Ilp Nguyen Final

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 Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  

Individualized  Learning  Plan  (ILP)  
Revised  6.1.17  
Directions:  The  ILP  should  be  completed  with  Mentor  input.  Complete  blue  cells  prior  to  classroom  implementation.    Complete  orange  cells  after  POP  Cycle  is  completed.  Cells  will  expand  as  
needed.    When  submitting  completed  ILP  to  instructor,  please  include  copies/images  of  pre/post  assessments/directions  and  the  Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Table.      
Section  1:  New  Teacher  Information  
New  Teacher   Email   Subject  Area   Grade  Level  
Christopher Nguyen [email protected] English Language Arts Tenth Grade
Mentor   Email   School/District   Date  

Denise Campbell [email protected] Servite High School 10/9/2020

Section  2:  CSTP  Areas  of  Inquiry  
Directions:  Identify  2-­‐3  CSTP  elements  for  ILP  focus,  including  at  least  one  as  required:  Semester  2  –  CSTP  1/2/3;  Semester  3  –  CSTP  4/5/6;  Semester  4  -­‐all.    Use  most  recent  CSTP  Assessment  for  
Initial  Rating.  Identify  both  teacher  and  student  rating  for  CSTP  1  and  2.  See  example.
CSTP   Element   Initial    Rating  Description   Goal    Rating  Description  
T  -­‐  Guide  students  to  think  critically  through  use  of  questioning  strategies,   T  -­‐  Facilitates  systematic  opportunities  for  students  to  apply  critical  thinking  
Promoting  critical  thinking   posing/solving  problems,  and  reflection  on  issues  in  content.   by  designing  structured  inquires  into  complex  problems.  
T  –  Applying   T  –  Innovating  
1.5 through  inquiry,  problem   S  -­‐  Students  respond  to  varied  questions  or  tasks  designed  to  promote   S  -­‐  Students  pose  and  answer  a  w ide-­‐range  of  complex  questions  and  
S  –  Exploring S  -­‐  Innovating  
solving,  and  reflection comprehension  and  critical  thinking  in  single  lessons  or  a  sequence  of   problems,  reflect,  and  communicate  understandings  based  on  in  depth  
lessons.   analysis  of  content  learning.  
Promoting social development and

2.1 responsibility within a caring T - Ex. T-S - Utilize organizational tools to assist students on finding appropriate verbage.
Students will seek out specific phrases and adjectives, focusing on one aspect of the T - Innovating
T - Facilitates multiple ways for students to express ideas on verbage and adjectives
S - Students will challenge themselves and others to strive for complex word usage
community where each student is
treated fairly and respectably. S - Ex. written/speaking format. S - Innovating and sentences for descriptive pieces on Greek heroes.

Using knowledge of students' academic
readiness, language proficiency, cultural T - Ap. Tcharacters
- Guide students to critically think and utilize charts to express how
T - Innovating
in the novel feel about their situation throughout a lessons series. S - Innovating
T - Promotes students thinking critically to their prompt and utilizing chosen verbage.
S - Apply their thoughts and emotions to those of heroes and express them in video
background, and individual development to
plan instruction. S - Ap. S - Respond with critical tact to response question & video narration. and written form, utilizing various adjectives as focus.

Section  3:  Inquiry  Focus  and  Planning  (Attach  Pre/Post  Assessments  to  ILP)  
Inquiry  Focus   Inquiry  question   Pre-­‐Assessment   Post-­‐Assessment   Expected  Results  
Based  on  your  selected  CSTP  elements,   Pose  measurable  and  observable  question  
What  will  you  use  as  your  baseline   What  will  you  use  as  your  final   How  do  you  expect  student  performance  
identify  a  focus  of  inquiry  (e.g.,  group   in  terms  of  students  (e.g.,  what  impact  will  
assessment  of  student   assessment  of  student   to  change?    Use  percentages  to  describe  
discussion,  differentiation,   strategy  X  have  on  student  performance  
actions/performance?   actions/performance?   anticipated  growth.    
motivation…)     as  measured  by  Y?)  
What  impact  will  increased  use  of  higher-­‐order  
There  will  be  a  20%  increase  in  the  average  exam  
Use  of  analysis,  synthesis,  and  evaluation   questions  (teacher  talk,  worksheet,  and  student  
Previous  examination  scores   New  chapter  exam   score  for  students  who  participated  in  class  and  
questions  +  student  problem  generation   problem  generation)  have  on  student  performance  
successfully  completed  the  worksheet.  
as  m easured  by  chapter  exam?  

How will my students' abilities improve when Students will write another paragraph Students will utilize words from the chart at least
Improvement of student descriptory Students will write a paragraph based
given specific tools, assessments, and based on text, but with different 25% on average and some students might be
skills and vocabulary
technological assignments between assesments? on text characters & after guided assignments compelled to research stronger words on their own
Focus  Students  
Directions:  Identify  three  focus  students  for  your  inquiry.    Identify  special  characteristics  of  the  students  and  include  performance  data.  Explain  why  you  have  selected  them  for  this  inquiry  focus.  
Do  not  use  actual  names  of  students.  (Note:    At  least  one  focus  student  should  be  an  English  learner  and  at  least  one  must  have  an  ILP/504  accommodation.  The  third  is  your  choice,  but  please  
identify  someone  that  poses  an  instructional  challenge.)    Identify  expected  results  for  each  focus  student.  
Focus  Student  2:  Student  with  
Focus  Student  1:  English  Learner   Focus  Student  3:  Your  Choice  
Performance   The chosen student has shown to have some familiarity with Student has shown competency in English, but does not Student struggles with assignments and has been shown to rush through
English, but struggles with more than basic sentences especially in show interest in forming complex sentences beyond their assignments, creating rushed and inaccurate sentences.
Data   written paragraph. their ability.
I expect this student to struggle with the verbal part of the The student will improve their complex sentence With the proper structure, it is my hope that this student will approach the
Expected  Results   assignment, but utilize the tools to create stronger and more structure and utilize the words suggested to them to lessons with tact and to utilize the tools given out in class.
concise sentences. describe characters.
Inquiry  Lesson  Implementation  Plan  
Administer  Post-­‐
Administer  Pre-­‐Assessment   Deliver  Lesson(s)   Analyze  Results   Discuss  Results  with  Mentor  
Identify  dates  for  activities.  
10/26-10/27 11/2-11/4 11/9-11/10 11/13-11/15 11/16-11/17

Provide  1-­‐2  sentence   Students will utilize a chart of simple emotions that lead to complex emotions in order to express their thoughts on how a Greek figure felt
summary  of  your  lesson  plan.     during their story. Students will then shape their thoughts into paragraphs and read them through FlipGrid.
Summarize  process  for   Administering the pre-assessment will be done in the form of a short paragraph on a Greek character of their choice. Students will then be
administering  and  analyzing   assessed on what adjectives and complex words they utilized in the pre-assessment. In the post-assessment, students will write another
pre-­‐  and  post-­‐assessments.   paragraph about a different Greek character, but after having utilized FlipGrid to practice their descriptive skills with feedback.
Section  4:  Inquiry  Research  and  Exploration  
Research/Professional  Learning  (Identify  two  articles  that  have  informed  inquiry  focus.  Provide  title,  URL  or  citation,  and  statement  of  what  was  learned.)  
Shanahan on Literacy- Building Pronunciation Skills and Self-Confidence with Flipgrid - https://
right-about-text-complexity-you-or-institute-education-sciences; This article informed me; This article shaped how I will approach Flipgrid and how it
on text and language and how to apporach those concepts in the classroom. can be most effectively utilized in terms of shaping student pronunciation & speech skills.
Colleagues  (Summarize  how  two  colleagues  have  addressed  this  issue  in  their  classroom.  Identify  grade  level,  subject,  and  summary  of  ideas.)  
One colleague reads with her students aloud to point out confusing words and clarify Another colleague tries to expand students' language specifically by having students
word usage. She uses this for her ELA 10th and 12th grade students. I think that this gets rewrite their paragraphs but using different verbs and adjectives. She teachers 11th grade
at the same idea that speech and verbalizing ideas is important for students' language. ELA. I find her ideas very similar to mine and will utilize some of her suggestions.
Special  Emphasis:  Instructional  Strategy,  ISTE  Standards,  NBPTS  Core  Propositions  
Special  Emphasis  Focus   How  Special  Emphasis  will  be  Incorporated  
7b. Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments Students will perform their statements on FlipGrid in order to allow for students to recite their thoughts
that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction. and practice their speech skills. In addition, students and the teacher will be able to give feedback on
descriptions, adjectives, and speech skills.
Individualized  Learning  Plan,  Fullerton  Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  (FOTIP),  2017     Page 1 of 3  
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus Students
The comparison between the pre-assessment and post-assessment data for the whole class showed that students
greatly benefitted from knowing the proceedures of the assignment. Students being familiar with the assignment The comparison between the two assignments for the three focus students showed several different results.
already freed them up to focusing on the ideas present in the assignment. Instead of focusing on their ability to Students were able to utilize the differencation materials much more effectively on the post-assessment
perform the task, students were able to analyze the text on the assignment and demonstrate their understanding after becoming familiar to the materials in the pre-assessment. Some students were able to monitor their
for the material. time better while some others simply benefitted from an understanding of the materials.

Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating

CSTP Element Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3)
Promoting critical To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
thinking through T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s.
inquiry, problem S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
Students created their own math problems.
solving, and reflection complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?
Promoting critical
T - Integrating Teacher assigned collaborative worksheet for students to hold Teacher could allow students to provide questions to ask other
1.5 thinking through
inquiry, problem
T - Applying
S - Applying
S - Applying digital conversation. students and have a follow up lesson in which students are able
Students analyzed poem and connected poem to classroom text. to converse with students from different groups as well.
solving, and reflection
Promoting social development Teacher scaffolded responses for students and provided
T - Applying Teacher could be more involved with responding to students in
and responsibility within a sentence starters for students to use.
caring community where each T - Applying S - Applying order to demonstrate proper discussion and reply procedures.
Students were responsible for their own responses, which
student is treated fairly and S - Exploring
respectably. affected other student responses as well.
Using knowledge of students' Teacher provided questions that focused on students Teacher should determine a method for students to provide
4.1 academic readiness, language
proficiency, cultural background T - Exploring T - Exploring
S - Exploring
responding with personal ideas in addition to the curriculum.
Students answered with personal experiences that connected to
questions as well in order to turn assignment into a digital
and individual development to S - Exploring version of a Socratic Seminar.
plan instruction. classroom texts.
Special Emphasis (Skills, Themes, ISTE Standards·Teachers, NBPTS Core Propositions (if applicable)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher
The students benefitted from incorporating a heterogeneous group of individuals in The key learnings for the teacher were various moments of clarity in terms of
each breakout group. The connection of ideas were utilized by student to create conveying practices to students. The teacher made realizations on how to properly
unique responses to each other and strengthen understanding between students in an scaffold ideas to students. Furthermoore, the teacher utilized methods in technology
insightful and useful way. Students were able to improve writing and model good that allow for students to have structured conversations with each other at the same
behavior in the classroom in order to construct new ideas and strengths in the time, which proceeded with ease and will be utilized further in the classroom.
classroom experience.
Action Items
For curriculum design, lesson The teacher was able to collaborate with various individuals at the school site in order to determine that the assignment was aligned
planning, assessment with the materials in the curriculum as well as making sure that the assignment was a proper assignment for the school site.

For classroom practice For classroom practice, the teacher will keep in mind that scaffolding for the students the proper procedure in providing how to address
the assignment will be important. The teacher will try to model for students the best practices for classroom activities.
For teaching English learners,
For ELL students, students wil special needs and other instructional challenges, the teacher will have available many tools for
students with special needs,
differenciation. Providing scalable tools that provide different levels of achievement will be an important aspect to the teacher's classroom.
and students with other
instructional challenges
For future professional For future professional development, the teacher will utilize critical learning tools and online resources in order to incorporate different
development learning practices into the lesson. Online tools are available as a resource for the school site and they hold valuable information for lessons.

For future inquiry of the Individualized Learning Plan, the teacher will be sure to plot out various lessons in the curriculum so as to have a
For future inquiry/ILP clear guideline for the teacher to follow and share amongst colleagues at the school site.

For the next Pop Cycle, the teacher will try to incorporate different CSTPs to focus on and to utilize various other ISTE practices. The
For next POP cycle teacher will practice focusing on various technological and teaching practices to ensure a better classroom experience for students.


Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 3
Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program
Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Christopher Nguyen English Language ARts 10th
[email protected]

Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average
25 Students
25 Students
Data Range = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Data Range - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Average = 6.92
Average = 8.68


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL 6 9

2. Focus Student: 504/IEP 10

5 8
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice
4. Student 4 10
5. Student 5 10

6. Student 6 10 10

7. Student 7 10 10
8. Student 8 10

9. Student 9 7 8

10. Student 10 6 8

11. Student 11 5 9

12. Student 12

13. Student 13 5 8

Student 14
14. 7 7

15. Student 15 9 8

16. Student 16 10 10

17. Student 17 5 8

Student 18
18. 8 8

19. Student 19 7
6 8
20. Student 20

STudent 21 6 7
22. STudent 22 6 6

23. Student 23 5 10

Student 24
24. 8 10

25. Student 25 7 10


Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 3

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