007-000997-008 PayShield 10K Console Guide V1.8a Rev A

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payShield® 10K
Console Guide

payShield 10K Console Guide

Date: May 2023

Rev: A
Doc. Number: 007-000997-008

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Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2 Console Commands – Listed Alphabetically ........................................................................................ 6

3 List of commands by Function............................................................................................................ 10

3.1 Configuration Commands ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Fraud Detection Commands ......................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Diagnostic Commands ................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 LMK Commands .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 HSM Authorization ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Logging Commands ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Time and Date Commands ........................................................................................................... 12
3.8 HSM Settings, Storage & Retrieval ............................................................................................... 12
3.9 Key Management Commands ...................................................................................................... 13
3.10 Payment System Commands ....................................................................................................... 13
3.11 Smartcard Commands ................................................................................................................. 13
3.12 DES Calculator Commands .......................................................................................................... 14
3.13 payShield Manager Commands.................................................................................................... 14
3.14 Secure Host Communications Commands.................................................................................... 14
3.15 KMD Support Commands ............................................................................................................. 15

4 Configuration Commands ................................................................................................................... 16

5 Fraud Detection Commands ................................................................................................................ 72

6 Diagnostic Commands ........................................................................................................................ 76

7 Local Master Keys ............................................................................................................................... 97

7.1 Types of LMKs ............................................................................................................................. 97
7.2 Multiple LMKs .............................................................................................................................. 97
7.3 LMK Commands .......................................................................................................................... 98

8 Operational Commands ..................................................................................................................... 125

8.1 Authorization Commands ........................................................................................................... 125
8.2 Logging Commands ................................................................................................................... 140
8.3 Time and Date Commands ......................................................................................................... 150
8.4 Settings, Storage and Retrieval Commands ............................................................................... 154
8.5 Key Management Commands .................................................................................................... 159
8.6 Payment System Commands ..................................................................................................... 195
8.7 Smartcard Commands ............................................................................................................... 206
8.8 DES Calculator Commands ........................................................................................................ 214

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9 payShield Manager Commands ........................................................................................................ 218

10 Secure Host Communications........................................................................................................... 232

11 KMD Support Commands .................................................................................................................. 247

Appendix A: Error Responses Excluded from Audit Log .................................................................. 253

Appendix B: Technical Support Contacts .......................................................................................... 255

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1 Introduction
This guide contains all the details for the payShield 10K Console Commands. Thales recommends that
payShield Manager is used to manage payShield 10K however the Console Commands are still provided as an
alternative. The Console Commands can be accessed via the Console connected directly to payShield 10K, or
by using the Virtual Console in payShield Manager. When using the Virtual Console, please note that several
Console Commands are not available.

The Console Commands are listed alphabetically in Section 2 and by function in Section 3 for easy reference.

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2 Console Commands – Listed

Command Function Page
$ Double-Length Key Calculator ($) 216
A Enter the Authorized State (A) 126
A Authorize Activity (A) 129
A5 Configure Fraud Detection (A5) 73
A6 Set KMC Sequence Number (A6) 193
A7 Re-enable PIN Verification (A7) 75
AUDITLOG Display the Audit Log (AUDITLOG) 143
C Cancel the Authorized State (C) 128
C Cancel Authorized Activity (C) 137
CA Configure Auxiliary Port (CA) 57
CH Configure Host Port (CH) 39
CK Generate a Check Value (CK) 191
CL Configure Alarms (CL) 60
CLEARAUDIT Clear the Audit Log (CLEARAUDIT) 145
CLEARERR Clear the Error Log (CLEARERR) 142
CM Configure Management Port (CM) 54
CO Create an Authorizing Officer Smartcard (CO) 209
CONFIGACL Host Port Access Control List (ACL) Configuration 46

CONFIGCMDS Configure Commands (CONFIGCMDS) 21

CONFIGPB Configure PIN Block Formats (CONFIGPB) 23
CP Configure Printer Port (CP) 49
CS Configure Security (CS) 25
CV Generate a Card Verification Value (CV) 196
DC Duplicate LMK Component Sets (DC) 117
DM Delete LMK (DM) 118
DO Delete 'Old' or 'New' LMK from Key Change Storage (DO) 119

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DT Diagnostic Test (DT) 77

EA Convert (KEK) ZMK into a KEKr or KWKs (EA) 194
EC Encrypt Clear Component (EC) 167
ED Encrypt Decimalization Table (ED) 202
EJECT Eject a Smartcard (EJECT) 213
ERRLOG Display the Error Log (ERRLOG) 141
FC Format an HSM Smartcard (FC) 207
FICONTEST Check the FICON Host Interface (FICONTEST) 95
FK Form Key from Components (FK) 170
GC Generate Key Component (GC) 160
GETCMDS View Available Commands (GETCMDS) 84
GETTIME Query the Time and Date (GETTIME) 152
GK Generate LMK Component(s) (GK) 99
GS Generate Key and Write Components to Smartcard (GS) 163
GT Generate Test LMK (GT) 123
HEALTHENABLE Suspend/Resume Collection of Health Check Counts 64

HEALTHSTATS View/Reset Health Check Counts (HEALTHSTATS) 94

IK Import Key (IK) 183
KD Delete KTK (KD) 252
KE Export Key (KE) 187
KG Generate Key (KG) 177
KK Import Key encrypted under KTK (KK) 251
KM Generate KTK Components (KM) 248
KN Install KTK (KN) 249
KT View KTK Table (KT) 250
LK Load LMK (LK) 102
LN Load 'New' LMK into Key Change Storage (LN) 112
LO Load 'Old' LMK into Key Change Storage (LO) 108
MI Generate a MAC on an IPB (MI) 205
N Single-Length Key Calculator (N) 215
NETSTAT Show Network Statistics (NETSTAT) 86
NP Change a Smartcard PIN (NP) 211

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PING Test TCP/IP Network (PING) 89

PV Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (PV) 198
QA View Auxiliary Port Configuration (QA) 59
QH View Host Port Configuration (QH) 43
QL View Alarm Configuration (QL) 61
QM View Management Port Configuration (QM) 56
QMAC MAC addresses of all network interfaces (QMAC) 71
QP View Printer Port Configuration (QP) 52
QS View Security Configuration (QS) 34
R Load the Diebold Table (R) 200
RC Read Unidentifiable Smartcard Details (RC) 212
RESET Reset to Factory Settings (RESET) 17
RS Retrieve HSM Settings from Smartcard (RS) 156
SD Delete Installed Certificate(s) (SD) 243
SE Export HSM Certificate's Chain of Trust (SE) 238
SETTIME Set the time (SETTIME) 151
SG Generate Certificate Signing Request (SG) 233
SI Import Certificate (SI) 236
SK Generate HRK (SK) 244
SL Restore HRK (SL) 246
SNMP View SNMP Settings (SNMP) 65
SNMPDEL Delete an SNMP User (SNMPDEL) 67
SP Change HRK Passphrase (SP) 245
SS Save HSM Settings to a Smartcard (SS) 155
ST Set Time for Automatic Self-Tests (ST) 153
SV View Installed Certificate(s) (SV) 240
T Triple-Length Key Calculator (T) 217
TD Translate Decimalization Table (TD) 203
TRAP Configure SNMP Traps (TRAP) 68
TRAPADD Add a new SNMP Trap (TRAPADD) 69
TRAPDEL Delete an SNMP Trap (TRAPDEL) 70

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UPLOAD Upload Software and Licenses (UPLOAD) 19

UTILCFG View/Change Instantaneous Utilization Period (UTILCFG) 62
UTILENABLE Suspend/Resume Collection of Utilization Data (UTILENABLE) 63
UTILSTATS View/Reset Utilization Data (UTILSTATS) 92
V Verify LMK Store (V) 116
VA View Authorized Activities (VA) 139
VC Verify the Contents of a Smartcard (VC) 210
VR View Software Revision Number (VR) 81
VT View LMK Table (VT) 120
XA Add a RACC to the whitelist (XA) 219
XD Decommission the HSM (XD) 220
XE Remove RACC from the whitelist (XE) 221
XH Commission the HSM (XH) 222
XI Generate Customer Trust Authority (XI) 223
XK Make an RACC left or right key (XK) 225
XR Commission a smartcard (XR) 226
XT Transfer existing LMK to RLMK (XT) 227
XX Decommission a smartcard (XX) 229
XY HSM commissioning status (XY) 230
XZ Duplicate CTA share (XZ) 231

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3 List of commands by Function

3.1 Configuration Commands
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support configuration operations:

Function (Command) Page

Reset to Factory Settings (RESET) 17
Upload Software and Licenses (UPLOAD) 19
Configure Commands (CONFIGCMDS) 21
Configure PIN Block Formats (CONFIGPB) 23
Configure Security (CS) 25
View Security Configuration (QS) 34
Configure Host Port (CH) 39
View Host Port Configuration (QH) 43
Host Port Access Control List (ACL) Configuration (CONFIGACL) 46
Configure Printer Port (CP) 49
View Printer Port Configuration (QP) 52
Configure Management Port (CM) 54
View Management Port Configuration (QM) 56
Configure Auxiliary Port (CA) 57
View Auxiliary Port Configuration (QA) 59
Configure Alarms (CL) 60
View Alarm Configuration (QL) 61
View/Change Instantaneous Utilization Period (UTILCFG) 62
Suspend/Resume Collection of Utilization Data (UTILENABLE) 63
Suspend/Resume Collection of Health Check Counts (HEALTHENABLE) 64
View SNMP Settings (SNMP) 65
Add an SNMP User (SNMPADD) 66
Delete an SNMP User (SNMPDEL) 67
Configure SNMP Traps (TRAP) 68
Add a new SNMP Trap (TRAPADD) 69
Delete an SNMP Trap (TRAPDEL) 70
MAC addresses of all network interfaces 71

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3.2 Fraud Detection Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following commands to support fraud detection operations:

Function (Command) Page

Configure Fraud Detection (A5) 73
Re-enable PIN Verification (A7) 75

3.3 Diagnostic Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support diagnostic operations:

Function (Command) Page

Diagnostic Test (DT) 77
View Software Revision Number (VR) 81
View Available Commands (GETCMDS) 84
Show Network Statistics (NETSTAT) 86
Test TCP/IP Network (PING) 89
Trace TCP/IP route (TRACERT) 90
View/Reset Utilization Data (UTILSTATS) 92
View/Reset Health Check Counts (HEALTHSTATS) 94
Check the FICON Host Interface (FICONTEST) 95

3.4 LMK Commands

The HSM provides the following console commands to support LMK operations:

Function (Command) Page

Generate LMK Component(s) (GK) 99
Load LMK (LK) 102
Load 'Old' LMK into Key Change Storage (LO) 108
Load 'New' LMK into Key Change Storage (LN) 112
Verify LMK Store (V) 116
Duplicate LMK Component Sets (DC) 117
Delete LMK (DM) 118
Delete 'Old' or 'New' LMK from Key Change Storage (DO) 119
View LMK Table (VT) 120
Generate Test LMK (GT) 123

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3.5 HSM Authorization

Function (Command) Page
Enter the Authorized State (A) 126
Cancel the Authorized State (C) 128
Authorize Activity (A) 129
Cancel Authorized Activity (C) 137
View Authorized Activities (VA) 139

3.6 Logging Commands

Function (Command) Page

Display the Error Log (ERRLOG) 141
Clear the Error Log (CLEARERR) 142
Display the Audit Log (AUDITLOG) 143
Clear the Audit Log (CLEARAUDIT) 145
Audit Options (AUDITOPTIONS) 146

3.7 Time and Date Commands

Function (Command) Page

Set the time (SETTIME) 151
Query the Time and Date (GETTIME) 152
Set Time for Automatic Self-Tests (ST) 153

3.8 HSM Settings, Storage & Retrieval

Function (Command) Page

Save HSM Settings to a Smartcard (SS) 155
Retrieve HSM Settings from Smartcard (RS) 156

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3.9 Key Management Commands

Function (Command) Page

Generate Key Component (GC) 160
Convert (KEK) ZMK into a KEKr or KWKs (EA) 194
Generate Key and Write Components to Smartcard (GS) 163
Encrypt Clear Component (EC) 167
Form Key from Components (FK) 170
Generate Key (KG) 177
Import Key (IK) 183
Export Key (KE) 187
Generate a Check Value (CK) 191
Set KMC Sequence Number (A6) 193

3.10 Payment System Commands

Function (Command) Page

Generate a Card Verification Value (CV) 196
Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (PV) 198
Load the Diebold Table (R) 200
Encrypt Decimalization Table (ED) 202
Translate Decimalization Table (TD) 203
Generate a MAC on an IPB (MI) 205

3.11 Smartcard Commands

Function (Command) Page

Format an HSM Smartcard (FC) 207
Create an Authorizing Officer Smartcard (CO) 209
Verify the Contents of a Smartcard (VC) 210
Change a Smartcard PIN (NP) 211
Read Unidentifiable Smartcard Details (RC) 212
Eject a Smartcard (EJECT) 213

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3.12 DES Calculator Commands

Function (Command) Page

Single-Length Key Calculator (N) 215
Double-Length Key Calculator ($) 216
Triple-Length Key Calculator (T) 217

3.13 payShield Manager Commands

Function (Command) Page

Add a RACC to the whitelist (XA) 219
Decommission the HSM (XD) 220
Remove RACC from the whitelist (XE) 221
Commission the HSM (XH) 222
Generate Customer Trust Authority (XI) 223
Make an RACC left or right key (XK) 225
Commission a smartcard (XR) 226
Transfer existing LMK to RLMK (XT) 227
Decommission a smartcard (XX) 229
HSM commissioning status (XY) 230
Duplicate CTA share (XZ) 231

3.14 Secure Host Communications Commands

Function (Command) Page
Generate Certificate Signing Request (SG) 233
Import Certificate (SI) 236
Export HSM Certificate's Chain of Trust (SE) 238
View Installed Certificate(s) (SV) 240
Delete Installed Certificate(s) (SD) 243
Generate HRK (SK) 244
Change HRK Passphrase (SP) 245
Restore HRK (SL) 246

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3.15 KMD Support Commands

Function (Command) Page

Generate KTK Components (KM) 248
Install KTK (KN) 249
View KTK Table (KT) 250
Import Key encrypted under KTK (KK) 251
Delete KTK (KD) 252

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4 Configuration Commands
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support configuration operations:

Function (Command) Page

Reset to Factory Settings (RESET) 17
Upload Software and Licenses (UPLOAD) 19
Configure Commands (CONFIGCMDS) 21
Configure PIN Block Formats (CONFIGPB) 23
Configure Security (CS) 25
View Security Configuration (QS) 34
Configure Host Port (CH) 39
View Host Port Configuration (QH) 43
Host Port Access Control List (ACL) Configuration (CONFIGACL) 46
Configure Printer Port (CP) 49
View Printer Port Configuration (QP) 52
Configure Management Port (CM) 54
View Management Port Configuration (QM) 56
Configure Auxiliary Port (CA) 57
View Auxiliary Port Configuration (QA) 59
Configure Alarms (CL) 60
View Alarm Configuration (QL) 61
View/Change Instantaneous Utilization Period (UTILCFG) 62
Suspend/Resume Collection of Utilization Data (UTILENABLE) 63
Suspend/Resume Collection of Health Check Counts (HEALTHENABLE) 64
View SNMP Settings (SNMP) 65
Add an SNMP User (SNMPADD) 66
Delete an SNMP User (SNMPDEL) 67
Configure SNMP Traps (TRAP) 68
Add a new SNMP Trap (TRAPADD) 69
Delete an SNMP Trap (TRAPDEL) 70
MAC addresses of all network interfaces (QMAC) 71

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Variant  Key Block 

Reset to Factory Settings (RESET) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Command: RESET

Function: Returns the HSM to the state it was in when it was shipped from the factory,
so that it can be securely taken out of service – e.g. for return to Thales for
Any configuration changes (including port settings) that the customer has
applied will be reversed, and any customer data and logs will be erased.
If the HSM is to be returned (e.g. after it has been repaired), a record of all
the settings should be made before using this command such that the
settings can be re-applied after the HSM's return.
This command also reports whether the HSM is currently configured as it left
the factory.

Authorization:  Authorization is not required.

 The HSM must be in the secure state.

Inputs:  Confirmation that Reset is required.

Outputs:  Whether HSM is currently in its factory default state.

 Confirmation of Reset.

Notes:  This utility cannot reset firmware or licenses installed on the HSM.
Therefore, after use of this facility, the HSM will still have the most recently
installed firmware and license – which may be different from the firmware
and license when the HSM was shipped from the factory.
 At the end of the reset process, the payShield 10K will automatically
perform a restart. If the console does not display correctly after this, the
payShield 10K should be restarted manually. Turn the unit off and then back

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Example 1: Secure> RESET <Return>

Reset HSM to factory settings? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

The unit is currently in its factory default state: NO

Resetting the unit will remove all customer data,

including logs, port settings, keys, etc. This may cause
the console to stop functioning.

This operation should only be performed if this unit is

taken out of normal operation.

Do you want to reset to the factory default settings?

[Y/N]: Y <Return>

You selected Yes; please confirm to Proceed with reset?

[Y/N]: Y <Return>

Return to factory default state complete

The HSM will now reboot automatically. This console is

exiting due to: Terminated

Example 2: Secure> RESET <Return>

Reset HSM to factory settings? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

The unit is currently in its factory default state: YES

Resetting the unit will remove all customer data,

including logs, port settings, keys, etc. This may cause
the console to stop functioning.

This operation should only be performed if this unit is

taken out of normal operation.

Do you want to reset to the factory default settings?

[Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Upload Software and Licenses Online  Offline  Secure 
(UPLOAD) Authorization: Not required

Command: UPLOAD

Function: With this command, you can upload new software and new licenses from the

Notes: The software /license must be provided on a suitable USB memory stick inserted
into the USB-A socket on the rear of the payShield 10K.

Authorization:  Authorization is not required.

 The HSM must be in the secure state.

Inputs:  New software load is available or new license is available.

Outputs:  The software/license successfully loads.

Errors:  Invalid Entry

 There are no License files available

Example 1: Secure> UPLOAD <Return>

Please select one of the following options:

1) Software update
2) Install new license
Your selection: 1 <Return>

This operation will terminate your session and reboot the

payShield. Do you want to proceed? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Attached USB Mass storage devices:

Ultra USB 3.0

The following update files are available:

1) ps10k_update_1.pti
2) ps10k_update_2.pti
Your selection (choose 0 to exit): 1 <Return>

The following update will be applied: ps10k_update_1.pti

Continue with update? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Obtaining update package information , please wait...

***** New HSM software is currently being installed. *****

***** Please do not remove power from the HSM. *****
***** Validating update package *****
***** Installing update package *****
***** New HSM Software has been successfully installed. *****
***** Unit will now reboot automatically. *****


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Example 2: Secure> UPLOAD <Return>

Please select one of the following options:

1) Software update
2) Install new license
Your selection: 2 <Return>

Attached USB Mass storage devices:

Ultra USB 3.0

The following License files are available:

1) C4665271228Q.licence
Your selection: 1 <Return>

Are you sure you want to install license

C4665271228Q.licence? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

***** New HSM License is currently being installed. *****

***** Please do not remove power from the HSM. *****
***** New HSM License has been successfully installed. *****


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Commands (CONFIGCMDS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required


Function: To view the list of enabled host and console commands, and (if in secure
state) to enable or disable host and console commands. All available
commands are disabled by default.
Commands are enabled or disabled using the following syntax:
[+ or -] [C or H] [<Command Code>]
+ indicates that the specified command should be enabled.
- indicates that the specified command should be disabled.
C indicates that <Command Code> is a Console command.
H indicates that <Command Code> is a Host command.
<Command Code> is the command code to be enabled or disabled, and may
contain the wildcard character '*'. If the first character is '*', then the second
character is absent, and this matches all command codes of the specified
type. If the second character is '*', then this matches all command codes of
the specified type starting with the given first character.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to enable/disable host and console
commands. The current status of enablement of host and console commands
can be viewed in any state.

Inputs:  List of host commands to enable.

 List of console commands to enable.
 List of host commands to disable.
 List of console commands to disable.

Outputs:  Complete list of enabled host commands.

 Complete list of enabled console commands.

Errors:  Invalid entry

Notes:  When a disabled host command is invoked, error code 68 is returned.

 When a disabled console command is invoked, the message "Function
undefined or not allowed" is displayed.

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the CONFIGCMDS console command
to view the list of enabled host and console commands.

Online> CONFIGCMDS <Return>

List of enabled Host commands:


List of enabled Console commands:



Example 2: This example demonstrates the use of the CONFIGCMDS console command
to enable one console command (DE) and disable one host command (A4).

Secure> CONFIGCMDS <Return>

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List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: +CDE

List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: -HA4

List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: Q <Return>
Save COMMAND settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 3: This example demonstrates the use of the CONFIGCMDS console command
using the wildcard character '*' to disable all non-core host commands, and
then enable just those host commands beginning with 'A'.

Secure> CONFIGCMDS <Return>

List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: -H* <Return>

List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: +HA*

List of enabled Host commands:

List of enabled Console commands:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: Q <Return>
Save COMMAND settings to smart card? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>

COMMAND settings saved to the smartcard.


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure PIN Block Formats Online  Offline  Secure 
(CONFIGPB) Authorization: Not required


Function: To view the list of enabled PIN block formats, and (if in secure state) to
enable or disable individual PIN block formats.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to enable/disable PIN block formats.
The current status of PIN Block format enablement can be viewed in any

Inputs:  PIN block format identifier.

Outputs:  List of enabled PIN block formats.

Errors:  Invalid entry

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the CONFIGPB console command to
view the list of enabled PIN block formats.

Online> CONFIGPB <Return>

List of enabled PIN Block formats:

01 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 0
05 – ISO 9564-1 format 1
35 – MasterCard Pay Now and Pay Later format
41 – Visa/Amex new PIN only format
42 – Visa/Amex new & old PIN format
47 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 3
48 – ISO 9564-1 PIN Block Format 4 (AES)


Example 2: This example demonstrates the use of the CONFIGPB console command to
enable the use of HSM PIN Block format 03.

Secure> CONFIGPB <Return>

List of enabled PIN Block formats:

01 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 0
05 – ISO 9564-1 format 1
35 – MasterCard Pay Now & Pay Later format
41 – Visa/Amex new PIN only format
42 – Visa/Amex new & old PIN format
47 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 3
48 – ISO 9564-1 PIN Block Format 4 (AES)

Enter + or – followed by PIN Block format or Q to Quit:

+03 <Return>

List of enabled PIN Block formats:

01 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 0
03 – Diebold & IBM ATM format
05 – ISO 9564-1 format 1
35 – MasterCard Pay Now & Pay Later format
41 – Visa/Amex new PIN only format

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42 – Visa/Amex new & old PIN format

47 – ISO 9564-1 & ANSI X9.8 format 3
48 – ISO 9564-1 PIN Block Format 4 (AES)

Enter + or – followed by PIN Block format or Q to Quit: Q

Save PIN BLOCK settings to smart card? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>

PIN BLOCK settings saved to the smartcard.


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Security (CS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CS

Function: To set the security configuration of the HSM and some processing parameters.
CS converts all lower-case alpha values to upper case for display purposes,
except for the Card issuer Password. Operation is menu-driven, as shown in
the examples. The security settings can optionally be saved to a smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  PIN length [4-12]: a one or two-digit number in the range 4 to 12.
 Echo [oN/ofF]: N or F
 Atalla ZMK variant support [oN/ofF]: N or F
 Transaction key scheme: Racal, Australian or None? [R/A/N]: R or A or N
 User storage key length [S/D/T/V]: S, D, T, or V
 Display general information on payShield Manager Landing page? [Y/N]: Y or
 Default LMK identifier [0-x]: Integer between 0 and x
 Management LMK identifier [0-x] : Integer between 0 and x
 Whether to erase the installed LMKs to enable the following settings to be
 Select clear PINs? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable ZMK translate command? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable X9.17 for import? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable X9.17 for export? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Solicitation batch size [1-1024]: a one to four-digit number, range 1 to 1024.
 Single/double length ZMKs [S/D]: S or D
 Decimalization table Encrypted/Plaintext [E/P]: E
 Enable Decimalization Table Checks? [Y/N]: Y or N
 PIN encryption algorithm [A/B]: A or B
 Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks under AES
Key Block LMK [Y/N]: Y or N
 Whether to use the default Card Issuer password or to enter a different value
(of 8 alphanumeric printable characters).
 Authorized State required when importing DES key under RSA key? [Y/N]: Y
or N
 Minimum HMAC verification length in bytes [5-64]: number, range 5-64
 Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None? [A/B/N]: A
or B or N
 Restrict Key Check Values to 6 hex chars? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Return PIN length in PIN translation response? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable multiple authorized activities? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Allow persistent authorized activities [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable support for variable length PIN offset? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable weak PIN checking? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable PIN Block format 34 as output format for PIN translations to ZPK?
[Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Use HSM clock for date/time validation? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Additional padding to disguise key length? [Y/N] : Y or N
 Key export and import in trusted format only? [Y/N] : Y or N
 Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums? [Y/N] : Y or N

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 Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK? [Y/N] : Y or
 Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Enable import and export of RSA Private keys? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Prevent Single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length key? [Y/N]:
Y or N
 Disable Single-DES? [Y/N]: Y or N
 Card/password authorization (local) [C/P]: C or P (Card or Password).
 Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM compliance? [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce Authorization Time Limit? [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce Multiple Key Components? [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping? [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature verification?
[Y/N]: Y or N.
 Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA and ECC? [Y/N]: Y or N.
 Save SECURITY settings to smartcard? [Y/N]: Y or N

Outputs:  Prompts according to the settings chosen (see examples below).

Errors: Invalid Entry

Card not formatted to save/retrieve HSM settings.
Attempt with another card? [Y/N]

Notes:  For software versions which have been PCI HSM certified, in order to be PCI
HSM compliant a number of security settings must have specific values as
o Disable Single-DES? – must be “Y”
o Card/password authorization (local) – must be "C"
o Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM compliance – must be "Y"
o Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance –must be "Y"
o Enforce Authorization Time Limit – must be "Y"
o Enforce Multiple Key Components – must be "Y"
o Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping – must be “Y”
o Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature verification –
must be “Y”
o Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA – must be “Y”
 Once all of these settings are at the PCI HSM compliant value, they cannot
be changed unless the RESET command is used.
 If the value of the setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM
compliance" is "Y", then:
o Key Type Table 2 is in effect. If the setting has a value of "N", then the
HSM is not being operated in a PCI HSM compliant manner and Key
Type Table 1 is in effect.
o The following Host commands are disabled: AA, AE, FC, FE, FG, HC,
 “Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length key?”
must be “Y”

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Example 1: Erasing LMKs not selected by the user

Secure> CS <Return>
PIN Length [4-12]: 8 <Return>
Echo [oN/ofF]: N <Return>
Atalla ZMK variant support [oN/ofF]: F <Return>
Transaction Key Scheme: Racal, Australian or None [R/A/N]: N
User storage key length [S/D/T/V](SINGLE): <Return>
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing page?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>
Default LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>
Management LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>

LMKs must be erased before remaining parameters can be set.

Erase LMKs? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Save SECURITY settings to smartcard? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Example 2: Settings affecting PCI HSM compliance do not have compliant values. The user wishes
to use the default card issuer password.

Secure> CS <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in parentheses.

Press ENTER to keep the current setting.
PIN length [4-12](4): <Return>
Echo [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>92
Atalla ZMK variant support [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>
Transaction key scheme: Racal, Australian or None? [R/A/N](R):
User storage key length [S/D/T/V](SINGLE): <Return>
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing page?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>
Default LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>
Management LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>

LMKs must be erased before remaining parameters can be set

Erase LMKs? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enforce Atalla variant match to Thales key type? [Y/N](YES):
Select clear PINs? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable ZMK translate command? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for import? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for export? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Solicitation batch size [1-1024](5): <Return>

Single/double length ZMKs [S/D](DOUBLE): <Return>

Decimalization table Encrypted/Plaintext [E/P](P): <Return>
Enable Decimalization Table Checks? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

PIN encryption algorithm [A/B](A): <Return>

Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks
under AES Key Block LMK [Y/N](N): <Return>
Use default card issuer password [Y/N](YES): Y <Return>
Authorized State required when importing DES key under RSA key?
[Y/N](YES): <Return>
Minimum HMAC key length in bytes [5-64](10): <Return>
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None?
[A/B/N] (N): <Return>
Restrict Key Check Values to 6 hex chars [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Return PIN length in PIN translation response [Y/N] (YES):
Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Allow persistent authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable support for variable length PIN offset [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable weak PIN checking [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Check new PINs using global list of weak PINs? [Y/N](YES):
Check new PINs using local list of weak PINs? [Y/N](YES):
Check new PINs using rules? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable PIN Block Format 34 as output format
for PIN Translations to ZPK [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs

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[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Use HSM clock for date/time validation? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Additional padding to disguise key length? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Key export and import in trusted format only? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable import and export of RSA Private keys? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

The following settings affect PCI HSM compliance:

Prevent single-DES keys masquerading
as double or triple-length key? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant: <Return>
Disable Single-DES? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Card/password authorization (local) [C/P](C): <Return>
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM compliance? [Y/N](YES):
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:
Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enforce Authorization Time Limit? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:
Enforce Multiple Key Components? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:
Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping? [Y/N](NO):
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:
Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:
Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA and ECC?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Save SECURITY settings to smartcard? [Y/N]: N <Return>

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Example 3: Final setting affecting PCI HSM compliance is about to be set to compliant value. The
user is specifying a different card issuer software.

Secure> CS <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in parentheses.

Press ENTER to keep the current setting.
PIN length [4-12](4): <Return>
Echo [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>
Atalla ZMK variant support [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>
Transaction key scheme: Racal, Australian or None? [R/A/N](R):
User storage key length [S/D/T/V](SINGLE): <Return>
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing page?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>
Default LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>
Management LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>

LMKs must be erased before remaining parameters can be set

Erase LMKs? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Select clear PINs? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable ZMK translate command? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for import? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for export? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Solicitation batch size [1-1024](5): <Return>

Single/double length ZMKs [S/D](DOUBLE): <Return>

Decimalization table Encrypted/Plaintext [E/P](P): <Return>
Enable Decimalization Table Checks? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

PIN encryption algorithm [A/B](A): <Return>

Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks
under AES Key Block LMK [Y/N](N): <Return>
Use default card issuer password [Y/N](YES): N <Return>
Enter card issuer password (local):***** <Return>
Password must be 8 characters.
Enter card issuer password (local):******** <Return>
Confirm card issuer password: ******** <Return>
Authorized State required when importing DES key under RSA key?
[Y/N](YES): <Return>
Minimum HMAC key length in bytes [5-64](10): <Return>
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None?
[A/B/N] (N): <Return>
Restrict Key Check Values to 6 hex chars [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Return PIN length in PIN translation response? [Y/N] (YES):
Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Allow persistent authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable support for variable length PIN offset [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable weak PIN checking [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable PIN Block Format 34 as output format for PIN Translations
to ZPK [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs
[Y/N](YES): <Return>
Use HSM clock for date/time validation? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Additional padding to disguise key length? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

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Key export and import in trusted format only? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable import and export of RSA Private keys? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

The following settings affect PCI HSM compliance - see Console

Reference Manual:
Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length
key? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

Disable Single-DES? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

Card/password authorization (local) [C/P](C): <Return>

The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:

Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM compliance? [Y/N](NO): Y

The following setting is not PCI HSM compliant:

Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance?
[Y/N](NO): Y <Return>

Enforce Authorization Time Limit? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

Enforce Multiple Key Components? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping? [Y/N](YES):


Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature

verification? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA? [Y/N](YES):


These settings will all become PCI HSM compliant.

No further changes will be allowed to these options:
Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length
key: YES
Card/password authorization (local): C
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM Compliance: YES
Enforce key type separation for PCI HSM compliance: YES
Enforce Authorization Time Limit: YES
Enforce Multiple Key Components: YES
Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA: YES

Confirm? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Save SECURITY settings to smartcard? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>

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SECURITY settings saved to the smartcard.


Example 4: All settings affecting PCI HSM compliance have compliant values

Secure> CS <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in parentheses.

Press ENTER to keep the current setting.
PIN length [4-12](4): <Return>
Echo [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>
Atalla ZMK variant support [oN/ofF](ON): <Return>
Transaction key scheme: Racal, Australian or None? [R/A/N](R):
User storage key length [S/D/T/V](SINGLE): <Return>
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing page?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>
Default LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>
Management LMK identifier [0-4](0): <Return>
LMKs must be erased before remaining parameters can be set

Erase LMKs? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Select clear PINs? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable ZMK translate command? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for import? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable X9.17 for export? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Solicitation batch size [1-1024](5): <Return>

Single/double length ZMKs [S/D](DOUBLE): <Return>

Decimalization table Encrypted/Plaintext [E/P](P): <Return>
Enable Decimalization Table Checks? [Y/N](YES): <Return>

PIN encryption algorithm [A/B](A): <Return>

Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks
under AES Key Block LMK [Y/N](N): <Return>
Use default card issuer password [Y/N](YES): Y <Return>
Authorized State required when importing DES key under RSA key?
[Y/N](YES): <Return>
Minimum HMAC key length in bytes [5-64](10): <Return>
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys [Y/N](YES):
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None?
[A/B/N] (N): <Return>
Restrict Key Check Values to 6 hex chars [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Return PIN length in PIN translation response [Y/N](YES):
Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Allow persistent authorized activities [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable support for variable length PIN offset [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable weak PIN checking [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable PIN Block Format 34 as output format for PIN Translations
to ZPK [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs
[Y/N](YES): <Return>
Use HSM clock for date/time validation? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Additional padding to disguise key length? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

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Key export and import in trusted format only? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption? [Y/N](YES): <Return>
Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port?
[Y/N](NO): <Return>
Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header? [Y/N](NO): <Return>
Enable import and export of RSA Private keys? [Y/N](NO): <Return>

The following settings are all PCI HSM compliant and cannot be
Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length
key: YES
Card/password authorization (local): C
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM Compliance: YES
Enforce key type separation for PCI HSM compliance: YES
Enforce Authorization Time Limit: YES
Enforce Multiple Key Components: YES
Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA: YES

Save SECURITY settings to smartcard? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
SECURITY settings saved to the smartcard.

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Variant  Key Block 

View Security Configuration (QS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: QS

Function: Reports the security configuration of the HSM and some processing
parameters, plus the LMK check value.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  See examples below.

Errors: None.

Notes:  Where the software has been PCI HSM certified, in order to be PCI HSM
compliant a number of security settings must have specific values as
o Disable Single-DES? – must be “Y”
o Card/password authorization (local) – must be "C"
o Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM compliance – must be "Y"
o Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance –must be "Y"
o Enforce Authorization Time Limit – must be "Y"
o Enforce Multiple Key Components – must be "Y"
o Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping – must be “Y”
o Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification – must be “Y”
o Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA – must be “Y”
 Once all of these settings are at the PCI HSM compliant value, they cannot
be changed unless the RESET command is used.

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Example 1: Settings affecting PCI HSM compliance do not all have compliant values

Online> QS <Return>

PIN length: 04
Encrypted PIN length: 05
Echo: OFF
Atalla ZMK variant support: OFF
Transaction key support: NONE
User storage key length: SINGLE
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing Page:
Default LMK identifier: 00
Management LMK identifier: 00

Select clear PINs: NO

Enable ZMK translate command: NO
Enable X9.17 for import: NO
Enable X9.17 for export: NO
Solicitation batch size: 1024
ZMK length: DOUBLE
Decimalization tables: ENCRYPTED
Decimalization table checks: ENABLED
PIN encryption algorithm: A
Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks
under AES Key Block LMK: NO

Press "Enter" to view additional security settings... <Return>

Authorized state required when importing DES key under RSA key:
Minimum HMAC length in bytes: 10
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None:
Restrict key check values to 6 hex chars: YES
Return PIN length in PIN translation response: YES
Enable multiple authorized activities: YES
Allow persistent authorized activities: NO
Enable variable length PIN offset: NO
Enable weak PIN checking: NO
Enable PIN block Format 34 as output format for PIN
translations to ZPK: NO
Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs: NO

Use HSM clock for date/time validation: YES

Additional padding to disguise key length: NO
Key export and import in trusted format only: YES
Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums: YES
Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK:
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation: NO
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification: NO
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption: YES
Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port: NO
Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header: NO
Enable import and export of RSA Private keys: NO

NOTE: The following settings are not all PCI HSM compliant.
Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length

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keys: YES
Card/password authorization (local): C
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM Compliance: NO
Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance: NO
Enforce Authorization Time Limit: YES
Enforce Multiple Key Components: YES
Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA: YES


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Example 2: Settings affecting PCI HSM compliance have compliant values

Online> QS <Return>

PIN length: 04
Encrypted PIN length: 05
Echo: OFF
Atalla ZMK variant support: OFF
Transaction key support: NONE
User storage key length: SINGLE
Display general information on payShield Manager Landing Page:
Default LMK identifier: 00
Management LMK identifier: 00
Select clear PINs: NO
Enable ZMK translate command: NO
Enable X9.17 for import: NO
Enable X9.17 for export: NO
Solicitation batch size: 1024
ZMK length: DOUBLE
Decimalization tables: ENCRYPTED
Decimalization table checks: ENABLED
PIN encryption algorithm: A
Use deprecated proprietary format (Tag J) when using PIN Blocks
under AES Key Block LMK: NO

Press "Enter" to view additional security settings... <Return>

Authorized state required when importing DES key under RSA key:
Minimum HMAC length in bytes: 10
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None:
Restrict key check values to 6 hex chars: YES
Return PIN length in PIN translation response: YES
Enable multiple authorized activities: YES
Allow persistent authorized activities: NO
Enable variable length PIN offset: NO
Enable weak PIN checking: NO
Enable PIN block Format 34 as output format for PIN
translations to ZPK: NO
Enable translation of account number for LMK encrypted PINs: NO

Use HSM clock for date/time validation: YES

Additional padding to disguise key length: NO
Key export and import in trusted format only: YES
Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums: YES
Enable Key Scheme Tag 'X' (X9.17) for storing keys under LMK:
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation: NO
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification: NO
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption: YES
Ensure LMK Identifier in command corresponds with host port: NO
Ignore LMK ID in Key Block Header: NO
Enable import and export of RSA Private keys: NO

The following settings are all PCI HSM compliant and cannot be
Prevent single-DES keys masquerading as double or triple-length
keys: YES

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Card/password authorization (local): C
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI HSM Compliance: YES
Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM compliance: YES
Enforce Authorization Time Limit: YES
Enforce Multiple Key Components: YES
Enforce PCI HSMv3 Key Equivalence for Key Wrapping: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 1024-bits for RSA signature
verification: YES
Enforce minimum key strength of 2048-bits for RSA: YES


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Host Port (CH) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CH

Function: To configure the Host port to emulate a type of data communications

equipment and control equipment, i.e., Ethernet or FICON.
The Host port setting can optionally be saved to a smartcard.
The new settings come into effect a few seconds after the command has

Authorization:  The HSM must be in the offline or secure state to run this command.
 If settings relating to Secure Host Communications (TLS) or Access
Control Lists are to be changed, the payShield 10K must be in Secure

Inputs:  The options are menu driven and the inputs vary depending on the
communication mode selected. See examples below.

 Inputs specific to the FICON interface have the following definitions:

o Control Unit Image:

 Valid Range: 0-255; Default=0
 This is the actual control unit image defined in the
mainframe I/O gens.

o Unit Address:
 Valid Range: 0-255; Default=0
 The unit address for this control unit.

o Missing Interrupt handler (mih) Minutes

 Valid Range: 0-60; Default=0
 This specifies the missing interrupt handler value to be
used in the read device characteristics CCW for the
mainframe. If set to 0, the mainframe setting is used.

Outputs: None.

Notes:  To achieve maximum throughput on the HSM, the TCP/IP and FICON
interfaces need to be driven with multiple connections (or threads).
Optimum performance is normally achieved with 4 - 8 connections
(depending on the HSM performance model and the commands being
processed). Running with only a single thread can significantly reduce the
throughput of the HSM, and means that you will not be able to reach the
rated throughput for the machine.
 It is recommended that the Host Ethernet Ports, the Management Ethernet
Port, and the Auxiliary Ethernet Port are all on different IP subnets from each
 Where dual Ethernet host ports are in use, 2 different IP addresses at the
Host computer must be used to drive the 2 ports on the HSM.
 The use of TLS v1.2 is supported on the payShield 10K:
o TLS traffic can be supported at the same time as non-TLS traffic.
o The specified number of connections are shared between TLS and
non-TLS traffic.

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o The HSM can be forced to accept only TLS traffic by setting the UDP
and TCP options to "N".
 For regular TCP communications (not protected by TLS), a Well-Known Port
Address is defined (default value 1500).
 For TLS communications, a Well-Known Port Address is defined (default
value 2500).

Errors: None.

Example 1: Ethernet interface

Secure> CH <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Message header length [1-255] (4): <Return>
Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed? [Y/N]
(N): <Return>
Host interface [[E]thernet, [F]icon] (E): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-Port (1500): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-TLS-Port (2500): <Return>
UDP [Y/N] (Y): <Return>
TCP [Y/N] (Y): <Return>
Enable TLS [Y/N] (N): Y <Return>
ACL Enabled [Y/N] (N): Y <Return>
Number of connections [1-128] (5): <Return>
Enter TCP keep alive timeout [1-120 minutes] (120):
Number of interfaces [1/2] (1): 2 <Return>

Interface Number 1:
IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP): S
Enter IP Address ( <Return>
Enter subnet mask ( <Return>
Enter Default Gateway Address ( <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10baseT full-duplex
2 100baseT full-duplex
3 1000baseT full-duplex

Speed setting (0): 3 <Return>

Interface Number 2:
IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP): S
Enter IP Address (
Enter subnet mask (
Enter Default Gateway Address (

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10baseT full-duplex
2 100baseT full-duplex
3 1000baseT full-duplex

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Speed setting (0): 3 <Return>

Save HOST settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 2: Ethernet interface

Secure> CH <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Message header length [1-255] (4): <Return>
Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed? [Y/N]
(N): <Return>
Host interface [[E]thernet, [F]icon] (E): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-Port (1500): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-TLS-Port (2500): <Return>
UDP [Y/N] (Y): N <Return>
TCP [Y/N] (Y): N <Return>
Enable TLS [Y/N] (Y): Y <Return>
ACL Enabled [Y/N] (Y): N <Return>
Number of connections [1-128] (5): <Return>
Enter TCP keep alive timeout [1-120 minutes] (120):
Number of interfaces [1/2] (2): 1 <Return>
Interface Number [1/2] (1): <Return>
Interface Number 1:
IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (static): D
Network Name (S0000000001G-host1): HSM-Host-1 <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10baseT full-duplex
2 100baseT full-duplex
3 1000baseT full-duplex

Speed setting (3): <Return>

Save HOST settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Example 3: Ethernet Interface.

Secure> CH <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Message header length [1-255] (4): <Return>
Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed? [Y/N]
(N): <Return>
Host interface [[E]thernet, [F]icon] (E): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-Port (1500): <Return>
Enter Well-Known-TLS-Port (2500): <Return>
UDP [Y/N] (N): <Return>
TCP [Y/N] (N): <Return>
Enable TLS [Y/N] (Y): <Return>
ACL Enabled [Y/N] (N): <Return>
Number of connections [1-128] (5): <Return>
Enter TCP keep alive timeout [1-120 minutes] (120):
Number of interfaces [1/2] (1): <Return>
Interface Number [1/2] (1): <Return>

Interface Number 1: <Return>

IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (static): D
Network Name (HSM-Host-1): <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10baseT full-duplex
2 100baseT full-duplex
3 1000baseT full-duplex

Speed setting (3): <Return>

Save HOST settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 4: FICON Interface

Secure> CH <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Message header length [1-255] (4): <Return>
Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed? [Y/N]
(N): <Return>
Host interface [[E]thernet, [F]icon] (E): F <Return>
Control Unit Image [0-255] (5): <Return>
Unit address [0-255] (5): <Return>
Missing Interrupt Handler (mih) Minutes [0-60] (0):
Save HOST settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View Host Port Configuration (QH) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: QH

Function: To display details of the Host port configuration of the HSM.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs: None.

Outputs: For all systems:

 The message header length. This is the number of characters at the front
of each command from the Host to the HSM (after the STX character).
The HSM returns the message header in the response.
 Whether to disable the processing of host commands when no LMKs are
 The protocol used.

For an Ethernet system:

 The Well-Known Port. This is the publicized TCP Port address of the
 The Well-Known TLS Port. This is the publicized TLS Port address of the
 Transport method: TCP, UDP, TLS
 Number of TCP connections. Each host interface supports this number of
 The TCP Keep_Alive value: A number in minutes
 Whether ACLs are being used.
 The number of host interfaces configured
 The IP address for each host interface, and how they are derived. This is
the IP address of the HSM in the system.
 The Network name of the interface, if configured to DHCP
 Subnet mask for each host interface. This is the subnet mask of the
attached TCP/IP network. It is recommended that the Host Ethernet Ports,
the Management Ethernet Port, and the Auxiliary Ethernet Port are all on
different IP subnets from each other.
 The default gateway IP address
 The MAC Address for the interface
 The port speed for each host interface.

For a FICON system:

 Control Unit Image. This is the actual control unit image defined in the
mainframe I/O gens.
 Control Unit Address. The unit address for this control unit.
 Missing Interrupt Handler (mih). The missing interrupt handler value in
minutes to be used in the read device characteristics CCW for the
mainframe. If set to 0, the mainframe setting is used.

Errors: None.

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Example 1: In this example, Ethernet communications using TCP/IP and TLS are
selected – all types of traffic are allowed. The IP addresses are set up as
static, manually-entered addresses. Access Control Lists are to be used,
and will be set up using the CONFIGACL console command.

Online> QH <Return>

Message header length: 04

Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed: No
Protocol: Ethernet
Well-Known-Port: 01500
Well-Known-TLS-Port: 02500
Transport: UDP TCP TLS, 128 connections
TCP Keep_Alive value (minutes): 120 minutes
ACL: Enabled
Number of interfaces : (2)

Interface Number: 1
IP Configuration Method: static
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:27:62
Port speed: 1000baseT full-duplex

Interface Number: 2
IP Configuration Method: static
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:27:63
Port speed: 1000baseT full-duplex


Example 2: In this example, Ethernet communications using TCP/IP and TLS are
selected - but UDP, and unprotected TCP traffic is not allowed (i.e. all traffic
must be TLS protected). The IP address is set up as a dynamic address to
be obtained from a DHCP server. Access Control Lists are not being used.
Only one host port has been configured.

Online> QH <Return>

Message header length: 04

Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed: No
Protocol: Ethernet
Well-Known-Port: 01500
Well-Known-TLS-Port: 02500
Transport: TLS, 128 connections
TCP Keep_Alive value (minutes): 120 minutes
ACL: Disabled
Number of interfaces : (1)

Interface Number: 1
IP Configuration Method: DHCP
Network Name: HSM1-Host-1
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:3b:4a

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Port speed: 1000baseT full-duplex


Example 3: In this example, the host interface has been configured for FICON

Online> QH <Return>

Message header length: 04

Disable host connections when no LMKs are installed: No
Protocol: FICON
Control Unit Image: 0
Control Unit Address: 0
Missing Interrupt Handler (mih): 0 minutes


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Variant  Key Block 

Host Port Access Control List (ACL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Configuration (CONFIGACL) Authorization: Not required


Function: To display and amend the Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the HSM's host
ports. When ACL checking is enabled using the CH console command,
traffic from hosts is accepted only where the host's IP address is included in
one of the ACL entries set up using this command.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

The HSM must be in Secure state.

Inputs:  The user can view/add/delete entries. Entries cannot be amended.

 Each of the 2 host ports has its own ACL set.
 Entries can be of the following types:
o A single IP address
o An IP address range
o An IP address mask
 Multiple types of entry can co-exist.
 Multiple entries of each type are allowed.
 The IP addresses in an entry can overlap with IP addresses in other

Outputs:  Confirmations and errors only.

Errors:  IP address formats are validated.

Notes:  This command sets up the IP addresses and ranges that will be used
when checking traffic against the ACL, but the use of ACLs must be
enabled in the CH console command before the ACLs configured in this
command are applied.
 If the CH console command enables ACL checking but no ACL entries
have been configured using CONFIGACL, then all host traffic will be
 ACLs apply only to Ethernet (including TLS) host traffic. They have no
effect when FICON host communications are being used.

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Example 1: In this example, only one host interface has been configured in the CH
command. There are no existing ACL entries. The user sets up a single
address ACL entry, then adds a mask ACL entry, then adds a range ACL
entry, and finally deletes the single address ACL entry.

Secure> CONFIGACL <Return>

Access control list for Interface 1:


Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: A <Return>

Type - Single/Range/Mask [S/R/M]: S <Return>

IP Address: <Return>

Access control list for Interface 1:


Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: A <Return>

Type - Single/Range/Mask [S/R/M]: M <Return>

Base IP Address: <Return>

Mask: <Return>

Access control list for Interface 1:

2) to

Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: A <Return>

Type - Single/Range/Mask [S/R/M]: R <Return>

From IP Address: <Return>

To IP Address: <Return>

Access control list for Interface 1:

2) to

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3) to

Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: D <Return>

Entry to delete [1/3]: 1 <Return>

Access control list for Interface 1:

1) to
2) to

Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: Q <Return>


Example 2: In this example, both host interfaces have been configured in the CH
command. The user simply views the existing ACL for host interface 2, and
then exits.

Secure> CONFIGACL <Return>

Interface 1:
Interface 2:

Select Interface [1/2]: 2 <Return>

Access control list for Interface 2:
4) to
WARNING: Duplicate - Single: Entries 2 and 3

Add/Delete/Quit [A/D/Q]: Q <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Printer Port (CP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CP

Function: To select and configure a connection to a printer attached to the HSM via a
USB port. The HSM is compatible with most printers via its USB interfaces:
 A serial printer may be connected using a USB-to-serial converter cable
available from Thales
 A parallel printer may be connected using a USB-to-parallel converter cable
available from Thales
The new settings come into effect immediately after the command has

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs:  CR/LF order (standard or reversed): Y or N

 Selected printer connection.
 Setup Parameters, dependent on printer type.
 Whether to print a test page.

Outputs:  Test page.

Errors:  Failed to print test page

Notes: A printer must be connected to the HSM before the CP command is invoked.

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Example 1: This example demonstrates the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a USB-to-
serial cable.
Offline> CP <Return>

Reverse the <LF><CR> order? [Y/N]: N <Return>

The following possible printer devices were found in the

0. No printer
1. USB-Serial Controller by PrintCo located at Rear
USB Port
Your selection (ENTER for no change): 1 <Return>
You must configure the serial parameters for this device:

1. 1200
2. 2400
3. 4800
4. 9600 (current value)
5. 19200
6. 38400
7. 57600
8. 115200
Device baud rate (ENTER for no change): 8 <Return>

1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8 (current value)
Device data bits (ENTER for no change): <Return>

1. 1 (current value)
2. 2
Device stop bits (ENTER for no change): <Return>

1. none (current value)
2. odd
3. even
Device parity (ENTER for no change): <Return>

Flow Control
1. none
2. software (current value)
3. hardware
Printer flow_ctl (ENTER for no change): <Return>

Printer Offline Control

1. none (current value)
2. RTS
3. DTR
Printer offline control (ENTER for no change): <Return>
Timeout [in milliseconds, min=1000, max=86400000]
(12000): <Return>
Delay [in milliseconds, min = 0, max=7200000] (0):

Print test page? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

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Example 2: This example demonstrates the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a USB-to-
parallel cable.

Offline> CP <Return>

Reverse the <LF><CR> order? [Y/N]: N <Return>

The following possible printer devices were found in the

No printer
IEEE-1284 Controller by PrintCo located at Rear USB Port
Your selection (ENTER for no change): 1 <Return>
Timeout [in milliseconds, min=1000, max=86400000] (1000):
Delay [in milliseconds, min = 0, max=7200000] (0):
Print test page? [Y/N]: Y <Return>


Example 3: This example demonstrates the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a native USB

Offline> CP <Return>

Reverse the <LF><CR> order? [Y/N]: N <Return>

The following possible printer devices were found in the

0. No printer
1. USB Printer by PrintCo located at Rear USB Port
Your selection (ENTER for no change): 1 <Return>
Timeout [in milliseconds, min=1000, max=86400000] (1000):
Delay [in milliseconds, min = 0, max=7200000] (0):
Print test page? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View Printer Port Configuration (QP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: QP

Function: To display details of the HSM's printer configuration.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs:  Print test page: Y or N

Outputs:  Reverse the <LF><CR> order: YES or NO.

 Validation of current printer configuration.
 The serial configuration settings (serial printer only).

Errors:  Failed to print test page

Example 1: This example demonstrates viewing the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a
USB-to-serial cable.
Online> QP <Return>

The configured printer, USB-Serial Controller by PrintCo

located at Rear USB Port, has been validated
BAUD RATE: 38400
PARITY: none
Flow Control: XON/XOFF
Offline Control: none
<LF><CR> order reversed: NO
Timeout: 12000 milliseconds
Delay: 0 milliseconds
Print test page? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 2: This example demonstrates viewing the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a
USB-to-parallel cable.
Online> QP <Return>

The configured printer, IEEE-1284 Controller by PrintCo

located at Rear USB Port, has been validated.
<LF><CR> order reversed: NO
Timeout: 12000 milliseconds
Delay: 0 milliseconds
Print test page? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 3: This example demonstrates viewing the configuration of a printer attached to the HSM via a
native USB cable.

Online> QP <Return>

The configured printer, USB Printer by PrintCo located at

Rear USB Port, has been validated
<LF><CR> order reversed: NO
Timeout: 1000 milliseconds

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Delay: 0 milliseconds
Print test page? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Management Port (CM) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CM

Function: To configure the Management port, which is an Ethernet port used only for
management of the HSM. If connection to the host is via Ethernet then the
Ethernet host port is used for that purpose. The Management Ethernet port is
used to update the HSM's internal software, updating licensing information,
and for enabling management of a HSM via the payShield Manager.
The new settings come into effect a few seconds after the command has
It is recommended that the Host Ethernet Ports, the Management Ethernet
Port, and the Auxiliary Ethernet Port are all on different IP subnets from each

Authorization: The HSM must be in the offline or secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Whether IP address is manually or automatically derived.

o If manually derived, then the address details must be entered.
o If using DHCP, then a network name may be entered.
 Ethernet speed setting.
 Enable (local or remote) payShield Manager connection?

Outputs: None.

Errors: None.

Example 1: In this example, the management port has its IP address set up manually.

Offline> CM <Return>

Management Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP): S
Enter IP address (
Enter subnet mask ( <Return>
Enter Default Gateway Address ( <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10BaseT half-duplex
2 10BaseT full-duplex
3 100BaseTX half-duplex
4 100BaseTX full-duplex
5 1000BaseT half-duplex
6 1000BaseT full-duplex

Speed setting (4): 6 <Return>

Enable payShield Manager connection:

Enable or Disabled? (E): D <Return>
Changing the IP address, Network name, or method requires
that the Management TLS certificate is regenerated.

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Continuing will cause the

certificate to be regenerated under the Customer Trust
Authority. If you
require an externally signed Management TLS certificate
you will need to regenerate a CSR, have it signed and
Do you wish to proceed? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Would you like to apply the changes now? [Y/N]: Y



Example 2: In this example, the management port has its IP address set up automatically
by a DHCP server.

Secure> CM <Return>

Management Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP):
Network Name (B4665271226O-mgmt): HSM-Mngmnt <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10BaseT half-duplex
2 10BaseT full-duplex
3 100BaseTX half-duplex
4 100BaseTX full-duplex
5 1000BaseT half-duplex
6 1000BaseT full-duplex

Speed setting (0): <Return>

Enable payShield Manager connection:

Enable or Disabled? (E): <Return>

Would you like to apply the changes now? [Y/N]: Y



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Variant  Key Block 

View Management Port Configuration Online  Offline  Secure 
(QM) Authorization: Not required
Command: QM

Function: To display details of the Management port parameters.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  IP configuration method

 Network name (if configuration method is DHCP)
 IP address.
 Subnet mask.
 Default gateway.
 MAC address.
 Ethernet speed setting.
 Enable (local or remote) payShield Manager connection?

Errors: None.

Example 1: In this example, the management port has its IP address set up manually.

Online> QM <Return>

Management Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method: static
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:27:64
Port speed: 1000baseT full-duplex
payShield Manager connection: Disabled


Example 2: In this example, the management port has its IP address set up automatically
by a DHCP server.

Online> QM <Return>

Management Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method: DHCP
Network Name: HSM-Mngmnt
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:27:64
Port speed: 100baseTX full-duplex
payShield Manager connection: Enabled


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Auxiliary Port (CA) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CA

Function: To configure the Auxiliary port, which is an Ethernet port currently used only
for transmission of SNMP traffic from the HSM.
The new settings come into effect a few seconds after the command has
It is recommended that the Host Ethernet Ports, the Management Ethernet
Port, and the Auxiliary Ethernet Port are all on different IP subnets from each

Authorization: The HSM must be in the offline or secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Whether IP address is manually or automatically derived.

o If manually derived, then the address details must be entered.
o If using DHCP, then a network name may be entered.
 Ethernet speed setting.

Outputs: None.

Errors: None.

Example 1: In this example, the auxiliary port has its IP address set up manually.

Offline> CA <Return>

Auxiliary Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP): S
Enter IP address (192.168.300.200): 192.168.300.90
Enter subnet mask ( <Return>
Enter Default Gateway Address (192.168.300.1): <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10BaseT half-duplex
2 10BaseT full-duplex
3 100BaseTX half-duplex
4 100BaseTX full-duplex
5 1000BaseT half-duplex
6 1000BaseT full-duplex

Speed setting (4): 6 <Return>

Would you like to apply the changes now? [Y/N]: Y



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Example 2: In this example, the auxiliary port has its IP address set up automatically by a
DHCP server.

Secure> CA <Return>

Auxiliary Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method? [D]HCP or [S]tatic (DHCP):
Network Name (B4665271226O-Aux): HSM-Aux <Return>

Enter speed setting for this port:

0 Autoselect
1 10BaseT half-duplex
2 10BaseT full-duplex
3 100BaseTX half-duplex
4 100BaseTX full-duplex
5 1000BaseT half-duplex
6 1000BaseT full-duplex

Speed setting (0): <Return>

Would you like to apply the changes now? [Y/N]: Y



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Variant  Key Block 

View Auxiliary Port Configuration (QA) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: QA

Function: To display details of the Auxiliary port parameters.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  IP address.
 Network name, if DHCP configured.
 Subnet mask.
 Default gateway.
 MAC address.
 Ethernet speed setting.

Errors: None.

Example 1: In this example, the auxiliary port has its IP address set up manually.

Online> QA <Return>

Auxiliary Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method: static
IP address: 192.168.300.90
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: 192.168.300.1
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:43:33
Port speed: Ethernet 1000baseT full-duplex


Example 2: In this example, the auxiliary port has its IP address set up automatically by a
DHCP server.

Online> QA <Return>

Auxiliary Ethernet Interface:

IP Configuration Method: DHCP
Network Name: HSM-Aux
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC address: 00:d0:fa:04:43:33
Port speed: 100baseTX full-duplex


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Alarms (CL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: CL

Function: To enable or disable the motion alarm. The temperature alarm is permanently
enabled. The HSM alarm circuitry typically needs to be turned off if the HSM
is to be moved. The alarm should be turned on while the HSM is in service or
being stored. The alarm setting can optionally be saved to a smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Motion alarm status: Low, Medium, High or Off.

 Save settings to smartcard: Yes or No.

Outputs: None.

Errors:  Card not formatted to save/retrieve HSM settings.

Attempt with another card? [Y/N]

Example 1: In this example, the setting is being made to a less secure setting.

Secure> CL <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Motion alarm [Low/Med/High/OFF] (MED): F <Return>
LMKs must be erased before proceeding.
Erase LMKs?? [Y/N]: Y<Return>
Save ALARM settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 2: In this example, the setting is being made to a more secure setting.

Secure> CL <Return>

Please make a selection. The current setting is in

Motion alarm [Low/Med/High/OFF] (OFF): H <Return>
Save ALARM settings to smart card? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View Alarm Configuration (QL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: QL

Function: To display details of the alarm configuration of the HSM.

Authorization: This command does not require any authorization.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  The Motion alarm status.

Errors: None.

Example: Online> QL <Return>

Motion alarm enabled high sensitivity


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Variant  Key Block 

View/Change Instantaneous Utilization Online  Offline  Secure 
Period (UTILCFG) Authorization: Not required
Command: UTILCFG

Function: To display the current setting of the period over which utilization statistics is to
be collected when Instantaneous Utilization Data is requested. This command
also allows the setting to be amended (in Offline/Secure states only).

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Amended value for Instantaneous Utilization Period. (It is suggested that the
period should not be set to less than 10 seconds, as data collected over very
short periods will not be indicative of actual activity.)

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Note that resetting of the value requires the HSM to be in Offline or Secure

Example: Online> UTILCFG <Return>

Measurement period for instantaneous statistics is 60



Offline> UTILCFG <Return>

Measurement period for instantaneous statistics is 60


Change? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enter new value in seconds (1-60): 10 <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Suspend/Resume Collection of Online  Offline  Secure 
Utilization Data (UTILENABLE) Authorization: Not required

Function: To suspend or resume the collection of Utilization Data and the incrementing
of the count of seconds over which the data is being collected. This allows
data collection to be suspended if, for example, the HSM is taken out of
service or temporarily re-purposed. It ensures that cps rates are not diluted by
averaging command volumes over the total elapsed time, but only over the
time that data is being collected

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Whether to change the current state.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Notes: Following a software load, collection of Utilization Data will be suspended.

Data collection is automatically suspended while the HSM is not online.

Example: Offline> UTILENABLE <Return>

Utilization statistics gathering is currently turned ON.

Suspend? [Y/N] Y <Return>

Offline> UTILENABLE <Return>

Utilization statistics gathering is currently turned OFF.

Resume? [Y/N] Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Suspend/Resume Collection of Health Online  Offline  Secure 
Check Counts (HEALTHENABLE) Authorization: Not required

Function: To suspend or resume the collection of Health Check counts. This allows
data collection to be suspended if, for example, data is not required.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Whether to change the current state.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Notes: Following a software load, collection of Health Check counts will be


Example: Offline> HEALTHENABLE <Return>

Health check statistics gathering is currently turned

Suspend? [Y/N] Y <Return>

Offline> HEALTHENABLE <Return>

Health check statistics gathering is currently turned

Resume? [Y/N] Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View SNMP Settings (SNMP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SNMP

Function: To display the current SNMP settings, and to enable/disable provision of

Utilization and Health Check data via SNMP.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  Whether to Enable/Disable provision of Utilization and Health Check data

via SNMP.
 Which Ethernet port to use for SNMP traffic.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no Users set up.

Example: Secure> SNMP <Return>

V3 Users:

SNMP is currently disabled

Enable? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

0. Management Port
1. Auxiliary Port

SNMP port [0-1] (ENTER for no change): 0 <Return>

sysName (Less than 256 characters)(payShield 10K):
sysDescr (Less than 256 characters)(Thales payShield
10K): <Return>
sysLocation (Less than 256 characters)(USA): <Return>
sysContact (Less than 256 characters)(Thales Support):

Save new MIB-2 system settings? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

SNMP MIB-2 system updated


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Variant  Key Block 

Add an SNMP User (SNMPADD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SNMPADD

Function: Add an SNMP User (for SNMP version 3).

Authorization:  The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.
 The HSM must be in Secure state.

Inputs:  The SNMP user name,

 Authentication algorithm,
 Privacy algorithm.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no Users set up.

Example: Secure> SNMPADD <Return>

Enter user name (Less than 20 characters): SHADES

Authentication algorithm [[N]one, [M]D5, [S]HA]: S
Enter authentication password (>= 8 and < 20 characters):
Password1 <Return>
Privacy algorithm [[N]one, [D]ES, [A]ES]: A <Return>
Enter privacy password (>= 8 and < 20 characters):
Password2 <Return>
The following entry will be added to the table:
'createUser shades SHA AES'.
Confirm? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
User added successfully
Enter additional users? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Save and exit? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
SNMP configuration updated


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Variant  Key Block 

Delete an SNMP User (SNMPDEL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SNMPDEL

Function: Delete an SNMP User.

Authorization:  The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.
 The HSM must be in Secure state.

Inputs: The index of the user to be deleted.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no Users set up.

Example: Secure> SNMPDEL <Return>

SNMP user table:

0: User=public, Authentication=none, Privacy=none
1: User=shades, Authentication=SHA, Privacy=DES
2: User=none, Authentication=none, Privacy=none
3: User=md5, Authentication=MD5, Privacy=none

Select user to delete [0-3]: 1 <Return>

User ‘shades’ deleted successfully

Remove additional users? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Save and exit? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

SNMP configuration updated


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Variant  Key Block 

Configure SNMP Traps (TRAP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Command: TRAP

Function: To display the current SNMP Trap configuration and to enable/disable

individual SNMP Traps.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Whether to Enable/Disable individual trap configurations.

Outputs: Text messages as in the example below.

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no SNMP Traps configured.

Example 1: Offline> TRAP <Return>

Trap table is empty, no SNMP traps are configured.

Enable? [Y/N]: Y <Return>


Example 2: Offline> TRAP <Return>

Entry IP Address:Port User name

1 User1

Disable? [Y/N]: N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Add a new SNMP Trap (TRAPADD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Command: TRAPADD

Function: Add an SNMP Trap.

Authorization:  Authorization is not required.

 The HSM must be in the Secure state.

Inputs: Trap configuration data & confirmation.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Errors: User table is empty; please add a V3 user first

Failed to add trap destination

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no SNMP traps configured.

Example 1: Secure> TRAPADD <Return>

Enter IP Address: <Return>

Enter Port (162): <Return>
SNMP user table:
0: User=User1, Authentication=SHA, Privacy=DES

Select user [0-0]: 0 <Return>

The following entry will be added to the table:

', User1'.
Confirm? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Trap destination added successfully

Configure additional traps? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Save and exit? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

SNMP configuration updated


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Variant  Key Block 

Delete an SNMP Trap (TRAPDEL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Command: TRAPDEL

Function: Delete an SNMP Trap.

Authorization:  Authorization is not required.

 The HSM must be in the Secure state.

Inputs: Confirmation of deletion.

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Errors: Trap table is empty; nothing to delete

Failed to delete trap destination.

Notes: The HSM is delivered with no SNMP traps configured.

Example: Secure> TRAPDEL <Return>

SNMP Trap table:

0: Address=, Port=162, User=User1

Select trap to delete [0-0]: 0 <Return>

Trap destination deleted successfully

Delete additional traps? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Save and exit? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

SNMP configuration updated


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Variant  Key Block 

MAC addresses of all network Online  Offline Secure 
interfaces (QMAC) Authorization: Not required

Command: QMAC

Function: Obtain MAC addresses of all the network interfaces.

Authorization:  Authorization is not required.

Inputs: Addresses of network interfaces are displayed.

Outputs: List of MAC addresses as in example below.

Example: Secure> QMAC <Return>

MAC addresses of network interfaces:

Host 1: 3c:fd:fe:ee:62:b0
Host 2: 3c:fd:fe:ee:62:b1
Management: 3c:fd:fe:ee:62:b2
Auxiliary: 3c:fd:fe:ee:62:b3


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5 Fraud Detection Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following commands to support fraud detection operations:

Function (Command) Page

Configure Fraud Detection (A5) 73
Re-enable PIN Verification (A7) 75

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Variant  Key Block 

Configure Fraud Detection (A5)
Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: May be required
Activity: audit.console
Command: A5

Function: To set the configuration of the HSM fraud detection function.

Authorization: If the Fraud Detection settings are to be edited, the HSM must be:
 in the offline or secure state to run this command, and
 either in the Authorized State, or the activity audit.console must be
authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management

Inputs:  Whether and how to respond to Fraud Detection

 Limit on number of PIN verification failures per minute.
 Limit on number of PIN verification failures per hour.
 Limit on number of PIN attacks detected.

Outputs: None.

Errors:  Not Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation.
 Invalid Entry - the value entered is invalid.

Notes:  If any of the limits set by this command are exceeded, an entry will be
made in the Audit Log, and console command A7 must be used to re-
enable PIN verification.
 Setting the HSM reaction to Logging only and the limits to zero will
result in Fraud Detection not being recorded in the Health Check data.
(The term "Logging" as used in the screen prompt refers to logging in
the Health Check data, not in the Audit Log.)

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Example: Offline-AUTH> A5 <Return>

HSM reaction to Exceeding Fraud Limits is : ON

The following limits are set:

PIN verification failures per minute : 100
PIN verification failures per hour : 1000
PIN Attack Limit : 100

HSM reaction to Exceeding Fraud Limits? ([O]n/[L]ogging

only): L <Return>

Note that logging is supported only if enabled via the

HEALTHENABLE console command (or its payShield Manager

Enter limit on PIN verification failures per minute: 200

Enter limit on PIN verification failures per hour: 2000
Enter PIN Attack Limit: 200 <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Re-enable PIN Verification (A7) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: audit.console
Command: A7

Function: To reset the configuration of the HSM fraud detection function.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the offline state to run this command. The HSM must be
either in the Authorized State, or the activity audit.console must be
authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management LMK.

Inputs: None.

Outputs: None.

Errors:  Not Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation.
 Command only allowed from offline.
 PIN Verification is not currently disabled

Example: Offline-AUTH> A7 <Return>

PIN verification has been re-enabled

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6 Diagnostic Commands
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support diagnostic operations:

Function (Command) Page

Diagnostic Test (DT) 77
View Software Revision Number (VR) 81
View Available Commands (GETCMDS) 84
Show Network Statistics (NETSTAT) 86
Test TCP/IP Network (PING) 89
Trace TCP/IP route (TRACERT) 90
View/Reset Utilization Data (UTILSTATS) 92
View/Reset Health Check Counts (HEALTHSTATS) 94
Check the FICON Host Interface (FICONTEST) 95

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Variant  Key Block 

Diagnostic Test (DT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Command: DT

Function: To perform diagnostic tests.

The DT command tests the following parts of the HSM:
 Battery voltage level
 Various cryptographic algorithms (DES, AES, RSA, SHA-1, etc.)
 Working memory areas
 Power Supplies
 Random Number Generator
 Real-time clock
 Smartcard reader
 Operating temperature
 Operating fan speeds
 Operating voltages

The command also initiates the Health Check Status report.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization for this command.

Inputs: Optional qualifiers to modify scope and detail of output. Options are:
all run all the commands (default option)
verbose be verbose in the output
battery run the battery diagnostics
des run the DES diagnostics
health run the health check diagnostics
aes run the AES KAT
ecdsa run the ECDSA KAT
md5 run the MD5 KAT
mem run the memory diagnostics
psu run the power supply diagnostics
rng run the random number generator diagnostics
rsa run the RSA KAT
rtc run the real-time clock diagnostics
scr run the smart card reader diagnostics
sha run the SHA KAT
temp run the temperature diagnostics
fans run the fans diagnostics
volt run the voltage diagnostics

Note that the multiple options can be combined (e.g." dt temp verbose"; "dt
volt rsa")
Note that whilst the command code ("dt") is not case sensitive, the options
listed above are.

Outputs: Status report on each item.

Errors: None.

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Notes:  The diagnostics are run automatically on a daily basis at the time specified
using the ST Console command.

Example 1: Secure> DT <Return>

Battery: OK
Memory: OK
Power Supply: OK
Real-Time Clock: OK
Temperature: OK
Fans: OK
Voltages: OK

Health Check Status

TCP Server: Up
UDP Server: Up
FICON Server: Not Enabled
Local/Remote Manager Server: Up
Host Ethernet Link 1: Up
Host Ethernet Link 2: Up
Host FICON Link: Not Enabled
Unit Tampered?: No
Fraud limits exceeded?: No
PIN attack limit exceeded?: No

Diagnostics complete


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Example 2: Online> DT verbose <Return>

Battery: OK
Voltage: 3500 mV
HSM will enter tamper state if voltage drops below
2500 mV

Running AES Known Answer Test

PASSED AES Known Answer Tests (including OpenSSL AES-

Running DES Known Answer Test

PASSED DES Known Answer Test

Running ECDSA Known Answer Tests

PASSED ECDSA Known Answer Tests (Cryptodev ECDSA,

Running HMAC Known Answer Tests

(multi-part), OpenSSL HMAC-SHA256)

Running MD5 Known Answer Test

PASSED MD5 Known Answer Test

Running Memory Test

PASSED Memory Test
Memory: OK
Power Supply: OK

Running RNG self-tests (Attempt: 1)

PASSED RNG self-tests

Running RSA Known Answer Test

PASSED RSA Known Answer Test
Real-Time Clock: OK
Current Time: Wed Jun 15 16:00:59 2022

Running SHA Known Answer Test

PASSED SHA Known Answer Test
Temperature: OK

MSP : 33.1C 91.6F (Min=30.0C 86.0F

Max=35.1C 95.2F)
MP 1 : 56.2C 133.2F (Min=46.0C 114.8F
Max=61.6C 142.9F)
MP 2 : 56.2C 133.2F (Min=46.3C 115.3F
Max=62.9C 145.2F)
Crypto : 41.0C 105.8F (Min=37.1C 98.8F
Max=42.8C 109.0F)
Sensor 1 : 43.9C 111.0F (Min=42.1C 42.1F

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Max=46.3C 115.3F)
Sensor 2 : 38.6C 101.5F (Min=36.6C 97.9F
Max=40.4C 104.7F)
Sensor 3 : 35.2C 95.4F (Min=33.1C 91.6F
Max=36.6C 36.6F)
Fans: OK
Fan 1: 8000 RPM (target: 8000 RPM)
Fan 2: 7868 RPM (target: 8000 RPM)
Voltages: OK

V12 : 11.46 (Min=11.43 Max=11.48)

V5 : 5.052 (Min=5.032 Max=5.067)
MP Core : 1.028 (Min=1.016 Max=1.038)
Crypto Core : 1.053 (Min=1.052 Max=1.060)
Battery : 3.595 (Min=3.593 Max=3.599)

Health Check Status

TCP Server: Up
UDP Server: Up
FICON Server: Not Enabled
Local/Remote Manager Server: Up
Host Ethernet Link 1: Up
Host Ethernet Link 2: Up
Host FICON Link: Not Enabled
Unit Tampered?: No
Fraud limits exceeded?: No
PIN attack limit exceeded?: No

Diagnostics complete


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Variant  Key Block 

View Software Revision Number (VR) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: VR

Function: To display details of the software release number, revision number and build

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs: Software revision numbers, serial numbers, license details and FIPS algorithm

Errors: None.

Notes: The software revision reported by the VR command will have one of the following
 xxxx-10xx – this indicates that this software has been PCI HSM certified
and that the appropriate security settings have been set (e.g. by using the
CS Console command) to the required values.
 xxxx-00xx – this indicates that either:
o this version of software is not PCI HSM certified, or
o this version of software is PCI HSM certified but one or more of the
appropriate security settings have not been set (e.g. by using the
CS Console command) to the required values.

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Example: Software which has not been configured to be PCI HSM compliant.


Base Release: 1.7a

Revision: 1500-0033
Firmware Version: 1.11.0
Deployment Version: 1.11.0

PCI HSM Compliance:

Some security settings are not PCI HSM compliant

Serial Number: S0246377307Q

Model: PS10-S (971-700035-001)

Power supply #1:

Model number : D1U54P-W-450-12-HA4C
Serial number: XQ1933RG1312
Power supply #2:
Model number : D1U54P-W-450-12-HA4C
Serial number: XQ1933RG2060

Fan #1:
Serial number: FM01441900758
Fan #2:
Serial number: FM01441900757

Unit info: Licensed

Host Configuration: Ethernet,(optional) TLS/SSL

License Issue No: 1
Performance: 2500 cps
Ship Counter: 1

Press "Enter" to view additional information...

Premium Package:
- Premium Key Management
- Magnetic Stripe Issuing
- Magnetic Stripe Transaction Processing
- EMV Chip, Contactless & Mobile Issuing
- EMV Transaction Processing
- User Authentication
- Data Protection

Optional Licenses:
- Legacy Commands
- LMKx20
- Remote payShield Manager
- Visa DSP

Bootstrap Version: 1.1.40

Sensor Processor Application: 1.1.29
Sensor Processor Boot Version: 1.0.0
CPLD Version: 1.2.3
PCI HW Rev: 01

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FIPS validated algorithms:

Algorithm Name and Version FIPS Status
--------- ---------------- -----------
DRBG/RNG TASP-DRBG v1.1 Approved
SHA TASP-SHA v1.0 Approved
HMAC TASP-HMAC v1.0 Approved
TDES TASP-TDES v1.0 Approved
AES TASP-AES v1.0 Approved
CMAC TASP-CMAC v1.0 Approved
RSA TASP-RSA v1.0 Approved
AES TASP-AES v1.0 Approved
TDES TASP-TDES v1.0 Approved
ECC TASP-ECC v1.0 Approved


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Variant  Key Block 

View Available Commands (GETCMDS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: GETCMDS

Function: To display a list of enabled host and console commands. Commands listed in the
output are licensed AND enabled. Commands omitted from the output are either not
licensed, or not enabled. Console command CONFIGCMDS can be used to
enable/disable individual commands.
GETCMDS can optionally generate a hash (message digest) over the set of enabled
commands, thus providing a simple mechanism to verify that two (or more) HSMs
have the same set of commands enabled.
Note: Some of the commands listed may require additional license options enabled.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: [-hl]

Switch Description
<blank> Display a list of all host & console commands that are
implemented AND licensed AND enabled.
-h Display a hash of the host & console commands that are
implemented AND licensed AND enabled.
(The hash is affected by enabling/disabling commands using
the CONFIGCMDS console command.)
-l Display a list of all host & console commands that are
implemented AND licensed.
(This list is not affected by enabling/disabling commands using
the CONFIGCMDS console command.)

Outputs: A list of available HSM commands (depending on options) or a hash value.

Errors: None.

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Example: Online> GETCMDS -h –l <Return>

List of available Host commands:

U2 U4 U6 U8 V0 V2 V4 V6 V8 W0 W2 W4 W6 W8 X0
X2 X4 X6 X8 XK XM XO XQ XS XU XW Y0 Y2 Y4 Y6
List of available Console commands:


Host/Console Command Hash Value: cf7e8a

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Variant  Key Block 

Show Network Statistics (NETSTAT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: NETSTAT

Function: The HSM records details about network activity on both its Management and Host
Ethernet ports for diagnostic and security purposes. As a diagnostic aid, it can
provide useful information when configuring the unit. If reviewed periodically, it can
also provide evidence of unexpected network activity, which may require further
The HSM collects information about each 'endpoint' that communicates with it. The
information recorded will depend on the particular protocol that was used to send the

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Syntax:
netstat [-vWeenNcCF] [<Af>] –r
netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}
netstat [-vWnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]
netstat { [-vWeenNac] -i | [-cWnNe] -M | -s }

-r, --route display routing table

-i, --interfaces display interface table

-g, --groups display multicast group memberships
-s, --statistics display networking statistics (like SNMP)
-M, --masquerade display masqueraded connections

-v, --verbose be verbose

-W, --wide don't truncate IP addresses

-n, --numeric don't resolve names

--numeric-hosts don't resolve host names

--numeric-ports don't resolve port names

--numeric-users don't resolve user names

-N, --symbolic resolve hardware names

-e, --extend display other/more information

-p, --programs display PID/Program name for sockets

-c, --continuous continuous listing

-l, --listening display listening server sockets

-a, --all, --listening display all sockets (default: connected)

-o, --timers display timers

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-F, --fib display Forwarding Information Base (default)

-C, --cache display routing cache instead of FIB

-Z, --context display SELinux security context for sockets

Outputs: Text messages as appropriate.

The reported state can have the following values:

The socket has an established connection.
The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection.
A connection request has been received from the network.
The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down.
Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the
remote end.
The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.
The socket is not being used.
The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close.
The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for
The socket is listening for incoming connections.
Both sockets are shut down but we still don't have all our data sent.
The state of the socket is unknown

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Example: Offline> NETSTAT <Return>

Available Ethernet Interfaces:

Management Interface :
Auxiliary Interface :
Host Interface 1 :
Host Interface 2 :

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address
tcp 0 236
Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path
unix 40 [ ] DGRAM 2925 /dev/log
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1735
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 11668
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 57209
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 143125


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Variant  Key Block 

Test TCP/IP Network (PING) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: PING

Function: To test the specified network node, and the route to it.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Syntax:
ping [-q] [-c count] [-I interface] [-p pattern]
[-s packetsize] [-t ttl] [-w maxwait] host

-c count Stop after sending (and receiving) this many
-I interface The interface that PING is to be sent from.
interface Value HSM Port
h1 Host Port #1
h2 Host Port #2
m Management Port (default)
-p pattern Fill out the packet with this many "padding" bytes
(maximum is 16). You should find this useful for
diagnosing data-dependent problems in a network. For
example, -p ff causes the sent packet to be filled with
-q Be quiet: display nothing except for the summary lines at
start-up time and when finished.
-s packetsize Send this many data bytes. The default is 56, which
translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when combined with
the 8 bytes of ICMP header data.
-t ttl Use the specified time-to-live. It represents how many
hops the packet can go through before being discarded
(when it reaches 0). The default is 255.
-w maxwait Specify a timeout, in seconds, before ping exits
regardless of how many packets have been sent or

Outputs: Text messages as appropriate.

Example: Offline> PING –I h1 <Return>

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=32 time=16 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=32 time=4 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=32 time=4 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=32 time=4 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=32 time=4 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=32 time=101 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=32 time=4 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=32 time=4 ms


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Variant  Key Block 

Trace TCP/IP route (TRACERT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: TRACERT

Function: To view the path taken from the HSM to the specified address.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Syntax:
tracert [-dFlInr] [-f first_ttl]
[-g gateway] [-i interface] [-m max_ttl] [-p port]
[-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait_time]
host [packetsize]

-d Turn on socket-level debugging.
-F Set the "don't fragment" bit.
-f first_ttl Set the initial time-to-live used in the first outgoing
probe packet.
-g gateway Specify a loose source route gateway (8 maximum).
-I Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams.
-i interface interface Value HSM Port
h1 Host Port #1
h2 Host Port #2
m Management Port

-l Display the TTL (time-to-live) value of the returned

packet. This is useful for checking for asymmetric
("el") routing.
-m max_ttl Set the maximum TTL (maximum number of hops)
used in outgoing probe packets. The default is 30 hops
(the same default as is used for TCP connections).
-n Print hop addresses numerically only. By default,
addresses are printed both symbolically and
numerically. This option saves a nameserver address-
to-name lookup for each gateway found on the path.
-p port The base UDP port number to be used in probes
(default is 33434). The tracert utility hopes that nothing
is listening on UDP ports base to base + nhops -1 at
the destination host (so an ICMP
PORT_UNREACHABLE message is returned to
terminate the route tracing). If something is listening on
a port in the default range, you can use this option to
pick an unused port range.
-q nqueries The number of probes per ttl to nqueries (default is
three probes).
-r Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a
host on an attached network. If the host isn't on a
directly attached network, an error is returned. You can
use this option to "ping" a local host through an

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interface that has no route through it (for example,

after the interface was dropped by routed).
-s src_addr The IP address (must be given as an IP number, not a
hostname) to be used as the source address in
outgoing probe packets. If the host has more than one
IP address, you can use this option to force the source
address to be something other than the IP address of
the interface that the probe packet is sent on. If the IP
address you specify isn't one of this machine's
interface addresses, an error is returned and nothing is
-t tos The type-of-service (TOS) to be used in probe packets
(default is zero). The value must be a decimal integer
in the range 0 to 255. You can use this option to see if
different TOSs result in different paths.
Not all TOS values are legal or meaningful. You should
find the values -t 16 (low delay) and -t 8 (high
throughput) useful.

-w wait_time The time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe

(default is 5).

host The destination hostname or IP number.

packetsize The probe datagram length (default is 40 bytes).

Outputs: Text messages as appropriate.

Example: Offline> TRACERT -I h1 –g


traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40

byte packets ( 5.000 ms 7.000 ms 5.000 ms ( 5.000 ms 6.000 ms 6.000 ms


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Variant  Key Block 

View/Reset Utilization Data Online  Offline  Secure 
(UTILSTATS) Authorization: Not required

Function: To display Utilization Data at the Console. Options to print the data to an
HSM-attached printer and to reset accumulated data to zero.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Notes:  Utilization statistics are also reset when new software is installed on the
 The precise meaning of a HSM loading range identified below as, for
example, "10-20%" is "from exactly 10% to just under 20%".
 Statistics are provided irrespective of which host interface the commands
are received over.

Inputs:  Whether to print output to HSM-attached printer

 Whether to reset data

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Note that the number of seconds displayed is not necessarily the number of
seconds between the start and end times: rather, it is the number of seconds
during this period when data collection was enabled using the UTILENABLE
command and the HSM was online.

Example: Online> UTILSTATS <Return>

HSM Serial Number: A4665271570Q

Report Generation Time: 05-Dec-2018 19:42.37

Report Start Time: 04-Dec-2018 09:25.01
Report End Time: 05-Dec-2018 19:42.37
Total number of secs: 123,456

HSM Loading:
0-10%: 56,789
10-20%: 24,109
20-30%: 21,445
30-40%: 12,382
40-50%: 3,288
50-60%: 2,917
60-70%: 2,123
70-80%: 403
80-90%: 0
90-100%: 0
100%: 0

Press "Enter" to continue... <Return>

Host Command Volumes:

Cmd Code Total Transactions Average CPS
A0 225 4.79

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A4 99 2.11
A6 342 7.28
A8 408 8.68
AA 141 3.00
AC 135 2.87
AE 84 1.79
AG 66 1.40
AS 18 0.38
AU 94 2.00
AW 94 2.00
AY 94 2.00
B0 50 1.06
BA 14 0.30
BC 34 0.72
BE 42 0.89
BG 5 0.11
BI 11 0.23
BK 128 2.72

Press "Enter" to continue... <Return>

Cmd Code Total Transactions Average TPS

BM 10 0.21
LA 2 0.04

Instantaneous HSM Load: 17%

Instantaneous Host Command Volumes:
Cmd Code Total Transactions Average CPS
BM 10 0.21
LA 2 0.04

Send output to printer? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Reset All Stats? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
All utilization statistics will be reset to 0. Confirm?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View/Reset Health Check Counts Online  Offline  Secure 
(HEALTHSTATS) Authorization: May be required
Activity: diagnostics

Function: To display Health Check counts at the Console. Options to print the data to a
HSM-attached printer and to reset accumulated data to zero.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command to view the
The HSM must be in Offline/Secure Authorized state (or the activity
diagnostics must be authorized) for the Management LMK to reset the
Health Check Counts

Notes:  Accumulated health check counts are also reset when new software is
installed on the HSM.
 If collection of health check data has been suspended at any time, the
counts relating to Fraud Detection (i.e. failed PIN verifications and PIN
Attacks) will not represent the values of those counts which will be used
by the HSM to trigger return of Error 39 or deletion of LMKs.

Inputs:  Whether to print output to HSM-attached printer

 Whether to reset data (requires Offline/Secure Authorized state).

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Example: Offline-AUTH> HEALTHSTATS <Return>

HSM Serial Number: A4665271570Q

Report Generation Time: 05-Dec-2018 23:22.28

Report Start Time: 01-Dec-2018 01:11.21
Report End Time: 25-Dec-2018 23:22.28
Number of reboots: 3
Number of tampers: 1
PIN verification failures/minute limit exceeded: 57
PIN verification failures/hour limit exceeded: 4
PIN Attack Limit exceeded: 0

Send output to printer? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Reset All Stats? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

All Utilization statistics will be reset to 0. Confirm?
[Y/N]: Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Check the FICON Host Interface Online  Offline  Secure 
(FICONTEST) Authorization: Not required

Function: To check the operation of the FICON Host interface board (if fitted) and
optical transceivers.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Notes:  This test is appropriate only to the payShield 10K PS10-F.

 The test can be run using the loopback module provided. This should be
connected to the Transceiver connected to payShield 10K. Further details
on the loopback module are provided in the payShield 10K Installation
and User Guide.
 The test will send 10 packets and report success/failure on each
 The test will check that the following components are installed and
o HSM main board
o FICON board and connectors
o Transceivers and connectors
o Optical cable
o FICON software

Inputs:  None

Outputs: Text messages as in example below.

Example 1: When this command is entered without parameters, the system displays
usage for the command.

Secure> ficonTest -f 0 -l 0 /dev/luminex/lucdrv0 0 0000

extloop <Return>

StartCU() with:
Identifier: S0000000001G
DeviceName: /dev/luminex/lucdrv0
Image: 0
ControlUnitType: 0000
ModelNumber: extloop
Starting DeviceAddress: 0
Endig DeviceAddress: 0
mihMinutes: 0
Set Speed to extloop
Set Speed to extloop
/dev/luminex/lucdrv0 Now Online
/dev/luminex/lucdrv1 Now Online
/dev/luminex/lucdrv0 Now Offline
/dev/luminex/lucdrv1 Now Offline
Set Speed to 0
Set Speed to 0
10 packets sent, 10 packets received, 0% loss


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Example 2: This example uses the output from Example 1, which runs
the loopback test:

Secure> ficonTest -f 0 -l 0 /dev/luminex/lucdrv0 0 0000

extloop <Return>

StartCU() with:
Identifier: S0000000001G
DeviceName: /dev/luminex/lucdrv0
Image: 0
ControlUnitType: 0000
ModelNumber: extloop
Starting DeviceAddress: 0
Endig DeviceAddress: 0
mihMinutes: 0
Set Speed to extloop
Set Speed to extloop
/dev/luminex/lucdrv0 Now Online
/dev/luminex/lucdrv1 Now Online
/dev/luminex/lucdrv0 Now Offline
/dev/luminex/lucdrv1 Now Offline
Set Speed to 0
Set Speed to 0
10 packets sent, 10 packets received, 0% loss


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7 Local Master Keys

7.1 Types of LMKs
A Variant LMK is a set of 20 double- or triple-length TDES keys, with different "pairs" and variants of those
"pairs" being used to encrypt different types of keys.
Note that the term "pair" is used regardless of whether the LMK consists of double-length keys, or triple-length
keys. The standard LMK format supported in all previous versions of Thales (Racal) HSM firmware consists of
20 double-length TDES keys.
Note that the term "Variant LMK" refers to the fact that variants are applied to the LMK prior to using the LMK; a
Variant LMK is not itself a variant of any other key.
A Key Block LMK is either a triple-length TDES key, or a 256-bit AES key, and is used to encrypt keys in a key
block format. A Key Block LMK is not compatible with a Variant LMK, and it can only be used to encrypt keys in
the key block format.
Note that the term "Key Block LMK" refers to the 'key block' method of encrypting keys; a Key Block LMK is not
itself stored in the key block format.

7.2 Multiple LMKs

It is possible to install multiple LMKs within a single HSM. The precise details of the number and type of
installed LMKs are controlled via the HSM's license file:
LMKs are stored in a table within the secure memory of the HSM, with each LMK occupying a different “slot”
within the table. Each slot has the following attributes:
Attribute Description
LMK ID A 2-digit number which uniquely indicates the location of each LMK within the table. All
references to LMKs are made by specifying the LMK Identifier.
Key Scheme  "Variant" for traditional Racal/Thales LMK – key encryption performed using the
variant method.
 "Key Block" for enhanced security – key encryption performed using the key block
Algorithm  "3DES (2key)" or "3DES (3key)" is used by Variant LMKs.
 "3DES (3key)" or "AES (256-bit)" is used by Key Block LMKs.
Other algorithm types may be supported in future software releases.
Status  "Test" indicates that the LMK is used for testing purposes.
 "Live" indicates that the LMK is used for live production purposes.
When installing LMKs, the HSM will prevent any mixing of Test and Live LMKs within the
same slot (i.e. LMK Value and Old/New LMK Value must have the same status).
Comments User-entered text, which can be used to help identify LMKs.
Authorization Indicates the authorization status of the HSM for this particular LMK – either a flag (for
Authorized State) or a list of authorized activities.
Old/New Flag for each LMK held in Key Change Storage indicating whether they are to be used as
Status an 'old' LMK (loaded via 'LO' command), or a 'new' LMK (loaded via 'LN' command).
LMK Check The check value of the LMK.

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Attribute Description
Old/New LMK The check value of the 'old' or 'new' LMK held in Key Change Storage.
Check Value

Use the console command VT (View LMK Table) to view the contents of the HSM's LMK table (but not the
actual LMK values).

7.3 LMK Commands

The HSM provides the following console commands to support LMK operations:

Function (Command) Page

Generate LMK Component(s) (GK) 99
Load LMK (LK) 102
Load 'Old' LMK into Key Change Storage (LO) 108
Load 'New' LMK into Key Change Storage (LN) 112
Verify LMK Store (V) 116
Duplicate LMK Component Sets (DC) 117
Delete LMK (DM) 118
Delete 'Old' or 'New' LMK from Key Change Storage (DO) 119
View LMK Table (VT) 120
Generate Test LMK (GT) 123

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate LMK Component(s) (GK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: GK

Function: To generate component(s) of an LMK, and store the component(s) on

This command may be used to generate components for the following types
of LMKs:
 Double-length (2DES) Variant LMK
 Triple-length (3DES) Variant LMK
 Triple-length (3DES) Key Block LMK
 256-bit AES Key Block LMK.

When creating a Variant LMK or a 3DES Key Block LMK, this command
generates the data for a single LMK component card.

When creating an AES Key Block LMK, this command generates the data for
all the required number of LMK component cards.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Scheme (Variant or Key Block).

 LMK Algorithm:
o Double-length (2DES) or triple-length (3DES) if Variant scheme is
o Triple-length (3DES) or AES if Key Block scheme is selected.
 LMK Status (Test or Live).
 For an AES Key Block LMK:
o Number of components.
o Number of components required to reconstitute the LMK.

Outputs:  LMK components written to smartcards.

 LMK component check value.

Errors:  Card not formatted – use the FC command to format the card.
 Not a LMK card –card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Warning – card not blank. Proceed? [Y/N] – LMK card is not blank.
 Overwrite LMK set? [Y/N] – card already contains an LMK component.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 – invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter – a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.

Notes:  PINs must be entered within 60 seconds of being requested.

 If the CS setting "Card/Password authorization" is set to "Card", then the
HSM will write a random password to the 1st and 2nd LMK component cards.
These passwords will be required in order to put the HSM into the
Authorized State.

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Example 1: This example generates a triple-length Variant LMK component set, and
(Triple-length writes the components to a smartcard.
Variant LMK)

Secure> GK <Return>
Variant scheme or key block scheme? [V/K]: V <Return>
Enter algorithm type [2=2DES, 3=3DES]: 3 <Return>

Key status? [L/T]: L <Return>

LMK component set [1-9]: 1 <Return>
Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Remove the smartcard and store it securely.

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made.

Repeat the procedure to generate further component sets.


Example 2: This example generates a double-length variant LMK component set, and
(Double-length writes the components to a smartcard.
Variant LMK)

Secure> GK <Return>
Variant scheme or key block scheme? [V/K]: V <Return>
Enter algorithm type [2=2DES, 3=3DES]: 2 <Return>

Key status? [L/T]: L <Return>

LMK component set [1-9]: 1 <Return>
Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Remove the smartcard and store it securely.

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made.

Repeat the procedure to generate further component sets.


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Example 3: This example generates a 3DES key block LMK component, and writes the
(Triple-length component to a smartcard.
3DES Key Block
Secure> GK <Return>
Variant scheme or key block scheme? [V/K]: K <Return>
Enter algorithm type [D=DES,A=AES]: D
Key status? [L/T]: L <Return>
LMK component set [1-9]: 1 <Return>
Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Remove the smartcard and store it securely.

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made.

Repeat the procedure to generate further components.


Example 4: This example generates a set of AES key block LMK components, and writes
(AES Key Block each component to a smartcard.

Secure> GK <Return>
Variant scheme or key block scheme? [V/K]: K <Return>
Enter algorithm type [D=DES,A=AES]: A <Return>
Enter the number of components to generate: [2-9]: 5
Enter the number of components required to reconstitute
the LMK: [2-5]: 2 <Return>
Key status? [L/T]: L <Return>

Check value for the LMK: ZZZZZZ

Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Remove the smartcard and store it securely.

Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Remove the smartcard and store it securely.

The above sequence is repeated to generate each component



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Variant  Key Block 

Load LMK (LK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: LK

Function: To load LMK components from smartcards.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Confirm remote access (if already commissioned for remote access using
the payShield Manager)
 LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.
 Optional comments
 Smartcards (RLMKs are supported) with LMK components.
 PINs for the Smartcards or passwords. The PIN must be entered within 60
 Whether to make this LMK the Default/Management LMK - see Notes

Outputs:  Individual LMK component check value(s).

 Final LMK check value.

Notes:  For PCI HSM compliance, PINs and smartcards must be used to
authenticate the Security Officers.
 Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.
 If there is not already a Default and/or Management LMK installed (i.e. the
LMK IDs identified in the security settings as being the default and
management LMKs are empty), you will be asked if you wish to make this
new LMK the Default/Management LMK.
 An error is returned if an attempt is made to load an LMK with a single
component where:
o The LMK is not a test LMK, and
o The security setting to enforce multiple key components has
been set to YES.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Load failed check comparison - card is blank.
 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 5 or greater than 8 digits is
 Invalid key – a standard Thales test key cannot be given live status.
 Incompatible key status – the components have different status ("live" or
 Invalid key - Multiple key components required – an attempt has been
made to load an LMK (other than a test LMK) using a single component
when the security setting to enforce multiple components has been set to

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Example 1: This example loads a double-length Variant LMK from smartcards and
(Double-length installs it in the HSM. There is already Default and Management LMKs
Variant LMK)

Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: Live LMK for ABC Bank <Return>
LMK in selected location must be erased before
Erase LMK? Y <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure. When all
components have been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK
Check value, record the check value.


LMK id: 00
LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES (2key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: Live LMK for ABC Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Use the LO/LN command to load LMKs into key change

Example 2: This example loads a triple-length Variant LMK from smartcards and installs
(Triple-length it in the HSM. There are already Default and Management LMKs installed.
Variant LMK)

Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter comments: Process System One <Return>
LMK in selected location must be erased before
Erase LMK? Y <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure. When all
components have been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK
Check value, record the check value.


LMK id: 01
LMK key scheme: Variant

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LMK algorithm: 3DES (3key)

LMK status: Live
Comments: Process System One
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Use the LO/LN command to load LMKs into key change

Example 3: In this example, the PIN is not entered within 60 seconds.

(Any LMK type)
Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 0 <Return>
Enter comments: <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN:

Example 4: In this example, the security setting requiring use of multiple components
(Double- or triple- has been set to YES, but the user has attempted to load a non-Test LMK
length Variant
using only one component.

Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-4]: 0 <Return>
Enter comments: <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Load more components? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Invalid key - Multiple key components required

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Example 5: This example loads a 3DES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it in
(3DES Key Block the HSM. There is already Default and Management LMKs installed.

Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
LMK in selected location must be erased before
Erase LMK? Y <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure. When all
components have been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK
Check value, record the check value.


LMK id: 01
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: 3DES(3key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Use the LO/LN command to load LMKs into key change

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Example 6: This example loads an AES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it in
(AES Key Block the HSM. There is already Default and Management LMKs installed.

Secure> LK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
LMK in selected location must be erased before
Erase LMK? Y <Return>
Load LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
PIN: ******** <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure. When all
components have been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK
Check value, record the check value.


LMK id: 02
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: AES-256
LMK status: Live
Comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Use the LO/LN command to load LMKs into key change

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Example 7: This example loads an AES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it in
(AES Key Block the HSM. There is no Default or Management LMK already installed.
LMK - no Default
or Management
LMK already Secure> LK <Return>
installed.) Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>

Load LMK from components or shares

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure. When all
components have been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK
Check value, record the check value.


LMK id: 02
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: AES-256
LMK status: Live
Comments: Live LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Use the LO/LN command to load LMKs into key change
Do you want to make this LMK the default LMK? [Y/N]: Y
Do you want to make this LMK the management LMK? [Y/N]:
Y <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Load 'Old' LMK into Key Change Online  Offline  Secure 
Storage (LO) Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console
Command: LO

Function: To load an old LMK component set into Key Change Storage for use in
translations from old to new keys. Note that the current LMK must be installed
before an "old" LMK can be installed. Also note that it is possible to install a
Variant LMK as the "old" LMK, and with a Key Block LMK as the "new" LMK.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the specified LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: 2 numeric digits.

 Smartcards (RLMKs are supported) with old LMK components.
 PINs for the Smartcards or passwords. PINs must be entered within 60
seconds of being requested.

Outputs:  Individual LMK Component check value(s).

 Final LMK key check value.

Errors:  No LMK loaded – there is no LMK loaded in main memory.

 Invalid LMK identifier – entered identifier out of range
 Key Block LMK not permitted – it is not permitted to load a Key Block LMK
into key change storage if a variant LMK is loaded in main memory.
 Load failed check comparison – card is blank.
 Not a LMK card – card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted – card is not formatted.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 – invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter – a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized – the HSM is not in Secure
State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.
 Invalid key – a standard Thales test key cannot be given live status.
 Incompatible cards – the component cards have different formats.
 Incompatible key status – the components have different status ("live" or
 Invalid key - Multiple key components required – an attempt has been made
to load an LMK (other than a Test LMK) using a single component when the
security setting to enforce multiple components has been set to YES.

Notes:  For PCI HSM compliance, PINs and smartcards must be used to
authenticate the Security Officers.
 Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.
 It is not permitted to load a Key Block LMK into the "old" LMK slot of a Variant
 It is not permitted to load an AES Key Block LMK into the "old" LMK slot of a
3DES Key Block LMK.
 If multiple LMKs are loaded on the HSM, each can have a corresponding
old LMK. The ID of the LMK being processed is defined in the command

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Example 1: This example loads a double-length Variant LMK from smartcards and installs
(Double-length it as 'old' LMK 00.
Variant LMK)
Secure-AUTH> LO <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: Old LMK for ABC Bank <Return>
Load old LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all old
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 00
LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES (2key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: Old LMK for ABC Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

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Example 2: This example loads a triple-length Variant LMK from smartcards and installs it
(Triple-length as 'old' LMK 00.
Variant LMK)
Secure-AUTH> LO <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: Old LMK for Process System One <Return>
Load old LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all old
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 00
LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES (3key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: Old LMK for Process System One
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Example 3: This example attempts to load a non-Test LMK using a single component
(Double- or triple- when the security setting to enforce multiple components has been set to
length Variant
Secure-AUTH> LO <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: Old LMK for ABC Bank <Return>
Load old LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Invalid key - Multiple key components required

Example 4: This example loads a 3DES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it as
(3DES Key Block 'old' LMK 01.
Secure-AUTH> LO <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter comments: Old LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
Load old LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all old
component sets have been loaded. When all components have

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been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 01
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: 3DES (3key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: Old LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Example 5: This example loads an AES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it as
(AES Key Block 'old' LMK 02.
Secure-AUTH> LO <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter comments: Old LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
Load old LMK from components or shares

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>

Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all old
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 02
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: AES-256
LMK status: Live
Comments: Old LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Load 'New' LMK into Key Change Online  Offline  Secure 
Storage (LN) Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console
Command: LN

Function: To load a new LMK component set into Key Change Storage for use in
translations from the current LMK to a "new" LMK. Note that the current LMK
must be installed before a "new" LMK can be installed. Also note that it is
possible to install a Key Block LMK as the "new" LMK, with a Variant LMK as
the current LMK.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the specified LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: 2 numeric digits.

 Smartcards (regular HSM or payShield Manager smartcards) with new LMK
 PINs for the Smartcards or passwords. PINs must be entered within 60
seconds of being requested.

Outputs:  Individual LMK Component check value(s).

 Final LMK key check value.

Errors:  No LMK loaded – there is no LMK loaded in main memory.

 Invalid LMK identifier – entered identifier out of range
 Key Block LMK not permitted – it is not permitted to load a key block LMK
into key change storage if a variant LMK is loaded in main memory.
 Load failed check comparison – card is blank.
 Not a LMK card – card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted – card is not formatted.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 – invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter – a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized – the HSM is not in Secure
State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.
 Invalid key – a standard Thales test key cannot be given live status.
 Incompatible cards – the component cards have different formats.
 Incompatible key status – the components have different status ("live" or
 Invalid key - Multiple key components required – an attempt has been made
to load an LMK (other than a Test LMK) using a single component when the
security setting to enforce multiple components has been set to YES.

Notes:  For PCI HSM compliance, PINs and smartcards must be used to
authenticate the Security Officers.
 Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.
 It is not permitted to load a Variant LMK into the "new" LMK slot of a Key
Block LMK.
 It is not permitted to load a 3DES Key Block LMK into the "new" LMK slot of
an AES Key Block LMK.
 If multiple LMKs are loaded on the HSM, each can have a corresponding
'new' LMK. The ID of the LMK being processed is defined in the command

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Example 1: This example loads a double-length Variant LMK from smartcards and installs
(Double-length it as 'new' LMK 00.
Variant LMK)
Secure-AUTH> LN <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: New LMK for ABC Bank <Return>
Load new LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all new
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 00
LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES(2key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: New LMK for ABC Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

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Example 2: This example loads a triple-length Variant LMK from smartcards and installs it
(Triple-length as 'new' LMK 00.
Variant LMK)
Secure-AUTH> LN <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: New LMK for Process System One <Return>
Load new LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all new
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 00
LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES (3key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: New LMK for Process System One
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Example 3: This example attempts to load a non-Test LMK using a single component
(Double- or triple- when the security setting to enforce multiple components has been set to
length Variant
Secure-AUTH> LN <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter comments: New LMK for ABC Bank <Return>
Load new LMK from components. Or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Invalid key - Multiple key components required

Example 4: This example loads a 3DES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it as
(3DES Key Block 'new' LMK 01.
Secure-AUTH> LN <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter comments: New LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
Load new LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all new
component sets have been loaded. When all components have

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been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 01
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: 3DES(3key)
LMK status: Live
Comments: New LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Example 5: This example loads an AES key block LMK from smartcards and installs it as
(AES Key Block 'new' LMK 02.
Secure-AUTH> LN <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter comments: New LMK for XYZ Bank <Return>
Load new LMK from components or shares
Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Remove the smartcard. Insert the second and subsequent

smartcards and repeat the loading procedure until all new
component sets have been loaded. When all components have
been loaded and the HSM displays the LMK Check value,
ensure that this is the expected value.


LMK id: 02
LMK key scheme: KeyBlock
LMK algorithm: AES-256
LMK status: Live
Comments: New LMK for XYZ Bank
Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Verify LMK Store (V) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: V

Function: To confirm that the check value is identical to the value that was recorded
when the LMK set was installed.
For Variant LMKs, the length of the displayed check value is determined by the
CS (Configure Security) setting "Restrict Key Check Value to 6 hex chars".
For Key Block LMKs, the length of the displayed check value is always 6 hex

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  Master key check value.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.

Example: Online> V <Return>

Enter LMK id: 03 <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Duplicate LMK Component Sets (DC) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: DC

Function: To copy an LMK component onto another smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Smartcard (RLMKs are supported) with LMK component.

 PIN for the smartcard. PINs must be entered within 60 seconds of being

Outputs:  LMK check value.

Errors:  Load failed check comparison - card is blank

 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Warning - card not blank. Proceed? [Y/N] - LMK card is not blank
 Overwrite LMK set? [Y/N] - the smartcard already contains an LMK
component. It can be overwritten if desired.

Example: Secure> DC <Return>

Insert card to be duplicated and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Insert blank card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Delete LMK (DM) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console
Command: DM

Function: To delete a selected LMK and (if loaded) the LMK in the corresponding
location in key change storage.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the specified LMK.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  Display of relevant entry from LMK table and the key change storage table.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized - the HSM is not in Secure
State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.
 LMK id xx is the Default and Management LMK ID – the default and
Management LMKs cannot be deleted.

Notes:  LMKs which are the Default or Management LMK cannot be deleted. The
Default and Management LMK must be re-assigned to a new LMK before
the desired LMK can be deleted. (The LMK ID of the Management and
default LMKs can be viewed by running the QS command.)

Example: Secure-AUTH> DM <Return>

Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>

LMK table entry:

ID Auth Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
01 Yes(1) KeyBlock 3DES(3key) Test ZZZZZZ Test LMK
for XYZ Bank

Key change storage table entry:

ID Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
01 Variant 3DES(2key) Test ZZZZZZ Old test
LMK for XYZ Bank

Confirm LMK deletion [Y/N]: Y <Return>

LMK deleted from main memory and key change storage


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Variant  Key Block 

Delete 'Old' or 'New' LMK from Key Online  Offline  Secure 
Change Storage (DO) Authorization: Not required
Command: DO

Function: To delete a selected LMK from key change storage. This command may only
be used if an LMK is loaded in the corresponding location in main LMK

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  Display of relevant entry from the key change storage table.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.

Example: Secure> DO <Return>

Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>

Key change storage table entry:

ID Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
01 Variant 3DES(2key) Test ZZZZZZ Old test LMK for
XYZ Bank

Confirm LMK deletion [Y/N]: Y <Return>

LMK deleted from key change storage


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Variant  Key Block 

View LMK Table (VT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: VT

Function: To display the LMK table and the corresponding table for key change storage.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  Displayed LMK table and key change storage table.

 For each LMK currently installed, the following information is displayed:
o ID – identifier selected during installation of this LMK.
o Auth – current authorized status:
 No – not authorized state/activities not active;
 Yes – authorized state is active;
 Yes (nX) – 'n' authorized activities are active (if HSM is
configured for multiple authorized activities), with X
identifying whether Host or Console commands.
 (Note that LMKs in key change storage cannot be
o Old/New – Status of key in Key Change Storage
 Old – key is treated as an 'old' LMK
 New – key is treated as a 'new' LMK
 (Note that only LMKs held in Key Change Storage have the
Old/New status.)
o Scheme – The LMK scheme:
 Variant – indicating a Variant LMK
 Key Block – indicating a Key Block LMK
o Algorithm – the LMK algorithm:
 3DES (2key) – indicating a double-length TDES Variant LMK
 3DES (3key) – indicating a triple-length TDES Variant or
triple-length (3DES) Key Block LMK
 AES-256 – indicating an AES Key Block LMK.
o Status – the LMK status, selected during generation of the LMK.
 Live – LMK is a 'live' LMK.
 Test – LMK is a 'test' LMK.
o Check – the check value of the LMK.
o Comments – the comments entered during installation of this LMK.

Errors: None.

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Example 1: The HSM is configured for single authorized state, but has not been authorized:

Secure> VT <Return>

LMK table:
ID Authorized Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
00 No Variant 3DES(2key) Test 268604 test

Key change storage table:No keys loaded in key change



Example 2: The HSM is configured for single authorized state, and both host and console
commands are authorized for LMK 01:

Secure> VT <Return>

LMK table:

ID Authorized Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments

00 No Variant 3DES(2key) Test 268604 test
01 Yes(1H,1C) Variant 3DES(2key) Test 268604 test
02 Yes(1H,1C) Variant 3DES(3key) Live 554279
Production 1
Key change storage table:No keys loaded in key change


Example 3: The HSM is configured for single authorized state, and only host commands
are authorized for LMK 01 (console command authorization has automatically
expired after 12 hours):

Secure> VT <Return>

LMK table:

ID Authorized Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments

00 No Variant 3DES(2key) Test 268604 test
01 Yes(1H,0C) KeyBlock AES-256 Live 963272 Mngmnt
Key change storage table:No keys loaded in key change


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Example 4: The HSM is configured for multiple authorized activities. Output shows how
many host and console commands are authorized for each LMK:

Online-AUTH> VT <Return>

LMK table:
ID Authorized Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
00 Yes(0H,1C) Variant 3DES(3key) Live 726135 test variant
02 Yes(1H,0C) KeyBlock AES-256 Test 6620CA Mngmnt LMK
Key change storage table:
ID Old/New Scheme Algorithm Status Check Comments
00 New KeyBlock 3DES(3key) Live 331873 test variant 2
02 New KeyBlock AES-256 Test 9D04A0 New mngmnt LMK


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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Test LMK (GT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: GT

Function: To generate one of the standard Thales Test LMKs, and write the
component(s) to smartcard(s).
The payShield 10K supports four different types of LMK:
 2DES Variant LMK
 3DES Variant LMK
 3DES Key Block LMK
 AES Key Block LMK

All three DES-based Test LMKs can be stored on a single smartcard; the
AES Test LMK requires two smartcards.

Note: This command simply generates a smart card with the known and
documented test LMK stored on it. The command does not generate a new
test LMK.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  Type of Test LMK to be generated.

 Prompts for smartcards to be inserted & PINs to be entered.

Outputs:  Confirmation of Test LMK components being written to smartcards.

 Prompts to make additional copies.

Errors:  Card not formatted – use the FC command to format the card.
 Not a LMK card –card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Warning – card not blank. Proceed? [Y/N] – LMK card is not blank.
 Overwrite LMK set? [Y/N] – card already contains an LMK component.
 Invalid selection.
 Invalid PIN.

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Example 1: This example writes the standard 2DES Variant Thales Test LMK to a single

Online> GT <Return>

Generate Standard Thales Test LMK Set:

1 - 2DES Variant
2 - 3DES Variant
3 - 3DES KeyBlock
4 - AES KeyBlock
Select Standard Thales Test LMK set to be generated: 1
Insert blank card and enter PIN: **** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made.

Do you want to generate another Standard Thales Test LMK

set [Y/N]: N <Return>


Example 2: This example writes the two components of the standard AES Key Block Thales
Test LMK to two separate smartcards:

Online> GT <Return>

Generate Standard Thales Test LMK Set:

1 - 2DES Variant
2 - 3DES Variant
3 - 3DES KeyBlock
4 - AES KeyBlock
Select Standard Thales Test LMK set to be generated: 4
Insert blank card and enter PIN: **** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ
Insert blank card and enter PIN: **** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Do you want to generate another Standard Thales Test LMK

set [Y/N]: N <Return>


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8 Operational Commands
8.1 Authorization Commands
The payShield 10K needs to be authorized for certain commands to be executed - usually those involving clear
text data.
There are two methods of authorizing the HSM – using:
 a single Authorized State;
 multiple Authorized Activities.
Note: The console command CS (Configure Security) setting "Enable multiple authorized activities" determines
which method is to be used; by default, multiple Authorized Activities are used.
If the HSM needs to be placed in Authorized State using the Authorizing Officer cards (or passwords)
corresponding to a particular LMK, then the command will only be authorized for that particular LMK identifier.
For example, if the "FK" console command ("Form Key from Components") is authorized using the passwords
corresponding to the LMK with identifier "00", then only keys encrypted using LMK "00" may be formed using
the command.
It is possible to authorize the HSM using multiple Authorizing Officer cards (or passwords), so that the HSM may
be simultaneously authorized for different LMKs.
Note: For PCI HSM compliance, PINs and smartcards must be used to authenticate the Security Officers:
passwords must not be used.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support the authorization of the HSM:

Function (Command) Page

Enter the Authorized State (A) 126
Cancel the Authorized State (C) 128
Authorize Activity (A) 129
Cancel Authorized Activity (C) 137
View Authorized Activities (VA) 139

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Variant  Key Block 

Enter the Authorized State (A) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: A

Function: To set the HSM into the Authorized State.

The HSM prompts for either Smartcards or Passwords, as applicable, which
must correspond to the LMK being authorized.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 1 or 2 numeric digits.

 PIN (if applicable): 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters. The PIN must be
entered within 60 seconds. (4-digit PINs on legacy cards will also be
 Either:
o Smartcards (RLMKs are supported) with authorizing both
o Password: 16 alphanumeric characters.

Outputs:  Text messages as shown in examples.

Notes:  If the CS setting "Card/Password authorization" is set to "Card", then the

passwords required to put the HSM into the Authorized State will be read
from smartcards. Note that only the first 2 LMK component cards contain
 This command is only available when the console command CS (Configure
Security) setting "Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N]" is set to "N".
 For PCI HSM compliance, authentication must use smartcards and PINs,
not passwords.
 Use of this command will always cause an entry to be made in the Audit
 Console commands remain authorized for 12 hours (720 minutes).

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted.
 Not an LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 5 or greater than 8 digits is entered.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the password is an invalid length.

Example 1: This example authorizes the HSM using smartcards.

Online> A <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 00 <Return>
First Officer:
Insert card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Second Officer:
Insert card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Console authorizations will expire in 720 minutes (12

Example 2: This example authorizes the HSM using passwords.

Online> A <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-4]: 1 <Return>
First Officer:

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Password: **************** <Return>

Second Officer:
Password: ******************* <Return>  Password too long
Data invalid; please re-enter: **************** <Return>
Console authorizations will expire in 720 minutes (12


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Variant  Key Block 

Cancel the Authorized State (C) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: C

Function: To cancel the Authorized State.

There is an equivalent command available to the host (Host command 'RA')

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  Text messages as shown in example.

Notes:  This command is only available when the console command CS (Configure
Security) setting "Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N]" is set to "N".
 Use of this command will always cause an entry to be made in the Audit

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.

Example 1: Online-AUTH> C <Return>

Enter LMK id [0-9]: 00 <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Authorize Activity (A) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: A

Function: To authorize the HSM to perform certain specified activities.

In command line mode, the operator specifies which activities are to be
In menu mode, the operator is prompted to enter the activities.
In both cases, the specified activities are authorized by submitting two
Security Officer cards or passwords, which must correspond to the LMK being
Authorized activities can be made persistent, in which case they are retained
even if the power to the HSM is cycled.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits

 Activities to be authorized.
 Timeout value: Number of minutes before HSM will revoke chosen
authorized activity. Where the security setting Enforce Authorization Time
Limit has been set to "YES" (i.e. to the PCI HSM compliant value) then
console commands can be authorized for a maximum period of 12 hours
(720 minutes).
 PIN (if applicable): 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters. The PIN must be
entered within 60 seconds of being requested. (4-digit PINs on legacy cards
will also be accepted.)
 Either:
o Smartcards (RLMKs are supported) with authorizing both
o Password: 16 alphanumeric characters.
 Use "-h" to display help.

Outputs:  Text messages as shown in examples.

Syntax: Syntax: A [<Activity>] [<Activity>] ...

Activity: <Category>.[<Sub-category>].[<Interface>][:<Timeout>]
Category = generate|component|genprint|import|export|pin|audit|admin|diag|
Sub-category (for 'generate|import|export') = key type code, e.g. 001 for ZPK.
Sub-category (for 'pin') = mailer|clear
Interface = host|console
Timeout = value in minutes or 'p' for persistent. (A maximum of 12 hours (720
minutes) is applied to Console commands.}
Names may be shortened but must remain unique.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted.
 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Data invalid; please re-enter: the password is an invalid length.

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Notes:  If the CS setting "Card/Password authorization" is set to "Card", then the

passwords required to put the HSM into the Authorized State will be read
from smartcards. Note that only the first 2 LMK component cards contain
 This command is only available when the console command CS (Configure
Security) setting "Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N]" is set to "Y".
 For PCI HSM compliance, the following security settings must be set:
o user authentication must be by smartcard and PIN, and not by using
o Authorization time limit for Console commands must be enforced.
 Where the security setting Enforce Authorization Time Limit has been set to
"YES" (i.e. to the PCI HSM compliant value) then console commands can
be authorized for a maximum period of 12 hours (720 minutes).
 Use of this command will always cause an entry to be made in the Audit
 Activities are described in terms of four fields: Category, Sub-Category,
Interface and Timeout. If the Timeout field is omitted, the activity remains
authorized until cancelled either by the console command "C" or the host
command "RA".
 Omitting either the Sub-Category and/or the Interface field is equivalent to
authorizing multiple activities consisting of all possible combinations of valid
values for the missing fields. For clarification:
is equivalent to:
is equivalent to:
 When authorizing activities, two (or more) activities may overlap, for
 There is no requirement to attempt to reduce activities to the minimum set.
The list of authorized activities simply consists of all those entered (and
authorized) by the user.
 There is one case when it will be necessary to overwrite an existing activity:
when only the Timeout field changes. For example, suppose that the
following activity is authorized:
and the user uses the 'A' command to authorize the following activity:
then this should overwrite the first one (even if the newer activity has a
shorter Timeout value).

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 Note: When omitting the sub-category, but including the interface, there
should be two delimiters "." between them:
Example: export..host allows export of any (valid) key using a host
 The option to make an authorization persistent (i.e. to survive across a re-
boot of the HSM) is only available for Host commands and where the
authorization is also permanent.

Example 1: This example authorizes a single activity via the menu.

(Variant or Key
Block LMK) Online> A <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 0 <Return>
No activities are authorized for LMK id 00.
List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: pin <Return>
clear mailer
Select sub-category, or <RETURN> for all: mailer <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: <Return>
Enter time limit for pin.mailer, or <RETURN> for
permanent: <Return>
Make activity persistent? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: N

The following activities are pending authorization for

LMK id 00:

First Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN:
******** <Return>
Second Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN:
******** <Return>

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:



Example 2: This example authorizes activities via the command line, with no time limits
(Variant or Key specified.
Block LMK)
Online> A gene comp genp i e p au ad di m comm<Return>

Enter LMK id [0-4]: 0 <Return>

Console authorizations will expire in 720 minutes (12


The following activities are pending authorization for

LMK id 00:


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First officer:
Insert card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Second officer:
Insert card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:

admin..console:720 (720 mins remaining)

audit..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
command..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
component..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
diagnostic..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
export..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
generate..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
genprint..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
import..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
misc..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
pin..console:720 (720 mins remaining)


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Example 3: This example authorizes three activities additional Example 1 via the menu.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> A <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 00 <Return>
The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:
List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: generate <Return>
000 100 200 001
002 400 003 006
008 009 109 209
309 409 509 709
00a 00b rsa
Select sub-category, or <RETURN> for all: 000 <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: C <Return>
Enter time limit for generate.000.console, or <RETURN>
for permanent: 60 <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: Y

List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: export <Return>
000 100 200 001
002 400 003 006
008 009 109 209
309 409 509 709
00a 00b rsa
Select sub-category, or <RETURN> for all: 001 <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: H <Return>
Enter time limit for export.001.host, or <RETURN> for
permanent: <Return>
Make activity persistent? [Y/N]: n <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: Y

List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: admin <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: c <Return>
Enter time limit for admin, or <RETURN> for permanent:
240 <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: n

The following activities are pending authorization for
LMK id 00:

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First Officer
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****
Second Officer
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:

admin:240 (240 mins remaining)
generate.000.console:60 (60 mins remaining)


Example 4: This example authorizes three activities additional to Example 1 via the
(Variant LMK) command line, including time limits.

Online-AUTH> A gene.000.con:60 exp.001.host:p admin:240

Enter LMK id [0-19]: 00 <Return>

The following activities are pending authorization for

LMK id 00:


First Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****
Second Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 01:

admin:240 (240 mins remaining)

generate.000.console:60 (60 mins remaining)


Example 5: This example authorizes a single activity via the command line.
(Variant or Key
Block LMK) Online> A pin.clear <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 01 <Return>

Console authorizations will expire in 720 minutes (12


The following activities are pending authorization for

LMK id 01:


First Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

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Second Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 01:

pin.clear.console:720 (720 mins remaining)



Example 6: This example authorizes an additional three activities via the menu.
(Key Block LMK)
Online-AUTH> A <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 01 <Return>
The following activities are authorized for LMK id 01:
List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: export <Return>
01 B0 C0 11
12 13 D0 21
22 E0 E1 E2
E3 E4 E5 E6
31 32 K0 51
52 M0 M1 M2
M3 M4 M5 61
62 63 64 65
P0 71 72 73
V0 V1 V2
Select sub-category, or <RETURN> for all: 72 <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: C <Return>
Enter time limit for export.72.console, or <RETURN> for
permanent: 60 <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: Y

List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: admin <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: <Return>
Enter time limit for admin, or <RETURN> for permanent:
240 <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: Y

List of authorizable activities:
generate genprint component import
export pin audit admin
diagnostic misc command
Select category: misc <Return>
host console
Select interface, or <RETURN> for all: c <Return>

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Enter time limit for admin, or <RETURN> for permanent:

Make activity persistent? [Y/N]: n <Return>

Enter additional activities to authorize? [y/N]: n

The following activities are pending authorization for
LMK id 00:

First Officer
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****
Second Officer
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 01:

admin:240 (240 mins remaining)
export.72.console (60 mins remaining)


Example 7: This example authorizes an additional three activities via the command line.
(Key Block LMK)
Online-AUTH> a exp.001.con:60 admin:240 misc..console
Enter LMK id [0-1]: 01 <Return>

Console authorizations will expire in 720 minutes (12


The following activities are pending authorization for

LMK id 01:


First Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****
Second Officer:
Insert Card for Security Officer and enter the PIN: ****

The following activities are authorized for LMK id 01:

admin:240 (228 mins remaining)

export.001.console:60 (60 mins remaining)
generate.000.console:60 (48 mins remaining)
misc..console:720 (720 mins remaining)
pin.clear.console:720 (712 mins remaining)


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Variant  Key Block 

Cancel Authorized Activity (C) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: C

Function: To cancel one or more Authorized Activities.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  Text messages as shown in examples.

Notes:  This command is only available when the console command CS (Configure
Security) setting "Enable multiple authorized activities [Y/N]" is set to "Y".

Syntax: C [<Activity>] [<Activity>] ...

Activity: <Category>[.<Sub-category>][.<Interface>][:<Timeout>]
Category = generate|component|genprint|import|export|pin|audit|admin|diag|
misc| command
Sub-category (for 'generate|import|export') = key name, e.g. TPK, MK-AC,
Sub-category (for 'pin') = mailer|clear
Interface = host|console
Timeout = value in minutes or 'p' for persistent
Names may be shortened but must remain unique.
When canceling an authorized activity which includes a timeout, the original
value of the timeout should be specified.
Note: When omitting the sub-category, but including the interface, there
should be two delimiters "." between them:
Example: export..host allows export of any (valid) key using a host

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Invalid input.

Notes:  Use of this command will always cause an entry to be made in the Audit

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Example 1: This example cancels an existing activity via the menu.

(Variant or Key
Block LMK) Online-AUTH> C <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 00 <Return>
Cancel pin.mailer? [y/N] Y <Return>
No activities are authorized for LMK id 00.

Note: This example assumes that the activities in the Authorize Activity
command Example 1 (above) are active.

Example 2: This example cancels an existing activity via the command line.
(Variant or Key
Block LMK) Online-AUTH> C pin.mailer <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-1]: 00 <Return>
No activities are authorized for LMK id 00.

Note: This example assumes that the activities in the Authorize Activity
command Example 2 (above) are active.

Example 3: This example cancels an existing activity via the menu.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> C <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-4]: 00 <Return>
Cancel admin:240 (194 mins remaining) ? [y/N] Y <Return>
Cancel export.001.host? [y/N] N <Return>
Cancel generate.000.console:60 (14 mins remaining)?
[y/N] Y <Return>
Cancel pin.mailer? [y/N] N <Return>
The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:

Note: This example assumes that the activities in the Authorize Activity
command Example 3 (above) are active.

Example 4: This example cancels an existing activity via the command line.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> C gene.000.c admin <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 00 <Return>
The hollowing activities are authorized for LMK id 00.

Note: This example assumes that the activities in the

Authorize Activity command Example 4 (above) are active.

Example 5: This example cancels an existing activity via the command line.
(Variant or Key
Block LMK) Online-AUTH> C pin.clear <Return>
Enter LMK id [0-9]: 01 <Return>
No activities are authorized for LMK id 01.

Note: This example assumes that the activities in the Authorize Activity
command Example 5 (above) are active.

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Variant  Key Block 

View Authorized Activities (VA) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: VA

Function: To view all active authorized activities.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: 2 numeric digits.

Outputs:  List of active authorized activities.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.

Example 1: This example applies when multiple authorized activities has been enabled..
authorized Online-AUTH> VA <Return>
activities Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
enabled) The following activities are authorized for LMK id 00:
admin:240 (228 mins remaining)
generate.000.console:60 (48 mins remaining)


Note: This example assumes the activities in the Authorize Activity command
Example 4 (above) were authorized 12 minutes ago.

Example 2: This example applies when multiple authorized activities has not been
(Multiple enabled..
activities Online-AUTH> VA <Return>
disabled) Enter LMK id [0-9]: 0 <Return>
LMK id 00 is authorized.
Console authorization expires in 716 minute(s).


Note: This example assumes that authorized state was enabled 4 minutes

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8.2 Logging Commands

An Error Log and an Audit Log are provided, each with a command to display the log and a command to clear
the log. There is also a command to enable the user to set their time zone, so that the correct time is displayed
in audit log reports.
The Error log stores fault information for use by Thales support personnel. The error log is used to log
unexpected software errors, hardware failures and alarm events. Whenever an error occurs, that error code is
stored, along with the time, date and severity level. Additional errors that have the same error code cause the
time and date of that code to be updated. In this way, each error type remains in the log (with the most recent
time and date) and is not lost. The severity levels are:
 Informative (0) Something abnormal happened, but was not important.
 Recoverable (1) Something abnormal happened, but the unit recovered from it without rebooting or
losing data.
 Major (2) Something abnormal happened, but the unit recovered from it but may have lost
data/information due to restarting a process or re-initializing hardware. The unit may not function in a full
 Catastrophic (3) Something abnormal happened, and the unit had to reboot to recover.
Only catastrophic errors cause the HSM to reboot. New errors cause the Fault LED on the front panel to flash.
Whenever the HSM state is altered through power-up, key-lock changes or console commands, the Audit log is
updated with the action and the time and date. The Audit log can also be configured to record execution of
almost any console or host command. The Audit log records state changes until it is 100% full and for each
subsequent state change the earliest (i.e. oldest) record in the log is deleted to make room for the new record. A
number of host commands are provided which allow the host computer to extract and archive (print) audit
records from the HSM.
Management of the Audit journal is performed from the console using the command 'AUDITOPTIONS', while
'AUDITLOG' is used to retrieve the log and 'CLEARAUDIT' to clear the log. The HSM must be put into the
secure-authorized state in order to execute the 'AUDITOPTIONS' and 'CLEARAUDIT' console commands.
Note: Auditing host or console commands may impact HSM performance.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support storage and retrieval of HSM settings:

Function (Command) Page

Display the Error Log (ERRLOG) 141
Clear the Error Log (CLEARERR) 142
Display the Audit Log (AUDITLOG) 143
Clear the Audit Log (CLEARAUDIT) 145
Audit Options (AUDITOPTIONS) 146

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Variant  Key Block 

Display the Error Log (ERRLOG) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: ERRLOG

Function: To display the entries in the error log.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  A listing of the errors in the error log, or text message: "Error log is empty".

Errors: None.

Example 1: In this example, there are no entries in the error log.

Offline> ERRLOG <Return>

Error log is empty

Example 2: In this example, there are three errors in the error log.

Offline> ERRLOG <Return>

Error Log (3 entries)
1: May 01 09:35:00 ERROR (1): Invalid queue size (Severity: 2,
Code = 00000001, Sub-code = 00000002)
2: May 01 09:35:02 ERROR (1): Key3 cannot be specified without
key2 (Severity: 0, Code = 00000004, Sub-code = 00000003)
3: May 06 13:55:00 ERROR: [Power Supply: FAILED (PSU 2
Failed) ] (Severity: 3, Code = 0x00000001, Sub-Code =

Please copy this log to a text file and send it

to your regional Thales E-Security Support center.


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Variant  Key Block 

Clear the Error Log (CLEARERR) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Function: To clear the entries in the error log.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  A confirmation message.

Errors: None.

Example: Secure> CLEARERR <Return>

Error log Cleared

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Variant  Key Block 

Display the Audit Log (AUDITLOG) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required

Function: To display the entries in the audit log.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  A listing of the entries in the audit log.

o For authorizations, the period of authorization of Console commands
will be indicated by attaching text of the form ":123" (representing
123 minutes) to the identity of the authorized activity.
 The following text messages can be output:
 Audit Log (in entries)
 Continue displaying audit log entries? Yes/No/Continuous

Notes:  Certain items are always recorded in the Audit Log, irrespective of the
selections made using AUDITOPTIONS.
These are:
o Serial numbers of smartcards used to authenticate users at the HSM
or to payShield Manager.
o Authorization of activities
o Cancellation of authorization.
o Key and component entry at the Console or payShield Manager.
When key and component entry are forcibly logged in this way, the log
entry indicates successful completion of the action.
The user can, as in earlier versions of software, use AUDITOPTIONS to
specify that the key and component entry commands are logged: this will
normally result in 2 entries in the audit log – one resulting from the
AUDITOPTIONS setting indicating that the command was initiated, and the
forcible logging indicating the successful completion of the command. If the
command does not complete successfully (e.g. because it was cancelled
by the user) then there will be no forcible logging, but the entry indicating
the command was initiated will still be there if the command was specified
 The Audit Log is displayed with the most recent entries shown first.

Errors: None.

Example 1: Offline> AUDITLOG <Return>

Audit log is empty

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Example 2: Offline> AUDITLOG <Return>

Audit Log (10 entries)
Counter Time Date Command/Event
0000000268 13:55:00 02/Jul/2013 Diagnostic self test
failure: Power
0000000267 16:45:07 01/Jul/2013 Authorized activity
admin..host was cancelled for LMK id 0
0000000266 16:45:05 01/Jul/2013 Authorized activity
admin..console:123 was cancelled
0000000265 15:54:02 01/Jul/2013 Key I/O command BK
0000000264 15:35:55 01/Jul/2013 Activity
component..console:123 was authorized for LMK id 0
0000000263 15:08:48 01/Jul/2013 Smartcard activated:
0000000262 15:08:48 01/Jul/2013 Smartcard activated:
0000000261 10:42:32 01/Jul/2013 Host command CA,
response 00
0000000260 10:36:03 01/Jul/2013 Host command CA,
response 69
0000000259 10:34:57 01/Jul/2013 System restarted
0000000258 10:32:48 01/Jul/2013 Keylock turned to
0000000257 10:32:21 01/Jul/2013 Console command CH
0000000256 09:01:56 01/Jul/2013 Diagnostic self tests


After 20 entries are displayed continuously, the

following text is displayed:

Continue displaying audit log entries? [Y/N/C]:

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Variant  Key Block 

Clear the Audit Log (CLEARAUDIT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: audit.console

Function: To clear the entries in the audit log.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity audit.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  One of the following text messages:

 Audit Log Cleared
 Audit Log is empty

Errors:  Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized - the HSM is not in Secure
State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.

Example 1: Secure-AUTH> CLEARAUDIT <Return>

Warning! The HSM's audit log contains entries that have
not yet been printed.
Please confirm that you wish to delete the entire audit
log. [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Audit Log Cleared


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Variant  Key Block 

Audit Options (AUDITOPTIONS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: audit.console

Function: To configure the HSM's auditing functionality.

The HSM can be configured to monitor and record the following events:
 Execution of individual host command
 Execution of individual console command
 User interactions, including:
 System restart (e.g. power cycle)
 State transitions (i.e. Offline, Online, Secure)
 LMK installation / erasure
 Authorization activation/cancelling
 The running and result of automatic self tests.
 Error responses to Host commands
 Host connection failures resulting from deployment of Access Control Lists.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to use this command to change the
items to be audited. Additionally, the HSM must be either in the Authorized
State, or the activity audit.console must be authorized, using the Authorizing
Officer cards of the Management LMK.
The current list of items being audited can be viewed in online state.

Inputs:  Changes to configuration:

 Audited console commands:
o +CXX to enable auditing of console command XX
o –CXX to disable auditing of console command XX
The "?" character can be used as a wildcard when specifying the
 Audited host commands
o +HXX to enable auditing of host command XX
o –HXX to disable auditing of host command XX
The "?" character can be used as a wildcard when specifying the
 Audit Error responses to Host Commands (Y/N)
 Audit user actions (Y/N)
 Audit counter value
 Audit Utilization Data Resets (Y/N)
 Audit Automatic Self testing (Y/N)
 Audit ACL connection failures (Y/N)

Outputs:  Current & new configuration details:

 List of audited console commands
 List of audited host commands
 List of user actions
 Results of automatic self tests
 Audit counter value

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Notes:  Certain operations are always recorded in the Audit Log, irrespective of the
selections made using AUDITOPTIONS.

 At the console, this includes the following console commands:

 At the host interface, this includes the following host commands:
o Q6
 At payShield Manager, this include the following operations:
o Serial numbers of smartcards used to authenticate users at the HSM
or to payShield Manager.
o Enter/cancel single authorized state or change multi authorized state
o Create Authorizing officer card
o Generate CTA cards
o Create CASC cards
o Commission RACC cards
o Prepare Key RACC for commissioning
o Commission HSM
o Run diagnostics tests
o Set HSM data and time
o Configure alarms
o Configure PIN blocks
o Configure/reset fraud settings
o Configure enabled/disabled host commands
o Configure enabled/disabled console commands
o Configure audit settings
o Configure management interface settings
o Configure general interface settings
o Configure initial interface settings
o Set/Change HRK passphrase(s)
o Configure async/Ethernet/FICON host settings
o Clear Error log
o Clear Audit log
o Install or delete new or Old LMK
o Generate/Copy/Verify LMK
o SNMP user deleted
o Firmware update attempted
o Whitelist modified
o Import Certificate TLS Management
o Import Certificate Secure Host Comm
 Key and component entry at the Console or payShield Manager. This
relates to the following Console commands (or HSM equivalents):
o CV Generate a Card Verification Value
o FK Form Key from Components
o IK Import a Key
o IV Import a CVK or PVK
o LK Load LMK
o LO Move Old LMKs into Key Change Storage
o PV Generate a Visa PIN Verification Value
When key and component entry are forcibly logged in this way, the log
entry indicates successful completion of the action.
The user can, as in earlier versions of software, use AUDITOPTIONS to
specify that the key and component entry commands are logged: this will
normally result in 2 entries in the audit log – one resulting from the
AUDITOPTIONS setting indicating that the command was initiated, and the
forcible logging indicating the successful completion of the command. If the
command does not complete successfully (e.g. because it was cancelled
by the user) then there will be no forcible logging, but the entry indicating

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the command was initiated will still be there if the command was specified
 Audit Error Responses to Host Commands: this setting allows any
relevant error responses to Host commands to be logged. In this context,
"relevant" means error responses which may indicate situations that
require investigation by the payShield 10K Administrators or Security
Officers. The use of this setting will therefore not log non-00 error
responses which are purely for information or which indicate "business as
usual" (e.g. a customer entering an incorrect PIN at a terminal).
 Auditing items (such as heavily used Host commands) which result in a
high rate of update to the Audit Log will impact negatively on performance
of the HSM.
 After completing the AUDITOPTIONS command, a reboot of the HSM may
be required in order to activate the new settings.

Errors:  Command only allowed from Offline-Authorized - the HSM is not in Offline
(or Secure) State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or
 Invalid Entry - the value entered is invalid.
 Card not formatted to save/retrieve HSM settings - Attempt with another
card? [Y/N]


Audit User Actions: YES

Audit Error Responses to Host Commands: YES
Audit utilization data resets: NO
Audit diagnostic self tests: NO
Audit ACL connection failures: NO
Audit Counter Value:
List of Audited Console Commands:
List of Audited Host Commands:

Audit User Actions? [Y/N]: y

Audit Error Responses to Host Commands? [Y/N]: n

Audit Utilization Data Resets? [Y/N]: y

Audit Automatic Self Testing? [Y/N]: y

Audit ACL connection failures? [Y/N]: y

Current Audit Counter value is: 0000000223

Enter new value (decimal digits only) or <Return> for no

Modify Audited Command List? [Y/N]: y

Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: +CDE
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit:
Enter command code (e.g. +CDE) or Q to Quit: q

Audit User Actions: YES

Audit Error Responses to Host Commands: NO
Audit utilization data resets: YES
Audit diagnostic self tests: YES
Audit ACL connection failures: YES

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Audit Counter Value:

List of Audited Console Commands:
List of Audited Host Commands:

Save Audit Settings to Smartcard? [Y/N]: n


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8.3 Time and Date Commands

The SETTIME command is used to set the system time and date used by the payShield 10K for the audit log
entries. The user should use this command to adjust the time for the local time zone. The time and date can be
queried using the GETTIME command.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support storage and retrieval of HSM settings:

Function (Command) Page

Set the time (SETTIME) 151
Query the Time and Date (GETTIME) 152
Set Time for Automatic Self-Tests (ST) 153

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Variant  Key Block 

Set the time (SETTIME) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console

Command: SETTIME

Function: To set the system time and date used by the HSM.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management

Inputs:  The time in hours and minutes.

 The date in year, month and day.

Outputs:  Text messages, as in the example below.

Errors:  Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized - the HSM is not in

Secure State, or the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or
 Response invalid. Re-enter - an invalid value has been entered.

Example: Secure-AUTH> SETTIME <Return>

Enter hours [HH](24 hour format): 10 <Return>
Enter minutes [MM]: 08 <Return>
Enter year [YYYY] (2009 or above): 2014 <Return>
Enter month [MM]: 02 <Return>
Enter day [DD]: 12 <Return>
The system time has been modified.

Setting the date or time back may prevent the payShield Manager from allowing a user to login. Care must
be taken when changing the date back such that it is not earlier than the creation date/time of any of the
smartcards that will be used to access the HSM.

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Variant  Key Block 

Query the Time and Date (GETTIME) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: GETTIME

Function: To query the system time and date.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  The year, month and date.

 The time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Errors: None.

Example: Online> GETTIME <Return>

System date and time: Feb 12 10:08:19 2014

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Variant  Key Block 

Set Time for Automatic Self-Tests (ST) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: ST

Function: Reports the time of day when the daily automatic self-tests required for PCI
HSM compliance will be run, and allows this time to be changed.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: Time of day.

Outputs: None

Errors: None.

Notes:  The default time for running the diagnostics is 0900.

Example: Secure> ST <Return>

Self test run time is 09:00.

Change? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter hour [HH] (24 hour format): 13 <Return>

Enter minute [MM]: 55 <Return>

Self test run time changed to 13:55.


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8.4 Settings, Storage and Retrieval Commands

Commands are provided to save the payShield 10K's Alarm, Host and Security settings to a smartcard and to
restore the settings to the HSM. Besides the dedicated command to Save HSM Settings to Smartcard, the
following individual configuration commands have the option to save settings to smartcard:
 CL (Configure Alarms) to save the Alarm configuration.
 CH (Configure Host Port) to save the Host port configuration.
 CS (Configure Security) to save the Security configuration.
 AUDITOPTIONS (Audit Options) to save the Audit configuration.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support storage and retrieval of HSM settings:

Function (Command) Page

Save HSM Settings to a Smartcard (SS) 155
Retrieve HSM Settings from Smartcard (RS) 156

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Variant  Key Block 

Save HSM Settings to a Smartcard (SS) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console
Command: SS

Function: To save the Alarm, Host Port, Security, Audit, Command, and PIN Block settings to a
smartcard (RACCs are supported).

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the HSM must
be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console must be authorized,
using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management LMK.

Outputs:  Confirmation messages that Alarm, Host, Security, Audit, Command, and PIN Block
settings are saved.

Errors:  Card not formatted to save/retrieve HSM settings.

Attempt with another card? [Y/N] - card is not formatted for storing HSM settings.
 Card not formatted. Attempt with another card? [Y/N] - card is not formatted.
 Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized - the HSM is not in Secure State, or
the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.

Example: Secure-AUTH> SS <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
ALARM settings saved to the smartcard.
HOST settings saved to the smartcard.
SECURITY settings saved to the smartcard.
AUDIT settings saved to the smartcard.
COMMAND settings saved to the smart card.
PIN BLOCK settings saved to the smart card.

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Variant  Key Block 

Retrieve HSM Settings from Online  Offline  Secure 
Smartcard (RS) Authorization: Required
Activity: admin.console
Command: RS

Function: To read the Alarm, Host Port, Security, Audit, Command, and PIN Block settings from
a smartcard. The user is then prompted to use these to overwrite the existing HSM
settings. If the settings on the smartcard were saved using a configuration command
(CL, CH, CS and AUDITOPTIONS), then only those settings are overwritten.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command. Additionally, the HSM
must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity admin.console must be
authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the Management LMK.

Inputs:  Whether to overwrite each of the groups of saved settings.

Outputs:  The Alarm, Host, Security, Audit, Command, and PIN Block settings stored on the
smartcard are listed.

Errors:  Card not formatted to save/retrieve HSM settings.

Attempt with another card? [Y/N] - card is not formatted for storing HSM settings.
 Card not formatted. Attempt with another card? [Y/N] - card is not formatted.
 Command only allowed from Secure-Authorized - the HSM is not in Secure State, or
the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.

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Example: Secure-AUTH> RS <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Temperature Alarm: ON
Motion Alarm: HIGH
Self Test Run Time: 09:00
Overwrite alarm settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: Y
ALARM settings retrieved from smartcard

Message header length: 4

Protocol: ETHERNET
Character format: ASCII
UDP active: YES
TCP active: YES
TLS active: YES
Number of TCP connections: 1
Well-Known-Port: 1500
Well-Known-TLS-Port: 2500
Number of host interfaces: 1

Overwrite host settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: n


PIN length: 04
Old encrypted PIN length: 05
Echo: OFF
Atalla ZMK variant support: OFF
Transaction key support: AUSTRALIAN
User storage key length: SINGLE
Select clear PINs: NO
Enable ZMK translate command: NO
Enable X9.17 for import: YES
Enable X9.17 for export: YES
Solicitation batch size: 1024
Prevent single-DES keys from masquerading as double or triple-
length keys: NO
ZMK length: DOUBLE
Decimalization tables: PLAINTEXT
Decimalization table checks enabled: YES
PIN encryption algorithm: A
Authorized state required when importing DES key under RSA key:
Minimum HMAC length in bytes: 10
Enable PKCS#11 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ANSI X9.17 import and export for HMAC keys: NO
Enable ZEK/TEK encryption of ASCII data or Binary data or None:
Restrict key check values to 6 hex chars : YES
Return PIN length in PIN translation response: YES
Enable multiple authorized activities: YES
Enable variable length PIN offset: NO
Enable weak PIN checking: NO
Enable PIN block format 34 as output format for PIN
translations to ZPK: NO
Enable PIN block account number translations: NO
Default LMK identifier: 00
Management LMK identifier: 00
Use HSM clock for date/time validation: YES
Additional padding to disguise key length: NO
Key export and import in trusted format only: NO

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Protect MULTOS cipher data checksums: YES

Enforce Atalla variant match to Thales key type: NO
Card/password authorization: C
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Translation: NO
Enable use of Tokens in PIN Verification: NO
Enable PIN translation to BDK encryption: YES
Restrict PIN block usage for PCI Compliance: NO
Enforce key type separation for PCI Compliance: NO
Enforce Authorization Time Limit: YES
Overwrite security settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: Y
SECURITY settings retrieved from smartcard.

User Action: ENABLED

Audit Counter: 00000183
24 Audited Mgmt commands
0 Audited Host commands
Audit Host Errors: DISABLED
0 Audited Console commands
Overwrite auditlog settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: n

0 Blocked Host commands

0 Blocked Console commands
Overwrite command settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: n

Pin Block Format 01: ENABLED

Pin Block Format 02: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 03: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 04: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 05: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 34: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 35: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 41: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 42: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 46: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 47: ENABLED
Pin Block Format 48: ENABLED
Overwrite pin block settings with the settings above? [Y/N]: n


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8.5 Key Management Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following host commands to support generic key management operations using
the 3DES/AES algorithm:

Function (Command) Page

Generate Key Component (GC) 160
Generate Key and Write Components to Smartcard (GS) 163
Encrypt Clear Component (EC) 167
Form Key from Components (FK) 170
Generate Key (KG) 177
Import Key (IK) 183
Export Key (KE) 187
Generate a Check Value (CK) 191
Set KMC Sequence Number (A6) 193
Convert (KEK) ZMK into a KEKr or KWKs (EA) 194

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Key Component (GC) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: component.{key}.console
Command: GC

Function: To generate a 3DES/AES key component and display it in plain and encrypted
Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: The HSM must be in the Authorized The HSM must be in the Authorized State, or the
State, or the activity activity component.{key}.console must be
component.{key}.console must be authorized, where 'key' is the key usage code of
authorized, where 'key' is the key the key component being generated.
type code of the key component
being generated.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Length: 1 (single), 2 (double),  Key Algorithm (if AES LMK): 3DES or AES
3 (triple).  Key Length: Single/Double/Triple length DES
 Key Type: See the Key Type key or (if AES LMK) 128/192/256-bit AES key.
Table in Chapter 7 of the  Key Scheme:
payShield 10K Host  Key Usage: See the Key Usage Table in
Programmer's Manual. Chapter 8 of the payShield 10K Host
 Key Scheme: Programmer's Manual.
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use Table in
Chapter 8 of the payShield 10K Host
Programmer's Manual.
 Component Number: 1-9.
 Exportability: See the Exportability Table in
Chapter 8 of the 10K Host Programmer's
 Optional Block data.

Outputs:  Clear text key component.  Clear text key component.

 Key component encrypted under  Key Block containing the component encrypted
an appropriate variant of the under the selected LMK.
selected LMK.  Component check value.
 Component check value.

Notes:  To generate an AES key component requires the command to use an AES
Key Block LMK.
 When generating key components encrypted by a Key Block LMK, the
"Component Number" field stored within the component's key block header
can be used to help identify individual components. Note, however, that this
field is not examined or used by the HSM's FK command when forming a key
from these components.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table in
the payShield 10K Host Programmer's Manual.
 Invalid key scheme for key length - the Key Scheme is inappropriate for Key
 Invalid key scheme - an invalid key scheme is entered.

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 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have been
corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example generates a double length DES key component in plaintext & encrypted form.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> GC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 001 <Return>
Enter key scheme: U <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example generates a double length DES key component in plaintext & encrypted form.
(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> GC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example generates a double length DES key component in plaintext & encrypted form.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> GC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm type [D=DES, A=AES]: D <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 4: This example generates a 128-bit AES key component in plaintext & encrypted form.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> GC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm type [D=DES, A=AES]: A <Return>
Enter key length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: K0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

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Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Key and Write Online  Offline  Secure 
Components to Smartcard (GS) Authorization: Required
Activity: component.{key}.console
Command: GS

Function: Generates a 3DES/AES key in 2 to 3 component and write the components to

Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: The HSM must be in the Authorized The HSM must be in the Authorized
State, or the activity State, or the activity
component.{key}.console must be component.{key}.console must be
authorized, where 'key' is the key authorized, where 'key' is the key
type code of the key being usage code of the key being
generated. generated.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Length: 1 (single), 2 (double),  Key Algorithm (if AES LMK): 3DES or
3 (triple). AES
 Key Type: See the Key Type  Key Length: Single/Double/Triple
Table in the Host Programmer's length DES key or (if AES LMK)
Manual. 128/192/256-bit AES key.
 Key Scheme.  Key Scheme.
 Number of components: 2-3.  Number of components: 2-3.
 Smartcard PINs. PINs must be  Key Usage: See the Key Usage
entered within 60 seconds of Table in the Host Programmer's
being requested. Manual.
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Key Version Number: 00-99.
 Exportability: See the Exportability
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Optional Block data.
 Smartcard PINs. PINs must be
entered within 60 seconds of being

Outputs:  Key encrypted under an  Key Block containing the key

appropriate variant of the selected encrypted under the selected LMK.
LMK.  Key check value.
 Key check value.

Notes  To generate an AES key requires the command to use an AES Key Block
 If multiple copies of a smartcard are required, these must be created when
running the GS console command. It is not possible to duplicate these
smartcards once the GS console command has completed.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered.
 Warning - card not blank. Proceed? [Y/N] - the smartcard entered is not

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 Overwrite key component? [Y/N] - the smartcard already contains a key

component. It can be overwritten if desired.
 Device write failed - the component could not be verified.
 Invalid key scheme for key length - the Key scheme is inappropriate for Key
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table in
the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Invalid key scheme - an invalid key scheme is entered.
 Invalid entry - an invalid number of components has been entered.
 Not an LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted.
 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to
perform this operation.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example writes two double length DES key components to two
(Variant LMK) smartcards, and encrypts the formed key.

Online-AUTH> GS <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 1 <Return>
Enter key type: 001 <Return>
Enter key scheme: 0 <Return>
Enter number of components [2-3]: 2 <Return>
Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted key: YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 2: This example generates and writes two double length 3DES key
(3DES Key Block components to two smartcards, and encrypts the formed key.
Online-AUTH> GS <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter number of components [2-3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example generates and writes two double length 3DES key
(AES Key Block components to two smartcards, and encrypts the formed key.
Online-AUTH> GS <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: 3 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter number of components [2-3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 4: This example generates and writes two128-bit AES key components to two
(AES Key Block smartcards, and encrypts the formed key.
Online-AUTH> GS <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: A <Return>
Enter key length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter number of components [2-3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>

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Enter key version number: 00 <Return>

Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>
Make additional copies? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Encrypt Clear Component (EC) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: component.{key}.console
Command: EC

Function: To encrypt a clear text 3DES/AES key component and display the result at
the console.
If a 3DES key component does not have odd parity, odd parity will be forced
before encryption by the selected LMK.
Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: The HSM must be in the Authorized The HSM must be in the Authorized
State, or the activity State, or the activity
component.{key}.console must be component.{key}.console must be
authorized, where 'key' is the key authorized, where 'key' is the key
type code of the component being usage code of the component being
encrypted. encrypted.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Type: See the Key Type  Component Algorithm (if AES LMK):
Table in the Host Programmer's 3DES or AES
Manual.  Component Length:
 Key Scheme. Single/Double/Triple length DES
 Clear Component: 16/32/48 hex key or (if AES LMK) 128/192/256-bit
digits. AES key.
 Key Scheme.
 Key Usage: See the Key Usage
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Component Number: 1-9.
 Exportability: See the Exportability
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Optional Block data.
 Clear Component: 16/32/48 hex

Outputs:  Component encrypted under an  Key Block containing the

appropriate variant of the selected component encrypted under the
LMK. selected LMK.
 Component check value.  Component check value.

Notes  To encrypt an AES key component requires the command to use an AES
Key Block LMK.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the input data does not contain 16 or 32 or
48 hexadecimal characters. Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
in the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Invalid key scheme - an invalid key scheme is entered.

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 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to

perform this operation.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example encrypts a plaintext double length DES key component.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> EC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key type: 001 <Return>
Enter key Scheme: U <Return>
Encrypted component: U YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example encrypts a plaintext double length DES key component.
(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> EC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter component length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example encrypts a plaintext double length DES key component.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> EC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: 3 <Return>
Enter component length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: D0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 4: This example encrypts a plaintext 128-bit AES key component.

(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> EC <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: A <Return>
Enter component length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Enter key usage: K0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter component number [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: L <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Encrypted component: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Form Key from Components (FK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: component.{key}.console
Command: FK

Function: To build a 3DES/AES key from components. If clear 3DES key components
are used, they will not be checked for parity, but odd parity will be forced on
the final key before encryption under the selected LMK.
Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: The HSM must be in the The HSM must be in the Authorized
Authorized State, or the activity State, or the activity
component.{key}.console must component.{key}.console must be
be authorized, where 'key' is the authorized, where 'key' is the key usage
key type code of the key being code of the key being formed.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Length: 1 (single), 2 (double),  Key Algorithm (if AES LMK): 3DES or
3 (triple). AES
 Key Type: See the Key Type  Key Length: Single/Double/Triple
Table in the Host Programmer's length DES key or (if AES LMK)
Manual. 128/192/256-bit AES key.
 Key Scheme. Must be U, T, or  Key Scheme.
None/Z.  Component Type (for AES keys): X
 Component Type: X (xor), H (xor), E (encrypted), S (smartcard),
(half), E (encrypted), S  Component Type (for DES keys): X
(smartcard), T (third). (xor), E (encrypted), S (smartcard), H
 Number of Components: 1-9 if the (half), T (third).
security setting "AU Components"  Number of Components: 1-9 if the
has been set to "NO", otherwise security setting "Enforce Multiple Key
2-9. Components" has been set to "NO",
 Clear Components: 16/32/48 hex otherwise 2-9.
digits.  Key Usage: See the Key Usage Table
the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Key Version Number: 00-99.
 Exportability: See the Exportability
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Optional Block data.
 Clear Components: 16/32/48 hex digits.

Outputs:  Key encrypted under an  Key Block containing the component

appropriate variant of the selected encrypted under the selected LMK.
LMK.  Key Check Value.
 Key Check Value.

Notes:  To form an AES key requires the command to use an AES Key Block LMK.
 PINs must be entered within 60 seconds of being requested.
 When using key components encrypted by a Key Block LMK, the FK
command ignores the "Component Number" field stored within each
component key block.

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Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Incompatible header values - the field values are incompatible between
 Incompatible key status optional blocks - there is a mismatch between the
values contained in one or more key status optional blocks.
 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to
perform this operation.
 Invalid key scheme - an invalid key scheme is entered.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
in the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Key all zero - the key is invalid.
 Invalid entry - an invalid number of components has been entered.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the amount of input data is incorrect. Re-
enter the correct number of hexadecimal characters.
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - a PIN of less than 4 or greater than 8 is entered.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - invalid PIN is entered.
 No component card - no key component on the provided smartcard.
 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Card not formatted - card is not formatted.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Notes:  Component type H is not permitted for Triple – DES keys.

 Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.

Example 1: This example forms a key from plaintext component.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length[1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme: U <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: X <Return>
Enter number of components [1-9]: 2 <Return>

Enter component 1: **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

**** <Return>
Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter component 2: **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

**** <Return>
Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example forms a key from components on a smartcard.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length[1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme: U <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: S <Return>

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Enter number of components (1-9): 2 <Return>

Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example forms a key from encrypted components.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length[1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme: U <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: E <Return>
Enter number of components (1-9): 2 <Return>


XXXX <Return>
Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>


XXXX <Return>
Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 4: The security settings require that multiple components are used to form keys,
(Variant LMK) but the user attempts to form a key from one component.

Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length[1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme: U <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: E <Return>
Enter number of components (2-9): 1 <Return>

Invalid Entry
Enter number of components (2-9): 2 <Return>


XXXX <Return>
Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>


XXXX <Return>
Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 5: This example forms a single length DES key from plaintext components.
(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 1 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: X <Return>
Enter number of components [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 99 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Enter component 1: **** **** **** **** <Return>

Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter component 2: **** **** **** **** <Return>

Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 6: This example forms a double length 3DES key from components on a
(3DES Key Block smartcard.
Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter Key Length[1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: S <Return>
Enter number of components (1-9): 2 <Return>

Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 7: This example forms a double length 3DES key from plaintext components.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: 3 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Component type [X,H,E,S,T]: X <Return>
Enter number of components [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 99 <Return>

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Enter exportability: E <Return>

Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Enter component 1: **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

**** <Return>
Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter component 2: **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

**** <Return>
Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 8: This example forms a 128-bit AES key from components on a smartcard.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: A <Return>
Enter key length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Component type [X,E,S]: S <Return>
Enter number of components [1-9]: 2 <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Insert card 1 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 1 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Insert card 2 and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 8: This example forms a 128-bit AES key from encrypted components.
(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> FK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: A <Return>
Enter key length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme: S <Return>
Component type [X,E,S]: E <Return>
Enter number of components [1-9]: 3 <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 03 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2005:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 04 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2007:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Enter component 1: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>

Component 1 check value: XXXXXX

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Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter component 2: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>

Component 2 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Enter component 3: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>

Component 3 check value: XXXXXX
Continue? [Y/N]: y <Return>

Encrypted key: S YYYYYYYY……YYYYYY

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Key (KG) Online  Offline  Secure 

Variant LMK
Authorization: Determined by KTT(G&E)
Activity: generate.{key}.console and

Key Block LMK

Authorization: If export to non-KB.
Activity: export.{key}.console

Command: KG

Function: To generate a random 3DES/AES key and return it encrypted under the LMK
and optionally under a ZMK (for transmission to another party).

Variant LMK Key Block LMK

Authorization: This command examines the The authorization requirement for this
'Generate' flag of the given key type command depends solely on the type of
within the Key Type Table to export being requested:
determine the authorization
requirement. If the flag is 'A', the Exported key scheme Authorization
HSM must either be in the No export None
Authorized State, or the activity 'S' (Thales Key None
generate.{key}.console must be Block)
authorized, where 'key' is the key 'R' (TR-31 Key Block) None
type code of the key being 'U', 'T' (Variant) Required
generated. 'Z', 'X', 'Y' (X9.17) Required
If the generated key is required to
be exported under the ZMK, this If authorization is required, the HSM must
command also examines the either be in the Authorized State, or the
'Export' flag of the given key type activity export.{key}.console must be
within the Key Type Table. If the flag authorized, where 'key' is the key usage
is 'A', the HSM must either be in the code of the key being exported.
Authorized State, or the activity
export.{key}.console must be
authorized, where 'key' is the key
type code of the key being exported.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Length: 1 (single), 2 (double),  Key Algorithm (if AES LMK): 3DES or
3 (triple). AES
 Key Type: See the Key Type Table  Key Length: Single/Double/Triple
in the Host Programmer's Manual. length DES key or (if AES LMK)
 Key Scheme (LMK). 128/192/256-bit AES key.
 Key Scheme (ZMK) (if exporting).  Key Scheme (LMK).
 ZMK (if exporting).  Key Scheme (ZMK) (if exporting).
 Key Block values if exporting to  ZMK (if exporting).
TR-31 format  Key Usage: See the Key Usage Table
in the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Key Version Number: 00-99.

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 Exportability: See the Exportability

Table in the Host Programmer's
 Optional Block data.
 Exportability of exported key (if

Outputs:  Key encrypted under an  Key Block containing the key encrypted
appropriate variant of the selected under the selected LMK.
LMK.  Key/Key Block encrypted under the
 Key/Key Block encrypted under ZMK (if exporting).
the ZMK (if exporting).  Key Check Value.
 Key Check Value.

Notes:  To generate an AES key or to use an AES ZMK requires the command to
use an AES Key Block LMK.
 For security reasons, when using a Key Block LMK, this command will not
support the export of a DEK (Key Usage = "D0" or "21") to variant or X9.17

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Must be in Authorized State or Activity not authorized - the key type
provided requires the HSM to be in Authorized State.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the encrypted ZMK does not contain the
correct characters, or the key check value does not contain 6 hexadecimal
characters. Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal characters.
 Key parity error; please re-enter - the ZMK does not have odd parity on
each byte. Re-enter the encrypted ZMK and check for typographic errors.
 Invalid key scheme for key length - the Key scheme is inappropriate for Key
 Invalid key scheme - the key scheme is invalid.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example generates a new double length DES key.

(Variant LMK)
Online> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): U <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): <Return>
Enter ZMK: <Return>
Key Check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example generates a new double length DES key, and exports it to
(Variant LMK) X9.17 format.

Online-AUTH> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 002 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): U <Return>

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Enter key scheme (ZMK): X <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example generates a new double length DES key, and exports it to TR-
(Variant LMK) 31 format.

Online-AUTH> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key type: 001 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): U <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): R <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 44 <Return>
Enter exportability: N <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: TS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2022-09-26T16:06:00Z <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KC <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KP <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: ABCD4 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 99 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 123456EF <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>

Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 4: This example generates a new double length DES key, and exports it to
(3DES Key Block X9.17 format.
Online-AUTH> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): X <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 22 <Return>

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Enter exportability: N <Return>

Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 5: This example generates a new double length DES key, and exports it to TR-31
(3DES Key Block format.
Online> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): R <Return>
Enter key usage: 72 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 33 <Return>
Enter exportability: E <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 03 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2005:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 04 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2007:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Enter exportability field for exported key block: <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 0E11111111 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: TS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2022-09-26T16:06:00Z <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: IK <Return>
Enter optional block data: 112233445566778 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KC <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KP <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KV <Return>
Enter optional block data: 1 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: ABCD4 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 99 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 123456EF <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 6: This example generates a new double length DES key.

(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: 3 <Return>
Enter key length [1,2,3]: 2 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>

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Enter key scheme (ZMK): <Return>

Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter exportability: N <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 7: This example generates a new 128-bit AES key.

(AES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> KG <Return>
Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>
Enter algorithm [3DES/AES]: A <Return>
Enter key length [128,192,256]: 128 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): <Return>
Enter key usage: K0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 00 <Return>
Enter exportability: N <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Import Key (IK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: command.ik.console
Command: IK

Function: To import a 3DES/AES key from encryption under a ZMK to encryption

under an LMK.
If an imported 3DES key does not have odd parity a warning will be issued
and odd parity will be forced on the key before encryption under the
specified LMK.

Authorization: The HSM must either be in the Authorized State, or the activity
command.ik.console must be authorized.

Variant LMK Key Block LMK

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Type: See the Key Type  Key Scheme (LMK).
Table in the Host Programmer's  ZMK to be used to decrypt the key.
Manual.  Key/Key Block to be imported.
 Key Scheme (LMK).
 ZMK to be used to decrypt the For import from Variant/X9.17:
key.  Key Usage: See the Key Usage Table
 Key/Key Block to be imported. in the payShield 10K Host
Programmer's Manual.
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of Use
Table in the payShield 10K Host
Programmer's Manual.
 Key Version Number: 00-99.
 Exportability: See the Exportability
Table in the payShield 10K Host
Programmer's Manual.
 Optional Block data.

For import from a key block format:

 Modified Key Usage
 Optional Block data.

Outputs:  Key encrypted under an  Key Block containing the key

appropriate variant of the selected encrypted under the selected LMK.
LMK.  Key Check Value.
 Key Check Value.

Notes:  To import an AES key or to use an AES ZMK requires the command to
use an AES Key Block LMK.
 For security reasons, when using a Key Block LMK, this command will not
support the import of a DEK (Key Usage = "D0" or "21") from variant or
X9.17 format.
 Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.
 If the option "Enforce Atalla variant match to Thales key type" is set to YES
in the CS console command, the following matchings between Atalla
variant and Thales variant key types will be enforced:

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Key Type Atalla Thales Variant (*) Thales Variant ()

TPK 1 or 01 002 LMK 14-15 70D LMK 36-37/7
ZPK 001 LMK 06-07 001 LMK 06-07
ZEK 2 or 02 00B LMK 32-33 00B LMK 32-33
00A LMK 30-31 00A LMK 30-31
TAK 3 or 03 003 LMK 16-17 003 LMK 16-17
ZAK 008 LMK 26-27 008 LMK 26-27
CVK 402 LMK 14-15/4 402 LMK 14-15/4
TMK 4 or 04 002 LMK 14-15 80D LMK 36-37/8
PVK 002 LMK 14-15 70D LMK 36-37/7
002 LMK 14-15 002 LMK 14-15
TMK 5 or 05 002 LMK 14-15 80D LMK 36-37/8
BDK type-1 8 or 08 009 LMK 28-29 009 LMK 28-29
MK-AC 9 or 09 109 LMK 28-29/1 109 LMK 28-29/1
MK-SMI 9 or 09 209 LMK 28-29/2 209 LMK 28-29/2
MK-SMC 9 or 09 309 LMK 28-29/3 309 LMK 28-29/3
TEK 26 30B LMK 32-33/3 30B LMK 32-33/3
BDK type-2 30 609 LMK 28-29/6 609 LMK 28-29/6
BDK type-3 8 or 08 809 LMK 28-29/8 809 LMK 28-29/8
* Applies if the security setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI
HSM compliance" has the value "N"
Applies if the security setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI
HSM compliance" has the value "Y"

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Must be in Authorized State or Activity not authorized - the key type
provided requires the HSM to be in Authorized State.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the encrypted ZMK does not contain the
correct characters, or the key check value does not contain 6 hexadecimal
characters. Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal characters.
 Key parity error; re-enter key - the parity of the ZMK is not odd.
 Warning: key parity corrected - the parity of the key encrypted under the
ZMK is not odd.
 Invalid key scheme - the key scheme is invalid.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
in the Host Programmer's Manual.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example imports a key from X9.17 format.

(Variant LMK)
Online> IK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter Key type: 002 <Return>
Enter Key Scheme: U <Return>

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Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example imports a key from TR-31 format.

(Variant LMK)
Online> IK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key type: 009 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): U <Return>
Enter key: R XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example imports a key from X9.17 format.

(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> IK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 27 <Return>
Enter exportability: N <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 4: This example imports a key from TR-31 format. Note that a new (more
(3DES Key Block restrictive) value for the imported key block's Key Usage field is entered
LMK) during the import process.

Online> IK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key: R XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Enter modified key usage: 72 <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 03 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2005:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter optional block identifier: 04 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2007:12:21:00 <Return>
Enter more optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 5: This example imports a key from Thales Key Block format.
(3DES or AES Key
Block LMK) Online> IK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (LMK): S <Return>
Enter key: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Export Key (KE) Online  Offline  Secure 

Variant LMK
Authorization: Determined by KTT(E)
Activity: export.{key}.console

Key Block LMK

Authorization: If export to non-KB
Activity: export.{key}.console

Command: KE

Function: To translate a 3DES/AES key from encryption under the specified LMK to
encryption under a ZMK.
Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: This command examines the The authorization requirement for this
'Export' flag of the given key type command depends on the type of
within the Key Type Table to export being requested:
determine whether authorization is
required. If required, the HSM must Exported key
either be in the Authorized State, or scheme
the activity export.{key}.console 'S' (Thales Key None
must be authorized, where 'key' is Block)
the key type code of the key being 'R' (TR-31 Key None
exported. Block)
'U', 'T' (Variant) Required
'Z', 'X', 'Y' (X9.17) Required

If authorization is required, the HSM

must either be in the Authorized State,
or the activity export.{key}.console
must be authorized, where 'key' is the
key usage code of the key being

For AES LMKs, keys can only be

exported in Thales Key Block format.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Type: See the Key Type  Key Scheme (ZMK).
Table in the Host Programmer's  ZMK to be used to encrypt the key.
Manual.  Key to be exported.
 Key Scheme (ZMK).
 ZMK to be used to encrypt the For export to key block format:
key.  Exportability of exported key.
 Key to be exported.
For export to Thales Key Block &
 Key Usage: See the Key Usage
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Mode of Use: See the Mode of
Use Table the payShield 10K
Host Programmer's Manual.

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 Key Version Number: 00-99.

 Exportability: See the Exportability
Table in the payShield 10K Host
Programmer's Manual.
 Optional Block data.
Note export from a Variant LMK to
Thales Key Block is not permitted.

Outputs:  Key/Key Block encrypted under  Key/Key Block encrypted under the
the ZMK. ZMK.
 Key Check Value.  Key Check Value.

Notes:  To export an AES key or to use an AES ZMK requires the command to use
an AES Key Block LMK.
 For security reasons, when using a Key Block LMK, this command will not
support the export of a DEK (Key Usage = "D0" or "21") to variant or X9.17

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Must be in Authorized State or Activity not authorized - the key type
provided requires the HSM to be in Authorized State.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the encrypted ZMK or key does not contain
16 or 32 hex or 1 alpha + 32 hex or 1 alpha + 48 hex. Re-enter the correct
number of hexadecimal characters.
 Key parity error; re-enter key - the ZMK or key does not have odd parity on
each byte. Re-enter the key and check for typographic errors.
 Invalid key scheme - the key scheme is invalid.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
the payShield 10K Host Programmer's Manual.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

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Example 1: This example exports a key to X9.17 format.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> KE <Return>
Enter Key type: 002 <Return>
Enter Key Scheme: X <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 2: This example exports a key to TR-31 format.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> KE <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key type: 001 <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): R <Return>
Enter key usage: P0 <Return>
Enter mode of use: N <Return>
Enter key version number: 44 <Return>
Enter exportability: N <Return>
Enter optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: TS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2022-09-26T16:06:00Z <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KC <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KP <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: ABCD4 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 99 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 123456EF <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 3: This example exports a key to X9.17 format.

(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online-AUTH> KE <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): X <Return>
Enter key: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Example 4: This example exports a key to TR-31 format.

(3DES Key Block
LMK) Online> KE <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): R <Return>
Enter key: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Enter exportability field for exported key block:
Enter TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 0E11111111 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: TS <Return>
Enter optional block data: 2022-09-26T16:06:00Z <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: IK <Return>
Enter optional block data: 112233445566778 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KC <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KP <Return>
The KCV is inserted into TR-31 optional block data
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: KV <Return>
Enter optional block data: 1 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 00 <Return>
Enter optional block data: ABCD4 <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Enter TR-31 optional block identifier: 99 <Return>
Enter optional block data: 123456EF <Return>
Enter more TR-31 optional blocks? [Y/N]: N <Return>


Key check value: ZZZZZZ

Example 5: This example exports a key to Thales Key Block format.

(3DES or AES Key
Block LMK) Online> KE <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key scheme (ZMK): S <Return>
Enter key: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Enter exportability field for exported key block:
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate a Check Value (CK) Online  Offline  Secure 

Variant LMK
Authorization: Required if  6 digits
Activity: generate.{key}.console

Key Block LMK

Authorization: Not required.

Command: CK

Function: To generate a key check value (KCV) for a 3DES/AES key encrypted under a
specified LMK.
Variant LMK Key Block LMK
Authorization: This command only requires The HSM does not require any
authorization when calculating authorization to run this command.
either 8 or 16 digit Key Check Note: Key Check Values of key blocks
Values. If required, the HSM must are always 6-digits in length.
either be in the Authorized State, or
the activity
generate.{key}.console must be
authorized, where 'key' is the key
type of the key being used.
Regardless of the authorization
requirement, this command
examines the 'Generate' flag of the
given key type within the Key Type
Table to determine whether the
check value can be calculated.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier: 00-99.  LMK Identifier: 00-99.

 Key Type: See the Key Type  Key.
Table in the Host Programmer's
 Key Length: 1 (single), 2
(double), 3 (triple).
 Key.

Outputs:  Key Check Value.  Key Check Value.

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Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Incompatible LMK schemes - the LMK schemes are different.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - incorrect number of characters.
 Key parity error; re-enter key - the entered key does not have odd parity
on each byte. Re-enter the complete line (key and Key-Type code) and
check for typographic errors.
 Invalid key type; re-enter - the key type is invalid. See the Key Type Table
in the payShield 10K Host Programmer's Manual.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or
incompatible with previously entered values.

Example 1: This example generates a check value of a key.

(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> CK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key type code: 001 <Return>
Enter key length flag [S/D/T]: D <Return>
XXXX <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ

Example 2: This example generates a check value of a key.

(Key Block LMK)
Online> CK <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key block: S XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX……XXXXXXXXX <Return>
Key check value: ZZZZZZ

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Variant  Key Block 

Set KMC Sequence Number (A6)
Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: A6

Function: To set the value of the KMC sequence number held within the HSM protected

Note: This command is provided for the MasterCard OBKM functionality.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the Offline state to run this command. Additionally, the
HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console must
be authorized.

Inputs: New sequence number value.

Outputs: None.

Errors: Not Authorized - The HSM is not in Authorized State

Not Offline – The HSM must be offline to run this command
Invalid Entry – The value entered is invalid (Counter can have any value between
00000000 and FFFFFFFF).

Example: Offline-AUTH> A6 <Return>

Current KMC sequence number is: 00000000 000000F3
Enter new value or <Enter> for no change: 2BAF <Return>
Current KMC sequence number is: 00000000 00002BAF

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Variant  Key Block 

Convert (KEK) ZMK into a KEKr or KWKs (EA) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: component.{key}.console

Command: EA

Function: To move a (KEK)ZMK from encryption under LMK Pair 4 – 5 to encryption under LMK Pair 4 – 5
variant 3 or 4.

Notes: This command is used to support the functionality provided for the Australian AS2805

The payShield must be in Authorized State.

This command supports Variant LMKs only.

Input: KEK (ZMK) encrypted under LMK pair 4 – 5: 32 Hex or 1 Alpha + 32 Hex or 1 Alpha + 48 Hex.

Key Check Value: 6 Hex

KEK type (R/ S) : KEKr or KEKs

Key scheme: Key scheme for encrypting key under LMK.

Output: KEKr or KEKs.

Errors: NOT AUTHORISED – Self explanatory.

KEY PARITY ERROR – The KEK (ZMK) does not have odd parity.

KEY CHECK VALUE FAILURE – The Key Check Value does not match the key.

MASTER KEY PARITY ERROR – The contents of LMK storage have been corrupted or erased.
Do not continue – inform the Security Department.


Online–AUTH> EA <Return>
Enter Key check value: XXXXXX <Return>
Enter KEK type (R/S): R <Return>
Key Scheme: U <Return>

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8.6 Payment System Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support some of the card payment systems
host commands.

Function (Command) Page

Generate a Card Verification Value (CV) 196
Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (PV) 198
Load the Diebold Table (R) 200
Encrypt Decimalization Table (ED) 202
Translate Decimalization Table (TD) 203
Generate a MAC on an IPB (MI) 205

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate a Card Verification Value Online  Offline  Secure 
(CV) Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: CV

Function: To generate a VISA CVV or MasterCard CVC.

Authorization: The HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when decrypting the supplied
 Encrypted CVK
 Primary account number (PAN) for the card: up to 19 decimal digits.
 Card Expiry date: 4 decimal digits.
 Service code: 3 decimal digits.

Outputs:  Card Verification Value: 3 decimal digits.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to
perform this operation.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - possibly incorrect key length. Could also be
incorrect PAN, card expiry date, or service code length or non-decimal PAN,
card expiry date or service code.
 Key parity error; please re-enter - the parity of the key entered is not odd.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Notes: Use of this command will always create an entry in the Audit Log.

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Example 1: This example generates a CVV using a CVK pair encrypted in variant format.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> CV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key A: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Enter key B: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Enter PAN: 1234567812345678 <Return>
Enter expiry date: 0694 <Return>
Enter service code: 123 <Return>
CVV: 321

Example 2: This example generates a CVV using a double length CVK in variant format.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> CV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter PAN: 1234567812345678 <Return>
Enter expiry date: 0694 <Return>
Enter service code: 123 <Return>
CVV: 321

Example 3: This example generates a CVV using a CVK in key block format.
(Key Block LMK)
Online-AUTH> CV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key block: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Enter PAN: 1234567812345678 <Return>
Enter expiry date: 0694 <Return>
Enter service code: 123 <Return>
CVV: 321

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate a VISA PIN Verification Value Online  Offline  Secure 
(PV) Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: PV

Function: To generate a VISA PIN Verification Value (PVV).

Authorization: The HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when decrypting the supplied
 Encrypted PVK.
 The PVV data block comprising:
o The 11 right-most digits of the account number (excluding check digit):
11 decimal digits.
o The PIN verification key indicator (PVKI): 1 decimal digit.
o The 4 left-most digits of the clear PIN: 4 decimal digits.

Outputs:  The PIN Verification Value (PVV): 4 decimal digits.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to
perform this operation.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the PVK A, PVK B or the PVV data block field
is not 16 characters long. Re-enter the correct number of characters.
 Key parity error; please re-enter - the PVK A or PVK B does not have odd
parity on each byte. Re-enter the encrypted PVK A or PVK B and check for
typographic errors.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have been
corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.
 Various key block field errors – the value entered is invalid, or incompatible
with previously entered values.

Notes:  The completion of this activity will always be entered in the audit log
irrespective of the AUDITOPTIONS settings,

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Example 1: This example generates a PVV using a PVK pair in variant format.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> PV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter key A: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Enter key B: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Enter PVV data block: XXXXXXXXXXX N NNNN <Return>

Example 2: This example generates a PVV using a double length PVK in variant format.
(Variant LMK)
Online-AUTH> PV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter PVV data block: XXXXXXXXXXX N NNNN <Return>

Example 3: This example generates a PVV using a PVK in key block format.
(Key Block LMK)
Online-AUTH> PV <Return>
Enter LMK id: 01 <Return>
Enter key block: S XXXXXXXX……XXXXXX <Return>
Enter PVV data block: XXXXXXXXXXX N NNNN <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Load the Diebold Table (R) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: R

Function: To load the Diebold table into user storage in the HSM.

Authorization: The HSM must be online and must be either in the Authorized State, or the
activity misc.console must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards
of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when encrypting the supplied
 Location in user storage at which to store the Diebold table. See notes

Outputs:  The 512-character encrypted table: 16 lines of 32 hexadecimal characters


Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Command only allowed from Online-Authorized - the HSM is not online, or
the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation, or both.
 Invalid index - the specified location in user storage is out of range. Enter a
valid value.
 Data invalid; please re-enter - the entered index is not 3 hexadecimal
characters long, or a table entry is not 16 hexadecimal characters long. Re-
enter the correct number of hexadecimal characters.
 Invalid table: duplicate or missing values - some of the data entered is not a
valid entry for a Diebold table. Check the table and re-enter the data,
checking for typographic errors.
 Internal failure 12: function aborted - the contents of LMK storage have
been corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the Security Department.

Notes:  Encryption of the Diebold Table:

o If the security setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM
compliance" has the value "N", the Diebold table is encrypted using
LMK pair 14-15 variant 0.
o If the security setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM
compliance" has the value "Y", the Diebold table is encrypted using
LMK pair 36-37 variant 6.
 User Storage is structured in different ways depending on whether the
security setting "User storage key length" has a fixed length value ( setting =
S(ingle), D(ouble), T(riple) ) or is variable ( setting = V(ariable) ).
o If the length is fixed, the Diebold table is stored as 32 contiguous blocks
of 16 characters. The index for the first block must be in the range 000-
o If the length is variable, the Diebold table is stored as a single block of
512 characters. Because this needs to use one of the larger slots
capable of handling blocks larger than 100 bytes, the index must be in
the range 000-07F.
See the payShield 10K Host Programmer's Manual for further information.
 If the security setting "Enforce key type 002 separation for PCI HSM
compliance" is changed, the Diebold Table must be re-entered by using this
command. Therefore, it is important that the cleartext version of the table is

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Example: The security setting "User storage key length" has a fixed length value.

Online-AUTH> R <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter index (000 – FE0): XXX <Return>
Now enter table, 16 hex digits/line
Line 01: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Line 02:

Line 32: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>



encrypted table are displayed)

Note: The result of the "R" command gives no indication as to the LMK scheme or LMK identifier
used in the command. When this value is used with other (host) commands, the user must ensure
that the correct LMK is specified in the command.

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Variant  Key Block 

Encrypt Decimalization Table (ED) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: ED

Function: To encrypt a 16 digit decimalization table for use with host commands using
IBM 3624 PIN Generation & Verification.

Authorization: The HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when encrypting the decimalization
 Decimalization table. 16 decimal digits that specify the mapping between
hexadecimal & decimal numbers.
 The HSM by default checks that the decimalization table contains at least 8
different digits, with no digit repeated more than 4 times. This feature may
be disabled using the Configure Security parameter "Enable decimalization
table check". Disabling of this feature is not recommended.

Outputs:  Encrypted decimalization table:

 16 Hex characters when using a Variant LMK or a 3DES Key Block
 32 Hex characters when using an AES LMK.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Not Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation.
 Decimalization table invalid - the decimalization table is not all decimal or
does not contain at least 8 different digits with no digit repeated more than 4
 Master Key Parity Error - the contents of the HSM storage have been
corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the security department.

Example: This example encrypts a decimalization table using a Variant LMK (same
(Variant or 3DES applies with 3DES Key Block LMK).
Key Block LMK)
Online–AUTH> ED <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter decimalization table: 0123456789012345 <Return>
Encrypted decimalization table: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Example: This example encrypts a decimalization table using an AES LMK.

(AES Key Block
LMK) Online–AUTH> ED <Return>
Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter decimalization table: 0123456789012345 <Return>
Encrypted decimalization table: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Note: The result of the "ED" command gives no indication as to the LMK scheme or LMK identifier
used in the command. When this value is used with other (host) commands, the user must ensure
that the correct LMK is specified in the command.

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Variant  Key Block 

Translate Decimalization Table (TD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: TD

Function: To translate an encrypted decimalization table from Encryption under an old

LMK to encryption under the corresponding new LMK.

Authorization: The HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when translating the decimalization
 Encrypted Decimalization table. This is the result of encrypting a
decimalization table using the ED command. The size of the encrypted
decimalization table depends on the LMK used to encrypt it: for DES-based
Variant and 3DES Key Block LMKs, the size is 16 hex digits. For AES Key
Block LMKs, the size is 32 hex digits.
 The HSM by default checks that the decimalization table contains at least 8
different digits, with no digit repeated more than 4 times. This feature may
be disabled using the Configure Security parameter "Enable decimalization
table check". Disabling of this feature is not recommended.

Outputs:  Encrypted decimalization table:

 16 Hex characters when using a Variant LMK or a 3DES Key Block
 32 Hex characters when using an AES LMK.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Not Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to perform this operation.
 Decimalization Table Invalid - decimalization table not all
decimal or does not contain at least 8 different digits with no digit repeated
more than 4 times.
 Master Key Parity Error - the contents of the HSM storage have been
corrupted or erased. Do not continue. Inform the security department.
 No LMK in Key Change Storage - Key Change storage is empty.

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Example: Online–AUTH> TD <Return>

(Variant or 3DES Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Key Block LMK) Enter decimalization table encrypted under old LMK :
Decimalization table encrypted under new LMK :

Example: Online–AUTH> TD <Return>

(AES Key Block Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
LMK) Enter decimalization table encrypted under old LMK :
Decimalization table encrypted under new LMK :

Note: The result of the "TD" command gives no indication as to the LMK scheme or LMK identifier
used in the command. When this value is used with other (host) commands, the user must ensure
that the correct LMK is specified in the command.

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate a MAC on an IPB (MI) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: misc.console
Command: MI

Function: To generate a MAC on the Cryptogram component of a CAP IPB.

Authorization: The HSM must be either in the Authorized State, or the activity misc.console
must be authorized, using the Authorizing Officer cards of the relevant LMK.

Inputs:  LMK identifier: indicates the LMK to use when generating the MAC.
 8 byte IPB represented as 16 hex ASCII characters.

Outputs:  4 byte MAC over the plaintext IPB input data.

Errors:  Invalid LMK identifier - no LMK loaded or entered identifier out of range.
 Command only allowed from Authorized - the HSM is not authorized to
perform this operation.
 IPB is not 8 bytes. Please re-enter - the validation of the IPB failed.
 Warning: Less than 16 '1'bits in IPB - the IPB contains less than 16 '1' bits.

Example: Online-AUTH> MI <Return>

Enter LMK id: 00 <Return>
Enter IPB: FFFFFFFF00000000 <Return>

Note: The result of the "MI" command gives no indication as to the LMK scheme or LMK identifier
used in the command. When this value is used with other (host) commands, the user must ensure
that the correct LMK is specified in the command.

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8.7 Smartcard Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support HSM smartcards. Please note that
some of these commands are designed to operate only with the legacy HSM smartcards while other may
support both the legacy and new smartcards used in the payShield Manager.

Function (Command) Page

Format an HSM Smartcard (FC) 207
Create an Authorizing Officer Smartcard (CO) 209
Verify the Contents of a Smartcard (VC) 210
Change a Smartcard PIN (NP) 211
Read Unidentifiable Smartcard Details (RC) 212
Eject a Smartcard (EJECT) 213


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Variant  Key Block 

Format an HSM Smartcard (FC) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: FC

Function: To format an HSM smartcard for use by the HSM.

Different formats are used for LMK storage and saving HSM settings.
payShield Manager cards do not need to be formatted.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  (LMK cards): Smartcard PIN: 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters.

 Date: 6 numeric character format DDMMYY.
 Time: 6 numeric characters; format hhmmss.
 Issuer ID: maximum 35 alphanumeric characters.
 User ID: maximum 35 alphanumeric characters.

Outputs:  Text messages:

o Insert card and press ENTER.
o Format card for HSM settings/LMKs? [H/L]
o Enter new PIN for smartcard.
o Re-enter new PIN.
o Enter format code.
o Enter date.
o Enter time.
o Enter Issuer ID.
o Enter User ID.
o Format complete.
o Card already formatted, continue? [Y/N].

Note:  This command only operates with legacy HSM smartcards.

Errors:  Invalid PIN; re-enter - the PIN entered is fewer than 5 or greater than 8
 PINs did not agree - the new PINs entered for the card did not match each
 Invalid input. Entry must be in numeric format - non numeric value is
entered for time or date.

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Example 1: Online> FC <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Card already formatted, continue? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Format card for HSM settings/LMKs? [H/L]: L <Return>
Erasing card
Formatting card . . .
Enter new PIN for Smartcard: ******* <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: ******* <Return>
Enter time [hhmmss]: 153540 <Return>
Enter date [ddmmyy]: 261093 <Return>
Enter User ID: Joe Small <Return>
Enter Issuer ID: Big Bank plc <Return>
Format complete

Example 2: Online> FC <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Card already formatted, continue? [Y/N]: Y <Return>
Format card for HSM settings/LMKs? [H/L]: H <Return>
Erasing card
Formatting card . . .
Format complete

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Variant  Key Block 

Create an Authorizing Officer Online  Offline  Secure 
Smartcard (CO) Authorization: Not required
Command: CO

Function: To copy the Password for an Authorizing Officer to another smartcard

(RLMKs are supported) so that it can be used to set the HSM into the
Authorized State. Note that only LMK component cards 1 and 2 contain the

Authorization: The HSM must be in the offline or secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Smartcard PIN: 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters. PINs must be entered

within 60 seconds of being requested.

Outputs:  Text messages:

Insert Card for Component Set 1 or 2 and enter the PIN.
Insert Card for Authorizing Officer and enter the PIN.
Copy Complete.

Errors:  Card not formatted - card not formatted

 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - an invalid PIN was
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - PIN is fewer than 5 or greater than 8 digits.
 Card not blank - copy failed.

Example: Offline> CO <Return>

Insert Card for Component Set 1 or 2 and enter PIN:
******** <Return>
Insert Card for Authorizing Officer and enter PIN:
******** <Return>
Copy complete.

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Variant  Key Block 

Verify the Contents of a Smartcard Online  Offline  Secure 
(VC) Authorization: Not required
Command: VC

Function: To verify the key component or share held on a smartcard. The HSM reads
the key component from the smartcard, computes the check value, compares
this with the check value stored on the card and displays the result.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  Smartcard PIN: 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters. PINs must be entered

within 60 seconds of being requested.

Outputs:  Component Set check value:

o For Variant LMKs, the length of the displayed check value is
determined by the CS (Configure Security) setting "Restrict Key Check
Value to 6 hex chars".
o For Key Block LMKs, the length of the displayed check value is always
6 hex digits.
 Comparison: Pass or Fail.
 Text messages:
o Check:
o Compare with card:

Errors:  Card not formatted - card not formatted

 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - an invalid PIN was
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - PIN is fewer than 5 or greater than 8 digits.

Example: Online> VC <Return>

Insert card and enter PIN: ******** <Return>

Scheme: Variant
Check: 012345.
Compare with card: Pass.

If a smartcard is defective or cannot be successfully verified, replace it. Copy a verified smartcard
(from the same set of components) onto a replacement.


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Variant  Key Block 

Change a Smartcard PIN (NP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: NP

Function: To select a new PIN for a smartcard (RACCs and RLMKs are supported)
without changing any of the other details stored on the card.
The old PIN must be submitted before a change is effected and the new PIN
must be supplied correctly at two consecutive prompts.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  Smartcard PIN: 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters. PINs must be entered

within 60 seconds of being requested.

Outputs:  Text messages:

o Insert Card and press ENTER.
o Enter current PIN.
o Enter new PIN for smartcard.
o Re-enter new PIN.
o PIN change completed.

Errors:  Card not formatted - card not formatted

 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.
 Smartcard error; command/return: 0003 - an invalid PIN was
 Invalid PIN; re-enter - PIN is fewer than 5 or greater than 8 digits.
 PINs did not agree - the new PINs entered for the smartcard did not match.

Example: Online> NP <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter current PIN: **** <Return>
Enter new PIN for smartcard: **** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: **** <Return>
PINs did not agree
Enter new PIN for smartcard: **** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: **** <Return>
PIN change completed

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Variant  Key Block 

Read Unidentifiable Smartcard Details Online  Offline  Secure 
(RC) Authorization: Not required
Command: RC

Function: To read otherwise unidentifiable smartcards (RACCs and RLMKs supported).

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs:  Text messages:

o Insert Card and press ENTER when ready.
o This card is formatted for saving and retrieving HSM settings.
o Version, as stored on card: decimal integer.
o Date, as stored on card; format: YY/MM/DD.
o Time, as stored on card; format: hh:mm:ss.
o User ID, as stored on card; free format alphanumeric.
o Issuer ID, as stored on card; free format alphanumeric.
o Data Zone Size, as stored on card: decimal integer.
o Max Data Free, as stored on card: decimal integer.

Errors:  Card not formatted - card not formatted

 Not a LMK card - card is not formatted for LMK or key storage.

Example 1: Online> RC <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
Format version: 0001
Issue time: 11:53:00
Issue date: 93/10/25
User ID: Bill Weasel
Issuer ID: Big Bank plc
User-data zone size: 0000
Free: 0392

Example 2: Online> RC <Return>

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>
This card is formatted for saving and retrieving HSM

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Variant  Key Block 

Eject a Smartcard (EJECT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: EJECT

Function: To eject the smartcard from the smartcard reader.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs: None.

Outputs: None.

Errors: None.

Example: Online> EJECT <Return>


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8.8 DES Calculator Commands

The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to support the encryption and
decryption of data with a given plaintext single, double or triple-length DES key:

Function (Command) Page

Single-Length Key Calculator (N) 215
Double-Length Key Calculator ($) 216
Triple-Length Key Calculator (T) 217

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Variant  Key Block 

Single-Length Key Calculator (N) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: N

Function: To encrypt and decrypt the given data block with the given single-length key.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  Key (no parity required): 16 hexadecimal characters.

 Data block: 16 hexadecimal characters.

Outputs:  The data encrypted with the key.

 The data decrypted with the key.

Errors:  Data invalid; please re-enter - the entered data does not comprise 16
hexadecimal characters. Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal

Example: Online> N <Return>

Enter key: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>
Enter data: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Double-Length Key Calculator ($) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: $

Function: To encrypt and decrypt the given data block with the given double-length key.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  The double-length key (odd parity is required): 32 hexadecimal characters.

 Data block: 16 hexadecimal characters.

Outputs:  The data encrypted with the key.

 The data decrypted with the key.

Errors:  Data invalid; please re-enter - the entered data does not comprise 32
hexadecimal characters. Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal

Example: Offline> $ <Return>

Enter data: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Triple-Length Key Calculator (T) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: T

Function: To encrypt and decrypt the given data block with the given triple-length key.

Authorization: The HSM does not require any authorization to run this command.

Inputs:  The triple-length key (odd parity is required): 48 hexadecimal characters.

 Data block: 16 hexadecimal characters.

Outputs:  The data encrypted with the key.

 The data decrypted with the key.

Errors:  Data invalid; please re-enter - Re-enter the correct number of hexadecimal

Example: Offline> T <Return>

Single, Double, or Triple length data? (S,D,T): S
Enter data: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX <Return>

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9 payShield Manager Commands

This section describes the commands used to configure the HSM for use with the payShield Manager.

Function (Command) Page

Add a RACC to the whitelist (XA) 219
Decommission the HSM (XD) 220
Remove RACC from the whitelist (XE) 221
Commission the HSM (XH) 222
Generate Customer Trust Authority (XI) 223
Make an RACC left or right key (XK) 225
Commission a smartcard (XR) 226
Transfer existing LMK to RLMK (XT) 227
Decommission a smartcard (XX) 229
HSM commissioning status (XY) 230
Duplicate CTA share (XZ) 231

Note that the HSM's private key, the certified public key and the Domain Authority self-signed public key
certificate are recovered by use of the HSM Master Key (HRK) if a tamper attempt has occurred.

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Variant  Key Block 

Add a RACC to the whitelist (XA) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XA

Function: To add a RACC to the whitelist on the HSM.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XA <Return>

Insert payShield Manager Smartcard and press ENTER:

Enter PIN: ****** <Return>

Do you want to add card XYZ123 to the whitelist? Y


Card XYZ123 added to whitelist.


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Variant  Key Block 

Decommission the HSM (XD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XD

Function: To decommission the HSM by deleting the payShield Managers keys and

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XD <Return>

Do you want to erase the payShield Manager's keys and

groups? [Y/N]: Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Remove RACC from the whitelist (XE) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XE

Function: To remove an RACC from the whitelist.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XE <Return>

Choice ID Type
1 ABC321 restricted
2 XYZ123 restricted
Which RACC do you want to remove? 1 <Return>

Card ABC321 removed from whitelist


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Variant  Key Block 

Commission the HSM (XH) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XH

Function: To commission the HSM

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XH <Return>

Please have all Customer Trust Authority (CTA) payShield

Manager smartcards available
Insert first CTA payShield Manager Smartcard and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Insert CTA payShield Manager Smartcard 2 of 3 and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Insert CTA payShield Manager Smartcard 3 of 3 and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>

Starting the commissioning of the HSM process...

Please insert left key card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Please insert right key card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>

Successfully commissioned HSM


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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Customer Trust Authority Online  Offline  Secure 
(XI) Authorization: Not required
Command: XI

Function: Generates the Customer Trust Authority and stores them on smartcards.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Country
 State
 Locality
 Organization
 Organizational Unit
 Common Name
 Email
 Number of private shares
 Number of shares needed to recover private key

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XI <Return>

Please enter the certificate Subject information:

Country Name (2 letter code) [US]: US <Return>
State or Province Name (full name) []: Florida
Locality Name (eg, city) []: Plantation <Return>
Organization Name (eg, company) []: Thales <Return>
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Production <Return>
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) [CTA]:
CTA <Return>
Email Address []: [email protected] <Return>

Enter number of Customer Trust Authority private key

shares [3-9]: 3 <Return>
Enter number of shares to recover the Customer Trust
Authority private key [3-3]: 3 <Return>

Issued to: CTA, Issued by: CTA

Validity : Jan 9 10:28:49 2015 GMT to Jan 3 10:28:49
2040 GMT
Unique ID: EE3CB7CE8343B464CC04278188CF7EB3 - 3DE05514

Insert payShield Manager Smartcard 1 of 3 and press

ENTER: <Return>
Enter new PIN for smartcard: ****** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: ****** <Return>
CTA share written to smartcard.

Insert payShield Manager Smartcard 2 of 3 and press

ENTER: <Return>
Enter new PIN for smartcard: ****** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: ****** <Return>
CTA share written to smartcard.

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Insert payShield Manager Smartcard 3 of 3 and press

ENTER: <Return>
Enter new PIN for smartcard: ****** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: ****** <Return>
CTA share written to smartcard.

Successfully generated a Customer Trust Authority


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Variant  Key Block 

Make an RACC left or right key (XK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XK

Function: Defines a RACC as either a left or right key in the whitelist on the HSM.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs: Left or Right (card type)

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XK <Return>

Insert payShield Manager Smartcard and press ENTER:

Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Do you want to make ABC321 a [L]eft or [R]ight key? L

Card ABC321 is now a left key.


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Variant  Key Block 

Commission a smartcard (XR) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XR

Function: To commission a smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XR <Return>

Please have all Customer Trust Authority (CTA) payShield

Manager smartcards available
Insert first CTA payShield Manager Smartcard and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******
Insert CTA payShield Manager Smartcard 2 of 3 and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******
Insert CTA payShield Manager Smartcard 3 of 3 and press
ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ******
Enforce a PIN change on first use? [Y/N]: N <Return>
Insert a payShield Manager Smartcard to be commissioned
and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter new PIN for smartcard: ****** <Return>
Re-enter new PIN: ****** <Return>
Do you wish to add the smartcard A3 to the HSM whitelist
[Y/N]: Y <Return>
Assign smartcard as a Left or Right Key RACC? [L/R/N]: N
Would you like to commission another card? [Y/N]: N


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Variant  Key Block 

Transfer existing LMK to RLMK (XT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XT

Function: To transfer an existing HSM LMK stored on legacy smartcards to payShield

Manager RLMK cards for use through the payShield Manager.

In order to transfer a Variant LMK you will be required to fully reassemble the
LMK (bring all the components together). Then, the fully formed Variant LMK
is split among shares onto the pre-commissioned payShield Manager RLMK

For Key Block LMKs, they are not stored as components on non-payShield
Manager smart cards, but as shares. However, you must bring a quorum of
share holders together, reconstitute the LMK, and then split it among shares
onto the pre-commissioned payShield Manager RLMK cards.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Number of shares to split LMK into

 Number of Components required to reconstitute LMK

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XT <Return>

Please have all the local LMK components and enough

commissioned RACCs to receive the LMK ready.

Insert card and press ENTER: <Return>

Enter PIN: ***** <Return>

Check: 268604
Load more components? [Y/N]: N <Return>

LMK Check: 268604

LMK key scheme: Variant
LMK algorithm: 3DES(2key)
LMK status: Test

Is this the LMK you wish to transfer? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enter the number of shares to split the LMK into: [2-9]:

2 <Return>
The number of shares required to reconstitute the LMK:
[2-2]: 2 <Return>

Insert a commissioned card 1 of 2 and press ENTER:

Enter PIN: ****** <Return>

Card Check: E0CBF4

LMK share written to smartcard.

Insert a commissioned card 2 of 2 and press ENTER:

Enter PIN: ****** <Return>

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Card Check: E0CBF4

LMK share written to smartcard.
Want to test the reassembly of the LMK? Y <Return>

Please have all the RLMK shares ready

Insert RLMK card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
LMK share 1 read (1 of 2) Card Check: E0CBF4
Insert RLMK card and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
LMK share 2 read (2 of 2) Card Check: E0CBF4

LMK Check 268604


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Variant  Key Block 

Decommission a smartcard (XX) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XX

Function: To decommission a payShield Manager smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM may be in any state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XX <Return>

Please insert card to decommission and press ENTER:

Warning: Resetting a payShield Manager Smartcard to its
original state
will erase all key material from the card.

Are you sure? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

payShield Manager Smartcard successfully decommissioned

Would you like to decommission another card? [Y/N]: N


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Variant  Key Block 

HSM commissioning status (XY) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XY

Function: To show the state of the HSM Management commissioning and whitelist.

Authorization: The HSM may be in any state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  Thales Trust installed

 Customer Trust Authority installed
 HSM Public Key installed
 Is HRK password user defined
 Is HRK available for use
 Authorized RACCs

Example 1: Note: The following contains sample output, e.g., Issue to: TES LC.
Online> XY <Return>

Thales Trust installed : Yes

1 - Issued to: A4665000000A, Issued by: Development
Factory TTA
Validity : Sep 26 15:35:30 2018 GMT to Sep 20
15:35:30 2043 GMT
Unique ID: B655F28FD784A9C2A5169FF4F4DD41EA -

Customer Trust Authority Installed : Yes

2 - Issued to: TES LC, Issued by: TES LC
Validity : Oct 5 13:11:12 2018 GMT to Sep 29
13:11:12 2043 GMT
Unique ID: 9FEACF2E361A2BADA0E2E9238D121E1D -
27871B3A (Root)

HSM Public Key Certificate Installed : Yes

3 - Issued to: A4665000000A, Issued by: TES LC
Validity : Oct 30 16:01:34 2018 GMT to Oct 24
16:01:34 2043 GMT
Unique ID: ABA92BB246260EFF838BD06062331E54 -

Is HRK passphrase user defined : Yes

Is HRK available for use : Yes

Authorized RACCs : 4
Serial Number Certificate
Number RACC Type
7307001132072979 BF9BBAA7525818AA Left
7307001145072979 392FDA0DD7B25CBA Left
7307001152072979 DBD139588ED7A17C Right
7307001265072979 223386DBE9391015 Right


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Variant  Key Block 

Duplicate CTA share (XZ) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: XZ

Function: To duplicate a CTA share smartcard.

Authorization: The HSM must be in Secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  None

Example 1: Secure> XZ <Return>

Insert a CTA share payShield Manager Smartcard to be

Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Please insert a commissioned payShield Manager smartcard
and press ENTER: <Return>
Enter PIN: ****** <Return>
CTA share written to smartcard.


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10 Secure Host Communications

This section describes the commands used to configure a payShield 10K such that the host connection is
protected using TLS (known as Secure Host Communications).
The Certificate Requests and Certificates may be stored on / loaded from a regular USB memory stick.
The required format for the USB memory stick is FAT32. The Operating System used in the payShield 10K
supports most types of USB memory sticks, but may not have the drivers for some of the newer types. If
difficulties are experienced when trying to read from or write to a USB device, an alternative memory stick
should be used.
The HSM's certificate signing request (CSR) structure is compliant with PKCS#10. The client must use the
same key type as is included in the HSM's CSR.
The HSM uses certificate formats compliant with X.509.
The payShield 10K provides the following console commands to manage the HSM's private key, the certified
public key and the CA self-signed public key certificate to support secure host communications:

Function (Command) Page

Generate Certificate Signing Request (SG) 233
Import Certificate (SI) 236
Export HSM Certificate's Chain of Trust (SE) 238
View Installed Certificate(s) (SV) 240
Delete Installed Certificate(s) (SD) 243
Generate HRK (SK) 244
Change HRK Passphrase (SP) 245
Restore HRK (SL) 246
The HRK enables the recovery of the HSM's private key, the certified public key and the CA self-signed public
key certificate used for payShield Manager.

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate Certificate Signing Request Online  Offline  Secure 
(SG) Authorization: Not required
Command: SG

Function: To generate (or use the existing) HSM's public/private key pair for use with
secure host communications, and extract the public key in the form of a
Certificate Signing Request (“.CSR”).
The private key is stored in tamper protected memory. It is backed up
internally using the HSM Master Key (HRK) – see command SK for details.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Certificate fields (Country, State, Locality, Org Name, Org Unit Name,
Common Name, E-mail Address).
 Key Type (RSA, ECDSA)
 Filename when saving to USB memory stick

Outputs:  Prompts, as above

 Key generation message
 Prompt to save to USB memory stick
 Certificate Signing Request

Errors:  File exists – replace?

Notes:  If the HSM's public/private key pair has already been created, then SG will
use the existing key pair. If a new key pair is required, use the SD console
command to delete the private key.
 The HRK must be installed (using the SK console command) prior to using
this command.
 The exported file will automatically have the extension “.CSR”.
 The size of RSA keys used is 2048-bits.
 The size of ECDSA keys used is either 256-bits, 384-bits or 521-bits (user
 The client must use the same RSA/ECDSA key type as is included in the
 A maximum certificate chain length of 6 is supported.
 The required format for the USB memory stick is FAT32. The Operating
System used in the payShield 10K supports most types of USB memory
stick, but may not have the drivers for some of the newer types. If difficulties
are experienced when trying to read from or write to a USB device, an
alternative memory stick should be used.

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Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SG console command to generate a 521-bit
ECDSA public/private key pair and output a certificate signing request.

Secure> SG <Return>
Please enter the Subject Information for the Certificate Request:

Country Name (2 letter code) []: UK <Return>

State or Province Name (full name) []: Greater London <Return>
Locality Name (eg, city) []: London <Return>
Organization Name (eg, company) []: Bank XYZ <Return>
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Operations <Return>
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: HSM-0001
Email Address []: [email protected] <Return>

Select key type:

1 - RSA
2 - ECDSA P-256
3 - ECDSA P-384
4 - ECDSA P-521
Type [4]: 4 <Return>

Generating key pair ......................+++


Do you wish to save to a file [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enter filename: HSM-0001 <Return>


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Example 2: This example demonstrates the use of the SG console command to generate a 2048-bit
RSA public/private key pair and output a certificate signing request.

Secure> SG <Return>
Please enter the Subject Information for the Certificate Request:

Country Name (2 letter code) []: UK <Return>

State or Province Name (full name) []: Greater London <Return>
Locality Name (eg, city) []: London <Return>
Organization Name (eg, company) []: Bank XYZ <Return>
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Operations <Return>
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: HSM-0002
Email Address []: [email protected] <Return>

Select key type:

1 - RSA
2 - ECDSA P-256
3 - ECDSA P-384
4 - ECDSA P-521
Type [4]: 1 <Return>

Generating key pair ......................+++


Do you wish to save to a file [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enter filename: HSM-0002 <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Import Certificate (SI) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SI

Function: To import a certificate for storage inside the HSM for use with secure host
The certificate may be one of the following:
 HSM certificate
 Client certificate
 Sub-CA certificate (for either HSM or client)
 Root-CA certificate (for either HSM or client)

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  File selection

 Prompt for import of additional certificates

Outputs:  Prompts, as above

 Filenames of certificates on USB memory stick
 Summary of imported certificate (Issued to/by, Validity, ID)
 Chain of Trust statement (for an HSM certificate)

Notes:  The HSM's public/private key pair must be installed (using the SG console
command) prior to using this command.
 The file(s) to be imported must have the extension ".CRT".
 A maximum certificate chain length of 6 is supported.
 The required format for the USB memory stick is FAT32. The Operating
System used in the payShield 10K supports most types of USB memory
stick, but may not have the drivers for some of the newer types. If difficulties
are experienced when trying to read from or write to a USB device, an
alternative memory stick should be used.

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SI console command to import the root CA
certificate (that signed the HSM's certificate) into the HSM.

Secure> SI <Return>

Select File
1 – HSM-0001.crt
2 – BankXYZRootCA.crt
3 - Client.crt
4 - ClientRootCA.crt
File: 2 <Return>

Imported Trusted CA Certificate

Issued to: Bank XYZ, Issued by: Bank XYZ
Validity : May 9 10:59:22 2013 GMT to May 7 10:59:22
2023 GMT
Unique ID: 9C8FC713FAA31010 - AC03FAD5 (Root)

Do you wish to import another certificate? N <Return>


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Example 2: This example demonstrates the use of the SI console command to import the HSM's
(now signed) certificate back into the HSM.
(Note that the root CA certificate has already been installed (see Example 1), and so the
HSM indicates that the "Chain of Trust" is complete.

Secure> SI <Return>

Select File
1 – HSM-0001.crt
2 - BankXYZRootCA.crt
3 - Client.crt
4 - ClientRootCA.crt
File: 1 <Return>

Imported CA-signed HSM Certificate

Issued to: HSM-0001, Issued by: Bank XYZ
Validity : May 21 15:05:51 2013 GMT to May 21 15:05:51
2014 GMT
Unique ID: 2050 - AC03FAD5

Chain of Trust validated

Bank XYZ (Root)

Do you wish to import another certificate? N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Export HSM Certificate's Chain of Online  Offline  Secure 
Trust (SE) Authorization: Not required
Command: SE

Function: To export the HSM certificate's chain of trust (i.e. the chain of certificates
required to authenticate the HSM's certificate, up to and including the root CA

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs: Filename when saving to USB memory stick

Outputs: Prompts, as above

Prompt to save to USB memory stick
Certificate Chain of Trust is displayed at the console, and (if requested) saved
to the USB memory stick

Errors: File exists – replace?

Notes: The HSM's public/private key pair must be installed (using the SG console
command) prior to using this command.
The exported file will automatically have the extension ".CRT".
A maximum certificate chain length of 6 is supported.
The required format for the USB memory stick is FAT32. The Operating
System used in the payShield 10K supports most types of USB memory stick,
but may not have the drivers for some of the newer types. If difficulties are
experienced when trying to read from or write to a USB device, an alternative
memory stick should be used.

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Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SE console command to export the HSM
certificate's chain of trust (in this case, just the root CA certificate) to a USB memory

Secure> SE <Return>

Do you wish to save to a file [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Enter filename: BankXYZRootCA <Return>

Bank XYZ



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Variant  Key Block 

View Installed Certificate(s) (SV) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SV

Function: To view the list of currently installed certificates (for use with secure host
communications). Individual certificates can be displayed in full.

Authorization: The HSM can be in any state to run this command.

Inputs:  Certificate to be displayed in full.

Outputs:  The HSM's public/private key pair must be installed (using the SG console
command) prior to using this command.
 Prompts, as above
 List of currently installed certificates.
 Status of HSM's private key – installed or not installed
 HSM Certificate installed – maximum of 1 certificate
 Client Certificate(s) installed – maximum of 10 certificates
 CA Certificate(s) installed – maximum of 10 certificates
 Chain of trust validity – for the HSM's certificate chain
 Contents of selected certificate.
 A maximum certificate chain length of 6 is supported.

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Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SV console command to view the list of
currently installed certificates, and to display the contents of the HSM's certificate.

Secure> SV <Return>

HSM Private Key installed: Yes

HSM Certificate installed:

1 - Issued to: HSM-0002, Issued by: Bank XYZ
Validity : May 21 15:05:51 2013 GMT to May 21 15:05:51
2014 GMT
Unique ID: 2050 - AC03FAD5

Client certificate(s) installed:

2 - Issued to: APP-0001, Issued by: Applications
Validity : May 7 09:37:18 2013 GMT to May 7 09:37:18
2014 GMT
Unique ID: 2016 - D221289A

CA Certificate(s) installed:
3 - Issued to: Applications, Issued by: Applications
Validity : May 7 09:24:10 2013 GMT to May 5 09:24:10
2023 GMT
Unique ID: C14FF9DE78FB441A - D221289A (Root)

4 - Issued to: Bank XYZ, Issued by: Bank XYZ

Validity : May 9 10:59:22 2013 GMT to May 7 10:59:22
2023 GMT
Unique ID: 9C8FC713FAA31010 - AC03FAD5 (Root)

Chain of Trust validated:

Bank XYZ (Root)

Select an item to view: 1 <Return>

Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 8273 (0x2051)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=UK, ST=Greater London, L=London, O=Bank XYZ,
OU=RootCA, CN=Bank XYZ/[email protected]
Not Before: May 21 15:05:51 2013 GMT
Not After : May 21 15:05:51 2014 GMT
Subject: C=UK, ST=Greater London, O=Bank XYZ,
OU=Operations, CN=HSM-0002/[email protected]
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (2048 bit)

Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
X509v3 Key Usage:

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Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key

Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption


Do you wish to view another certificate? N <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

Delete Installed Certificate(s) (SD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SD

Function: To delete a currently installed certificate or private key (for use with secure host

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Certificate to be deleted.

Outputs:  Prompts, as above

 List of currently installed certificates.
 Status of HSM's private key – installed or not installed
 HSM Certificate installed – maximum of 1 certificate
 Client Certificate(s) installed – maximum of 10 certificates
 CA Certificate(s) installed – maximum of 10 certificates
 Chain of trust validity – for the HSM's certificate chain
 Prompt to delete another certificate

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SD console command to remove a client
certificate from the HSM.

Secure> SD <Return>
HSM Private Key installed: Yes

HSM Certificate installed:

1 - Issued to: HSM-0002, Issued by: Bank XYZ
Validity : May 21 15:05:51 2013 GMT to May 21
15:05:51 2014 GMT
Unique ID: 2050 - AC03FAD5

Client certificate(s) installed:

2 - Issued to: APP-0001, Issued by: Applications
Validity : May 7 09:37:18 2013 GMT to May 7
09:37:18 2014 GMT
Unique ID: 2016 - D221289A

CA Certificate(s) installed:
3 - Issued to: Applications, Issued by: Applications
Validity : May 7 09:24:10 2013 GMT to May 5
09:24:10 2023 GMT
Unique ID: C14FF9DE78FB441A - D221289A (Root)

4 - Issued to: Bank XYZ, Issued by: Bank XYZ

Validity : May 9 10:59:22 2013 GMT to May 7
10:59:22 2023 GMT
Unique ID: 9C8FC713FAA31010 - AC03FAD5 (Root)

Chain of Trust validated:

Bank XYZ (Root)

5 – HSM Private Key

Select an item to delete (6 for ALL): 2 <Return>

Do you wish to delete another certificate? N <Return>

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate HRK (SK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SK

Function: To generate a new HSM Recovery Key (HRK). Once installed, the HRK will be
used to back-up secret key material inside the HSM into persistent memory (a
process known as key synchronization).
The following secret key material is backed-up in this process:
 Secure Host Communications key material:
o HSM's private key
 Remote Management key material:
o HSM's private key
o HSM's public key certificate
o CA public key certificate

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Passphrases 1 & 2 (each entered twice for verification).

Outputs:  Prompts, as above.

 Passphrase rules.
 Creating HRK message.
 Key synchronization message.

Notes:  The HRK replaces the RMK (used in previous versions of software).

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SK console command to generate
an HRK.

Secure> SK <Return>

**** NOTE ****

Passphrase rules as follows:
1 - Must be between 8 and 30 characters long.
2 - Can contain spaces
3 - Must be comprised of (at a minimum):
2 digits
2 uppercase characters
2 lowercase characters
2 symbols (e.g. !/?.#:')

Enter administrator 1 passphrase: ********************

Re-enter administrator 1 passphrase: ********************

Enter administrator 2 passphrase: **************

Re-enter administrator 2 passphrase: **************

Creating HRK. Please, wait ... DONE

HRK generated successfully

Key synchronization complete


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Variant  Key Block 

Change HRK Passphrase (SP) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SP

Function: To change one of the passphrases associated with the HRK.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Existing passphrase 1 or 2.

 New passphrase 1 or 2 (entered twice for verification).

Outputs:  Prompts, as above.

 Passphrase rules.
 Creating HRK message.
 Key synchronization message.

Notes:  The HRK replaces the RMK (used in previous versions of software).

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SP console command change
administrator #1's HRK passphrase.

Secure> SP <Return>

**** NOTE ****

Passphrase rules as follows:
1 - Must be between 8 and 30 characters long.
2 - Can contain spaces
3 - Must be comprised of (at a minimum):
2 digits
2 uppercase characters
2 lowercase characters
2 symbols (e.g. !/?.#:')
4 - Cannot use the same passphrase that was used within
the past 10 previous attempts

Select administrator password to change [1,2]: 1

Enter administrator 1 current passphrase:
Enter administrator 1 new passphrase: ************
Re-enter administrator 1 new passphrase: ************

Changing passphrases. Please, wait ... DONE

HRK generated successfully


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Variant  Key Block 

Restore HRK (SL) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: SL

Function: To restore the HRK (and also the secret key material backed-up by the HRK)
in the event of erasure of tamper protected memory.

Authorization: The HSM must be in the secure state to run this command.

Inputs:  Passphrases 1 & 2.

Outputs:  Prompts, as above.

 Restoring HRK message.
 Key synchronization message.

Errors:  HRK already loaded.

Notes:  The HRK replaces the RMK (used in previous versions of software).

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the SL console command to generate
an HRK.

Secure> SL <Return>

Enter administrator 1 passphrase: ********************

Enter administrator 2 passphrase: **************

Recovering HRK. Please, wait ... DONE

HRK recovered successfully

Key synchronization complete


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11 KMD Support Commands

This section describes the set of console commands that facilitate the operation of the Thales Key
Management. Please note the Key Management Device (KMD) is now end of sale and has been replaced by
the Trusted Management Device (TMD).

Function (Command) Page

Generate KTK Components (KM) 248
Install KTK (KN) 249
View KTK Table (KT) 250
Import Key encrypted under KTK (KK) 251
Delete KTK (KD) 252

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Variant  Key Block 

Generate KTK Components (KM) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: KM

Function: To generate the components of a KMD Transport Key (KTK), and store the
components on smartcards.

Authorization: None

Inputs:  Number of components to generate

 Prompt for smartcards & PINs to be entered

Outputs:  Check value of smartcards

 Check value of new KTK

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the KM console command to generate
two KTK components on smartcards.

Secure> KM <Return>

Enter number of components [2-3]: 2 <Return>

Insert blank card and enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made
Insert blank card and enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Writing keys...
Checking keys...
Device write complete, check: ZZZZZZ

Make another copy? [Y/N]: N <Return>

1 copies made

KTK Check Value: ZZZZZZ


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Variant  Key Block 

Install KTK (KN) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: KN

Function: To install a KMD Transport Key (KTK) into the HSM.

Authorization: None

Inputs:  KTK Identifier: 2 numeric digits

 Number of components to use
 Prompt for smartcards & PINs to be entered

Outputs:  Check value of smartcards

 Check value of new KTK

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the KN console command to install a
KTK in KTK Id 01, using two smartcards.

Secure> KN <Return>
Enter KTK id [00-19]: 01 <Return>
Enter comments: KTK for KMD in secure room <Return>
KTK in selected location must be erased before
Erase KTK? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Load KTK in components

Insert card and enter PIN: ****** <Return>
Load more components? [Y/N]: Y <Return>

Insert card and enter PIN: ****** <Return>

Load more components? [Y/N]: N <Return>


KTK id: 01
KTK key scheme: Variant
KTK algorithm: AES-256
Comments: KTK for KMD in secure room

Confirm details? [Y/N]: Y <Return>


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Variant  Key Block 

View KTK Table (KT) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: KT

Function: To display the KTK table.

Authorization: None

Inputs:  None

Outputs:  List of installed KTKs

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the KT console command to display
the list of all KTKs currently installed in the HSM.

Online> KT <Return>

KTK table:
ID Scheme Algorithm Check Comments
01 Variant 3DES(2key) 292489 KTK for KMD in secure
03 Variant 3DES(2key) 549235 KTK for 2nd KMD


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Variant  Key Block 

Import Key encrypted under KTK (KK) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Required
Activity: command.kk.console
Command: KK

Function: To translate a key from encryption under a KTK to encryption under an LMK.

Authorization: The HSM must either be in the Authorized State, or the activity
command.kk.console must be authorized.

Inputs:  LMK Identifier

 Key Type Code
 Key Scheme (LMK)
 KTK Identifier
 Key encrypted under KTK

Outputs:  Key encrypted under LMK

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the KK console command to import a
double-length DES ZMK (key type 000) from encryption under KTK Id 01 to
encryption under LMK Id 02.

Online-AUTH> KK <Return>

Enter LMK id: 02 <Return>

Enter Key type: 000 <Return>
Enter Key Scheme (LMK): U <Return>

Enter KTK id: 01 <Return>


Key check value: ZZZZZZ


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Variant  Key Block 

Delete KTK (KD) Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not required
Command: KD

Function: To delete a selected KTK from the HSM.

Authorization: None

Inputs:  KTK Identifier

Outputs:  Display of relevant entry from KTK table.

Example 1: This example demonstrates the use of the KD console command to delete a
previously installed KTK (KTK Id 01) from the HSM.

Secure> KD <Return>
Enter KTK id: 01 <Return>

KTK table entry:

ID Scheme Algorithm Check Comments
01 Variant 3DES(2key) 292489 KTK for KMD in secure

Confirm KTK deletion [Y/N]: Y <Return>

KTK deleted from main memory


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Appendix A: Error Responses Excluded

from Audit Log
If the option to Audit Error Responses to Host Commands is selected using AUDITOPTIONS, those errors
which may require attention by the HSM Administrators or Security Officers are logged. The following non-00
error responses are not included in the Audit Log:

Not Audited if error response is:

Cmnd 01 02 43

A6 X


F0 X
F2 X
G2 X

G4 X

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Not Audited if error response is:

Cmnd 01 02 43
J0 X
K2 X

P0 X


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Appendix B: Technical Support Contacts

Our team of knowledgeable and friendly support staff are available to help. If your product is under
warranty or you hold a support contract with Thales, do not hesitate to contact us using the link below.
For more information, consult our standard Terms and Conditions for Warranty and Support.


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Contact us
For all office locations and contact
information, please visit

> cpl.thalesgroup.com <

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