zero.
EE 230 semiconductors – 13
The band gap
For a given semiconductor, the energy required for an electron to break
loose is known as the band-gap energy, denoted as EG. Each semiconductor
has a distinctive EG. The band gap can be viewed as measure of how
strongly the electrons are held in the bonds. The bigger the bandgap, the
harder is it for electrons to break loose. Thus, the bandgap energy becomes
a key indicator of the electricalcapabilities of the material. In fact, we can
re-visit our earlier characterization of electronic materials using the idea of
a band gap.
Insulators have a very big band gaps. Even though there are many electrons
bonding the atoms together, the energy required to break loose is so big
that virtually none of them can do it. There can never be free electrons and
the insulator has virtually no current — the conductivity is extremely small.
Conductors — most metals — have very small band gaps. It is very easy to
for electrons to break and there will always be lots of electrons present to
carry current — the conductivity is always very big.
Semiconductors fall into between. The gap is not too big — depending on
the temperature, there will be some numbers electrons that have broken
loose and can carry current. The conductivity will have an intermediate
EE 230 semiconductors – 14
Bad musical chairs with a rogue student
Returning to our musical chairs analogy, suppose that one of the children is
not interested in musical chairs. Instead of marching around the chairs with
the rest of the group, they wander over the corner of the music room where
the percussion instruments are set up.
1. At the start of the game, you photograph the 10 children, 9 sitting in
chairs and one over banging on a snare drum.
2. You close your eyes and the music starts. The 9 children dutifully begin
circling the chairs. The “rogue” child moves over the xylophone.
3. The music stops and the 9 children scramble to sit down. Of course,
there are plenty of chairs. Meanwhile, the 10th child has moved to the
cymbals and is clanging them together.
4. You open your eyes and take another picture of the children in the chairs
and the rogue youngster, who is, by now, thumping on the bass drum.
Now in comparing the photos, you see that the “free” child has clearly been
moving around while your eyes were closed, and you can make an inference
about their between-snapshot movements, which could be described as a

EE 230 semiconductors – 15
So free electrons in the crystal are a means by which current can flow. If the
band gap energy of the material is not too big and the temperature is not too
low, there should be some free electrons available. But in focusing on the free
electrons (or the free child in the musical chairs game), we are overlooking
another aspect — the “empty spot” vacated when the electron left the bond
position (or the child left the game) is also moving.
Consider the musical chairs game again. While we are tracking the “free”
child as they move around in another part of the room, the other children are
still playing the game. During each round the, 9 kids march around the 10
chairs, and when then music stops they sit down. At the end of each round,
there will be an empty chair. From one round to the next, the location of the
empty chair will be in a different spot, depending on the random positions of
the children when the music stopped. We can clearly see the changing
position of the empty chair each time, and that change also represents current
In our musical chairs scenario, we see that there are two mechanisms leading
to changes in the positions of the kids — the motion of the free kid goofing
around with percussion instruments and the motion of the game-playing kids,
which we track by watching the changing location of the empty chair.

EE 230 semiconductors – 16
It is much the same for electrons in the crystal. Look again at the free
electrons in the “before” figure, where we have indicated the empty spots —
holes — where the free electrons were previously bound. The applied electric
field pushes electrons to the right.
Before After

The free electrons move to the right. In addition, we now see that the bonding
electron can also hop to the right to fill an empty. For each of the original
empty spots, there have been electron hops to the right, which, causes the
empty spot to move to the left. The empty spots move as if they as if they
EE 230 were electrons, but with positive charge. semiconductors – 17
The change in the arrangement of the bonding electrons also represents
current flow. We can keep track of it by monitoring the movement of the
empty spots. In some sense, this is an accounting trick. The current is due
to the movement of the electrons in the bond positions, but it is easier to
keep track of a few empty spots that it is to keep track of a 100 quintillion
or so electrons — just like it is easier to watch the movement of the empty
chair in the game that it is to keep track of 9 identical children.
So we see that current in a semiconductor can be carried by free electrons
or “holes”. When applying an electric field to push carriers around, the
electrons move “normally” — opposite the direction of the electric field —
and the holes move as if they were positively charged — in the same
direction as the field.
However, recall that electrons moving to the left represent negative charge
moving to the left. This has the same effect as positive charge moving to the
right. So while an electric field causes electrons and holes to move in
opposite directions, the two current are in the same direction.
<latexit sha1_base64="3AqDF3zM9vsntiZ8k7lefH61CEM=">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</latexit>

electron current
hole current
EE 230 semiconductors – 18
Because the numbers of electrons and holes are so very big, we
describe the quantities in terms of concentrations. The concentration of
free electrons and holes is the number per unit volume.

To get an idea of just how many particles there are, we start with the
concentration of atoms in a silicon crystal. This number works out to
about 5x1019 per cubic millimeter. [ 50 nm–3 or 5x1022 cm–3 or
5x1028 m–3. ]

There are 14 electrons with each atom, but only 4 are in the outer
valence shell and hence available to break loose. So there are about
2x1023 cm–3 electrons that might possibly be available to carry current.
Usually, only a very tiny fraction of electrons are “free” — probably less
than one in a trillion have sufficient energy to break the bonds. This
means that the concentration of free electrons might be something like
1010 cm–3. Of course, there would be similar concentration of holes.
n → electron concentration
p → hole concentration
EE 230 semiconductors – 19
Current density
In similar fashion, we normalize currents by using
the idea of current density. If we consider a wire I
(or any path that constrains the flow of current)
with cross-sectional area of A, then the current
density is defined as J = I/A. A
The units are amps per unit area: A/cm2.

As an example, consider a 14-gauge copper wire (diameter of

1.63 mm), like the wiring in your house. If there is one amp of current
flowing, the current density is:

= = = /
<latexit sha1_base64="SnGyJjj/V/ZrqqSdRQUL+DMDmYA=">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</latexit>
( . )
In a trace of an integrated circuit, a wire may have only 1 mA flowing
but the rectangular cross-sectional area might be very small, say 5 µm x
0.5 µm. In that case the current density might be:
= = , /
<latexit sha1_base64="roInk6wag4YrlmMJ/IAGBLcbMmE=">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</latexit>
( )( )
EE 230 semiconductors – 20
Of course, current is moving charge. So there must be some charge (as
indicated by the concentration) and there must movement, as given the
velocity. And we must have both things — charge with no velocity is
zero current as is velocity without charge. So if we consider electrons,
it is the product, q·n·vn that matters. (Each electron carries 1 q of charge
and vn is velocity of the electrons.) If we examine the units of this
quantity, we realize that this is current density.

Jn = q·n·vn

If we are considering holes, the current density is:

Jp = q·p·vp

If both electrons and holes are present then

Jtotal = Jn + Jp = q·n·vn + q·p·vp

EE 230 semiconductors – 21
Intrinsic semiconductor
However, the situation we have considered so far is a special case,
because the numbers of holes and electrons are always identical — the
creation of a free electron automatically introduces a hole. We call
these electron-hole pairs. This is the inherent result that must occur
when we have a perfect crystal in which every atom is silicon, so that
the number electrons exactly matches the number of available bonds.
In this situation, with the number of electrons exactly matching the
number of holes, n = p, we have an “intrinsic” semiconductor.

Technologically, intrinsic semiconductors are not very interesting,

because the only means for changing carrier concentration is to change
the temperature. And then we change both the electrons and holes in
identical fashion.

EE 230 semiconductors – 22
Extrinsic semiconductor (doping)
If we want to control the electron and hole concentrations
independently, we must make the crystal imperfect in some fashion. In
particular, we will want to form defects by controllably adding atoms of
other elements. The process of adding impurities is called doping and
the added impurities are dopants.

To see the effect of a dopant, consider substituting phosphorus atoms

for some of the silicon atoms in the crystal.


Phosphorus comes from the fifth
column of the periodic table. It is Al Si P S
very similar to silicon, but has an
outer shell with 5 valence electrons. Ga Ge As

In Sn Sb Te

EE 230 semiconductors – 23
If a phosphorus atom is substituted for a silicon atom in the crystal, it fits
in relatively well — using four electrons to make bonds with the four
neighboring silicon atoms. However the fifth electron has no bonding
site in which to fit.

The dangling electron will be It is relatively easy (i.e. requires

weakly bound to the phosphorus little energy) for the
electron to
atom. break free. The phosphorus atom
will then carry a charge of +q.
EE 230 semiconductors – 24
Since the added phosphorus atom “donated” one electron to the
semiconductor, it is known as a “donor”. (Any element that adds
electrons is a donor.) The use of donors gives us a means to control the
electron concentration, independently of the holes. It seems intuitively
obvious that each added donor atom will add an electron. So we might
n = ND,

the electron concentration is equal to the donor concentration (if no

other impurities are present). The simple relationship is generally
correct. So a semiconductor in which donors have been added to
increase the concentration of electrons is known as an “n-type”

Phosphorus is probably the most commonly used n-type dopant,

although arsenic is used in some special situations.

EE 230 semiconductors – 25
Some typical numbers

Concentration of silicon atoms in a silicon crystal:

5x1028 m–3 = 5x1022 cm–3 = 5x1019 mm–3.

Intrinsic electron (and hole) concentration at room temperature:

ni = 6x1010 cm–3 ( ≈ 1010 cm–3 or 107 mm–3.)

Doping concentrations, either p-type or n-type:

ND (or NA) ranging from 1014 cm–3 to 1021 cm–3 (2 ppb - 2%)

Then, under typical conditions in n-doped silicon, the electron

concentration would then be n = ND. In p-doped silicons the hole
concentration would be p = NA.

EE 230 semiconductors – 26
In an analogous way, holes can be added to the semiconductor.
Consider substituting boron atoms for
some of the silicon in the lattice. B C N O
Boron has three outer valence
electrons – one short of matching up Al Si P S
with the four surrounding silicon
Ga Ge As Se
In Sn Sb Te

Each added boron atom

introduces a hole into the
bonding arrangement. Since
the empty spot can accept an
electron, boron is known as an
acceptor dopant.

EE 230 semiconductors – 27
Once the hole “breaks loose”, the
acceptor atom, which is locked in place,
will take a net negative charge of -q.

Again, since each acceptor atom adds

one hole, we can surmise that

p = NA,

the hole concentration is equal to the added acceptor impurity

concentration (if no other impurities are present). A semiconductor that
has a hole concentration that is greater than the electron concentration is
known being “p-type”.

The ability to controllably change the doping in different regions of a

semiconductor is the basis for building virtually all of the electronic
devices that are now in use.

EE 230 semiconductors – 28
Dopant compensation

Typically, a region of semiconductor will have both types of dopant

present. In that case, the dopant with the higher concentration “wins”.

For example, consider a piece of silicon that has a donor concentration

ND = 5x1017 cm–3 and an acceptor concentration of NA = 2x1017 cm–3. The
empty bonding spots of the acceptor atoms will take up 2x1017 cm–3 of
the electrons from the donors. (The donors compensate the acceptors.)
This leaves 3x1017 cm–3 electrons from the donors to be free electrons,
available to carry current. The semiconductor will be n-type. In
general, for n-type compensated material the electron concentration is n
= ND - NA.

EE 230 semiconductors – 29
Two types of current
Drift current – use an electric field (by applying a voltage). The electric
field will move electrons and holes, which is current. This is how
current flows in resistors and also in MOSFETs (which are essentially
complicated little resistors.

Diffusion current – create a concentration gradient (more electron – or

holes – in one place than in another). Through the natural process of the
random motion, there will be a net flow of particles from the region of
high concentration to the region of lower concentration. This is
mechanism for current flow in diodes and bipolar junction transistors.

Both types of current can occur simultaneously. (In fact, drift and
diffusion can be handled as two aspects of single driving force, but that
sort of approach is beyond us for now.)

EE 230 semiconductors – 30

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