2023 Trunglu
2023 Trunglu
2023 Trunglu
Received: 4 April 2022 / Revised: 15 July 2022 / Accepted: 20 July 2022 / Published online: 3 August 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022
Purpose Traumatic thoracolumbar (TL) fractures are the most common vertebral fractures. Although a consensus on the
preferred treatment is missing, percutaneous pedicle screw fixation (PPSF) has been progressively accepted as treatment
option, since it is related to lower soft tissues surgical-injury and perioperative complications rate. This study aims to evaluate
the long-term clinical–radiological outcomes after PPSF for TL fractures at a single tertiary academic hospital.
Methods This is a retrospective cohort study. Back pain was obtained at preoperative, postoperative and final follow-up
using Visual Analog Scale. Patient-reported outcomes, the Oswestry Disability Index and the 36-Item Short Form, were
obtained to asses disability during follow-up. Radiological measures included Cobb angle, mid-sagittal index, sagittal index
(SI) and vertebral body height loss. A multivariate regression analysis on preoperative radiological features was performed
to investigate independent risk factors for implant failure.
Results A total of 296 patients with 368 TL fractures met inclusion criteria. Mean follow-up was 124.3 months. The clini-
cal and radiological parameters significantly improved from preoperative to last follow-up measurements. The multivariate
analysis showed that Cobb angle (OR = 1.3, p < 0.001), SI (OR = 1.5, p < 0.001) and number of fractures (OR = 1.1, p = 0.05),
were independent risk factors for implant failure. The overall complication rate was 5.1%, while the reoperation rate for
implant failure was 3.4%.
Conclusions In our case series, PPSF for TL injuries demonstrated good long-term clinical-radiological outcomes, along
with low complication and reoperation rates. Accordingly, PPSF could be considered as a valuable treatment option for
neurologically intact patients with TL fractures. Additionally, in this cohort, number of fractures ≥ 2, Cobb angle ≥ 15° and
sagittal index ≥ 21° were independent risk factors for implant failure.
Keywords Thoracolumbar fracture · Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation · Burst fracture · Minimally invasive surgery ·
Posterior short-segment fixation
TL Thoracolumbar
PPSF Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation
CT Computed tomography
* Sokol Trungu
[email protected] MIS Minimally invasive surgery
MSI Mid-sagittal index
Neurosurgery Unit, Cardinale G. Panico Hospital, Via MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
Fratelli Peluso 8, 73039 Tricase, Italy
ODI Oswestry Disability Index
N.E.S.M.O.S. Department, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza” PLC Posterior ligamentous complex
University of Rome, Rome, Italy SI Sagittal index
Neurosurgery Unit, F. Spaziani Hospital, Frosinone, Italy VAS Visual analog scale
Department of Neurosurgery, Fondazione Policlinico VBHL Vertebral body height loss
Universitario Agostino Gemelli - IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Neurosurgery, Neuromed IRCCS, Pozzilli, Italy
76 European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83
Traumatic thoracolumbar (TL) fractures represent the Patients admitted at our tertiary academic referral center
most common fractures of the spine. Up to 50–60% of for traumatic TL fractures who underwent PPSF, between
these fractures involve the TL junction (T10-L2), 25–45% March 2007 and March 2015 (8 years), were considered for
the thoracic spine, and 10–14% the lumbosacral spine [1, eligibility.
2]. The compression-burst fractures (type A, AOSpine Inclusion criteria were: traumatic TL fractures classi-
Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System [3, 4]) fied according to the AOSpine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury
are the most common (60–70%) subtype, followed by dis- Classification System; neurologically intact (ASIA E);
traction injuries (type B—14–21%), and rotational injuries follow-up > 6 years.
(type C—4–16%) [5]. Exclusion criteria were: incomplete clinical and radiolog-
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has been progres- ical data; history of severe osteoporosis (DEXA—T-score
sively accepted as a treatment option for spine fractures. of − 2.5 or lower and presence of one or more fragility frac-
Several studies have compared posterior percutaneous tures, as defined by the World Health Organization); previ-
screw fixation (PPSF) techniques with traditional open ous TL surgery; non-traumatic fractures; < 6 years follow-up.
surgery, concluding that PPSF is associated with shorter
surgical duration and hospital stay, lower intraoperative Surgical technique
blood loss and infection rates, and lower surgical-related
injury to spinal muscles [6, 11]. On the other hand, no A standard technique for percutaneous screw placement was
significative differences were reported concerning radio- performed in all patients. A convergent and straightforward
logical and clinical outcomes of these techniques [12, 13]. pedicle screw trajectory is preferred. After insertion of all
Recently, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) screws, contouring of the rods is performed and these are
guidelines have recommended to carefully consider the inserted and locked in place.
role of arthrodesis in these procedures, since osteosynthe- Patients, with monosegmental burst fractures, were
sis alone seems to provide similar clinical and radiological treated with short segment fixation (6 screws) using an
outcomes [14]. Posterior short-segment fixation has dem- instrumentation system involving one vertebra above, one
onstrated as effective in restoring spinal stability, correct- below and at the fractured vertebra (in which either mon-
ing kyphotic deformity, and indirectly decompressing the olateral or bilateral pedicle screws were inserted according
spinal canal in TL fractures [15–20]. However, there are to local anatomy and pedicles status). Segmental lordosis
no conclusive long-term clinical-radiological data in TL restoration was always pursued in the case of segmental
fractures management. kyphosis with percutaneous distraction.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term In cases of multiple fractures or type B fractures, the num-
clinical and radiological outcomes of 296 neurologically ber of levels involved with pedicle screws depended on the
intact patients with 368 TL fractures who underwent PPSF type, level, number of fractures and deformity grade. Can-
without arthrodesis at a single institution. To the best of nulated polyaxial screws were used in all patients. Screws’
our knowledge, our data are based on the largest cohort of sizes ranged in length and diameter, from 30 to 55 mm and
patients, from a single-institution, and the longest clinical from 4.5 to 7.5 mm, respectively. Titanium rods sizes ranged
and radiological follow-up. in diameter from 5 to 6.5 mm. Different percutaneous instru-
mentation systems were used over years. Bracing was never
prescribed after surgery in any case. Implant removal was
not perfomed in any patients of this study.
Clinical outcomes
Study design
General and neurological conditions, as well as the quality of
This is a retrospective cohort study from a single institu- life, were evaluated at admittance (preoperative parameters),
tion. According to the study design and national and insti- 6 weeks, one year, 6 years after surgery, and at final follow-
tutional guidelines, the ethical committee approval was not up visit, using a ten-points itemized visual analog scale
required. At the time of hospitalization, all the patients (VAS) for low-back pain. Patient reported outcomes were
provided their written informed consent for surgery and evaluated at 6 weeks, one year, 6 years after surgery and final
data management for scientific purposes. This study agrees follow-up visit to asses disability using the Oswestry Dis-
with the WMA Helsinki declaration of Human Rights. ability Index (ODI) score and the short-form SF-36 score.
European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83 77
78 European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83
Table 1 Patient characteristics replacement of the screw and 8 patients (2.7%) with implant
failure. Five minor complications (1.7%) were observed: 5
Total no. of patients 296
patients had a superficial wound infection with complete
Mean age ± SD, yrs (range) 46.2 ± 19.1 (15–86)
resolution within 2 weeks after surgery.
Mean follow-up ± SD, mos (range) 124.3 ± 26.1 (78–174)
Ten patients required reoperation (overall reoperation rate
of 3.4%): two patients needed a revision surgery for screw
Female 126 (42.6%)
misplacement, and 8 patients needed a revision surgery for
Male 170 (57.4%)
implant failure (6 patients for screw pull-out, 1 rod disloca-
ASA classification
tion and 1 screw breakage) during follow-up.
I 92 (31.1%)
II 149 (50.3%)
Subgroup analysis of preoperative radiological
III 45 (15.2%)
parameters for implant failure
IV 10 (3.4%)
V 0
In univariate analysis, preoperative MSI (OR = 1.1; 95%
CI [1.03–1.16]; p = 0.002); and VBHL (OR = 0.95; 95%
Cardiovascular diseases 146 (49.3%)
CI [0.64–1.13]; p = 0.334) were not related to implant fail-
Diabetes mellitus 99 (33.4%)
ure. Additionally, number of fractures (OR = 1.18; 95% CI
Obesity 87 (29.4%)
[1.03–1.16]; p = 0.0038); Cobb angle (OR = 1.4; 95% CI
Respiratory diseases 41 (13.8%)
[1.2–1.6]; p < 0.001); and SI (OR = 1.5; 95% CI [1.2–1.7];
Smokers 96 (32.4%)
p < 0.001).
Traumatic mechanism
The multivariate regression analysis showed that num-
Car/motorbike accident 196 (66.2%)
ber of fractures (OR = 1.1; 95% CI [1.01–1.2]; p = 0.05),
Work activity 40 (13.5%)
preoperative Cobb angle (OR = 1.3; 95% CI [1.12–1.62];
Sport activity 25 (8.4%)
p < 0.001) and SI (OR = 1.5; 95% CI [1.23–1.72]; p < 0.001)
Domestic activity 23 (7.8%)
were independent factors for implant failure. Moreo-
Diving 12 (4.1%)
ver, a decision tree with cut off values showed that Cobb
ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists angle ≥ 15° (OR = 9.5; 95% CI [2–45.5]; p = 0.005) and
SI ≥ 21° (OR = 39.6; 95% CI [4.9–319.1]; p = 0.0006) pre-
dicts implant failure. The univariate and multivariate analy-
p < 0.05), showed good clinical outcomes with no dis- sis for implant failure are resumed in Table 5.
ability during long-term follow-up. Clinical outcomes are
resumed in Table 3.
Thirty-nine out of the 2048 (1.9%) implanted screws had Discussion
a pedicle breach > 2 mm (grade C or more); however, only
two screws were replaced for occurrence of postoperative Although TL fracture were historically managed using the
radiculopathy. standard open surgery for obtaining segmental fusion, asso-
The Cobb angle (preop 10.2° ± 5.6 vs 4.7° ± 3.6 at fol- ciated to a decompression of the spinal canal when needed,
low-up, p < 0.001) and SI (preop 16.4° ± 7.2 vs 8.7° ± 5.0 at the evolution of surgical techniques and instrumentation
follow-up, p < 0.001) improved significantly after surgery implants have provided alternatives such as percutaneous
and were maintained at follow-up. Similarly, the MSI (preop PPSF. This has demonstrated as effective as standard open
52.2% ± 19.1 vs 3.4% ± 2.8 at follow-up, p < 0.001) and the surgery in terms of clinical-radiological outcomes, while
VBHL ratio (preop 0.55 ± 0.16 vs 0.60 ± 0.19 at follow-up, providing valuable surgical advantages [7, 8]. Accordingly,
p < 0.001) improved significantly after surgery. Radiologi- spine surgeries for TL fractures has been progressively
cal outcomes are resumed in Table 4. An illustrative case is changed with the adoption of minimally invasive surgery
presented in Fig. 1. (MIS) for the management of these patients [27–31].
In cases of burst fractures, indirect decompression can be
Complications and reoperation rate obtained with the ligamentotaxis, consisting in the tension
of the posterior longitudinal ligament during distraction, and
No major or minor intra-operative complications were regis- segmental lordorization, promoting the self-repositioning of
tered. Fifteen complications were recorded (overall compli- the dislocated bone fragments which are pushed forward
cation rate of 5.1%). Ten patients had a major complication [32–34]. The additional screws into the fractured vertebra
that needed a revision surgery: 2 patients (0.7%) experienced provide a supplementary hyperlordorizing force, eventu-
a nerve root radiculopathy with complete resolution after ally ameliorating segmental kyphosis correction grade.
European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83 79
Furthermore, it seems to increase the bone healing rate in management is able to provide long-term good results, in
mid-term, then reducing chances for segmental kyphosis terms of clinical outcomes.
[19]. The evaluation of radiological parameters has demon-
Our results confirm data from the pertinent literature, in strated that segmental deformity correction, MSI, SI and
terms of good surgical, clinical and radiological outcomes VBHL result as maintained over the follow-up, as matter
after PPSF for TL fractures [9, 10, 13]. In the present series, of proof of segmental stability. Furthermore, short-segment
PPSF provided a significative pain relief after surgery, along instrumentation, including the fractured vertebra and the
with lower disability grade. Furthermore, these clinical and two contiguous ones, revealed to be effective in maintain-
functional improvements were still significative in a long- ing correction even in TL junction (T10-L2), as measured in
term follow-up, as long as 10 years (range 78–174 months). 179 patients (53.3%). No cases of implants failure or adja-
Accordingly, we firstly reported how PPSF in TL fractures cent segment degeneration were reported in these patients
80 European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83
European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83 81
To the best of our knowledge, this study retrieved data Limitations of this study
from the largest cohort of patients operated for TL fractures
using PPSF, with the longest follow-up (mean follow-up of There are few limitations to be disclosed. The present
10 years) in the international literature. Our results confirm investigation consists of a single center, retrospec-
that PPSF can be considered as an effective and reproduc- tive study, which has to be considered for a proper data
ible technique for safely managing TL fractures, providing interpretation. Additionally, our study included differ-
valuable clinical and radiological outcomes, and long-term ent types of fractures (type A and B) and the number of
segmental stability. Short segment fixations, involving as few levels instrumented was highly heterogeneous, and this
levels as possible, could be an alternative to longer implants may influence the relevance of our results. At last, the
preserving spinal mobility, thus reducing surgical-mediated subgroup analysis for independent risk factors for implant
restrictions of spinal range of motion. Furthermore, we firstly failure was evaluated only for the preoperative radiologi-
documented how clinical and radiological outcomes are cal parameters. Furthers studies including patients’ char-
maintained over 10 years, with a relatively low complication acteristics, radiological parameters and subgroup analy-
and reoperation rates. Lastly, the multivariate logistic regres- sis for different type of fractures are necessary to better
sion on preoperative radiological parameters showed that nr. evaluate risk factors.
of fractures ≥ 2, preoperative Cobb angle ≥ 15° and sagittal
index ≥ 21° are independent risk factors for implant failure.
82 European Spine Journal (2023) 32:75–83
Conclusions 12. Lee JK, Jang JW, Kim TW et al (2013) Percutaneous short-seg-
ment pedicle screw placement without fusion in the treatment of
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comes, along with a relatively low complication and reoper- 13. Vanek P, Bradac O, Konopkova R et al (2014) Treatment of thora-
columbar trauma by short-segment percutaneous transpedicular
ation rates, in TL fractures management. Accordingly, PPSF screw instrumentation: prospective comparative study with a
without arthrodesis could be considered as a valuable treat- minimum 2-year follow-up. J Neurosurg Spine 20:150–156
ment for neurologically intact patients with TL fractures. 14. Chi JH, Eichholz KM, Anderson PA et al (2019) Congress of
Additionally, number of fractures ≥ 2, Cobb angle ≥ 15° and neurological surgeons systematic review and evidence-based
guidelines on the evaluation and treatment of patients with thora-
sagittal index ≥ 21° were independent risk factors for implant columbar spine trauma: novel surgical strategies. Neurosurgery
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sary to confirm these results. 15. Li K, Li Z, Ren X et al (2016) Effect of the percutaneous pedicle
screw fixation at the fractured vertebra on the treatment of thora-
columbar fractures. Int Orthop 40:1103–1110
16. Kapoen C, Liu Y, Bloemers F et al (2020) Pedicle screw fixation
Funding There was no financial support for this study.
of thoracolumbar fractures: conventional short segment versus
short segment with intermediate screws at the fracture level—a
Declarations systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Spine J 29:2491–2504
17. Norton RP, Milne EL, Kaimrajh DN et al (2014) Biomechanical
Conflict of interest All authors have nothing to declare. analysis of four- versus six-screw constructs for short segment
pedicle screw and rod instrumentation of unstable thoracolumbar
fractures. Spine J 14:1734–1739
18. Baaj AA, Reyes PM, Yaqoobi AS et al (2011) Biomechanical
advantage of the index-level pedicle screw in unstable thora-
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