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File Express Client User

18 August 2016



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Chapter 1: MasterCard File Express Client...................................................... 5

File Express Software Package............................................................................................ 6
File Express Client Features................................................................................................. 7
System Requirements......................................................................................................... 7
New MasterCard Connect Users.........................................................................................7
Registering for File Express................................................................................................. 8
Installing File Express.......................................................................................................... 8
Starting and Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service................................................ 10
Uninstalling File Express....................................................................................................10
Internet Connectivity........................................................................................................10
Troubleshooting Network Connectivity............................................................................. 11
Testing the Domain Name Service................................................................................ 11
Testing the SFTP Connection........................................................................................12
Testing the Proxy Server............................................................................................... 12

Chapter 2: Getting Started....................................................................................13

About File Profiles, Staging Directories, and Bulk File Naming Conventions....................... 14
About File Express Directories........................................................................................... 15
About the File Express Client Main Window..................................................................... 18
Window Elements....................................................................................................... 19
Menu Bar.................................................................................................................... 20
Toolbar........................................................................................................................ 20
File List........................................................................................................................ 22
Information Fields........................................................................................................23
Environment................................................................................................................ 23
Status Bar....................................................................................................................24
About Uploading Files to MasterCard............................................................................... 24
Getting Help.................................................................................................................... 25
Links and Browse Buttons............................................................................................ 25

Chapter 3: Exchanging Files with File Express Client.............................. 26

Starting File Express Client................................................................................................27
Configuring Proxy Server Settings.....................................................................................27
Downloading a File from MasterCard............................................................................... 30
Uploading a File to MasterCard........................................................................................ 32
Adding Files..................................................................................................................... 33

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Refreshing Files................................................................................................................ 34
Retrieving an Archived File............................................................................................... 34
Performing Multiple File Exchanges.................................................................................. 35
Viewing File Profiles......................................................................................................... 36
Using View Criteria.......................................................................................................... 36
Changing a Staging Directory...........................................................................................37
Using Multiple Endpoints................................................................................................. 37
Selecting the Initial Endpoint at Startup....................................................................... 38
Selecting an Endpoint During the Current Session........................................................38

Chapter 4: Reporting................................................................................................39
About File Express Reports............................................................................................... 40
Session Report.............................................................................................................40
Audit Report................................................................................................................42
Transfer Log Report..................................................................................................... 44
Printing a Session Report..................................................................................................45
Printing an Audit Report...................................................................................................46
Printing a Transfer Log Report.......................................................................................... 46
Changing Retention Configuration...................................................................................47

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MasterCard File Express Client

Chapter 1 MasterCard File Express Client

This section provides a brief explanation of File Express Client, its features and requirements, and
explains how to install the application. Information about Internet connectivity and troubleshooting
common network connectivity issues is also included.

File Express Software Package......................................................................................................... 6

File Express Client Features..............................................................................................................7
System Requirements......................................................................................................................7
New MasterCard Connect Users..................................................................................................... 7
Registering for File Express.............................................................................................................. 8
Installing File Express.......................................................................................................................8
Starting and Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service.............................................................10
Uninstalling File Express................................................................................................................ 10
Internet Connectivity.....................................................................................................................10
Troubleshooting Network Connectivity..........................................................................................11
Testing the Domain Name Service.............................................................................................11
Testing the SFTP Connection.....................................................................................................12
Testing the Proxy Server............................................................................................................ 12

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MasterCard File Express Client
File Express Software Package

File Express Software Package

The following components are included in the MasterCard File Express software package.
• File Express Transfer Engine Windows Service
With File Express 7.0, the underlying file transfer protocol has been converted from HTTPS
to Secure Shell FTP (SFTP). See the section Internet Connectivity for URLs, port numbers
and IP addresses.
The File Express Transfer Engine runs as a Windows service and conducts all file exchange
and configuration management requested by either the File Express Client or File Express
Scheduler user interfaces. When you enable the file exchange schedule defined using the
File Express Scheduler user interface, you can close the File Express Scheduler user interface
and the Transfer Engine Windows service will manage your file exchange schedule.
By default, the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service runs as the Windows Local
System account. This account normally only has permissions to access local system drives.
To access shared network folders, you will need to work with your Windows system
administrator to establish a service account with appropriate permissions to run the File
Express Transfer Engine Windows service and access the desired shared network folders.
Otherwise, your Staging Directories will be limited to local drives.
Since the File Express Transfer Engine runs as a Windows Service, if you select a File Staging
Directory associated with a shared network folder, you must use the universal naming
convention (UNC) notation. Otherwise, the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service
will not be able to access the shared network folder. You must also ensure the user or
service account running the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service has permissions
to access the shared network folder.
• File Express Client
With File Express 7.0, File Express Client is strictly a user interface for initiating file transfers
and specifying custom configuration. The File Express Transfer Engine Windows service
manages the specified configuration and all file exchange initiated using the File Express
Client user interface.
• File Express Scheduler
With File Express 7.0, File Express Scheduler is strictly a user interface for specifying a file
exchange schedule, initiating ad-hoc file transfers and specifying custom configuration. The
File Express Transfer Engine Windows service manages the specified configuration and
scheduled file exchanges.
• Java®Runtime Environment (JRE)
The File Express software package includes the JRE® (jre-8u91-windows-i586). The JRE is
installed in a custom location ( C:\MFEJRE8 ). File Express Transfer Engine, Client and
Scheduler are coded to always use this specific JRE version from the custom location.

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MasterCard File Express Client
File Express Client Features

File Express Client Features

File Express Client provides a reliable, secure way for customers to exchange files with
MasterCard in an attended (user initiated) mode.
In attended mode, users initiate each file exchange. For unattended (scheduled/automated)
file transfers, File Express Scheduler may be used. For unattended file transfers, users can set
up a schedule to exchange files with MasterCard automatically, with no user intervention
required to initiate each exchange. For more information about unattended file transfers, see
the MasterCard File Express Scheduler User Guide.
File Express Client is a Java-based application that allows you to:
• Exchange (download and upload) production and test files between MasterCard and your
• Retrieve archived files. Archived files are those files that have been previously downloaded
from MasterCard successfully.
• Display and print a file transmission session report for information regarding successful or
unsuccessful file transfers that occurred during the current transfer session.
• Display and print an audit report for a selected file transfer session. The audit report
contains specific file names exchanged, file creation time-stamp, file size, and overall
transfer session status.
• Display and print a transfer log containing a report for every file transfer attempted with
the MasterCard File Express server on a specific day. The transfer log report includes the
transfer date and time, if the transfer was successful or unsuccessful, the endpoint of the
file transferred, bulk type, source file, target file, file size, and if necessary, reason for

System Requirements
File Express users must, at a minimum, have the following system requirements.
• Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10, Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2008
R2, Windows® Server 2012, Windows® Server 2012 R2
• Registered with MasterCard Connect™ and have a SecurID® token

New MasterCard Connect Users

If you are a new user, you must register with MasterCard Connect™ to access MasterCard File
Express software. New users can sign up for MasterCard Connect through the Online
Registration System. Registration is free to MasterCard customers.

MasterCard Connect Registration

To register for MasterCard Connect, follow these steps:

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MasterCard File Express Client
Registering for File Express

1. Log on to MasterCard Connect at www.mastercardconnect.com.

2. On the MasterCard Connect landing page, click the Sign Up link in the left panel.
3. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Subsequent access to MasterCard Connect requires only your user ID and password, which are
specified during the enrollment process. A SecurID token (to be used as your password) is
assigned, if required for a MasterCard Connect product that requires higher security level
access like MasterCard File Express.
After you have successfully registered for MasterCard Connect or if you are an existing
MasterCard Connect user, go to the next section “Registering for File Express.”

Registering for File Express

After you have successfully registered for MasterCard Connect or if you are an existing
MasterCard Connect user, follow these steps to order the MasterCard File Express software.

1. Log on to MasterCard Connect™ at www.mastercardconnect.com.
2. Enter your User ID and Password.
3. Click Store on the main menu (located in the upper-right corner) on the MasterCard
Connect home page.
4. Scroll to or search for MasterCard File Express Software.
5. Click Add to Cart.
A confirmation message appears.
6. Click Cart to display the cart, and then click Checkout to display the Order Details
7. Under Order Details, click Review Order, and then click Place Order.
After the appropriate Security Administrator approves the order, it is routed to MasterCard
for processing. The user will have access to File Express Software after MasterCard
approves the order. Once the order is approved, MasterCard File Express Software will
appear as an entry in the Applications menu on the MasterCard Connect home page.
Users must have a SecurID® to use File Express Client. If you do not have a SecurID prior to
ordering MasterCard File Express Software, one will be issued as part of the access
approval and product fulfillment process.

Installing File Express

To download and install the MasterCard File Express Software package follow these steps.

Before you begin

To access MasterCard Connect™ and to download MasterCard File Express Software, you must
use your MasterCard Connect user ID and SecurID®.

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MasterCard File Express Client
Installing File Express

About this task

The File Express Transfer Engine Windows service, Client and Scheduler applications are
conveniently bundled in the MasterCard File Express software package.

NOTE: It is not necessary to uninstall the File Express version 6.0 before you install File
Express version 7.0. This will enable you continue to use version 6.0 while you transition to
version 7.0. Once you fully transition to File Express version 7.0, you may then uninstall File
Express version 6.0 at your convenience.

1. Log on to MasterCard Connect at www.mastercardconnect.com.
2. On the Applications menu, click MasterCard File Express Software. The download
page appears. Note that you may also access and download the MasterCard File Express
User Guides from the download page.
3. Click the MasterCard File Express Software Package link, and then follow the
instructions on your screen to download the software package.
4. Once the download is complete, click Open or Run this program from its current
location to launch the InstallShield® Wizard.
5. When the InstallShield® Wizard starts, click Next.
The License Agreement dialog box appears.
6. Click I accept the terms of the license agreement option, and then click Next.
The Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears.
7. Click Install to begin the installation.
The Java Setup Welcome dialog box appears.
8. To install the Java components, click Install.
9. After the Java components are installed, click Close to close the Java Setup Complete
dialog box and continue with the install.
10. After the installation is complete, you will be prompted as to whether or not to start the
File Express Transfer Engine Windows service.
– Click Yes to start the service using the Windows Local System account.
– Click No if you wish to configure the service to run using a different Windows account.
The InstallShield® Wizard Complete dialog box appears.
11. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

The File Express Transfer Engine Windows service is a required part of the installation of
MasterCard File Express and must be running in order to use the Files Express Client and
Scheduler applications. See Starting and Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service
for details about manually starting and stopping the Transfer Engine.

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MasterCard File Express Client
Starting and Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service

Starting and Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service

The following steps outline the procedures for starting or stopping the File Express Transfer

1. Navigate to the system Control Panel.
2. Click the Administrative Tools icon, and then double-click the Services icon.
3. In the Services list, navigate to the service name MFETransferEngine.
4. Right-click MFETransferEngine and select one of the following:
– Start—starts the MFETransferEngine
– Stop—stops the MFETransferEngine
5. Close the Services window when finished.

Uninstalling File Express

To uninstall File Express, follow these steps. Depending on which version of Windows you are
using, these steps may vary slightly.

1. Stop the File Express Transfer Engine before you uninstall File Express. See Starting and
Stopping File Express Transfer Engine Service.
2. Click Start, Control Panel, then select Programs and Features.
The Programs and Features window appears.
3. In the list of currently installed programs, select the version of MasterCard File Express
you want to uninstall, and then click Uninstall.
4. Follow the instructions on your screen to remove File Express from your computer.
The system will confirm that File Express has been successfully uninstalled from your
5. Using Windows Explorer, verify that the C:\MFE70 folder was deleted during the uninstall
process. If the MFE70 folder still exists, you may delete the folder and its entire contents at
your convenience.

Internet Connectivity
The File Express Transfer Engine Windows Service exchanges files with MasterCard using the
SFTP protocol. Your firewalls, proxy servers, or both must allow outbound Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) traffic on ports 15022 and 16022.
The following table provides the public Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

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MasterCard File Express Client
Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Application Name (URL) Port Primary Contingency

File Express Client prod.mfe.mastercard.com 15022

File Express uprod.mfe.mastercard.com 16022


Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

There are several tests, including testing the domain name service (DNS), SFTP connection, and
proxy server that users can use to resolve MasterCard File Express connectivity issues.

Testing the Domain Name Service

Perform the domain name service (DNS) test if you are using the File Express Client to
authenticate to the MasterCard File Express server and you suspect the DNS is not resolving
the host name for “prod.mfe.mastercard.com” to the IP address.

1. Click Start, and then click Run. to open the Run dialog box.
2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
The Command Prompt window appears.
3. Run the command nslookup prod.mfe.mastercard.com.
If this command is successful, the output will include the following text. If you do not see
this output, go to step 4.

4. If “ can’t find prod.mfe.mastercard.com: Non-existent domain? ” displays, work with

your network administration team to diagnose why your network’s DNS is not able to
resolve the MasterCard File Express URL to its IP address.

What to do next
If you could resolve the DNS host name for “prod.mfe.mastercard.com” to IP Address and still cannot authenticate, proceed to the next section Testing the SFTP

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MasterCard File Express Client
Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Testing the SFTP Connection

Perform the following test to verify whether a SFTP connection can be made to the
MasterCard File Express server using the host name ‘prod.mfe.mastercard.com’ and port

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. Type cmd in the Open dialog box and then click OK.
3. Run the command telnet prod.mfe.mastercard.com 15022. If this command is
successful, then it will display the output SSH-2.0-SSHD.
4. If File Express Client is still unable to connect, work with your network administration
team to diagnose why your system is being denied access. It may be that network firewalls
or routers are in place preventing you from connecting to prod.mfe.mastercard.com on
port 15022.

What to do next
If you performed this test successfully and File Express Client is still unable to connect to the
MasterCard File Express server, try Testing the Proxy Server.

Testing the Proxy Server

If the earlier tests were successful, but you are still unable to connect to the MasterCard File
Express server and you are connecting to a proxy server, your network administration team
may need to define an access control rule to allow traffic to flow to MasterCard. To resolve
this issue, follow these steps.

1. Create an access control rule on the firewall to bypass the proxy server.
2. MasterCard File Express supports anonymous, basic authentication, and NTLM
authentication proxy servers.

Your network administration team can check their proxy server logs for dropped or terminated
connections that would verify the proxy is blocking the File Express connection.

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Getting Started

Chapter 2 Getting Started

This section provides a description of file profiles and staging directories, and explains how to
navigate the File Express Client user interface.

About File Profiles, Staging Directories, and Bulk File Naming Conventions....................................14
About File Express Directories........................................................................................................15
About the File Express Client Main Window.................................................................................. 18
Window Elements.................................................................................................................... 19
Menu Bar................................................................................................................................. 20
File List..................................................................................................................................... 22
Working with the File List.................................................................................................... 22
Moving Columns................................................................................................................. 22
Changing Column Widths................................................................................................... 23
Sorting the File List.............................................................................................................. 23
Information Fields.....................................................................................................................23
Status Bar.................................................................................................................................24
About Uploading Files to MasterCard............................................................................................24
Getting Help................................................................................................................................. 25
Links and Browse Buttons.........................................................................................................25

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Getting Started
About File Profiles, Staging Directories, and Bulk File Naming Conventions

About File Profiles, Staging Directories, and Bulk File Naming

General descriptions are provided for file profiles, staging directories, and bulk file naming
conventions used in File Express.

File Profiles
A file profile is established at MasterCard for each File Express licensed user. The file profile
consists of data stored on the File Express server in the MasterCard data center, and includes
the list of endpoints that the user is authorized to access and the list of bulk types that the
user is authorized to exchange through those endpoints.

Staging Directories
For each endpoint/bulk type defined in a user’s file profile, File Express maintains a user-
configurable staging directory. The staging directory specifies the source directory for files sent
to MasterCard and the destination directory for files retrieved from MasterCard. File Express
creates a default staging directory during its startup process each time it encounters a new
endpoint/bulk type in a user’s file profile.
Staging directory customizations are maintained for each user. When a single workstation is
used by multiple File Express users, each user can maintain his or her own custom staging
directory for each bulk type they are profiled to exchange.
By default, the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service runs as the Windows Local
System account. This account normally only has permissions to access local system drives. To
access shared network folders, you will need to work with your Windows system
administrator to establish an account with appropriate permissions to run the File Express
Transfer Engine Windows service and access the desired shared network folders. Otherwise,
your Staging Directories will be limited to local drives.
Since the File Express Transfer Engine runs as a Windows Service, if you select a File Staging
Directory associated with a shared network folder, you must use the universal naming
convention (UNC) notation. Otherwise, the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service will
not be able to access the shared network folder. You must also ensure the user or service
account running the File Express Transfer Engine Windows service has permissions to access
the shared network folder.

Bulk File Naming Conventions

The MasterCard Global File Transfer Management System has an established bulk file naming
convention. When retrieving files from MasterCard, you will see this naming convention in the
File Express Transfer Logs. Here is an example:

The following table identifies the parts of the file name and provides a description of each
part. Bulk type, endpoint, and date and time are relevant file name elements for the end user.

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Getting Started
About File Express Directories

The date and time is when the data file was created in the MasterCard Global File Transfer
Management System.

Part Description

MCI High-level qualifier.

• MCI—Designation for the MasterCard production environment, which some test
files may use.
• YTF—Designation for the MasterCard test facility environment.

AR A two-character constant that identifies the MasterCard Global File Transfer

Management System.

T112 Bulk file type. Bulk types allow MasterCard to process files appropriately.
The first position indicates the direction that the file is moving (from a MasterCard
• R indicates that the file is being Received from the customer into MasterCard.
• T indicates that the file is being Transmitted to the customer from MasterCard.
The remaining three positions identify the type of file (for example, 112 indicates a
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) data file).

M Type of file transfer. In this example, M indicates MasterCard File Express.

E0090000 Endpoint number. An E (constant), followed by seven-digit endpoint number.

Within the MasterCard Global File Transfer Management System, the endpoint
represents a destination (address) in routing bulk files. When using File Express,
consider your file profile endpoints as individual mailboxes through which you can
exchange files with MasterCard.

D040928 Date the file was created. A D (constant), followed by the year, month, and day the file
was created—DYYMMDD.

T095115 Time the file was created. A T (constant), followed by the time of day in 24-hour
format. Time—HHMMSS.

A001 Sequence number. The sequence number is used to ensure unique file names.

About File Express Directories

The File Express directory structure is created during its startup process and includes staging
directories to manage file exchange, a report directory, and a log directory.

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Getting Started
About File Express Directories

Over time, as File Express uses these directories, users will need to maintain and manage their
content to ensure there is enough remaining disk space for File Express to conduct file
exchange. When there is insufficient disk space to complete a file transfer, File Express will
display a warning message and the associated file transfer will fail.
The following information describes how each File Express directory is used.

Download Directory
The Download directory stores files successfully downloaded (retrieved from MasterCard) by
File Express. There are two different download directories: one for production files and the
other for test files. The two default locations are:
Both directories can be customized on a file type basis.
The files downloaded to these directories have a specific naming convention. The file name
includes the file type and a date and time stamp. The date and time stamp indicates the date
and time that the file was created on your workstation. For multiple files of the same type,
created with the same date and time stamp, a three-digit sequence number is used to
differentiate each of the files and to ensure that File Express does not try to overwrite an
existing file in the Download directory. An example of a downloaded file name is:

• TT206T0 is the file name (Bulk ID T206)
• 2016–05–14 is the date (year, month, and day)
• 10–57–03 is the time stamp (hour, minute, and second in 24-hour time) that the file
download occurred.
• 001 is the sequence number

Upload Directory
The Upload directory stores files that are ready to be uploaded (sent inbound) to MasterCard.
Similar to the Download directory, there are two default root locations for Upload directories
as follows:
In addition, for each unique file type uploaded to MasterCard, there is a unique subdirectory
under the root Upload directories. The subdirectories have the format <endpoint ID>
\<bulk ID>. For example, if you were set up for production file type R205 on endpoint
0076543, the following default directory would be created:

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Getting Started
About File Express Directories

The files you stage in the upload directories are not required to have a specific naming
convention. For example, if you want to upload an R205, you could name the file
Similar to the Download directories, you also can customize the location of the Upload
directories on a file type basis; however, it is a requirement that every uploaded file type have
its own unique staging directory. For example, you could not use the same upload directory to
stage both R205 and R111.

Sent Directory
In each staging directory for file types you upload to MasterCard, File Express creates a
directory called sent (for example: C:\MCONLINE\MFE\UPLOAD\0076543\R205\sent).
Once a file from the staging directory is successfully uploaded to MasterCard, File Express will
move the file to the sent directory and append a date and time stamp to its name. Here is an
example of a file name in the sent directory:

• R205–10kb.TXT is the original file name
• 2016–05–14 is date (year, month, and day)
• 09–58–38 is the time stamp (hour, minute, and second in 24-hour time) that the file was
uploaded to MasterCard successfully
If File Express cannot create the sent directory when needed or cannot move a file to the sent
directory, a file transfer failure message will display. Generally, the reason that the sent
directory cannot be created is because of a permissions problem, which can be resolved by
your system administrator.
The files in the sent directory are for your convenience. You must move, copy, or delete them
to manage your disk space.

If File Express fails to move a file after it is successfully sent (that is, the file is left in the
Upload staging directory), File Express may try to send the file again in a later session,
resulting in duplicate file uploads.

Archive Directory
The Archive directory stores files that you download from the MasterCard archive. After File
Express downloads a file the first time, the MasterCard Global File Transfer Management
System moves that file to an archive where you can re-download it as necessary. The default
location for the Archive directory is C:\MFE70\download\archive.
Similar to Download and Upload directories, you also can customize the location of the
Archive directory on a file type basis. The files downloaded to the Archive directory have a
specific naming convention. The file name includes the file type and a date and time stamp.

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Getting Started
About the File Express Client Main Window

The date and time stamp are provided by your workstation at the time the file is downloaded.
Here is an example of a file name in the Archive directory:

Reports Directory
The Reports directory (C:\MFE70\reports) contains copies of audit reports (.html). By
default, these files are retained for 10 days. Here is an example of an audit report file name in
the Reports directory:

• audit is the report type
• 2016–03–16 is the date (year, month, and day)
• 09–30-03 is the time stamp (hour, minutes and seconds in 24-hour time)
Each file contains the results of an individual file transfer session conducted on a given day;
the file name indicates the date and time of the session.

Logs Directory
The Logs directory (C:\MFE70\logs) contains copies of the Transfer Logs (.htm). Transfer
Logs contain information about run time activity, number of files transferred, and status
information for all files exchanged on a given day. The transfer logs can be very useful when
troubleshooting issues that may occur during file exchange. By default, transfer logs are
retained for 10 days. Here is an example of a Transfer Log file name:

• xfer is the report type
• 2016–05–24 is the date (year, month, and day)

About the File Express Client Main Window

File Express Client provides a user-friendly interface to help you exchange files.
The main window contains standard window elements such as a title bar, menu bar, toolbar,
and the Minimize, Maximize, and Close control buttons. The File Express Client main window
may look similar to the following illustration.

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Getting Started
About the File Express Client Main Window

Window Elements
File Express Client provides common window elements that you can use to access the
application commands.

Window Element Description

Menu Bar Provides commands that you can use to perform tasks in the File
Express Client application

Title Bar Displays the name of the application

Toolbar Provides toolbar buttons that you can use to perform common
tasks in the application quickly

File List Lists the files available for transfer or lists the user’s file profiles for
a specific endpoint

Environment Allows you to select the environment—Production or Test

Information Fields Provides information about the content displayed in the file list,
server URL, and IP address

Status Bar Indicates the current transfer mode and user ID, provides the date
and time, and a connection indicator

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Getting Started
About the File Express Client Main Window

Menu Bar
The File Express Client menu bar provides commands that you can use to perform tasks in the
application. Depending on the task you are performing, some commands may be unavailable.

The following table describes the commands available in the File Express Client menu bar.

Menu Bar
Commands Description

File Includes commands to access the Transfer Log and Audit reports, enable or
disable Verbose Logging, and exit the application

View Includes a command to change the View Criteria, which selects what content
displays in the file list, and a command to Refresh the file list

Transfer Includes commands to Select All files in the file list, Clear All file selections in the
file list, and Transfer Selected Files in the file list

Help Includes commands to access Online Help and About to display the application
version and software build date

Proxy Includes a command to configure Proxy Settings

You can use the File Express Client toolbar buttons to perform common tasks in the
application. Depending on the tasks you are performing, some toolbar buttons may be

The following table describes the File Express Client toolbar buttons.

Button Label Description

Transferable Files View Displays the file list that contains files available for
exchange (upload or download) for the selected

File Profiles View Displays the file types configured in the user’s file
profile for the selected endpoint

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About the File Express Client Main Window

Button Label Description

Download View Displays the file list that contains either the files
available for download for the selected endpoint or
downloadable file types configured in the user’s file
profile for the selected endpoint

Upload View Displays the file list that shows either files available
for upload for the selected endpoint or uploadable
file types configured in the user’s file profile for the
selected endpoint

Archive View Displays the file list that shows either archived files
available for download for the selected endpoint or
downloadable file types configured in the user’s file
profile for the selected endpoint

Select All Selects all check boxes in the file list

Clear Selections Clears all check boxes in the file list

Refresh Files Establishes a connection to the MasterCard File

Express server and refreshes the file list

Transfer Selected Files Transfers selected files

Reports Allows you to preview and print the file session


Help Accesses online Help

When using the toolbar, keep in mind:

• The Transferable Files View and File Profiles View buttons work as a “view criteria” group.
When you click one of these buttons to perform a task, the button you selected appears
• The Download View, Upload View, and Archive View buttons are “view criteria” buttons
and also work as a group. When you click one of these buttons to perform a task, the
button you selected appears disabled.
These two groups establish the view criteria for the file list. By default, File Express Client
opens in the Transferable Files and Download view criteria.

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Getting Started
About the File Express Client Main Window

File List
The file list displays the files available for transfer or displays the user’s file profile for a specific
endpoint. Depending on the view criteria you select, the file list will change.
The following table describes the file list columns on the main window.

Column Description

Select Allows you to select the files you want to exchange

Status Displays the Fail status when a file does not transfer successfully. Fail is the
only status that displays in this column

Index Displays the numeric index for each file list

Title Displays the file’s bulk type and a brief description

DateTime For files available for download, specifies the date and time the file
became available for download. For files available for upload, the date
and time specifies when the file was last modified on your workstation.

FilePath Displays the source directory for files available for upload and the
destination directory for files available for download

FileName Name of the file

FileSize Indicates the size, in bytes, of the file

FileType Indicates the bulk file type

You can change the appearance of the file list by resizing and moving columns, and by
changing the sort order of the file list.

Working with the File List

When working with files that display in the File Express Client file list, keep these tips in mind.
• Click the Select All button to select all of the files in the file list.
• Click the Clear Selections button to clear all the check boxes in the file list.
• Files that have been transferred successfully cannot be transferred again during the current
• You can verify that the download was successful by viewing or printing the file session
report. To view or print the file session report, click the Reports button.
• You should remove files from the downloaded subdirectories as soon as you process the
files to ensure there is always sufficient disk space available for File Express Client.

Moving Columns
To change the order of the columns in the file list, position the pointer on the column heading
that you want to move, and then drag the column to the new location.

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Getting Started
About the File Express Client Main Window

Changing Column Widths

To adjust the width of the columns in the file list, position the pointer on the right border of
the column you want to resize. The pointer becomes a double-headed arrow when you move
it over the column border. Drag the border with your mouse to the size you want.

Sorting the File List

You can sort the file list in ascending or descending order. To change the sort order of the file
list, follow these steps:

1. Select any column heading to specify sorting.
2. Click the column heading for the first sort criteria—ascending—to sort all items in the
selected column in ascending order (for example, A to Z; 1 to 10).
3. Click the column heading again for the second sort criteria—descending—to sort all items
in the selected column in descending order (for example, Z to A; 10 to 1).

Depending on your selected sort criteria, a sort icon (triangle) changes direction—up or down.

Information Fields
The File Express Client main window displays several information fields.

Field Description

Number of Transferable Files Number of files that the system can transfer based on the current
view criteria

Current Sort Field Primary sort criteria for the file list displayed

Accessible File Profiles Number of file profiles configured for the current endpoint

Current Endpoint Current endpoint the user is using

Server URL MasterCard server’s URL

IP Address MasterCard server’s IP address

You can select the production or test environment from the File Express Client main window.
The environment you select determines whether you are exchanging files with the MasterCard
production environment (MCI) or the MasterCard test facility environment (YTF).

Production Environment

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Getting Started
About Uploading Files to MasterCard

When you select the production environment, you can exchange production files or retrieve
archived files from MasterCard. The file profiles established for your user ID determine which
production files are available to you. Your file profiles are set up to include the endpoints and
bulk types you need to access. After your file profiles have been established by MasterCard,
you can exchange files with MasterCard production applications.

Test Environment

The test environment allows you to exchange test files or retrieve archived test files from the
MasterCard test facility. The file profiles established for your user ID determine which test files
are available to you. The test environment allows you to test new application software releases
in coordination with a MasterCard Customer Implementation group.

Status Bar
The status bar, located at the bottom of the File Express Client main window, indicates the
current transfer mode and user ID, provides the date and time, and a connection indicator.

About Uploading Files to MasterCard

There are several ways to add files to the upload file list view.

Upload Directory
One way to add files to File Express Client for upload is to move or copy them to the
appropriate file type Upload directory. Each file type that can be sent to MasterCard has a
unique subdirectory, called the Upload directory, where source files can be staged in
preparation for uploading them to MasterCard. When File Express Client starts, the upload file
list will include all files you have moved or copied to the file type Upload directory.
For steps to upload files, go to Uploading a File to MasterCard. For information about
changing staging directories, go to Changing a Staging Directory.

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Getting Started
Getting Help

Add File Feature

You can add files from any directory residing on a drive accessible by the File Express Transfer
Engine Windows service using the Add button on the right side of the upload file list. Files
added using this method are available only for the current session.
With this method, the source file remains in its original directory (that is, the source file is not
moved to your Upload directory). It is important to note that when File Express Client uploads
files using this method, as with files in the Upload directories, it will create a sent directory in
the original directory and move the file to the sent directory. Therefore, File Express Transfer
Engine Windows service will need to run under a Windows user ID with appropriate
permissions to create the sent directory and move the uploaded file.
For steps to use the Add File feature, go to Adding Files.

Refresh Files Feature

While File Express Client is running, you can add files to the file type Upload directories. When
you refresh the file list, these files will be added to the file list.
For steps to use the Refresh Files feature, go to Refreshing Files.

Getting Help
Online Help provides a quick way to find useful information while working in File Express
Client. To access Help, follow these steps.

1. On the main menu, choose from one of these options:
– On the Help menu, click Help, and then click Online Help.

Click the Help button.
2. When you are finished using Help, click the Close button.

Because Help opens in a separate window, when you click Help, File Express Client remains

Links and Browse Buttons

Links and browse buttons make navigating in online Help easy.
• Links allow you to go to another topic or location quickly.
• Use the browse buttons in Help to view topics in the sequence in which you opened them
for the current session.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client

Chapter 3 Exchanging Files with File Express Client

This section provides information about starting the File Express Client user interface, configuring a
proxy server, exchanging files using File Express Client and customizing your staging directories

Starting File Express Client............................................................................................................ 27

Configuring Proxy Server Settings................................................................................................. 27
Downloading a File from MasterCard............................................................................................ 30
Uploading a File to MasterCard.....................................................................................................32
Adding Files.................................................................................................................................. 33
Refreshing Files............................................................................................................................. 34
Retrieving an Archived File............................................................................................................ 34
Performing Multiple File Exchanges............................................................................................... 35
Viewing File Profiles...................................................................................................................... 36
Using View Criteria....................................................................................................................... 36
Changing a Staging Directory....................................................................................................... 37
Using Multiple Endpoints.............................................................................................................. 37
Selecting the Initial Endpoint at Startup.................................................................................... 38
Selecting an Endpoint During the Current Session.................................................................... 38

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Starting File Express Client

Starting File Express Client

If you are a new or an existing File Express Client user and are not connecting to a proxy
server, follow these steps to start File Express Client.

Before you begin

To transfer files with File Express Client, you must use your MasterCard Connect™ System User
ID and SecurID® token. If you do not know your MasterCard Connect System User ID, log into
MasterCard Connect™ and in the Welcome drop-down list, click Profile. At the top of the
Profile window, you will see your System User ID.

1. Use one of the following actions to start File Express Client. Depending on which version
of Windows you’re using, this method may vary slightly.
– Double-click the File Express 7.0 Client icon on your desktop.
– On the taskbar, click Start > All Programs > MasterCard Worldwide > MasterCard
File Express > File Express 7.0 Client.
File Express Client starts and displays the Client User Login dialog box.
2. In the User ID box, type your MasterCard Connect System User ID.
3. In the Secure ID box, type your PIN and SecurID code, and then click Accept or press
The MasterCard File Express Activity Status window appears and displays a blue progress
indicator to indicate that authentication is in progress.
4. If you are configured for more than one endpoint, the Select Endpoint dialog box appears
after user authentication is successful. Select the desired endpoint, and then click OK.
The File Express Client main window opens with the View Criteria set to the endpoint you

Configuring Proxy Server Settings

If you are a new File Express user and you are connecting to a proxy server, you will need to
work with your network administration team to determine the proxy server name, port
number, login name, and password required to establish a connection to the public Internet.
After you obtain the proxy server parameters from your network administrator, follow these
steps to configure the proxy server.

1. Start File Express Client.
File Express Client starts and displays the Client User Login dialog box.
2. Click Configure Proxy.
The Proxy Server Settings dialog box appears.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Configuring Proxy Server Settings

3. Enter the proxy server parameters you obtained from the network administration team,
and then click OK to save your changes.
4. In the User Authentication dialog box, enter your MasterCard Connect System User ID
and PIN/SecurID, and then click Accept.
The MasterCard File Express Activity Status window appears and displays a blue progress
indicator to indicate that authentication is in progress.
5. If you did not provide valid proxy server settings in step 2, the following message appears.

Click Yes to close the message and display the Client User Login dialog box.
6. If your log in was successful and if you are configured for more than one endpoint, the
Select Endpoint dialog box appears after user authentication is established.
7. Select the appropriate endpoint, and then click OK.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Configuring Proxy Server Settings

The File Express Client main window opens with View Criteria set to the endpoint you

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Downloading a File from MasterCard

NOTE: If a user previously authenticated to the File Express Transfer Engine using File Express
Scheduler credentials and only exited the Scheduler window, then when you start File
Express Client, you will be given the opportunity to pause any scheduled activity the File
Express Transfer Engine may be managing. You will see the following Pause Scheduler dialog

To pause scheduled activity, you must provide the correct SSH Key Passphrase for the SSH Key
that the File Express Transfer Engine is currently using and click Pause Scheduler. Click Cancel
if you do not want to pause scheduled file transfers. When you click Pause Scheduler, you will
see the following dialog:

Clicking Yes will cause any active file transfer to fail, delay files queued with the File Express
Transfer Engine and pause processing of scheduled transfers while you use File Express
Client! Do you want to continue?
Click No to abort the File Express Client login. Click Yes to pause scheduled transfers and use
File Express Client. When you exit from File Express Client, the File Express Transfer Engine
will resume processing scheduled file transfers.

Downloading a File from MasterCard

To download a file from MasterCard, follow these steps.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Downloading a File from MasterCard

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
Click the Transferable Files View button.
3. Click the Download View button.
The file list displays the files that can be downloaded from MasterCard.

4. Select the check box next to each file you want to download.
5. Click the Transfer Selected Files button to download the file.
The MasterCard File Express Activity Status window displays the progress of the file
transfer. While downloading the file, the Activity Status window changes as it displays the
name and size of each file being transferred, and displays the progress of the transfer.
6. After all selected files have been transferred, the File Transfer Status message appears. The
message details the number of successfully transferred files and the number of failed
transferred files. Click OK to close the message.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Uploading a File to MasterCard

File Express Client places each file in the Download directory for the selected bulk type. Each
downloaded file is archived in the MasterCard Global File Transfer Management System. To
see a list of available files, click the Archive View button.
The files downloaded to the Download directories have a specific naming convention. For
more information about file naming conventions, go to About File Profiles, Staging
Directories, and Bulk File Naming Conventions.

Uploading a File to MasterCard

To upload a file to MasterCard using the user-defined staging directory, follow these steps.

1. Copy or move the files you want to upload to the Upload directory for the specified file
type (for example, C:\MCONLINE\MFE\UPLOAD\R205).
2. Start the File Express Client application.
3. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
Click the Transferable Files View button.
5. Click the Upload View button.
Any file you placed in the corresponding Upload directory displays in the file list.

6. Select the check box next to each file you want to upload, and then click the Transfer
Selected Files button to upload the files.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Adding Files

The MasterCard File Express Activity Status window displays the progress of the file
transfer. While uploading the file, the Activity Status window changes as it displays the
name and size of each file being transferred, and displays the progress of the transfer.
7. After all selected files have been transferred, the File Transfer Status message appears. The
message details the number of successfully transferred files and the number of failed
transferred files. Click OK to close the message.

Each file that was uploaded successfully is moved to a sent directory under the file type
Upload directory and renamed with the date and time stamp of the transfer appended to the
file name.

Adding Files
You can add files to your upload list from any directory on a network drive that File Express
Transfer Engine Windows service has permission to access. To upload a file to MasterCard
using the Add File feature, follow these steps.

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
Click the Transferable Files View button.
3. Click the Upload View button.
Click the Add button on the right side of the upload file list.
The Add File to Upload dialog box appears.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Refreshing Files

5. Under Profile Selection, select the bulk file type for the file you want to upload, and
then click OK.
The standard Windows Open dialog box appears.
6. Locate the file that you want to add to the upload list, and then click Open.
The file is added to the list of available files to upload.
7. Repeat steps 5–6 for each file type you want to upload.
8. To delete a file from the file list, select the check box next to the file you want to delete,
and then click the Delete button on the right side of the upload file list. This delete
capability only applies to files that were added using the Add button as described above.

Refreshing Files
If you move or copy files to any Upload directory while File Express Client is running, you must
refresh the upload file list to view those files. To refresh the file list at any time during a
session, follow these steps.

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
Click the Transferable Files View button.
3. Click the Upload View button .
4. Copy or move the files you want to upload to the Upload directory for the specified file
type (for example, C:\MCONLINE\MFE\UPLOAD\R205).
5. Click the Refresh Files button.

Any new files placed in a file type Upload directory will display in the upload file list.

Retrieving an Archived File

To retrieve a file you previously downloaded from MasterCard, you can use the Archive View
button to view a list of files that have been downloaded previously, and then download the
file again. To retrieve an archived file, follow these steps.

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
Click the Transferable Files View button.
3. Click the Archive View button to display a list of files that have been previously

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Performing Multiple File Exchanges

4. Select the check box next to each archived file you want to download.
5. To download the file, click the Transfer Selected Files button.
The Activity Status window displays the progress of the file transfer. While retrieving an
archived file, the Activity Status window changes as it displays the name and size of each
file being transferred, and displays the progress of the transfer.
6. After all selected files have been transferred, the File Transfer Status message appears.
Click OK to close the message.

File Express Client places the downloaded files in the file type Archive directory.

Performing Multiple File Exchanges

Using File Express Client, you can select files for multiple downloads and multiple uploads for
sequential transfer with MasterCard. This allows you to start all of the requested transfers at
one time. To initiate multiple downloads and uploads for sequential transfer with MasterCard,
follow these steps.

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
2. Click the Download View button.
3. Select the check box next to each file you want to download.
4. Click the Upload View button.
5. Select the check box next to each file you want to upload.
6. Click the Transfer Selected Files button to initiate multiple downloads and uploads for
sequential transfer with MasterCard.
While transferring files, the Activity Status window changes as it displays the name and
size of each file being transferred. The Activity Status window also displays the progress of
the transfer. After downloads are complete, uploads will begin.
7. After the files have been transferred, the File Transfer Status message appears. Click OK to
close the message.

File Express Client sequentially exchanges each selected file and places downloaded files in
their file type staging directory and moves sent files to their specific Upload sent directory.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Viewing File Profiles

Viewing File Profiles

Your file profile is specific to your MasterCard Connect System User ID. File profiles that
display in the file list depend on the environment and the view criteria you select. To view a
file profile for your current view criteria setting, follow these steps.

1. Select the appropriate environment (Production or Test).
2. Select the appropriate view criteria button:
– Download
– Upload
– Archive
3. Click the File Profiles View button.
File Express Client displays the file profiles for which you are authorized to exchange based
on the selected view criteria.

Using View Criteria

You can use the View Criteria dialog box to quickly select the content that displays in the file
list. To display the View Criteria dialog box, follow these steps.

1. On the View menu, click View Criteria.
The View Criteria dialog box appears.

2. Select the options you want to use, and then click OK.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Changing a Staging Directory

Changing a Staging Directory

Staging directories are maintained on an individual user basis. When a single workstation is
used by multiple File Express users, each user can maintain their own custom staging directory
for each bulk type they are profiled to exchange. To change a file profile’s staging directory,
follow these steps.

1. Click the File Profiles View button.
The system displays the file profiles for which you are authorized to access based on the
environment and view criteria you selected (Upload, Download, or Archive).
2. In the FilePath column of the file list, double-click the file path of the profile you want to
The Directory Selector dialog box displays the default folder path for the File Express Client
3. Use the Directory Selector dialog box to select a different drive directory, and then click

IMPORTANT: When using the Directory Selector dialog, if you select a shared network
folder, you must use the universal naming convention (UNC) notation. Otherwise, the File
Express Transfer Engine Windows service will not be able to access the shared network
folder. The UNC format is:
By default, the File Express Transfer Engine service runs as the Windows Local System
account and may have limited or no access at all to shared network folders. To access
shared network folders, you will need to work with your Windows system administrator
to establish an account with appropriate permissions to run the File Express Transfer
Engine Windows service and with appropriate access to the desired shared network

In the FilePath column, notice that the file path changed for the selected profile.

Using Multiple Endpoints

With File Express Client, you can perform file transfers for one or more endpoints; however,
you are limited to working with one endpoint at a time.

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Exchanging Files with File Express Client
Using Multiple Endpoints

Selecting the Initial Endpoint at Startup

When you start the File Express Client application and connect to the MasterCard File Express
server, the Select Endpoint dialog box displays with the multiple endpoints configured in your
user profile. If you are not configured for multiple endpoints, this dialog box will not appear.

1. Start File Express Client and connect to the MasterCard File Express server.
The Select Endpoint dialog box displays with the multiple endpoints configured in your
user profile.

2. Select the endpoint you want to use, and then click OK.

The File Express Client main window appears. In the Information Fields area, the current
endpoint you selected displays in the Current Endpoint field.

Selecting an Endpoint During the Current Session

After completing file transfers for the current endpoint, you may want to transfer files for
another endpoint. To select another endpoint for file transfer, follow these steps.

1. Once transfers are completed for the current endpoint, click View Criteria on the View
2. In the Endpoint list, select the endpoint you want to use, and then click OK.
If you are not configured for multiple endpoints, this field is not available.

The File Express Client main window appears. In the Information Fields area, the current
endpoint you selected displays in the Current Endpoint field.

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File Express Client User Guide—v.7.0 • 18 August 2016 38

Chapter 4 Reporting
This section provides information about the session report (File Express Client only), audit reports,
transfer log reports, and report retention configuration.

About File Express Reports............................................................................................................ 40

Session Report..........................................................................................................................40
Audit Report............................................................................................................................ 42
Transfer Log Report.................................................................................................................. 44
Printing a Session Report...............................................................................................................45
Printing an Audit Report............................................................................................................... 46
Printing a Transfer Log Report....................................................................................................... 46
Changing Retention Configuration............................................................................................... 47

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About File Express Reports

About File Express Reports

File Express provides three reports containing information about file transmissions.
• Session Report—The session report is available for the current file transfer session. This
report provides information about successful and unsuccessful file exchanges that occurred
during the current transfer session. (This report is not saved in a file and is only available
using File Express Client.)
• Audit Report—The audit report is saved in a file after each completed file transfer session.
By default, audit report files are retained for 10 days (maximum retention time is 100 days).
• Transfer Log—The transfer log displays the results of all file transfer sessions for a single
day. The transfer log is stored in a file and contains information about the run time activity,
number of files transferred, and status information. By default, transfer log report files are
retained for 10 days (maximum retention time is 100 days).
A file transfer session consists of File Express Client’s attempt to connect to the MasterCard
File Express server and exchange files.
The session and audit reports are divided into two sections: one for downloaded files and one
for uploaded files. Within each section, file transfers are then grouped by successful transfers
and unsuccessful transfers. The fields on the report are duplicated for each section.

Session Report
The session report provides information about successful and unsuccessful file exchanges that
occurred during the current transfer session.
The session report may look similar to the following illustration.

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About File Express Reports

Report Description
The following table provides a brief description of the session report.

Purpose The session report is used to verify file transfers.

Frequency The user may view or print this report at any time during a file transfer

Responsibility The user is responsible for accessing this report.

Distribution This report is distributed at the user’s discretion.

Field Definitions
The following table describes the fields on this report.

Field Description

Title Title of the transferred file

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About File Express Reports

Field Description

File Name Actual file name and path of the transferred file
• For downloaded files, the file location to which the file was
downloaded from MasterCard
• For uploaded files, the file location from which the file was uploaded
to MasterCard

Date/Time For files sent to MasterCard, indicates the file creation time-stamp from
your file system. For files retrieved from MasterCard, indicates date and
time the file was originally submitted to the MasterCard Global File
Transfer Management System

File Size Size, in bytes, of the transferred file

End Point File Express endpoint for the file transferred

App Bulk type

Total Files Number of files that were downloaded and uploaded, both successfully
and unsuccessfully

Audit Report
The audit report is stored in a file after each completed file transfer session. You can select,
preview, and print a specific audit report. You can also change the number of days the audit
report is retained (up to 100 days).
The audit report may look similar to the following illustration.

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About File Express Reports

Report Description
The following information provides a brief description of the audit report.

Purpose The audit report is used to verify file transfers.

Frequency This report is produced at the end of each file transfer session when you exit
File Express. By default, the audit report is retained for 10 days (maximum
retention time is 100 days) after a file transfer session has completed.

Responsibility The user is responsible for accessing this report.

Distribution This report is distributed at the user’s discretion.

Field Definitions
The following table describes the fields on this report.

Field Description

Title Title of the transferred file

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About File Express Reports

Field Description

File Name Actual file name and path of the transferred file
• For downloaded files, the file location to which the file was
downloaded from MasterCard
• For uploaded files, the file location from which the file was uploaded
to MasterCard

Date/Time For files sent to MasterCard, indicates the file creation time-stamp from
your file system. For files retrieved from MasterCard, indicates date and
time that the file was originally submitted to the MasterCard Global File
Transfer Management System

File Size Size, in bytes, of the transferred file

End Point File Express endpoint for the file transferred

App Bulk type

Total Files Number of files that were downloaded and uploaded, both successfully
and unsuccessfully

Transfer Log Report

The transfer log report displays the results of all transfer sessions for a single day. Each transfer
log represents the chronological order of your transfer sessions. You can select, preview, and
print a specific transfer log report. You also can change the number of days that transfer logs
are retained (maximum retention is up to 100 days).
A transfer log looks similar to the following illustration.

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Printing a Session Report

Log entries include:

• Transfer date and time
• If the transfer was successful or unsuccessful
• Endpoint of the file transfer
• Bulk type
• Source file
• Target file (for downloaded files)
• File size
For information about retention configuration, go to Changing Retention Configuration.

Printing a Session Report

A session report is created when at least one file exchange has been attempted during the
current session. To print a session report, follow these steps.

1. Click the Reports button .
The Session Report window displays the current transfer session.

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Printing an Audit Report

2. To print the report, click the Print button to display the Page Setup dialog box.
3. In the Page Setup dialog box, make any needed changes, and then click OK.
The standard Windows Print dialog box appears.
4. In the Print dialog box, click OK to print.

Printing an Audit Report

If there were one or more file exchanges attempted during your current session, an audit
report will be created at the end of the session. To preview or print an audit report from a
previous session, follow these steps.

1. On the File menu, click Audit.
The Audit Report window appears.
2. In the Report list, select the audit report you want to preview or print.

3. To print the report, click the Print button to display the Page Setup dialog box.
4. In the Page Setup dialog box, make any needed changes, and then click OK.
The standard Windows Print dialog box appears.
5. In the Print dialog box, click OK to print.

Printing a Transfer Log Report

A transfer log report displays the results of all transfer sessions for a single day. To preview or
print a transfer log report, follow these steps.

1. On the File menu, click Transfer Log.
The Transfer Log report window appears.
2. In the Report list, select the transfer log report you want to preview or print.

3. To print the report, click the Print button to display the Page Setup dialog box.
4. In the Page Setup dialog box, make any needed changes, and then click OK. The
standard Windows Print dialog box appears.
5. In the Print dialog box, click OK to print.

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Changing Retention Configuration

Changing Retention Configuration

By default, File Express retains audit reports and transfer logs for 10 days. You can change this
default so that these reports are retained for up to 100 days. To change default retention
configuration settings, follow these steps.

1. On the File menu, click Audit or click Transfer Log.
The Reports window appears.
2. On the Reports window, click the Retention Configuration button.
The Retention Configuration dialog box appears.

3. In the Audit Report Retention Days box, enter the number of days (maximum limit
allowed is 100) you want to retain each audit report. The audit report is available for each
completed file transfer session.
4. In the Transfer Log Retention Days box, enter the number of days (maximum limit
allowed is 100) you want to retain each daily transfer log. The transfer log report displays
the results of all file transfers sessions for a single day.
5. Click Save to save your changes.

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