Volume 1
Volume 1
Volume 1
Lecture Title Speaker Organisation Email contact
Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per
1 Section III Dr. I.A. Khan BARC [email protected]
Nuclear Pressure Vessel Design Criteria:
2 Dr. I.A. Khan BARC [email protected]
Section III - NB
Design by Analysis procedures and Stress
3 linearization schemes in Section III Dr. I.A. Khan BARC [email protected]
Elastic-Plastic behavior and Limit Load
4 Analysis of Pressure Vessels; Theory and Dr. M.K. Samal BARC [email protected]
analysis procedures :
Code rules for Cyclic loading in Section III
5 NB & Fatigue-exemption rules in section III Dr. S.K. Gupta BARC [email protected]
Elastic plastic Cyclic Loading (Fatigue)
6 Dr. S.K. Gupta BARC [email protected]
analysis in ASME Section III
Elevated Temperature design Criteria
7 Dr. M.K. Samal BARC [email protected]
:ASME Section III-NH
Plastic Collapse and Plastic Instability of
8 irradiated component as per SDC-IC and Dr. M.K. Samal BARC [email protected]
Code rules for designing of Class-1 Piping
9 Shri S.M. Ingole NPCIL [email protected]
as per Section III NB
Code rules for designing of Class-2 and 3
10 Shri S.M. Ingole NPCIL [email protected]
Piping as per Section III NC & ND
Design rules for piping support : ASME Shri K.P. Vinod
11 NPCIL [email protected]
Subsection-NF Kumar
Practical application of FEM as per ASME Dr. K.M. [email protected]
Design Code Prabhakaran n
Protection Against Non Ductile Failure:
13 Shri R. Rastogi BARC [email protected]
ASME Code Section III - Appendix-G:
Basis of Flaw evaluation procedure of
14 Shri R. Rastogi BARC [email protected]
ASME Section XI
Design Aspects of Class-I Equipment
Shri Braham
15 (Case Study- Design of Steam Generator & NPCIL [email protected]
Pressuriser of 700 MWe IPHWRs)
Fabrication of Calandria and End-shield of [email protected]
16 Shri M.K.Mathur NPCIL
700 MW(e) IPHWR n
Design rules for Tube Sheets: ASME and
17 Shri D. Narain BARC [email protected],
Selection of Pressure Vessel and Piping Dr.V.Kain BARC [email protected]
Dr. I. A. Khan,
Reactor Safety Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
e-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
From late 18th Century to 1915, thousands of deaths were caused by boiler explosions. ASME
requested engineers from the industry to write a set of design rules that could be adopted into
state laws to ensure proper construction. In 1915, ―Rules for the Construction of Stationary
Boiler and for Allowable Working Pressures‖ were published. The purpose was to address the
needs of the industry with regard to safety of fired steam boilers. In the 50 years after the code
was first published, the number of explosions of properly operated boilers and pressure vessels
was essentially reduced to zero, when the design and construction rules of the ASME code were
made. Subsequently, this outstanding record of safety has remained intact. No other industry has
a better safety record.
In 1925, rules for construction of unfired pressure vessels (Section VIII) were published. The
design rules were almost same as those of Section I (Power boilers) except for service
applications. Steam and water are the working fluids for boilers whereas petroleum, chemicals
and other substances are the primary fluids for Section VIII pressure vessels. Both Section I and
Section VIII were based on design margin of 5 on tensile strength (UTS). Considering the newer
requirements of petrochemical industry, involving higher design pressures, the code committee
decided to form a special task group. The objective was to write a new set of design and
construction rules for Section VIII with lower design margin. However, before the new Section
VIII code was completed, the nuclear industry also required thick-walled reactor pressure
vessels. Co-incidentally both petrochemical and nuclear industry wanted an ASME code based
on lower design margin, thus, resulting in thinner vessels with reduced cost.
The code committee felt that nuclear pressure vessel code would be easier to write than the code
for petrochemical industry. This is because the nuclear pressure vessels contained only steam and
water and the maximum temperature was only 800˚F. The requirements of petrochemical
industry were much more diverse both in terms of working fluid and pressure-temperature
conditions. Thus, the nuclear code (Section III) was published first in 1963, the new code for
non-nuclear vessels (Section VIII, Div. 2) was published in 1968. Except for the fact that the two
codes address different service industries, the design philosophy, design margins are almost
ASME B&PV code is for design and construction of new pressure-retaining equipments. Once
the code rules have been met the safe operation of the equipment is the responsibility of the
owner and not the manufacturer of the equipment. ASME code rules ensures that components
can be operated safely but only the owner/in-charge of plant facility can assure that the items will
be operated safely. Most accidents associated with code components are caused by improper
maintenance, in-effective in-service-inspection (ISI) and inappropriate operation.
ASME B&PV code is an engineering document and needs proper interpretation. ASME Code is
not a handbook and can not substitute for the use of engineering judgement. Misinterpretations
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
or misunderstanding of the code provisions may lead to pressure vessels or piping that may not
be safe. The purpose of this course is, thus, to provide some guidance for understanding the code
requirements as they should be applied in practise.
Part D - Properties
Division 3 - Containments for Transportation and Storage of spent nuclear fuel and
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
Section VI: Recommended Rules for the care and Operation of Heating Boilers
Section XI: Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
Section XII: Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
Any design code incorporates a design margin (often referred as safety factor) to account for
unknowns associated with the design and construction of new components. The design formulae
and structural analyses methods are approximate and have some in-built assumptions. While
material is assumed to be perfectly homogeneous and isotropic, in reality it may not. All
materials have some flaws and discontinuities even though these may be small. A 'safe design'
can only be ensured after accounting for these factors at the design stage itself, typically through
the introduction of an appropriate design margin.
The newer grades of 'clean' steels with less impurities and inclusions, improved fabrication
practices (particularly welding) and better non-destructive examinations methods have resulted
in a reduction in the number of unknowns (uncertainty) at the design stage. This has served as
the basis for reduction in design margin. A reduction in design margin is approved by the code
committee once it is established that the corresponding changes/improvements in the code
requirements have compensated for the reduction. It is in this context that the usage of the term
'design margin' is more appropriate than the term 'safety factor'. A reduction in design margin
does not mean a corresponding reduction in the safety of the components.
When the Boiler code (Section I) was published in 1915, the allowable stresses were based on a
design margin of 5 on tensile strength (UTS). The code for unfired pressure vessels (Section
VIII) when first published in 1925 was also based on the same design margin of 5. However, the
severe shortage of steel arising from World War II demands for the optimum usage of structural
materials. In 1942, a code case was published for both Section I and Section VIII that allowed
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
the design margin to be reduced from 5 to 4. The code committee was convinced that the
availability of better materials, improved design methods, restricted fabrication details and
improved non-destructive examinations have compensated for the reduction in design margin. In
1945 this code was incorporated in Section I as well as Section VIII.
In 1955, the newer requirements of petrochemical industry demanded the usage of higher design
pressures and temperatures. The material allowable stress based on a design margin of 4 resulted
in vessel thickness of 6 to 8 inches. Consequently the code committee formed a task group to
write a new Section VIII code based on a design margin of 3. The purpose of the new code was
to reduce the fabrication costs while maintaining the same level of safety. The task group
determined that such a reduction in design margin is possible provided the choice of materials
was restricted, fracture toughness rules were added, design rules for fatigue evaluation were
incorporated and stress analyses was used to analyse most loading conditions. This marked the
beginning of the new concept termed as 'Design by Analyses' as opposed to the traditional
approach of 'Design by Rules'. The outcome was in the form of Section VIII, Div. 2 that was
published in 1968. Since the requirements of nuclear industry were also similar (design and
construction rules based on a design margin of 3), and the code committee felt that a nuclear
code would be easier to write first (discussed earlier), Section III was published in 1963. ASME
has published a common commentary for both these codes in 1968.
Those who understand ASME code would never suggest that nuclear code produces safer vessels
than Section VIII Division 1 or Division 2. The safety of equipment constructed to any of these
codes depends essentially on how they are operated. In fact, the first nuclear reactors were built
as per Boiler code (Section I) and later to the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1. They had
no safety problems.
In 1999, design margin for Section I, Section III, Class 2 (Sub-section NC), Class 3 (Sub-section
ND) and MC (Sub-section NE), and Section VIII Division 1 was reduced from 4 to 3.5. The
purpose of this change was to reduce the cost of construction, to be consistent with the European
design codes that had a good safety record and to take advantage of all improvements in the
ASME code since 1960s. Recently, Section VIII Division 3 was published with design margin
less than 3 for an industry that works with pressure exceeding 345 MPa while maintaining the
same level of safety.
Design and construction rules in all the Sections and Divisions of ASME code are considered to
provide the basis for equally safe pressure vessels. It is important to understand that different
Sections and Divisions of ASME code address different service applications, not different levels
of safety. One Section or Division may be more appropriate for specific service than the other.
When code does not address a particular service application, the appropriate Section or Division
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
to use may not be clear. For example, Section III is an inappropriate code for nuclear processing
and storage facilities as service conditions are entirely different from NPP sites. The appropriate
code for such applications is Section VIII for vessels and B 31.3 code for process piping.
Similarly, Subsection NG of Section III is appropriate for internal supports of RPV but not for
supports of nuclear transportation casks or internal supports of nuclear waste storage canisters.
AISC Specifications is more appropriate for such applications. The important point is that the
selection of appropriate code Section is a decision to be made by a responsible, knowledgeable
engineer. Wrong Selection of Code has cost the industry millions of dollars.
The nuclear pressure vessel code (Section III) has two unique features that distinguish it from
other sections of the ASME code. The first is the concept of 'Safety Classification' of
components. Section III provides design and construction rules for several classes of
components, however, it does not provide guidelines for safety classification of components.
This guidance is derived from system-safety criteria for specific types of nuclear power systems,
such as Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) or Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs). The system
safety criteria may be found in engineering standards such NRC Regulatory Guides, NUREG
reports and AERB guideline. Once safety classification of components is established, Section III
provides separate set of design and construction rules for each class. The Code recognizes
different levels of importance associated with the function of each item/component as it relates to
safe operation of the plant. The Code Classes allow a choice of requirements that provide
assurance of structural integrity and quality commensurate with the relative importance assigned
to the individual items of the plant. The second unique feature of Section III is the concept of
'Service levels'. Components and supports of nuclear power plants may be subjected to various
service conditions that need to be considered. The temperatures, pressures, and mechanical loads
to which components and supports are subjected in performing their design functions are referred
to as Design, Service or Test loadings (article 2140 of Sub-section NCA).
The design rules of section III cover the requirements for strength and pressure integrity of items,
the failure of which would violate the pressure-retaining boundary. The rules cover initial
construction requirements, but do not cover deterioration which may occur in service as a result
of corrosion, erosion or radiation effects etc. This aspect is discussed in more detail in Section 6.
Typically, various components that are used in nuclear power plants are classified into three
safety classes:
(a) Safety Class 1: Structures, Systems and components (SSCs) which are required to prevent
the release of core fission product inventory to the containment/environment are classified as
safety class 1. Some of the examples of Class 1 components are:
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
(b) Safety Class 2: Structures, Systems and components (SSCs) which are required to mitigate
the consequences of an accident which may lead to release of core fission product inventory are
classified as safety class 2. Some of the examples of Class 2 components are:
Emergency Core Cooling system
Post Accident Heat Removal
Post Accident Fission Product Removal
Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping, Storage Tanks, and Supports
(c) Safety Class 3: Structures, Systems and components (SSCs) which are required to support
functions of safety class 1 and 2 inventory are classified as safety class 3. Also those SSCs
required to control the release of radioactivity from sources outside reactor building fall under
Class 3. Some of the examples of Class 2 components are:
Article 2130 of Sub-section NCA elaborates on which particular sub-section of Section III shall
be referred for different classes of components. The gist of code classes and the applicable
section/sub-section are as follows:
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
Some components may be constructed in accordance with multiple Code Classes. For e.g., a heat
exchanger may have primary-side tubing constructed in accordance with Subsection NB, while
the secondary-side shell is constructed in accordance with Subsection NC.
5.2 Service levels: Section III of ASME code does not define plant and system operating and test
conditions, nor does it address their significance for the design and operability of components
and supports. Guidance for selecting appropriate operating and test conditions may be found in
applicable regulatory and enforcement requirement documents. In the Design Specification, the
Owner identifies loadings and load combinations and establishes appropriate Design, Service,
and Test Limits for each component or support for these loading conditions.
Level - A (Normal) : up to 1
Level - B (Upset) : 10 to 1
-4 -2
Level - C (Emergency) and : 10 to 10
-7 -4
Level - D (Faulted) : 10 to 10
5.3 Loadings and allowable limits: Loadings are identified on the basis of all anticipated
operating and test conditions postulated to occur during the intended service life of the
component or support. Design loadings for components and support account for Design pressure,
design temperature and design mechanical loads. Design pressure shall not be less than the
maximum difference in pressure between inside and outside surface and must account for
pressure surges, static pressure head etc. The design temperature shall not be less than the
expected maximum mean metal temperature through the thickness of the part considered for
which Level A Service Limits are specified. Design Mechanical Loads shall be selected so that
when combined with the effects of Design Pressure, they produce the highest primary stresses of
any coincident combination of loadings for which Level A Service Limits are designated in the
Design Specification. Service loadings (pressure, temperature, mechanical loads,
cycles/transients) are identified in design specifications.
Service Loadings are not required to be identified for Class 2 and 3 components, Class 2 and 3
component supports, and Class MC supports, when the Design Pressure and Design Mechanical
loads result in stresses of greater magnitude, relative to the allowable stress or stress intensity at
the Design Temperature, than would the Service Loadings relative to the allowables for the
appropriate Service Level. When this is not the case, and for piping and its supports, Service
loadings shall be identified in the Design Specification. Test loadings are those arising from
hydrotest or pneumatic testing.
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
Section III provides for different limits that may be applied to various loads and load
combinations. It does not specify which of these limits are to be applied to any specific load or
load combination. Section III requirements do not provide assurance of operability of
components in which mechanical motion is required. However, Section III does require
operability of pressure relief valves.
The limits for design loadings are those of applicable sub-section of Section III. For service
loads, different allowable limits are specified. These service limits are as follows:
Level A service limits: This limit is for normal operating loads identified as level A
service loadings. Components must withstand these loads without any damage & no
inspection is warranted.
Level B service limits: This limit is for loadings identified as level B service loadings.
Components must withstand these loadings without damage requiring repairs.
Level C service limits: This limit is for loadings identified as level C service loadings
that may lead to large deformation in the areas of structural discontinuity which may
necessitate the thorough inspection followed by repair if required.
Level D service limits: This limit permits gross deformation with loss of dimensional
stability. Component may be out of service for repair or replacement.
Sub-section NB provides rules for design and construction of class 1 components. The rules of
NB shall not be used for items which are to be subjected to metal temperatures that exceed the
temperature limit in Section II, Part D. Above those temperatures, the creep and stress rupture
characteristics of materials permitted to be used become significant factors which are not
presently covered by the rules of this Subsection. Fatigue design curves and specified methods
for fatigue analysis are not applicable above 700°F (for carbon and low alloy steels) and above
800°F (for austenitic steels and nickel alloys). The design pressure shall not exceed 5000 Psi
(34.5 MPa).
The design rules for Class 1 components are based on the assumption that the materials chosen
for pressure-retaining components are inherently tough. The material must have a high
percentage elongation (>20%) and adequate fracture toughness. For class 1 components, fracture
toughness requirements are specified in NB-2300. As per these requirements, the material must
have a Charpy V-notch energy (CVN) of 50 ft-lb (68 J) and lateral expansion of 35 milli-inches
at a temperature of RTNDT + 60 F. The temperature (RTNDT) known as reference temperature nil-
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
ductility temperature is established from the drop-weight test, which is carried out as per the
requirements of ASTM E 208, and Charpy test. The procedure is applied to base material, weld
material and heat affected zone. NB 2300 also provides exemptions from impact testing for
certain materials like austenitic steels, non ferrous materials, and materials with a nominal
section thickness of less than 5/8 in. (16 mm).
The material allowable (stress intensity) for class 1 components are specified in Section II, Part
D. Appendix 2 of Section II provides the basis for establishing design stress intensity values (S m)
for Section III Class 1 and Section VIII Division 2 components. The S m values are obtained as
7.0 Scope and applicability of Section III-NC & ND (NC-1000 & ND-1000)
Many of the requirements for Class 2 and Class 3 components are similar. Since there is more
similarity between the two sections than the differences, the two sections are covered together.
Sub-sections NC and ND cover a very wide range of vessels, tanks, and components (piping
valves and pumps). The temperature limits for Class 2 and Class 3 vessels are governed by the
material properties specified in Section II part D. In general, the maximum temperatures for
which there are allowable stresses listed in ASME II, Part D, are lower for ASME III NC or ND
than they are for ASME VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 because nuclear plants cooled by water are
designed to temperatures below the creep range.
7.1 Material requirements for Class 2 and Class 3 Components (NC-2000 & ND-2000)
For Class 2 and Class 3 components, fracture toughness requirements are specified in NC/ND-
2300. The rules provide exemption from impact testing for certain materials provided the lowest
service temperature is above the nil-ductility transition (NDT) temperature by a certain margin
specified by Appendix R. For Class 2 vessels, acceptance criteria for impact testing is based on
one of the following considerations, that is, either the Charpy test at or below the lowest service
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
metal temperature shall meet the requirements of energy absorption and lateral expansion
specified in NC 2330 or the difference of lowest service temperature and NDT as obtained from
drop weight test shall meet the requirements of appendix R. For Class 3 vessels, acceptance
criterion for impact testing is based on Charpy test alone and shall meet the requirements of
energy absorption and lateral expansion specified in ND 2330.
The material allowable stress values for class 2 and class 3 components are specified in Section
II, Part D. Appendix 1 of Section II provides the basis for establishing the allowable stress values
for Section I, Section III Class 2 and Section VIII Division 1 components. The allowable stress
values are obtained as follows:
The higher allowable stress up to 90% of y is not recommended for design of flanges or other
components where distortions may be objectionable.
The fabrication rules for Class 1 components are specified in NB-4000. Requirements related for
forming, fitting and alignment are specified. This includes tolerances on cross-sectional
diameters, permissible deviations from true geometric shape (like ovality), details on weld joint
categories (NB-4240) etc. Impact tests of the weld metal and heat affected zone are performed in
accordance with the requirements of NB-4335. Rules governing making, examining, and
repairing of welds are provided.
The fabrication rules for Class 2 and Class 3 components were taken from Section VIII Division
1 and Division 2, and from Section III NB. NC-4000 is essentially the same as ND-4000, except
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
that NC-4000 includes special rules applicable to vessels designed in accordance with NC-3200,
that is, vessels that are equivalent to ASME VIII, Division 2. These special weld joint
configuration rules are contained in NC-4260 and are lifted virtually from ASME VIII, Division
2. The rules for fabrication of Class 2 components are very similar to the rules for Class 1.
However, the details of construction are not as restrictive. There are more options available for
fabrication details in Class 3 construction. The restrictions on welding and post–weld heat
treatment are the same as those for Class 2 components.
Welded joints develop high residual stresses after the weld is completed. These stresses are
difficult to quantify and are not directly accounted in design. However, they are not ignored. The
ASME Code rules attempt to reduce the effect of residual stresses when necessary through post
weld heat treatment (PWHT) of some welded configurations. Rules are based on the type of
materials and thickness of welds. Besides the beneficial effects of PWHT, there are some
detrimental aspects of this operation. For example, extended PWHT can reduce material strength
and impact toughness. The important points to note are:
Current rules have been effective and have not been found to be seriously detrimental.
Code rules are adjusted as knowledge increases.
Code rules related to PWHT are the same for different types of code components.
NDE for base metal is primarily defined by the material requirements covered in Section II of the
Code. For welds, NDE is defined within NB/NC. Three subsections within NB/NC define the
requirements: specifically, NB/NC-5200 for required examination for welds based on the
categories defined in the welding subsections; NB/NC-5300 for the acceptance standards; and
NB/NC-5400 for examination after hydrostatic tests.
Section I, Section III ND, and Section VIII Division 1 use joint efficiency factors (E) which are
based on the amount of radiography of the main seams. For full radiography E=1, for spot
radiography E=0.85 and without radiography E=0.7. If weld seams are not fully radiographed,
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
chances are high that some part of the main seam welds will have flaws or discontinuities. This is
the reason for the use of full radiography. The approach of using efficiency factors to account for
potential flaws or discontinuities has been very successful as evident from the safety record of
pressure vessels constructed to the rules of ASME codes.
Every pressure vessel is subjected to a hydrostatic test (or an alternative pneumatic test) prior to
the service application. Originally, hydrotest was intended as a demonstration that the vessel
could be overloaded by a pressure even 50% greater than the design pressure without any
concern. As the allowable stresses were increased, this pressure has been reduced. As per NB-
6220, Class 1 components shall be hydro tested at not less than 1.25 times design pressure. The
stress limits specified in NB-3226 shall be used in determining the maximum permissible test
pressure. It is recommended that the test be made at a temperature that will minimize the
possibility of brittle fracture (Appendix G).
For thin vessels, where hydrotest is not practical, it is permissible to substitute a pneumatic test at
lower pressure (1.1 times design pressure). The reason for lower pressure is the concern arising
from high potential energy stored in compressed air.
The requirements for hydro/pneumatic testing of Class 2 and Class 3 components are essentially
identical to those of NB.
Corrosion and erosion are caused by service conditions. The code requires the design
specification to identify erosion and corrosion requirements. More precisely, it has relegated the
possible failure modes of erosion, corrosion and environmental effects to material selection.
Usual way is to increase the thickness of the material (10% for piping) based on service
conditions and response of the material. Identification of proper allowance, however, is not a
simple task. The chemistry of steel required for conditions involving erosion may be far different
from the required chemistry for a material in a corrosive environment. In 1999, Appendix W
was added to the code to provide information regarding different forms of corrosion and other
environmental conditions not explicitly addressed by Sec. III. Extensive references are also
provided in Appendix W.
Service experience has shown that long term exposure to light-water reactor (LWR)
environments does more damage to structural materials than originality thought. In addition, long
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Chapter 1: Overview of Pressure Vessel Design as per ASME Section III
time irradiation exposure has been found to produce unexpected degradation of the fracture
toughness of pressure vessel steels. Accordingly, additional steps have been needed to monitor
these effects by in-service inspections and surveillance materials testing to assure safe long term
operation of nuclear pressure vessels. Neither Section III nor Section XI includes specific
requirements for such surveillance coupons.
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Dr. I. A. Khan,
Reactor Safety Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
e-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
1.0 Introduction
In chapter 1, an introduction to nuclear pressure vessel code ASME Section III Division 1 was
provided. The concept of safety classification of components, and service levels which are
unique features of Section III were discussed. The material requirements, fabrication procedures,
post weld heat treatment, non-destructive examination, and testing requirements for Class 1/2/3
components were briefly explained. In this chapter, the design criteria and structural stress limits
for Class 1, Class2, and Class 3 pressure vessels are discussed.
The General Design requirements for Class 2 and Class 3 components (NC/ND-3100) are similar
to that of Class 1 (NB-3100) in that each identifies the requirements for loading conditions,
design loadings, design pressure, design temperature, design mechanical loads, and design
allowable stress intensity or stress and service conditions. While NB identifies stress intensity
allowables, NC and ND refer only to stress allowable. This is the case since most of the Class 2
components (except for vessels) and all of the class 3 components are design by rules which are
based on maximum principal stress theory.
ASME Section III NB-3000 specify structural design limits for pressure vessel and piping
components intended for nuclear power plants where the consequence of failure is considered to
be a threat to the health and safety of the public. Thus the design philosophy of Section III NB is
to provide structural limits that insure safe plant operation with highest reliability and little threat
to public health and safety. The rules and requirements for Class 1 components (Section III NB)
are based on the design by analysis philosophy addressing specific structural failure modes.
Because of the prominent role played by stress analysis in designing vessels by the rules of
Section III NB and because of the necessity to integrate the design and analysis efforts, the
procedure is termed ―design by analysis.‖
Pressure vessel design has been historically based on Design by Formula. Standard vessel
configurations are sized using a series of simple formulae and charts such as those provided in
ASME Section VIII Div. 1. This design approach does not require a detailed evaluation of all
stresses. It is recognized that high localized and secondary bending stresses may exist but are
allowed for by use of higher safety factor and a set of design rules. An example of such a rule is
the minimum allowable knuckle radius (at least 6% of crown radius) for a torospherical head.
The basic intention here is to control the compressive hoop stresses so as to eliminate possibility
of local buckling at shell-head junction.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
In addition to Design by Formula route many national codes and standards for pressure vessels
and boiler design (such as ASME Section III Division 1 NB, and Section VIII Division 2, BS
5500) do provide for a Design by Analysis, DBA, route, where the admissibility of a design is
checked, or proven, via a detailed investigation of the structure‘s behaviour under the external
loads to be considered. This detailed evaluation of stresses permits substituting knowledge of
localized stresses and the use of higher allowable in place of larger factor of safety as used in
design by formula approach.
Section III identifies 8 possible failure modes which are of direct relevance to pressure vessel
design. These are as follows:
The failure mode of elastic instability is related to functional requirements or the potential for
buckling. This particular failure mode is addressed using the design-by-formula approach
provided in NB-3100. The concern arising from brittle fracture is addressed mainly through
material toughness requirements but includes some simplified analyses such as those presented
in Appendix G. The failure mode of stress rupture/creep deformation is not addressed in NB. The
analyses requirements and the allowable limits are provided in Sub-section NH. The failure
modes of Stress corrosion and Corrosion fatigue are the responsibility of the designed and are
not addressed by the code. For further details, please refer section 12.0 of chapter 1. The failure
modes of excessive plastic deformation/bursting, incremental collapse (also referred as
progressive distortion) and low cycle fatigue are addressed in NB-3000. Section III NB associate
each of these three failure modes with a particular stress category and provide allowable limits to
ensure adequate margins. The setting of allowable stress values requires dividing the stresses into
categories and assigning different allowable values to each of these stress categories. The stress
categories are as follows:
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
The primary stress limits are intended to prevent gross plastic deformation and to provide a
nominal factor of safety on ductile burst pressure. The primary plus secondary stress limits are
intended to prevent excessive plastic deformation leading to incremental collapse, and to validate
the application of elastic analysis when performing the fatigue evaluation. (c) The peak stress
limit is intended to prevent fatigue failure as a result of cyclic loadings. (d) Special stress limits
are provided for elastic and inelastic instability.
Another special feature of ASME Section III NB (previously also of Section VIII Division 2) is
the application of the maximum shear stress (Tresca) theory of failure rather than the use of the
maximum principal stress theory. It has been known for many years that the shear theory is more
accurate than the maximum principal stress theory in terms of failure, especially for distortion
from plastic response of the material. Admittedly, the shear theory is more difficult to apply than
the principal stress theory but it is more accurate.
Most experiments show that the distortion energy theory is even more accurate than the shear
theory, but the shear theory was chosen because it is a little more conservative, it is easier to
apply, and it offers some advantages in some applications of the fatigue analysis. The recent
versions of Section VIII Division 2 (2008 onwards), however, has adopted the distortion theory.
However, NB still requires the use of shear theory for elastic analysis. For plastic analysis, NB
also allows the use of the distortion energy theory for establishing yield in the three dimensional
condition. The key here is that the shear theory (Tresca) is the basis for determining the
allowable stresses.
Maxi. Distortion Energy (Von-Mises): [(1 2 )2 ( 2 3 )2 ( 3 1 )2 ]1/2 Y
5.0 General definitions: The general definitions typically used in design by analysis
procedure (NB-3200) are described below:
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
(a) Stress Intensity: Stress intensity is defined as twice the maximum shear stress, which is the
difference between the algebraically largest principal stress and the algebraically smallest
principal stress (1 - 3) at a given point.
(b) Membrane Stress: Membrane stress is the component of normal stress that is uniformly
distributed and equal to the average stress across the thickness of the section.
(c) Bending Stress: Bending stress is the component of normal stress that varies across the
thickness. The variation may or may not be linear.
(d) Gross structural discontinuity: It is a geometric or material discontinuity, which affects the
stress or strain distribution through the entire wall thickness. These stresses produce a net
bending and membrane force when integrated through the wall thickness. Examples are head
to shell junctions, flange to shell junctions, shell-nozzle junctions etc.
(e) Local structural discontinuity: It is a geometric or material discontinuity, which affects the
stress or strain distribution through a fractional part of the wall thickness. These stresses
produce much localized deformations and have no significant effects. Examples are small
fillet radii, small attachments etc
(f) Primary Stress: Primary stress is any normal stress or a shear stress developed by an
imposed loading which is necessary to satisfy the laws of equilibrium of external and internal
forces and moments. The basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not self-limiting.
These stresses increase in direct proportion of load irrespective of the shape of stress strain
curve. Primary stresses which considerably exceed the yield strength will result in failure, or
at least in gross deformations. Primary stress is usually divided into general primary
membrane, primary bending, and local primary membrane stress.
(g) General Primary membrane stress: It is the component of normal stress, which is
uniformly distributed and equal to the average value of stress across the thickness of the
m n dx
Based on equivalence of force
This stress occurs across the entire cross-section of the vessel. It is remote from discontinuities
such as shell-head junctions, nozzles and support locations. Few typical examples are hoop and
meridional stress due to internal pressure, membrane stress in the centre of flat/hemispherical
head, global bending stress due to dead weight/wind, membrane stress in the nozzle wall within
the area of reinforcement due to pressure or external loads etc.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
(h) Primary bending stress: It is the variable component of normal stress. The variation may or
may not be linear across the thickness. Equivalent linear bending stress of an actual variable
normal stress is given by following equation
b 2
t / 2
n xdx
Based on equivalence of bending moment
There are relatively few areas where primary bending occurs. Some typical examples are
bending stress in the centre of a flat head or crown of a dished head, bending stress in the
ligament of closely spaced openings. The need for dividing primary stresses into membrane and
bending is that the calculated value of a primary bending stress may be allowed to go higher than
that of a primary membrane stress.
(i) Local Primary membrane stress: It is essentially a combination of two different types of
stresses. The combination it represents is general primary membrane stress (P m) plus
secondary membrane stress (Q m) produced from unrelenting/sustained loads. It is important
to note that cases arise where sustained loads can give rise to secondary stresses such as in
regions of gross structural discontinuities. These have been grouped together in order to
limit the allowable stress for this particular combination to a level lower than allowed for
other secondary stresses. Local primary stresses have some self-limiting characteristics like
secondary stresses. Since they are localized, once yielding occurs load gets redistributed to
stiffer portions of the vessel. However, since large deformations associated with yielding, in
many cases, may not be acceptable an allowable stress lower than secondary stresses is
assigned. The basic difference between a primary local stress and a secondary stress is that a
primary local stress is produced by a load that is unrelenting; the stress just gets
redistributed. In a secondary stress, yielding relaxes the load and is truly self-limiting. The
ability of primary local stress to redistribute itself after the yield strength is reached locally
provides a safety-valve effect. Thus, the higher allowable stress applies only to a local area.
As per ASME Section III Div.1 a stressed region may be considered as local if the distance
over which membrane stress intensity exceeds 1.1 S m (here Sm is the allowable membrane
stress intensity as defined in Section III Div.1) does not extends in the meridional direction
by more than 1.0 Rt where R is the minimum mid-surface radius of curvature and t is the
minimum thickness in the region under consideration. Similarly regions of local primary
stress intensity involving axi-symmetric membrane stress distributions which exceed 1.1 S m
shall not be closer than in the meridional direction than 2.5 Rt . Typical example of local
primary stress is the sum of general primary membrane stress and membrane portion of
discontinuity stresses such as those occur at shell-head junctions and nozzle-shell junctions.
Bending portion of these discontinuity stresses is classified as secondary.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
(j) Secondary stress: It is any normal or a shear stress developed by the constraint of adjacent
material or by self-constraint of the structure. The basic characteristic of secondary stress is
that it is self-limiting. This means that local yielding and minor distortion can satisfy the
condition which causes the stress to occur. Secondary stress could be divided into membrane
and bending components, just as was done for primary stress, but after the removal of local
membrane stress to the primary category, it appeared that all the remaining secondary
stresses could be controlled by the same limit and this division was unnecessary. Thermal
stresses which can produce distortion of the structures are placed in the secondary category.
If a stress of this type, neglecting stress concentrations, exceeds twice the yield strength of
the material, the elastic analysis may be invalid and successive thermal cycles may produce
incremental distortion. Examples are: the stress produced by an axial temperature distribution
in a cylindrical shell, the stress produced by the temperature difference between a nozzle and
the shell to which It is attached, and the equivalent linear stress produced by the radial
temperature distribution in a cylindrical shell. Thermal stresses which result from almost
complete suppression of the differential expansion, and thus cause no significant distortion
are classified as peak stresses. Examples are: the stresses due to non-linear portion of a
through-wall temperature gradient in a cylindrical shell, the thermal stress in a cladding
material that has a coefficient of expansion different from that of the base metal. Non-
uniform portion of the stress distribution in a thick walled vessel due to internal pressure is
also classified as secondary.
(k) Peak stress: It is that increment of stress, which is additive to the primary plus secondary
stresses by reason of local discontinuities, or local thermal stress including the effects, if any,
of stress concentrations. These are highly localized and cannot lead to failure/gross
deformations in single application. These are objectionable from fatigue point of view.
Typical examples are stress at the corner of a discontinuity, thermal stress in a wall caused by
a sudden change in surface temperature (thermal shock), the thermal stress in the austenitic
steel cladding of a carbon steel vessel, stress due to notch etc.
As discussed earlier, the limits on primary stresses were arrived to ensure protection against
gross deformations/plastic collapse and to provide a nominal design margin against ductile
bursting. The limits specified on the primary stresses are as follows:
(a) General Primary membrane stress limit: Primary membrane stresses are not allowed to
approach yield since beyond that there is the possibility of gross plastic deformation/collapse.
By incorporating a design margin of 1.5 on yield and 3 on tensile strength both through-
thickness yielding and tensile instability are eliminated. Thus, the design limit is as follows
Pm < Sm
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
(b) Primary membrane plus primary bending stress limit: The limit on general primary
membrane plus primary bending stress intends to avoid net section yielding/plastic collapse.
Consider the case of a rectangular cross-section beam subjected to combined axial load and a
bending moment. If axial load alone is present, then net-section yielding will start a load
Po=σybt. If bending moment alone is present, then initiation of yielding will start from top
and bottom fibres at Mo= σybt2/6. Thus, the condition for initiation of yielding can be
expressed as:
axial bending y
P 6M
bt bt 2
Po M o
t t
yb c yb c P
2 2
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
2b y
The applied bending moment M, for a given axial load P, corresponding to net-section
yielding can be expressed as:
t 1 t
yb c c c *2 M
2 2 2
4M P2
ybt 2 y2b2t 2
1.5M o Po
M P 2
1.5 1
Mo Po
The above equation provides the condition for net-section yielding and is the basis of limit on
combined sum of general primary membrane and primary bending stress. When axial load P is
zero, the moment M required to cause net-section yielding is 50% higher than that required to
cause the initiation of yielding at the extreme fibres. This is primarily due to the fact that primary
bending stress has an ability to redistribute, whereas primary membrane can not. For the case of
primary membrane, there is no distinction between initiation of yielding and net-section yielding.
Thus, the allowable value of primary bending stress can be 50% higher than that of primary
membrane. It is, however, important to remember that the ratio of bending stress required to
produce net-section yielding to that required for initiation of yielding (often referred as plastic
shape factor) is geometry dependent. For different geometries, the plastic shape factor is
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
P P P M 6M P
m & b
Po y bt y M o y bt 2
P M P Pb
Po M o y
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
(c) Local Primary stress limit: The local primary membrane stress (PL) differs from the general
primary membrane stress in that local membrane stress produces load redistribution, whereas
the general membrane stress does not have this capability. The local primary membrane
stress is self-limiting and when it exceeds yield, the external load will be resisted by other
parts of the structure, but this shift may involve intolerable distortion.
Thus, the PL + Pb is considered to be primary. Because of the ability to redistribute the applied
load, the stress limit is set as the yield strength-1.5Sm. It is noted that the primary bending stress
(Pb) limit is 1.5Sm which is the same as PL. Therefore, the design margin for PL + Pb is 1.5 with
the acceptance of minor permanent deformation.
(d) Secondary stress limit: The limit on secondary (strain-controlled) stresses were arrived to
ensure shakedown to 'elastic action' and, thus, to validate the application of elastic fatigue
analysis for cyclic loads.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
– Sy. If S1 = 2Sy, the elastic range becomes 2Sy, but if S1 > 2Sy, the fiber yields in compression,
as shown by the line e-f in Fig. 2(b) and all subsequent cycles produce plastic strain. Therefore,
2Sy is the maximum value of elastically calculated secondary stress which will shakedown to
purely elastic action.
(e) Primary plus secondary stress limit: When combined primary and secondary stresses are
present, the actual limit is on total strain range. The total allowable strain range should be
less than 2εy. Thus, in terms of equivalent elastic stresses, the allowable limit is as follows:
Δ (Pm+Pb+Q)< 2σy
It is important to remember that this limit is on through-thickness primary plus secondary stress
range and the peak stress are not included here. The primary-plus-secondary stress limit is
intended to prevent excessive plastic deformation leading to incremental collapse (ratchetting),
and to validate the application of elastic analysis when performing the fatigue evaluation. If the P
+Q limit is not met, NB-3200 presents an additional procedure for evaluating the potential for
ratchetting and define a penalty factor for the fatigue analysis. Such cases will be discussed in
more detail in other chapters.
(f) Peak stress limit: The load controlled or strain controlled cycling across the gross section
causes Strain Cycling in the local regions of high stress concentration. The stresses induced
in these regions are Peak Stresses. In reality there would be high strain concentration.
Therefore, local stresses obtained using elastic analysis are pseudo-elastic stresses. In such
regions the main cause of concern is plastic cycling leading to Fatigue Damage. The limits on
Peak Stresses are governed by Fatigue and will be discussed separately.
It is important to note that the thermal stresses associated with gross distortion of the structure
(Fig. 3) in which it occurs are accounted in the P+Q limit whereas the local thermal stresses
associated with almost complete suppression of the differential expansion, thus producing no
significant distortion, are accounted in fatigue analyses.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
ASME code offers two routes to design by analysis (DBA), the so-called elastic route and an
inelastic route which requires the calculation of limit and shakedown loads. Most of the DBA
guidelines given in various codes are essentially based on elastic analysis. In this chapter, only
elastic analysis procedure will be discussed. The in-elastic procedure will be discussed separately
in Chapter 4.
To evaluate protection against various failure modes, the results from an elastic stress analysis of
the component subject to defined loading conditions are categorized and compared to an
associated limiting value. The limiting values for various categories of the primary stress have
been described in the previous section. A quantity known as the 'Stress intensity' (twice the
maximum shear stress) is computed at several locations in the component and compared to the
allowable value of stress intensity (Sm) to determine if the component is suitable for the intended
design conditions. The stress intensity calculated from the stress components, utilizing the Tresca
yield criterion, is used for comparison with the mechanical strength properties of the material
obtained in tests under uni-axial load (Sm). The following procedure is used to compute and
categorize the stress intensity at a point in a component and to determine the acceptability of the
resulting stress state.
STEP 1: Determine the types of loads acting on the component. In general, separate load cases
are analyzed to evaluate "load-controlled" loads such as pressure and externally applied reactions
due to weight effects and "strain-controlled" loads resulting from thermal gradients and imposed
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
STEP 2: At the point on the vessel that is being investigated, calculate the stress tensor (six
unique components of stress) for each type of load. Assign each of the computed stress tensors to
one or to a group of the categories defined in section 2.2
STEP 3: Sum the stress tensors (stresses are added on a component basis) assigned to each
equivalent stress category. The final result is a stress tensor representing the effects of all the
loads assigned to each equivalent stress category.
STEP 4: Determine the principal stresses of the sum of the stress tensors assigned to the
equivalent stress categories, and compute the stress intensity.
STEP 5: To evaluate protection against plastic collapse, ratcheting and fatigue compare the
computed stress intensity to their corresponding allowable values.
7.1 Example-1: Evaluation of stress intensity for a cylindrical vessel under internal
Consider the case of a cylindrical pressure vessel subjected to an internal pressure p. The outside
radius is Ro and the inside radius is Ri. The three principal stress components are σh, σa, and σr
respectively. The three stress components, as obtained from Lami's theory, are as follows:
R i2 p R o2
pR i
Average σ h
1 2
(R o2 R i2 ) r
where, t Ro Ri
Pm = Average σh - average σr
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
pRi p
t 2
On limiting the value of P m to Sm
pRi p
t 2
Sm 0.5 p
The thickness equation obtained above for cylindrical vessel has been provided in vessels design
rules in NB-3300.
7.2 Example-2: Evaluation of stress intensity for a spherical vessel under internal
Consider the case of a spherical pressure vessel subjected to an internal pressure p. The outside
radius is Ro and the inside radius is Ri. The three principal stress components are σh, σa, and σr
respectively. The three stress components, as obtained from Lami's theory, are as follows:
Proceeding in the manner of Cylinder, the minimum required thickness for Sphere can be
expressed as:
2Sm p
The thickness equation obtained above for spherical pressure vessel has been provided in vessel
design rules in NB-3300.
The suitability of the thickness equations, based on primary membrane stress limit, has also been
examined against experimental burst pressure. Based on experimental data, Svensson's has
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
proposed burst pressure equations for both cylindrical and spherical vessels under internal
pressure. The burst pressure equations are as follows:
0.25 e Ro
pb u1 ln( )
u 0.227 u Ri
0.433 1.155 e Ro
pb u1 ln( )
u 0.227
u R
1 1
u = True Strain at u; u = Engg. UTS; e = 2.718 (exponential constant)
The limits discussed in section 6.0 are for design conditions. Section III identifies six set of
service conditions with different probability of occurrence. A summary of allowable stress limits
for different service levels is provided below. The provisions of in-elastic analysis (NB-3228)
may provide relief from certain of these stress limits if plastic analysis techniques are applied.
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Chapter 2: Nuclear Pressure vessel design criteria: Section III-NB
The design rules to ensure protection against buckling for Class 1 components are provided in
NB-3133. These paragraphs address the allowable external pressure in cylindrical and spherical
shells (with or without stiffening ring), and tubular products consisting of pipes, tubes and
fittings. Rules are also provided for cylindrical shells under longitudinal compressive stress. The
design procedure involves determination of Factor A and Factor B from the charts provided in
Section II, Part D. Factor A is basically a strain factor and depends on geometry. Factor B is a
stress factor that depends on material and temperature. Once Factor B is known, the allowable
external pressure is calculated from the equations provided in NB-3133. The design margin
against circumferential buckling is 3 in NB.
The concern arising from brittle fracture is addressed mainly through material toughness
requirements but includes some simplified analyses such as those presented in Appendix G.
These aspects will be discussed in detail in a separate chapter.
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Dr. I. A. Khan,
Reactor Safety Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
e-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
1.0 Introduction
Stress classification and categorisation is an essential pre-requisite for design by analysis (DBA).
A calculated value of stress means little until it is associated with its location and distribution in
the component and with the type of loading that produced it. Different types of stresses have
different degrees of significance and, therefore, different allowable limits are required for
different stress categories. For example, the average hoop stress through the thickness of the wall
of a vessel due to internal pressure must be held to a lower value than the stress at the root of a
notch in the wall. This is simply because of the fact that in the later case this stress would be
highly localized. Likewise, a thermal stress can often be allowed to reach a higher value than one
which is produced by dead weight or pressure. The designer must familiarize himself with the
various types of stress and loadings in order to accurately apply the results of analysis. In
addition, he should also consider some adequate and proper yield criterion in order to define how
the various stresses in a component react (i.e. to include the effect of multi-axial state of stress).
The main concern in elastic route is stress linearization and categorisation. Elastic analysis on its
own cannot characterize the nature of the stress.
In general, stress classification is defined by the type of loading which produce it, its location,
distribution and its significance i.e. the hazard it represents to the component. As far as DBA is
concerned, stresses are usually classified into three types:
1. Primary Stress
a. General Primary membrane Pm
b. Primary bending Pb
c. Local Primary membrane PL
2. Secondary Stress
a. Secondary membrane Qm
b. Secondary bending Qb
3. Peak Stress, F
2.0 Classification of Finite Element Stresses According to ASME Sec. III Stress Categories
A key problem in engineering application of DBA approach is how to classify a total stress field,
obtained by the finite element analysis, into different stress categories defined in the ASME
Code III and VIII-2. When the DBA procedure was introduced, the dominant analysis technique
in pressure vessel design was thin shell discontinuity analysis. Inherent in this understanding is
the assumption that membrane and bending stress act on a plane under the Kirchhoff‘s
hypothesis that plane section remains plane during bending. Various categories of stresses i.e.
membrane, bending and peak stresses (note that shell type membrane and bending stresses cause
gross distortions under primary loads and strain enhancement under secondary loads) required
for comparison against allowable stresses could be calculated directly from the interaction
forces. By now, analysis techniques have developed significantly and these classical methods are
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
getting replaced more and more by computer based numerical methods. The most widely used
technique in contemporary pressure vessel design is the finite element method. However, when
using the finite element method of analysis it is the total stress that is obtained from the solution.
Difficulties arise when thin shell analysis is not used and the finite element analysis is based on
axi-symmetric or 3-D solid elements. In general, unless the section is indeed thin, the stresses
across the thickness are not linear and further plane sections do not remain plane during bending.
It therefore becomes difficult to equate the calculated stresses and the code categories unless the
design is based on shell analysis. Over the years it has become common practice to linearise the
elastically calculated through thickness stresses in order to separate membrane, bending and peak
components. The concept of ‗‗equivalent linearised stress‘‘ was initiated by ASME Code III and
first applied in 2-D finite element analysis by Kroenke et al. [1–2]. Procedures for linearization
of stresses in three-dimensional geometries were discussed in a series of papers by Hollinger and
Hechmer [4–6]. Recently several alternative methods of stress classification, e.g., the reduced
modulus method [7], the spring effect factor method [8], the lower-bound theorem approach [9],
the GLOSS R-node method [10], the elastic compensation method [11,12] etc have been
proposed. However, Kroenke's procedure which is the earliest stress linearization method and a
more refined version by Gordon are still the most widely used techniques for stress linearisation.
Fig. 1(a): Stress from shell interaction analysis & 1(b) Stress from FEM analysis
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
The first step in the classification of stresses resulting from an axi-symmetric or 3-D finite
element analysis is to calculate the stresses on a desired plane. The plane is represented by a line
in the cross section being modeled and is called a ―stress classification line‖. The stress line is
described either by two nodes on opposite surfaces of the vessel or by the coordinates of two
such points. In making the required FEA it is necessary to locate stress lines at critical locations
in the vessel. Pressure vessels usually contain structural discontinuity regions where abrupt
changes in geometry, material or loading occur. These regions are typically the locations of
highest stress in a component. For the evaluation of failure modes of plastic collapse and
ratcheting, Stress Classification Lines (SCLs) are typically located at gross structural
discontinuities. For the evaluation of local failure and fatigue, SCLs are typically located at local
structural discontinuities. For SCLs that span a material discontinuity (e.g. base metal with
cladding), the SCL should include all materials and associated loadings. If one of the materials,
such as cladding, is neglected for strength calculations, then only the base metal thickness should
be used to calculate the membrane and bending stresses from the linearized forces and moments
across the full section for the evaluation of plastic collapse.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2: Stress classification line for (a) 3-D model and (b) 2-D axi-symmetric
Selection of line orientation with respect to vessel is also important because the values of
classified stresses are a function of line orientation. Consequently, it is mandatory to choose an
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
orientation which gives a correct indication of the stress picture as related to the allowable
stresses. SCLs should be oriented normal to contour lines of the stress component of highest
magnitude. However, as this may be difficult to implement, similar accuracy can be obtained by
orienting the SCL normal to the mid-surface of the cross section as shown in Fig 3.
Since the limits on primary stresses and primary plus secondary stresses have been obtained for
linear elastic bending stress distribution, a plane which gives basically a linear bending
meridional and tangential stress distribution has
the best orientation. Choosing a bending plane
usually corresponds to selecting a line
approximately normal to the neutral axis and
vessel surface. This orientation minimizes
problems with shear stresses since they will be
approximately zero at the ends of the line. The
shear stress distribution along an SCL will
approximate a parabolic distribution only when
the inner and outer surfaces are parallel and the
SCL is normal to the surfaces. If the surfaces are
not parallel or an SCL is not normal to the
surfaces, the appropriate shear distribution will Fig. 3: Selection of stress classification line
not be obtained. However, if the magnitude of at structural discontinuity
shear stress is small as compared to the hoop or meridional stresses, this orientation criterion can
be waived. When the shear stress distribution is approximately linear, the shear stress is likely to
be significant. For pressure boundary components, the hoop or meridional stresses typically are
the largest magnitude component stresses and are the dominant terms in the equivalent stress.
Typically the hoop or meridional stresses deviate
from a monotonically increasing or decreasing
trend along an SCL if the SCL is skewed with
respect to the interior, exterior, or mid surfaces
(see Fig. 4). For most pressure vessel
applications, the hoop or meridional stresses due
to pressure should be nearly linear.
For each analysis examination of several lines at
different locations and orientations is an integral
part of stress classification procedure. In order to
calculate stresses comparable to primary stress
limits a stress analysis with pressure loading only
is performed. In order to meet primary plus
secondary and peak limits, a thermal analysis is Fig.4: Hoop and meridional stress
required first to find the critical times during the distribution
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
transient. Stress analyses are then performed to obtain the desired primary plus secondary and
peak stress.
A technique for stress linearisation was first suggested by Kroenke and has been adopted in
several finite element postprocessors. The actual classification for a 2-D state of stress is done in
three steps. First, the stress components are calculated on any desired plane. Second, total stress
is divided into membrane, bending and peak and labeled primary, secondary or peak according to
location, origin and type as discussed earlier. Finally having classified the components, the
principal stresses and stress intensities are calculated.
Outside of gross structural discontinuity regions this stress line is normal to the wall mean
surface i.e. its length is equal to the thickness of the wall in the analysis. Stresses in the global
coordinate directions are calculated at evenly spaced points along the stress line by extrapolation
or interpolation using a plane. The plane is established by a least square fit of the surrounding
element centroidal stresses. The final step in the preparation of stresses for classification is to
rotate them to a local coordinate system which is parallel and perpendicular to the stress line.
Having stresses on any desired plane in the vessel, the next step is to divide total finite element
stresses into membrane, bending and peak categories. Using the basic definitions, evaluation of
membrane, bending and peak stresses for normal stresses is a bit straightforward. If x3 measures
local distance along the classification line then the equivalent linearised stress is
ij L ax3 b
1 e/ 2
ij m b e ij dx3
e / 2
12 x3 e / 2
ij b ax3 3 ij x3dx3
e e / 2
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
6 e/ 2
ij b,max ae / 2 2 ij x3dx3
e e / 2
ij L ij m ij b
The peak value of stress at a point is the difference between the total stress and the sum of the
membrane and bending stresses.
ij p ij ij L ij ij m ij b
However, analysis of shear stresses requires special consideration. For shear stresses, the
membrane portion is defined and calculated the same as the normal membrane stress. Bending
portion of shear stress is not calculated. The peak stress is set equal to the total stress minus
membrane stress. These procedures are essentially dictated by the lack of procedure for
linearising shear stress. In accordance with ASME section III, average shear stress is placed in
either Pm, PL or Qm category. Since no stable method exists for separating peak shear stress from
the total, no portion of shear stress is isolated for placement into Pb or Qb categories.
Consequently, the shear in the combined categories P L + Pb or PL + Pb + Q is equal to the average
shear for pressure loading and equal to zero for pressure plus thermal loading. If the stress line is
approximately normal to the surface, the shear is near zero and using zero surface shear stress for
primary plus secondary stress is accurate. Special consideration is required in areas where the
stress line is severely skewed to the boundary.
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
Stress results derived from a finite element analysis utilizing two-dimensional or three-
dimensional shells are obtained directly from the analysis results. Using the component stresses,
the equivalent stress shall be computed. The method to derive the membrane, bending, and peak
components of a stress distribution is shown below:
a) The membrane stress tensor is the tensor comprised of the average of each stress component
along the stress classification line, or:
ijin ijout
b) The bending stress tensor is the tensor comprised of the linear varying portion of each stress
component along the stress classification line, or:
ijout ijin
c) The peak stress tensor is the tensor whose components are equal to:
In order to demonstrate the stress classification procedure (as described by Kroenke‘s method)
stresses at shell-nozzle junctions are considered. The nozzle geometry and location of stress lines
1-6 are shown in Fig. 8.
Stress contours for tangential stresses are shown in Fig.9. S R is normal stress parallel to stress
line, SL is perpendicular to line, ST is tangential stress and SRL is the shear stress. Only primary
and primary plus secondary categories will be considered since primary plus secondary plus peak
is the total stress which can be read directly from finite element stress output. In accordance with
previous discussions lines 2-6 in Fig.8 are as normal to both surfaces and the neutral axis as
possible. Line1 in Fig.8 is perpendicular to the surface at the inside but nearly tangent to the
surface at outside. Lines 2-6 are placed at locations and orientations which are believed at the
outset to the bending planes which will provide maximum bending stresses.
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
After stress evaluation, applicability of original stress line must be considered. Investigation of
Fig.9 shows that line 3 is located through the most severe tangential bending and nearly passes
through the maximum tangential stress on the inside surface. Investigation of total stress plots for
line 1 reveals that SL and ST are not linear bending distributions and that S RL does not have the
parabolic shape characteristic of a bending distribution. Consequently, line 1 would be discarded
as an invalid stress line. The poor results at line 1 could have been predicted from its relation to
the outside surface. It is interesting to note that line 1 would be a typical location and orientation
for satisfying stress limits using an interaction analysis. Due to the assumptions made and the
model used in a shell solution, line 1 would represent a bending plane. However, it is not a
bending plane in the finite element solution. Lines 2-6 all exhibit the desired bending stress
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
distribution on a stress line. Line 6 passes through the maximum total meridional stress that
exists on the outside surface. Investigation of the stress results show that using additional stress
lines out into the nozzle and down into the shell provide smaller stress intensities.
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
Example 2: Stress Classification at Shell Nozzle Interface Due to Radial Upward Pull at
Nozzle End
The largest stress in the shell occurs in the tangential direction at the merging point of shell and
S t N / t 6M / t 2
S t ( F / t 2 )N / F / R 6M / F
Where F= Radial pull
C F C F'
N ( F / R)
C C F'
6M F F
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
Thus F = P*A
=1*(ro2 – ri2)
=1*(162.52 – 137.52) = 23561.945 N
FEM Solution
The variation of tangential stress calculated from FEM along the thickness near shell nozzle
merger line as shown in Fig. 12, is shown in the following table.
Sm dy
t2 ydy
Sm = 0.2024 MPa
Sb = 1.5088 MPa
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
Table 2: Stress classification and categorisation as per ASME Section NB-3200 (Design by
(Section 2 in
Fig. 13)
Pl Lead to large deflection
Radial Membrane but self-limiting
Bending Q Self limiting
Pressure Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
Meridional but self-limiting
Main vessel at Bending Q Self limiting
discontinuity Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
but not Tangential but self-limiting
through stress Bending Q Self limiting
concentration Shear Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
but self-limiting
(Section 3 in
Fig. 13)
(Section 4 in
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
Fig. 13)
Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
Radial but self-limiting
Bending Q Self limiting
Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
Meridional but self-limiting
Bending Q Self limiting
Line through Peak F No noticeable distortion
stress Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
concentration Tangential but self-limiting
at vessel Pressure Bending Q Self limiting
discontinuity Peak F No noticeable distortion
Membrane Pl Lead to large deflection
(Section 5 in Shear but self-limiting
Fig. 13) Bending F No method for isolation
Peak F No noticeable distortion
Q Stress caused by motion
Radial Total of main vessel
Membrane Q Stress caused by motion
Meridional + Bending of main vessel
Line through Peak F No noticeable distortion
stress Membrane Q Stress caused by motion
concentration Tangential + Bending of main vessel
and included Peak F No noticeable distortion
in support skirt Pressure Membrane Q Stress caused by motion
metal Shear of main vessel
Bending F No method for isolation
(Section 6 in Peak F No noticeable distortion
Fig. 13)
Radial Total Pl + Pb +Q No necessity to separate
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
1. Shear Stress: An unresolved problem with shear stress exists in that no method has been
found for isolating peak shear stress. The problem is less when the stress line is nearly
perpendicular to the surface. No problem exists for fatigue analysis since total stresses are
2. Radial Stress: Situations occur where radial stresses are concentrated. Since there is no
moment associated with radial stress an equivalent linear stress can not be calculated as is
done with meridional and tangential stress. Consequently, as with shear stress, no
straightforward method exists for separating peak radial stress.
3. Line Orientation: Since an infinite number of stress lines can emanate from a vessel
fillet, choice of the correct one is left to the engineer‘s judgment. Selecting the most
appropriate failure plane is a perplexing problem even after the stress distributions are
known. Ideally inner, outer surfaces and thus the mid-surface should be parallel, with the
stress classification line perpendicular to these surfaces.
4. Three Dimensional stress analyses: 3-D finite element analysis with solid element
poses a significant problem for stress linearization. In 3-D analysis it is necessary to find
a consistent stress classification plane which again could cause problems near the very
features the designer is concerned with (fillets and gross structural discontinuities).
5. Stress categorization: Several situations occur where it is impossible to separate stresses
according to stress origin. For example a vessel loaded by pressure and a nonlinear
temperature distribution has a nonlinear tangential stress distribution. Section III allows
the nonlinear thermal stress to be classified as peak stress, but the nonlinear portion of
stress due to pressure is classified as secondary. In such cases it becomes necessary to
perform two separate finite element analysis in order to separate pressure stress from
thermal stress.
In 2010 edition of section VIII Div.2 a new method known as "Structural stress method based on
nodal forces" has been suggested as an alternative method for stress linearisation. Stress results
derived from a finite element analysis utilizing continuum or shell elements may be processed
using the Structural Stress Method based on nodal forces. The mesh-insensitive structural stress
method provides a robust procedure for capturing the membrane and bending stresses and can be
directly utilized in fatigue design of welded joints.
This relates to the use of finite element method (FEM) in pressure vessel design by analysis. It
has been observed that the use of elastic finite element analysis in many cases may lead to
ambiguities in stress categorization. How to identify primary stress is the most significant, but
difficult, problem of stress categorisation. Mistaking primary stress for secondary stress will
result in serious consequences. For example it is impossible to separate stresses according to
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
stress origin that occurs in a flat head. The part of bending stress resulting from pressure is
primary bending. If the flat head is designed as simply supported plate, the part of bending stress
resulting from interaction moments at the edge of plate is secondary stress. These stresses can
not be separated in a finite element run. In order to overcome these ambiguities P m and Pb
stresses should be evaluated using general equilibrium considerations. FEA is appropriate for
calculation of (P + Q) and (P + Q + F) stresses in general. It is only in complex components that
where basic structural analysis does not exist that FEA is recommended as appropriate for P m
and Pm + Pb stress evaluation. The thrust is that the designer should apply his ingenuity to
calculate equilibrium stresses, not merely extract stresses from a general finite element model.
This is especially true for three-dimensional stress fields. Application of the limit load or elastic-
plastic analysis methods is recommended for cases where the categorization process may
produce ambiguous results. Some examples indicating the salient aspects related to stress
categorisation are provided here.
We consider here the case of a clamped circular plate loaded by a uniformly distributed load q as
shown in Fig. 14. From elastic plate theory, the radial bending moments at centre A and edge B
for a simply supported plate are
3 2
M AS qa M BS 0
16 (1)
1 2 1
M AC qa M BC qa2
16 8 (2)
Fig. 14: (a) Clamped circular plate and (b) simply supported circular plate
loaded by a uniformly distributed load q [17].
The elastically calculated stresses can be categorised in several ways; (1) The first option is to
consider the bending stresses at the edge due to MBC and at the centre due to MAC as primary
stresses. In this case, secondary stress is equal to zero. (2) the second reasonable option is to
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
classify the bending stress at the edge due to MBC as secondary stress and to take the simply
supported circular plate, in which the rotation constraint causing MBC is removed, as the
reference structure. In this case, the maximum primary stress is the bending stress of MAC at the
center of the simply supported plate. (3) Finally, we consider only the total stress field of original
clamped circular plate and classify bending stress at the centre due to MAC as maximum primary
stress and bending stress at the edge due to MBC as secondary stress. It is obvious that the first
stress categorisation scheme is reasonable and optimal; the second one is reasonable, but
conservative; the final one is unsafe and unreasonable, the maximum primary stress that is the
bending stress due to MAC, is estimated lower due to the favorable effect of MBC.
We consider here a cylindrical vessel with a circular plate head and loaded with internal pressure
as shown in Fig. 15. Again several options are available for stress categorisation. (1) Consider
the structure shown in Fig. 15 (a) as the reference structure. All membrane and linearised
bending stresses in plate and vessel are primary stresses and should be evaluated by 1.5 Sm limit.
(2) Classify the bending stress at connection B as secondary stress. Removing the rotation
Fig. 15: Cylindrical vessel with a circular plate head under internal pressure [17].
constraint and radial displacement constraint at B, take the reference structure as a cylindrical
vessel in membrane stress state together with a simply supported circular plate as shown in Fig.
15(b). In this case, only axial force N at B occurs. (3) Classify the bending stress at connection B
as secondary stress. Removing only the rotation constraint at B, the reference structure is shown
in Fig. 15(c). In this case, in addition to axial force N, a lateral shear force Q occurs due to the
radial displacement constraint. Comparing three schemes, the usually adopted scheme 2 is the
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
best one for cylindrical vessel, because the maximum primary stress in vessel is the lowest, but
in circular plate is the highest. The connection B is a favorable constraint for the plate, but
unfavorable for vessel. If the designer wants to reducethe thickness of plate head due to
difficulties associated with the availability of plate having high thickness, then scheme 1 is the
best one. Scheme 3 is an intermediate one. If any one of the three schemes can satisfy all limits
of stress intensity specified in ASME Code, the design is surely acceptable. Besides these three
options there are other possible ways of stress categorisation that would be unsafe and
unreasonable. Two such schemes are as follows:
(1) Consider only the original structure. Classify the bending stress at B as secondary stress,
because it is caused by a redundant rotational constraint, and take the bending stress at center A
as the maximum primary stress of circular plate. If the bending stress of 3.0 Sm, which is
favorable for vessel, is allowed, the maximum primary stress in circular plate will be estimated
lower. (2) Classify the bending stress at B as secondary stress, and take the primary structure as a
cylindrical vessel in membrane stress state together with a clamped circular plate. In this case, an
originally non-existing favorable constraint, clamped boundary condition, is imposed on the
circular plate. The maximum primary stress in plate is estimated lower than in unsafe case 1,
because the calculated bending stress of clamped circular plate at center A is less than one in
case 1.
The third example is a junction of cylindrical nozzle and conical vessel under internal pressure,
e.g., the small joint of a conical reducer, as shown in Fig. 16.
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
There are three reasonable schemes for stress categorisation: (1) Assume the cylindrical nozzle is
in membrane stress state. As per the equilibrium condition at connection B, the connection force
T1 acting on conical vessel has to be vertically upward, as shown in Fig. 16 (a). Force N1 is the
membrane solution of conical vessel under internal pressure. Resolving N1 in the radial direction
of parallel circle and in the meridian direction of nozzle, we get Q1 and T1. All membrane
solutions in vessel and nozzle are general primary membrane stress. Force Q1 results in local
primary membrane stress and primary bending stress in the conical vessel. (2) Assume the
conical vessel is in membrane stress state. Now the connection force T2 acting on cylindrical
nozzle has to be in the meridian direction of conical vessel as shown in Fig. 16 (b). Decomposing
T2 in horizontal and vertical directions, we get Q2 and N2. Force N2 is the membrane solution of
cylindrical nozzle under internal pressure. All membrane solutions in vessel and nozzle is
general primary membrane stress. Force Q2 results in local primary membrane stress and primary
bending stress in the nozzle. (3) Take the original structure as a reference structure. In this case,
there exist general, local primary membrane stress and primary bending stress in both conical
vessel and cylindrical nozzle. Comparing the three schemes, Scheme 2 is the most favorable for
conical vessel and scheme 1 is the most favorable for cylindrical nozzle, but needs a thicker
conical vessel.
It should be pointed out that both membrane states of cylindrical nozzle and of conical vessel
together cannot be considered a reasonable reference structure, because the membrane force T1
of cylindrical nozzle and T2 of conical vessel cannot satisfy the equilibrium condition at
connection B. It means that the local primary membrane stress and primary bending stress at
connection B are really necessary to equilibrate internal pressure.
8.0 References
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Chapter 3: Design by Analysis procedures & Stress linearization schemes in Section III
8. Roche, R. L., 1987, ‗‗Modes of Failure—Primary and Secondary Stresses‘‘, ASME PVP-
Vol. 120.
9. Marriott, D. L., 1988, ‗‗Evaluation of Deformation or Load Control of Stresses Under
Inelastic Conditions Using Finite Element Stress Analysis,‘‘ ASME PVP-Vol. 136, pp. 3–9.
10. Seshadri, R., and Fernando, C. P. D., 1991, ‗‗Limit Loads of Mechanical Components and
Structures Using the GLOSS R-Node Method,‘‘ ASME PVP Vol. 210-2, pp. 125–134.
11. Mackenzie, D., and Boyle, J. T., 1992, ‗‗Assessment of Classification Procedures for Finite
Element Stresses,‘‘ Proceedings, 7th International Conference of Pressure Vessel
Technology, Part 1, pp. 346–358.
12. Mackenzie, D., and Boyle, J. T., 1994, ‗‗A Computational Procedure for Calculating Primary
Stress for the ASME B&PV Code,‘‘ ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 116, pp. 339–344.
13. Dhalla, A. K., 1991, ‗‗Stress Classification for Elevated Temperature Service,‘‘ ASME J.
Pressure Vessel Technol., 113, pp. 488–496
14. Design by Analysis: Proposal of CEN‘s unfired pressure vessel standard prEN 13445-3,
Annex B and Annex C.
15. ASME Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code, 2001, Section- III, Subsection NB
16. Pressure Vessel Design Hand Book, Henry H. Bednar, P.E, 1987 Edition
17. Lu, M.W., Chen, Y., Li, G.J., "Two-step approach of stress classification and primary
structure method", ASME J. Pressure Vessel Tech., 122, pp. 2–8.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
4.1 Introduction
Practically, most of the problems in nature are nonlinear. However, the interest of the
engineer lies in finding a solution, which is accurate enough in the range of his interest. Many
times, the solution of the problem lies in the linear range for small values of imposed field
variables. However, the problem becomes nonlinear if the matrices and vectors those appear
in the FE algebraic equations are functions of the solution vector.
For example, nonlinearity in structural problems can be classified as geometric and material
nonlinearity. Geometric nonlinearity is associated with dependence of the stiffness matrix on
the change in configuration as in large deflection of slender elastic beams. Material
nonlinearity is associated with changes in material property as in the case of elasto-plasticity,
creep and damage mechanics. In heat transfer, nonlinearity may arise from temperature
dependent conductivity and radiative heat transfer (radiative heat flux varies nonlinearly with
Many physical situations present nonlinearities too large to be ignored. Stress-strain relations
may be nonlinear either in a time dependent (creep) or a time independent way (elasto-
plasticity). A change in configuration may cause loads to alter their distribution and
magnitude or cause gaps to open or close. Mating parts may stick or slip. Welding and
casting processes cause the material to change in conductivity, modulus and phase.
The generation and shedding of vertices in fluid flow past a structure produces oscillatory
loads on the structure. Pre-buckling rotations alter the effective stiffness of a shell and change
its buckling load. The effect of nonlinearity on structural response may vary in type and may
be mild or severe. The analyst must understand the physical problem and must be acquainted
with various solution strategies. A single strategy will not work always and may not work for
some of the problems. Several attempts may be needed in order to obtain a satisfactory result.
However, many analysts are doing nonlinear analysis now-a-days compared to earlier days
mainly because of availability of fast computers and algorithms and at a low cost. The
functional requirements for the structures are also increasing day by day.
In order to understand the elastic-plastic behavior of pressure vessels and piping components
under different loading conditions, it is essential to understand the material deformation
behavior under tension. If we take a prismatic bar and load in tension, the load-displacement
curve as observed from the machine data can be typically represented in Fig. 4.1. The
different regions of deformation including elastic deformation, onset of plastic yielding,
plastic hardening and plastic instability points are shown in Fig. 4.1.
Generally, by linear elastic we understand that stress is proportional to strain (Fig. 4.2). As
stress is related to force, and displacement is related to strain then these are also proportional
to each other. Therefore, if the stresses are known for a particular load value, they can then be
calculated for any other load using simple proportionality.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
For a component under the action of a number of loads the combined effect of the loads may
be calculated through a separate analysis. This is applicable only for cases where the stresses
remain elastic and the analysis is based on small deformation theory. The stress field results
from the individual analysis are then added together to obtain the resultant stress field
corresponding to the case when the loads are acting together.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
A useful aspect of linear elastic analysis is that it allows the use of the superposition
Fig. 4.3: Linear-elastic plastic material model, unloading after some plastic deformation
In linear-elastic plastic analysis the stresses are proportional to strain only up to the yield
point of the material. Beyond the yield point this no longer applies and plasticity effects need
to be considered. At this stage the material exhibits non-linear strain hardening and
permanent deformations take place. When the load is removed the unloading is assumed to
take place linearly, parallel to the loading line (Fig. 4.3).
Generally the plastic response is conveniently simplified using idealized models. The most
commonly used models are the bilinear hardening model and the perfect plastic model. Both
are described below.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Bilinear hardening
The material is assumed to be linear elastic up to yield. Beyond yield the material exhibits
linear plastic deformation (Fig. 4.4).
Perfect plasticity
The material is assumed to be linear elastic up to yield. Beyond yield there is unlimited
plastic flow and no further increase in stress takes place. It may be argued that this highly
idealized model may seem unrealistic. However it is regarded by most pressure vessel code
committees as a useful conservative model for design purposes (Fig. 4.5).
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
The yield condition is in general written as f 0 . This defined the stress states for which
the material exhibits plastic flow. The set of stress states that satisfy the yield condition forms
the so-called yield surface in the stress space. The sign of the expression defining the yield
function can always be selected such that f 0 corresponds to the elastic stress states,
f 0 corresponds to plastic stress states, and stress states for which f 0 cannot be
supported by the materials.
All the stress states for which f 0 , are called plastically admissible. The decision as to
whether the material is yielding or not must be independent of the particular coordinate
system in which we perform our calculations. Since, for isotropic materials, we have no
orientation effect, a yield condition must depend only on the invariants of the stress tensor.
The convenient set f stress invariants consist of the following members, i.e., I1, J 2 and J3 .
These are expressed as below.
I1 ii (1)
J2 sij sij (2)
J 3 det sij (3)
where ij is the stress tensor and sij is the deviatoric part of stress tesnor. In terms of these
invariants, the yield condition can be written as
f I1 , J 2 , J 3 0 (4)
There are several yield criteria proposed in literature, some of which are discussed below.
In ductile materials such as metals, inelastic deformation typically takes place by plastic slip
along the crystallographic planes. The onset of yielding in this case does not depend upon the
volumetric part of the stress tensor (i.e., on the pressure or mean stress). Such materials are
described by the yield conditions that are independent of the invariant I1 .
Fig. 4.6: von Mises (solid) and Tresca’s (dashed) yield surfaces. (a) tensile and
compressive meridians (b) deviatoric sections , (c) plane stress presentation.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
The simplest and most useful example is the yield condition of von Mises which is written as
f J 2 J 2 0 0 (5)
in which 0 is a material parameter. The second invariant J 2 is non-negative and its square
root is real. This theory based on von Mises yield criteria is often referred as J 2 theory of
plasticity. The invariant J 2 is also proportional to the distortional strain energy and hence the
von Mises criterion is equivalent to the condition that the distortional strain energy at the
onset of yielding reaches a critical value.
It is customary to present the yield conditions graphically in the principal stress space
(Westergaard space) with axes 1, 2 and 3 . The line on which all the principal stresses are
equal is the hydrostatic stress, and planes perpendicular to this line are the deviatoric planes
(also called the -planes). The intersections of the yield surface with the deviatoric planes
are deviatoric sections (or -plane projections), and intersections with the planes that contain
the hydrostatic axis are called meridians. The geometrical interpretation of the von Mises
yield surface in terms of the Westergaard coordinates is shown in Fig. 4.19(b).
The von Mises yield surface condition means the material yields when the distance of the
corresponding stress point from the hydrostatic axis in the principal stress space reaches a
certain limit value, i.e., 0 2 0 . In the deviatoric plane, the points satisfying the yield
condition fill a circle. Since the hydrostatic component of stress has no effect on the
J 2 invariant, the yield surface corresponding to the von Mises yield criterion is a cylinder,
rotationally symmetric about the hydrostatic axis. Under plane stress condition, 3 0 and
hence the yield surface is described by the intersection of the cylinder with the 3 0 plane
and it gives rise to an ellipse as shown in Fig. 4.19(c).
Another simple and useful criterion is due to Tresca. According to this criterion, the material
starts to yield when the maximum shear stress reaches a certain limit value 0 . Since, among
planes of all orientations, there are six local maxima of the shear stress magnitude, the
Tresca‘s criteria requires that one of the six equalities be satisfied, i.e.,
1 2 3 1
0 or 2 0 or 3 0 (6)
2 2 2
Thus the yield condition of Tresca may be written as
f 1 , 2 , 3 1 2 4 02 2 3 4 02 3 1 4 02 0
2 2 2
Of course, if the principal stresses are ordered such that 1 2 3 , then the Tresca
condition can be written simply as
1 3 2 0 (8)
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Experimental results on yield condition on most metals lie between the criterion of Tresca
and von Mises, usually closer to the condition of von Mises. Under plane stress condition, the
six equations given by Equation [64] represent straight lines that pass through the points
0 on the stress axes as shown in Fig. 4.19(c). There fire, the Tresca‘s condition is
represented by a hexagon that is inscribed in the von Mises ellipse. In the deviatoric plane,
the Tresca‘s yield surface is represented by a regular hexagon and in the principal stress
space, it is a regular hexahedral prism inscribed into the von Mises cylinder.
Materials for which permanent strains are developed upon unloading are called plastic
materials. Many materials such as metals, soils and concrete exhibit plastic behaviour upto a
stress called the yield strength. Once loaded beyond the initial yield strength, plastic strains
are developed. Elastic-plastic materials are further classified as rate-independent materials
where the stress is independent of the strain rate, and rate dependent materials in which the
stress depends on the strain rate. The later are also referred to as rate-sensitive materials.
Elastic-plastic laws are path-dependent and dissipative. A large part of the work expended in
plastically deforming the material is irreversibly converted into other forms of energy,
particularly heat. The stress depends upon the entire history of deformation and can not be
written as a single-valued function of strain, rather it can only be specified as a relation
between rates of stress and strain.
A material is called nonlinear if the stresses and strains are related by a strain
dependent matrix rather than a matrix of constants. Thus the computational difficulty is that
equilibrium equations must be written using material properties that depend upon strains.
However, strains are not known in advance. Plastic flow is a cause of material nonlinearity.
In this section, the case of uniaxial stress is used to introduce the formulation and solution of
the elasto-plastic problems.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
When yielding has occurred, the strain increment can be regarded as composed of an elastic
contribution d e and plastic contribution d p . The stress increment d can be written as
d E d d p or d Et d or d Hd p where H is the strain hardening parameter
and Et is the tangent modulus of elasticity. The above expressions for d can be rearranged
to write Et as
Et E 1 (9)
Elasto-plastic analysis in multiaxial case requires a yield criterion, flow rule and a suitable
hardening rule as discussed previously. The yield criterion can be based on several theories,
e.g., von Mises and Tresca‘s criteria for ductile materials. Yielding begins when the
equivalent stress reaches the yield stress Y . Subsequent plastic deformation may alter the
stress needed to produce renewed or continued yielding. A flow rule can be written in
multidimensional problems. It leads to a relation between stress increment d and strain
increment d . In the uniaxial case, this relation is simply written as
d Et d (10)
which describes the increment of stress produced by an increment of strain. If the material is
d Ed (11)
A hardening rule describes how the yield criterion is changed by the history of plastic flow.
There are two types of hardening rule, i.e., isotropic and kinematic hardening rules.
The total strain tensor is the summation of elastic (reversible) and plastic strains
(irreversible), i.e.,
el pl (12)
In the case of pure elasto-plastic behaviour without damage, the elastic stiffness remains
same. So, the actual stress at any time can be derived from the elastic part of strain as
Del el Del pl (13)
As long as the stress remains inside the elastic domain, the deformation process is purely
elastic and the plastic strain does not change. However, when the stress state reaches the yield
surface, plastic flow is initiated. During the plastic flow process, the stress state remains on
the yield surface. The yield surface equation
f 0 (14)
depends upon the choice of yield criteria used. For the evaluation of the components of the
plastic strain tensor, another additional criterion regarding the direction of plastic flow is
required and this is known as the flow rule. Flow rules should be deduced from the
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
experimental observation. From the theoretical point of view, the theory of maximum plastic
energy dissipation rule is used to derive the appropriate flow rule.
The direction of the normal to the yield surface is determined by the gradient of f . So,
the flow rule can be mathematically written as [writing f as f for simplicity],
. f
f (15)
This is called the normality rule or associated flow rule. stands for a scalar multiplier,
called plastic strain rate multiplier and it controls the magnitude of plastic strain. For a given
stress state, the gradient f is a fixed tensor specifying the direction of plastic strain rate.
The magnitude of this rate remains unspecified by the flow rule and it must be determined
from the condition that the stress during the plastic flow remains on the yield surface. The
flow rule is associated when the potential used for determining the plastic flow direction is
same as the yield surface. The response of most metals can be described well by an
associated flow rule, except when the loading path is highly non-proportional. However, for
pressure sensitive materials, the associated flow rule is many times unrealistic and must be
replaced by a more general non-associated flow rule written as,
. g
g (16)
where g is a new function called the plastic potential. A generalized plastic potential
defines a set of equipotential surfaces such that the plastic strain always grows in the
direction normal to the surface on which the current stress state is located. A material with a
non-associated flow rule does not satisfy the postulate of maximum plastic dissipation.
In FEM, the strain evolution is determined by the displacement increments computed on the
structural level. The basic task on the level of material point is to evaluate the stress evolution
generated by a given strain history. Compared to the elastic case, the problem involves
additional unknowns, i.e., the components of plastic strain and plastic multiplier. In the
elastic regime, the yield function must remain negative and the rate of plastic multiplier is
zero. In the plastic regime, the yield function is zero and the rate of plastic multiplier is
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
. .
f 0 (18)
In this form, the condition has a general validity. Sometimes, the consistency condition is
written as
f 0 (19)
However, this is valid only during plastic flow and not during an elastic process.
We will describe here the criteria for loading and unloading during plastic flow and derive
the incremental stress-strain relations. If the current stress state is in the elastic domain,
then f and hence 0 from the consistency condition. Hence the plastic strain
remains constant and strain increment is purely elastic. The rate (increment) of stress can be
computed from the rate (increment) of strain from the standard elastic law (Hooke‘s law), i.e.,
Del el
If the current stress state is on the yield surface, then f 0 . In this case, the
material can either experience further plastic flow or start unloading elastically. During
plastic flow, the stress remains on the yield surface and invoking the consistency condition,
we write
f f : 0
Substituting from the Eq. (25) into Eq. (26), we get
f :
f :
f : Del el f : Del pl f : Del f 0
. .
. .
If the strain evolution is prescribed, this equation contains a single scalar unknown . The
elastic stiffness matrix Del is positive definite. Hence,
f : Del : f 0 (23)
for any nonzero tensor f . Solving Eq. (8), we get the plastic multiplier as
f : Del : .
f : Del : f
The first consistency condition states that the solution is admissible only if 0 . This is
equivalent to saying
f : Del : 0 .
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
f : Del : 0
is known as the neutral loading condition. For the case of strict loading, 0 , the rate of
plastic strain can be derived using the flow rule as
. . .
pl f f
f f : Del .
f : Del : f
: (27)
Now, the rate of stress can be derived in term of total strain rate as
. .
. .
f f : Del .
Del pl Del Del :
f : Del : f
: (28)
From the above expression, the equivalent elasto-plastic material stiffness tensor can be
written as
D : f f : Del
Dep Del el (29)
f : Del : f
This tensor is used in place of the elastic stiffness tensor when we deal with elasto-plastic
analysis. In order to preserve the quadratic convergence of the Newton-Raphson iteration
process, the tangential stiffness matrix should be computed from the algorithmic stiffness
tensor. The unloading criterion is written as
f : Del : 0
For an elastic perfectly plastic material, the yield surface remains constant during plastic
flow. However, the micro-structure of materials changes as plastic flow continues and this
results in a change of properties observable on the macro-scale. Under uniaxial loading, the
stress transmitted by the yielding material, i.e., the yield surface can increase or decrease.
Fig. 4.7: Isotropic hardening. (a) uniaxial stress-strain diagram, (b) evolution of the
yield surface in the biaxial stress plane
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
The increase in yield stress is referred to as hardening whereas the decrease in yield
stress is called softening. In order to describe the evolution of the loading surface, there
is a need for several new parameters for characterizing hardening. The simplest of
them is called isotropic hardening and this model needs only one parameter (strain or
work hardening parameter) [Fig. 4.7].
It may be noted that isotropic hardening is valid only for simple loading conditions.
But, for the case of unloading, cyclic loading and other complex situations, alternative
hardening rules are necessary. One of the alternative hardening rule is kinematic
hardening where the current loading space is assumed not to be expand but move as a
rigid body within the stress space. It is also required to model the Bauschinger effect.
This is often observed in metals subjected to cyclic loading. The hardening behaviour
of most materials appears to be combination of the isotropic and kinematic hardening
type and also sometimes accompanied by change of shape of the yield surface.
Kinematic hardening leads to the translation of the loading surface, i.e. shifting of the
origin of the initial yield surface [Fig. 4.8].
Fig. 4.8: Kinematic hardening. (a) uniaxial stress-strain diagram, (b) evolution of
the yield stress surface in the biaxial stress plane
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
This section reviews nonlinear structural problems by looking at the manifestation and
physical sources of nonlinear behavior. We begin by introducing response as a pictorial
characterization of nonlinearity of a structural system. Response is a graphical representation
of the fundamental concept of equilibrium path. Finally, the nonlinearities are classified
according to their source in the mathematical model of continuum mechanics and correlated
with the physical system. Examples of these nonlinearities in practical engineering
applications are given.
The concept of equilibrium path plays a central role in explaining the mysteries of nonlinear
structural analysis. This concept lends itself to graphical representation in the form of
response diagrams. The most widely used form of these pictures is the load-deflection
response diagram. Through this representation many key concepts can be illustrated and
interpreted in physical, mathematical or computational terms.
The gross or overall static behavior of many structures can be characterized by a load-
deflection or force-displacement response. The response is usually drawn in two dimensions
as a x-y plot as illustrated in Fig. 4.9. In this figure a ―representative‖ force quantity is plotted
against a ―representative‖ displacement quantity. If the response plot is nonlinear, the
structure behavior is nonlinear. A response diagram generally depicts the relationship
between inputs and outputs. In physical terms, it is the relation between what is applied and
what is measured. For structures the most common inputs are forces and the most common
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
outputs are displacements or deflections. For relatively simple structures, the choice of load
and deflection variables is often clear-cut from considerations such as the availability of
experimental data. For more complex structures the choice may not be obvious, and many
possibilities may exist. The load is not necessarily an applied force but may be an integrated
quantity, e.g., the weight of traffic on a bridge, or the lift on an airplane wing.
There are different types of equilibrium paths that a structure can follow depending upon the
loading conditions. These are primary and secondary equilibrium paths as shown in Fig. 4.10.
The concepts of critical points, instability and bifurcation etc. come when a structures shifts
from the primary path to the secondary path. Certain points of an equilibrium path have
special significance in the applications and thus receive much attention. ―Branch‖ is
commonly used in the treatment of bifurcation phenomena, whereas ―trajectory‖ has temporal
or historical connotation. Limit points are those at which the tangent to the equilibrium path is
horizontal, i.e. parallel to the deflection axis. Bifurcation points are those at which two or
more equilibrium paths cross.
At critical points the relation between the given characteristic load and the associated
deflection is not unique. Physically, the structure becomes uncontrollable or marginally
controllable there. The points, at which the tangent to the equilibrium path is vertical, i.e.
parallel to the load axis, are called turning points. These are not critical points and have less
physical significance, but are of interest for some structures. They have some computational
significance because they can affect the performance of certain solution methods. Points at
which a path suddenly stops or ―breaks‖ because of physical failure are called failure points.
The phenomenon of failure may be local or global in nature. In the first case (e.g, failure of a
noncritical structure component) the structure may regain functional equilibrium after
dynamically ―jumping‖ to another equilibrium path. In the latter case the failure is
catastrophic or destructive and the structure does not regain functional equilibrium.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig. 4.11: Response diagram for the purely linear structural model
-A linear structure can sustain any load whatsoever and undergo any displacement
-There are no critical, turning or failure points.
-Response to different load systems can be obtained by superposition.
-Removing all loads returns the structure to the reference position.
The requirements for such a model to be applicable are (a) Perfect linear elasticity for any
deformation, (b) Infinitesimal deformations, (c) Infinite strength. These assumptions are not
only physically unrealistic but also mutually contradictory. For example, if the deformations
are to remain infinitesimal for any load, the body must be rigid rather than elastic, which
contradicts the first assumption. Thus, there are necessarily limits placed on the validity of
the linear model.
Despite these obvious limitations, the linear model can be a good approximation of portions
of the nonlinear response, in particular the fundamental path response in the vicinity the
reference state [Fig. 4.2]. For many structures this segment represents the operational or
service range and hence, the linear model is widely used in design calculations. The key
advantage of this idealization is that the superposition-of-effects principle applies
The tangent to an equilibrium path may be informally viewed as the limit of the ratio force
increment displacement increment. This is by definition stiffness or, more precisely, the
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
tangent stiffness associated with the representative force and displacement. The reciprocal
ratio is called flexibility or compliance. The sign of the tangent stiffness is closely associated
with the question of stability of an equilibrium state. A negative stiffness is necessarily
associated with unstable equilibrium. A positive stiffness is necessary but not sufficient for
stability. If the load and deflection quantities are conjugate in the virtual work sense, the area
under a load-deflection diagram may be interpreted as work performed by the system.
The response diagrams in Fig. 4.12 illustrate three ―monotonic‖ types of response: linear,
hardening, and softening. Symbols F and L identify failure and limit points, respectively. A
response such as in Fig. 4.12(a) is characteristic of pure crystals, glassy, and certain high
strength composite materials. A response such as in Fig. 4.12 (b) is typical of cable, netted
and pneumatic (inflatable) structures, which may be collectively called tensile structures. The
stiffening effect comes from geometry ―adaptation‖ to the applied loads [Geometric
nonlineraity]. Some flat-plate assemblies also display this behavior initially. A response such
as in Fig. 4.12(c) is more common for structure materials than the previous two.
A linear response is followed by a softening regime that may occur slowly or suddenly. The
softening behaviours are given in Fig. 4.12(d) to (g) respectively. These diagrams illustrate a
combination of different behaviours that can complicate the response as well as the task of
the analyst. Here B and T denote bifurcation and turning points, respectively. The snap-
through response [Fig. 4.12(d)] combines softening with hardening following the second
limit point. The response branch between the two limit points has a negative stiffness and is
therefore unstable. If the structure is subject to a prescribed constant load, the structure ―takes
off‖ dynamically when the first limit point is reached. A response of this type is typical of
slightly curved structures such as shallow arches.
The snap-back response [Fig. 4.12 (e)] is an exaggerated snap-through, in which the response
curve ―turns back‖ in itself with the consequent appearance of turning points. The
equilibrium between the two turning points may be stable and consequently physically
realizable. The structure takes the path that is dynamically preferred (in the sense of having a
lower energy) over the others. Bifurcation points may occur in any sufficiently thin structure
that experiences compressive stresses. Bifurcation, limit and turning points may occur in
many combinations as illustrated in Fig. 4.12(g). Thin cylindrical shells under axial
compression provide a good example of such a complicated response.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig. 4.12: Different types of monotonic responses of a structure. (a) Perfectly linear, (b)
Hardening, (c) Softening, (d) Snap-through. (e) Snap-back, (f) Bifurcation, (g)
Bifurcation combined with limit points and snap-back
Elastic response may be considered negligible, and the material analyzed as if it were a
viscous fluid. Spingback after the forming process is complete can be modeled if the
viscoelestic material is invoked in the computation. Casting processes involve considerable
heat transfer calculations and change of phase. Problems of moving contact fields such as the
rolling contact of a tire on pavement have to be addresses by special contact algorithms.
Other contact problems either static or dynamic such as bearings, joints in rock, gaps in rocks
that may open or close etc. have been modeled in literature using special type of elements.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig. 4.13: Different variables and their physical sources encountered in FEM
Pressure loads change in direction as they continue to act normal to the membrane. Element
load vectors also change in magnitude as pressure increases and as the element surface area
changes due to pressure. If a membrane is initially flat and unstressed, it has no resistance to
lateral loads. However as it deforms, it resists lateral loads. Hence a fictitious initial stress is
added in the first cycle to generalize the computational procedure and to take care of the
problem of singularity in the solution. Cable problems are somewhat similar to membrane
problems. One can follow the standard approach of dividing each cable of a cable network
into many two-noded bar elements. However this approach is inefficient if deflections are
large. A method that can treat the entire cable as a single element appears to be much more
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Bu T Fv 0
Fig. 4.14: Different variables and their mathematical sources encountered in FEM
Change in geometry as the structure deforms is taken into account in setting up the strain
displacement and equilibrium equations. This type of nonlinearity find applications in various
areas such as slender structures in aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering applications,
tensile structures such as cables and inflatable membranes, metal and plastic forming and
stability analysis of all types.
Fig. 4.15: Different sources of nonlinearity encountered in FEM
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
In the classical linear theory of elasticity, Eq. (2) is the internal equilibrium equation for body
forces, but it is not necessarily true if geometric nonlinearities are considered. The term
geometric nonlinerities models a range of physical problems as discussed below.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Large strain. The strains themselves may be large, say over 5%. Examples: rubber structures
(tires, membranes), metal forming. These are frequently associated with material
Small strains but finite displacements and/or rotations: Slender structures undergoing finite
displacements and rotations although the deformational strains may be treated as
infinitesimal. Example: cables, springs, arches, bars, thin plates.
Linearized prebuckling:. When both strains and displacements may be treated as infinitesimal
before loss of stability by buckling. These may be viewed as initially stressed members.
Example: many civil engineering structures such as buildings and stiff (non-suspended)
Material behavior depends on current deformation state and possibly past history of the
deformation. Other constitutive variables (pre-stress, temperature, time, moisture,
electromagnetic fields, etc.) may also be involved. It occurs in several applications such as
structures undergoing nonlinear elasticity, plasticity, visco-elasticity, creep, or inelastic rate
effects. The source of this nonlinearity is the constitutive equation.
The constitutive equations that relate stresses and strains for a linear elastic material are
written as below.
D (33)
where D is the linear elasticity matrix. If the material does not fit the elastic model,
generalizations of this equation are necessary, and a whole branch of continuum mechanics is
devoted to the formulation, study and validation of constitutive equations.
The engineering significance of material nonlinearities varies greatly across disciplines. They
seem to occur most often in civil engineering that deals with inherently nonlinear materials
such as concrete, soils and low-strength steel. In mechanical engineering creep and plasticity
are most important, frequently occurring in combination with strain-rate and thermal effects.
In aerospace engineering material nonlinearities are less important and tend to be local in
nature (for example, cracking and ―localization‖ failures of composite materials).
Material nonlinearities may give rise to very complex phenomena such as path dependence,
hysteresis, localization, shakedown, fatigue, progressive failure. The detailed numerical
simulation of these phenomena in three dimensions is still beyond the capabilities of the most
powerful computers.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Applied forces depend on deformation. The most important engineering application concerns
pressure loads of fluids. These include hydrostatic loads on submerged or container
structures; aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads caused by the motion of aeriform and
hydroform fluids (wind loads, wave loads, drag forces).
Of more mathematical interest are gyroscopic and non-conservative follower forces, but these
are of interest only in a limited class of problems, particularly in aerospace engineering. The
applied forces (prescribed surface tractions tˆ and/or body forces b) depend on the
displacements, i.e.,
t t (u), Fv Fv (u) (34)
Displacement boundary conditions depend on the deformation of the structure. The most
important application is the contact problem, in which no-interpenetration conditions are
enforced on flexible bodies while the extent of the contact area is unknown. Non-structural
applications of this problem pertain to the more general class of free boundary problems, e.g.,
ice melting, phase changes, flow in porous media. The determination of the essential
boundary conditions is a key part of the solution process. For the contact problems,
prescribed displacements d̂ depend on internal displacements u, i.e.,
d d (u) (35)
t , u u x, t (36)
If in these equations we freeze t, we have a configuration of the structure. Thus a
configuration is formally the union of state and control. It may be informally viewed as a
―snapshot‖ taken of the structure and actions upon it when the pseudo-time is frozen.
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unless artificial body and surface forces are applied to it. A staged response, or simply
response, can be now mathematically defined as a series of equilibrium configurations
obtained as λ is continuously varied.
Agreat number of names can be found for these configurations in the literature in finite
elements and continuum mechanics. To further compound the confusion, here are some of
these alternative names.
Three kinematic descriptions of geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis are in current
use in programs that solve nonlinear structural problems. They can be distinguished by the
choice of reference configuration.
Total Lagrangian description (TL). The reference configuration is seldom or never changed.
Often it is kept equal to the base configuration throughout the analysis. Strains and stresses
are measured with respect to this configuration.
Updated Lagrangian description (UL). The last target configuration, once reached, becomes
the next reference configuration. Strains and stresses are redefined as soon as the reference
configuration is updated.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Corotational description (CR). The reference configuration is ―split.‖ Strains and stresses are
measured from the corotated configuration whereas the base configuration is maintained as
reference for measuring rigid body motions.
Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian description (ALE). This is hybrid technique which combined
the advantages of Eulerian and Lagrangian methods.
This method captures the advantages of both methods while minimizing the disadvantages.
As the word suggests, this method is the arbitrary combination of Eulerian and Lagrangian
descriptions. The combination is specified by the user through the selection of a mesh
motion. It has been developed in order to avoid some of the inherent disadvantages of
Eulerian and Lagrangian methods whch are described below.
When the material is severely deformed, the Lagrangian elements become also severely
deformed as they move with the material. The approximation accuracy of the elements
deteriorates particularly for the higher order elements. The determinant of the Jacobian may
become negative at quadrature points, aborting calculations and causing several local
inaccuracies. In addition, the conditioning of the linearized Newton equations deteriorates
and explicit stable time steps decrease markedly.
In many situations, the remeshing of the Lagrangian meshes becomes unavoidable. This is
burdensome and introduces errors due to projections. In some category of problems,
Lagrangian methods are totally inappropriate such as in fluid mechanics problems with high
velocity flows where interest is focused on a particular spatial sub-domain such as the domain
around an aerofoil. Similarly, the modeling of metal forming processes such as extrusion
involves fixed spatial domains for which Eulerian method is suitable.
In Eulerian finite elements, the elements are fixed in space and material convects through the
elements. These elements undergo no distortions due to material motion. However, the
treatment of constitutive equations and their updates are complicated due to convection of
materials through the elements. The TL formulation remains the most widely used in
continuum-based Lagrangian finite element codes followed by UL. The CR formulation is
gaining in popularity for structural elements such as beams and plates.
The objective of nonlinear FE analysis is to trace the response of the structural model
subjected to the given loading history. This is usually done using an incremental iterative
procedure. The load is applied in a number of steps (increments) and the structural response
after each step is computed from the equilibrium equations
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where the internal forces fint depend upon the nodal displacement vector d in a nonlinear
way and can be written as
fint d B B , d dv
As these equations are in general nonlinear, they have to be solved by an iterative method.
This means inside the top level loop of load incrementation, we have an iterative loop that
restores equilibrium. Examples of step size control techniques include the load control, direct
or indirect displacement control, arc-length control etc.
Examples of iterative methods include the standard or modified Newton-Raphson iteration,
initial stiffness method or quasi-Newton methods. Additional components of an incremental
iterative solution strategy are the convergence criteria and optionally convergence
accelerators such as line-search techniques or step-size adjustment rules.
The most natural way of specifying an incremental step is by prescribing the external loads
that act on the structure at the end of the step. The loading can be either directly expressed in
terms of the equivalent external force vector fext or converted to this format by evaluating the
integrals in the following way
fext N Fv dv+ N FS ds
v S
where N is the shape function matrix and Fv , Fs are body and surface forces per unit
volume and surface area respectively. The discretized loading path is therefore described by
the sequence f ext , f ext , f ext etc. Our goal is to find the corresponding nodal displacement
1 2 3
1 2 3
vectors d , d , d etc. such that each couple d n
, fext n satisfies the Equation (40).
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Let us explain the iterative solution procedure applied with a generic loading step number n .
n 1
At the beginning of the step, we start from the displacements d that were computed in
the previous step from the conditions of equilibrium between the corresponding internal
forces fint d and the external forces f
n 1 n 1
ext . The external forces are now increased to
f ext n and the resulting displacements dn have to be found by solving the equilibrium
fint d
f n
ext (40)
n n,0 n1
As an initial guess for d , we take d d . After linearization of the left hand
side of Equation [11] around d , the nonlinear Equations [9] are replaced by the linear
equations as given below.
fint d K d d
n,0 n,0 n,1
fext n (41)
where d is the first approximation of the unknown displacement increments
The displacement increments d n,1 solved from Equation [14] satisfies the linearized
n,1 n,0 n,1
Equations [12] exactly, but the updated displacements d d d satisfy the
original nonlinear equation 1.4 only approximately. The graphical representation of this
method is shown in Fig. 4.8. Nevertheless, from the graphical representation in Fig. 4.8, it is
clear that d n,1 is dn than was the initial
typically much closer to the exact solution
n1 n ,1
vector d . We can now linearize the governing equations around d and compute a
correction for the displacement increment from the equation similar to Equation (43), but
with an updated stiffness matrix K n,1 and internal force vector fint . Such iterative
n ,1
correction can be repeated as many times as needed until the equations of equilibrium are
satisfied with a sufficient accuracy.
However, if the convergence is too slow, it is computationally more effective to reduce the
step size than use an excessive number of iterations.
The iterative procedure is formally described by the recursive formulae as given below.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
n ,i
where d is the displacement approximation after the i th iteration in step number n , and
For large scale models, step (ii) and (iii) may be excessively expensive. The computational
cost can be reduced if the stiffness matrix is not updated in every iteration. The modified
Newton-Raphson method evaluates the stiffness matrix only at the beginning of the
incremental step and does not alter it in subsequent iterations. This means K is not the exact
tangent stiffness matrix anymore except at the first iteration.
The rate of convergence also slows down [Fig. 4.8(b)]. On the other hand, the increased
number of iterations needed to achieve same accuracy is often more than compensated by the
reduced number of operations per iteration. This stiffness matrix is assembled and
decomposed only once so that in subsequent iterations, step (ii) can be completely skipped
and step (iii) is limited to the forward reduction and backward substitution performed only on
the right hand side vector without any manipulation of the coefficients stored in the system
It is also possible to use other modifications of the Newton-Raphson method, i.e., to update
the matrix after every k iterations (where k 1 ) or to use the elastic stiffness matrix
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
throughout the entire solution process. This later technique is also known as the initial
stiffness method. Another family of iterative algorithms, called the quasi-Newton methods,
is related to the secant method of finding the root of a nonlinear function.
4. 12 Geometric nonlinearity
Let us consider a cantilever beam as shown in Fig. 4.10. The problem is to find out the
deflection of the beam under load P and the bending moment M L . The beam is assumed to
be slender and the material is linear elastic. For small deflections, the moment produced at
the fixed end is
M0 P.LT M L (47)
However for larger deflections ( H LT ), the moment at the fixed end becomes
M0 P.H M L (48)
which is less than the case for smaller deflections. The distance H depends upon P and M L .
The nonlinearity of such a type is called geometric nonlinearity. The name implies that
deformations significantly alter the location and distribution of loads so that equilibrium
equations must be written with respect to the deformed geometry which is not known in
Fig. 4.17: (a) Cantilever beam under tip loading, (b) Column under axial load
To illustrate the solution procedure, let us consider a plane frame element having two nodes
and three dof at each node, i.e., deflection in x and y directions and in-plane rotation. These
are shown in Fig. 4.17(a). The plane frame element has axial stiffness AE and bending
stiffness EI where A is cross-sectional area, I is the moment of inertia and E is the young‘s
modulus of elasticity of the material. Let the cantilever beam shown in Fig. 4.17(a) is divided
into many elements and the initial displacement vector be d 0 0 . The load vector applied
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
is R and we want to find the solution for the current displacement vector d under the
applied loads.
The algorithm for the geometric nonlinear analysis is given as below.
-Form the tangent stiffness matrix Kt i of the structure in the current configuration of the
frame. Use the displacements d i to form the resisting loads which are the loads applied to
structure nodes by the deformed elements. In the first step this load vector is zero.
-Solve for the displacement increments d i 1 and update the configuration to d i 1 where
d i 1 d i d i 1 (50)
-The net load R RR i is unbalance or resultant force between the externally applied load
and the internally generated loads which drives the structure towards a configuration to reach
-Repeat the process (i) to (iii) until d i 1 converges between the successive iterations.
For the iteration process, many methods such as Newton-Raphson procedures can be used
where the stiffness matrix is K t has to be evaluated before each iteration for updating the
geometric nonlinearity. The process explained with the help of the Fig. 4.18 for the plane
frame element.
Fig. 4.18: (a) Plane frame element before deformation with all dof D1 to D6 . (b)
Plane frame element after deformation
In the deformed and displaced configuration, element length projections xL and yL on global
axes x-y and the orientation of the local axis x ' are [Fig. 4.11 (b)]
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
xL x0 D4 D1
yL y0 D5 D2 (51)
tan 1
Element dof in the local coordinate system x' y ' are d ' 0 0 1 u2 0 2 where
1 D3 0 , 2 D6 0
1 (52)
u2 2 x0 D4 D1 D4 D1 2 y0 D5 D2 D5 D2
L L0
the expression for u2 in Equation [23] is more accurate than the expression u2 L L0 . In the
local coordinate system x' y ' , load r ' applied to nodes by the distorted element can be
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Figure 4.20 shows a column loaded axially with P . The differential equation for bending of
the column (beam theory) is given by
d 2 y Mz
dx2 EI
where E and I are young‘s modulus of the material and are moment of inertia of the beam
under consideration.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
At any location x along the column, the imperfection in the column compounded by the
concentric load P, gives rise to a moment
M z P. y (56)
So, the differential equation becomes
d2y 2
k y 0 (57)
where k 2 P EI
The solution of the above differential equation [28] becomes
y A sin kx B cos kx (58)
The boundary conditions are
(a) y 0 at x 0
(b) y 0 at x L
using the above boundary conditions, the solution for the deflection of the column is
y A sin kx (60)
n P
where k
v1 v2
u1 u2
1 2
v v
x or 1 x or 2
1 2
Fig. 4.21: Representative beam element with geometric with degrees of freedom u, v and
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Pcr 2 E
A L 2
where I Ar is the area moment of inertia of the beam.
Consider a generalized beam element (Fig. 4.21). The axial strain (finite strain theory) due to
axial deformation is given by
u 1 u v w
2 2 2
xx axial (63)
x 2 x x x
v 2v
Now representing the deformations ( u, and 2 ) in terms of nodal displacements u as
x x
u N u , v N u
u v
N, x u , N, x u
N, xx u
x 2
we get the total potential energy as
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
1 T 1
e U e W e u Ke u uT K g u uT P (71)
2 2
where Ke and
K g are element level elastic stiffness and geometric stiffness matrices
respectively and these are expressed as
L 0 0 0 0
0 12EI 6EI
12EI 6EI
L3 L2 L L2
0 0
L L2 (72)
0 0 0 0
12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI
0 3 2 0 3
0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 6 L
5 10 5 10
L 2L2 L L2
0 0
K g x 30
P 10 15 10
L 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 6 L 0
5 10 5 10
0 L L L 2L2
10 30 10 15
Ke is the global elastic stiffness matrix and K g is global geometric nonlinear stiffness
matrix of all assembled elements.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
In elastic instability, the intensity of the axial load system to cause buckling is yet unknown,
the incremental stiffness matrix must first be numerically evaluated using an arbitrary chosen
load intensity P* since K g is itself a function of axial load Px . For buckling to occur, the
intensity of the axial load system must be times the initially arbitrarily chosen intensity of
the force. Note that for a structure, the initial distribution of P* must be obtained from a
linear elastic analysis. Hence, the buckling load, P is given by
P P* (77)
Since the geometric stiffness matrix is proportional to the internal forces at the start, it
follows that
K g K g* (78)
where K g* corresponds to the geometric stiffness matrix for unit values of the applied
The elastic stiffness matrix K e remains a constant, hence we can write the equilibrium
equation as
K K u P
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Determine the buckling load for the following column given in Fig. 4.22.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
The structure's stiffness matrices K e and K g can now be assembled from the element
stiffness matrices. Eliminating rows and columns 2, 7, 8, 9 corresponding to zero
displacements (applying boundary conditions) in the column, we obtain
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
AL2 L2
Introducing and , the determinant becomes
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Pcr fem
5.1772 2 (84)
The exact solution for the critical buckling load of the column is given as
4.4934 EI 4.4934 EI
2 2
Pcr analytical 5.0477 2 (85)
l 2
2L 2
The numerical value of critical buckling load is about 2.6 percent higher than the analytical
4.13.4 Exercise-1
Determine the buckling load for the following frame [Fig. 4.23]. Neglect axial deformation.
Hint: The global equilibrium equations after substitution of boundary conditions can be
written as
After solution of the cubic equation with unknown , the smallest buckling load
amplification factor is obtained as 2.017 (Ans).
It is evident that since K g depends on the magnitude of axial load Px , which itself may be
an unknown in a framework, then we do have a geometrically non-linear problem. The
equilibrium equation is given as
K K u P
e g (86)
Since K g depends on the axial laod P , the preoblem is nonlinear. A simple way to solve
this nonlinear equation is to use a step-by-step incremental procedure. The linearized
incremental formulation can be obtained by applying an incremental operator . The
following set of equations is needed to be solved iteratively for this purpose.
Pi Ke K g i1 ui
ui Ke K g i1 Pi
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
4.13.6 Example-3
Determine the mid-span displacement and member end forces for the beam-column shown
below [Fig. 4.24] in terms of Px . The concentrated force is 50 kN applied at mid-span. Given:
E=200 GPa, I 2e 3 m4 .
Using two elements for the beam column, the only degrees of freedom are the deflection and
rotation at mid-span (we neglect the axial deformation). The element stiffness and geometric
matrices are given by
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Assembling the stiffness and geometric matrices and substituting the boundary conditions, we
and the member end forces for element 1 are given by:
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Note that had we not accounted for the axial forces, then the solutions for the generalized
displacements would have been
Plft 0
lft 25
M lft 75
Prgt 0
Vrgt 25
M rgt 75
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
We observe that the compressive force increased the displacements and the end moments,
whereas a tensile one stiffens the structure by reducing them.
4.13.7 Exercise-2
Analyze the stability of the following structure [Fig. 4.25]. Compare the axial force caused by
the coupled membrane/flexural effects with the case where there is no interaction.
Hint: In the following solution, we will first determine the axial forces based on the elastic
stiffness matrix only. Then, on the basis of those axial forces, we shall determine the
geometric stiffness matrix, and solve for the displacements. Because of the non-linearity of
the problem, we may have to iterate in order to reach convergence.
Following each analysis, we shall re-compute the geometric stiffness matrix on the basis of
the axial loads determined from the previous iteration. Note that convergence will be reached
only for stable problems. If the method fails to converge, it implies possible bifurcation
which could be caused by elastic displacements approaching L sin , due to either being
too small, or E being too small (i.e., not stiff enough).
The elastic design method, also termed as allowable stress method (or Working stress
method), is a conventional method of design based on the elastic properties of the material
used. This method of design limits the structural usefulness of the material upto a certain
allowable stress, which is well below the elastic limit. The stresses due to working loads do
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
not exceed the specified allowable stresses, which are obtained by applying an adequate
factor of safety to the yield stress of the material used. The elastic design does not take into
account the strength of the material beyond the elastic stress. Therefore the structure designed
according to this method will be heavier than that designed by using theplastic methods.
In the method of plastic design of a structure, the ultimate load rather than the yield stress is
regarded as the design criterion. The term plastic has occurred due to the fact that the
ultimate load is found from the strength of material in the plastic range. This method is also
known as method of load factor design or ultimate load design. The strength of material
beyond the yield stress is fully utilised in this method. This method is rapid and provides a
rational approach for the analysis of the structure. This method also provides striking
economy as regards the weight of material since the sections designed by this method are
smaller in size than those designed by the method of elastic design.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(BPVC) is a standard that provides rules for the design, fabrication, and inspection of boilers
and pressure vessels. This code is based on the observed safety of vessels/components. A
pressure component designed and fabricated in accordance with this standard will have a
long, useful service life, and one that ensures the protection of human life and property.
Volunteers, who are nominated to its committees based on their technical expertise and on
their ability to contribute to the writing, revising, interpreting, and administering of the
document, write the BPVC. In the early years, ASME created a committee to develop design
and construction requirements to ensure the integrity for important pressure-retaining
components. This resulted in what is today called BPVC‘s different sections. In general
ASME follows two routes for design of a component. They are 1) design by formula (DBF)
and 2) design by analysis (DBA). Section VIII Division I of the code utilizes the DBF
procedure, where formulas are provided to design calculations. In Section III and Section
VIII Division 2, DBA route is provided, where the admissibility of a design is checked, or
proven, via a detailed investigation of the structure‘s behaviour under the given loads.
Section III covers nuclear components, including pressure vessels, piping, pumps, valves,
supports, core support structures, pressure relief, containment systems for spent fuel and
high-level waste transport packaging, and concrete components. Section VIII division-2 deals
with alternate rules for design and construction of pressure vessels. As mentioned earlier,
these design codes (Section III, VIII-2 etc) provide a Design by Analysis, (DBA) route. The
ASME code offers two routes to DBA, the so-called elastic route and an inelastic route. Most
of the DBA guidelines given in various codes are essentially based on elastic analysis. The
inelastic route suggests the limit analysis. Rules were developed to help the designer guard
against various failure modes. Different types of stresses were found to have different safety
implications. Also, the location of the stress is very important. To satisfy the above
requirements, one needs to perform a detailed analysis.
Finite element analysis is no longer a magical tool hiding in research labs. Many engineers
and technologists now have access to it. But analyzing the stresses found in a
component/vessel is still a difficult task. Running a finite element model and looking for the
highest stresses is not adequate.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
The conventional route for design as per ASME code (using DBA approach) is by checking
the stress limits. This is achieved by performing an elastic finite element analysis, where the
stresses are evaluated at all/critical locations of the component. These stresses are categorized
as primary membrane, primary local membrane, bending, secondary etc. Allowable values
are available for each category of stresses thus evaluated. The design is safe if all the limits
are satisfied as per the Hopper diagram provided in the ASME code. This procedure is little
bit time consuming,cumbersome and needs expertise. Alternatively code (ASME) also
provide options that in case the stress limits are not satisfied one of the following alternates
can be used to qualify the design.
(a) By performing a limit analysis
(b) By performing a plastic analysis or
(c) By performing an experimental stress analysis
(a) and (b) above are generally performed by conducting a detailed non-linear finite element
analysis of the component. By performing a FE analysis, the limit load is evaluated. If this
limit load is less than 2/3rd of the specified design pressure and mechanical loads, then the
design is assumed to be safe.
Design by formula uses formula and rules for calculating basic dimensions for pressure
vessel components. This method is widely used in pressure vessel design and the bulk of any
pressure vessel code is concerned with this approach. It is simple and has been used for many
years with long experience in various applications. The formulae, rules and tables have
evolved over many decades and represent a safe approach to pressure vessel design, where
applicable. The method ensures that the component is safe against all possible failure modes
such as gross plastic deformation, collapse, ratchetting, brittle fracture and buckling. Some
formulae and rules are based on elastic analysis, some are based on shakedown concepts and
others are based on limit load analysis.
Although relatively the DBF approach is simple and safe to use, it has some built in
limitations. Formulae and rules are only available for geometries and rules that are covered
by the respective standard. This poses some limits on the designer as non-standard geometries
and loadings cannot be properly analysed. Furthermore the results obtained by DBF have a
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
tendency to be over-conservative. This results in designs that may not be competitive and
economically viable.
Design by analysis uses stress analysis directly. The maximum allowable load for the design
is determined by performing a detailed stress analysis and checking against specified design
criteria. Design by analysis can also be used for calculating the component thicknesses for
pressure vessel components.
In the early days of DBA, the analysis methods were focused on linear elastic stress analysis.
This is mainly so because inelastic analysis required considerable computer resources which
at the time were not present. However as computers became more powerful inelastic analysis
has become more popular. The DBA procedures were developed with the assumption that
shell discontinuity analysis would be used for the calculations. Today the Finite Element
Method is the most popular approach and this can present some challenges as we shall see.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig: 4.27: An example of a local structural discontinuity showing a weld toe in a butt
Local structural discontinuity is a discontinuity which affects the stress or strain distribution
quite locally across part of the wall thickness. The main effect of a notch is to produce a non-
linearity in the stress distribution. Common examples for local stress discontinuity are welds.
Normally the word local is a somewhat subjective term. The weld toe and any undercutting
are also considered as local discontinuities.
Nominal stress
Structural stress
Structural stress is a linearly distributed stress across the section thickness. It includes both
nominal stresses and the effects of gross structural discontinuities. However it does not
include the effects of local structural discontinuities.
The structural stress, ss can be broken down into two parts, membrane stress and bending
Membrane stress, m
Membrane stress is the component of the structural stress that is uniformly distributed and
equal to the average value of stress across the section thickness
Bending stress, b
Bending stress is the component of the structural stress that varies linearly across the section
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig: 4.30: The multiaxial stress tensor in the x,y,z components and the principal stresses
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Real structures and components are usually in a state of multiaxial stress systems. To be able
to determine the maximum load that can be applied before the onset of plasticity it is
therefore necessary to have a means of relating the multiaxial stresses to the one-dimensional
yield stress value. This is achieved by using what are called multiaxial yield criteria.
Two multiaxial yield criteria commonly used for ductile materials are the Tresca criterion and
the von Mises criterion. These are also frequently used in pressure vessels codes of practice.
Yielding criteria are usually conveniently expressed in terms of principal stresses, since they
completely determine the general state of stress.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
12 2 2 3 2 y
but since
1 1 1
1 ( 2 3 ) ; 2 ( 3 1 ) ; 3 ( 1 2 )
2 2 2
then rearranging gives,
( 1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ( 3 1 ) 2 y
Similar to the case of the Tresca criterion, the equivalent stress can also be expressed in terms
of the von Mises criterion
eq ( 1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ( 3 1 ) 2
This definition of the equivalent stress is used in the European code EN13445.
Rearranging the above equation becomes
eq 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1
The Tresca‘s yield surface lies inside the von Mises one. Therefore it can be said that the
Tresca‘s yield criterion is conservative when compared to the von Mises yield criterion.
For most ductile steels the von Mises criterion fits the experimental data more closely than
Tresca‘s criteria. But usually Tresca‘s yield criterion is simpler to use in elementary/manual
According to the design codes, two types of stress analysis may be used to guard against
gross plastic deformation: elastic analysis and elastic-plastic analysis.
Gross plastic deformation is associated with excessive plastic deformation of the vessel under
the application of a load. Unless the load is limited, this ultimately leads to plastic collapse or
rupture of the vessel. The form of plastic collapse mechanism differs between structural
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
configurations. In some cases, the entire volume of the structure experiences plastic
deformation at failure. In other cases only local regions of the body experience plastic
straining with the rest remaining elastic.
Limit analysis
Limit load is the maximum load that a structure can safely carry. It's the load at which the
structure is in a state of incipient plastic collapse. As the load on the structure increases, the
displacements increases linearly in the elastic range till the load attain the yield value.
Beyond this, the load-displacement response becomes non-linear and the plastic or
irreversible part of the displacement increases steadily with the applied load. Plasticity
spreads throughout the solid and at the limit load, the plastic zone becomes very large and the
displacements become unbounded and the component is said to have collapsed.
Limit analysis assumes an ideal elastic-perfectly plastic (or rigid-perfectly plastic) material
model and small deformation theory. When perfect plasticity and small deformation theory
are assumed, the load carrying capacity of the structure is limited by equilibrium
considerations. A plot of applied load against resulting deformation for a hypothetical limit
analysis is shown in the Fig. 4.1.
Initially, the structural response is linear elastic but as yield is exceeded regions of plastic
strain develop and the response becomes non-linear. As loading continues, equal increments
of load cause increasingly greater plastic deformation. The plastic zone expands to equilibrate
the internal and external stresses with the externally applied forces until a stage is reached
when no further expansion of plastic zones can occur to accommodate the applied load
increase. This is called the limit load.
At the limit load, the load deformation curve becomes horizontal: dP/d=0. The structure can
no longer maintain equilibrium with the external loads and unlimited plastic deformation
occurs. The structure fails by loss of equilibrium at the limit load of the structure.
Real structures, however may behave rather differently to the limit analysis model in two
ways: the material may exhibit post-yield strain hardening and also large deformations may
To set the background for plastic limit analysis, it is helpful to consider in general terms the
behavior of an elastic-plastic solid or structure subjected to mechanical loading. The solution
to an internally-pressurized elastic-perfectly plastic cylinder provides a representative
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Y a 2
Pa 1
3 b 2
The material first reaches yield at the interior of the cylinder r=a.
2. If the pressure is increased beyond yield, a plastic zone (shown in Fig-10)
spreads through the cylinder. The expression for the size of the plastic zone is
a bit difficult but the solution for a cylinder with b/a=2 is shown graphically
above. When the pressure reaches about 0.8Y, the entire cylinder reaches
3. The displacement at the interior boundary of the cylinder r=a is plotted in the
Fig. 4.32 again for a cylinder with b/a=2. We see that the displacement
approaches infinity as the pressure approaches a critical value. This pressure
corresponds to that required to spread the plastic zone throughout the cylinder.
When the pressure reaches this value, the cylinder is said to collapse –
displacements become unbounded.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
This is the motivation for plastic limit analysis. The limit theorems of plasticity provide a
quick way to estimate collapse loads, without needing any lengthy calculations. In fact,
collapse loads are often much easier to find than the yield point.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig: 4.34: Load against deformation - limit load and strain hardening
Plastic analysis
As strain-hardening materials can support stresses greater than yield, plastic deformation can
continue for loads above the theoretical limit load of the structure without violating
equilibrium. Changes in structural configuration as loading progresses can also affect the load
carrying capacity of the vessel. If large structural deformations occur the structural load-path
may change. This can increase or decrease the load carrying capacity of the vessel.
In design by analysis terminology, elastic-plastic analysis including strain hardening and
large deformation effects is called plastic analysis. A hypothetical plastic analysis load-
deformation curve is compared with a limit analysis curve for the same vessel in the Fig. 4.34
as shown below.
A significant problem in elastic-plastic Design by Analysis is that of defining a ―plastic load‖
to be used as the basis for calculating the allowable static load for the vessel, in the same way
that the limit load does in limit analysis. In practice, this is done by applying what is called a
criterion of plastic collapse, although the phrase ―plastic collapse‖ is in fact a misnomer, as
the purpose of these criteria is to define the load at which plastic deformation becomes
excessive, and not when actual physical collapse occurs. Throughout the years a large
number of plastic collapse criteria have been proposed in the literature, amongst them are the
tangent intersection method, the 1% Plastic strain pressure, the twice elastic slope pressure,
the twice elastic deformation pressure, and the 0.2% offset strain pressure. Here it must be
said that some common pressure vessel codes have removed these criteria of plastic collapse
in their latest revision and replaced them by what are called direct route methods.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Applied Load/Pressure
Fig. 4.35: Tangent Intersection Method
As mentioned earlier even though there are many methods given in the literature, the
following methods viz. tangent intersection method, 1% plastic strain method, twice elastic
deformation method, twice elastic slope method only are discussed in the following
A plastic load has been defined by drawing tangents to the elastic and plastic parts of the load
with deflection curve as shown in Fig. 4.35. The load at the intersection of two tangents is
taken as plastic load, denoted by Pti. If the load deflection response is truly of limit type,
tangent intersection method becomes limit pressure.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
P 2Y
Applied Load/Pressure
Y Y Displacement
Fig. 4.36: Twice elastic deformation method
Limit Load
Applied Load/Pressure
tan tan
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Depending on the particular structural configuration, the plastic instability load may be
dependent on the load path leading to collapse. Hence the selection of the collapse load for a
real structure requires careful interpretation of the load-deflection relations. As mentioned
earlier, the plastic collapse load can be calculated by using any of the three normally used
methods Viz. tangent intersection method (TIM), twice elastic deflection (TED) and twice
elastic slope (TES). The TIM is recommended by Griffith and Robertson et al. But defining
the tangent point in this method is subjective. The TED method is not always easy to use, as
the exact displacement at initial departure from linearity is sometimes ill defined. TES
method is generally used in the literature for evaluating plastic collapse moment, due to its
ease of application. Also TES results are reproducible. ASME design code recommends this
Following procedure may be used for conducting a limit load analysis using finite element
(a) Develop a finite element model of the component.
(b) In the non-linear analysis invoke material non-linearity. The material non-
linearity considered here should be elastic perfectly plastic as shown in the following
Fig. 4.38.
Fig. 4.38: Elastic Perfectly plastic material model
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Pressure Kg/cm
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Displacement, mm
Limit Load
Pressure, Kg/mm
tan tan
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Displacement, mm
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
(i) If the limit load thus evaluated from FEM is less than 2/3 rd of the specified
design pressure and mechanical loads, then the design is assumed to be safe.
Limit Load is the ultimate load combination that a structure can stand before violating the
criteria. By "criteria" it means both "loosing functionality" (by overcoming limit stress in
some points or by deforming too much with respect to the design intent), and "collapsing":
these are two mandatory cases to analyze separately. The concept is described in any norm
which uses the Limit-States Analysis instead of the Allowable-Stresses Analysis (e.g.
It was required to analyse a pipe elbow casting designed as per ASME B&PV Code, Section
VIII, Div 2. The traditional approach (DBA) would be to use stress linearization on an elastic
analysis for stress categorization. However, since the elbow was thick-walled relative to the
radius, stress linearization can be non-conservative because the stress distribution is non-
linear. So in order to qualify the component, the limit load analysis method was used. The
limit load analysis eliminates the need for stress categorization because it is a pass-fail
criterion. The material definition is elastic-perfectly plastic.
The basis for the limit load is straightforward. A value of 1.5 is applied to the desired load
(i.e. design pressure+static head+dead weight). Recall that a plastic hinge is formed in a
rectangular cross-section beam with an elastic-perfectly plastic material when the moment is
1.5 times the moment required for initial yield. The details can be found from any continuum
mechanics textbook (in the section on Beams).
Did the analysis model converge at the desired load (i.e.1.5*Design Load)? If yes, Section
5.2 of ASME section VIII Division-2 (protection against plastic collapse) is satisfied. If not,
Section 5.2, Protection against plastic Collapse is NOT satisfied.
Advances in the capabilities of computers have enabled the method, since the limit load
analysis will take longer to run than an elastic stress analysis. However, post-processing
effort is reduced to near zero. Also, there is no question about whether or not the stress
categorization line (stress cutline) is in the limiting location.
In order to give an idea how one can go about to perform limit analysis using finite element
method, some practical problems are solved. The objective here is to show the steps involved
for the analysis. Some practical problems are solved here, which includes SOLID elements. It
may be noted that this procedure for limit load analysis remains same for any general purpose
finite element software used.
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Fig. 4.41: Symmetric model of the vessel with the nozzle used for limit load analysis
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
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Chapter 4: Elastic-plastic behavior & limit load analysis of pressure vessels: theory and analysis procedures
Allowable design pressure (according to limit load solution): 13.8 / 1.5 = 9.2 Mpa (Ans)
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Chapter-5 & 6
In designing of class-1 pressurized nuclear power plant components, four different types
of failure modes are considered for safe nuclear pressure vessel operation: 1) bursting and
gross distortion from a single application; 2) progressive distortion from cyclic
application; 3) crack initiation from fatigue damage from cyclic loading; and 4)
instability. The intent of the design analysis requirements in Section III NB is to provide
suitable design margin against these failure modes. In this lecture note, design limits and
their theory background of the failure mode 2) and 3) of above would be covered.
If proper safeguards are provided against environment and the static loads are limited to
less than limit strength of the component then theoretically it should never fail. However,
if the same component is subjected to a cyclic, repeated or fluctuating load, it may fail at
stress levels less than that required to cause failure under static conditions. This
phenomenon is known as FATIGUE and is a common source of failure of components.
Generally speaking, fatigue is a progressive failure of a component subjected to repeated,
cyclic or fluctuating loads.
Broadly speaking, at design stage, assurance of fatigue resistance involves efforts in
design, fabrication/manufacture and Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) which
provides reasonable assurance that predicted fatigue life will be greater than design life
under anticipated cyclic loads. While at the operation stage, assurance of fatigue
resistance is to guarantee Fitness-For-Service of a component and it involves regular and
reliable In-Service Inspection (ISI) for detecting the cracks (which could have initiated
during operation of plant) and prediction of crack growth life if cracks are detected,
repair/replacement technologies if detected cracks cannot be tolerated and on-line
monitoring for assessing actual fatigue damage or crack growth.
Fatigue resistant design, of components/structures, plays important role in all types of
industries viz., automobile industry, space/aerospace industry, offshore/shipping industry,
power plant industry etc. In the present lecture, thrust will be on principles, guidelines
and strategies adopted for fatigue resistant design of Nuclear Power Plant components
such as pressure vessels, piping etc. This lecture note will cover codal guidelines usually
adopted for protection of Nuclear Power Plant Components against failures caused by
cyclic loading and arrive at fatigue resistant design of as per ASME section III NB.
General Background
In order to guarantee the target design life it is essential to provide adequate resistance
against fatigue failure. This is done by following recommendations of well-proven and
widely used design codes / guidelines and lessons from past experiences. In India the
most popularly used design code, for NPP components, is American Society of
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler & Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code-Section III.
However, for Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) components the French design code ‗RCC-
MR‘ is also used. In case of FBRs the operating temperature is about 550 oC and hence
consideration of ‗Creep‘ is essential. The present lecture note would cover the fatigue
resistant design requirements of components operating up to about 300 oC and as per
ASME B&PV-Section III NB only.
It is well known that the prevention of structural failure of any piece of equipment
involves much more than just the choice of a safe value of design stress. At the
beginning of last century, catastrophic boiler explosions in the United States has
happened in large numbers and a major factor in correcting this situation was the
publication in 1914 of the ASME Boiler Code. This Code established the principle that
the membrane stress produced by pressure in the wall of a vessel should not be allowed
to exceed one-fifth of the ultimate strength of the material, as determined by a tensile
test. The success of this simple requirement was so great that, for a while, people tended
to forget that other requirements were also needed if optimum use of material were to be
made. Recognition of these more sophisticated requirements did occur, and resulted in
many papers on thermal stress, creep, cyclic loading, corrosion, stress concentration and
limit analysis. The importance of these secondary effects was given formal recognition
with the publication in 1963 of Section III (Nuclear Vessels) of the Boiler Code and,
later, Division 2 of Section VIII. These newer Codes recognize that secondary and
localized stresses can be calculated and have higher allowable limits than those assigned
to primary stresses. This publication first introduced the design-by-analysis concept for
nuclear vessel design. In comparison to the nonnuclear vessels code, a lower factor of
safety on pressure design is incorporated. To justify the lower factor of safety, detailed
stress analysis and an evaluation demonstrating suitability of a component for cyclic
application of loads and thermal conditions is required. Different categories of stress are
assigned different allowable values. Following sections gives cyclic loading sources,
theory of failure, stress classification and material consideration involved in a component
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Maximum Shear Stress Theory (Tresca): According to the maximum shear stress
theory, the maximum shear equals the shear stress at the elastic limit as determined from
the uniaxial tension test. Here the maximum shear stress is one half the difference
between the largest (say 1) and the smallest (say 3) principal stresses. This is also
known as the Tresca criterion, which states that yielding takes place when
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Distortion Energy Theory (Von-Mises): The distortion energy theory considers failure
to have occurred when the distortion energy accumulated in the component under stress
reaches the elastic limit as determined by the distortion energy in a uniaxial tension test.
This is also known as the von Mises criterion, which states that yielding will take place
It is generally agreed that the von Mises criterion is better suited for common pressure
vessels, the ASME Code chose to use the Tresca criterion as a framework for the design
by analysis procedure for two reasons: (a) it is more conservative, and (b) it is considered
easier to apply. However, now that computers are used for the calculations, the von Mises
expression is a continuous function and is easily adapted for calculations, whereas the
Tresca expression is discontinuous
In order to avoid dividing both the calculated and the yield stress by two, the ASME
Code defines new terms called stress intensity, and stress difference. The stress
differences (Sij) are simply the algebraic differences of the principal stresses, 1, 2, and
3, so that
The stress intensity, S, is the maximum absolute value of the stress difference
Throughout the design by analysis procedure in the ASME Code stress intensities are
Stress classification
The stresses generated in the material are classified as primary and secondary stress
based on their significance in the material failure, their self-limiting characteristic.
Primary stress is any normal stress or a shear stress developed by an imposed loading
which is necessary to satisfy the laws of equilibrium of external and internal forces and
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
mm b) Pipe/Vessel under
Temperature Gradient c) bar in bending
a) Bar in Tension
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Peak stress is that increment of stress which is additive to the primary plus secondary
stresses by reason of local discontinuities or local thermal stress including the effects, if
any, of stress concentrations. The basic characteristic of a peak stress is that it does not
cause any noticeable distortion and is objectionable only as a possible source of a fatigue
crack or a brittle fracture.
The primary stress is generally limited to yield limit of the material since they can lead to
failure in single application. The secondary stresses have self-limiting characteristic,
hence higher values can be allowed. However cyclic secondary stresses are objectionable
since they can lead to failures by plastic cycling, ratcheting, fatigue and their
The primary stress limits are intended to prevent plastic deformation and to provide a
nominal factor of safety on the ductile burst pressure.
The primary plus secondary stress limits are intended to prevent excessive plastic
deformation leading to incremental collapse, and to validate the application of elastic
analysis when performing the fatigue evaluation.
The peak stress limit is intended to prevent fatigue failure as a result of cyclic loadings.
The general requirements of materials accepted by ASME B&PV Section-III are:
(a) High Ductility: they should have adequate percentage elongation (%El) and
percentage Reduction in Area (%RA).
(b) High Toughness: the minimum Charpy V-Notch (CVN) energy should be 50
ft-lb with 35 mils lateral expansion at RT NDT + 60oF. [RTNDT is reference
temperature for Nil Ductility Transition (NDT)]. The minimum operating
temperature is always kept > RTNDT + margin.
(c) Adequate resistance to neutron embrittlement, in case of reactor core
(d) Compatibility with environment
i. Corrosion resistance
ii. Resistance to ageing owing to thermal embrittlement, sensitization etc.
iii. Adequate resistance to stress corrosion cracking and other local
corrosion mechanisms.
(e) Lessons from past experiences
The deformation behavior of material under action of external loading, is characterized
by their stress-strain curve (Constitutive relation), an example it, is given in following
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
figure. The relation between true stress-strain with engineering stress-strain is given
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
2y = 3Sm
Loading history :
3-4 : Unloading
2y 4-5, 5-6 .. Subsequent Elastic behavior
Elastic Shakedown Response
-y 4,
T12 = T2-T1
6 T23 = T3-T2
T34 = T3-T4
T45 = T5-T4
T3 T5
T4 T6
Temperature Loading History
The above example of secondary load cycling shows that if the range of strains induce
due to applied loading, is restricted to twice of yield strain (2y) or equivalent pseudo
elastic stress of twice yield stress (2yE=2y = 3Sm) then the material will shakes down to
elastic behaviour in few number of load cycles. The accumulation of plastic strain is
absent since the subsequent material response is elastic. The critical parameter is strain
range () and its critical value is 2y. For combined primary and secondary loading,
elastic shake down occurs provided their combined range is restricted to twice of yield
stress. Here the primary load alone should not cause any yielding and restricted by
primary load limits.
This criteria have been adopted by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section
III NB to limit the primary plus secondary stress intensity range to ensure material
shake‘s down to elastic behavior in few cycles of cyclic loading.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
1 2 3
y y y
Plastic Cycling Response
5 4
To understand plastic cycling response let us considers the example of four identical bar
system again. Let increase the temperature of outer bar (T13 =T12 +T23) such that the
strain in the inner rods is equal to thrice yield strain (3y). In order to restore the initial
state (strain) of the bars the outer rods must be cooled such that they will cause
contraction equivalent to 3y strain. As mentioned earlier, the material exhibits the
Bauscinger effect and its elastic behavior cannot be more than 2y. When the outer bars
are cooled, initially material behaves elastically till the contraction/strain corresponds to
2y. The outer rods are cooled to temperature such that T34/2 = -2y or ET34/2 ==
2y. At this point, the stress in inner bars is equal to -y and stress in outer bars would be
y. On further cooling the material behaviour will be perfectly plastic, hence the decrease
of temperature T45 of outer bars will cause compressive plastic yielding (T45 = -y) of
inner bars to reach the initial state of strain. The subsequent load cycling with 3y strain
range will cause repetition of loop 3-4-5-6-3. This phenomenon is called as Plastic
Cycling. Plastic Cycling occurs under secondary loading, when the strain range exceeds
the 2y. Plastic cycling leads to gross low cycle fatigue damage and must be precluded.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Constraint + Weight
The behavior of the material‘s gross section under cyclic loading can be explained by the
stress diagram (also known as Miller/ Bree diagram) given below which indicates the
strain behavior of the material as a function of the loading conditions. Depending upon
the stress regime, the material may undergo ratcheting, plastic cycling, shakedown, or
purely elastic behavior.
Different regions in above diagram are as given below:
1. Elastic Regime (No Yielding)
In this regime deformations resulting from the loads are elastic, and progressive
distortion does not occur from cyclic application of the load.
2. Shakedown Regime –
Plastic flow and growth would occur in initial few cycles only. Subsequent behavior on
further repetition of cyclic loading is linear elastic.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
For Linear Temperature Distribution through the thickness the elastic shake down would
happen under following limits:
y = yield stress
T = maximum thermal stress calculated on an elastic basis.
m = maximum membrane stress due to pressure.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Fig. 6: BREE Diagram, Uniaxial Stress Regimes –Sustained Mean Stress (m) vs
Thermal Stress Range (T) for Linear Temperature Gradient
Similar to above, the thermal ratchet equation were also developed for the parabolic
temperature distribution. These criterion have been adopted by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Section III NB to limit the thermal loading in combination of
primary stress so that ratcheting can be precluded.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Range of (P+Q) 3 Sm
i.e., (Pm + Pb + Q) 3 Sm
The primary stresses are those, which maintain direct equilibrium against external loads.
The secondary stresses are those, which are generated to maintain internal strain
compatibility. The sum Pm+Pb+Q at any point represents the total nominal stress at that
point and the (Pm + Pb + Q) represents the range of total nominal stress from one
operating state to other operating state. The limit 3 S m ( 2Sy) ensures "Shake Down" to
elastic action. A simple way to view P + Q is the membrane-plus-bending stress range
(through the thickness at any location within the component) for all applied loads. Thus,
P + Q can be calculated without separating the types of stresses, that is, Pm, PL, Pb, and
Q. The P + Q includes all applied operating loads—mechanical, thermal, and
expansion—applied in normal operation (i.e., Levels A and B). The P + Q is a range of
stress that occurs from one loading condition to a second loading condition.
‘The primary-plus-secondary stress limits are intended to prevent excessive plastic
deformation leading to incremental collapse, and to validate the application of elastic
analysis when performing the fatigue evaluation’. If this limit exceeds then each load
cycle will lead to plastic cycling and hence fatigue damage of the gross section and in
addition it may also lead to accumulation of plastic strain due to ratcheting.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The following conditions shall be satisfied before check is made for above stated
criterion, i.e., stated, primary plus secondary stress limit (Pm+Pb+Q). These conditions are
basically related to prevention of plastic collapse, plastic instability and non ductile
fracture (which in turn related to the selection of thickness of the component):
a) The nominal stresses (Pm and Pb) shall be limited to prevent gross plastic
deformation. The limits on the primary stresses (i.e. limit on P m , and limit on Pm +
Pb ) prevents the gross plastic deformation by plastic collapse due to the primary
stress alone. The primary stresses (mechanical stresses) shall be limited to prevent
failure by plastic collapse / plastic instability). The stress limits are :
Pm 1.0 Sm
Pm + Pb 1.5 Sm
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
ASME also gives these limits for parabolic temperature distribution as given below
for 0 < x < 0.615
y = 4.65, 3.55 and 2.7 corresponding to x = 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5)
for 0.615 < x < 1
y = 5.2(1-x)
For any other temperature distribution one can develop thermal ratcheting
interaction diagram and frame rule to preclude thermal ratcheting.
ASME has also given thermal stress ratchet limit for piping components etc. Here
the limit has been given in term of temperature gradient rather than thermal stress,
however their basis is similar to above discussed. For all the load ranges the value of
equivalent linear radial thermal gradient (T1) should be limited as follows:
y'σ y
ΔT1 C4
y = 3.33, 2, 1.2 & 0.8 for x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 & 0.8 respectively
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
mechanisms, etc. Standard books and papers can be referred for understanding these
fundamentals. Designer should be well aware of those fundamentals. However, in order
to maintain smooth relation some of the most essential facts, directly related to design,
would be briefly discussed. These fundamental facts will help in arriving at rational
approach to fatigue resistant design.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Region: The LCF region is defined where stress
amplitude could be of the order of yield stress or higher. The maximum number of
cycles could be of the order of 1E04. In low cycle fatigue the plastic strains are
significant and is the governing parameter in fatigue life evaluations. The Material‘s
ductility is an important property.
High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Region: The HCF region is defined where stress
amplitude is generally less than yield stress. The number of cycles are greater than
1E04 (approx.) but less than a value in between 1E06 and 1E10. The upper bound
depends on the type of material. The plastic strain is very small and the deformations
are mainly elastic and stress controlled. The Material‘s strength is an important
Endurance Region (Se): where stress amplitude are so less that any number of
cycling will not lead to failure. The number of cycles are greater than the value lying
in between 1E06 to 1E10. The stress amplitude at which it occurs is one half of
"Endurance Strength" (S e). There are many materials, such as Austenitic Stainless
Steels, for which endurance strength point is not well defined.
Fatigue Tests:
Following tests are carried out to generate the S-N curve data for a material.
Rotating-beam Tests:
Such tests are the earliest systematic testing of materials for fatigue resistance
dates back to the early 1900s. Here, the test is conducted under the constant cyclic stress
conditions with the rotating-beam test set up (R. R. Moore). Following figures shows the
tests setup, stress distribution in test specimen, and stress versus loading cycles history.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Stress Distribution in Rotating Beam Stress Vs. Cycles History for High Cycle
test Fatigue Test
Fig. 11: S-N Curve generated from the Rotating Beam test
Axial push-pull tests:
When the maximum stress in the specimen approaches or exceeds the yield strength of
the material, the stress distribution is no longer given by the elastic formulas for stress,
and therefore the rotating-beam test in which S is calculated purely on the basis of
applied bending moment and section modulus of the specimen loses its relevance.
Instead, more sophisticated testing procedures are needed, based on measured strain.
These procedures became available in the 1950s with the advent of servo hydraulic
testing machines that could apply tensile and compressive axial cyclic loading. Small
Smooth Specimen representing the material in critical (local) zone as shown in following
figue, is tested under cyclic loading under constant strain conditions and its stress-strain
and fatigue behavior is characterized. It is generally conducted by subjecting the
cylindrical specimen to totally reversible (i.e., mean stress is zero) axial loads. The strain
amplitude v/s number of cycles behaviour of a material can be obtained by specimen
level fatigue testing. In each fatigue test the level of strain amplitude is fixed and number
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
of cycles to failure is determined. The tests are repeated for different strain amplitudes to
obtain full fatigue data.
Fig. 13: Total Strain Fatigue Life Curve Generated from LCF Tests.
The strain amplitude in the strain fatigue life (a-2N ) is converted to equivalent stress
amplitude by multiplying E to strains so that data can be directly compared with known
stress values of a component and the converted curve is called Stress Amplitude v/s
Number of Cycles (S-N) curve. This helps in evaluating the fatigue life using pseudo-
elastic stresses. Since E is dependent on temperature hence S-N curve also depends on
temperature. Since E is dependent on temperature hence S-N curve also depends on
temperature. Salt must be corrected for the temperature at which the component undergo
fatigue loading
Salt ,corrected Salt Salt
E‘= Young‘s modulus at operating temperature
E = Young‘s modulus used in conversion of strain fatigue life (a-Nf ) curve into S-N
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Fig. 14: Mechanism of fatigue crack initiation: Slip band formation and intrusion /
extrusion process
Stage - I Stage - II
Fatigue Crack
Initial damage
Growth Region
Crack Growth
(FCGR) :
Crack Initiation
Paris Law
Stage - III
Cyclic Tearing :
FCGR + Tearing
The basic principle of fatigue resistance is very simple - "provide sufficient margin
against crack initiation or if it initiates then provide sufficient margin against critical
crack size and critical load. However, applying this principle is not that simple unless
systematic and detailed fatigue evaluation of components is done. In ASME section III
NB fatigue analysis ensures sufficient margin against fatigue crack initiation.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Fig. 16: Stress, strain time history showing a) cyclic hardening and b) cyclic
softening of material under cyclic loading
Carbon Steel
Fig. 17: Hysteresis stress –strain loop showing cyclic softening / hardening of
material under cyclic loading
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The above figures demonstrate that the material response to cyclic loading after initial
transit behavior, generally get stabilize. The stable cyclic stress strain response / curve is
often differ significantly from the monotonic and is in the form of hysteresis. The cyclic
- curve is obtained from joining max stress-strain points on the stable hysteresis
obtained for different strain rages. This is demonstrated in following figure
In case of detailed elastic plastic finite element analyses based assessment of elastic
plastic strain in local regions (identified for fatigue evaluation), the cyclic stress-strain
curve along with suitable kinematic hardening model shall be used in FE analysis.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
: Range of Stress
: Range of total strain
p : Range of plastic strain that is
width of hysteresis loop at zero
e : /E, Range of elastic strain
Nf : Number of Cycles to Fail
Amplitudes :
Strain Range Δε = Δεp +Δεe = Δεp +
Strain Amplitude εa = εap +
Coffin-Manson Equation: Relation between Fatigue Life and Plastic Strain range.
Coffin and Manson in their independent and simultaneous work have shown that when
the number of stress reversals and the plastic strain amplitude is plotted on a log-log
graph, it can fitted in a straight line equation. The coffin has found the slope of this line
equal to 0.5 while Manson in his work proposed it as 0.6. The general form of this
equation can be given as
' b
εap = εf (2Nf )
2Nf = Number of stress reversals
f = Fatigue Ductility Coefficient
Log (pa)
Log (2Nf)
Baquin Equation : Relation between Fatigue Life and applied Stress range. Baquin has
shown that when the number of stress reversals and the stress amplitude is plotted on a
log-log graph, it can fitted in a straight line equation. This equation provides good
representation for stress levels below yield.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
= f (2Nf )
' a
Log (/2E)
2 Elastic Strain
Log (2Nf)
Basquin & Coffin-Manson Equation: Relationship between fatigue life and strain
amplitude. Here the Basquin and Coffin-Manson equation are combined to get a fatigue
life equation in term of total strain amplitude.
εa = +ε
2E ap Total Strain
σ a ' b
εa = f (2Nf ) + εf (2Nf )
Elastic Strain
Log (2Nf)
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The Coffin equation as discussed earlier can be rewritten in term of fatigue Life (N f) and
plastic strain range (p) and as given below.
p Nf = C
In above equation, the constant C is taken as one half of the fracture ductility that is true
strain at fracture. The ductility is given in term of % elongation or %reduction in area.
(L-Lo )*100
% elongation, dl =
(Ao -A)*100
% Reduction in area, da =
1 1 100
p Nf = C = e Loge
2 2 100 da
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Consider as condition when N f approaches to infinity then the stress must approach to
the endurance limit, e
σa = σE
The Endurance strength generally expressed in term of material standard mechanical
E 0.01ultda
Then the pseudo elastic stress amplitude becomes
E 100
σ = 0.01ultda + Loge
4 Nf 100-da
Strength Governed Term Ductility Governed Term
Dominates when Nf is large Dominates when Nf is small
with the help of above equation, it is possible to calculated N f for given pseudo elastic
stress and material's standard mechanical properties (da, ult, E etc.).
The oldest and most widely employed approach to dealing with problems of fatigue of
materials is to select stress as the key variable that determines life, as in the work of
Wohler, starting in the late 1850s. Salient points of this approach are listed below.
Fatigue life depend on stress amplitude
Deformations assumed to be elastic and stress controlled. Valid only where plastic
strains are small and insignificant
S-N curve is generally generated from Rotating Beam (Moore) Stress Controlled
Good for HCF
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
A century later in 1950s, in separate and essentially simultaneous work, Coffin and
Manson began to emphasize strain as a governing parameter. This was needed for low-
cycle fatigue situations where there is cyclic plastic strain, causing relatively small
numbers of cycles to failure. In this approach, the traditional stress–life curves are
replaced or supplemented by strain–life curves. Also, cyclic stress–strain curves are
employed, as these may differ significantly from the stress–strain curve from a tension
test. Salient points of this approach are listed below.
Fatigue Life depend on strains amplitude
Material elastic plastic stress-strain behavior considered. Significant plastic
deformations at notches, local regions get accounted in this approach.
In nonlinear region strain amplification are higher then stress amplification.
Higher strain amplification shortens fatigue life.
Cyclic stress-strain curve is employed which may defer significantly from the
stress-strain curve from tension test.
This approach can be used for both HCF and LCF.
Fatigue life curve (S-N curve) generated from strain controlled tests (LCF tests)
ASME Sec-III uses this approach in fatigue evaluations.
The power plant components are made up of ductile materials with medium to low yield
strength and low cycle fatigue governs. Hence Strain life approach is used in fatigue life
Fatigue under variable amplitude loading
The laboratory testing and fatigue design curve are based on simple axial and constant
amplitude loadings. In contrast, most service loading histories have a variable amplitude
and can be quite complex as shown in following figure. In power plants often
components are subjected to multiple load cycles acting simultaneously, for example,
pressure fluctuation accompanied by temperature changes.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Several method have been developed to deal with variable amplitude loading using the
base line data generated from constant amplitude tests. These methods provide
procedures for cumulative damage evaluation and cycle counting which is used to
recognize damaging events in a complex loading history.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Time A-D-A
Stress B D
The most commonly used method for cumulative damage evaluation (damage
which is summation for initiation of crack) is Linear Damage Rule and also known as
Miner‘s Rules. Here the damage fraction, D, is defined as fraction of the life used up by
an event or a series of similar events. Then the failure that is crack initiation, is assumed
to occur when the summation of damage fraction equals to 1.
D i 1
The linear damage rule states that the damage fraction, D i , at stress level Si , is
equal to the cycle ratio ni/Ni
Di i
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Where, ni is the number of load cycles at stress level S i , and Ni is the fatigue life
in cycles for alternating stress equal to S i. Hence the failure criterion for variable
amplitude loading can be given as
N 1
Following is general procedure for fatigue evaluation using minor‘s rule for damage
• The complex loading histories contains variable amplitude loads and is
decomposed into several simple constant amplitude loadings. Let us assume that
the loading history is composed of load cycles of different constant stress
amplitudes a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 …… n
• Minor‘s rule is employed for damage evaluation under such variable amplitude
• The fatigue life (cycle to failure) is defined for each amplitude of stress a1 , a2
, a3 , a4 …… an as N1 , N2 , N3 , N4 , N5 …… Nn cycles, respectively,
using the constant amplitude fatigue life curve.
• Failure is assumed to occur when the sum of these ratios (n1 /N1 + n2 /N2
………) reaches 1.
nn /Nn = 1
• It is assumed that the sequence in which the loads are applied has no influence on
the lifetime of the component.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The Tensile (positive) mean stress shortens fatigue life however, the compressive mean
stress increases or has little effect on fatigue life. Fatigue life decreases with the increase
of mean stress. When the stress amplitude are more then the yield stress, mean stress does
not effects the fatigue life. Following figure demonstrates the mean stress effects on
fatigue life of components.
Fatigue Life N
Various parameters which are generally used for characterizing the cyclic loading are
given below.
Stress Range : = max - min
Following interaction equations are commonly used for mean stress correction in the
fatigue life evaluations.
a. Soderberg (USA 1930)
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Salt σmean
Se Sy
b. Goodman (England, 1899)
Salt σmean
Se Su
c. Gerber (Germany, 1874)
Salt σmean
Se Su
Following figure presents the graphical picture of above mentioned interaction equation
between the fatigue and tensile failures.
c Gerber
Soderber a
mean Mean Stress
The above figure shows the plot of fatigue strength of several steels as a function of mean
stress for a constant number of cycles to failure. It may noted here that the actual test data
tend to fall between Goodman and Gerber Curve as shown in above figure. Soderberg
method is very conservative and seldom used. Hence Goodman interaction equation
which is reasonably conservative is generally used by the designer for mean stress
consideration in fatigue design. Goodman has been adopted in ASME Sec III Fatigue
Mean Stress S
Goodman Interaction Diagram
For finite life the Goodman equation becomes
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Salt σmean σ
1 or Salt0 Salt 1- mean
Salt0 Su Su
Following figure demonstrates the procedure for evaluation of mean stress corrected
fatigue life. Consider a point with amplitude and mean stress as (Salt, M). Nm is the
fatigue life with mean stress correction and N is corresponding fatigue life without mean
stress consideration. The Salt0 is the modified alternating stress intensity which is
corrected for mean stress effect.
Nm N Cycles
Alternating Stress
(Salt, mean)
Mean Stress
There can be many combinations of (Salt, mean) which will give same fatigue life. In
cases where the Salt + mean (pseudo elastic stress) exceeds the yield stress (S y), the
material undergoes yielding and as a results the mean stress mean relaxes to a value mean
which satisfies the relation, Salt + mean = Sy. The Goodman diagram is further modified
so that the Modified-Goodman Interaction Line never exceeds the yield line because of
relaxation of mean stress by way of yielding in few initial loading cycles.
The modified Goodman diagram equation is obtained from following two equations
Salt mean Sy
Salt σmean
Salt0 Su
The above two equation can be solved, for below equation
S -S
Salt Salt0 U y for Salt < Sy
Su Salt0
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Salt Salt0 for Salt Sy
The following figure demonstrates this concept.
The ASME Design Fatigue Curve accounts for maximum possible mean stress and by
using the Modified Goodman diagram. It can be used for cases where the actual mean
stress cannot be reliably quantified, for example residual stresses near welds etc.
However, if mean stress can be accurately determined then actual correction should be
incorporated. Following figures demonstrates the steps used in obtaining the modified
design curve in ASME Sec. III which incorporates maximum mean stress correction.
Salt0 +σmean = SY
Design Curve
SY Modified
Salt Design Curve
mean SY SU Stress Nm N Cycles
Fig. 20: method of obtaining modified design fatigue design curve as per modified
Goodman correction incorporating maximum mean stress correction.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
by multiplication of one constant factor the S-N curve for notched specimen can be
determine from S-N curve of smooth specimen.
(e) The Design Fatigue Curves are available for two conditions. One in which mean
stress is assumed to be zero and the other in which mean stress value is equal to its
maximum possible value. The maximum possible mean stress and its effect can be easily
determined form Modified Goodman Diagram. The effect of maximum possible mean
stress on can be accounted as follows :
Salt = Salt0 [(u - y )/(u – Salt0)] ; If Salt < y
Salt = Salt0 ; If Salt y
Salt0 = Allowable Alternating Stress if Mean Stress = 0.0
Salt = Allowable Alternating Stress in presence of maximum possible Mean Stress
u & y = Ultimate & yield strength of material
Above equations shows that if Sa > Sy then there is no effect of mean stress. The
corrected design fatigue curve is some times referred as modified design fatigue curve.
(f) The Design Fatigue Curve is based on tests in air. The designer is responsible for
accounting suitable effects of other environments such as hot/boiling water, radiation,
corrosion effects etc. Some times it involves complete testing in simulated environment.
(g) Temperature effects are accounted by using appropriate value of Young's Modulus
‗E‘ at a given temperature. The 'E' value used to construct Design Fatigue Curve is
known. If , at a given temperature, actual value of 'E' ('Eact') is different then 'Sa' value is
corrected to 'Sact'. Where Sact = Sa (Eact/E).
(h) The temperature is less than creep temperature.
Following figure shows the Raw and Design Fatigue Curve for zero and maximum
possible mean stress.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Fatigue Life N
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The ability of the component to withstand the specified cyclic service without fatigue
failure shall be determined as per procedure given here. The determination shall be made
on the basis of the stresses at a point and not in gross section. The procedure and steps for
fatigue evaluation adopted in ASME Sec. III, is summarized below:
Derivation of Alternating Stress Intensity:
There are different types of load cycles, anticipated during the design life of components.
Table 1 shows partial list of types and number of load cycles anticipated in design life of
a typical Indian PHWRs. For each of service level / service condition, the six stress
components (x, y, z, xy, yz & zx) at a highly stressed point taking into account both
the actual geometry ( both gross and local structural discontinuities) and loadings shall be
evaluated based on linear elastic material behavior.
Table 1: Types of Load Cycles in Typical Indian PHWR Plants
(this is a partial list given to illustrate the type cyclic loads)
Sr. Type of Cycles No. of
No. Cycles
1 Operation at 100% power Zero
2 Heatup from Cold Shut Down (CSD) 1000
to Hot Stand By (HSB)
3 Startup from HSB to 100% Power 4000
4 Shut Down from 100% Power to HSB 750
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
The ASME Sec III has defined the procedure for evaluation the alternating stress
intensity. There could be two different situations; one when the Principal Stress Direction
does not changes with time or cycles. In other case where the directions of the principal
stresses at the point being considered change during the cycle
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Let there be "m" type of cycles. Each type of load cycle is analyzed in order to evaluate
the range of stress (), Salt (=1/2 ), mean etc. Let n1 be number of 1st type of cycles,
Salt1 be stress amplitude for 1st type of cycles and so on . . . . to "n" number of cycles.
a) Consider all the service level load cycles under Level A, Level B and Test
conditions. Let us designate them as 1, 2, 3, 4, …, i, …..n type of cyclic service
b) Let n1, n2, n3, n4, …., ni,……nn be the anticipated number of cycles for each type
of service load or their combination.
c) Service loads at a point are combined to maximize the range or Salt and here the
order in which they occurs are not considered. However the loads in same
direction are superimposed only when they occurs at same time. Worst
combinations shall be selected. As an example consider the following case:
Let there be two types of cycles, Type 1 & Type 2, such that for :
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
d) For each cycle determine Peak Alternating Stress Intensity (Salt), near the notch
or concentration site, based on linear elastic analysis. Let us designate them as
Salt1, Salt2, Salt3, Salt4, ……., Salti, ……. Saltn, corresponding to each cycle.
n1 n2 n3 n4 n n
CUF or CDF = ........ i ....... n 1
N1 N2 N3 N4 Ni Nn
Fatigue Assessment of Piping Components
For piping components ASME has provided a simplified equation to evaluate
alternate stress intensity. (Ref. ASME Sec. III NB-3653.2)
Po Do MD
SP K1C1 K 2C2 i o K 3C3 Eab αa Ta αb Tb
2t 2I
1 1
K 3Eα ΔT1 Eα ΔT2
2(1 ν) (1 ν)
Where Sp is the Range of peak stresses in the given occurrence and K1, K2, K3 & C1,
C2, C3 are Peak and Sec. Stress Indices Respectively.
Then the Peak Stress Range (Sp) is evaluated for all the occurrences or events and then
find Salt = Sp/2 for all the events. Each event is denoted by subscript i which varies from
1 to n. Then the cumulative Damage Fraction (CDF) as discussed earlier for the case of
n1 n2 n3 n4 n n
........ i ....... n 1
N1 N2 N3 N4 Ni Nn
The fatigue assessment procedure discussed previously assumes that at all the sections
(containing stress concentration site) the primary + secondary stress range is less than or
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
equal to 3 Sm. The adherence to 3 Sm limit ensures that gross section is in elastic
shakedown regime and peak stress ranges (and hence S alt) evaluated based on linear
elastic analysis gives reasonable approximation to actual strain concentration. The stress
concentration is approximately equal to strain concentration at the notch. However, if 3
Sm limit is violated then fatigue assessment procedure has to be modified to take into
account the actual strain amplification that takes place at notches and has been discussed
in next section. In addition possibility of thermal ratcheting (discussed earlier) shall be
The values of the material parameters m and n for the various classes of permitted
materials are given as
n = 0.2 & m = 3.0 : for Carbon Steels
n = 0.2 & m = 2.0 : for Low Alloy Steels
n = 0.3 & m = 1.7 : for Austenitic Stainless Steels
(c) Modified Peak Salt = Ke. Salt.
(d) Use modified peak Salt (that is, Ke Salt) to enter design fatigue curve and find the
damage fraction as discussed earlier in section 0
(f) The component meets the thermal ratcheting requirement as discussed in section 0.
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Similarly for piping components also, when 3Sm limit in ASME equation 10 exceeded
then the fatigue evaluation procedure is modified for accounting the local strain
concentration. If Eq. (10) cannot be satisfied for all pairs of load sets, the Simplified
Elastic Plastic Analysis described below may still permit qualifying the component. Only
those pairs of load sets which do not satisfy Eq. (10) need be considered.
(a) The stress due to thermal expansion and thermal anchor movement shall be 3Sm.
Do *
Se C2 M 3Sm
2I i
where M*i includes moments due to thermal expansion and thermal anchor movement
(b) The range of primary plus secondary membrane plus bending stress intensity,
excluding thermal bending and thermal expansion stresses, shall be 3Sm.
Po Do MD
C2 i o C3 Eab αa Ta αb Tb 3Sm
2t 2I
Mi = Excluding thermal moments
The values of the material parameters m and n for the various classes of permitted
materials are given as
n = 0.2 & m = 3.0 : for Carbon Steels
n = 0.2 & m = 2.0 : for Low Alloy Steels
n = 0.3 & m = 1.7 : for Austenitic Stainless Steels
(d) Use modified peak Salt (that is, KeSp/2) to enter design fatigue curve and find the
damage fraction as discussed earlier.
(f) The component meets the thermal ratcheting requirement for piping as discussed in
section 3.4
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
Prevention of failure of any structure has always been the main aim of the designer. The
integrity assessment of the pressure vessel and piping components is very essential for
safe and reliable operation of power plants. The loads which acts on the these structure /
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Chapter 5&6: Code rules for protection against cyclic loading in ASME Section III NB
component are of variable / fluctuating nature except for few types like dead load,
residual stresses etc. The material undergoes complex cyclic stressing during the
operational / service / accidental (such as earth quake) loading. In order to ensure high
reliability operation, designer has to prevent all the possible modes of failure under cyclic
loads. The material when undergoes cyclic loading can fail mainly by fatigue, ratcheting
or their combinations.
The assurance of fatigue resistance of Power Plant components/structures is a
very involved exercise both at design as well as operation stage. The typical Power Plant
has large variety of components whose fatigue resistance cannot be ascertained without
adopting systematic and rational approach. The assurance of fatigue resistance is
important from economic and safe operation of plant.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (B&PV), Section III.
N. E. Dowling ―Mechanical Behaviour of Materials‖ Engineering method for
deformation, fracture and fatigue, Second Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc.
John F. Harvey, P.E. ―Theory and Design of Pressure Vessels‖ CBS Publishers &
Julie A Bannantine, J. J. Corner, J. L. Handrock, ―Fundamental of Metal Fatigue
Analyisis‖, Prentice Hall International, Inc.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Creep is defined as the tendency of a solid material to slowly move or deform permanently under
the influence of stresses. It occurs as a result of long term exposure to high levels of stresses that
are below the yield strength of the material. Creep is more severe in materials that are subjected
to heat for long periods, and near the melting point. Creep always increases with temperature.
The rate of this inelastic deformation is a function of the material properties, exposure time,
exposure temperature and the applied structural load.
One of the primary aims of a designer of equipments operating in the creep range is to avoid the
possibilities of failure by excessive deformation. Dimensional changes with time, even of the
order of a few milli-metres, leading to mismatch of components or contact between moving
parts, could lead to serious damage to the plant, not to mention the loss of human life and
revenue. Such conditions must obviously be considered as a failure criterion, even though there
may not have any material failure by cracking.
In order to be able to predict the deformation of components in the creep regime, it is necessary
to study the factors affecting the accumulation of strain in a simple tensile specimen. The
constitutive relations needed for such calculations can then be formed. Any method of predicting
the behavior of a component must be capable of calculating strain accumulation under variable
loading and temperature conditions. Stresses will be redistributed by the process of creep. At the
same time, the service conditions, e.g., the applied loadings by steam pressure, piping load,
temperature etc. will usually be changing. In addition, the state of stress will be multidimensional
(i.e., 3D state of stress) in most practical situations. Hence, a suitable constitutive model to
calculate deformation and stress redistribution in 3D continuum is the primary requirement for
any successful creep analysis procedure.
Components which operate at low temperatures below the creep regime are generally designed
on the basis of yield strength, tensile strength, and fatigue strength by applying suitable safety
factors to these values. Because deformation and fracture are not time-dependent under these
circumstances, there is no specific value of "design life" associated with them. In principle, as
long as the applied stresses do not exceed the design stresses, these components should last
indefinitely, although in practice various factors cause reductions in life. In the case of high-
temperature components operating in the creep regime, both deformation and fracture are time-
dependent. They are therefore designed with respect to a target life usually based on a specified
amount of allowable strain or rupture in 100,000 h. A further factor of safety is applied in
selecting the stress, which translates into an expected life of 30 to 40 years, leading to the notion
of a 30-40-year design life for the component. Many metallurgical and operational factors can
extend the actual component life beyond the design life. Alternatively, if these factors are
adverse, actual life can be reduced.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
In the early days, design of components was often based on linear extrapolation of short-time
creep and fatigue data to approximate the long term behavior. Long-term data are now available
for many standard materials as a result of international efforts to gather and analyze long-term
test data. In some instances it has been found that the original linear extrapolations may have
been overly conservative and that the actual expected lives may exceed the design lives. Most of
the creep and stress-rupture data used in designing high-temperature components are based on
small samples tested in air in the laboratory. For heavy-section components, the oxidation effects
may be less pronounced than for small specimens, resulting in an added margin of safety. All of
the above factors contribute to extended component life.
In contrast to the above factors, a number of other factors can lead to premature failure of
components. Stresses in components frequently exceed the design stresses as a result of hidden
residual stresses, system stresses, and local stress concentrations. For instance, in many piping
systems, bending stresses arise due to failure of supports. Operating temperatures in boilers
invariably exceed design temperatures at least over short durations, reducing component life.
Unanticipated start-up and shut-down cycles lead to fatigue damage not originally provided for.
Conversion of base load fossil power plants into cycling plants is a clear case in point.
Unanticipated environmental effects leading to corrosion, pitting, and stress corrosion are major
factors in life reduction.
Corrosion fatigue of steam turbine blades, stress corrosion of disks, and hot corrosion of
combustion turbine components are some examples of this. Pre-existing fabrication defects may
cause crack initiation and growth of cracks during service and lead to premature failures.
Inclusions, segregation streaks, reheat-cracking, slag inclusions in welds, lack of fusion,
incomplete penetration, and numerous other defects such as these have been known to cause
catastrophic failures. These defects have been of particular concern with respect to components
fabricated in the 1950's when fabrication procedures as well as non-destructive qualification
procedures were far inferior to those available today.
Extrapolation of short-time data to predict long-time behavior has also sometimes led to overly
optimistic expectations, the actual behavior being worse than the expected behavior. The creep-
rupture strength of 1.25Cr0.5Mo steels is a case in point, where a downward revision was made
in the allowable stresses specified by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code based on long-
term data that became available in the mid-1960's. The last but not the least important factor
adversely affecting component life is the in-service degradation of components due to various
micro-structural changes and embrittlement phenomena such as temper embrittlement and creep
embrittlement etc.
Prior to World War II, the design of pressure vessels was based on selecting the thickness such
that the maximum design pressure-induced stress in simple geometries was less than one-fifth
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
the ultimate tensile strength. As a war emergency measure, this nominal factor of safety of five
was reduced to four. Based on the success of this step, the codes were revised to adopt this lower
factor of safety and questions arose as to the practicality of reducing the safety factor further.
However, as the design technology including material behavior advanced, concerns were raised
as to the need to include additional failure modes in the design of some vessels. These two
aspects led to the development of Section III in 1963 and Section VIII Division 2 in 1968. The
major conceptual change in these documents was in design, a change so significant that it was
termed "Design by Analysis" to distinguish it from the approach previously followed, "Design by
Rules." By and large the safety factors used in Design by Analysis were less conservative than
those used in Design by Rules.
The basic intent of the code was to address the requirements for new constructions while
providing reasonable assurance of reliable operation. Therefore, the requirements were primarily
addressed to the manufacturer, although an important role was assigned to the owner/user with
respect to defining the operational conditions to be considered by the manufacturer. The means
by which the owner/user fulfilled this assigned responsibility was the preparation of a design
Subsection NB of Section III of ASME B&PV Code provides design rules for Class 1
components at relatively low temperature 371°C or lower for ferritic steels and 427°C or lower
for austenitic steels and high-nickel alloys]. Subsection NH of Section III of the Code provides
design rules for Class 1 components at higher temperatures (593°C) or lower for ferritic steel,
760°C or lower for high-nickel alloys, and 816°C or lower for austenitic steels. Code Case N-
499-1 provides design rules for Class 1 pressure vessels at higher temperatures, in the range of
371°C to 538°C, for limited time. Code Case N-201-4 provides design rules for core support
structures, which are similar to those provided by Subsection NH. The draft code case for Alloy
617 provides design rules for Alloy 617 at very high temperature (982°C or lower). The
following code for high temperature design of the components is discussed in this chapter.
-ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Subsection NH, Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature
The chapter has been concluded with several remarks on the salient features of the different
codes for design and life assessment of components operating in the elevated temperature
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
1. Introduction
Over the past few decades, engineers have aimed to increase the turbine inlet
temperatures in order to achieve higher efficiency. Different types of alloys and their
modification have been sought in order to improve the high temperature strength,
oxidation and creep properties of the materials. When significant resistance to loading
under static, fatigue and creep conditions is required, the nickel-base super-alloys have
emerged as the materials of choice for very high temperature applications. This is
particularly true when operating temperatures are beyond about 800 oC. This is the case
for gas turbines used for jet propulsion, for example, the 100 000 lb thrust engines used
for the Rolls-Royce Trent 800 and General Electric GE90 which power the Boeing 777,
but also the smaller 1000 lb engines used for helicopter applications. Gas turbines are
used also for electricity generation, for example, the 250MW gas-fired industrial plant
which can generate enough power to satisfy a large city of a million people, or the
smaller 3MW gas-fired generators suitable for back-up facilities.
When weight is a consideration, titanium alloys are used, but their very poor oxidation
resistance restricts their application to temperatures below about 700 oC. For the land-
based electricity-generating power plant applications which rely upon superheated steam
at 565 oC, high-strength creep-resistant ferritic steels are preferred on account of their
lower cost. However, the latest generation of ultra-supercritical steam-generating coal-
fired power stations requires boiler tubing that can last up to 200 000 hours at 750 oC and
100MPa of stress. New types of super-alloys are being developed for these applications,
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
since ferritic steels cannot be designed to meet these property requirements. Generally
speaking, ceramics such as silicon carbide and nitride are not used for these applications,
despite their excellent oxidation and creep resistance, due to their poor toughness and
ductility. Zirconia-based ceramics do, however, find applications in thermal barrier
coatings which are used in association with the super-alloys for high-temperature
applications. When designing a gas turbine engine, great emphasis is placed on the choice
of the turbine entry temperature (TET), the temperature of the hot gases entering the
turbine arrangement. There, the temperature falls as mechanical work is extracted from
the gas stream; therefore the conditions at turbine entry can be considered to be the most
demanding on the turbo-machinery and the nickel-based super-alloys from which are
they made.
DS: Directionally solidified cast alloys; CS: Single crystal cast alloys
Fig 1: Variation of turbine inlet temperature (TET) for aircraft gas turbine engines
over the years.
The performance of the engine is greatly improved if the TET can be raised. Over the last
50 years since their conception, this has provided the incentive and technological impetus
to enhance the temperature capability of the super-alloys, and to improve their processing
and the design of components fabricated from them. The success of these enterprises can
be judged from the way in which the TET of the large civil aero-engine has increased
since Whittle‘s first engine of 1940; a 700 oC improvement in a 60-year period has been
achieved [Fig. 1]. Similarly, the turbine inlet temperatures for steam turbines have
increased significantly over the years and the trend is shown in Fig. 2. Of course, the
TET varies greatly during a typical flight cycle being largest during the take-off and
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
climb to cruising altitude. Turbines for power-generating applications experience fewer
start-up/ power-down cycles but very much longer periods of operation, during which the
TET tends to be rather constant.
The slow deformation of metals, known as creep, first came clearly into focus about a
century ago. As a problem in metal use, it has grown steadily in importance because
engineers have persistently raised their operating temperatures in many fields, until now
it is one of the half-dozen most important of these problems. Besides the abundance of
technical data that has necessarily been accumulated, there have been many studies in the
last fifty years of the physics of creep. These physical studies have shown that there are
several different creep régimes depending mainly on the temperature. If T m is the melting
point of the metal in question, the different régimes roughly cover the temperature ranges
0-0.3 Tm, 0.3-0.5 Tm, 0.5-0.9 Tm and 0.9-1.0 Tm. The bottom range includes the so-called
logarithmic creep and the top range creep by diffusion, which is somewhat similar to
flow in liquids. Both are quite well understood but neither is particularly important as
compared to the temperature range of 0.3-0.9 Tm. It is this temperature range in which
creep worries engineers; they have therefore received much more attention by researchers
Fig. 2: Progress in turbine inlet temperature for steam turbines in fossil fuel fired
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
In both of these temperature bands, the rate of creep strain is very dependent on
temperature, stress applied and composition of the metal. The temperature dependence is
no surprise, since it is quite clear that creep is a thermally activated phenomenon and its
rate is therefore governed by an Arrhenius factor. In many pure metals, the temperature
dependence is quantitatively close to that of self-diffusion, particularly in the 0.5-0.9 Tm
range. Research on development of suitable creep model is based two basic principles.
One assumes that the factor controlling creep rate lies in the deformation process, or glide
movement of dislocations, itself. The other assumes that the rate-controlling factor lies in
the continuous annealing that takes place at the high temperatures involved. The two
models are really two sides of the one coin, since both slip and recovery take place
simultaneously and are unavoidably interconnected. When the two models are properly
joined they explain the influence of composition, which may affect the creep rate by well
over a million-fold, and the great influence of stress as well as the temperature effect. The
parameters like diffusion rate, stress and stacking fault energy etc. are very important and
they influence the creep rate to a great extent [4-10].
Modern-day super-alloys deform very slowly even at high stresses and temperatures
(because of the advances in understanding of the creep deformation process and
development of suitable methods to arrest creep deformation). Hence, the problem of
creep-fracture becomes more important compared to creep-deformation. There is a
fracture mechanism quite distinctive to creep, in which tiny holes nucleate and grow (at
the grain boundaries) by some means until they are so large, or sufficiently linked
together, that the metal breaks. The speed of this fracture process increases with
temperature and stress, and evidently also depends on composition in a complicated way.
The formation and growth of the holes is a phase change process in which the stress
provides the driving free energy since the holes enlarge the overall dimensions. Both the
nucleation and growth rates help to determine the time to fracture, which is what really
matters. There are several important aspects of creep fracture such as the nature of many
of the nucleating sites and the strong influence of deformation rate during nucleation and
growth. Because of this, creep fracture is more complicated compared to creep-
For the engineers, the phenomenon of creep is the source of many problems in design.
Foremost amongst these is the need for the generation of ways of predicting whether
components operating in the creep range will sustain the life required of them. The useful
life could be terminated because of (a) excessive deformation; (b) rupture; (c) crack
growth (by creep or creep-fatigue interaction). For most practical applications, the
predictive methods must be capable of accounting for complex loadings which vary with
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
The first step usually taken by developers of codes of practice in design for elevated
temperature is to validate the component against its low-temperature duties. The first few
steps in the design process are therefore identical with those used in low-temperature
applications. The new element introduced by operation at elevated temperature is the
time factor. The number of stages in the design process then doubles, since each must be
checked against both time-independent and time-dependent criteria. In general, the
following failure modes must be checked, i.e.,
In order to standardize the design procedures, several codes have been developed in
different countries over the last few decades. These are listed below here.
-ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Subsection NH, Class 1 components in elevated
temperature service;
-RCC-MR, Design and construction rules for mechanical components of fast breeder
reactor nuclear islands (French Code);
-Procedure R5, Assessment procedures for the high temperature response of structures
(British Procedure);
-API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-for-service assessment procedures.
The salient features of these codes and the design procedures for high temperature
components are discussed in this chapter.
The tendency of a material to undergo plastic deformation under the influence of a stress
is often characterized using a tensile test. In such a test, the strain is obtained as a
function of stress and the onset of permanent strain is taken to correspond to the yield
strength of the material. Tensile tests are, in general, conducted under conditions where
the measured properties are independent of time. By contrast, the essence of creep
deformation is that the plastic strain is time dependent and can occur at stresses that in an
ordinary tensile test would be below the yield stress.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Secondary creep
Secondary creep
Primary creep
Instantaneous creep
Time (Hrs) Time (Hrs)
(a) (b)
Fig. 3: (a) Strain vs. time and (b) Strain rate vs. time during creep deformation process in
In a typical uni-axial creep test, the sample is subjected to a constant load such that the
stress is below the yield strength, and the engineering strain is monitored as a function of
time, as illustrated in Fig. 3(a). The application of the load naturally leads to an
instantaneous elastic strain. This is followed by a primary creep regime in which the
strain rate decreases with time as the material settles down towards the steady state
regime, where there is a balance between dynamic recovery and strain hardening. The
creep rate accelerates during tertiary creep. A part of the reason for the increase in strain
rate is that the sample may neck so that the true stress increases. However, tertiary creep
can occur before the onset of necking, induced by the accumulation of creep damage
(e.g., voids).
Fig. 3(a) shows a schematic representation of the stages of creep deformation and Fig.
3(b) shows the variations in the creep rate. Creep data can be plotted as in Fig. 3(b) in
order to identify the minimum creep strain rate. The three stages of creep are also evident
in these plots; in the primary region the creep rate decreases with time, whereas in the
tertiary region it accelerates. Steady-state creep is roughly centered at the minimum in the
plot of creep rate vs. time [Fig. 3(b)]. The minimum rate is empirically found to be
inversely proportional to the time to rupture. This is often called the Monkman–Grant
relationship in which the product of the minimum creep rate and rupture time is found to
be constant for a given creep mechanism.
The extent of each of the stages in the creep curve can vary dramatically with the
temperature, stress, and material. Actual creep curves for a variety of ferritic steels with
different chromium contents are illustrated in Fig. 4. The 2Cr steels are not really
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
designed for operation at temperatures as high as 600 oC. It is expected, therefore, that
there is a rapid onset of tertiary creep. Alternatively, the 12Cr alloy exhibits a prolonged
steady-state creep regime, since such alloys are intended for service at the test
temperature of 600oC.
It follows that at high temperatures, the diffusion flux is dominated by diffusion through
the bulk of the material (Nabarro-Herring creep), whereas at low temperatures it becomes
dominated by diffusion through defects. The flux of matter that leads to the plastic strain
is at low temperatures largely through defects, such as the grain boundaries or the cores
of dislocations. By contrast, most of the observed effects are due to bulk diffusion when
the tests are done at high temperatures. We now consider some important mechanisms of
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Increasing Cr %
in steel
Time (Hrs)
Time (Hrs)
(a) (b)
Fig. 4: Effect of chromium composition in ferritic steel on (a) creep strain vs.
time and (b) creep strain rate vs. time behaviour
Plastic deformation
Homologous stress
creep Bulk
Elastic Bulk diffusion
1.0e-4 Boundary
0 0.5 1.0
Homologous temperature
Fig. 5: Deformation mechanism map or Ashby map
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
domain boundaries are defined by the locus of points where the strain rate for two or
more mechanisms becomes identical.
At low strain rates and relatively low temperatures, creep occurs by the glide of slip
dislocations. Diffusion-assisted dislocation climb is necessary for continued deformation
when the glide process is obstructed, e.g., by the presence of precipitates in the glide
plane. An applied stress assists the climb process via a force (Fig. 6), which tends to push
the dislocation onto a parallel plane, such that it can bypass the particle (Fig. 7). If the
climb force exerted by the precipitate on the dislocation is not sufficient to overcome the
precipitate by climb, the dislocation will get stuck at the interface. However, when
applied the shear stress is high, the dislocation may shear the precipitate and this process
dominates the creep mechanism (Fig. 8).
At a sufficiently high temperature and low strain rate, it is possible to achieve plastic
deformation simply by the stress-induced migration of vacancies, almost akin to fluid
flow where the strain rate during Newtonian viscous flow is proportional to the stress. In
the Nabarro–Herring version of diffusion creep, the flow of matter occurs by diffusion
through the lattice (bulk diffusion) as explained in Fig. 9 and seen in actual
microstructure (Fig. 10).
In case of Coble creep (Low strain rate and low temperature), it is dominated by diffusion
through the grain boundary structure. Both of these processes require the grains to slide
past each other in order to maintain continuity and hence avoid void formation. Harper–
Dorn is another special form of creep in which the constitutive equation is similar to
diffusion creep, but the mechanism involves the climb of dislocations (low dislocation
density) in a large grain-sized material, so that grain boundary diffusion does not play a
major role. Furthermore, Harper–Dorn creep occurs by an intra-granular dislocation
mechanism, so that grain elongation occurs without a need for grain boundary sliding.
Though the creep curves show three regions of creep, i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary
in a constant-load test, the tertiary region is absent or gets delayed in a constant-stress
creep test. The tertiary creep also doesn‘t have much engineering significance from the
designer point of view and most of the times; it is not taken into consideration. The
estimation for strain due to primary and tertiary creep is given by two famous models, i.e,
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Andrade‘s and Garoffalo‘s equation as given below. Out of these two, the Andrade‘s
equation is mostly used.
Shear stress
b tan
Glide plane
Shear stress
Fig. 6: The climb force on a dislocation which assist the dislocations to pass through
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
nickel based superalloys and the schematic explanation
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Fig. 9: Nabarro-Herring model for diffusion creep.
The creep damage can be modeled by a parameter , which is the ratio of effective area
to the initial area at any time of creep deformation. The effective area reduces because of
creep-cavitation and cracking. Our aim here is to find continuum damage rule, which can
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
be applied for life estimation in a component when subjected to a complex loading
history. It is described as below. We define the creep damage as 1 , where is
defined as
The initial stress 0 is written in terms of load F and initial area A0 as
0 F A0 (92)
The stress at any time t can be written as
t F Aeff 0 (93)
The rate of change of damage can be defined as dependent on stress through a power law
(as creep strain rate has a similar relationship w.r.t stress), i.e.,
C tn C 0 (94)
It may be noted that as damage increases from 0 to 1 from initial time to rupture time, the
function varies from 1 to 0.
The boundary conditions are: 1 at time t=0 and 0 at time t=tr0. Now,
integrating the above equation and using the boundary conditions, we get the rupture time
under the nominal stress 0 as
tr 0 (95)
C n 1 0n
If we have a variable loading condition, then the integration can be written as
0 tr
d C
n n
0,t dt (96)
1 0
where 0,t is the stress at any time‗t‘. Now, re-arranging the terms, it leads to the
following equation.
1= C n 1 0,t n dt (97)
This is also known as Robinson‘s time fraction rule and is written in discrete form as
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
i 1
1 (100)
where ti is the operating time at any stress i for which the creep rupture time is tri .
When we estimate the creep strain as a functioned stress, it is assumed that creep
deformation occurs at the constant stress. However, due to change in the stress condition,
there is a change in creep hardening.
2 2
Creep Strain
Time Time
Fig. 11: Creep under variable loading Fig. 12: Different models for creep
This is given by various models such as strain hardening, time hardening and total
hardening etc. which are described below. Fig. 11 shows the stress change from
1 to 2 and Fig. 12 shows how the strain due to creep changes because of hardening.
Fig. 12 shows three paths, i.e., path 1, 2 and 3 for time hardening, strain hardening and
total hardening respectively. The time hardening follows the slope of the curve for 2 at
the same time t0 which the time for change from stress 1 to 2 . The strain hardening
follows the slope of the curve for 2 which at the same creep strain as 1 at time t0 . The
total hardening rule jumps from one curve to the other and follows the curve for 2 after
the time t0 . Out of these three theories, the strain hardening theory gives results which
are close to experimental observation whereas the time hardening theory gives a lower
bound solution and the total hardening theory gives an upper bound solution.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
7. Creep under multi-axial stress conditions
The creep strain-rates under multi-axial stress conditions are determined by following the
analogy of plastic deformation under multi-axial stress condition. The analogy of Levi-
Mises flow rule in plastic deformation in creep deformation can be written as
d 1
d 1 eq 1 2 3
d eq 1
d 2 2 1 3 (101)
eq 2
d 1
d 3 eq 3 1 2
eq 2
where d1 , d 2 and d 3 are the principal strain rates which are expressed in terms of von-
Mises equivalent stress eq and strain rates eq respectively. 1 , 2 , and 3 are the
principal stresses in direction 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
We know that creep properties are determined at certain stress and temperature
conditions. However, to apply these theories to other stress and temperature conditions,
we need to do some extrapolation with the help of empirical based derived based on the
experimental observation. More than 30 of such models are available in literature out of
which Larson-Miller parameter is most widely used. We will describe below six of such
models. Usually, the tests are done at accelerated conditions to get creep rupture at less
time. But, for design of components, which have considerable long life, we need
extrapolation with proper judgment.
3 2 1
log (t)
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
8.1 Larson-Miller paramer
log (t)
3 2 1
ta 1
log (t)
3 2 1
Ta T
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
log (t)
3 2 1
1/Tw 1/T
minimum creep rate s
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
8.2 Orr-Shorby-Dorn parameter
The variation of logarithm of rupture time ―t‖ vs temperature in K is shown in Fig. 15.
The condition for its application is that one should fit this parameter for the set of
experimental results that follow this graph. Mathematically, it is written as
T Ta
PMH (104)
log t log ta
8.4 White-Lemay parameter
The variation of rupture time vs. steady state creep strain rate is expresses as (Fig. 17)
log t c1 log s c2 (106)
where c1 and c2 are constants, s is the steady state creep strain rate (it is a function of
applied stress and temperature) and is written as
s A n exp (107)
where k is Boltzmann‘s constant.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
8.6 Minimum commitment method
This method is to be followed when none of the above parameters fit the experimental
data accurately. This method is based on fitting of functions and parameters based on
actual experimental observation. The governing equation is written as
log t z1P T log t P T z2 log (108)
where P T is a function of temperature, A, z1 and z2 are the constants which are
determined through regression by fitting the experimental data to the above equation. The
constant z1 is related to the stability of micro-structure of the material.
In the case of stress relieving operations, we need to find time and temperature for post
weld heat treatment. This problem can be solved using the modeling method for creep
stress relaxation from a given initial stress 0 to the desired final stress t . This model
can also be applied to determine the tightening stress that to be applied to nuts where
there is relaxation under high operating temperature conditions. The model is described
below along-with the Fig. 18.
t Time
Fig. 18: Creep stress relaxation
The method lies in the fact that the total strain, which is initially fully elastic and later, is
the superposition of elastic and inelastic creep strain remains constant with respect to
time. So,
0 initial el t creep t c1 (109)
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
where c1 is a constant which is equal to the initial strain 0 . The initial strain is given by
0 E and the elastic strain at any time ‗t‘ is given as t E . The initial strain doesn‘t
change with time and hence, we can write
d 0 d el t d creep t
0 (110)
dt dt dt
Substituting the values of el t and creep t as a function of stress in the above equation,
we get
1 d t
A t 0
E dt
Rearranging the above equation and integrating, we get the time for relaxation of stress
from initial value of 0 to t as
1 1 t n1
t 1 (112)
BE n 1 t
n 1
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stress-assisted preferential absorption of interstitials can account for the transient portion
of the creep behavior, but climb and glide are required to explain steady state creep. The
irradiation creep rate is dependent on dose rate, temperature and stress as well as the
developing microstructure. Following are the different mechanisms of irradiation assisted
The application of an external stress can enhance the probability of interstitial loops
nucleating on planes with a preferred orientation. Interstitial loops will be more likely to
nucleate on planes perpendicular to an applied tensile stress than parallel to the stress.
Vacancy loops will be less likely to nucleate on planes perpendicular to the tensile stress
and more likely to nucleate on planes parallel to the stress. In either case, such
preferential loop nucleation will cause the solid to increase in length in the direction of
the applied tensile stress. This process is termed the stress-induced preferential
nucleation, SIPN mechanism of irradiation creep.
Whether SIPN can accurately account for the observed creep strains is a matter of
considerable debate. While observations have supported an increase in preferred loop
orientation with tensile stress, the magnitude of the measured creep strain is higher than
can be accounted for by preferred orientation by a factor of 2-4. The greatest limitation of
the model is that once a loop is nucleated, the strain rate is determined by the irradiation
dose, but is independent of stress. Thus, creep should continue if the stress is removed
once nucleation has been completed. Also, if nucleation occurs before the stress is
applied, creep should not then occur. Clearly, SIPN cannot account for all of the observed
creep, but it may be a viable mechanism for a portion of the observed creep strain rate. A
compliment to loop nucleation is preferential absorption of defects by loops caused by
the applied stress.
At steady state, there are several distinct processes that may result in creep of a solid
under irradiation and stress. They are: (a) the transfer of atoms from planes parallel to the
applied stress to those are perpendicular to the applied stress; (b) the glide of dislocations
on planes inclined to the stress direction; and (c) the climb and glide of dislocations due
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
to the interstitial bias of the dislocation. The first is termed stress-induced preferential
absorption (SIPA) and the second process is termed preferred absorption glide (PAG).
PAG results from preferred absorption (SIPA) but is an additional component to the
creep strain since it describes the glide contribution to the creep strain whereas SIPA
describes only the climb contribution to creep strain. The third mechanism is creep strain
from the climb and glide process due to the net absorption of interstitials on dislocations
of all orientations (i.e., unassisted by stress) for the case where the defect source is the
excess interstitials. Note that this process is tied to swelling as the corresponding net
excess of vacancies accumulates at cavities causing swelling. The origin of the preferred
absorption is the interaction between the dislocation and defects. In conventional SIPA,
the origin is the elastic interaction between the long-range stress field of the dislocation
and that of the defect. Other origins for SIPA are anisotropic diffusion and elasto-
diffusion. While differing in the details of the origin of the interaction, all of these
mechanisms result in a preferred absorption of interstitials by dislocations.
While SIPA provides a mechanism for creep by dislocation climb, dislocations can also
contribute to creep by glide if they are able to overcome obstacles in their slip plane by
the climb process. Under an applied stress, pinned dislocations will glide until they reach
a configuration where the restoring force due to line tension is balanced by the applied
stress. Since dislocations are pinned, creep is limited to the elastic stress given by ε = σ
/E. Climb enables the dislocation to overcome the initial pinning points. The released
segments bow out between new pinning points until, again, the line tension balances the
applied stress. Each cycle of climb and glide to pinning results in an elastic deflection in
addition to the strain due to climb, which together, account for the total creep strain in the
solid, all the while, the dislocation network maintains its configuration. This mechanism
has also been referred to as ―transient creep‖ because of its occurrence at low dose.
However, since the dislocation lines can continue to bow out after climbing over pinning
points, it can also account for steady state creep.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Creep due to the excess absorption of interstitials at dislocations is equivalent to the
thermal creep climb and glide mechanisms. However, the creep is due to absorption of
vacancies by voids and hence, it contributes to creep and swelling.
The deformation mechanism map for the materials is usually modified to account for
irradiation creep. Irradiation creep is observable in the intermediate temperature regime.
Below 20oC, the interstitial mobility drops and so does the irradiation creep-rate. Above
about 600oC, Coble creep is the dominant creep mechanism. The irradiation creep
regime, therefore, lies at intermediate temperature and intermediate stresses and can be
described by the constitutive equation for the strain rate dependence of irradiation creep
in which the first term is due to dislocation creep (lower temperature portion of
irradiation creep regime) and the second term is due to swelling-driven creep (higher
temperature portion). The net effect of irradiation is to extend rate-dependent deformation
to lower stresses.
In addition to swelling and creep, another phenomenon occurs that leads to strains in
some solids under irradiation. This phenomenon is termed growth. Swelling is the
isotropic volume expansion of a solid without an external stress. Creep is the volume
conservative distortion of a solid under an applied stress. Growth is the volume
conservative distortion of a solid without an applied stress. Growth is only observed in
non-cubic systems as it is highly dependent on anisotropy of the crystal structure. For this
reason, irradiation growth can be significant in hcp metals such as zirconium and
The properties of a material have been qualified at a stress-relieving temperature of
1150oF for 50 hours. A vessel made from this material undergoes a two-hour temperature
excursion to 1180oF during stress relieving operation. What is the equivalent of this
excursion in terms of hours at the material qualification temperature? Use Larson-Miller
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
A jet engine component initially designed for 1E04 hours of life at 1000oF with a stress
of 12000 Psi. After 1E03 hours of operation, a malfunction subjects the component to a
stress of 15000 Psi at 1100oF. What is the predicted remaining life? If the malfunction is
corrected after 10 hours and the operation is returned to 12000 Psi and 100 oF, what will
be the remaining life? Use Larson-Miller parameter and the standard Larson-Miller chart
for variation of Larson-Miller parameter vs stress. Use a suitable material for jet engine
The initial residual stress in a weld joint after welding is measured to be 100 Mpa
whereas the yield stress of the material is 250 Mpa. The designer wants that the residual
stress should not exceed 20 Mpa in any case. You are required to do a post weld heat
treatment for the weld joint in order to reduce the residual stress. The material is a low
alloy steel. Use a suitable temperature for heat treatment. Find the time required for the
stress relieving operation. Use suitable material properties.
It is known that the damage accumulation takes place under cyclic loading and it can be
attributed to either HCF or LCF depending upon the magnitude of the stress component,
operating temperature and whether stress or strain is the governing mechanism. However,
there is thermal cycling at high temperature where creep is dominant, there can be a
synergistic effect of damage accumulation due to both creep and fatigue and this
phenomenon is called creep-fatigue interaction. We will deal with this chapter from a
point of view of calculating life for crack initiation and also crack growth due to creep-
fatigue interaction by use of two different approaches, i.e., the conventional method and
the fracture mechanics route.
One of the earliest ideas in fatigue is that a material will fail when the net work expended
(accumulated area of hysteresis loops) reaches a critical value. This was taken up by
Miner in 1945 on some room-temperature tests on aluminum, although the simple
damage-accounting procedure had been proposed earlier by Palmgren in 1924 for
assessing the life of ball bearings and by Langer in 1937 for both crack initiation and
growth in pressure vessel and piping components. Miner‘s hypothesis was originally
expressed in energy terms but he showed that this could equally well be expressed as
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
i 1
1 (113)
where ni represents the cycles experienced and Ni is the endurance over each cycle of
type i. Thus use could be made of a family of endurance curves at different stress levels.
Miner defined failure as ‗‗the inception of a crack‖.
which Robinson verified in terms of an equivalent stress or temperature, use being made
of a family of stress–rupture plots at different temperatures. Dyson has examined in some
detail the physical justification for the rule and concludes that it is more likely to be
obeyed when temperature excursions are made at constant stress rather than when stress
excursions are made at constant temperature.
There is also a strain fraction rule, which is used to estimate creep damage when the
material is such that it experiences appreciable creep cracking throughout the life of the
component. It is written as
i 1
1 (115)
where i is the applied strain and ri is the corresponding strain for rupture at the applied
stress and temperature conditions.
It may be noted that although Miner verified his rule by sequential tests under load
control (up to 1E07 cycles and assuming no work hardening), Equations for both fatigue
and creep life estimation gradually came to be adopted for application in the LCF regime
up to 1E05 cycles. The rule is written as
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
ni ti
i 1
1 (116)
This came from the realization that assessments may be made from a large body of
existing creep–rupture data and relatively simple LCF tests, thus attempting to embrace
the intergranular/ transgranular failure mechanism of combined tests. One immediate
disadvantage was that in many practical cases, deformation occurs by repeated stress
relaxation rather than by forward creep.
Fatigue damage
Creep damage 1
Fig. 19: Different damage accumulation rules for creep fatigue interaction
There exists very little experimental validation for Miner‘s law itself for LCF under
continuous cycling at elevated temperature, i.e., where reversed plasticity is entailed.
Accumulated damage may be dependent on history. Cases involving ‗‗major‘‘ and
‗‗minor‘‘ cycling and ‗‗incremental step‘‘ tests have been reviewed by several
researchers. Most investigations during the last decades or so have rather attempted to
demonstrate that the creep–fatigue interaction can in fact reduce the fractional damage
below unity. Hence several models were developed to deal with the prediction of life of
components under creep-fatigue interaction. We will mainly discuss three methods as
described below.
There are several damage accumulation rules that have been suggested by the
researchers. These are
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
a. Linear damage summation rule
b. Parabolic (or other nonlinear) damage accumulation rule
c. Bi-linear damage summation rule.
These are shown graphically in Fig. 19.
This rule involves partitioning the actual stress-strain curve in a complex loading cycle in
terms of four basic cycles as shown in Fig. 20 to 23. For example, a typical stress-strain
cycle is shown in Fig. 24. The total strain range is AD in Fig. 24.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
Fig. 24: A typical cyclic stress-strain curve where the effective number of cycles to
failure to be calculated by strain range partitioning
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
(i) Select smaller of the fully plastic strain cycle and denote it as pp .
(i) Select smaller of the fully creep strain cycle and denote it as cc .
(iii) Find the remaining cycle as pc or cp .
Ncp N cc N pc N pp
Fig. 25: Strain vs.
15.7:of Strain
cycles forvs
failure for different
number conditions of cyclic
of cycles
strain cycles
for failure for different condition of
cyclic strain cycles
In the example given in Fig. 24, the strains are determined as: pp =BD, cc =CD,
pc =AC-DB as the plastic deformation in tensile is more than the creep deformation in
tensile. The calculation of equivalent no .of cycles for failure is based on Coffin-
Manson‘s plastic damage interaction rule and is written as
1 F F F F
pp pc cc cp (117)
N predicted N pp N pc Ncc Ncp
pp pc cc cp
where Fpp , Fpc , Fcc , Fcp and N pp , N pc , Ncc and Ncp etc
total total total total
are the number of cycles to failure under the corresponding cyclic loading conditions and
it is shown in Fig. 25.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
11.7 Frequency modified fatigue failure relationships
At high temperatures, the environmental effects become more important when dealing
with estimation of damage due to creep and fatigue. So, the effect of frequency must be
considered. It is taken care of by replacing number of cycles N by N k 1 in the low cycle
fatigue equation. So, the Coffin-Manson relation for LCF is modified for effect of
frequency as
p N k 1 C1
where k and C1 are material constants. Similarly, the Basquin‘s relationship for high
cycle fatigue is modified as
2N k 1 k
e (119)
This can be rearranged as
A b k 1bk
N (120)
where k and k are material constants. Now, the combined HCF and LCF strain life
equation modified for frequency can be written as
C1 N k 1
A' b k 1bk ' c
e p N . (121)
This model is very useful for predicting failure cycles in high temperature fatigue
situations. However, the number of constants to be determined by data regression
analysis are too many and sometimes, it is difficult to apply for complex creep-fatigue
In the presence of defects in structures, the conventional rule for assessing damage due to
creep-fatigue interaction doesn‘t suffice. We have to consider the fracture mechanics
procedure, i.e, modified Paris law for fatigue crack growth and universal creep crack
growth law for creep crack growth estimation. This is expressed mathematically as
da da da
Thold (122)
dN dN fatigue dt creep
where Thold is the time period for which the stress is constant (known as hold time) and
creep is because of this sustained stress in the hold time. The fatigue crack growth per
number of cycles is given as
C Keff
dN (123)
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
where Keff is the effective stress intensity factor in the loading cycle. If there is
significant plastic deformation in cyclic loading, Keff has to be replaced by J with
suitable modification of the crack growth law constants and taking into account of the
effect of crack closure on J . The creep crack growth rate can be written as
dt D C* (124)
if the condition for steady state creep is achieved. In the case of transient creep, C* has to
be replaced by the suitable C(t) integral. However, an estimate of the transition time has
to be made and finally, the validity criteria as per R5 procedure has to be satisfied if one
uses the C* integral in the creep crack growth calculation.
The first step in design for elevated temperature is to design the component for low
temperature operation. The first few steps in the design process are, therefore, identical
with those used in low-temperature applications. Operation at elevated temperature
introduces time-dependent failure modes. Thus, in addition to the six time-independent
failure modes, the following six time-dependent failure modes are considered in the high-
temperature design:
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
1) Creep rupture under sustained primary loading,
2) Excessive creep deformation under sustained primary loading,
3) Cyclic creep ratcheting due to steady primary and cyclic secondary loading,
4) Creep-fatigue due to cyclic primary, secondary, and peak stresses,
5) Creep crack growth and non-ductile fracture, and
6) Creep buckling.
Rules are given in Subsection NH to protect against these failure modes using elastic and,
in some cases, either elastic or elastic-plastic analysis techniques.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
12.3 Primary Stress Limits
Time-Dependent Primary Stress Limit for Base Metal: In addition to the time-
independent S m, the code introduces a temperature- and time-dependent quantity St to
account for creep effects. For each specific time t and temperature T, S t for the base metal
is defined as the least of the following three stresses:
(1) 100% of the average stress required to obtain a total (elastic, plastic, primary creep,
and secondary creep) strain of 1%;
(2) 80% of the minimum stress to cause initiation of tertiary creep; and
(3) 67% of the minimum stress to cause creep-rupture.
A basic primary stress limit for high temperatures is S mt, which is the lesser of S m and St,
and is a function of both time and temperature. Note that the definition of St assumes that
the material has a classical creep curve (Fig. 3). However, some nickel-based alloys
exhibit a non-classical creep curve (Fig. 41) with no clear primary creep or secondary
creep regime. The above definition of St has to be revised for these materials.
Creep rupture
Total Strain
Instantaneous creep
Time (Hrs)
Fig. 41: A typical non-classical creep curve for nickel-based superalloys
Time-dependent Primary Stress Limit for Weldments: The basic primary stress limit
for weldment at high temperatures is the lesser of S mt of the base metal and 0.8SrR, where
Sr is the expected minimum stress-to-rupture strength of the base metal, and R is the
appropriate ratio between the creep rupture strength for the weld metal and the base
metal. The time- and temperature-dependent stress intensity limit St for weldment is the
lesser of St for the base metal and 0.8SrR.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
The ASME Code requires that for normal operation and upset conditions (Service Level
A and B loadings)
Pm Smt (125)
For emergency conditions (Service Level C loading), the allowable general primary
membrane stress intensity is
Pm (126)
In addition, the time-based use-fraction sum associated with the general primary
membrane stresses for Level A, B, and C primary loadings shall be less than 1. For
faulted conditions (Service Level D loading), the limits on allowable general primary
membrane stress intensity, obtained in part from Appendix F of Section III, is
Pm u
0.67 S r
In addition, the time-based use-fraction sum associated with the general primary
membrane stresses for all service loadings shall be less than 1. Eq. (125)-(126) ensure
that the primary stress, which is in static equilibrium with external loads, stays below the
yield and the ultimate strength, and keeps the maximum thickness-averaged creep strain
to below 1% during normal operation, upset, and emergency conditions. This condition
mitigates failure modes 1, 2, 7, and 8. On the other hand, Eq. (127) ensures that the
primary stress during faulted condition stays below the ultimate tensile and creep rupture
strengths (preventing rupture, i.e., failure modes 1 and 7) but may exceed the yield stress,
which in turn, may lead to significant plastic deformation.
Limits for Local Primary Membrane and Primary Bending Stress The ASME Code
requires that for normal operation and upset conditions (Service Level A and B loadings).
PL Pb Kt St
where Kt accounts for relaxation of extreme fiber bending stress due to creep. The factor
is given by
K t 0.5 K 1 (129)
where K ( 1.5) represents the ratio between the loads to cause fully plastic section and
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
yielding in the extreme fiber of the section. For shells and solid sections, K = 1.5. For
emergency conditions (Service Level C loading), the allowable local stress intensity for
the primary membrane-plus-bending is
PL Pb 1.2KSm
PL Pb Kt St
In addition, the time-based use-fraction sum associated with the local primary membrane
plus bending stresses for Level A, B, and C primary loadings shall be less than 1. For
faulted conditions (Service Level D loading), the allowable local primary membrane plus
bending stress intensity is
PL Pb K t
In addition, the time-based use-fraction sum associated with the local primary membrane
plus bending stress intensity for all service loadings shall be less than 1. Eq. (128)-(131)
ensure that the primary membrane-plus-bending stress, which is in static equilibrium with
external loads, does not exceed the collapse load or cause excessive creep deformation
during normal operation, upset, and emergency conditions. According to the Lower
Bound Theorem of plasticity, the external loads represent a lower bound on the true
collapse load. Thus, these equations ensure that failure modes 2 and 8 cannot occur.
However, significant plastic deformation but no rupture may occur under faulted
Assuming a simple Norton's power law creep, we can show that Eq. (129) for Kt is
conservative for solid rectangular sections as long as the creep exponent is greater than
Subsection NH does not include inelastic analysis rules for satisfying the primary stress
limits. However, the inelastic strain limits in the low temperature rule (Section III,
Subsection NB) have to be satisfied.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
12.7 High-Temperature Limits for Cyclic Loading
When creep effects are significant [T >427°C (800°F) for austenitic stainless steels and
>371°C (700°F) for ferritic steels], inelastic analysis is generally required to
quantitatively assess strains and deformations. However, elastic and simplified inelastic
analysis methods can sometimes be justified and used to establish conservative bounds
for deformation, strain, strain ranges, and maximum stress in order to reduce the number
of locations needed for detailed inelastic analysis. Note that the multi-axial constitutive
equations needed to perform detailed inelastic analyses might not be available for some
materials. Non-mandatory rules for strain, deformation, and fatigue limits at elevated
temperature are contained in non-mandatory Appendix T of Subsection NH. These rules
can be satisfied either by elastic or inelastic analysis.
The objective of the ratcheting rules is to ensure that the maximum accumulated principal
tensile inelastic stain at any point over the expected operating lifetime of the equipment
due to Level A, B, and C loadings does not exceed the inelastic strain limits. Strain limits
need not be satisfied for Level D loading.
Inelastic Strain Limits for Base Metal: The inelastic strain limits for base metal are as
Inelastic Strain Limits for Welds: Because of the potential for limited ductility of weld
metal at elevated temperatures and the potential for high strain concentrations (both
metallurgical and geometric) in the heat affected zones of weldments, inelastic strains
accumulated in the weld region (defined as ±3 times the thickness to either side of the
weld centerline) shall not exceed one-half of that permitted for the parent material.
The inelastic strain limits are considered to have been satisfied if any of the Tests A1, A2
or A3 (in decreasing order of conservativeness) is satisfied. The tests are expressed in
terms of X and Y, which are defined in terms of the maximum local primary membrane-
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
and-bending stress intensities and maximum range of secondary stress intensity, and the
average yield stress during the cycle, as follows:
PL Pb K t max
; Y
Qmax (132)
Sy,avg Sy,avg
For test A1
X Y Sa S y (133)
where Sa is the lesser of
(a) 1.25St using the highest wall-averaged temperature during the cycle and a time of 104
h, and
(b) the average of two Sy values associated with the maximum and minimum wall-
averaged temperatures during the cycle.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
The quantities SrH and SrL are the relaxation strengths associated with the "hot" and
"cold" extremes of the stress cycle.
Test No. B1
The inelastic strain limits are considered to be satisfied if the following conditions are
met first:
(a) The structure must be either axi-symmetric with axi-symmetric loading away from
local structural discontinuity or a general structure in which the peak through wall
thermal stress is negligible, i.e., the thermal through-wall stress distribution is
approximately linear.
(b) The individual cycles defined in the design specification cannot be split into sub-
(c) Secondary stresses with elastic follow-up (i.e., pressure-induced membrane and
bending stresses and thermal-induced membrane stresses) should be classified as primary
(d) At least one extreme of the stress cycle occurs at a temperature below which creep is
(e) Load combinations in the R1 and R2 ratcheting regimes are not permitted.
In regimes S2 and P,
Z X *Y (137)
In regime S1,
Z Y 1 2 1 X Y (138)
In regime E,
ZX (139)
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
where the definitions of X and Y are the same as given earlier except that the Sy value is
replaced by S yL.
Test No. B-1 is applicable only if c values calculated above for all the blocks are less
than their corresponding hot yield stress S yH which is the Sy value at the "high"
temperature extreme of the cycle. If so,
- Multiply each value of c ,k by 1.25, and evaluate the creep strain increment associated
with the stress 1.25 c ,k held constant throughout the particular time-temperature block,
using the isochronous stress-strain curves.
- Limit the maximum value of the accumulated creep strain to 1% for the base metal.
- Limit the maximum value of the accumulated creep strain to 0.5% for the weld metal.
The code also gives a more conservative ratcheting rule for any general structure which is
similar to Test B1, with the exception that the effective creep stress parameter Z is
obtained from a figure in the code. This is Test B2.
Test B3 is the least conservative of the three tests and is the only test that permits load
combinations, which lie in the ratcheting regimes R1 and R2 in Fig. 42. However, it is
restricted to axi-symmetric structures with axi-symmetric loading away from local
structural discontinuity. The code gives explicit equations for calculating bounds to
ratcheting plastic strains and enhanced creep strains due to creep relaxation within the
cycles in the S1, S2, P, R1, and R2 regimes in Fig. 42. These strains have to be added to
the accumulated inelastic strain calculated by Test B1 using isochronous stress-strain
Secondary stress parameter, Y
1.0 Z=0.5
S1 Z=1
0 0.5 1.0
Primary stress parameter, X
Fig. 42: Effective creep stress parameter Z for simplified inelastic analysis rules B1
and B3.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
where D = the total creep-fatigue damage (Fig. 43); (Nd)j is the number of design
allowable fatigue cycles for cycle type j at a given total equivalent strain range,
temperature, and strain rate; (Td)k is the allowable duration (obtained from the minimum
time-to-rupture plot) for a given stress and maximum temperature at the point of interest
and occurring during the time interval k; (n) j is the number of repeated cycles of type j;
and (Dt)k = duration of time interval k.
0.1 0.3 1.0
Fatigue damage
Fig. 43: Damage rule to take into account of both creep and fatigue damage
The equivalent strain range is defined with respect to changes in the strain components
from the starting point to each point j in the cycle,
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
x, j y , j y , j z , j z , j x , j xy2 , j yz2 , j zx2 , j
2 2 2 3
2 1 2
where * is 0.3 and 0.5 for elastic and inelastic analysis rules respectively and max is the
maximum of eq,j .
If the above conditions are satisfied, then the elastic analysis rule can be applied by first
modifying the equivalent strain range for each cycle type from max to mod to account
for stress concentration factor K using Neuber‘s rule. Three options with different
degrees of conservatism are provided in the code. The total strain range ( t ) that is
entered in the fatigue design curve to obtain N d [Eq. (140)] is finally calculated as
t Kv mod K c (142)
K = local geometrical stress concentration factor
Kn = the multiaxial plasticity and Poisson‘s ratio adjustment factor
c = creep strain increment during each cycle
Formulas for calculating Kn and c are given in the code.
Appendix T gives two options for evaluating the creep damage during hold periods by
providing upper-bound estimates of creep strain accumulation and variation of stress due
to stress relaxation, using the isochronous stress-strain curves. As an added conservatism,
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
the stress during an incremental time during the hold period is divided by factor K'
(=0.67) before it is entered in the minimum time-to-rupture plot to obtain Td in Eq. (140).
With the inelastic analysis, the calculated equivalent strain range already incorporates
stress concentration effects, and no further adjustment is necessary. It can be entered in
the fatigue design curve to obtain N d. The creep damage in Eq. (140) may be replaced by
an integral
Dc t T
d (143)
where T d is obtained from the minimum time-to-rupture curve. The effective stress e for
the multi-axial stress state is defined as follows:
e exp C 1 (144)
1 2 2 3 3 1
J1 1 2 3
2 2 2
where 2, and
Ss 12 22 32 , 1 , 2 , and 3 are the principal stresses respectively. As in the
elastic analysis case, the effective stress e is divided by K' (=0.67) before the minimum
time-to-rupture curve is entered to obtain T d. The constant C is equal to 0.24 for
austenitic stainless steels and 0 for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo and Alloy 800H.
Because of the potential for limited ductility of weld metal at elevated temperatures and
the potential for high strain concentrations (both metallurgical and geometric) in the heat
affected zones of weldments, creep-fatigue evaluation in the weld region (defined as ±3
times the thickness to either side of the weld centerline) should be conducted with
reduced values of the allowable number of design cycles (N d) and allowable time
duration (Td) in Eq. (140). The Nd value should be one-half that permitted for the parent
material, and the Td value should be obtained from that of the parent material by
multiplying it with the weld strength reduction factor (R). The factor K' should also be
used in the determination of Td, as in the case of the base metal.
The code stipulates that non-ductile fracture is not a problem for the approved materials
at high temperatures. However, stress relaxation occurring at high temperatures may lead
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
to high residual stresses at lower temperature where non-ductile fracture is possible for
ferritic alloys that show ductile-to-brittle transition behavior. The procedure discussed in
Appendix G of the ASME Code may be used to demonstrate that non-ductile fracture will
not occur for postulated defects. Such demonstrations are not needed for the austenitic
steels or Alloy 800H. Subsection NH does not require consideration of creep crack
Buckling limits for specific geometries under different loadings are given in Section III.
These limits include the effects of geometrical imperfections permitted by fabrication
tolerances on vessel shells. Subsection NH, Appendix T, lists the maximum permitted
values of time-independent buckling factors as functions of Service Load Level and for
load- and strain-controlled buckling. The permissible load factors are significantly larger
than the permissible strain factors. However, the code does not provide any guidance for
the buckling analysis except for the buckling limits for specific cases listed in Section III.
It requires that the calculated load factors for load-controlled buckling and the calculated
strain factors for strain-controlled buckling be less than those tabulated in Appendix T of
Subsection NH.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
temperature reactors is that it does not require the supporting inelastic stress analysis to
be conducted with rate-dependent, high temperature unified constitutive equations (no
distinction between creep strain and plastic strain), which are necessary when
components operate at very high temperatures [>649°C (1200°F)]. At such high
temperatures, the tensile stress-strain curve of a material depends on the strain rate, and
the classical distinction between plasticity and creep becomes untenable. Advanced
unified constitutive equations are required while conducting inelastic analysis above
649°C (1200°F) with the draft code case for Alloy 617.
As part of the USDOE program, ANL developed the damage rate equation for predicting
creep-fatigue life. During this time, a detailed review of the various life predictive
methods was conducted by ANL. The review showed that the Damage Rate Equation can
account for strain rate effects, loading wave-shape effects, and various hold time effects
more accurately than the linear damage rule. Since then, a review conducted by the
Japanese researchers has also concluded that several other life-predictive methods,
including ANL's damage rate equation, can predict the creep-fatigue life of Haste-alloy
XR at high temperatures more accurately than the linear damage rule. The AMSE Code
has continued to use the linear damage rule by changing the linear to a bilinear damage
rule and adjusting the rule so that all available data are predicted conservatively.
However, this leaves open the question whether the rule continues to be conservative
when extrapolated significantly beyond the database. Such an extrapolation will be
necessary if plants are to be designed for a 40-year life.
Subsection NH does not provide specific guidelines for environmental effects, but states
that the combined effects of exposure to elevated temperature, contacting fluid, and
nuclear radiation on material properties shall also be considered. Currently, there is no
generally accepted method for taking environmental effects into account, because
different materials behave differently in the same environment. For example, in austenitic
stainless steels, tensile holds are more damaging than compressive holds under creep-
fatigue loading in air or in vacuum, because volumetric creep damage dominates failure
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
in these materials. On the other hand, in ferritic steels (e.g., 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel and 9Cr-
1Mo steel), the converse is true, because oxidation plays a critical role in surface cracking
of these alloys. Similarly under creep loading, Alloy 617 shows early surface cracking in
air, but surface cracking is subdued in the He environment. The linear damage rule
cannot predict such divergent behavior. Clearly, more mechanistically based predictive
methods are needed to be able to handle the various material-specific damage
mechanisms in different environments.
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Chapter 7: Elevated temperature design criteria: ASME Section III-NH
12. Bartonicek J, Zaiss W, Hienstorfer W, Kocklemann H., Schöckle F. Monitoring
system and determination of actual fatigue usage. Nucl. Engng. Des. 1995; 153:
13. Jovanovic A, Verelst L. (Eds.). Implementation of power plant component life
assessment technology using a knowledge-based system, In: Proceedings of the SP
249 Project Final Workshop, Feb. 1997.
14. ASME Boiler and pressure code, Case N-47 (29) Class 1 components in elevated
temperature service, Section 3, Division 1, New York: ASME, 1991.
15. RCC-MR. Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of FBR
Nuclear Islands, AFCEN, Paris, 2001.
16. R6, Assessment of the integrity of structures containing defects, British Energy,
Report R6-Rev.4, 2001.
17. Goodall IW (Ed.). Assessment procedure for the high temperature response of
structures, R5. Nuclear electric procedure; 1998. Issue2.
18. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, New York, 1995.
19. Nuclear Electric R5: Assessment procedure for high temperature response of
structures, Nuclear Electric plc Report R5 Issue 1: Vol. 4, assessment procedure for
defects under steady loading; Vol. 5, creep-fatigue crack growth, Berkeley Nuclear
Laboratories, UK, 1990.
20. Reidel R, Rice JR. Tensile Cracks In Creeping in Solids, in Proceedings 12th
ASTM Fracture Mechanics Conference, ASTM STP 700, ASTM, Philadelphia,
21. Kumar V, German D, Shih CF. An engineering approach for elastic-plastic fracture
analysis, EPRI final report NP 1931; 1981.
22. Porowski, J.S., Kasrai, B. and Cervanka, L. (1992) Practical Design Methods for
Redundant Structures at Elevated Temperatures Service, ASM E PV P, 232, 1992.
23. Milne, I., Ainsworth, R.A., Dowling, A.R. and Stewart, A.T. Assessment of the
Integrity of Structures Containing Defects, CEGB Report R/H/R6/Rev. 3, CEG B,
Berkeley, UK, 1986.
INS Workshop on Design of Nuclear Pressure Vessel and Piping, 12-16 October 2015 218 of 277
The following codes for high temperature design of the components are discussed in this chapter.
The Structural Design Criteria for ITER In-vessel Components (SDC-IC) contains rules for the
structural design of the in-vessel components: first wall, shield / blanket, divertor and the
diagnostic components located inside of vacuum vessel. The scope of these criteria is limited to
design. These criteria were developed because existing codes do not address the effects of
irradiation on the in-vessel components, which include embrittlement of the material (low
ductility and toughness), and may include swelling and creep. Also, the component
classifications used with existing codes for the construction of Nuclear Power Plants do not
necessarily apply to the in-vessel components. Substantial modifications are introduced in the
code to account for irradiation effects.
The design procedures discussed in all these codes are nearly similar with minor differences.
Design rules are given in ASME Section III, Subsection NH to protect against different failure
modes using elastic and, in some cases, either elastic or elastic-plastic analysis techniques. The
first step in design for elevated temperature is to design the component for low temperature
operation. The first few steps in the design process are, therefore, identical with those used in
low-temperature applications. Operation at elevated temperature introduces time-dependent
failure modes. Thus, in addition to the six time-independent failure modes, the following six
time-dependent failure modes are considered in the high-temperature design, i.e.,
In this chapter, the basics of creep deformation and the factors influencing creep strain
accumulation is discussed. The initiation and propagation crack during creep and the fracture
mechanics method to deal with the problem has been described. In the end, the design rules using
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
ASME Section III, Subsection NH and RCC-MR codes has been discussed. The British design
and life assessment procedure R5 also considers the creep life assessment of components in the
presence of defects and this has been reviewed in this chapter. The chapter has been concluded
with several remarks on the salient features of the different codes for design and life assessment
of components operating in the elevated temperature regime.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The Structural Design Criteria for ITER In-vessel Components (SDC-IC) contains rules for the
structural design of the in-vessel components: first wall, shield / blanket, divertor and the
diagnostic components located inside of vacuum vessel. The scope of these criteria is limited to
design. These criteria were developed because existing codes do not address the effects of
irradiation on the in-vessel components, which include embrittlement of the material (low
ductility and toughness), and may include swelling and creep. Also, the component
classifications used with existing codes for the construction of Nuclear Power Plants do not
necessarily apply to the in-vessel components. Substantial modifications are introduced in the
code to account for irradiation effects. The development of this code was undertaken as a
collaborative work among the home teams of the European Union, Japan, the Russian
Federation, and the United States.
The structure and the environment of the in-vessel components of ITER have a number of unique
features that require special consideration. In particular, the following are important.
b. The first wall will experience moderate doses of high energy (14 MeV) neutrons. This
irradiation has a number of effects on material properties, including:
• embrittlement of the material (reduced ductility and fracture toughness),
• possible swelling (depending on the temperature),
• irradiation-induced creep,
• time dependent material properties.
Swelling, creep, and time dependent properties cause time-dependent stresses, but these in
themselves do not require fundamental changes in the design rules when compared with existing
codes. With reduced ductility, however, secondary and peak stresses become more important.
Existing codes rely on sufficient ductility to simplify the analysis, ignoring secondary and peak
stresses apart from their effect on strain ratcheting and fatigue. The SDC-IC includes direct
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
limits on secondary and peak stresses that account for both the stress and strain limits of the
d. The in-vessel components are experimental components for which no safety credit is taken.
The need for performing accurate design analyses has to do with investment protection rather
than public safety.
SDC-IC provides rules for the design evaluation and stress analyses of in-vessel mechanical
components of ITER. These components include the first wall, the shield/blanket, and the
divertor. The purpose of these rules is to ensure that required safety margins are maintained
relative to the types of mechanical damage which might occur as a result of imposed loadings.
The various types of damage are listed and discussed in IC 2100. The design rules to prevent the
damage are listed and discussed in IC 3000 and IC 4000. These rules do not cover measures
needed to prevent other types of damage resulting, for example, from erosion or corrosion. These
rules do not cover the steps to be taken to ensure correct operation of components comprising
mechanisms or moving parts (such as pumps or valves).
M-type damage
M-type damage denotes damage in a structure which can result from the application of a steadily
and regularly increasing loading, a constant loading, or the loading corresponding to the first
quarter cycle of a cyclic load. M refers to Monotonic. In unirradiated structural alloys, M-type
damages generally occur in a ductile mode, i.e., accompanied by significant plastic deformation.
In irradiated materials, the potential for fracture modes with little or no plastic deformation
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
If a structure made of an elastic and ductile material is subjected to a proportional and steadily
increasing loading, initially the structure behaves elastically and the deformation is reversible. At
higher loading, irreversible plastic deformations occur such that, if the loading were removed,
the structure would not return to its original dimensions or shape. If the loading were continually
increased, the structure would ultimately reach plastic collapse. This is an overall structural
behavior, as opposed to a local material instability.
The neutron irradiation environment in ITER will create a number of potential damage or failure
modes that are not considered in the fission reactor codes. These damage or failure modes will
result primarily from the loss of ductility and strain hardening capability of the material that
occurs when it is subjected to neutron irradiation. Further, the use of multilayer heterogeneous
structures will introduce a number of potential failure modes not considered in the fission reactor
In a material with very low strain hardening capability, plastic strain may not be readily
homogenized, and the structure may fail by the localization of plastic flow. Plastic flow
localization appears as a large strain within a narrow band, inclined at an angle to the load. It is a
type of plastic instability (under load-control), precipitated by small surface notches or
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
irregularities. Like necking, plastic flow localization is essentially a nonlinear phenomenon and
must be avoided even under strain-controlled loading. This type of damage may lead to early
cracking even when the material has significant local ductility as measured by reduction in area.
Both necking and plastic flow localization are affected by the strain hardening capability of a
material, which is closely tied to its uniform elongation. Both appear in an irradiated material
with low uniform elongation.
Reduced ductility is associated with a low elongation (strain) at rupture. This can precipitate
cracking in regions of high elastic follow up or stress concentration, such as the root of a notch,
where the strains may be locally high. This type of damage must be distinguished from the
damage of "fast fracture". Exhaustion of ductility is a limit of a continuum analysis of a
homogeneous material. Fast fracture is associated with propagation of cracks.
The term "fast fracture" is used to denote any fracture which initiates from an existing defect or
defects under monotonic loading and is not preceded by an appreciable plastic deformation of the
material. Fast fracture is generally caused by unstable propagation of a crack. Two types of fast
fracture are generally considered. One occurs by ductile tearing and the other by brittle or semi-
brittle tearing.
• Ductile tearing occurs when a small volume (process-zone) of highly stressed material at the
tip of the defect fractures through plastic instability, while the bulk of the structure behaves
elastically and is otherwise able to withstand the applied loadings.
• Brittle fracture is the result of the material cracking without detectable local plastic
deformation. In reality, a certain degree of microscopic plastic deformation always precedes this
type of tearing but it is usually restricted to a microscopic volume of material.
The flaws that initiate a fast fracture may or may not be present at a given position in an actual
structure. The existence and distribution of such flaws are statistical phenomena. The probability
of finding a flaw of critical size in the region of highest stress may be extremely low. Therefore,
fast fracture is not ―damage‖ that is predictable in a deterministic stress analysis. The discipline
of fracture mechanics is used herein as protection only against low probability hypothetical
flaws. The assessment of flaw tolerance gives additional assurance beyond that provided by a
conventional stress analysis.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Although inducing no immediate damage when applied, a loading can, because of creep, induce
plastic material instability if maintained over a sufficiently long period of time. This type of
damage is called time-dependent plastic instability. It is analogous to the immediate plastic
instability (necking) except that it is time dependent. Many structural materials, at relatively high
(0.5 Tm) homologous temperatures experience internal damage due to thermal creep, with or
without environmental interactions and a variety of mechanisms, such as grain boundary
cavitation, grain boundary oxidation, etc. Generally, the manifestation of such damage at the
macroscopic level is a reduction of ductility as measured in creep rupture tests. Reduction in
ductility caused by creep (under constant load or stress) can lead to time- or rate-dependent
fracture. Because of potentially significant reduction in the elongation at rupture, fracture may
occur even under constant strain (stress relaxation) loading before stresses can be relaxed by
If a structure undergoes large deformation due to elastic, plastic, thermal creep, or irradiation
induced creep strain during operation, the functional adequacy of the component may be
compromised. The maximum permissible deformation for each component should be specified in
the component data file.
Neutron flux can modify a material's crystal structure by various mechanisms, such as
transmutations, ion implants, atomic displacements, and lattice defects. It enhances the
precipitation of impurities and phase modifications, often inducing detrimental effects on
material properties. The detailed mechanisms are very complex, but, from a macroscopic
viewpoint, three phenomena are important: irradiation-induced creep, swelling, and changes in
material properties.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
effect of relaxing residual or strain-controlled stresses. On the other hand, this relaxation may
result in a stress reversal when thermal loadings are removed.
Irradiation can induce gross structural distortions by swelling in isotropic materials or by growth
in anisotropic materials. This phenomenon is irreversible and may lead to high stresses when the
swelling is constrained or spatially varying. Such stresses are strain controlled, and the beneficial
relaxation effects of irradiation-induced creep should be considered in the calculation of the
constrained swelling stresses.
Large changes in materials properties due to irradiation can be induced by atomic displacements,
nuclear transmutation, and gas formation (He). Irradiation effects in copper alloys and austenitic
stainless steels include significant irradiation-induced hardening, loss of ductility, loss of strain-
hardening capability, and reduction in fracture toughness at a relatively low neutron damages
(displacement dose ~ 0.3 to 10 dpa).
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Fig.1 : Primary, secondary stress and actual stress due to elastic follow-up
It is possible for a small part of a structure to undergo inelastic deformation whereas the rest of
the structure remains elastic. The bulk of the structure then acts as a spring with respect to the
small inelastic part of the structure. The strain energy in the elastic structure can impose large
strains on the small inelastic part, in the same manner as elastic spring-back can cause a fracture
surface to separate. The "inelastic" zones can become the seats of strain concentrations likely to
damage them. A classical example of elastic follow-up is that created by a pipe acting on an
expansion loop when the loop is considerably more heavily stressed than the rest of the pipe.
Existing codes simplify the analysis of secondary stresses and peak stresses by assuming that the
material is sufficiently ductile to accommodate constrained inelastic deformations (caused by
secondary and peak stresses) without immediate damage. In a material with reduced ductility,
such as irradiated stainless steels, elastic follow up can cause local plastic strains to exceed the
ductility limit. To account for reduced ductility, the SDC-IC explicitly accounts for elastic
follow-up in the elastic analysis rules for secondary and peak stresses. This is accomplished with
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
the aid of a parameter ―r‖. The amount of elastic follow-up depends on the geometry and loading
of the structure. Its effect can be quantified using an elastic follow-up factor ―r‖, which is defined
as the maximum in the structure of the following ratio R.
The value of r depends on the geometry of the structure, the material stress-strain law, and the
load level. Conservative values of r can be determined in advance and then used to express the
allowable stress as a function of both a stress limit and a strain limit. Note that the above
definition of r is consistent with that used in Japanese codes but is different from the definition
used in papers by Roche (he uses r* = r - 1). The above definition for elastic follow-up factor r,
which has been adopted for SDC-IC, gives a simpler form of the rules.
Neuber analyzed mode III (anti-plane) shear deformation of a sharp notch with localized
plasticity and concluded that the product of the shear stress and the corresponding strain is
independent of the material's behavior. The assumption that the plasticity is localized, i.e., the
plastic deformation is embedded well inside an elastically deforming zone, means that the
product of stress and strain can be determined from the knowledge of the surrounding stress field
and the stress concentration factor for an elastic material. Under the same conditions, Neuber's
rule can be extended to cyclic loading by replacing shear stress and shear strain by their
respective ranges. Neuber's rule can be generalized to other modes of loading via the concept of
the J integral proposed by Rice. Detailed analysis of stress-strain field at the crack tip have
shown that the product of the stress and strain is proportional to J. Therefore, a generalized
Neuber's rule can be justified and can be expressed as follows.
The conservativeness of this rule has been verified for geometries containing notches with finite
stress concentrations rather than cracks.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Neuber's rule is applicable if the remote stress field away from the notch is elastic. If the remote
stress-strain field itself undergoes plastic deformation, then a further correction is necessary,
because the remote strain is greater than the elastically calculated strain. This may be illustrated
through a simple example. Consider a cylindrical bar of length L [Fig. 1], cross-sectional area A,
which is subjected to an axial load such that the extension would be u el if it behaved elastically.
As far as the material's properties are concerned, it is only necessary to know the Young's
modulus E and the stress-strain curve giving as a function of .
There are a number of ways of applying the specified load, the two simplest being a
displacement u = el .L and a force F = EA el imposed at the end As long as the behavior is
linear elastic, a strain el is effectively obtained for both loads. When the behavior ceases to be
linear elastic, the two loadings no longer cause the same strain. For the imposed displacement
loading u, the real strain remains the same as the elastically calculated strain el , which means
that no correction is necessary and the elastically calculated stress = E u/L is a pure secondary
stress. For the imposed force load, the real strain corresponds to the real stress = F/A on the
stress-strain curve. This stress is a pure primary stress that can be seen to cause real strain which
is much higher than the elastically calculated el .
These two loads represent special cases. A more general method is to apply an imposed
displacement u to one end of a spring of stiffness K the other end of which is attached to the bar
(this spring represents for example the elasticity of the loading device). This case is more general
since if K is infinite (very stiff spring), it first imparts the displacement load and if K is very low
(extremely flexible spring), it then applies the imposed force load. The displacement u required
to produce a strain el if the bar were to remain elastic is the sum of the extension of the bar L el
and the extension of the spring EA el /K.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The above definition of the elastic follow-up factor is often used in the Japanese literature, where
the terminology is usually q rather than r. The quantity (r-1), with r defined as above, has been
used by Roche. In that case the definition of the elastic follow-up factor becomes
The elevated temperature structural design guide for the demonstration fast breeder reactor of
Japan recommends a conservative default value of r=3 for use in creep-fatigue design. Recently
conducted detailed monotonic and cyclic finite-element inelastic analyses of an support shroud, a
reactor vessel gas-dam wall, and a tube sheet model to investigate the effects of primary stress
and stress-strain law on the elastic follow-up factor r. The analyses confirmed that, as long as the
stresses were within the design allowable limits, the value of r was always significantly less than
3, generally varying between 1.48 and 2.67. It is possible to show that in actual cases, 4 is a
conservative value of r. For evaluating the elastic follow-up effect on primary stress, note that
Neuber's rule usually (not always three-point bend loading being an exception) gives a
conservative estimate of the real strain. Therefore, a conservative value of r can be obtained by
equating the peak strain by the r-factor methodology with that by Neuber's rule. If the stress-
strain curve is approximated by a power law, then the following definition of 'r' is used.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Fig. 4: Effect of strain hardening (tangent modulus) on the r-factor variation with
maximum plastic strain for 3-point bend tests
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Fig. 5: Calculated r-factors from 3-point bend tests and notched tensile tests on irradiated
type 304 stainless steel
1.12 Types of Loads
The loads include, but are not limited to, the following.
a) Internal and external pressures (pressure, P).
b) Electromagnetic loads due to:
• disruptions,
• Vertical Displacement Events,
• Magnet faults.
These loads include reaction forces at the support points, including dynamic effects.
c) The weight of the component and its contents, and the static and dynamic loads due to its
contents (fluid interaction) under each condition analyzed.
d) Forces resulting from weight, thermal expansion, pressure and dynamic loads (anchor
displacements) which originate outside the zone studied and which are applied at its boundaries.
e) Loads resulting from earthquakes and consequent vibrations, if any.
f) Temperature effects, either constant or transient.
g) Irradiation-induced swelling effects.
h) Pressure of explosion, if occurs in the vacuum vessel (including dynamic effects).
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The loading conditions are linked with the events category and are named the same as events
specified for ITER. Rules for the specification of loading conditions or a set of loading
conditions into categories are defined in the code.
Level A criteria
The aim of level A criteria is to protect the component against the following damage:
- immediate plastic collapse,
- immediate plastic instability,
- immediate plastic flow localization,
- fast fracture,
- local fracture due to exhaustion of ductility,
- ratcheting,
- fatigue,
- thermal creep,
- buckling.
The satisfaction of level A criteria is intended to ensure the safety levels required by the code
with regard to these types of damage for the specified operation throughout the life of the
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Level C criteria
The aim of level C criteria is to protect the component against the same damage as level A but
with lower safety margins. The safety margins are set so that local permanent deformation and
small levels of overall deformation could occur, while the component is limited with reasonable
confidence against the damage of immediate fracture. Consequently, it may be necessary to
inspect an apparatus subjected to these types of loading before reusing it. It is noted that contrary
to RCC-MR and ASME Code Section III, level C criteria in the SDCIC do offer protection
against C-type damage. Consequently, there is no limit on the number of cycles associated with
stresses corresponding to this category of loadings and which are limited only by level C criteria.
Level D criteria
The aim of level D criteria is to protect the component against the same M-type damage (i.e.,
excluding fatigue and ratcheting) as level C but with lower safety margins. The safety margins
are set so that gross overall deformations could occur, although some protection is still provided
against the damage of immediate fracture. It will not always be possible to return to service a
component which has been subjected to a loading limited only by level D criteria.
For materials other than bolts, Sm is a temperature (T) and neutron fluence (Ft) dependent
allowable stress intensity defined as the least of the following quantities for all metallic materials
except bolts.
If the material is susceptible to softening due to thermal aging, fully softened values of the
strength quantities should be used in above. Note that if a material hardens due to irradiation, the
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
value of Sm is controlled by the unirradiated value if the time of loading is not specified. On the
other hand, if it softens due to irradiation, the value of Sm is controlled by the irradiated value.
Values of Sm for all materials are tabulated in Appendix A of the code SDC-IC. In a
heterogeneous multilayer structure, the allowable primary stress intensity for the k th layer, Sm,k,
is determined from the tensile properties at the average temperature (Tk) and fluence (Ftk) of the
kth layer.
For bolts, the design stress intensity Sm at any temperature is the least of the following, with
credit being granted for enhancement of properties by heat treatment:
(1) Two-thirds of the specified minimum yield strength at room temperature,
(2) Two-thirds of the yield strength at temperature.
The Sm values provided in Appendix A for the bolting materials are based on unirradiated
properties and assume that bolts in ITER are located in low neutron fluence regions where
irradiation effects on yield strength are small. If there is a loss of strength greater than 5% due to
the expected fluence at the end of life, the Sm values should be reduced accordingly. To keep the
definition of Sm for bolts consistent with those for other materials used in the SDC-IC, the Sm
values for bolts listed in appendix A are twice those used in the ASME Code or RCC-MR.
However, the rules are changed correspondingly to keep the allowable stress values the same.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The uniform elongation is defined as the plastic component of the engineering strain at the time
when necking begins. By theoretical arguments, this may be taken as the time of maximum load
in a uniaxial tension test at a given temperature, strain rate, and fluence. The minimum value of
the uniform elongation is specified as a function of temperature, strain rate, and fluence in
A.MAT.3.4 of Appendix A.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
For level A criteria, values of Se, using a conservative value of r1 = 4, for all materials are
tabulated as a function of fluence and temperature in Appendix A of the code. Higher values may
be used if a lower value of r1 can be justified. The Se values are increased for other criteria
levels by using multiplicative factors given in Table IC 3220-1. For ductile (low fluence)
materials, the numerical values of Se are usually orders of magnitude higher than the maximum
stresses expected in ITER. Under these conditions, the Se limit need not be satisfied and the
Table A.MAT.5.3 in Appendix A indicates this by the entry "no limit". The Se values are
provided only for sufficiently embrittled materials for which the limits can become controlling.
Two sets of Sd allowables for criteria level A are tabulated as functions of fluence and
temperature for all materials in A.MAT.5.4 of Appendix A. These sets of Sd are increased for
other criteria levels by using multiplicative factors. One set, corresponding to r=r2, is applicable
when peak stress is included in the total stress and the other, corresponding to r=r3, is applicable
when peak stress is excluded from the total stress. In the tables, the value of KT is assumed equal
to 4 for calculating the Sd limit for total stress including peak. If KT is significantly greater than
4, the designer should recalculate the allowable stresses using a higher value of r.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Note that the r-factor for thermal bending stresses can be close to 1, irrespective of the strain
hardening capability of the material. Therefore, if a major component of the total stress is a
secondary stress Q of the thermal bending type, the designer may be able to justify a lower value
of r and thus use higher allowable stresses than the tabulated values. For ductile (low fluence)
materials, the numerical values of Sd are usually orders of magnitude higher than the peak
stresses expected in ITER. Under these conditions, the Sd limit need not be satisfied and the
Table A.MAT.5.4 in Appendix A indicates this by the entry "no limit". The Sd values are
provided only for sufficiently embrittled materials for which the limits can become controlling.
St is a time-dependent allowable stress intensity for primary stresses, which accounts for certain
creep effects at elevated temperature. St, which is applicable to constant stress and constant
temperature loading, is extended to time dependent stress or temperature by means of a usage
fraction Ut. St is a function of the time t and temperature T of the loading period. It is derived
from experimentally measured tensile creep curves and is defined as the least of the following:
(a) two thirds of the minimum stress corresponding to average creep rupture time t at
temperature T ,
(b) 80% of the minimum stress corresponding to time t and temperature T for onset of tertiary
(c) minimum stress to cause a creep strain of min[1%, creep ductility/5] in time t and
temperature T.
Values of St for all materials are plotted and tabulated in A.MAT.5.9 of Appendix A of the code.
The creep usage fraction for primary stress, Ut, provides a means of generalizing the use of St
(which is applicable to a constant-stress, constant-temperature loading) to cases in which the
stress or temperature depends on time. St, in turn, provides a safety margin against the following
effects of thermal creep:
- creep rupture
- onset of tertiary creep
- creep strains exceeding a given amount
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
At any point in a component, the creep usage fraction Ut is computed and compared with limits
imposed by the code (Fig. 6). The creep usage fraction Ut can be estimated by the following
procedure which is applicable at a given point of the structure to any stress tensor which varies
with time, with or without temperature variation.
- The operating time concerned (t) is divided into N time intervals. the time intervals must be
chosen in such a way that the operating temperatures and stresses are approximately constant
throughout the interval. Only time intervals for which the temperature is greater than that defined
in A.MAT.4.1 (negligible creep curve) shall be used.
- For each interval j of duration tj, the highest operating temperature Tj as well as the highest
stress intensity sj reached during the interval j are calculated.
The maximum allowable time ts, j at any stress sj and temperature Tj can be obtained from the St
curves given in Section A.MAT.5.9 of Appendix A. If ts, j is greater than 3 x 105 hours, its value
shall be determined by a linear extrapolation of the curves. The maximum extrapolation time
shall be limited to three times the maximum duration time of creep tests used for obtaining the
property data.
- The creep usage fraction for time interval j is equal to the ratio of application time tj to the
maximum allowable time ts, j. The cumulated creep usage fraction Ut is the sum of the usage
fractions for all N intervals.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The creep strain usage fraction, Ue, is used in a ratcheting analysis to satisfy Test No. B-1 (Bree
diagram). Ue is calculated using the following procedure.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
To estimate the creep damage in a structure as a function of time, temperature, and loading, a
creep rupture usage function is computed and compared with the limits imposed by the code. The
creep rupture usage fraction at a given point of the structure is determined by the following
- the operating time (t) is divided into N time intervals,
- for each time interval k of duration tk, the highest operating temperature
Tk and the highest stress intensity sk reached during the interval k are calculated.
In order to make an accurate estimation of the creep rupture usage fraction, the time intervals
must be chosen in such a way that the temperatures and stresses during the intervals are
approximately constant. Only time intervals for which the temperature Tk is greater than that
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
defined in A.MAT.4.1 (negligible creep curve) shall be used. For calculating the creep rupture
usage fraction Wt, the following steps should be followed.
When the trace tr of the stress tensor is known, a more accurate (and less conservative)
determination of creep rupture usage fraction can be made by replacing sj by either of the
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The deformation of a structure made of a rigid, perfectly plastic, material increases without
bound at a loading level called the collapse load. Limit analysis methods can be used to calculate
the collapse load or a lower bound to the collapse load. A given loading is less than or equal to
the collapse load if there is a stress distribution which satisfies the laws of equilibrium at all
points that does not violate the material yield criterion at any point.
This theorem allows a lower bound to be defined for the collapse load. In the case of elasto-
plastic analysis and experimental analysis, the collapse load, by convention, is defined as the
loading for which the overall permanent deformation of the structure equals the deformation
which would occur by purely elastic behavior.
Analyses consist of verifying compliance with applicable rules which are selected on the basis of
the Criteria Level, the method of analysis, and the type of damage. In the course of this
verification, practical methods of analysis are used to determine significant quantities and to
compare these quantities with maximum acceptable values.
Three methods of analysis are acceptable in defining the significant quantities used in the
- elastic analysis,
- inelastic analysis,
- experimental analysis
The term elastic analysis designates analyses carried out on the assumption that the material is
linear-elastic and that there are no initial or residual stresses. The term inelastic analysis
designates all other methods (including elasto-plastic analysis, limit analysis, visco-plastic
analysis, etc.) except for experimental analysis. Some loadings such as electromagnetic loading
during plasma disruptions (categories II or III events) or/and earthquake are generally dynamic
in nature. The determination of loads for components and component supports shall account for
dynamic amplification of structural response, both in the component and in the system.
Experimental analysis consists of subjecting models representing the component or some of its
elements to loadings in order to determine the deformation and stresses or margins with regard to
the damage under study. Guidance for conducting elastic and inelastic analyses are given in
appendix B 3020.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
These rules (or their limits) also depend on three factors: temperature, time (or neutron
damages), and possibly neutron flux. First, they depend upon temperature because material
properties (allowable stresses, fatigue curves, etc.) are often temperature-dependent. Second,
they depend upon time or neutron fluence because of material phenomena including thermal
creep (time dependent, negligible at sufficiently low temperatures), irradiation induced creep or
swelling (fluence dependent) and variations of material properties with fluence. Fluence
dependent material properties are transformed to time-dependent stresses and strains in the
analysis. A dependence on the neutron flux or its spectrum may exist in the material property
The rules of this article are aimed at providing sufficient safety margins with regard to M-type
damage excluding buckling phenomenon and excessive deformation affecting functional
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
adequacy. The rules to prevent buckling and excessive deformations affecting functional
adequacy are dealt with in IC 3400 and IC 3040, respectively. The stress intensity and fracture
toughness limits used in this code are as follows.
1.27 Stress limits for primary membrane and bending stress (Immediate plastic collapse
and plastic instability)
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
A cross-section of interest to ITER First Wall / Blanket (Fig. 9) consists of two plates of
thicknesses h1 and h2 separated by coolant channels of height hc where h1, h2 and hc are of
comparable dimension. The bending shape factors for such a section (if the bending stiffness
effects of the webs separating the coolant channels can be ignored, which is a conservative
assumption) are given parametrically in Fig. 10. If the two plates are separated by a large
distance, (for example, as for the vacuum vessel or cryostat of ITER) the bending shape factor
may be 1.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Fig. 10: Bending shape factor for first wall cross-section of ITER
1.28 Local primary membrane stress (Immediate plastic collapse and plastic instability)
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
1.29 Primary plus secondary membrane stress (Immediate plastic flow localization)
To prevent local fracture due to exhaustion of ductility, the following limits must be satisfied at
all times during the life of the component subjected to all loadings for which criteria level A is
specified. Either the limits based on elastic analysis or the limits based on elastic-plastic analysis
must be satisfied.
To apply the limits of this section, results from a linear elastic analysis of the component are
needed. Then, the total stress, including peak stress, is limited by the following.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Two sets of allowable Sd values (B 2725 of Appendix B) for the total stress are tabulated in
Appendix A, one corresponding to r=r2 applicable if peak stresses are included.
If elasto-plastic analysis is performed, it must be demonstrated that the specified load controlled
and strain-controlled loadings do not cause local damage due to exhaustion of ductility. The
procedure for doing this is as follows.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The average bearing stress for resistance to crushing under the maximum design load shall be
limited to the yield strength Sy at temperature except that, when the distance to a free edge is
greater than the distance over which the bearing load is applied, a stress of l.5 Sy at temperature
is permitted. For clad surfaces, the yield strength of the base metal may be used if, when
calculating the bearing stress, the bearing area is taken as the lesser of the actual contact area or
the area of the base metal supporting the contact surface.
When bearing loads are applied on parts having free edges, such as at a protruding edge, the
possibility of a shear failure shall be considered. In the case of load stress only, the average shear
stress shall be limited to 0.6Sm. In the case of load stress plus secondary stress, the average shear
stress shall not exceed 0.5Sy. When considering bearing stresses in pins and similar members,
the Sy -at-temperature value is applicable, except that a value of 1.5Sy may be used if no credit
is given to bearing area within one pin diameter from a plate edge.
The average primary shear stress across a section loaded under design conditions in pure shear
(for example, keys, shear rings, screw threads) shall be limited to 0.6Sm. The maximum primary
shear under design conditions, exclusive of stress concentration at the periphery of a solid
circular section in torsion, shall be limited to 0.8 Sm.
At levels C and D, the same set of rules as for level A, but with different safety factors, and load
factors (see below), are applicable for protection against the following M-type damage.
As in level A, either the limits based on elastic analysis or the limits based on elasto-plastic
analysis need to be satisfied. The applicable stress allowables, safety factors and load factors for
elastic analysis rules and elasto-plastic analysis rules are given in relevant tables. The different
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
safety factors for elastic analysis rules for M-type damage are shown in Table-2 and elasto-
plastic analysis rules for M-type damage are shown in Table-3 respectively.
1.34 Sm , Se , Sd and safety factors for elastic analysis rules for M-type damage
Table-2: Safety factors for elastic analysis rules for M-type damage
Table-3: Safety load factors, strain factors and safety factor ( 3 ) for elasto-plastic analysis rules
for M-type damage
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
2. RCC-MR: Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of FBR Nuclear
Islands (French Code)
The French high-temperature code RCC-MR is an extension of the low-temperature code RCC-
M. Both codes have rules that are similar to the ASME Code rules. However, the RCCMR rules
are organized according to the damages that are possible at high temperature, which is a little
different from how the ASME Code is organized. RCC-MR distinguishes between two broad
types of possible damages, P type and S type. The P type damages result from the application of
a steadily increasing load or constant load. The S type damages occur due to repeated application
of loading. The P type damages include immediate excessive deformation, immediate plastic
instability, time-dependent excessive deformation, time-dependent plastic instability, time-
dependent fracture, and elastic or elasto-plastic instability. The S type damages include
progressive deformation and fatigue or progressive cracking. Most of the design rules contained
in RCC-MR are very similar to those in the ASME Code. As in the ASME Code, both elastic
analysis rules and elasto-plastic analysis rules are provided. Therefore, we will concentrate our
discussions mainly in those areas where there are differences.
As in the ASME Code, RCC-MR contains criteria for Service Load Levels A, C, and D, but
Service Load Level B is absent in RCC-MR. The classification of stresses into primary and
secondary, and into membrane, bending, and peak is identical to the ASME Code. To handle
multi-axial stresses, RCC-MR allows the use of either the maximum shear theory (Tresca) or
octahedral shear theory to compute stress intensities or stress range intensities. The primary
membrane and membrane-plus-bending stress allowable value S at low and high temperatures in
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
RCC-MR are basically the same as those in the ASME Code, Section III, Subsection NH.
However, the rules are cast in terms of creep and creep-rupture usage fractions rather than S m, St,
and Smt as in the ASME Code.
To prevent progressive deformation in the low-temperature regime, RCC-MR allows the use of
either the 3Sm rule or a rule based on an efficiency diagram. The 3Sm rule is basically the same as
in Subsection NB. The efficiency diagram is used to convert a steady primary stress and a cyclic
secondary stress range into an effective primary stress that will produce the same deformation as
the combined steady primary and cyclic secondary stresses. To define the effective primary
stress, a secondary ratio SR is defined as the ratio between the secondary stress intensity range
and the maximum primary membrane stress intensity,
SR1 (1)
max Pm
A similar ratio using the maximum local membrane-plus-bending stress intensity is also defined
SR2 (2)
max PL Pb
For each of the above two secondary ratios, an efficiency index (v) is obtained from an
efficiency diagram, which is equivalent to the following equation:
1 for SR 0.46
v 1.093 0.926SR2 1 SR for 0.46 SR 4
1 SR for SR 4
The effective primary stress intensities are then defined as follows:
P1 max Pm v1 (4)
P2 max PL Pb v2 (5)
To prevent ratcheting, P1 has to be limited as a primary stress. Requiring P 1 Sm would ensure
the same safety margin with and without progressive deformation. However, in RCCMR, the
safety margin has been reduced for the case of progressive deformation by limiting P 1 to 1.2 Sm
(~Sy for austenitic stainless steels), which leads to the following Level A criterion for P 1:
P1 1.2Sm (6)
In a similar fashion, P2 for the Level A criterion is limited as follows:
P2 1.2*1.5Sm (7)
RCC-MR gives a rather elaborate step by step procedure for evaluating the fatigue usage
fraction, which is quite similar (but not identical) to that of Subsection NH. The elastically
calculated strain ranges are amplified due to plasticity by using a variation of Neuber‘s equation
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
and a special treatment for any primary stress range that could lead to a similar amplification.
RCC-MR does consider the possibility of the presence of zones containing geometrical
discontinuities. No fatigue analysis is required for material located at a distance less than a
characteristic distance ‗d‘ from the discontinuity. Fatigue analysis is required for materials
beyond the characteristic distance ‗d‘, where for materials with maximum specified ultimate
tensile strength of less than 600 MPa (at room temperature), d = 0.05 mm.
At high temperatures, RCC-MR uses the same efficiency diagram as that used for the low
temperature ratcheting with the exception that, instead of P 2, the effective primary stress
intensity for membrane-plus-bending stress corrected by the creep bending shape factor P 3 is
defined as follows:
P3 max PL Pb v3 (8)
where is the creep bending shape factor (same as 1/Kt in Subsection NH), and v3 is determined
from the efficiency diagram corresponding to
SR3 (9)
max PL Pb
Both P1 and P3 are limited by limiting the creep usage fractions corresponding to P 1/1.2 and
P3/1.2 to 1.0.
At high temperatures, RCC-MR uses a creep-fatigue interaction rule based on the summation of
cycle fraction fatigue damage and time-fraction (linear damage rule) creep damage. This rule is
very similar to that used in Subsection NH, with the exception that an octahedral shear or Tresca
criterion is used for computing effective stress rather than Eq. (144). The strain range is amplified
to account for plasticity and creep effects in a slightly different fashion than Subsection NH, and
the effective stress is divided by a factor of 0.9 (rather than 0.67 as in Subsection NH) before
computing the creep damage.
The efficiency diagram has been developed on the basis of tests on a large variety of specimen
geometry and loading, including non-axisymmetrical ones.
- Three bar assemblies, with constant load and different cyclically varying temperatures between
the central and the lateral bars,
- metal band with applied weight and cyclically varying curvature,
- tension-torsion,
- test on components, such as piping, under thermal shocks
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
as well as on different materials (ferritic steel, austenitic steel, other steels, and Incoloy 800), and
test temperatures (from room temperature to 650°C). Each test is characterized by the efficiency
index (v) and the secondary ratio (SR).
v P Peff
The test results are plotted with secondary ratio, SR, along the x axis and the efficiency index, v,
along the y axis. The results showed scatter, which occurs largely due to difficulty in estimating
the stabilized cumulative strain (after sufficient number of cycles) and material characteristics
(especially the stress-strain curves). The lower bound to these data represents the efficiency
diagram. For application to codes and standards, P eff is determined from a lower bound to all
experimental data leading to the functional relationship between SR and v given in Eq. (3).
The Bree diagram can be plotted in the efficiency diagram coordinates by first transforming the
Bree diagram limit to give (after noting that Sy 2.2Sm for stainless steels) the following for the
primary membrane:
G SR1 v1 Pm 1.2Sm (11)
1 SR1 for SR1 4
where G SR1 .
4 4 SR1 for 0 SR1 4
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
RCC-MR was developed in France as a high-temperature extension to RCC-M, for the French
breeder reactor program. The basic rules in RCC-MR are very similar to those in ASME Code
Subsection NH. RCC-MR provides more detailed instructions on how to carry out fatigue and
creep-fatigue design analysis than the ASME Codes. It also uses a somewhat different approach
to analyzing creep ratcheting without the use of isochronous stress-strain curves. But the basic
safety factors used in generating the design curves in the two codes are comparable. The choice
of materials in RCC-MR is also limited; however, modified 9Cr-1Mo is codified in RCC-MR.
The high temperature design procedures were developed many times ago and have been
incorporated into standards like ASME and RCC-MR. However, the high temperature defect
assessment procedures were developed within UK and named as R5. It is widely used in UK
power generation industry for plant life assessment and has also been incorporated into a British
standard document PD6539. An ASTM standard is also available for getting the creep crack
growth data of a material. R5 also uses a time-dependent fracture assessment diagram TDFAD
approach for assessing the incubation and early stages of creep growth. This method is similar to
that adopted in R6 except that a creep-toughness is used instead of the conventional fracture
toughness and time dependent stress and strain parameters are required.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
3.2 Scope of R5
It is based on extension of low temperature defect assessment procedure R6. The status notes are
very important. It alerts the user to potential difficulties in the assessment and identifies the
development requirements. It is less restrictive than ASME and RCC-MR codes. Full inelastic
stress analysis is not required for simple loading conditions. It is based on reference stress and
shakedown concepts. In case of ratcheting, detailed inelastic analysis is required.
3.3 Restrictions of R5
It doesn‘t consider severe dynamic loading such as seismic events, creep-buckling phenomena in
slender and geometrically unstable structures. The creep buckling is deliberately avoided as most
of the power plant components operating at high temperature are not likely to see creep buckling.
Residual stress is not explicitly considered in R5. However, if the exact residual stress
distribution is known, then it may be incorporated into the analysis and the damage caused by
cyclic loading may be determined.
The material data required for damage assessment can be found in R66. The material properties
that are required are the following.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Use FE analysis. Find the maximum equivalent elastically evaluated stress in the structure. If
SY is the yield stress of the material at the temperature of interest, check if the following
condition is satisfied.
Step-1: Calculate the reference stress ref . This can be done by two options described below.
It is applicable for structures with thin rectangular section (i.e., plates, beams etc.) where there is
not much significant temperature gradients.
P P 2 2
Max B B
ref PL (15)
Over the volume 3 3
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
It is applicable to structures that are not applicable in option-2. The reference stress is evaluated
using the lower bound limit load PL using the yield stress Y . If P is the applied load on the
structure, the reference stress ref is calculated as
ref Y (16)
Step-2: Calculation of stress concentration factor .
E ,max
where E ,max is the maximum of elastically evaluated equivalent stress in the structure over all
the Gauss points.
where Tdi is the creep rupture time corresponding to the stress ref
in a particular stress cycle.
The condition for avoiding creep rupture is Uc 1.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
ref Qrange
X ,Y (21)
where Qrange is the secondary stress range and S y is the material yield stress and ref is the
reference stress calculated using the primary stresses. The core stress is defined as
Y 2 Y 1 X 1 S for Y 1 X 1
XYS y for Y 1 X 1
The creep usage factor can now be defined as
W i (23)
i 1 Tc ,i
where Tc ,i is the creep-rupture time, evaluated using the core stress core
The criteria for creep-fatigue crack initiation according to R5 (for defect-free structures) can be
written as
n t
U f Uc i i 1 (24)
i 1 Ni Ti
where U f and U c are fatigue and creep usage factors respectively.
The background of basic defect assessment lies on the use of ―Reference Stress Method‖. The
reference stress is defined as
ref Y (25)
PL , a
Where P is the applied load, PL is the limit load and is the yield stress Y is the yield stress of the
material. Having estimated the reference stress, different time parameters are calculated, i.e.,
time for stress redistribution tred, time for transition t T, time for creep rupture t r etc.
K 1 2
tred (26)
where K is the stress intensity factor, E is young‘s modulus, is Poisson‘s ratio, n is creep strain
rate hardening exponent. The transition time is given by
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
K 1 2
tT (27)
E n 1 C*
The creep rupture time determined from the material creep rupture curve corresponding to the
reference stress. The crack tip parameter is estimated using the reference stress technique as
C * ref ref R (28)
where ref is the reference strain rate corresponding to the reference stress ref . R ' is the
characteristic length defined as
The parameter C* characterizes the crack tip stress and strain rate fields for times in excess of
stress redistribution time. However, prior to the attainment of wide spread creep condition, the
crack tip stress and strain rate fields are characterized by a parameter usually denoted as C(t). For
times in excess of the redistribution time, C(t) approaches C*. An interpolation formula for C(t)
during the transition between initial elastic loading and steady state secondary creep can be given
C (t ) t
1 (30)
C tT
Ainsworth and Budden derived another interpolation formula for a material obeying Norton‘s
secondary creep law and is given as
n 1
C (t ) n 1 tT
n 1
C* t
1 1
n 1 tT
The time required for the crack to propagate by an amount a can be calculated if we know the
rate of crack propagation. This is given as
a D C *
for ‗t‘ greater than ‗t red‘ and
a 2D C*
for ‗t‘ less than or equal to ‗t red‘. D and are the material constants.
Finally, the validity criteria for use of C* has to be checked it is written as
a ref
0.5 (34)
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
A single edge cracked specimen of width 100mm and initial crack size of 20mm is loaded with a
stress of 300 Mpa at 360oC. Calculate the steady state crack growth rate and the time to rupture
(i.e., when the crack growth becomes equal to that of remaining ligament). Given:
P0 1.455BW 0 1 a / W a / W
2 2
a /W
The function h1 is given as:
h1=34.1, 2.90 and 0.225 for a/W= 0.125, 0.25 and 0.375 respectively.
The limit load solution for the above specimen is given in handbook and written as
PL 1.155BW Y 1 a / W 1.232 a / W a / W
2 3
a ref
Solve the above problem 16.1 using reference stress method of solution for C* instead of the
EPRI solution. Use the following relationships for C* and SIF ―K‖
C* ref ref R'
0.752 2.02 a / W 0.37 1 sin 3
K P 2W tan
BW cos
Check also the validity criteria for C*.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
It may be noted that the remaining life at any time, t, cannot exceed tr ref t , where tr is the
rupture time from uni-axial stress vs. time-to-rupture data, and ref t is the reference stress,
which is calculated using the crack size, a(t) as
P y
ref t (35)
PL y , a t
The R5 procedure permits use of ductility exhaustion for creep-fatigue evaluation, if the material
data are available. If appropriate data are not available, a linear damage summation similar to
that recommended by ASME Code Subsection NH is used. The R5 procedure for the evaluation
of component failure due to creep-fatigue is different from that in Subsection NH and RCC-MR
code. It does not consider the end of the creep fatigue life to be indicative of component failure
but merely the initiation of a macroscopic crack. It then assesses the time for the crack to grow to
a critical size, using the simplified C* approach to predict crack propagation during hold periods,
and a Paris Law type relationship for the cyclic growth during rapid transients, that is,
da da da
dt cycle dN transient dt hold
The crack growth using the above relation must be determined for each cycle type. The total
crack extension or remaining life can be determined by summing the crack growth per cycle. In
doing so, the dependence of da dt cycle on crack depth and dwell period must be accounted for.
The dwell period affects da dt hold through the direct integration of the creep crack growth rate
and also da dN transient through the possible modification of parameters in the fatigue crack
growth law.
Creep cracking is more of an issue in residual life assessment than design. Neither the ASME
Code nor the RCC-MR Code addresses the subject at all. Only R5, which is a guideline, not a
code, considers creep cracking explicitly. Therefore, the use of this procedure in the design of
high temperature components is limited. However, this procedure presents the use of ductility
exhaustion as an alternative to the life fraction rule for calculating the creep component of
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
The use of ductility exhaustion for estimating creep damage had been proposed as an element of
the rules for a possible extension of ASME VIII, Division 2, for elevated temperature
applications. There are some concerns among the design and users community about the use of
the linear damage rule to estimate creep/fatigue damage to a high temperature component
working at elevated temperatures. The use of ductility exhaustion instead of the linear damage
rule may be more suitable for estimating creep damage.
The original purpose of adding fatigue as one of the failure modes for which explicit design
criteria were provided in Section III was to assure that the reduction of the nominal safety factor
for the primary stress limit from four on ultimate tensile strength to three did not result in a
decrease in reliability if the vessel was subjected to cyclic stresses. It was originally intended to
be a design consideration, not necessarily a valid measure of the eventual operational fatigue life
of the vessel, because the manufacturer had no control over how the vessel was operated.
The original fatigue curve for reactor pressure vessel steels in the code was derived by first
fitting the then available data to a Manson-Coffin power law, including an endurance limit. A
modified Goodman diagram was then used to adjust for mean stress conservatively for stress
amplitudes less than the yield stress. The final step was to shift the curve in recognition of the
fact that laboratory data were to be applied to actual vessels. This was achieved by applying a
factor of two on stress and twenty on cycles, whichever was more conservative. The intent of
these factors has been a source of controversy ever since. Some have interpreted these to be
factors of safety, but according to one of the original participators in the formulation of the code
procedures, "nothing could be further from the truth." Accordingly, it is not to be expected that a
vessel will actually operate safely for twenty times its specified life. The factor of twenty applied
to cycles was developed to account for real effects. It is the product of the following sub-factors:
(a) Scatter of data (minimum to mean): 2.0; (b) Size effect: 2.5; (c) Surface finish, atmosphere,
etc. 4.0. "Atmosphere" was meant to reflect the effects of an industrial atmosphere in comparison
to air-conditioned laboratory air, not a specific coolant (reactor water coolant, impure helium,
etc.). Since a factor of twenty on cycles has little effect at high cycles, a factor of two on stress
was added because at 10,000 cycles (the approximate border between high-cycle and low-cycle
fatigue) it gave the same result as a factor of twenty on cycles. Since the adoption of these
factors by the ASME Code, they have been accepted by virtually every other nuclear design
Normally creep damage in most materials is a bulk phenomenon, and as such, is not influenced
significantly by environment. However, creep tests on Alloy 617 in impure helium show a
significant decrease in rupture time and ductility as compared to air. The results have been
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
explained in terms of the lack of formation of a protective oxide scale in the helium environment
followed by decarburization of the alloy. Currently, we do not have prediction models for creep
rupture life that can account for such micro-structural details. Creep data for code purposes are
generally derived from laboratory tests plotted as time to rupture against stress at various
temperatures and as functions of environment. Creep rupture data are also sometimes plotted as a
Monkman-Grant plot, which is a power-law relationship between minimum creep rate and time
to rupture.
m A exp tR (37)
where T is in Kelvin, t R is the rupture time, and C is an adjustable parameter. Although other
empirical correlations for fitting creep rupture data are available [e.g., Manson-Harferd
parameter, the Larson-Miller parameter generally fits creep data well and has been used by the
Materials Properties Council (MPC) to plot creep rupture data of several alloys up to very high
temperatures (e.g., 816°C). Similar Larson-Miller plots can also be generated for time to 1%
creep. Some of the alloys (e.g., Alloy 617) considered for high temperature applications display
non-classical creep behavior, i.e., they do not show the usual sequence of primary creep followed
by steady state creep and finally tertiary creep. Instead, creep tends to follow an increasingly
steep curve (like tertiary creep) from the beginning of the test. This has implication for allowable
high-temperature, time-dependent primary stress (St), which has been defined for materials with
classical creep behavior. A new set of criteria for materials with non-classical creep behavior
needs to be defined for these classes of materials. The Omega method of MPC which has been
proposed for modeling tertiary creep behavior of classical creep curves, may be useful for this
Fatigue damage at relatively low temperatures, e.g., operating temperatures for light water
reactors (LWRs), has been known to depend on environment. At elevated temperatures however,
an additional factor is the effect of thermal creep. The original low-temperature design fatigue
curves in the ASME code contained a note that the fatigue curves do not consider the deleterious
effects of "unusually corrosive environments." The intent was to distinguish this from the
normally expected corrosion effect in vessels, which is accommodated by increasing the
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
thickness to provide a corrosion allowance. That technique does not ameliorate stress corrosion
fatigue. The intent was that this effect was to be explicitly considered by the design specification.
Later editions of Section III have replaced the term "unusually corrosive environments" by
"corrosive environments." However, the ASME Code does not give any guidance on how to take
the corrosive environmental effect into account. An example of the importance of environment in
fatigue design can be found in the LWR industry.
Virtually all the vessels and piping of existing LWRs in the U.S. are designed using ASME
Code, Section III, which does not take into account the effects of LWR environments on the
fatigue design curves. However, a significant body of laboratory-generated fatigue data in the
LWR environment currently exists. These data indicate that the LWR environment can, under
certain conditions, lead to loss of fatigue life that can use up most or all of the factor of twenty
on cycles implicit in the fatigue curves currently in the code. Proposed changes in the fatigue
design procedure to account for LWR water effects have been submitted to the ASME Code
Committee. A similar situation exists with respect to thermal creep effects at high temperatures.
Extensive fatigue tests at elevated temperatures conducted under the US LMFBR program
showed that fatigue life of the austenitic stainless steels in high vacuum or air can be drastically
reduced by the imposition of a tensile hold period. The cyclic life reduction factor can be much
greater than the safety factor of twenty that is used in the design fatigue curves. Therefore, the
ASME code developed Subsection NH in which the effect of thermal creep is explicitly taken
into account. As mentioned earlier, Subsection NH and most of the other international codes
adopted the (cycle fraction/time fraction) linear damage rule for the purpose of evaluating creep-
fatigue damage. An alternative version of the linear damage rule uses strain fraction (instead of
time fraction) for computing creep damage.
For austenitic stainless steels under long tensile hold, the cycle fraction portion of the damage is
generally negligible. In these cases, the method reduces to a ductility exhaustion equation, which
is mechanistically more attractive than the time fraction approach and has been adopted by the
British Code R5 for the austenitic stainless steels. As mentioned earlier, other life predictive
rules can correlate creep-fatigue test data as well or better than the linear damage rule. These
include the Damage Rate Equations, Strain Range Partitioning (SRP) Equations and Frequency
Separation (FS) Equation. Various reports have shown that these methods can predict creep-
fatigue lives of austenitic stainless steels and Hastelloy-XR better than the linear damage rule.
Research by Japanese scientists has shown that the time-fraction/cycle-fraction linear damage
rule or the ductility exhaustion method can predict the life of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel under
tensile hold but not under compressive hold. No significant new predictive model for failure of
initially un-cracked specimens has been proposed in recent years, although significant advances
have been made in the area of crack propagation at high temperatures.
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
Damage Rate Equations are a set of crack and inter-granular cavity growth rate (or damage rate)
equations in terms of the inelastic strain rate, which accounts for the greater damage caused by
lower inelastic strain rates (i.e., creep-like) than higher inelastic strain rates (i.e., plasticity-like)
in a continuous manner. Since this method does not distinguish between plastic and creep strains,
it can be easily integrated with the unified constitutive equations that are necessary at high
temperatures. Further, since this method takes into account the increasing damage accumulation
with decreasing strain rate (i.e., longer hold times), it should be reliable for extrapolation from
the database. On the other hand, the SRP equations divide the inelastic strain into plastic and
creep components in the classical sense and are, therefore, incompatible with the unified
constitutive equations. The FS equation is expressed in terms of the frequency of loading and
basically attributes most of the creep-fatigue damage to environmental effects. None of these
alternative life predictive models has been applied to the creep-fatigue database available for
most of the materials being considered for very high temperature applications.
At high temperatures, creep, fatigue, and environment interact. For example, in addition to its
fatigue life (without hold time) being decreased with decreasing strain rate, the fatigue life of
austenitic stainless steel at a given strain rate is increased significantly in high purity sodium or
high vacuum when compared to that in air. Fatigue tests (without hold) conducted on Alloy 617
and Hastelloy X at high temperatures in impure helium environment show no reduction in
fatigue life compared to that in air. Generally, in the absence of hold periods, fatigue lives of the
alloys tested in impure helium environment do not show any deleterious effect compared to those
in air. However, at high temperatures, cyclic fatigue lives (without hold) of most alloys decrease
with decreasing strain rate. In materials (e.g., austenitic stainless steels, modified 9Cr-1Mo steel)
that are prone to grain boundary cavitation at high temperature, environment plays a relatively
minor role when they are subjected to cycles with long tensile hold time.
On the other hand, environment can play a significant role in the same materials under cycles
with compressive hold period. For materials that are not prone to caviation (e.g., 2.25Cr-1Mo
steel tested at low strain range), compressive hold can be more damaging than tensile hold. At a
minimum, two types of models are needed for life prediction of high-temperature fatigue. First,
for materials that sustain bulk creep damage under tensile holds, either the ductility exhaustion
(or the linear damage rule) equation or the alternative life prediction methods discussed above
can be used. The continuum damage mechanics approach can also be utilized for this type of
materials. Second, for materials that do not experience bulk creep damage but sustain surface
cracking due to environmental (e.g., oxidation or decarburization) effect, a different life
predictive method for crack initiation is needed. The available models in this area are rather
limited. A life predictive model for 2.25Cr-1Mo steel which combines an oxide-cracking model
with the damage rate equation for crack growth will be more attractive. These and other types of
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
environmental fatigue damage models should be explored further for very high temperature
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Chapter 8: Plastic collapse and plastic instability of irradiated component as per SDC-IC and RCC-MR Code
15. RCC-MR. Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of FBR Nuclear
Islands, AFCEN, Paris, 2002.
16. R6, Assessment of the integrity of structures containing defects, British Energy, Report R6-
Rev.4, 2002.
17. Goodall IW (Ed.). Assessment procedure for the high temperature response of structures,
R5. Nuclear electric procedure; 1998. Issue2.
18. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, New York, 1995.
19. Nuclear Electric R5: Assessment procedure for high temperature response of structures,
Nuclear Electric plc Report R5 Issue 1: Vol. 4, assessment procedure for defects under
steady loading; Vol. 5, creep-fatigue crack growth, Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, UK,
20. Reidel R, Rice JR. Tensile Cracks In Creeping in Solids, in Proceedings 12th ASTM
Fracture Mechanics Conference, ASTM STP 700, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1980.
21. Kumar V, German D, Shih CF. An engineering approach for elastic-plastic fracture
analysis, EPRI final report NP 1931; 1982.
22. Porowski, J.S., Kasrai, B. and Cervanka, L. (1992) Practical Design Methods for
Redundant Structures at Elevated Temperatures Service, ASM E PV P, 232, 1992.
23. Milne, I., Ainsworth, R.A., Dowling, A.R. and Stewart, A.T. Assessment of the Integrity of
Structures Containing Defects, CEGB Report R/H/R6/Rev. 3, CEG B, Berkeley, UK, 1986.
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