Communication Systems Notes

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e-Notes of

Communication Systems
(4th semester ECE)


Ms. Sharmila
Senior Lecturer, ECE Deptt.
Govt. Polytechnic Manesar

Learning Objectives:
After the completion of this chapter, the students will be able to:
 Classify the transmitters on the basis of modulation, service, frequency and power
 Demonstrate the working of each stage of AM and FM transmitters

1.1 Classification of Radio Transmitters

1.1.1 Classification on the basis of type of modulation used
1. Amplitude Modulation Transmitters: Here the modulating signal modulates the
carrier with respect to its amplitude. AM transmitters are used for radio broadcast,
radio telephony, radio telegraphy and TV picture broadcast.
2. Frequency Modulation Transmitters: In FM transmitters, the frequency of the
carrier is varied in accordance with the modulating signal. These are used for radio
broadcast, TV sound broadcast and radio telephone communication.
3. Pulse Modulation Transmitters: The signal changes any of the characteristics like
pulse width, position, amplitude of the pulse carrier.

1.1.2 Classification on the basis of the service involved

1. Radio Broadcast transmitters: These transmitters are particularly designed for
broadcasting speech signals, music, information etc. These systems may be amplitude
or frequency modulated.
2. Radio Telephone Transmitters: These transmitters are mainly used for transmitting
telephone signals over long distance by radio waves. The transmitter uses volume
compressors, peak limiters etc.
3. Radio Telegraph Transmitters: It transmits telegraph signals from one radio station
to another radio station. The transmitter uses either amplitude modulation or
frequency modulation.
4. Television Transmitters: TV broadcast requires transmitters for transmission of
picture and sound separately. Both operate VHF and UHF frequency range.
5. RADAR Transmitters: RADAR stands for Radio Detection And Ranging. These
transmitters are of two types: Pulse Radar and Continuous Wave Radar.
6. Navigation Transmitters: Special types of radio transmitters and receivers are used
these days for sea and air navigation, blind landing of aircrafts etc.

1.1.3 Classification on the basis of Frequency range used

1. Long Wave Transmitters: These transmitters operate on frequencies below 300
kHz. Such long wave radio transmitters are used for broadcasting, where atmospheric
disturbances on long waves are not severe.
2. Medium Wave Transmitters: The frequency range of MW transmitters is from 550
to 1650 kHz. The carrier power varies from 5 kW to 1000kW.
3. Short Wave Transmitters: The SW transmitters work on frequencies in the short
wave range i.e. from 3 to 30MHz. For example, ionospheric propagation.

1.1.4 Classification on the basis of power

1. High level modulation Transmitter: In high level AM modulator, the modulation
is carried out at high power level of the carrier and baseband signal. Its advantage is
that linear amplifiers are not required for the RF amplification stages after AM
modulation. The efficiency of high level modulation is very high due to the use of
class C power amplifiers.
2. Low level modulation Transmitter: In low level AM modulator, the modulation is
done at low power level of the input signals, typically in the RF generation stages. It

has the advantage of lesser distortion in output. The disadvantage of this method is
that linear amplification is needed for the RF stages.

1.2 Block diagram of AM transmitters

The transmitters which transmit AM signals are known as AM transmitters. These
transmitters are used in medium wave and short wave frequency bands for AM
broadcast. The MW band has frequencies between 550 KHz and 1650 KHz, and the SW
band has frequencies ranging from 3 MHz to 30 MHz.

1.2.1 In high-level transmission, the powers of the carrier and modulating signals are
amplified before applying them to the modulator stage as shown in below given figure.

Carrier oscillator: The oscillator generates the carrier signal of RF range. It is very
difficult to generate high frequencies with good frequency stability. The oscillator
generates only a sub multiple of the required carrier frequency. The frequency multiplier
multiplies this sub multiple frequency to get the desired carrier frequency.
Buffer Amplifier: The purpose of the buffer amplifier is to match the output impedance
of the carrier oscillator with the input impedance of the frequency multiplier. So, it
isolates the carrier oscillator and frequency multiplier.
Frequency Multiplier: The sub-multiple frequency carrier signal, generated by the
carrier oscillator, is applied to the frequency multiplier. The frequency multiplier (also
called harmonic generator) generates higher harmonics of carrier oscillator frequency.
Power Amplifier: The power of the carrier signal is then amplified using the power
amplifier stage. A class C power amplifier is used to give high power current pulses of
the carrier signal at its output.
Audio Section: The audio signal obtained from the microphone is amplified using the
audio driver amplifier. This amplification is necessary to drive the audio power
amplifier. Then, a class A or B power amplifier amplifies the power of this audio signal.
Modulated Class C Amplifier: The amplified modulating audio signal and the carrier
signal are applied to this modulating stage to carry out AM modulation. This signal is
finally passed to the antenna, which radiates the signal into space.

1.2.2 In low-level modulation, the modulation is carried out at low power level of the two
input signals. First modulation is done and after that the power of this modulated signal
is raised to the desired value using linear power amplifiers. The low-level AM
transmitter shown below is similar to a high-level transmitter, except that the powers of
the carrier and audio signals are not amplified. These two signals are directly applied to
the modulated class C power amplifier.

1.3 Reactance FET FM Transmitter
The reactance of FET and BJT, varactor diode etc. can be varied by the application of
voltage. If it is placed across the tank circuit of the L-C oscillator, then FM will be produced
when the reactance of the device is varied according to the modulating voltage. At the carrier
frequency, the oscillator inductance is tuned by its own capacitance in parallel with the
average reactance to the variable reactance device.

FET Reactance Modulator derivation:

• Neglecting gate current, let the current through C and R be I1.

• At the carrier frequency, the reactance of C is much larger than R.

 The operating point of FET i.e. gm can be varied by modulating voltage and hence
equivalent capacitance also changes.
 Since the equivalent capacitance depends upon gm, which in turn, is dependent on bias
voltage of FET, Ceq can be varied by varying bias voltage with modulating signal.
 By selecting values of R and C, Ceq can be initially adjusted to the desired value, in
unmodulated conditions.
 If Xc/R is not much greater than unity, then equivalent impedance has resistive
component, resulting in certain amplitude modulation.
 By interchanging R and C, and selecting the value of R such that R is » Xc ; then
inductive reactance can be obtained.

1.4 Armstrong FM Transmitter

The direct methods of FM generation cannot be used for the broadcast applications.
Therefore the indirect method called as the Armstrong method of FM generation is
used. In this method, the FM is generated through phase modulation. A crystal
oscillator is used to make the frequency stability very high.

A crystal oscillator is used to provide the appropriate carrier frequency. A pre-emphasized,

integrated and amplified modulating signal is fed to the balanced modulator stage. A part of
the carrier voltage is also applied to the balanced modulator. The resulting sideband
components are shifted in phase by 900 and are then combined with the amplified carrier
voltage in a combining network. Its output is the desired frequency modulated voltage.
The relative amplitudes of the modulating voltage and the carrier voltage are adjusted to
make the maximum phase deviation small. But the frequency deviation fd is also small. The
modulated signal is fed to six frequency doublers to get very high carrier frequency, but
frequency deviation is still small.
The FM signal is fed to a frequency mixer which shifts the carrier frequency down to a low
value, so as to increase the frequency deviation. The frequency multipliers increase the
carrier frequency and frequency deviation to a standard value. The output is applied to the
transmitting antenna, after sufficient power amplification.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a low level AM system, amplifiers following the modulated stage must be

(a) Linear devices
(b) Harmonic devices
(c) Class C amplifiers
(d) Non linear devices

2. Amplitude modulation is used for broadcasting because

(a) It is more noise immune than other modulation system
(b) Compared with other system it requires less transmitting power
(c) Its use avoids receiver complexity
(d) No other modulation system can provide the necessary bandwidth for high

3. Which one of the following is an indirect method of generating FM.

(a) Reactants FET modulator
(b) Varactor diode
(c) Armstrong modulator
(d) Reactance by polar transistor modulator.

4. Medium wave broadcast is used for

(a) Regional service
(b) National service
(c) International service
(d) All of above

5. Long wave AM broadcast transmitters need

(a) Small carrier power
(b) Medium carrier power
(c) Very large carrier power
(d) No need of carrier power

6. Long wave broadcast transmitter used in

(a) Tropical countries
(b) Temperate countries
(c) Everywhere
(d) Non of above

Short Answer Questions

1. How will you classify transmitters on the basis of frequency?

2. Write the drawbacks of direct methods of FM generation.
3. What is the function of RF buffer amplifiers?
4. What do mean by short wave transmitters?
5. What is the bandwidth required by one television channel.
6. What is low level modulation?
7. What is high-level modulation?
8. Discuss advantages of Armstrong FM transmitter.

Long Questions

1. Explain the working of Armstrong FM Transmitter.

2. With the help of block diagram, explain the working of High level AM transmitter.


Learning Objectives:
After completion of this chapter, the students will be able to
 Identify the waveforms at different stages of a Radio Receiver.
 Measure the performance characteristics of a radio receiver (sensitivity, selectivity,
fidelity, S/N ratio, image rejection ratio).
 Determine the appropriate value of Intermediate Frequency.
 Identify the waveforms at different stages of a FM receiver.

2.1 Super heterodyne AM receiver

A radio transmitter radiates a modulated carrier signal. It is intercepted by the antenna of a
radio receiver. The signal is amplified and demodulated in the receiver section to produce
original information signal. Super heterodyning involves mixing of frequency. Block diagram
of the super heterodyne receiver is as explained below

RF Stage: The RF stage of the receiver provides initial tuning to remove the undesired image
signal. This RF amplifier block also raises the signal level so that the high noise immunity is
Local oscillator: Local oscillator frequency is generally higher than the incoming signal
frequency by a value equal to intermediate frequency.
Mixer: Both the local oscillator and incoming signals enter this block within the super
heterodyne receiver to form the intermediate frequency.
IF amplifier & filter: This super heterodyne receiver stage provides the majority of gain and
selectivity. Crystal filters, LC or ceramic filters may be used within domestic radios.

Demodulator: The super heterodyne receiver block diagram only shows one demodulator,
but in reality radios may have one or more demodulators dependent upon the type of signals
being received.
Audio amplifier: Once demodulated, the recovered audio is amplified through audio
amplifier stage to the required level for loudspeakers.

2.2 Performance Characteristics of radio receiver

2.2.1 Selectivity
The selectivity of a receiver is defined as its ability to accept or select the desired
band of frequency and reject all other unwanted frequencies which can interfere with
the original signals. Hence, the adjacent channel rejection of the receiver can be
obtained from its selectivity parameter. Selectivity depends upon the response of IF
section, mixer and RF section. The signal bandwidth must be narrow for better
Selectivity can be represented by a curve shown in Fig1. , which shows the
attenuation offered to the unwanted signals around the tuned frequency.

2. 2.2 Fidelity
Fidelity of a receiver may be defined as its ability to reproduce the exact replica of the
transmitted signals at the receiver output. The amplifier must pass high bandwidth
signals to amplify the frequencies of the outermost sidebands for achieving better
fidelity, while for better selectivity the signal should have narrow bandwidth. Thus, a
tradeoff between selectivity and fidelity is necessary.

2.2.3 Sensitivity
Sensitivity of the radio receiver is defined as its ability to amplify weak signals. It is
defined in terms of voltage/power that must be applied to the input terminals of the
receiver to produce a standard output power which is measured at the output
terminals. The high value of receiver gain ensures smaller input signal necessary to
produce the desired output power. Thus a receiver with good sensitivity will detect
minimum RF signal at the input and produce useful demodulated signal.

Fig 2. Sensitivity curve

Sensitivity is expressed in microvolts or decibels. It depends on the gain of IF

amplifier. It can be enhanced by reducing the noise level and bandwidth of the
receiver. Sensitivity can be represented as a curve shown in Fig 2 above, which
shows the variation of sensitivity over the tuning band.

2.2.4 SNR
It is defined as the ratio of signal power to noise power at the same point in the circuit.
It is used to measure radio receiver sensitivity. The lower the noise generated in the
receiver, the better will be the SNR.

SNR=Psignal / Pnoise

2.2.5 Image frequency ratio

Image frequency is termed as any frequency other than the selected radio frequency
carrier that will produce a cross-product frequency that is equal to the intermediate
frequency if allowed to enter a receiver and mix with the local oscillator.
The image frequency rejection ratio is defined as the ratio of the intermediate-
frequency (IF) signal level produced by the desired input frequency to that produced
by the image frequency. The image frequency rejection ratio is expressed in dB.
Mathematically it is expressed as,

IFRR  1  Q 2  2

where ρ= (fim/fRF) – (fRF/fim)

Q = quality factor of a pre-selector
If an image frequency has down-converted to IF, it cannot be removed. In order to
reject the image frequency, it has to be blocked prior to the mixer stage. So the
bandwidth of the pre-selector cicuit must be sufficiently narrow to restrain image
frequency from entering the receiver.

2.3 Selection of Intermediate Frequency

The value of IF depends upon following criteria:

 The choice of IF is affected by the selectivity of the RF end of the receiver. If the
receiver has a number of RF stages, it is better able to reject an image signal close to
the signal frequency and hence a lower IF channel can be tolerated.
 The chosen IF frequency should be free from radio interference. 455 KHz is a
common IF for AM broadcast.
 High IF results in poor selectivity and therefore poor rejection of adjacent channels.
High IF results in problems in tracking of signals in the receivers.
Image frequency rejection becomes poor at low and very high IF.

2.4 Simple & Delayed AGC

Automatic gain control (AGC) is a process where the overall gain of the radio receiver is
automatically varied according to the changing strength of the received input signal. This
is carried out to maintain the output at a constant level. The AGC dc bias voltage is
derived from the part of the detected signal to apply to the RF, IF and mixer stages to
control their gains. The Trans conductance and hence the gain of the devices used in these
stages of the receiver depends on the applied bias voltage or current. When the signal level
increases, the value of the applied AGC bias increases, decreasing the gain of the
connected stages. When there is no/low signal, the AGC bias becomes minimum which
results in maximum amplifier gain.

There are two types of AGC circuits:

Simple AGC: The gain control mechanism is active for high as well as low value of
carrier voltage.
Delayed AGC: AGC bias is not applied to the amplifiers until signal strength crosses a
predetermined threshold level, after which AGC bias is applied.

An FM receiver is a super heterodyne receiver with the following block diagram:

RF section: It consists of a pre-selector and an amplifier. Pre-selector circuit is a widely-

tuned band pass filter with an adjustable center frequency used to reject undesired radio
frequency and to decrease the noise bandwidth. RF amplifier determines the sensitivity of
the receiver.
Mixer and local oscillator: It consists of a radio-frequency oscillator and a mixer. The
choice of oscillator depends on the stability and accuracy desired. Mixer is a nonlinear

device used to translate radio frequency to intermediate frequencies (i.e. heterodyning
IF section: It consists of a series of IF amplifiers and band pass filters to achieve most of
the receiver gain and selectivity. The IF value is always lower than the RF because it is
easier and less expensive to construct high-gain, stable amplifiers for low frequency
Limiter: It limits the IF signal to a particular level and keep the amplitude constant after
removing amplitude variations.
Discriminator: It converts the IF signals back to the original source information
(demodulation).It can be as simple as a single diode or as complex as a PLL or balanced
De-emphasis network: It is used to bring the high frequency signals back to the proper
amplitude relationship with the lower frequencies.
Audio amplifier: Comprises several cascaded audio amplifiers
AGC (Automatic Gain Control): It operates to adjust the IF amplifier gain according to
signal level. AGC is a process by which the overall gain of radio receiver is varied
automatically with the variations in the received signals strength, to maintain the output
constant. AGC circuit is also used to adjust and stabilize the frequency of local oscillator.

2.6 Communication receiver

The receiving antenna intercepts the electromagnetic radiations and converts them into
RF voltage. The RF signal is then applied to the RF amplifier through the antenna
coupling network, which matches the impedances of the antenna and the RF amplifier.
The RF stage amplifies this signal, which lies in the frequency range of 2 - 30 MHz. The
amplified signal is fed to the first mixer, in order to be mixed with the locally generated
signal. The frequency of the local oscillator is 650 kHz above the frequency the receiver
signal. The first local oscillator and the RF amplifier are ganged together to generate the
correct oscillator frequency.

The mixer stage generates an IF signal at frequency of 650 kHz. The IF signal is
amplified by the first IF amplifier. After this, the IF signal is fed to the second mixer,
which mixes this signal with another locally generated signal. The second local oscillator
frequency is fixed at 500 kHz. Therefore, a crystal oscillator is used here to have good
frequency stability.

The second mixer generates the second IF signal. Value of the second IF is 150 kHz
(difference between first IF (650 kHz) and second local oscillator frequency (500 kHz)).
The second IF frequency is put below the normal IF frequency (455 KHz) of the AM
receiver. The first IF signal frequency is above 455 kHz, up to a value of 650 kHz. Due to
this arrangement, the communication receiver has the benefits of both low and high IF
frequency. This mechanism of using two frequencies is known as double conversion. The
second IF signal is amplified using the IF amplifier stages again to the required value.
After this, the detector circuit demodulates the received signal to produce an audio signal.
This audio signal is then amplified by the audio driver amplifier and the audio output
power amplifier. The audio signal is given to the speaker to produce the sound output.
AGC is employed to control the gains of the amplifiers of the system. The AGC voltage
helps to keep the volume of the receiver constant to the level set by the user. The salient
features of the communication receiver are:
Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO): Communication receivers can also receive
telegraphic signals that use Morse code, which is a pulse modulated RF carrier signal.
Morse code is transmitted as dots, dashes, and spaces. A switch is used in the receiver to
select either the audio signal or the telegraph signal at a time.
Squelch or Muting: When the communication transmitter does not transmit any signal,
the receiver receives only the noise present at its input. It is necessary to control the noise
level in the absence of a carrier signal. This problem is overcome by providing a Squelch
circuit in the system.
Metering: A tuning indicator is provided in the receiver so that the operator knows if the
receiver is tuned to the correct signal frequency. It is called metering of the strength of the
received signal.
Double Conversion: In the double conversion method, two intermediate frequencies are
generated instead of a single intermediate frequency used in commercial AM receivers.
This technique uses two local oscillators and two mixers.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A receiver has poor IF selectivity. It will ,therefore ,also have poor
a) blocking
b) double spotting
c) diversity reception
d) sensitivity

2. In a radio receiver with a simple AGC ;

a) an increase in single strength produces more AGC .
b) the audio stage gain is normally controlled by the AGC .
c) the faster the AGC time constant, the more accurate the output.
d) the highest AGC voltage is produced between stations.

3. In a radio detector
a) Stabilization against single strength variation is provided
b) The linearity is worse than in a phase discriminator
c) the output is twice that obtainable from a similar phase discriminator
d) the circuit is same as in a discriminator except that the diodes are reversed .

4. The intermediate frequency is very high,

a) image frequency rejection is very good .
b) the local oscillator need not be extremely stable .
c) the selectivity will be poor .
d) tracking will be improved

5. When a receiver has a good blocking performance, this means that

a) it suffers from double spotting.
b) Its image frequency rejection is poor.
c) It is unaffected by ACG derived from nearby transmissions
d) Its detector suffers from burnout

Short Answer Questions

1. Write the functions of an RF amplifier stage

2. Define fidelity.
3. What do you mean by selectivity?
4. Define pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.
5. What is the function of a limiter?
6. Explain the term detection of signal.
7. Explain the various applications of super heterodyne receivers.
8. Explain the term sensitivity of receiver.

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain the working of super heterodyne receiver.

2. Explain the concept of simple AGC and delayed AGC.
3. Explain in detail the working of FM receivers with the help of block diagram.


Learning Objectives:
After completion of this chapter, the students will be able to
 Identify the various types of antennas used in different frequency ranges.
 Plot the radiation pattern of directional and omni-directional antenna.
 Plot the variation of field strength of a radiated wave, with distance from a
transmitting antenna.

Antenna is a system which transforms the output RF energy produced by radio transmitter
into an electromagnetic field which is radiated through space. It is an interface between
receiver circuit and space.

3.1 EM spectrum
The range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths are
arranged to form an Electromagnetic Spectrum, as shown in the figure below.

3.2 Polarization of waves

Polarization is the technique of the orientation of the lines of electric field in an
electromagnetic field. The physical orientation of an antenna corresponds to the polarization
of the radio waves received or transmitted by that antenna. Thus, a vertical antenna radiates
and receives vertically polarized waves, and a horizontal antenna radiates and receives
horizontally polarized waves.

If the polarization rotates 360 degrees with each complete wave cycle, then this type of
polarization is called elliptical or circular polarization, can be either clockwise or counter
clockwise. The best communications results are obtained when the transmitting and receiving
antennas have the same sense of polarization (both clockwise or both counter clockwise). The
worst communications usually take place when the two antennas radiate and receive in the
opposite sense (one clockwise and the other counter clockwise).

Polarization has an effect upon the propagation of EM fields at infrared (IR), visible,
ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray wavelengths. In visible light, there are various wave components
at random polarization angles. When this light is passed through a special filter, the filter
blocks all light except that having a certain polarization. When two such polarizing filters are
placed in such a manner that a ray of light passes through them, the amount of light
transmitted depends on the angle of the polarizing filters with respect to each other. The most
of the light is transmitted when the two filters are oriented, so they polarize light in the same
direction. The minimum light is transmitted when the filters are oriented at right angles to
each other.

3.3 Antenna Parameters

3.3.1 Point source
Point sources are the radio wave sources which are smaller than one radio wavelength in size.
Electromagnetic radiations generated by a fixed electrical circuit are normally polarized,
producing anisotropic radiation. When the propagating medium is lossless, the radiated
power at a given distance will vary as the inverse square of the distance, if the angle remains
constant to the source polarization.

3.3.2 Directive gain or directivity

It is the ratio of radiation intensity in the given direction to the radiation intensity of a
reference antenna. The maximum directive gain is known as directivity.

3.3.3 Power gain

Power gain is a unitless measure that combines an antenna's efficiency Antenna and
directivity D.
G = E antenna. D

3.3.4 Aperture/effective area

Antenna aperture is a measure of how effective an antenna is receiving the power of
electromagnetic radiation. The aperture is represented as the area, oriented perpendicular to
the direction of an incoming electromagnetic wave, which would intercept the same amount
of power from that wave as is produced by the antenna receiving it.

3.3.5 Radiation Pattern
Radiation pattern of the antenna gives the pictorial view of the energy radiated by it.
Radiation pattern is diagrammatical representation of the distribution of radiated energy into
space, as a function of direction. The power distribution is plotted as a function of square of
the magnitude of electric and magnetic fields. The patterns are plotted on logarithmic or dB

3.3.6 Beam width

In an antenna radiation pattern, the half power beam width is the angle between the half-
power (-3 dB) points of the main lobe, when referenced to the peak effective radiated power
of the main lobe.

3.3.7 Radiation and loss resistance

It is that part of an antenna's feed point resistance that is caused by the radiation of
electromagnetic waves from the antenna, as opposed to loss resistance (also called ohmic
resistance) which usually causes the antenna to heat up. The sum of radiation resistance and
loss resistance is the electrical resistance of the antenna. The radiation resistance is calculated
from the geometry of the antenna, whereas the loss resistance is generally determined by the
materials it is made of. The energy lost by ohmic resistance is converted to heat and the
energy lost by radiation resistance is converted to electromagnetic radiation. Radiation
resistance is affected by the radiation reaction of the conduction electrons in the antenna.

3.4 Half wave dipole

The half wave dipole is formed from a conducting wire or metal tube which is an electrical
half wavelength long. It is normally fed in the middle where the impedance decreases to its
lowest. The length of the half wave dipole is an half of the electrical wavelength for the wave
travelling in the antenna conductors.

The voltage and current amplitude vary along the length of the radiating section of the
antenna. This happens because standing waves are set up along the length of the radiating
element. The current at end points is zero, but the voltage is at its maximum. The current
reaches a maximum and the voltage a minimum at a length equal to an electrical quarter
wavelength from the ends as shown in figure. The feeder is connected to the centre point
where there is a current maximum and a voltage minimum. This results in the antenna
presenting low impedance to the feeder. The impedance for a half wave dipole antenna in free
space is dipole 73 Ω which presents a good match to 70Ω coaxial feeder.
The radiation pattern of the half-wave dipole is omni-directional. It is used for many
applications such as mobile communications, radio receivers etc.
Advantages: Input impedance is not sensitive.
Length of the antenna matches with size and directivity.

Disadvantages: Not much effective due to single element. It can work better only with a
Applications: Used in radio receivers, television receivers, antenna arrays etc.

3.5 Medium wave antenna

The MW or mast antennas have been developed in order to cover mobile systems needs as
well as the emergency service of temporary MW AM broadcasting. They can also be
employed as stationary antennas for services in the MW broadcasting range. The antenna
system comprises of antenna, matching unit and a coaxial feeder line. This antenna system
consists of a grounded vertical tower with six folded wires spaced in 60 degrees around the

Medium wave antennas are placed vertically closed to the ground, radiating vertically
polarized signals. Their height is between one-fourth to five-eighth of the wavelength. Three
ways of feeding the mast antennas are: base feed, shunt feed and multiple feed.

3.6 Folded dipole antenna

The folded dipole antenna comprises a basic dipole with an added conductor connecting the
two ends together to make a complete loop of wire. The antenna is called a folded dipole due
to its folded ends. The first element of the folded dipole is fed directly while the second is
coupled inductively. The radiation pattern of folded dipole is same as of a simple dipole with
increased input impedance.

The power supplied to a folded dipole antenna is evenly divided between the two sections of
the antenna. So, when compared to a standard dipole the current in each conductor is reduced
to a half. As the same power is applied, the impedance has to be raised by a factor of four, so
that P = I2 x R. The half wave folded dipole operates in the frequency range from 3KHz to
300GHz. The folded dipole antenna has the advantage of having high impedance and wide
bandwidth. The limitations of the antenna are difficult installment and large size. It is used as
a feeder element in Yagi antenna, Parabolic antenna, turnstile antenna, log periodic antenna

3.7 Loop antenna

A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop or coil of wire which can have the
shape of a circle, rectangle, square etc. Its dimensions are much smaller than a wavelength.
The loop is always surrounded by a perpendicular magnetic field. The radiation pattern is
independent of its shape and is generally of doughnut shape given below. These are used on
frequencies between 3–30 MHz for both transmission and reception.

They are used in RFID devices, MF, HF and Short wave receivers, Aircraft receivers for
direction finding. The advantages of Loop antenna are its compact size and high directivity.
The disadvantages of Loop antenna are poor impedance matching and low radiation

3.8 Yagi-Uda Antenna

Yagi-Uda antenna is named after the inventors Prof. S.Uda and Prof. H.Yagi. The basic
element used in this antenna is half wave dipole placed horizontally called as driven element
or active element. In order to convert bidirectional dipole into unidirectional system, the
passive elements are used which include reflector and director. The passive or parasitic
elements are placed parallel to driven element placed close together as shown in figure. The
length of director is 5% less than the driven element. The length of reflector is 5% more than
that of driven element. The space between the elements varies between 0.1λ to 0.3λ. For a

three element system, Reflector length = 500/f (MHz) feet, Driven element length = 475/f
(MHz) feet and Director length = 455/f (MHz) feet.

It radiates in only one direction and is most commonly used in point-to-point

communications. The Yagi-Uda antenna is used in a wide variety of applications where an RF
antenna design with high gain and directivity is required such as television reception. It has
disadvantage of complexity and large size.
A Yagi system has the following characteristics:
 The three element array is generally referred as “beam antenna”
 It has unidirectional pattern of moderate directivity with light weight, low cost and
simplicity in design.
 The bandwidth increases between 2% when the space between elements ranges
between 0.1λ to 0.15λ.
 It gives a gain of 8 dB and a front-to-back ratio of 20dB.
 Yagi is also known as super-directive or super gain antenna because of its high gain.
 For achieving greater directivity, more directors are used. Arrays can be stacked to
increase the directivity.
 Yagi is essentially a fixed frequency device. Frequency sensitivity and bandwidth of
about 3% is achievable.

3.9 Ferrite Rod Antenna

The ferrite rod antenna is a form of RF antenna design that is used in portable transistor
broadcast receivers as well as many hi-fi tuners for reception on the long, medium and short
waves. The antenna consists of a rod made of highly permeable ferrite material. A coil is
wound around the ferrite rod and this is brought to resonance using a variable tuning
capacitor. Its radiation pattern is as given below.

Its advantages are its small size and low cost. The limitations include low efficiency and high
power losses.
3.10 Broadside Array
The phasing of linear array elements may be done such that the main lobe of the array pattern
lies along the array axis (end-fire array) or perpendicular to the array axis (broad side array).
The broadside array is designed such as the radiation pattern's direction is perpendicular or
broadside to the array axis. It consists of the dipole elements that are fed in phase and
separated by the one-half wave length. A broadside array is used to radiate the energy in a
particular direction to make better transmission. It operates in VHF and UHF bands.

Advantages: high gain and directivity.

Disadvantages: high complexity and cost.

3.11 End fire array

The physical orientation of end-fire array is same as that of the broad-side array. The
magnitude of currents in each element is same, but there is a phase lag between the
succeeding elements. So the radiation pattern of the array lies in its plane, not perpendicular
to it. It is unidirectional in nature. It is also a type of linear, resonant antenna like broadside

There is nil radiation in the right angles to the plane of the array because of cancellation. The
first and third elements are fed out of phase and therefore cancel each other’s radiation.
Likewise, second and fourth are fed out of phase, to get cancelled.
The usual dipole spacing is λ/4 or 3λ/4. This arrangement helps to avoid the radiation
perpendicular to the antenna plane and therefore the radiated energy get diverted to the
direction of radiation of the whole array. Therefore, the minor lobes are avoided resulting in
increased directivity.

3.12 Rhombic antenna

The Rhombic Antenna is an equilateral parallelogram shaped antenna. It has two opposite
acute angles. The tilt angle is approximately equal to 90° minus the angle of major lobe.
Rhombic antenna works as a travelling wave radiator. It is placed horizontally above the
surface of the earth. The antenna works in HF and VHF ranges. The top view of rhombic
antenna is given below.

The rhombic antenna is widely used for long-distance, high-frequency transmission and
reception, point-to-point communications. The rhombic antenna is much easier to construct
and maintain with high gain and directivity.
But a large antenna site is required for its erection. A high-frequency rhombic antenna has
wires of several hundred feet in length. Also the horizontal and vertical patterns depend on
each other.
The figure below shows the individual and resultant radiation pattern of the antenna:

3.13 Parabolic Dish antenna

A parabolic dish antenna is an antenna that uses a parabolic reflector to direct the radio
waves. It has high directivity, high gain and narrow beam width. The parabolic reflector
must be much larger than the wavelength of the radio waves in order to achieve narrow
beam widths.

Standard Parabolic Antenna Shielded Antenna

Features of Dish antenna are:
1. The basic structure of a parabolic dish antenna is consists of a feed antenna (horn
antenna with a circular aperture) pointed towards a parabolic reflector. The working
principle of a parabolic antenna is that a point source of radio waves at the focal point in
front of a parabolic reflector will be reflected into a collimated plane wave beam along
the axis of the reflector and vice-versa.

2. Directive gain of parabolic antenna is given by
Ga (dBi) = 10 log10 η [ 4 π Ae / λ2 ]
Ga = Antenna Directive Gain
η = Aperture Efficiency (50-55%)
Ae = Antenna Aperture Area
λ = Wavelength (speed of light / frequency)

3. Advantages: High gain and high directivity.

4. Disadvantages: Requires reflector and drive elements, large size and high cost.
5. Applications: Parabolic antennas are used for point-to-point communications, in
microwave relay links to carry telephone and television signals , wireless WAN/LAN
links for data communications, satellite communications and spacecraft communication
antennas. They are also used in radio telescopes.
6. Feeding methods: Parabolic antennas are classified by the type of feed.
 Axial or front feed – The feed antenna is located in front of the dish at the focus,
on the beam axis, pointed back toward the dish. The feed and its supports block
some of the beam limiting the aperture efficiency to only 55–60%.
 Off-axis or offset feed – The focus and the feed antenna, are located to one side of
the dish, so as to move the feed structure out of the beam path, therefore it does
not block the beam. It is used in home satellite television dishes, multiple reflector
designs such as the Cassegrain and Gregorian.
 Cassegrain – Here, the feed is located on or behind the dish, and radiates forward,
illuminating a convex hyperboloidal secondary reflector at the focus of the dish.
 Gregorian – It is similar to the Cassegrain design except that the secondary
reflector is concave in shape.

3.14 Patch Antenna

A patch or microstrip antenna is a type of low profile radio antenna, which can be mounted
on a flat surface. It consists of a rectangular sheet or patch of metal, mounted over a larger
sheet of metal called a ground plane. The patch and the ground plane are separated by a
dielectric sheet called as substrate. The radiating elements and the feed line are photo-etched
on the substrate. The top and side view of patch antenna is as given below:
Advantages of patch antenna are its small size, low cost, easy and accurate design, ans high
Disadvantages: narrow bandwidth and low efficiency.
Applications: The patch antenna is mainly used at microwave frequencies in portable wireless
devices like mobile phones because of the ease of fabricating it on printed circuit boards.
Multiple patch antennas can be used to make high gain array antennas and phased arrays.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Directivity gains depends on

a) the distribution of radiated power in space
b) solid angle of radiated field pattern
c) both a and b above
d) none of these

2. The antennas having directional properties are known as :

a) homogenous
b) isotropic
c) anisotropic
d) oriental

3. The total field produced by an antenna array system at a great distance from it is
a) Some of the field produced by the individual antenna of the array system
b) directional gain of antenna
c) linear antenna gain
d) vector sum of the field produced by the individual antenna of array system.

4. The polarization of electromagnetic waves is in

a) Direction of electric field
b) Direction of magnetic field
c) Direction of magnetic field
d) None the above

5. In end fire array the principle direction of radiation

a) is perpendicular to the array axis
b) is perpendicular to the array axis & also to the plane containing the array
c) coincides with the direction of array axis
d) is 45°to the direction of array axis

Short Answer Questions

1. Define antenna
2. What is directive gain?
3. What do you mean by radiation resistance?
4. What do you mean by polarization?
5. Give brief description of board side array and its radiation pattern?
6. Explain the concept of polarization of electromangentic wave.
7. What is meant by antenna array and explain about end-fire array?
8. What is loss resistance?

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain in detail the rhombic antenna along with advantage and disadvantage.
2. Explain the characteristics and applications of yagi-uda antenna ?
3. Explain in detail the concept of half wave dipole antenna?


Learning Objectives:
After completion of this chapter, the students will be able to explain various modes of
propagation of waves i.e. Ground Wave, Sky Wave, Space Wave and Duct Propagation.

A wave propagates due to refraction, diffraction or scattering. Reflection occurs when a
propagating electromagnetic wave strikes an object which has very large dimensions when
compared to the wavelength, e.g., buildings, walls. Diffraction occurs when the radio path
between the transmitter and receiver is obstructed by a surface that has sharp edges.
Scattering occurs when the medium through which the wave travels consists of objects with
dimensions that are small compared to the wavelength. The received energy at a distant point
may travel over any of the possible modes of propagations: Ground or surface wave
propagation, Sky wave or Ionospheric wave propagation and Space wave propagation.

4.1 Ground Wave Propagation

Ground Wave propagation is a method of radio wave propagation that uses the area between
the surface of the earth and the ionosphere for transmission. The surface wave can propagate
over the earth's surface mainly in the low frequency and medium frequency ranges and used
for short distance propagation. If the antennas are in the line of sight then there will be a
direct wave as well as a reflected signal. The direct signal is one that travels directly between
the two antennas and the reflected signal is received after reflection by the earth's surface and
any hills or large buildings etc. The surface wave tends to follow the curvature of the Earth
and enables coverage beyond the horizon. Instead of just travelling in a straight line the radio
signals tend to follow the curvature of the Earth. This is because currents are induced in the
surface of the earth and this action causes the wave-front of the radio communications signal
to tilt downwards towards the Earth. With this tilted wave-front, it is able to curve around the
Earth and be received well beyond the horizon.
The earth attenuation increases as frequency increases. So this mode of propagation is
suitable for low and medium frequency i.e. up to 2 MHz only. It is called as medium wave
propagation and is used in local broadcasting.

According to the Sommerfield Equation, Electric field strength E at a distance from

transmitting antenna due to ground wave, is given by
E = 120 π ht .hr .Is / λ.d (volt/meter)
where, 120 π – Intrinsic impedance of free space
ht , hr – Effective heights of transmitting and receiving antennas
Is – Antenna currents
d – Distance between TX and RX antennas
λ – Wavelength
4.2 Space Wave Propagation
Space waves occur within the lower 20 km of the atmosphere and are comprised of a
direct and reflected wave. These waves have the ability to propagate through atmosphere,
from transmitter antenna to receiver antenna. These waves can travel directly or can travel
after reflecting from earth’s surface to the troposphere. So, it is also called as
Tropospheric Propagation and is used in VHF and UHF bands.

At higher frequencies the sky wave propagation and ground wave propagation can’t work.
These waves are limited to the curvature of the earth and have line of sight propagation. The
LOS distance is that distance at which both the sender and receiver antenna are in sight of
each other. By extending the heights of both the sender and the receiver antennas, the
transmission range can be increased. Its applications are in radar and television
Direct Wave transmission includes line of sight transmission. Due to atmospheric refraction
the range extends slightly beyond the horizon.
Ground Reflected Wave occurs when the radio waves strike the earth and bounce off. The
strength of the reflection depends on local conditions. The received radio signal can cancel
out if the direct and reflected waves arrive with the same relative strength and 180o out of
phase with each other. A direct space wave can travel 4/3 greater distance than line-of-sight
due to diffraction. This distance is known as the radio horizon and can be written as:
𝒅 ≅ 𝟐𝒉𝒕 + 𝟐𝒉𝒓
Where, d = radio horizon (mi), ht = transmitting antenna height (ft), hr = receiving
antenna height (ft)

4.3 Sky Wave propagation

In this mode of propagation, when the EM waves are radiated towards the sky, they are either
refracted or reflected back to the earth by the ionosphere. The height of the ionosphere ranges
from 50 to 400 km. Radio waves are refracted by the ionized gas created by solar radiation.
The amount of ionization depends on the time of day, season and the position. This
ionosphere propagation takes place mainly in the HF band. The ionosphere is composed of
several layers. Each layer has different propagation characteristics:
D layer – This layer occurs only during the day at altitudes of 60 to 90 km. High absorption
takes place at frequencies up to 7 MHz.
E layer – This layer occurs at altitudes of 100 to 125 km. In the summer, dense ionization
clouds can form for short periods. These clouds called sporadic E can refract radio signals in
the VHF spectrum. This phenomenon allows amateur radio operators to communicate over
enormous distances.
F layer - This single night-time layer splits into two layers (F1 and F2) during the day. The F1
layer forms at about 200 km and F2 at about 400 km. The F2 layer propagates most HF short-
wave transmissions.

Because radio signals can take many paths to the receiver, multipath fading can occur. If the
signals arrive in phase, the result is a stronger signal. If they arrive out of phase with each
other, they tend to cancel.

Ionosphere: The ionosphere is the ionized part of Earth's upper atmosphere, from about 60
km to 1000 km altitude, a region that includes the thermosphere and parts of the mesosphere
and exosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by solar radiation.
Virtual Height: The height to which a short pulse of energy sent vertically upward and
travelling with speed of light would reach taking same time as the original wave would have
reflected from the ionosphere.
Critical Frequency: The highest frequency that will be reflected and returned down to the
earth by a layer at vertical incidence.
Multi-path: The wave, which is reflected from the ionosphere, can be called as a hop or skip.
There can be a number of hops for the signal as it may move back and forth from the
ionosphere and earth surface many times. Such a movement of signal can be termed as
multipath propagation.

Fading: Fading refers to the variation of the signal strength with respect to time/distance. It is
widely prevalent in wireless transmissions. The most common causes of fading in the
wireless environment are multipath propagation and mobility.
Skip Distance: The measurable distance on the surface of the Earth from transmitter to
receiver, where the signal reflected from the ionosphere can reach the receiver with minimum
hops or skips, is known as skip distance.
Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF): It is the highest frequency that can be used to receive
sky wave signals at the receiving point.

4.4 Duct Propagation

At a height of around 50 meters from the troposphere, the temperature increases with the
height. In this region of troposphere, the higher frequencies or microwave frequencies tend to
refract back into the Earth’s atmosphere, instead of shooting into ionosphere, to reflect.
These waves propagate around the curvature of the earth even up to a distance of 1000km.
This refraction goes on continuing in this region of troposphere. This can be termed as Super
refraction or Duct propagation.

The main requirement for the duct formation is the temperature inversion. The increase of
temperature with height, rather than the decrease in the temperature is known as the
temperature inversion.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of propagation uses radio signals refracted back to earth by ionosphere?
a) sky- wave
b) earth-moon-earth
c) ground-wave
d) tropospheric

2. What type of propagation involves radio signals that travels along the surface of the
a) sky-wave propagation
b) knife-edge difraction
c) E-layer propagation
d) ground –wave propagation

3. What is the area of weak signals between the range of ground-waves and the first
hope called?
a) The skip zone
b) The hysteresis zone
c) The monitor zone
d) The transequatorial zone

4. What type of radio wave propagation makes it possible for amateur stations to
communicate long distance?
a) direct –inductive propagation
b) knife –edge diffraction
c) ground –wave propagation
d) sky-wave propagation

5. Ground waves propagate in the frequency range of .

a) 3 khz to 30 khz
b) 30khz-3mhz
c) 3mhz-30mhz
d) 30mhz-300mhz

6. The skip distance for radio wave increases with
a) increace in frequency
b) reduce in frequency

c) temp of atmosphere
d) none of the above

Short Answer Questions

1. Define maximum usable frequency

2. Write the application of ground-waves
3. On what factors does skip distance depends?
4. Write the disadvantage of ground –wave propagation
5. What is ionosphere?
6. Explain in the detail the term critical frequency.
7. Discuss in brief the propagation characteristics of short waves.

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain the concept of ground wave propagation.

2. Explain the concept of sky wave propagation.
3. Explain in detail the space wave propagation.


Learning Objectives:
After completion of this chapter, the students will be able to explain satellite communication
link and terms related it.

5.1 Basic Idea

A satellite is a body that moves around another body in an orbit. A communication satellite
is a microwave repeater that helps in telecommunications, radio, television and internet
applications. A repeater increases the strength of the signal and retransmits it. It works as
a transponder, which changes the frequency band of the transmitted signal also. The
frequency with which the signal is sent into the space is called Uplink frequency, while the
frequency with which it is sent by the transponder is Downlink frequency.
Advantages of satellite communications are
 Flexibility
 Ease in installing new circuits
 Large Distances covered and cost doesn’t matter
 Broadcasting possibilities
 Large coverage
 User can control the network
Drawbacks of Satellite communication are
 The initial costs such as segment and launch costs are too high.
 Congestion of frequencies
 Interference and propagation

5.1.1 Active Satellite: The active satellite has its own transmitting and receiving antennas.
It amplifies the signal received from earth station or ground station and retransmits the
amplified signal back to earth. It also performs frequency translation of the received signal
before retransmission. Active satellite can generate power for its own operation.
It is also known as active repeater.
5.1.2 Passive Satellite: It is basically a reflector which receives the signal from the
transmitting earth station and scatters the signal in all the directions. It reflects the
electromagnetic radiations without any modification or amplification. Passive satellite cannot
generate power of its own and simply reflects the incident power.


5.1.3 Orbit: A curved path (usually elliptical) followed by the satellite while revolving
around the earth is known as orbit. For example, in geostationary satellite, the position of
the satellite is constant with respect to earth because its time period of revolution is equal to
time period of rotation of earth on its own axis.

5.1.4 Apogee: The point in the orbit of the satellite which is at the farthest distance from the
centre of the earth is called as Apogee. It is denoted by ra.
5.1.5 Perigee: It is the nearest point from the earth existing on the satellite orbit and is
denoted by rp.

5.2 Geostationary Satellite and Its Need

A geostationary satellite is an earth-orbiting satellite, placed at an altitude of approximately
36000 kilometers directly over the equator. It revolves in the same direction the earth rotates
(west to east) and takes 24 hours (the same time period as the earth requires to rotate once on
its axis). A geostationary satellite appears nearly stationary in the sky when seen by an
observer on earth. A single geostationary satellite can cover about 40% of the earth's surface.
Hence three such satellites, each separated by 120 degrees of longitude, can provide coverage
of the entire planet. It has the main advantage of permanently remaining in the same area of
sky, so ground based antennas do not need to track them. The geostationary satellites are
needed for weather forecasting, global communication, satellite TV and radio etc.
5.3 Satellite Communication link
Communications Satellites consist of the following subsystems:
 Communication Payload, normally composed of transponders, antennas, and
switching systems
 Engines used to bring the satellite to its desired orbit
 A station keeping, tracking and stabilization subsystem used to keep the satellite in
the right orbit, with its antennas pointed in the right direction, and its power system
pointed towards the sun
 Power subsystem, used to power the Satellite systems, normally composed of solar
cells, and batteries that maintain power during solar eclipse
 Command and Control subsystem, which maintains communications with ground
control stations. The ground control Earth stations track the satellite performance and
monitor its functionality during various phases of its life-cycle.
The available bandwidth depends upon the number of transponders provided by the satellite.
Each service requires a different amount of bandwidth for transmission.

Uplink, downlink filters, amplifiers, local oscillator and transponder are the basic blocks of
the satellite communication system. The uplink and downlink frequency ranges are
respectively 5.9 – 6.4 GHz and 3.7 – 4.2 GHz. The mixer and local oscillator convert the
uplink frequency to lower frequency. The satellite receives the signals transmitted from the
ground stations, amplifies it and retransmits it at downlink frequencies to avoid interference.
A satellite can have many transponders. The transponder consists of input and output
multiplexer and one TWT amplifier.
The block diagram of an earth station and transponder consists of various elements as shown

Earth station: The input baseband signal from the terrestrial network enters the earth station
at the transmitter. The signal is encoded, modulated and up-converted. Then it is amplified
and passed through antenna terminal. The signal received from the satellite is amplified in a
low noise amplifier, and down-converted. It is then demodulated and decoded to get the
original baseband signal.
Transponder: Duplexer is a two-way microwave gate. Duplexer receives uplink signal from
the satellite antenna and transmits downlink signal to the satellite antenna. The Low Noise
amplifier increases the strength of the weak received signal. Carrier Processor carries out the
frequency down conversion of received signal (uplink). The power of frequency down
converted signal (down link) is amplified to the required level using a suitable power

5.3 VSAT and its features:

A very small aperture terminal is a satellite ground station with a dish antenna with a
diameter of size smaller than 3.8 meters. The VSAT antennas range from 75 cm to 1.2
m. Data speed range from 4 kbit/s up to 16 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites

in geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote Earth stations to other terminals or
master Earth station.

VSAT Network:
 The ground segment of a VSAT network consists of a high performance hub Earth
station and a large number of low performance terminals referred to as VSATs.
 The space segment consists GEO satellites acting as communication links between the
hub station and the VSATs.
 A typical VSAT network is shown below.

 VSATs use a high performance central station so that the various remote stations can
be simpler and smaller in design.
 The hub station is usually a large, high performance Earth Station comprising an
outdoor antenna for transmission, RF terminals for providing a wideband uplink of
one digital carrier per network, base band equipment comprising modems, and various
kinds of interfacing equipment to support a wide variety of terrestrial links.
 The terrestrial links connect the hub station to the head office.
 VSATs are smaller and simpler in design as compared to the hub centre and comprise
an outdoor antenna, an RF terminal comprising an LNB for reception and baseband
 VSAT networks use either C band or Ku band.
 VSATs generally carry digital signals. BPSK or QPSK modulation schemes with
forward error correction are often used.
 Applications of VSAT include File transfers, Computer communications, Database
enquiries, Video conferencing, Reservation systems, Credit checks and credit card
verification, Billing systems, Stock control and management, Electronic mail and
Point of sale transactions.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. A passive satellite
a) Amplifies the signal
b) Reflects the signal
c) Absorbs the signal
d) None of the above

2. The source of energy for a satellite is

a) Battery
b) Fuel cell
c) Magneto hydrodynamic generator
d) Solar cell

3. Which of the following bands cannot be used for satellite communication?

a) MF
b) Ku
c) X
d) C

4. The reason for carrying multiple transponders in a satellite is

a) More number of operating channel
b) Better reception
c) More gain
d) Redundancy

5. A transponder is a satellite equipment which

a) receives a signal from Earth station and amplifies
b) changes the frequency of the received signal
c) retransmits the received signal
d) does all of the above-mentioned functions

6. A geosynchronous satellite
a) has the same period as that of the Earth
b) has a circular orbit
c) rotates in the equatorial plane
d) has all of the above

Short Answer Questions

1. What is geostationary satellite?
2. Differentiate between active and passive satellites.
3. Define and explain orbit, apogee and perigee.
4. Write applications of VSAT.

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain the block diagram of communication link.
2. Explain the VSAT operation and features.


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