Exersice I
Exersice I
Exersice I
• Identifying the relevant piece of information when faced with a mass of data (most of which is
• Discarding information that may not be useful to give new information, and finally,
• Relating one set of information to another in a different form by using experience, relating new
problems to ones we have previously solved.
Innovative Skills mean skills for thinking creatively to develop something new/ unique / improved /
Collaboration is the ability to effectively work together with others. This skill involves working together
while taking actions respecting others’ needs and perspectives and contributing to and accepting the
finale. Collaboration helps to develop interest and fun in the teaching learning process. It effectively
broadens the cultural, social, and environmental boundaries and helps a child to understand social and
environmental concerns better.
Communication refers to the ability to express one’s opinions, desires, needs, apprehensions etc. oneself
appropriately, verbally and non-verbally, clarity, coherence, control and credibility. They give us the
four ‘Cs’ of effective communication: clarity, coherence, control and credibility.
If one wants the reader to follow ones thought, then he/she needs to do three things: Tell the reader where
he/she is going, present information or explain thinking and offer conclusion. In brief exchanges, with the
context established, this three-part structure may not be needed, but for more substantive, deliberate,
thoughtful writing, it's essential. The three-part paragraph provides a road map: topic, development, resolution
Paragraphs help you connect your thoughts. A paragraph may contain a number of points, but every point is
linked to a unifying theme and every sentence supports the main purpose. After you have drafted your
document, you can check its organization by reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Have you created a
logical progression? Have you repeated yourself? Have you omitted a key point?
These building blocks of composition help you set your pace and control your emphasis. Shorter paragraphs
create a faster pace and a less formal style. Longer paragraphs create a slower pace and a more formal style.
Because first and last sentences have natural prominence, key points go there. Quotations work best in these
locations. In legal writing, positive information is presented first and last; negative information is buried in the
Credibility results from multiple factors: command of language, knowledge of subject, rapport with audience,
word choice, sentence structure and — perhaps surprisingly — paragraphing. To write in paragraphs is to
demonstrate how your mind works. Outline format fails to convey an essential element: quality of mind, or
"voice" in writing.
The use of formal language is more prevalent when we write. Informal language is seen more
when we speak. That being said, there are times when writing can be less formal. For example, if you
were writing a postcard an email or a text message to a close friend, you aren’t likely to take care to use
proper grammar and to write in complete sentences.
This is why it is the appropriate choice for use in professional or academic settings. Formal
language does not make use of contractions, colloquialisms, or first person pronouns like “I” or “we.”
Informal language, on the other hand, is much more spontaneous and casual. This is the type of
language used when communicating with friends or family members and can be used when either
writing or speaking.
Informal language is used when writing a personal email, sending a text message and even in
some business communications. (However, if you do not know your audience, always air on the side of
caution and take a more formal approach.) The tone used in informal language is much more relaxed
than it is in formal language.
Informal Writing
Colloquial: Informal writing is similar to conversational English. It might include slang, figures
of speech, etc. Informal writing has a more personal tone, similar to if you were to speak directly
to your audience.
Simple: Informal writing uses shorter sentence, and some of them might be incomplete.
Contractions and Abbreviations: Informal writing consists of words that might be simplified
or contracted.
Empathy: Informal writing allows for the display of emotion or empathy
Formal Writing
Complex: Formal writing uses longer sentences that are as through as possible. Each point is
clearly introduced and concluded.
Objective: Formal writing clearly states the primary point and offers supporting information. It
avoids emotions or emotive punctuations like ellipses and exclamation points, unless being cited
from another source.
Full words: Formal writing requires full, complete sentences. No words should be simplified or
contracted. Abbreviations are spelled out in full when first read.
Third Person: Formal writing is not personal – meaning the writer is not connected to the topic
and will not use a first or second person point of view.
Elevator Speech
An Elevator Pitch is an overview of a product, service, project, person, or other thing and is designed to
get a conversation started. It is a quick synopsis of your background and experience. The reason it's
called an elevator pitch is that it should be short enough to present during a brief elevator ride.
Your pitch should be a short recap of who you are and what you do. You need to be persuasive. Even
though it's a short pitch, your elevator speech should be compelling enough to spark the listener's
interest in your idea, organization, or background.
An elevator speech is a clear, brief message or “commercial” about you. It communicates who you are,
what you’re looking for and how you can benefit a company or organization. It’s typically about 30
seconds, the time it takes people to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.
A pitch can also be delivered over email or even as a stand-alone slide deck that investors can view on
their own time. An elevator speech is always delivered verbally. It is a way to share your expertise and
credentials quickly and effectively with people who don't know you.
Introducing oneself
Can/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Peter.
Let me introduce myself. My name’s ….
I’d like to introduce myself. I’m ….
I don’t think we’ve met. I’m …
Introducing someone else
Can/ May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is …
Have you met …?
I’d like you to meet …
I want you to meet …
Making contact
Excuse me, are you Mrs.…? - Yes, that’s right
Ice Breakers are an effective way of starting a training session or team-building event. They can be
interactive and fun sessions, which run prior to the main event or day activity. The activities can form a
number of varieties including problem solving, facilitation, Communication, leadership, trust and
decision making. Ice Breaker Activities are aimed at adding some energy and fun, allowing your team to
think and look differently at how they can work together. Icebreakers can play an important role in
helping young people integrate and connect with one another in a group environment.
1. If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or in history would
you visit?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. If your house was burning down, what three objects would you try and save?
4. If you could talk to any one person now living, who would it be and why?
5. If you had to give up one of your senses (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting) which would it be
and why?
6. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
7. Do you have a pet? If not, what sort of pet would you like?
8. Name a gift you will never forget?
9. Name one thing you really like about yourself.
10. What's your favourite thing to do in the summer?