Software Modeling and Analysis L7 1-3

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Course Outlines

Lecture 7

7-1 Elements of Data Flow Diagram

7-2 Data Flow Diagram Examples

7-3 Case Study for DFD

1 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

Case Study One

Loan System
A customer submits an application form for a loan using a
prescribed form. Before a loan is granted, the customer’s credit
worthness is established by contacting his bank and employer.
References are requested bank and employer.
After the requested references have been received, the loan is
processed. Once a loan is approved, the customer is sent the loan
amount in the form of a cheque and repayment vouchers are also
sent together with the cheque.
The customer uses the repayment vouchers to make his payment.
Every month, a list of “Bad Loan” is produced for “Debt
Recovery Department”.

2 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

Context Level diagram for Loan System

Customer form Bad loan

Loan System
Loan amount with
Customer cheque + payment

3 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

1 Loan System
Application form Accept
valid reference
2 Loan System ask reference
Request ask reference
* Employer
valid reference
Loan amount with Loan detail
3 Loan System
cheque + payment
vouchers D1 Loan file

4 of 12 Faculty of Information Science
7.3 Case Study for DFD

Payment with vouchers Loan System

4 Repayment detail

Repayment of Loan D2 Payment File

Customer * Loan detail

Loan detail D1 Loan file

Bad loan list
5 Loan System
payment detail
Debt D2 Payment File
Prepare Bad
Department List

Bad list D3
Bad List File

Level 1 diagram for Loan System

5 of 12 Faculty of Information Science
7.3 Case Study for DFD

Case Study Two

Sales Ordering System

Draw the context diagram and Level 1 for the following

sales ordering system. Golden Rose is a machine parts
delivery company.
Customer inquiries are received, information of the
parts are given to the customer.

Customers place order for specific parts, customer

detail includes a customer ID, delivery address and
delivery date for order.

6 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

The delivery department carries out the delivery

process by sending the parts to the customer, updating
the stock quantity and customer order.

The account department calculates the total amount of

sales and sends an invoice to a customer. Customer
repayments are received by the account department.

The administration department reports to managers

such as stock amount of each reorder level and total
sales amount.

7 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

Context Level diagram for Sales Ordering System

inquire report

detail info Sales Ordering

place order System

deliver part invoice


8 of 12 Faculty of Information Science

7.3 Case Study for DFD

inquire Inquiry Dept.

detail info
Customer Answer Part
Inquires D1 information
give info *

2 Sales Dept.
place order Sales order
Customer Sales order D2 Sale order

3 Deliver Dept.

deliver part Make D3 Stock quantity

Deliver Part update
* stock
9 of 12 Faculty of Information Science
7.3 Case Study for DFD

invoice Sales order

4 Account Dept.
Customer D2 Sale order
payment Amount Sale amount
D4 Account file

Sale amount
5 Admin Dept.
Stock info

Manager Determine D3 Stock quantity

Sales Report

Level 1 diagram for Sales Ordering System

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