Emh 2

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Market Efficiency

Dr. Madhuri Malhotra

A Startling Discovery: Random
Price Changes
• The concept of efficient capital markets stemmed from a chance
discovery. In 1953, Maurice Kendall, a British statistician, presented a
controversial paper to the Royal Statistical Society on the behavior of
stock and commodity prices. 2

• Kendall had expected to find regular price cycles, but to his surprise
they did not seem to exist.
• Each series appeared to be “a ‘wandering’ one.
• The prices of stocks and commodities seemed to follow a random
price changes are
independent of one
another just as the
gains and losses in the
coin-tossing game are
Random walk
• You should see now why prices in competitive markets must follow a
random walk.
• If past price changes could be used to predict future price changes,
investors could make easy profits.
• But in competitive markets, there are no such free lunches
• As investors try to take advantage of any information in past prices,
prices adjust immediately until the superior profits from studying price
movements disappear. As a result, all the information in past prices
will be reflected in today’s stock price, not tomorrow’s.
• Patterns in prices will no longer exist, and price changes in one
period will be independent of changes in the next. In other words, the
share price will follow a random walk.
Efficient market Hypothesis
•A market in which stock prices fully reflect
information is termed an efficient market. Economists
define three levels of market efficiency, which are
distinguished by the degree of information reflected in
security prices.
What Is the Efficient Market Hypothesis

share prices reflect all

Efficient Market Hypothesis



• Fundamental Analysis Is Useless Since All the available information(book

value , market value etc) are publicly available and its incorporated in the
stock prices.

• Technical analysis is useless as the past prices cannot be used to predict

the future price of stock and the randomness
Fundamental analysis
• Fundamental analysis is a method of determining a stock's real or "fair
market" value.
• Fundamental analysts search for stocks currently trading at prices higher
or lower than their real value.
• If the fair market value is higher than the market price, the stock is
deemed undervalued, and a buy recommendation is given.
• If the fair market value is lower than the market price, the stock is
deemed overvalued, and the recommendation might be not to buy or to
sell if the stock is held.
• In contrast, technical analysts favor studying the historical price trends of
the stock to predict short-term future trends.
Fundamental Analysis
• Fundamental analysis is usually done from a macro to micro
perspective to identify securities that are not correctly priced by the
• Analysts typically study:
1. The overall state of the economy
2. The strength of the specific industry
3. The financial performance of the company issuing the stock
Intrinsic Value

• the value reflected from the company's fundamental data is more

likely to be closer to the true value of the stock.
Fundamental analysis use

• By focusing on a particular business, an investor can estimate the

intrinsic value of a firm and find opportunities to buy at a discount
or sell at a premium. The investment will pay off when the market
catches up to the fundamentals.
Efficient Market theory
• EMH says over the long run stock prices reflect the true value.
• Does this hold good ?
Efficient Market theory
“Security prices accurately reflect available information, and respond
rapidly to new information as soon as it becomes available”
………………………………………………….Richard Brealey & Stewart Myers,
Principles of Corporate Finance, 1996

• If new information becomes known about a particular company, how

quickly do market participants find about the information? And buy and
sell the securities of the company on the basis of the information ?
Semi Strong Form Efficiency
• Semi-strong efficiency
• This form of EMH implies that all public information is calculated into a
stock's current share price.
• Neither technical nor fundamental analysis can be used to achieve
superior gains.

Friday, October 6, 2023

How to estimate whether market is semi-strong
form efficient?
• Event Study

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• Studies of the semi-strong form of the efficient markets
hypothesis can be categorized as

• Tests of the speed of adjustment of prices to new

information. The principal research tool in this area is the
event study.
• An event study averages the cumulative performance of
stocks over time, from a specified number of time periods
before an event to a specified number of periods after.

• Performance for each stock is measured after adjusting for

market-wide movements in security prices.

• The first event study was undertaken by Fama, Fisher, Jensen

and Roll (1969), though the first to be published was by Ball
and Brown (1968).

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Overview of event Studies
1. Event studies examine the effect of some
event or set of events on the value of assets

2.Unexpectedly large increase or decrease

Friday, October 6, 2023

An event can be:
• What makes and event? - Some change, development,
announcement that may produce a relatively large change in the
price of the asset over some period.

1. Stock splits
2. Earning announcements
3. Merger or takeover announcements
4. Regulatory change
5. any other announcement or event
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• Define an event window – a period over which the event occurs
• Define an estimation window – a period over which parameters are

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(T0...T1] is estimation window
(T1...T2] is event window
(T2...T3] is post-event window

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How to estimate return due to event
• Calculate Returns of the firms during the event
window using the standard formula

Today’s price – yesterday’s price

Yesterday’s price

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• Estimate returns during the event window
• Estimate market index returns

• Return during the event window minus market index returns is

abnormal returns .

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Market adjusted Returns Method to estimate
Abnormal Returns
• ARit = Rit – Rmt

ARit is the abnormal returns

Rit is the firm’s returns
Rmt is the market Index Returns

• This method allows for general market movements, but assumes each
firm has same average return and risk characteristics as market as a
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Aggregation of Abnormal Returns
Aggregate returns over time and across Firms
Over time : aggregate across different time periods to see if effect
develops over time
Across firms : Aggregate across firms in the sample.

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Aggregate over time

CARi is Cumulative Abnormal Return for firm I Under the

null hypothesis of no abnormal return, the abnormal return
is zero.

The term CAR(-5, 0) means the CAR calculated from five days
before the announcement to the day of announcement.

Friday, October 6, 2023

CAPM and APT: what they say ?
• These theories describe the structure of the prices of financial assets
• Explain about the relationship between the return and the risk
(beta)of a security.

• Market efficiency theory focuses on “ How the market securities in

relation to its structure”.
Efficient Market Theory
“Security prices accurately reflect available information, and respond
rapidly to new information as soon as it becomes available”
………………………………………………….Richard Brealey & Stewart Myers,
Principles of Corporate Finance, 1996
• If new information becomes known about a particular company, how
quickly do market participants find about the information? And buy
and sell the securities of the company on the basis of the information
Forms of market efficiency !!!

Strong Insider information / private


Public information
Semi strong

Past prices
EMH explained
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-BoCacmkM8

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJzfKuiBK50
Implications of market efficiency

• No group of investors should be able to consistently beat the market in an efficient

• Equity research and valuation would be a costly task that provided no benefits.
• The stock price is equal to the fundamental or intrinsic value.
• Financial assets cannot be overvalued and undervalued
• They are always traded at their fair value
Apprehensions regarding MARKET EFFICIENCY

Anomalies !!!! What they

are !!!
What Is an Anomaly?

• In economics and finance, an anomaly is when the actual result

under a given set of assumptions is different from the expected
result predicted by a model.
• An anomaly provides evidence that a given assumption or model
does not hold up in practice.
• Many authors such as Grossman and Stilgitz (1980) and Werner and
Thaler (1985) market efficiency tests and identified certain
anomalies----which led to many apprehensions regarding EMH.
Financial market anomalies

• Market anomalies are the usual occurrence or abnormality in smooth

pattern of stock market.
• They are cross sectional and time series patterns in stock returns that are
not possible to be predicted by financial theories.
• The term anomaly was put forth by Kuhn in 1970.
Financial market anomalies
• Financial market anomaly is a situation where in the performance of the
stock deviate substantially from established assumptions and are not able to
be explained by efficient market hypothesis.

• These anomalies could earn large profits.

Types of Anomalies

• Fundamental anomalies
• Technical Anomalies
• Calendar Anomalies
Value anomalies

Fundamental anomalies
Low price to book

High dividend

Low price to sales

Low price to
Fundamental Anomalies
•Value Anomalies: overestimation of future earnings of the
growth companies and underestimation of future
earnings of value company.
•This anomaly stems from the feeling that stocks that have
a low price to book ratio usually generate more returns
than stocks having a high book to market ratio.
High dividend yield
• Stocks with high dividend yield have a tendency to outperform the
market and generate better returns.
Low price to sales
• Price to sales ratio is an indicator of the value placed on the sales or
• Low rate indicates ------undervaluation
Low price to earnings

• The stocks with low price to earning ratio are likely to generate more
returns and outperform the market as against the stocks with high price to
earning ratio.
Investors will not be
able to beat the
market and abnormal
returns by using
technical analysis.
Calendar anomalies
Monday weekend
Month of the year
effect –January
Turn of the month
Monday / week end effect
• The Monday effect is a theory which states that returns on the
stock market on Mondays will follow the prevailing trend from
the previous Friday.
• Therefore, if the market was up on Friday, it should continue
through the weekend and, come Monday, resume its rise.
• The Monday effect is also known as the “weekend effect”.
January Effect

• The January Effect is a perceived seasonal increase in stock prices during

the month of January.
• investors use year-end cash bonuses to purchase investments the
following month.
Types of Anomalies

• Fundamental anomalies
• Technical Anomalies
• Calendar Anomalies
Exercise: to be done

•Take any 2 stocks of your choice. Check if any type

of ANOMALY holds true for that particular stock.
Comment on the future growth prospects of the companies
• Identify 2 growth stocks. Comment on the reasons why have you classified
it as a growth stock?
• You can download data from the BSE website. Example is given hereunder
• https://www.bseindia.com/markets/equity/EQReports/StockPrcHistori.as

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