Educ 90
Educ 90
Educ 90
● “Educare”, raise or rear
● “Educere”, draw out the best from learners
● “Schola”
Curricularist: referred to those who developed curriculum theories. Professional who is a curriculum specialist.
Teacher as a Curricularist:
● Knows
● Writes
● Plans
● Initiates the Curriculum
● Innovates
● Implements
● Evaluate
BASIC (Hence)
● Scope: lawak
Approach as a Process:
● There is a change, as a way of doing
Approach as Product/Outcome:
● Evidence of successful teaching
● Cyclical model that involves feedback and revisions.
● Emphasizes content selection and the integration of content in providing quality learning experiences.
Idealism: search for the truth, truth is not changing. (Plato, Father of Idealism)
Realism: concerned with just facts, favoring practicality and literal truth (Aristotle, father of Realism)
Pragmatism: Growth and efficiency, reality are constantly changing (John Dewey, Father of Pragmatism)
Existentialism: search for self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and responsibility (Soren Kierkegaard,
Father of Existentialism)
Perennialism: relies on the past and stresses traditional values. The central aim should be developing the power of
the mind.
Essentialism: Traditional approach. Emphasizes the basic skills or the fundamental 4r’s.
Progressivism: Curriculum should be derived from students’ interest and experiences.
Reconstructionism: Reconstruct the knowledge of the student, rebuild.
Franklin Bobbit: started curriculum development movement because it prepares for adult life and science that
emphasizes students’ needs.
Werret Charters: believe that curriculum is a science and emphasizes students’ needs. Objectives and activities should
match and subject matter relates to objectives.
William Kilpatrick: believe that curricula are a child-centered that develops social relationship and small group.
Harold Rugg: believe that curriculum is a child-centered. It produces outcomes which teachers should plan the
curriculum in advance.
Hollis Caswell: curriculum is a set of experiences that develop through social functions and learners’ interests.
Ralph Tyler: curriculum is based on students’ needs and interest and also educates generalists and not specialist.
Hilda Taba: helped lay the foundation for diverse student population also contributed to theoretical and pedagogical
Peter Olivia: curriculum change as a cooperative endeavor. Also improvement achieved through group activity.
Behaviorist Psychology: all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment.
● Connectionism (Thorndike)
● Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
● Operant Conditioning (Thorndike)
● Modeling and Observation (Bandura)
● Hierarchical Learning (Gagne)
Cognitive Psychology: is the scientific study of mental processes.
● Cognitive Development Stage (Piaget)
● Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
● Multiple Intelligence (Gardner)
● Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
Humanistic Psychology: how learners can develop their human potential.
● Motivational Theory
Cognitive approach deals with mental processes like memory and problem solving.
Education and Society:
● Schools emerge within society. Social Education such as culture, religions, economics, politics etc.
● Methods of Teaching: Enable child to acquire skills
● Develop capacity for social adjustment
● Develop problem solving
● Social techniques projects and group methods.
Roles of Teachers:
● Destiny of the nation shaped in classroom by the teachers
● Expect to possess the right attitude of social behavior.
● Dignity of the individual rights and duties so as to transmit the same to the younger generation
The School:
● Reflect and epitomize the larger society outside the walls.
● Discipline
● Balance, purify and simplify the activities
● Should come through participation in group activities and social service activities.
Article XIV, Sec. 3, par. 1 and 2, 1987 Constitution
● All educational institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as part of the curricula
● They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, and
appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country.
● This was an act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of education.
● Known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, the Act created the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
whose main task is to regulate and develop tertiary education in the Philippines
● The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) was established through the enactment
of Republic Act No. 7796
● "An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the
Number of Years for Basic Education.
● Broad Field Design/Interdisciplinary: This design was made to cure the compartmentalization of the
separate subjects and integrate the contents that are related to one another.
Learnered-Centered Design
● Child-Centered Design: This curriculum design is anchored on the needs and interests of the child. Learners
interact with the teachers and the environment, thus there is a collaborative effort on both sides.
● Experience-Centered Design: Believes that the interests and needs of learners cannot be preplanned.
Experiences of the learners become the starting point of the curriculum.
● Humanistic Design: The development of self is the ultimate objective of learning. It stresses the whole person
and integration of thinking, feeling and doing it.
Problem-centered Design:
● Draws on social problems, needs, interests and abilities of the learners.
Life-Situations Design:
● It uses the past and present experiences of learners as a means to analyze the basic areas of living
Core Problem Design:
● It centers on general education and the problems are based on the common human activities
Vertical Alignment
● Based on hierarchy builds on simple to complicated concepts and skills.
● Group of Filipino teachers creates a curriculum from grade 7 to 10 based on the curriculum guide.
Curriculum Quality Audit
● Process of mapping the program or syllabus against established standards.
● The curriculum quality audit requires a written curriculum and tested curriculum linked to both the taught
and written curricula. (ex. SATT)
Benefits of Curriculum Quality Audit
● Identify gaps, under, and over representation of the curriculum based on the standards.
● Ensures alignment of learning outcomes, activities, and assessment to the standards.
7 Domains of PPST
➢ Content, Knowledge, and Pedagogy
➢ Learning Environment
➢ Diversity of Learners
➢ Curriculum and Planning
➢ Assessment and reporting
➢ Community linkages and Professional Engagements
➢ Personal Growth and Professional Development
● these are the activities where the learners derive experiences includes different teaching- learning methods
such as;
● cooperative learning
● individual learning
● Learning occurs most effectively when students receive feedback
● students learn to monitor and evaluate their own learning
Peer assessment
● students provide feedback on each other’s learning
Teacher assessment
● teacher prepares and administers tests and gives feedback on the student’s performance