Children 10 00695
Children 10 00695
Children 10 00695
Micronutrient Deficiency in Children and Adolescents with
Obesity—A Narrative Review
Valeria Calcaterra 1,2,† , Elvira Verduci 2,3, *,† , Chiara Milanta 2 , Marta Agostinelli 2 , Carolina Federica Todisco 2 ,
Federica Bona 2 , Jonabel Dolor 2 , Alice La Mendola 2 , Martina Tosi 2 and Gianvincenzo Zuccotti 2,4
1 Pediatrics and Adolescentology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
2 Pediatric Department, Buzzi Children’s Hospital, 20154 Milan, Italy
3 Department of Health Sciences, University of Milan, 20142 Milan, Italy
4 Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science, University of Milan, 20157 Milan, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Childhood obesity represents a serious public health burden. Despite excessive dietary
consumption, children with obesity present high rates of micronutrient deficiencies, such as defi-
ciencies in minerals and specific vitamins; micronutrient deficiencies may have a pathogenic role in
obesity-related metabolic comorbidities. In this narrative review, we analyzed the main deficiencies
associated with obesity, their clinical consequences, and the evidence about a possible supplemen-
tation. Iron; vitamins A, B, C, D, and E; folic acid; zinc; and copper deficiencies represent the most
common deficient microelements. The relationship between obesity and multiple micronutrient
deficiencies remains unclear, and different mechanisms have been proposed. The medical care plan
for pediatric obesity should include food choices with high nutritional content as part of a crucial
approach to obesity-related complications. Unfortunately, only a few studies are available regarding
the efficacy of oral supplementation or weight loss for treating them; thus, continuous nutritional
monitoring is necessary.
supplementation. The medical care plan for pediatric obesity should include food choices
with high nutritional content as part of a crucial approach to obesity-related complications.
2. Methods
An analysis of the available literature and a non-systematic summation on the topic
of micronutrient deficiency in children and adolescents with obesity were proposed [13].
English-language relevant literature from the past 15 years was considered, including
original papers, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and reviews. Letters, case reports, or series
were not included. The abstracts of the literature were assessed (n = 128), and the full
texts of potentially relevant articles (n = 45) were reviewed and analyzed by the authors.
The reference list of all articles was also checked to identify relevant papers. The research
terms adopted, alone and/or combined, were obesity, adolescents, children, micronutrient
deficiency, trace element deficiency, mineral deficiency, deficiencies diagnosis, oral supple-
mentation, nutritional intervention, iron, anemia, inflammatory anemia, vitamin A, vitamin
C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc, and copper. The databases PubMed,
Scopus, and Web of Science were used for the literature research. The contributions were
independently collected by C.M., A.M., F.B., C.F.T., and J.D., and critically discussed and
analyzed with V.C. and E.V. The resulting draft was critically revised by V.C., E.V., and G.Z.
The final version was approved by all.
3. Childhood Obesity
Obesity is a pathological condition characterized by excessive adipose tissue storage
as a consequence of an energy imbalance between caloric intake and expenditure [14].
The weight-to-length ratio is used to diagnose overweight and obesity in children up
to 24 months old, using the WHO 2006 reference curves. After the age of 2 years, it is based
on the body mass index (BMI), using the WHO 2006 reference system up to 5 years and the
WHO 2007 reference system thereafter [15] (Table 1).
0–2 years 2–5 years 5–18 years
Index Weight-to-lenght ratio Body mass index Body mass index
Reference WHO 2006 WHO 2006 WHO 2007
>85th percentile * Overweight risk Overweight risk Overweight
>97th percentile * Overweight Overweight Obesity
>99th percentile * Obesity Obesity Severe obesity
* The 85th, 97th, and 99th percentiles’ approximate z-scores of +1, +2, and +3, respectively. WHO—World
Health Organization.
The underlying etiology of obesity is extremely complex and has been the subject
of extensive research [1]. Childhood obesity is the result of a complex interaction among
several risk factors involving genetic, environmental, nutritional, and socio-economic
influences [15]. Although the pathophysiology of obesity remains controversial, the energy
imbalance between consumed and expended calories is considered one of the main drivers
of the development of obesity and overweight [16,17]. The WHO attributes the increased
prevalence of childhood obesity to a global shift in diets towards energy-dense, nutrient-
poor foods and increased use of sugar-sweetened beverages that greatly impact the risk
of obesity due to high caloric intake [1]. These changes have also been accompanied by
factors predisposing to chronic low energy expenditure, such as less physical activity due
to increasingly sedentary lifestyles [15]. However, there are also socio-economic factors [18]
as well as developmental factors such as genetic and epigenetic conditions that predispose
to the risk of obesity [19].
The inflammation induced by obesity and associated behaviors can cause many corre-
lated diseases [20]. Complications of obesity can occur in both the short and long term. As
the risk of obesity due to high caloric intake [1]. These changes have also been
accompanied by factors predisposing to chronic low energy expenditure, such as less
physical activity due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles [15]. However, there are also
socio-economic factors [18] as well as developmental factors such as genetic and
Children 2023, 10, 695 epigenetic conditions that predispose to the risk of obesity [19]. 3 of 16
The inflammation induced by obesity and associated behaviors can cause many
correlated diseases [20]. Complications of obesity can occur in both the short and long
term. As the prevalence and severity of pediatric obesity increases, these changes are also
the prevalence and severity of pediatric obesity increases, these changes are also beginning
beginning to be seen in children [21–23]. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of
to be seen in children [21–23]. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of serious health
serious health conditions including cardiovascular disease, high blood
conditions including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure/hypertension, renal co-
pressure/hypertension, renal comorbidities, gastrointestinal disease such as non-alcoholic
morbidities, gastrointestinal disease such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, cholelithiasis, hepatocellular carcinoma,
steatohepatitis, cholelithiasis, hepatocellular carcinoma, pulmonary disease such as asthma,
pulmonary disease such as asthma, and obstructive sleep apnea. Obesity is also related to
endocrine and sleep
obstructive apnea.
metabolic Obesity such
disorders is alsoasrelated to endocrine
dyslipidemia, and metabolic disorders
hyperandrogenemia, early
such as dyslipidemia,
pubertal development, hyperandrogenemia,
polycystic ovarianearly pubertal
syndrome development,
(PCOS), polycystic
hyperglycemia, ovarian
resistance that can evolve into prediabetes and subsequently into type-2 diabetes mellitus,and
(PCOS), hyperglycemia, insulin resistance that can evolve into prediabetes
subsequently into type-2
and musculoskeletal diabetes mellitus,
comorbidities and and
such as foot musculoskeletal comorbidities
lower limb pain suchmain
[2,4,15,24]. The as foot
and lower limb pain [2,4,15,24]. The main
possible complications of obesity are illustrated.possible complications of obesity are illustrated.
obesityis also often
is also related
often to psychosocial
related complications;
to psychosocial indeed,
complications; children
with obesity are more likely to experience low self-esteem, develop depression,
children with obesity are more likely to experience low self-esteem, develop depression, have a
reduced quality of life, and experience social isolation during adolescence
have a reduced quality of life, and experience social isolation during adolescence [8,9]. [8,9].
thesecomorbidities contributeto
comorbidities contribute toincreased
morbidityandand mortality
mortality in adulthood
in adulthood
being inin the
the BMI range
range ofofobesity
[6–29], Figure
Figure 1. 1.
Figure Comorbidities of
of obesity (created
(createdwith onon
(accessed 1515
March 2023)).
March 2023)).
obesity involves importantcomorbidities
involves important comorbiditiesboth
both physically
physically and
and psychologically,
treatmentof of
children andand
children adolescents withwith
adolescents overweight/obesity is extremely
overweight/obesity impor-
is extremely
tant. The treatment approach for childhood obesity should be broad, sequential, dynamic,
and multidisciplinary [24,29,30].
Non-pharmacological preventive approaches and therapies are the most important
treatments for childhood obesity. Firstly, breastfeeding is the primary prevention for over-
weight and obesity; a few studies reported a significative risk reduction (26%) of developing
obesity later in life in breastfed children compared to those who received formula [24,31].
Additionally, an interesting systematic meta-analysis confirmed the protective role of
breastfeeding, describing a risk reduction of 15% [32].
The fundamental pillars of non-pharmacological treatment are lifestyle changes such
as education, healthy eating, and physical activity [12,13,24].
Children 2023, 10, 695 4 of 16
Indeed, families are educated about lifestyle changes, such as the reduction of sugar
and animal origin fat consumption and the increase of vegetable and fruit consumption,
before beginning a personalized diet [15,23,24,31]. Furthermore, it is recommended that
there is moderate daily physical activity between 30 and 60 min [15,24,30,33]. Moreover, it
is of key importance to assure adequate sleep hygiene and duration since sleep deprivation
represents a risk factor for obesity development [15]. Lastly, it must be investigated
whether there is discrimination and bullying to prevent or cure social problems that could
be associated with obesity [14].
Pharmacotherapy for weight loss in pediatrics is debated and represents a second-line
approach. Actually, a limited number of anti-obesity medications have been approved for
the pediatric population compared to adults. Pharmacological treatment is considered for
subjects with severe obesity older than 10 years of age who have not responded to 1-year
nutritional and lifestyle treatments, as well as for those with multisystem comorbidities [29].
Despite their therapeutic efficacy, drugs currently used for weight loss have many
limitations because of their high incidence of side effects (between 3% and 44% depending
on the drug used and different studies), prohibitive costs, and unpopularity due to historical
problems associated with their use [34].
Surgical treatment is reserved for cases of resistance to weight loss and control of
comorbidities after lifestyle changes and/or pharmacological treatment [15,24,30,33].
both circulating iron and iron stores [46,47]. It prevents the intestinal absorption of iron
and binds to ferroportin-1, promoting its internalization and degradation [47].
Proinflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, bone morphogenetic proteins,
and iron overload increase the hepatic synthesis of Hepcidin. On the other hand, iron
insufficiency, hypoxia, and inefficient erythropoiesis downregulate its production [48]. For
this reason, inflammatory anemia, which is defined by decreased iron levels in the blood and
increased cellular iron reserves, is associated with higher levels of hepcidin [49]. Therefore,
it is reasonable to assume that the chronic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity
can produce inflammatory cytokines, leading to the release of hepatic Hepcidin [40].
To further support this hypothesis, a study reported that overweight children had
higher circulating Hepcidin and poorer iron status when compared to normal-weight chil-
dren, despite similar dietary iron intake [50]. In conclusion, low-grade inflammation typical
of the obesity condition causes an increased release of Hepcidine by the liver. Hepcidine
binds to ferroportine expressed by different tissues, resulting in its internalization in the cell
and degradation in the lysosome. This is especially significant for the duodenal mucosa,
where iron is absorbed, and for macrophage cells, which are appointed to recycle iron from
senescent or damaged erythrocytes [51]. Moreover, a small fraction of intracellular iron
is maintained in the labile iron pool in the cell cytosol, while the majority is utilized in
enzymes or sequestered in ferritin to prevent iron-mediated oxidative damage. Ferritin
Children 2023, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17
is upregulated by inflammation, with consequent increased iron stores in the cells [52].
Effects of inflammation on iron metabolism are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Figure Inflammationeffect
2. Inflammation effectonon iron
iron metabolism
metabolism (created
(created with
with (accessed
(accessed on 15
on 15
March 2023)).
Given the synthesis
low-gradeand secretion ofisHepcidin
inflammation have
a hallmark ofalso beenitdocumented
obesity, is critical to in adipose
find indi-
tissue that
cators explants, but in vivo anemia
may distinguish investigations
caused did not support
by chronic these
disease fromresults.
anemia Therefore,
due to anaddi-iron
tional research
shortage is required
in a patient with atochronic
more clearly define
condition theasfunction
such obesity.of adipose
The tissue in for
gold standard systemic
tifying ironlevels [53]. and iron deficiency anemia is still a bone marrow test, but it is a
Two separate
painful, intrusive, and research studies
expensive found [58].
procedure that Serum
oral iron supplementation
iron, therapy
serum ferritin, soluble was
ineffective at replenishing iron stores in children with obesity. This provided
ferrin receptor, and transferrin saturation are common biomarkers of iron status that can additional
be useful on for the
the crucial roleofofanemia
diagnosis inflammation in iron
[59]. When deficiency
there is anemia,in childhood
serum ironobesity.
levels are Ac-
always to both
serum findings, bloodwhich
ferritin level, Hepcidin was linked
is indicated by to hypoferremia
a level and30
of less than a worse
g per
liter, is the most sensitive and specific test used to detect iron deficiency. The strongest
predictor is a ferritin level of less than 100 g/L, and a substantially higher cutoff ferritin
level should be used to establish iron-deficiency anemia accompanied by inflammation.
Less than 16% transferrin saturation levels signify an inadequate iron supply to maintain
Children 2023, 10, 695 6 of 16
outcome from oral iron therapy [54,55]. On the other hand, two studies showed that weight
loss was linked to improved iron and inflammatory status in several groups of obese
children [56,57].
Given that low-grade inflammation is a hallmark of obesity, it is critical to find in-
dicators that may distinguish anemia caused by chronic disease from anemia due to an
iron shortage in a patient with a chronic condition such as obesity. The gold standard for
identifying iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia is still a bone marrow test, but it
is a painful, intrusive, and expensive procedure [58]. Serum iron, serum ferritin, soluble
transferrin receptor, and transferrin saturation are common biomarkers of iron status that
can be useful for the diagnosis of anemia [59]. When there is anemia, serum iron levels
are always low. The serum ferritin level, which is indicated by a level of less than 30 g per
liter, is the most sensitive and specific test used to detect iron deficiency. The strongest
predictor is a ferritin level of less than 100 g/L, and a substantially higher cutoff ferritin
level should be used to establish iron-deficiency anemia accompanied by inflammation.
Less than 16% transferrin saturation levels signify an inadequate iron supply to maintain
normal erythropoiesis [60]. Increased serum levels of the soluble transferrin receptor (s-TfR)
are suspected in an iron deficiency condition [61]. Hepcidin levels can currently not be
accurately measured [60]. In Table 2, the most important laboratory findings in different
kinds of anemia are summarized.
Iron Deficiency Anemia Chronic Disease Anemia Iron Deficiency Anemia in Chronic Disease
Serum Iron Decreased Decreased Decreased
Ferritin Decreased Increased Often Increased
s-TfR Increased Decreased Increased
s-TfR—Soluble Transferrin Receptor.
association between vitamin A and adiposity may be different in those with a greater BMI
and body fat content since the action of vitamin A on adipogenesis, specifically retinoic
acid, appears to be dose-dependent [74].
Moreover, triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations are positively correlated
with vitamin A and E concentrations [64]. This might be a result of how vitamins A and E
affect lipid metabolism. In more detail, the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 enzyme helps
vitamin A regulate lipid metabolism [75]. In order to avoid oxidative damage and preserve
lipids from oxidation, vitamin E is important [76].
Regarding the supplementation of vitamin A in teenagers, no systematic reviews are
available. Only a small number of studies on teenagers from Bangladesh [77], Kenya [78],
and Indonesia [79] examined the effects of vitamin A supplementation, which significantly
reduced anemia, but it is not clearly described how it affects body composition.
circumference but not to weight loss [108]. On the contrary, individuals aged 6–14 years
showed no significant effects of vitamin D supplementation on BMI, waist circumference,
waist-to-hip ratio, and percentage of fat tissue [109–111].
An adequate vitamin D status is important during the entire pediatric age, above all to
guarantee bone health and avoid nutritional rickets, but it is seen that its supplementation
could be useful in children with obesity too. However, to date, population-wide vitamin D
deficiency screening in healthy individuals is not recommended, and 25(OH)D evaluation
should be reserved for subjects at vitamin D deficiency risk [112].
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, obesity can be associated with multiple micronutrient deficiencies due
to different mechanisms. The more relevant deficits and their causes are summarized in
Table 3.
As can be inferred, deficits are common in patients with obesity, and it is of key
As can be to
importance inferred, deficits
identify and arecorrect
in patients with obesity,
to prevent and it complications.
possible is of key im- In Figure 3, a
portance to identify and correct them to prevent possible complications. In Figure 3, a
flowchart is proposed for the early diagnosis and monitoring of micronutrient deficiency in
flowchart is proposed for the early diagnosis and monitoring of micronutrient deficiency
the patient
in the withobesity
patient with obesity to limit
to limit adverse
adverse effectstorelated
effects related to malnutrition.
Figure 3.3.
Figure Micronutrient monitoring
Micronutrient process. process.
It is important to underline that obesity is a multifactorial disease. Therefore, in ad-
dition to overnutrition, ethnicity and genetic polymorphisms of the metabolic pathway,
in which micronutrients are involved, can play a vital role in gaining fatty tissue. Knowing
that, correct nutritional strategies can be personalized in order to optimize the mainte-
nance of a correct weight and nutritional status.
Children 2023, 10, 695 11 of 16
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.C. and E.V.; methodology, V.C., E.V., C.M., M.A., F.B.,
A.L.M., C.F.T., J.D., M.T. and G.Z.; data curation, V.C. and E.V.; writing—original draft preparation,
V.C., E.V., V.C., C.M., M.A., F.B., A.L.M., C.F.T., J.D. and M.T.; writing—review and editing, V.C., E.V.
and G.Z.; supervision, V.C., E.V. and G.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This project was funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission
4 Component 2 Investment 1.3-Call for proposal No. 341 of 15 March 2022 of the Italian Ministry of
University and Research funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU. Project code PE00000003,
Concession Decree No. 1550 of 11 October 2022 was adopted by the Italian Ministry of University
and Research, CUP D93C22000890001; Project title “ON Foods-Research and innovation network on
food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security-Working ON Foods”.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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