MJ Ilp
MJ Ilp
MJ Ilp
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 6
(depending on
10/13/2023 10/18/2022 11/3 11/14
is completed and
Provide 1-2 sentence
summary of your To determine rules for dividing exponents we can incorporate into all types of problems.
lesson plan.
Pre-Assessment - In-class: Students will complete the exit ticket at the end of class prior to the current lesson. It will
Summarize process for be a question utilizing all skills needed in order to complete the current lesson.
administering and
analyzing pre- and
Postassessment - Students will complete the post-assessment on 11/3. Students will receive teacher feedback on
post-assessments. open ended questions and support on their work via written feedback. Students will review feedback with the teacher
in class on 11/8 to solidify newly learned concepts in upcoming assessments.
Semester 3 Only:
Identify the specific
NearPod - use of NearPod during direct instruction. Students will use a collaborative board in NearPod to
technology tools, collaboratively understand newly learned concepts.
applications, links,
and/or devices to be Students will use a video from YouTube, added to NearPod, to answer questions during instruction to support their
incorporated into the
deeper understanding of Division Properties of Exponents.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
Danley, A., McCoy, A., & Weed, R. (2016). Exit tickets open the door Curtis, D. D., & Lawson, M. J. (2019). Exploring collaborative online
to university learning. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 11, 48–58. learning. Online Learning, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v5i1.1885
The article emphasizes the need for university professors to actively A study was conducted to gauge the presence of collaborative learning
engage students in the classroom and underscores the role of formative indicators within students' written exchanges in an online learning setting.
assessments, particularly exit tickets, in achieving this goal. Formative Existing research on collaborative learning has delineated various behaviors
assessments, like exit tickets, enable instructors to monitor student associated with effective collaboration in in-person contexts. The study
learning and provide valuable insights to both students and teachers. They aimed to detect these behaviors within the written communication among
facilitate adjustments in teaching methods based on student needs, students participating in online workgroups. Examination of students'
promote student engagement with course content, encourage contributions uncovered significant evidence of collaboration. However,
self-reflection, and provide a clear purpose for future learning. Exit tickets, distinctions emerged between traditional face-to-face collaborative learning
as a specific form of formative assessment, offer a quick and informative and the dynamics observed in an asynchronous, networked environment.
way to gauge student understanding, identify areas of mastery or
misunderstanding, and encourage student self-reflection. They also allow
teachers to gain insights into students' thought processes and clarify their
learning. Moreover, the prompt mentions that exit tickets have proven
effective across various contexts and subject areas as a means of
supporting learning and assessing student comprehension.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
My coworker, an experienced high school math teacher, effectively
incorporates exit tickets into her classroom to assess her students'
One of my PLC members, who also teaches math, approaches learning with
understanding and tailor her teaching approach. She consistently aligns
additional direct instruction and scaffolded questions during learning to
the exit ticket questions with the daily lesson objectives, providing
support student learning. This teacher begins with definition questions and
students with thought-provoking prompts related to the material. After
builds throughout the lesson to higher-order thinking questions. This teacher
collecting the exit tickets, she carefully analyzes them to gain insights into
sees the value in guiding students through learning and authentic student
her students' strengths and areas needing improvement, allowing for
connection and collaboration in identifying and constructing their own
necessary instructional adjustments. Exit tickets are also used as a basis
learnings. The teachers find short videos enhance engagement for students
for classroom discussions, fostering peer learning and addressing common
to buy into the academic language and application of understanding in their
misconceptions. By tracking students' progress over time, an engaging and
written responses.
dynamic feedback loop is established that greatly enhances both teaching
and learning in the high school math class.
Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)
Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Educator: 6b. I manage use of technology and student learning In this unit, I am adding more technology-based support and opportunities
strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on for students to demonstrate and grow their understanding. I am specifically
makerspaces or in the field. adding a virtual space where students can explore the elements of Algebra
and grow their understanding.
Student: 6c. I communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by I am trying a new approach to communicating academic concepts and details
creating/using digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations. in the classroom. I include visualizations and simulations using Desmos in this
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 6
lesson/unit to increase students' deep understanding of Algebra and division
properties of exponents to transfer this learning to their post-assessment.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus Students
In analyzing post-assessment results for three specific students in my
class, notable improvements were observed across distinct groups,
namely an English Learning (EL) student, a student with a Special
Education Plan (IEP), and an individual historically underperforming
in math. The EL student, by actively participating in live lessons and
The majority of students who attended the lesson live and
completed the compare and contrast paragraph demonstrated completing the study guide, demonstrated mastery on the
mastery of compare and contrast writing on the post-assessment. post-assessment. Further gains were realized through personalized
Those that attended live but did not complete the first 1:1 sessions, which addressed language barriers and provided
pre-assessment paragraph mostly demonstrated at or slightly tailored support to deepen their understanding. Similarly, the
above-grade-level understanding. Because students are not required student with an IEP exhibited positive progress, achieving at or
to attend lessons live, those that did not attend the lesson slightly above grade level understanding through engagement in live
demonstrate all levels of understanding: below, at, and above grade lessons and diligent study guide completion. Individualized attention
level. Looking at the result data, many students did demonstrate during 1:1 sessions specifically addressed the unique learning needs
understanding; however, those that attended the lesson live and outlined in their IEP, contributing to enhanced academic outcomes.
completed the pre-assessment paragraph demonstrated higher levels For the historically underperforming math student, initial
of understanding than those who did not attend. I spoke with 20 understanding below grade level improved significantly after
students who did not attend; of the 20 polled: 7 watched the participating in live lessons and completing the study guide. Targeted
recording and 13 did not review the recording. Those that did watch 1:1 support identified and addressed specific mathematical
the recording (on average) demonstrated higher levels of challenges, resulting in a notable boost in understanding and a more
understanding than those that did not review the lesson recording.
confident approach to mathematical concepts. In summary, these
personalized approaches, encompassing active engagement, study
guide utilization, and tailored 1:1 sessions, proved effective in
facilitating substantial academic progress for these three specific
Eleme Evidence/Rational for Rating
CSTP Initial Rating Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
nt (Summarize from POP Section 3)
thinking To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase complexity
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
through T – Applying T – Integrating of task beyond a single lesson so that there are continuing
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s.
inquiry, S – Exploring S - Integrating opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in complex problem.
Students created their own math problems.
problem How could you extend lesson into PBL?
solving, and
ginstruc -Plans instruction using a wide range
-I will continue researching,
tionthat of strategies to address learning
incorpor developing, evaluating, and adding
styles and meet students’ assessed
atesapp new and varied resources to the
language and learning needs.
resource website and in my
strategi Provides appropriate support and
Integrating/Innovati classrooms.
4.4 es to Integrating challenges for students.
meet ng - I will continue to support students’
-Facilitates opportunities for students
the academic and personal development
torelect on their learning and the
in self-reflection of supports,
needs impact of instructional strategies to
styles,and resources that best support
of all meet their learning and language
student their academic success
-Collaborates with colleagues to I will continue to attend professional
with expand impact on teacher and development and collaborate with my
colleagu student learning within grade or colleagues to better our school and
es and department and school and district support student learning. I will
levels. continue to advocate for and develop
6.3 broader Applying Integrating
professi -Engages with members of the resources that support students'
onal broader professional community to success in an online setting. I will work
commu access resources and a wide range of with my leadership teams and
nity to
supports for teaching the full range of administration to develop and create
teacher learners. additional pathways, supports, and
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 6
and resources that promote academic
mastery in an online school setting.
Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher
Students did well during the POP Cycle lesson division property of During reflection, I saw that since this POP Cycle lesson, more
exponents on identifying and evaluating. Students used their students have been adding their voices and understanding to
Sample Work to help them remember the steps when dividing discussions and live lesson activities. I feel that a part of the
exponents. Many students reached out to me with additional increased student participation and demonstration of skills during
questions to assure they can check their work when working lessons is due to the immersive and supporting experience in this
backwards. In the final activity of the lesson, many students were POP Cycle lesson- using technology and exit tickets to assure students
able to correctly complete the exit ticket to demonstrate their understand the lesson for the day and providing positive
understanding of today’s lesson. reinforcement in the lesson strengthened our classroom community.
Action Items
Continue incorporating technology into activities in the classroom. As I teach at an online school, I must use
For curriculum design,
technological platforms to distribute and create lessons, activities, and assessments. Additional examination and
lesson planning,
assessment planning application of learning throughout the unit. I want to include more direct interaction with and teaching of the
application of learning to be successful through the unit not just to the lesson and summative assessment.
Adding new and interactive technology-enhanced formative assessments in the classroom will support student
For classroom practice
familiarity with technology use and support a deep understanding of academic vocabulary and content.
For teaching English
learners, students with Students learn with different preferences and modalities that increase understanding and mastery demonstration. In
special needs, and continuing to add images, videos, and music in the classroom, I will better support all students to successful learning
students with other in the classroom. In adding interactive technology-enhanced platforms and activities in the classroom, I am adding
kinetic learning in the classroom.
Attending development and researching new practices and platforms that can be used in the classroom.
For future professional
Collaboration with colleagues and communication of best practices and data analysis are necessary for continued
professional development and practice.
I will continue reviewing and analyzing student data from live lesson (attendance cannot be required) pre-assessments
For future inquiry/ILP and required digital pre-assessments to evaluate and see where students are in their learning process and skills
I greatly valued scaffolding activities throughout this lesson using different technology-enhanced activities. For the
For next POP cycle next POP Cycle, I want to incorporate more real-world evidence and connections for students. After this lesson, I have
seen more student comfort in sharing ideas and making connections in the classroom.
I want to continue adding exit tickets in the classroom for students to show understanding for the day. I also want to
Semester 3 Only:
include additional technology-enhanced activities in the classroom - I use NearPod; however, I am continuing to
For future use of
technology explore and learn about the diverse platforms and ability to include diverse formal and informal assessments for
students to develop and demonstrate deep understanding and mastery of academic vocabulary and content.
Other Notes
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of 6