1.1.5. Word Formation Process

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I. Meaning
Morphology is a scientific study of Morph/ Morphemes. Morph is smallest minimal meaningful unit of
language. Morphology basically scientific study of the words and their formation. Words are made up of
one or more than one morph. A word can have only one morph and that is Free Morph.
Morph: smallest meaningful unit of language. For example there are three morphemes in the given word.
1 2 3
Types of Morphemes:
There are two types of morphemes as indicated below.

Free Morpheme Bound Morpheme

Prefix Suffix

Derivational Inflectional Derivational

Plurals,-ed,-en, s forms of Verbs
Class Class -er and –est forms of Adjectives Class Class
Changing Maintaining Changing Maintaining
1. Free Morpheme:
In the above given word ‘Friend’ is Free Morph because it doesn’t need to take any other Morph. It
can appear alone and independently in a word.
2. Bound Morpheme:
In the above example ‘Un-’& ‘ly’ are the bound Morphemes because they don’t appear independently
in a sentence, they have to rely on the Free Morph. Bound morphemes are further divided into Prefix
and Suffix respectively. Prefixes always come before the Free Morph and suffixes are those which come
after the Free Morph. For example in the word ‘Un-conscious-ly’ Un is Prefix and ly is Suffix and
conscious is Free Morph.
Morphological Analysis of words:

Prefix Stem
Un- friendly(Adj)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix root suffix
friend(N) -ly
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

Communication Skills-II BCA FY Mr. Kailash Jadhav,

COCSIT, Latur.
In the above given example we see that Free Morph, ‘friend’ is the root. And Free Morph always remains
the Root at last in the morphological analysis. Stem is that part which can further be divided into two or
more, when division is possible of the word we should name it as stem.
Inflectional & Derivational:
These are the types of Suffix. For Example
i. Book, Books
ii. Talk, talks, talked
iii. Small, smaller, smallest
The suffixes –s, -ed forms of the verb and plurals of the noun, -er, -est forms of the adjectives and adverbs
don’t produce new word. They are just the different forms of the same words. So these suffixes just play
the grammatical role there and hence they are called Inflectional Suffixes.
Derivational Suffixes on the other hand produces new words when they come after the Free Morph and
change or maintain the class the word that they follow. For example Friend(N) is basically noun when
we add -ly this suffix, it becomes the Friendly(Adj), and adverb thus –ly produces new word, Friendly
and changes the class of the friend(N) noun into adjective friendly. That’s why Derivational Suffixes are
divided into Class Changing and Class Maintaining.
When we add prefixes to the word we get new word, therefore, all the prefixes are Derivational. And
again prefixes are class changing and maintaining Derivational.
Let us discuss these words and their morphological analysis…

1 Unconsciousness(N)

Prefix Stem
Un- consciousness(N)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix root suffix
conscious(Adj) -ness
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

2 Unacceptable(Adj)

Prefix Stem
Un- acceptable(Adj)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix root suffix
accept(V) -able
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

Communication Skills-II BCA FY Mr. Kailash Jadhav,

COCSIT, Latur.
3 Decentralization(N)

Prefix Stem
De- centralization(N)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix stem suffix
centralize(V) -tion
Class Changing Derivational Suffix
Stem suffix
central(Adj) -ize
Class Changing Derivational Suffix
Root suffix
center(N) -al
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

4 Irregularly(Adv)

Prefix Stem
ir- regularly(Adv)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix root suffix
regular(Adj) -ly
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

5 Unexpectedly(Adv)

Prefix Stem
Un- expectedly(Adv)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix stem suffix
expected(Adj) -ly
Class Changing Derivational Suffix
root suffix
expect(V) -ed
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

Communication Skills-II BCA FY Mr. Kailash Jadhav,

COCSIT, Latur.
6 Book-keeping(Noun Compound)

Compound compound
Book (N) -keeping(Adj)
Class Maintaining
Derivational Prefix root suffix
keep(V) -ing
Class Changing Derivational Suffix

This chapter will be asked for 15 Marks in the University examination, so students are requested to see
the above solved examples and pracice same questions as given below.

1. Revitalize 2. Uninteresting 3. Reintroduction 4. Incapacitate

5. Revengeful 6. Uncontrollable 7. Disallowed 8. Confidential
9. Universalizes 10. Reinterpretation 11. Rearrangement 12. Dehumanized
13. Untouchables 14. Anti-establishments 15. Disagreement 16. Unconditionally
17. Uselessness 18. Disentangle 19. Empowerment 20. Sunlight
21. Chess-board 22. Book-keeping 23. Pass-book 24. Brainwashing
25. Drinking-water 26. White-collar 27. Chairperson 28. Pick-pocket
29. Good-looking
Practice all the given words.


1. Meaning
2. Types
a. Free Morpheme
b. Bound Morpheme
3. Prefixes and suffixes
4. Inflectional & Derivational
5. Stem & Root.\
6. Morphologically analyze a word.
7. Conclusion.
If this chapter is asked for Short Notes, please cover above given points in your short note.


Communication Skills-II BCA FY Mr. Kailash Jadhav,

COCSIT, Latur.

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