WGC 2010 Paper On Erosion-Corrosion
WGC 2010 Paper On Erosion-Corrosion
WGC 2010 Paper On Erosion-Corrosion
Keywords: erosion, corrosion, steam-dominated well damages of the wellhead assembly, (2) fast thinning in
sections of the sweepbend and branchline based on
ABSTRACT Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) measurements, (3) fast thinning
and localized corrosion/pitting in the two-phase header, (5)
Well 311D, a steam-dominated production well discharging
leaks and damages in flange connections and (6) leaks in
suspended solids, manifested erosion-corrosion failures in
tapping points of sampling provisions and bypass line.
its wellbore and surface facilities. The suspended solids,
initially consisting of formation materials, erode the layer
of corrosion products formed when well discharge was still 2.1 Production Casing Thinning
water-dominated. A caliper survey to check its casing To determine the wellbore condition, casing inspection by
integrity calculated a thinning rate of 0.64 mm/yr. Also, caliper survey was conducted in May 2007 using a 60-arm
during this period, its wellhead assembly experienced caliper capable of taking 60 simultaneous inner diameter
recurring damage located between the mating flange (ID) measurements at a minimum sampling rate of one data
connection of the expansion spool and master valve and set per 3 inches of tool movement (Buñing et al., 2005).
confined along the wingports. The damage is attributed to The tool can operate at Tmax= 315°C and records only the
the combined effects of flow patterns within the wingports, maximum and minimum readings.
the suspended solids in the flowing stream and any stresses
induced by wellhead vertical movements exceeding the
design limit. In the branchline, erosion-corrosion is also
observed in areas where high heat-loss occurs and in rough
edges or protrusions of tapping points’ welded portions.
Un-insulated facilities in the branchline, act as “heat sinks”
forming condensates that absorb corrosive gas species. The
mixing of dry well 311D and two-phase well 309D
discharges creates intermittent cavitation causing bubbles or
mists to collapse in the walls and damage a limited section
of the two-phase header within the mixing point.
Continuous exploitation of the Tongonan Geothermal Field
shifted the discharges of the production wells from liquid-
dominated to steam-dominated indicating the vertical and
lateral expansions of the steam zone (Salonga et al., 2004).
The dry well discharges also contained total suspended
solids (TSS) >5 ppm. In the absence of an in-situ
waterflow to scrub the solids, erosion-corrosion of two-
phase and steam lines were initially observed in Tongonan-
1 in 2000 (Villa and Salonga, 2001) then expanded to Figure 1: Map of Tongonan Geothermal Field.
Upper Mahiao in the north and South Sambaloran to the
south. Casing thinning calculated down to the survey depth is 0.2-
0.25 inch in its 10 years of utilization (0.64 mm/yr).
Well 311D was spudded in 1996 as an in-fill large-diameter
Thinning worsens as the log goes deeper and as the
production well in Pad 300B, South Sambaloran (Figure 1)
wellbore deviates. The calculated thinning rate is higher
drilled to a total measured depth of 2487 m. The well has
than the acceptable 0.12 mm/yr (3 mm/25 years) but is less
stable downhole measured temperatures of 250-270°C, is
than the rates in surface facilities typically at 2 mm/yr in
operated at high wellhead pressure of 1.2 MPag and
Pad 301 of South Sambaloran (Angcoy et al., 2005) and at
delivers 10-18 kg/s of dry discharge (H= 2780 J/g) with
18 mm/yr in Tongonan-1 (Villa et al., 2005). At a
typical TSS level of 10 ppm but ranges 2-42 ppm. In ~10
consumption rate of 0.64 mm/yr and on the worst scenario
years of well utilization, well 311D manifested numerous
that fluid attacked the anchor casing since utilization in
erosion and corrosion phenomena from the wellbore to the
1997, it will take another 2.9 years before critical thickness
downstream surface facilities, some of which are not
is reached at 4 MPag internal pressure.
observed in similar dry wells with elevated TSS levels.
The erosional velocity of the fluid inside the casing was
2. OCCURENCES OF EROSION AND CORROSION evaluated based on the formula of Salama (2000) for sand-
Documented problems in the above surface facilities laden fluids (equation 1).
connected to well 311D include: (1) recurring leaks and
Angcoy et al.
(D )
(1) Valve
( 20 W )
Eh (Volts) Fe - S - H2O - System at 188.00 C VALVE
1.5 Fe2O3
-0.5 FeS
-1.0 Fe3O4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Figure 4: Mechanisms leading to well 311D wellhead
assembly damage (not drawn to scale).
Dec 1998
ELEMENTS Molality Pressure
Fe 1.220E-03 1.180E+01
S 6.560E-04 1.180E+01
2.3 Branchline Leaks
Figure 2: Pourbaix diagram of historical highly two-
H\balik2x188C.ieppppppppppp The dominant mechanism of mechanical erosion by
phase well 311D discharge chemistry.
balik2x188C.ieppppppppppppp suspended solids cause accelerated thinning rates in the
ik2x188C.iepppppppppppppppp sweepbend and the branchline based on UT monitoring
2.2 Wellhead Assembly Damages data. High thinning rate in the sweepbend is influenced by
the angles (10-20°) at which the suspended solids impact
In the wellhead assembly of well 311D, recurring damage
the walls. In the branchline, the increased rates are highly
was documented in the mating flange connections of the
correlated with location of high turbulence (i.e., reducer and
expansion spool and master valve confined along the two
near the branchline stub-in point to two-phase header).
opposing wingports (Figure 3) and could be attributed to
Leaks in the tapping points of bypass lines and vents are
the combined effects of flow patterns within the wingports
due to the combined effects of (1) solids erosion due to
and the suspended solids in the flowing stream. This can be
turbulence downstream of tapping points (Figure 5, striking
aggravated by stresses due to wellhead vertical movements
resemblance with the erosion marks downstream of the
beyond the design limit that may be experienced during
wellhead assembly wingports) and (2) localized corrosion
changes in well operating conditions either due to throttling
attack in heat-affected zones (HAZ). HAZ like welded
or variations in mass flow. Thus the wellhead assembly
connections underwent changes in properties making them
leaks were usually observed during preventive maintenance
less resistant to corrosion. Rough edges and protrusions
inside the tapping points may also be initial points of
erosion-corrosion attack.
Angcoy et al.
The entrained water phase of 311D consists of brine mists dominated discharge of well 311D mixes with the watery
and steam condensates. Two-phase fluids stagnate in dead discharge of well 309D. Because of the difference in pipe
legs (between flange connections and in external diameter, a “Bernoulli effect” could occur when a higher
attachments like sampling points and vents) and condense velocity well 311D discharge enters the two-phase header.
in these “heat sinks” through convective heat transfer with Bubbles or cavities from the water flow of well 309D can
the surroundings. Condensates conductively cooled below be intermittently drawn towards the lower pressure area and
line temperatures (188°C) dissolve more corrosive gaseous rapidly collapse in the upper walls producing a shock wave
species (e.g., CO2, H2S, volatile Cl if present) to form that dents the metal surface (Figure 8). After mixing, some
acidic solutions. The pH of the nearly-pure condensates steam of well 311D condenses and absorbs more gas
declines readily in the absence of the buffering effect of species increasing the corrosion potential of the mixed
minerals normally present in brine. Water chemistry at line water phase. Some of the pits in the pipewall initiated by
condition was recalculated using the conductive heating the cavitation effect develop into a local galvanic cell that
feature of WATCH 2.1 from sampling condition (25°C). promotes pitting corrosion and develops into pinhole leaks.
At 188°C, the Pourbaix diagram indicates a stability area
shifted towards the region of uniform corrosion when the
solution pH declines to ~4.3 (Figure 6).
Damaged section
Eh (Volts) Fe - S - H2O - System at 188.00 C (~6 m)
REGION SF = 20 kg/s, WF = 33 kg/s 30-inch
0.0 H = 1,600 J/g diameter
FeS2 Figure 8: Mixing of wells 311D and 309D discharges.
Fe(+2a) Fe3O4
Fe Well 311D was mechanically cleared and relined to
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 reinforce vulnerable sections of the casing and address the
C:\HSC5\EpH\balik2x188C.iep pH
worsening thinning in the deeper part of the production
ELEMENTS Molality Pressure
Fe 3.550E-05 1.180E+01 casing based on the caliper survey log. The manageable
S 4.340E-03 1.180E+01
calculated thinning rate of 0.64 mm/yr in the production
casing did not justify installation of a downhole mitigating
Figure 6: Pourbaix diagram of well 311D condensate
measure to capture suspended solids from the wellbore.
chemistry at line temperature (188°C).
Immediate solutions were focused in addressing the
wellhead assembly damages which included lining the
2.4 Two-phase Header Thinning vulnerable portions of the expansion spool with abrasive-
The 30-inch diameter two-phase header experienced rapid resistant layer, reinforcement of the flange connections and
thinning in a limited section within and downstream of the revisions of pipe support systems to relieve stresses. Future
311D stub-in point. The severity of the thinning led to the directions are inclined to duplicate the successful hot brine
replacement of a 6 m section after ~10 years of utilization. wellhead washing implemented in wells 301D and 306D
Few scratch/grooving marks in the replaced pipe suggest (Angcoy et al., 2005) since washing through the wingports
that the damages are not caused by solids erosion. The will mitigate erosion-corrosion from the wellhead to
internal surface of the replaced pipe showed irregularly- downstream sections by (a) scrubbing suspended solids in
shaped craters either on the metal surface or on the adhering steam and (b) buffering the acidity of the water phase due
corrosion products (Figure 7). This phenomenon is to absorption of more corrosive gas species. All
primarily attributed to the effects when the steam- appurtenances attached to the sweepbend and branchline
Angcoy et al.
were reviewed for relocation in areas of least turbulence LGPF Task Force Wellbore Erosion-Corrosion: Well 311D
and for insulation to minimize condensation. A limited Erosion-Corrosion Assessment Report, Internal
section of the two-phase header was also reinforced with a Report, (2007), PNOC-EDC.
higher pipe thickness to anticipate rapid thinning within the
mixing points. Roine, A.: HSC Chemistry 5.0, (2002).
Salama, M.: An alternative to API 14E erosional velocity
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS limits for sand laden fluids, Journal of Energy
Resources Technology, (2000).
Sincere thanks to the members of the LGPF Task Force
Wellbore Erosion-Corrosion, LGPF Resource Management Salonga, N., Herras, E., Siega, F., Seastres Jr., J., and
Department for the spirited exchange of ideas and concerted Dacillo, D.: Geochemical signatures of the field-wide
efforts in tackling the challenges and the EDC management expansion process of the upper steam zone in
for supporting the publishing of pertinent data. Tongonan geothermal field, Philippines, Geothermics,
33, (2004), 109-141.
Angcoy, E.C., Jr, Alcober, E.H., Ramos S.G. and Rossell, Villa Jr., R., Isip, H., Peñaranda, J.R., Salonga, N., Rubin,
J.B.: Erosion in South Sambaloran FCRS Facilities, D., Bontia, U.R., and Saw, V.: Methods of removing
Tongonan, Leyte, Proceedings, 26th Annual PNOC- solids from the discharge of steam dominated wells in
EDC Geothermal Conference, (2005), 109-115. Leyte Geothermal Production Field, Philippines,
Internal Report, (2005), PNOC-EDC.
Buñing, B., Sarmento, Z., Aleman, E. and Saw, V.: Casing
Inspection Caliper surveys: results and implications to
operations in Leyte Geothermal Production Field,
Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress 2005,
Antalya, Turkey, (2005), CD, 5 pp.