Piping, Hydro QC List-Interview
Piping, Hydro QC List-Interview
Piping, Hydro QC List-Interview
1. The following Mechanical SATIP Folders (for your Focused Assessments) are used.
SATIP-A-004 (Contains SAES-A-004, SAES-L-150, GI-2.102 & applicable SAICs).
SATIP-L-108 (Contains SAES-L-108 & Checklists) for Valves
SATIP-L-052 (Contains SAEP-351 & Checklists) for Hot Taps
SATIP-L-350 Series - Plants or 450 - Pipelines (SAES-L-350/450) as applicable
SATIP-L-410 & 420 for Pipelines (Well Head Piping & Scraper Trap Stations)
SATIP-W-011 & 012 (SAES-W-011 or SAES-W-012 as applicable)
SATIP-J-600 (Relief Valves) & SAES-J-600, SAEP-318/319 covering Pop Testing
SATIP-J-900 (Instrument Air Piping) covering SAES-L-110 & SAES-J-900
2. Open the Spec Awareness Folder (SAES-L-105, Spec Awareness & Spec-Check)
Meet your candidate and make him comfortable on his interview. Ask him what
reading he has accomplished so far regarding the Saudi Aramco Standards & SATIPs.
Depending on his answer, you have several options as follows:
Candidate Knowledge of SA STDs & SATIPs
1. He has read nothing and understands little of his new responsibilities.
2. He has read little but seems to understand the basics of his responsibilities.
3. He has read the Standards & has not covered the SATIPs he is responsible for.
4. He has read both Standards & SATIPs and is ready to discuss them with you.
Note: Schedule Q allows time for new Inspectors to perform required reading and adapt
to their new responsibilities (SATIPs) on their arrival. Those Inspectors that show ability
to handle new responsibilities (on initial questioning in interview) & have performed the
required reading and can intelligently discuss points of Inspection interest can be fully
interviewed and accepted if they demonstrate the basic skills needed for the work. All
accepted candidates are subject to satisfactory field performance. It is poor practice to
conditionally accept new candidates (even on trial basis) without any required reading.
For those who rate # 1 & 2 give them a task for required reading (STDs &/or SATIPs),
thank them for coming for interview and send them back to their QC Manager with the
notice that they are not ready for interview/testing. Inform SAPMT that they are not
ready for interview/test & were tasked for required reading. Entry into E-Logbook!!!
For those who rate # 3 or 4, you can proceed with interview and questions related to the
work. Develop your own style of interviewing using checklists and your own experience
including any Lessons Learned.
Determine Process
1. SMAW ONLYFollow CE determination values in Drawings and Tables 3, 3A
notes of SAES-W-011 for pipe, fitting, and flg.
2. GTAW or GTAW/SMAWFor field fabrication or repair of carbon steel materials (all ASME P-No. 1 materials,
including API grades up to and including X60), use preheats listed in Standard Drawing W-AE-036451, sheet 1-8
Mill CE Values GTAW Heat Input Combined Determine Preheat
Certs Process Thickness Requirements from
Table for GTAW