GIS Task

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Business Requirements

- The bank needs to allow the bank costumers to issue a credit-card online and
receive it in 3 days.
“In terms of attracting individuals to issue credit-cards from the bank”

- The bank needs to make the costumers able to find credit cards section with a
button to apply for a new credit card, in the clearest and easiest way.
“in terms of making the service in hand for the targeted audience “

- The service of issuing credit-card Online and deliver it in 3 days is targeting the
costumers with bank account. (already bank clients with active bank accounts)

- The ability of delivery routines And logistics can allow enabling the service on the
- Management flexibility to go further more in depth of research and analyses to
apply and implement suggestions and recommendations.

Process work-flow
❖ the user makes a request for a new credit card - start event
❖ the user has to fill in a form with their personal data - user task

❖ the bank system must check the users credit score, this is done automatically using a
send event that sends a credit score check request to the credit score adapter and a
receive event that waits for the reply from the adapter - automatic task
❖ If rejected
● the user is shown a massage explaining the reasons of deny - end process
❖ If accepted

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● the user is shown an acceptance massage with the details of the credit
card Fees. automatic task
● and they have to confirm it - user task

❖ after the user confirmation, the process is split into Three branches, they take place
in parallel - parallel gateway.

⮚ Fees are deducted from the costumer’s account,

Register the request in the bank’s systems (bank system adapter /
to start the issuance credit card procedures.

⮚ Confirmation And congratulations email (notification plugin) to be sent to

the costumer with some basic and delivery information.
⮚ an order to issue the credit card is sent to the bank system, With all data
and information including user address branch and Branch location
determined as follows…
● a call to an external API to compute the distance between
the users address and the bank locations
ance-matrix/overview) - automatic task
● new task is used to calculate the shortest branch location
distance to the costumer address to send the credit card
to the chosen branch - automatic task
❖ the credit card is to be sent to the chosen branch - bank task
❖ the credit card to be delivered from the branch to the costumer address. - bank task
❖ a receive task will wait to the confirmation from the bank that the user has picked
up the new card, and the process flow ends - end event

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1. The Bank needs to check, calculate the costumer’s score from bank records

2. The Bank needs to validate the documents submitted by the bank’s costumer

3. The Bank needs to evaluate the application submitted by the bank’s costumer

4. The bank needs to deduct the fees for issuing the credit-card from the
costumer’s bank account.

5. Bank costumer needs to explore credit-cards types with terms, conditions,

detailed plans and benefits, or any other details,
and be able to choose which one to issue.

6. Bank costumer needs a screen with appropriate fields to apply for credit card
a. Bank costumer needs to provide all the information required to apply to
issue a credit card.
Data might be needed to apply for a credit card.
⮚ Personal data
⮚ Financial information
⮚ Employer and occupation information
b. Bank customer need to be notified when entering wrong type of
c. Bank costumer need to upload further requirements for validation. Such
as government issued IDs, and other documents.
d. Bank costumer need to be able to submit the application

7. Bank costumer needs to be informed whether his application is accepted or

denied with the following,
▪ If denied =>
the reason of deny should be explained.
▪ If accepted =>
the Bank costumer needs to be able to review a brief with basic
information like fees and delivery information,
and he has to confirm it.

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8. Bank costumer needs to view a massage with congratulation that the process
has successfully ended. With delivery information.

Functional requirements

1. The system shall display all the credit-cards that can be issued.
2. The system shall display all the available detailed information of the selected
credit-card to issue.

3. The system shall enable user to navigate between the credit-cards that can be
4. The system shall enable user to select one or more credit-cards to issue.
5. The system shall allow the user to enter And submit all required information and
documents to apply to a credit-card for issuance.
Such as...

● Name
● Address
● National ID number
● How long you’ve lived at that address
● Whether you own or rent your home or have another type of
living arrangement
● Country of citizenship
● Country of residence
● Phone number
● Date of birth
● Social Security number
● Employment status
● Gross annual income
● Sources of income
● Financial assets and accounts
● Financial liabilities
● other loan payments

◆ The system shall notify the user when entering wrong type of data
◆ The system shall allow user to upload documents to apply to a
credit-card to issue.

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◆ The system shall check / calculate the costumer’s score from bank
◆ The system shall validate the documents submitted by the bank
◆ The system shall evaluate the application submitted by the bank
◆ The system shall show a deniable massage with the detailed
◆ The system shall show an acceptance massage with brief info to
the user.
◆ The system shall allow the bank costumer to confirm the
acceptance massage
◆ The system shall deduct the fees from the bank costumer’s
◆ The system shall show an congratulation massage to the user with
delivery info.

Value Rating Description

1 Critical This requirement is critical to the success of the project. The project will not be
possible without this requirement.

2 High This requirement is high priority, but the project can be implemented at a bare
minimum without this requirement.

3 Medium This requirement is somewhat important, as it provides some value but the
project can proceed without it.

4 Low This is a low priority requirement, or a “nice to have” feature, if time and cost
allow it.

5 Future This requirement is out of scope for this project, and has been included here
for a possible future release.

The requirements in this document are prioritized as follows:

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Functional requirements:
Req. Name Impacted
Req.ID and Prior stor
Description Rationale Stakehol
group ity y


FR-G-001 credit- Bank customer needs to the system Bank

cards explore credit-cards types with shall show a costume
exploration terms, conditions, detailed page with all r
plans and benefits, or any other credit-cards
details, types
and be able to Select a credit-
card to issue.
The system
shall allow user
to view details
with terms,
detailed plans
and benefits, or
any other

The system
shall enable
user to
between the
that can be

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Req. Name Impacted
Req.ID and Prior stor
Description Rationale Stakehol
group ity y

The system
shall enable
user to select a
credit-cards to

FR-AP-001 Application 1 The system shall allow the user The system Bank
Submitting to enter all required shall notify the costume
information to apply to a user when r
credit-card for issuance. entering wrong
type of data
Such as..

1) Name
2) Address The system
3) National ID number shall allow user
4) How long you’ve lived to upload
at that address documents to
5) Whether you own or apply to a
rent your home or have credit-card to
another type of living
6) Country of citizenship
7) Country of residence
8) Phone number
9) Date of birth The system
10) Social Security number
shall allow user
11) Employment status
to Submit the
12) Gross annual income
13) Sources of income application
14) Financial assets and
15) Financial liabilities
16) other loan payments

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Req. Name Impacted
Req.ID and Prior stor
Description Rationale Stakehol
group ity y

The system Bank

shall check /
calculate the
score from
bank records.

The system
shall validate
the documents
submitted by
the bank
Applicatio The system shall evaluate the
n application submitted by the
FR-AP-002 1 bank costumer.
evaluatio The system
n shall show a
massage with
the detailed

The system
shall show an
massage with
brief info to the

FR-AP-003 Applicatio 1 The system shall allow the bank The system Bank
n costumer to confirm the shall deduct the costume
Acceptanc fees from the

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Req. Name Impacted
Req.ID and Prior stor
Description Rationale Stakehol
group ity y

bank r

The system
shall show an
e massage to the
acceptance massage
confirmati user with
on delivery info.

The system
shall Send order
to issue the
credit card to
the bank

Process work-flow
❖ the user makes a request for a new credit card - start event
❖ the user has to fill in a form with their personal data - user task

❖ the bank system must check the users credit score, this is done automatically using a
send event that sends a credit score check request to the credit score adapter and a
receive event that waits for the reply from the adapter - automatic task
(this might require a call to an external API to check the costumer score)

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❖ If rejected
● the user is shown the reason of deny - end process
❖ If accepted
● the user is shown the details of the credit card,
● and they have to confirm it - user task

❖ after the user confirmation, the process is split in two branches, they take place in
parallel - parallel gateway.

⮚ Fees are deducted from the costumer’s account,

Register the request in the bank’s systems (bank system adapter /
to start the issuance credit card procedures.
⮚ Confirmation email (notification plugin) to be sent to the costumer with
some basic and delivery information.
❖ a call to an external API to compute the distance between the users address and the
bank locations (
matrix/overview) - automatic task
❖ new task is used to calculate the shortest branch location distance to the costumer
address to send the credit card to the chosen branch - automatic task
❖ the credit card is to be sent to the chosen branch - bank task
❖ the credit card to be delivered from the branch to the costumer address. - bank task
❖ a receive task will wait to the confirmation from the bank that the user has picked
up the new card, and the process flow ends - end event

Recommendations: -
- for targeting a much wider range of audience, the costumers with no bank
account should be included.
- In this case the process will need be modified in some areas which needs more
analysis as follows: -
1) adding a payment gateway with one or more payment method is a
2) opening a bank account process will be added.
3) data and document validation method for opening bank account needs to
be as much as possible automated. (best case scenario, fully
4) technical challenges to integrate bank systems with new software or

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5) how the bank can contribute to the implementation, and what the expectations
are around contributing to the change.
6) Change management and change control analysis.
7) Budgeting, feasibility analysis and expected ROI.

Best case scenario

Open account and issue a credit card to be delivered in less than 3

Worst case scenario

Open account and issue a credit card to be delivered in more than
3 days.

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By checking this box, the customer gives the Bank the authority to disclose all/part of
his/her data and information. This includes checking the borrower’s I-Score, which may
be required for the request to be approved. The Bank also maintains the right to make
inquiries about the customer at other banks, the Central Bank of Egypt, or similar

The Bank retains the right to approve or reject the request at its discretion and
based on the fulfillment of the customer verification procedure and the completion and
submission of the required original documents (including the application form), in line
with Bank policy

To complete your request, please check the list of tariffs, expenses, and fees applied
by the bank for the products and services it provides, click here

Recommendations: -

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- for targeting a much wider range of audience, the costumers with no bank
account should be included.
- In this case the process will need be modified in some areas which needs more
analysis as follows: -
8) adding a payment gateway with one or more payment method is a
9) opening a bank account process will be added.
10) data and document validation method for opening bank account needs to
be as much as possible automated. (best case scenario, fully
11) technical challenges to integrate bank systems with new software or
12) how the bank can contribute to the implementation, and what the expectations
are around contributing to the change.
13) Change management and change control analysis.
14) Budgeting, feasibility analysis and expected ROI.

Best case scenario

Open account and issue a credit card to be delivered in less than 3

Worst case scenario

Open account and issue a credit card to be delivered in more than
3 days.

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