Prabhakar 2020
Prabhakar 2020
Prabhakar 2020
Scientific Article
1 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Address for correspondence Pooja Prabhakar, MD, UT Southwestern
Center, Dallas, Texas Medical Center, Dallas, TX (e-mail: [email protected]).
2 Department of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Hospital for
Special Surgery, New York, New York
3 Department of Biostatistics, Hospital for Special Surgery,
New York, New York
J Wrist Surg
Scaphoid fractures account for 60% of all carpal fractures,1 and fixation has been reported to be between 5 and 30%.4–7
nonunion is a relatively common complication of these injuries, Scaphoid nonunion has serious consequences including pain,
being reported at rates ranging from 5 to 50% for all fracture disability, and carpal collapse and degenerative arthritis in
patterns and treatment modalities.2,3 Even in the cases of long-term follow-up.6 Both fracture characteristics and surgi-
timely surgical treatment, the nonunion rate after surgical cal factors have been proposed to contribute to nonunion.
Traditionally, scaphoid fractures have been classified Among 199 patients who met these criteria, fractures were
according to anatomic location as proximal pole, waist, and then classified according to progression to union. Nonunion
distal pole fractures. Anatomic location of these fractures has was defined as either a fracture without signs of healing on CT
been thought to be associated with risk of nonunion and or radiograph at 6 months after ORIF or a fracture that required
avascular necrosis, as several studies have independently a revision ORIF after initial fixation. Union was determined if
found that location is an important predictor of scaphoid two criteria were met: (1) evidence of healing without mention
vascularity given the retrograde blood supply to the bone. of progression toward nonunion on the postoperative CT as
This is thought to contribute to nonunion being more likely in determined by the report of a musculoskeletal radiologist, and
fractures of the proximal zone.5,8–11 In an analysis of a large (2) no secondary surgery for scaphoid nonunion at minimum
series of scaphoid nonunions treated operatively, Ramamur- 1 year following ORIF. Conversely, cases with CT reported of
thy et al found a 32% nonunion rate in proximal pole fractures evidence of nonunion and those that underwent revision
versus 23% in waist fractures.12 Similarly, Lim et al also scaphoid surgery were classified as nonunion. Sixteen patients
suggested that fracture fragment size may influence outcomes were identified in the nonunion group, while fractures in the
after scaphoid nonunion surgery.13 Despite traditional believe remaining 183 patients united. The sixteen nonunion patients
that blood supply is linked to risk for nonunion, newer (case group) were matched by age (within a 10-year range), sex,
evidence suggests proximal pole vascularity may not play as and fracture location in the 1:2 fashion to patients with united
fracture.20 Finally, to determine screw distance from subchon- treatment that would best predict fracture nonunion. All
dral bone, a plane was created at the distal end of the screw analyses were performed using SPSS version 23.0 (IBM Corp.,
perpendicular to the screw longitudinal axis. The distance Armonk, NY).
between this plane and the end of the distal scaphoid fragment Post hoc power analysis demonstrated group sample sizes
was measured digitally. of 16 and 32 achieve 74% power to detect a difference in
length of time to initial treatment and a 30% power to detect
Statistical Analysis a difference in average proximal fragment percent of total
Descriptive statistics were reported as means and standard scaphoid volume.
deviations for continuous variables, while discrete variables
were reported as frequencies and percentages. Assumption
of normality of continuous variables was found to be violated
using Shapiro–Wilk’s tests. Differences in continuous varia- The mean period of follow-up to determine if additional
bles between patients with union versus nonunion were surgery was performed was 3.2 years (range ¼ 1–10.4). Of
evaluated using Mann–Whitney’s U tests. Fisher’s exact tests the 48 total patients, there were six female and 42 male
were used to compare differences in discrete variables patients with no difference between union and nonunion
between study groups. patients (p > 0.99). The mean age was 30.8 (range ¼ 17–57)
Because of the limited sample size available, variables in years and mean BMI was 25.1 kg/m2 (range ¼ 19.4–39.6) with
the univariate analysis that achieved a p value of 0.20 or less no statistical difference between study groups. A total of 23%
were considered as candidate variables eligible for evalua- patients were nonwhite. Low energy trauma accounted for 73%
tion in a conditional logistic regression model. Conditional of all fractures, with 66% in the union group and 88% in the
regression modeling was used to account for the matched nonunion group. There were seven proximal pole and 41 waist
design of the nonunion and union patients in the study to fractures, as one fracture was reclassified from its initial
identify potential risk factors associated with nonunion. To radiology read based on the consensus of all authors
prevent overfitting of variables in the model, stepwise iter- (►Table 1). Among the 38 fractures that had preoperative
ations were performed until a final model converged. Vari- imaging available, 95% were read as nondisplaced and 5% were
ables that achieved a p value of 0.20 or less were retained in minimally displaced. Of the two fractures that were minimally
the final model, while those that achieved a p value of 0.05 or displaced, one went on to union and one went on to nonunion.
less were called statistically significant. Results from the Qualitative displacement was excluded from statistical analy-
regression analysis are reported as odds ratio (OR) and 95% sis due to incomplete data and small sample size.
confidence intervals (CI). Receiver operating characteristic Length of time from injury to initial ORIF was significantly
(ROC) curve was generated to determine if there was any higher in the nonunion group (63.3 vs. 27 days, p ¼ 0.02). The
potential threshold in fracture volume or time from injury to mean proximal fragment volume percent of total scaphoid
potential risk factors with fracture nonunion were lower progression to nonunion. Specifically, patients undergoing
average percent of fragment volume and increased length of fixation greater than 1 month from injury have greater risk
time from injury to surgery (►Table 4). For every 1% increase for nonunion after ORIF. Additionally, our results suggest that
in fracture volume, there was a 10% decrease in risk of when the fracture volume is less than 38% of the entire
nonunion (OR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.81–1.01). Conversely, for scaphoid, there is an increased risk for nonunion after surgery.
every day delayed in initial treatment, the risk of nonunion We did not find volar versus dorsal surgical approach, use of
increases by 4% (OR: 1.04, 95% CI: 1.01–1.07). Receiver bone graft, fracture obliquity, nor screw angle relationship to
operating curve analysis revealed that fracture volume the fracture plane or scaphoid longitudinal axis to be signifi-
below 38% and time from injury to surgery greater than cantly different between the union and nonunion cohorts.
31 days were associated with nonunion (78% specificity and Previous investigations have cited time to treatment as a
44% sensitivity; and 63% sensitivity, and 28% false positive critical factor in union after scaphoid fracture. Ramamurthy
rate, respectively; ►Fig. 5). et al evaluated 126 scaphoid nonunions presenting after
initial nonoperative management with an average time to
operative treatment of 42 months (3 months–16 years). The
study also demonstrated that time between injury and
This study was performed to assess both fracture-specific and surgery to be significant (p ¼ 0.02) in a stepwise multivariate
surgical factors that affect progression to nonunion after logistic regression.12 Nakamura et al found that functional
scaphoid ORIF. We found that timeliness of surgery following outcome, including motion, wrist pain, and strength was
injury and fracture volume are critical factors associated with worse when surgery was performed more than 5 years from
injury regardless of bony union.15 The current study also ing fractures that had may have progressed to nonunion prior to
confirms the impact of time to treatment on scaphoid union initiation of treatment. Furthermore, we only included cases if
but is unique in its identification of the importance of time to postoperative CT imaging was available to accurately charac-
surgery even when scaphoid fracture is treated within terize fracture segments, volumes, and angles and to provide
6 months of injury. This novel finding, emphasizing the consistent verification of fracture union postoperatively. This
importance of early ORIF, may suggest the advantage of resulted in exclusion of patients if they were lost to follow up or
earlier identification and treatment of scaphoid fractures were not imaged with CT postoperatively. While there is a large
in the acute setting instead of a trial of nonoperative difference in proportion of nonunion to union in the initial
management. population and the study population, this case–control study
Several studies have suggested that a larger proximal pole carefully matched patients to precisely define these exposures
fracture fragments are associated with better outcomes.9,10 In and outcomes. Second, as our primary aim was to report on the
a study of 222 patients presenting with acute scaphoid frac- radiographic outcome of union after ORIF, we do not report any
tures managed by cast immobilization, Leslie and Dickson patient outcome data. As a retrospective review, our ability to
demonstrated that fracture location had the greatest influence evaluate history, presenting symptoms and signs as well as
on union rates with proximal pole fractures demonstrating postoperative outcomes was limited to the medical record.
the greatest delay to radiological and clinical union as well as Given heterogeneity in data recording, functional metrics such
the greatest rate of nonunion.31 Similarly, Herbert found that as pain and range of motion were not reported in our manu-
proximal pole fractures have the greatest rate of nonunion and script. Additionally, we are unable to analyze the effect of
avascular necrosis and suggested that all proximal pole frac- displacement at the time of injury on nonunion risk due to
tures should be managed operatively in the acute setting.32 incomplete preoperative imaging records. In the 38 of 48
Our study further demonstrates that even in the setting of patients with preoperative imaging, there was a similar distri-
acute operative management, fractures with smaller proximal bution of initial fracture displacement, which did not lead to
pole fragments, have increased rates of nonunion. While in the difference in rate of nonunion. However, as we were under-
current study, we controlled for qualitative fracture location powered for this analysis, we did not report fracture displace-
(proximal, waist, or distal), we nonetheless found quantita- ment at the time of injury as a factor in our models. This factor
tively that when the fracture fragment was less than 38% of the may represent an important consideration for future study.
total volume of the scaphoid, risk for nonunion was greatest. These inherent limitations to our retrospective review are
Several limitations are inherent in our study. Because scaph- considered versus the value of the highly quantitative and
oid nonunion is a relatively rare event following early manage- objective data provided by three-dimensional (3D) CT analysis
ment by ORIF, our cohort of nonunion cases is small. We of several fracture and surgical parameters. Finally, with regard
intentionally limited the series to cases treated within 6 months to 3D analysis, postoperative CT scans were used to calculate all
from time of injury to specifically investigate factors impacting computer-based metrics, which may have led to variation and
nonunion in fractures that were recognized early, thus exclud- underreporting of fragment volume given bone loss. In spite of
these limitations, computer modeling from CT DICOM files Keith Crivello, MD, Mercer-Bucks Orthopaedics, P.C.; Edward
more accurately reflects fracture plane in relationship to the McCarthy MD—Department of Pathology, The Johns Hop-
long axis of the scaphoid and to hardware when compared with kins Hospital; and Hollis G. Potter MD—Department of
conventional radiographs.28 Radiology and Imaging Hospital for Special Surgery.
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