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Kiran Sami*
Ghulam Ali Jariko†
Ashique Jathial‡

The ideology of nationalism endows the nation with collective concepts

regarding their socio-political and economic lives. It deals with the nation
as a collective entity as a separate being from the other nations in the world.
The increasing trend of fragmentation in Pakistani society on various bases
is an alarming sign, and playing a pessimistic role in nation and state
building as a whole. This article is an effort to investigate the causes of
weak nationalism in Pakistan. The article highlights the important factors
which contributed towards the weak formation of nationalism in Pakistan.
The first major factor is 'ineffective role of leadership' in Pakistan that has
always attempted to politicize the matter of implementation of Islamic
ideology as a system; secondly the 'least priority to the economic interests
of the common people' who exerted for a separate country in quest of a
separate Islamic identity and an elevated economic status.
Keywords: Pakistan, Nationalism, Identity, Cultural diversity,
Islamic ideology.

Defining the Concept of Nationalism

Taras and Ganguly opine that "Nationalism is the world's most
powerful political idea." (1998:xi)
Lieven defines nationalism as the “devotion to an ideal, abstract,
unrealized notion of one’s country, often coupled with a belief in

* Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Sindh, Jamshoro

† Assistant Professor, Sindh Development Study Centre, Jamshoro
‡ Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Asia Pacific, Research Journal, Volume 30, 2012  87

some wider national mission to humanity.”(Lieven, Anatol, 2004).

Another explanation is, "Nationalism is an ideology, a complex of
related ideas that establish values about what is good and bad,
directs adherents on how to act (patriotism), link together those
adhere to the ideology, and distinguish them from those who do
not. Specifically, nationalism connects individuals, their sense of
community, and their political identity in contradistinction to other
Mortimer & Fine estimate the importance of nationalism as, The
political segmentation of the world rests in great part on three
concepts: nation, nation-state, and nationalism. (Mortimer & Fine,
1999) Nationalism in simple words is a love of homeland. It can be
considered a face of a nation that how a nation perceives itself. The
most common factors which take part in the formation of this face
are ethnicity, language, religion, socio-political values and
objectives, and ideologies. This face is clearly depicted in a nations’
poetry, literature, art, music, fiction, dress, way of life, cultural
values and ideologies etc…
Nationalism is a concept related with the perceptions of identity,
uniqueness, self hood and love for country. It has political,
psychological and cultural aspects. It defines the cultural and
ideological boundaries of a nation as a distinct group of people.
Nationalism can be considered a construction of self hood for a
nation. It plays a very important role in the process of nation and
state building which are essential for the overall development of a
state. Nation and state building in a broad sense means
development of the nation and state in all realms. The process is
consisted of ways, strategies and means which can lead to the
development of nation and state. Nation building is commonly
misunderstood and is considered only the political development;
rather it includes the political, economic, religious and cultural uplift
of a nation. In the 1990s the UN Development Program brought out
the Human Development Report and the Human Development
88  Nationalism: A Case Study of Pakistan

Index to focus on those aspects of development other than economic.

The concept of nation-building is evolutionary and takes place with
a slow pace in a long time, and it essentially emerges from within
and cannot be brought from outside. For example, the multiple
languages and cultural groups in France slowly emerged as a nation,
the transformation of China from the warring kingdoms to a
developed industrial state, took a very long time. It is kind of a wide
social consensus found amongst a nation. Multiple elements take
part in this process; but the basic ones revolve around two
indispensable elements i.e. leadership and priority to the economic
development and equality of people (economic development in this
global world also means technological development).

Nationalism with Reference to Pakistan:

Most commonly, when the issue of nationalism in any dimension is
investigated the research starts from the history of a nation spawned
over centuries, but in case of Pakistan it starts from its establishment
in 1947 and consisted of about sixty five years. Before the
establishment of Pakistan, people had lived in united India under
the rule of various monarchs, and in end the British crown ruled the
region. In united India, a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society
existed for a long period of time. People living there belonged to
various ethnicities, language groups and religions. Muslims a largest
minority of united India got themselves separated in 1947 through a
long and tough political movement involving very harsh times for
their lives, property, culture, creed and religion.
The movement for making a separate state was based on the reason
that, distinct identity and cultural practices, different religion and a
completely different set of ideology about life entitle Muslims as a
separate nation. Moreover, along with the reason of being different
from other groups living in united India, exploitation of economic
rights of Muslims was another plea for the demand of a separate
state. The Muslims living there were not enjoying equal and enough
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economic rights which was ultimately affecting negatively their

overall socio-political rights and status in India.
The urge to achieve a separate piece of land where Muslims can
obtain due economic rights followed by a respected and alleviated
socio-political status was actual base of Pakistan movement. The
people living in distant parts of whole India identified themselves as
a separate group possessing all factors necessary for being a nation.
The prominent factors were they all shared history and have lived
together under one rule for centuries, they all had same religion,
their cultures though different from each other but were essentially
rooted in Islam, and the problems they were experiencing in united
India in religious, financial, and socio-political terms were identical.
For Pakistan, "this sense of community was initially manifested
through the idea of using Islam as a religious base to unify Indian
Muslims to create a national identity" (2005:03).
The pioneer leaders of Pakistan dreamt a society which was to be
multi-ethnic but have common bond and consensus around Islam.
Islam during Pakistan movement played a very substantial role; it
provided Muslims a strong political platform, a strong force for
uniting the people of different cultures, provided Muslims the
identity, and a common goal woven around the same ideology and
acceptable for all Muslims despite of their cultural differences. The
situation after the establishment of Pakistan became entirely
different, the people who identified them as one nation got
partitioned again in 1971 between separate states of West Pakistan
and newly separated state East Pakistan named Bangladesh. This
time even the partition was on the issues of language, political
representation, and economic rights. The situation in the rest of the
country kept on worsening by the passage of time. The question
arises that why the people who identified themselves as a one nation
got fragmented after achieving their object of a separate state.
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The key reason responsible for the rifts in Pakistani society has
always been displayed in the history as cultural differences. At
present even the news papers, research studies, academia, and even
leadership focus on the issue of cultural diversity of Pakistani
society as a reason of fragmentation. The same cultural diversity
was not a complicated issue when Pakistan movement was on a
scratch start and even Urdu was not that common and
understandable to make proper communication with Muslims living
in distant parts of India.
Here the role of leadership proved inefficient and rather contributed
negatively for its own selfish interests. Nationalistic feelings are
always propagated, publicized and directed by the leaders. Leaders
provide the people the visions regarding their state. The role of
Hitler who stressed in the ethnic superiority of Germans is still
present even after the death of Hitler. In Pakistan every leader
interpreted nationalism according to his own interests, the religious
leader propagated about a rigid religious state relating to his own
specific belief or sect, the leader from an ethnic background
provided people with a vision of superiority of his own ethnic
prosperity. The leaders after the demise of pioneers dealt the
sensitive issues of ideology, language and ethnicity according to
their own benefits. The most important issue of implementation of
Islam as a system had become prey of political concerns. After the
establishment of Pakistan, the situation became vice versa and Islam
was exploited and emerged as a most controversial issue in the
society in terms of sects, modes of Islamic practices, and its
implementation in life. The leadership did not use Islam to promote
a common culture for which people are still looking for but unable
to find the national culture of Pakistani society. Political parties and
political movements have always paid less attention on agenda
rather they emphasize on the frequent use of slogans, symbols,
cultural songs, cultural dresses and other sentimental belongings.
These cultural manifestations occupy central place in politics and
promote ethnic nationalism. The leadership always interpreted
Asia Pacific, Research Journal, Volume 30, 2012  91

nationalism according to their own interests. The dominant negative

influences on the part of leadership did not let the nationalism be
grown and sustained in a positive direction. Nationalism in Pakistan
has been badly politicized and dealt merely as a hot political issue
rather than an important contributing element towards nation and
state building.
The special characteristic of nationalism is to bring a nation under a
single ideology. It is a fact that nationalism in the world is generally
identified with ethnicity and language issues, but it is also an equal
fact that nationalism needs strong bases for its growth, for example,
economic security, safety of life and property, protection and
alleviation of the self interests, and pride to be a member of
community better than others. Minicucci explains it in more
pragmatic terms, “National feeling, like the attachment to any
political community, had a materialistic basis. Attachment to the
union did not reflect a denial of self-interest but, rather, a
reconstruction of it: self-interest properly understood.” (2002:253) In
the conditions where interests of citizens are well protected specially
in economic realm, they are guaranteed equal rights, and provided
with the favourable socio-political and economic conditions then the
attachment or bond between land and people becomes stronger, and
in case of opposite situation it becomes vice versa.
There are many model societies in the world which are entirely
diverse on ethnic and religious grounds but are united nations and
developed states. In fact, cultural diversity is not a serious matter in
developed societies. USA, a land of immigrants is the super power
state of the world. It is comprised of migrants and there is no one
who can claim to originally belong there. The people from USA
identify them proudly as an American and less emphasize their
original belonging. In America the people from diverse cultures and
religions are equally enjoying the fruits of economy, rule of law and
equality. There is a strong bond felt to be present amongst people
which was achieved through state policies aiming at economic
92  Nationalism: A Case Study of Pakistan

uplift, internal improvement programs, and over all betterment of

systems like logistics, post office, banking, health, education and
etc… American (1999), Dana Frank’s a historical analysis of
economic nationalism in the United States, deals with an important
aspect of nationalism. Frank’s research centers on recurrent public
campaigns that insist on consumers to purchase American products.
Buying American products was depicted as a sensible decision, a
sign of national loyalty, and also a means for common citizens to
cause damage the foreign economies that supposedly threatened
America in economic realm. The concept of national identity was
emphasized by relating it with the issues of economic progress,
national security and personal consumption. It also encouraged the
people’s trust on their country.
The basis of nationalism for every nation is different. Nations are
tied around common culture, ideology, ethnicity or etc... The
German people have a cultural bond amongst them and culture is a
basis of their nationalism. French nation has its roots in a political
compact through a common citizenship. Pakistan was dreamt to be a
home to the people pursuing same ideological goals woven around
Islam and have common dreams of achieving a better life.
The nationalistic thoughts, wishes and pride are always prominent
in nations' collective lives. In case of Pakistan, the common bond
amongst the nation is felt to be at a lowest level. Regional identities
occupy an important role in the society as compared to the national
identity. Cultural diversity becomes more visible and mostly
negative in all kinds of situations good or bad. The events in the
national life good and especially bad severely lack unanimity of
opinion and action. The celebrations or crisis clearly show the
fragmentation of Pakistani society. For example at the event of death
of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto the regional feelings were
negatively highlighted and the common national loss was ignored.
The event was full of aggression against each other and anti state
slogans. The matter of celebration of Eid (a religious celebration) is
Asia Pacific, Research Journal, Volume 30, 2012  93

always badly conflicted and not celebrated unanimously in the

whole country. The higher level of exported foreign goods and their
usage in society shows people's distrust on the country. The priority
to foreign goods depicts the elevated status of foreign products in
the society; and rejection of local products shows the feelings of
The nationalism of a nation grows by sharing and experiencing thick
and thin together and even in tough times the nationalistic feelings
become stronger. The common bond holds a community together
guides them, motivates them, teaches them to live together and
share, and leads them towards common goals. The strength of this
bond consequently creates a sense of superiority in the nation, gives
birth to a community which is powerful from inside, knows its
existence and is a sovereign nation. A sovereign nation prioritizes
the supremacy of national interest, national development over
group or regional interests. This aids heavily the process of nation
and state building. The construction of nation and state building
highly depends on a nation’s sense of common belonging which
motivates them to work for their land and community.
Nationalism does not merely deals with the issue of identity, rather
there is always a relationship between country’s nationalism and its
policy making as a goal to be achieved then sustained in all walks of
life. Various examples are present in this context, the citizens of
America believe in supremacy of law, equality, justice and
development. These all concepts have been the part of their policies
and prioritized by their leadership and are clearly depicted in their
domestic and even foreign policies.

The concept of Nationalism always requires to be watered with
what it needs and to be grown by the passage of time. Hitler sown
the seeds of ethnic superiority in Germans and it has had been
sustained, American nationalism is always made strong by the
94  Nationalism: A Case Study of Pakistan

continuous efforts of reaffirming the vows on which independence

was achieved.
The continuous efforts of politicians for politicizing the issue of
Islam, lack of attempts leading to betterment of common people, and
different interpretations of nationalism based on selfish interests has
led the society of Pakistan to zero tolerance level. In this situation no
one is ready to own the territory where the interests of citizens are
being exploited. The vast majority of problems in the society of
Pakistan are arising from politicizing the matter of Islamic ideology.
This complex situation is pulling the society in two opposite
directions, on one side this is dragging the country into war of
terrorism, and on other side the extreme Westernization of society is
happening. In presence of economic inequality the people
experience destitute of political and social equalities as well which
leads them to think in different or more aptly negative ways. This
pulling situation is dividing the people in ideological terms since it
involves all the issues related to leading life.
The real reinterpretation of nationalism is required in this situation.
This reinterpretation should stand on original sources for which a
separate country was achieved instead of mere sentimental slogans.
The real basis of the integration of people of Pakistan were without
any doubts the true practice of Islam (away from the rigid face of
Islam as being propagated negatively on media) and the elevation
of economic and respectively the social and political status of
common people. These two points should be kept at the priority at
the time of making and implementing the policies and agenda by
both government and political parties.
Pakistan is suffering from the situation where the interpretation of
nationalism is interest based and is different for all groups
constituting a nation; it has already given birth to multiple serious
issues like identity clashes, making of policies, and successful
implementation of policies. Policy making and respective goals are
never clear in this situation and a blurred scenario in all walks of life
Asia Pacific, Research Journal, Volume 30, 2012  95

has emerged.

Taras, Ray, and Rajat Ganguly (1998) Understanding Ethnic Conflict: The International
Dimension, NewYork: Longman.

Lieven, Anatol (2004) America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism,

New York: Oxford University Press.

Rourke, John T. and Boyer, Mark A.(2005) International Politics on the World Stage,
Seventh Edition. New York: McGraw Hill.

Mortimer, Edward, and Robert Fine (1999) People, Nation, and State: The Meaning of
Ethnicity and Nationalism, NewYork: St.Martin's.

Haqqani, Husain (2005) Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military. Washington, D.C:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Brookings Institution Press.

Minicucci, Stephen. (2001), “’The Cement of Interest’: Interest-Based Models of

Nation-Building in the Early Republic.” Social Science History 25:247-74.

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