RC50 Leaflet B

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DSP -FIL TE R-A NA LY ZE R, CA T an d De code r/En code r P rog ram

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DSP-Filter, CAT and decoding/ encoding with your computer.

RTTY-, Synop-, CW-, PSK31-, FAX-, SSTV-Decoder/ Encoder
3D Scanner, Equalizer, SatTracking, AudioAnalyzer and Dual Scopes Time-,
Frequency-Management and Frequency-Analyzer
RadioControl for more than 80 Receivers and Transceivers

RadioCom 5 i ncl . DSP-Fil ter-Anal yzer


It decodes (and encodes) digital and analog radio signals. It AudioController
also improves the quality of the audio sound, which in the Controls all Audio functions, drivers and mixers.
past was only possible with an expensive DSP-Receiver. Audio-Squelch, Filter- and Equalizer- Functions controls, etc.
The signal goes directly into your computer via the sound RTTY-Decoder
card for processing, you can also control your radio via the RTTY, SITOR, B-PSK, Q-PSK, (PSK31), incl. NAVTEX and
COM-port and all of this without any extra hardware. The SYNOP-Decoding. All parameters totally variable.
received signals are processed and filtered and played in the FAX-Decoder
computer loudspeakers. AM / FM Fax, all IOC's and RPM, Fax-Special-Filter, HAM-Fax,
RadioCom comes with: Filter-Analyzer, Time Weather-Fax and SAT-Fax direct.
Spectroscopes, DualScope, Audio-Recorder, RTTY, CW, SSTV-Decoder
FAX, SSTV, PSK (PSK31, Q- and B-PSK), Synop-Decoder, All Mode. Special filters, Color up to 32 Bit, all picture formats and
3D Scanner and SatTracking. This means you have all you parameter totally variable.
need in one program! CW-Decoder
Up to now the requirements for SSB-receiver & decoders to All parameter totally variable.
process radio messages was extremely high and expensive. Audio-Recorder
With today's normal multimedia-PC a complete new concept Record and replay from signals, incl. Functions for later analyzing
could be developed so that the expensive extra filters are and decoding.
replaced, and the operating comfort is improved. Expensive DSP Filter / Equalizer
screens, scopes and tools are now generated on your Filter-/ equalizer functions up to 2 Hz resolution with variable slope.
computer screen. All filter combinations possible..
It's hard work to understand and program for Digital-Sound- Channel-Scanner, Frequency-Scanner
Processing, Frequency-Analyzing and Decoding. What in 3D-displays from signal strength, audio-events or time diagrams.
the past was very expensive is now easily realized on your event-saving for later analyzing.
computer. Completely hissed signals from low cost receivers Time-Manager
are so improved by the effect of the integrated equalizer, it Organize reception from text and picture from the desired time
is very easy to hear and to see the difference on your SatTracking
display. Displays all Satellites on a word map, inclusive all Keplerian data
With RadioCom 5 we have created a desktop specially fit to and decoder types, also with a time schedule.
your needs. The Live-WorkViewer, for example, facilitates
you to receive a weather fax, while you are modifying System requirements
another one, without interrupting the incoming fax. All
desktop elements can be modified to your own liking. The SSB-Receiver or Transceiver (remote controlled if possible)
Dual-Scope improves the analysis from cause and effect of RadioCom 5 can be combined with almost all makes of receiver.
the signal quality. SpectrumAnalyzer, TimeSpectroScope For example, those produced by Sony, Panasonic, Grundig, and
and X/Y-Scope are helpful tools for that. Siemens, and any others with SSB reception. However, these
With the modifiable database of the Frequency-Manager it cannot use timer-operated remote/radio control. We recommend
is possible to save all the complex data of radio stations, and controllable Radios, such as those made by Yaesu, ICOM,
Kenwood, JRC, AOR, and SKANTI. In the delivered switchbox is
to recall them on demand. The database also holds
already the control-electronic inside to remote control for more than
decoder-data for the SynopDecoder and Keplerian data (for
90 receivers and transceivers.
sat-receiving). Now you can plan with the Time-Manager You don’t need a separate level converter!
different tasks, so nothing will be missed. It already comes with the software package for most radios. This
The Frq-/Channel-Scanner-Function shows you signal reduces the cost to a minimum to upgrade to the digital age.
strength, Audio-events and 3D Diagrams. The event-saving
makes later analyzing of events with frequency and time Computer:
possible. And with the Audio-Recorder you can record and The computer must have an Intel Pentium/Celeron© processor with
replay signals for later analyzing or decoding. at least 200 MHz, 64 MB RAM, a bi-directional sound card with a
SatFax can receive live and synchronous without the normal LINE-IN port, a spare COM port, and either Windows©
95/98/ME/2000/XP or NT4.0/SR3 or higher installed, as well as a
Doppler effects and display with highest resolution. The
graphics card with 1024x768 16 bit color resolution.
included SatTrack-Program allows you to see when and
where you can find the satellites on the world map.
The AudioController controls all audio functions, drivers
and mixers, also the special AudioSquelch and the DSP-
filter with the FFT-Equalizer (Fast-Fourier-Transformation).
This allows to set several Notch filters in one band filter or to ®
create a filter curve with desired form and variable slope with Visit Bonito’s Website at:
a 2 Hz resolution. You can simply draw a curve character
with the mouse. www.bonito.net
COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL www.computer-int.com
Coral Springs, FL 33071 U.S.A.
[email protected] Technical Data can be changed without notice. 05/2005
Phone: 954-323- 8879

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