Morning Prayer Cyprian Orisons
Morning Prayer Cyprian Orisons
Morning Prayer Cyprian Orisons
All standing
All together:
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
— As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever, Amen.
Psalm 132
Psalm 133
Psalm 134
Psalm 135
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
— As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever, Amen.
All stand.
Prior to reciting each day’s proper Exorcism, trace upon yourself the
sign of the cross ✠ on your forehead, upon your lips, over your heart,
and then the full sign of the cross — saying the following words:
Here is the cross ✠ of the Lord: �ee, you enemy forces; the Lion of
the Tribe of Judah has won, the Root of David is victorious.
Listen with your intellect, O harmful spirits: I exorcise you by God the
✠ Father Almighty, by God the ✠ Son, and by God the ✠ Holy Spirit. I
admonish you and command you, nefarious spirits, who are and
abide in this place or around it: by God Almighty, creator of heaven
and earth. Christ reigns, ✠ Christ wins, ✠ Christ orders you, ✠ harmful
spirits, who live in this place, and I order you as well, harmful spirits,
by the most holy names of God: ✠ TETRAGRAMMATON, ✠ EL, ✠
FATHER, ✠ SON, ✠ AND HOLY SPIRIT, ✠. Listen to my words, hurry
from this place in spite of any tie holding you back; bring no harm in
any way, and never again come back.
By the authority of our Lord, ✠ Jesus Christ, I unbind you from this
place, and may all the bonds and ties of any condition, power, and
force by which such a spirit is held be broken and undone. May this
be achieved by virtue of our Lord, ✠ Jesus Christ. Amen.
Here is the cross ✠ of the Lord: �ee, you enemy forces; the Lion of
the Tribe of Judah has won, the Root of David is victorious.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the ✠ Father ✠ and the Son ✠
and the Holy Ghost ✠ Holy Trinity and Inseparable Unity, I call upon
You, that You may be my salvation and defense, and the protection
of my body and soul, and of all my goods through the virtue of Your
Holy Cross, and through the virtue of Your passion, I beseech You O
Lord Jesus Christ, by the merits of Your blessed mother Holy Mary,
and of all Your saints, that You give me grace and divine power over
all the wicked spirits, so as which of them so ever I do call by name,
they may come by and by from every coast, and accomplish my will,
that they neither be hurtful or fearful unto me, but rather obedient
and diligent about me. And through Your virtue straightly
commanding them, let them ful�ll my commands, Amen.
Holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, which will come to judge the quick
and the dead, You who are Alpha and Omega, �rst and last, King of
kings and Lord of lords, IOTH, AGLANABRATH, EL, ABIEL, ANATHIEL,
ISCHIROS, ATHANATOS, IMAS. By these Your holy names, and by all
others I do call upon You, and beseech You O Lord Jesus Christ, by
Your nativity and baptism, by thy cross and passion, by Your
ascension, and by the coming of the Holy Spirit, by the bitterness of
Your soul when it departed from Your body, by Your �ve wounds, by
the blood and water which went out of Your body, by Your virtue, by
the sacrament which You gave Your disciples the day before You
su�ered, by the Holy trinity, and by the inseparable unity, by blessed
Mary Your mother, by Your angels, archangels, prophets, patriarchs,
and by all Your saints, and by all the sacraments which are made in
Your honor, I do worship and beseech You, I bless and desire You, to
accept these prayers, conjurations, and words of my mouth, which I
will use. I require You O Lord Jesus Christ, that You give me Your
virtue and power over all Your angels to draw them to me, to tie and
bind them, and also to loose them, to gather them together before
me, and to command them to do all that they can, and that by no
means they contemn my voice, or the words of my mouth; but that
they obey me and my sayings, and fear me. I beseech You by Your
humanity, mercy and grace, and I require You ADONAI, AMAY,
all Your holy names, and by all Your holy saints, by all Your angels
and archangels, powers, dominions, and virtues, and by that name
that Solomon did bind the spirits, and shut them up, ELHRACH,
Your holy names which are written in this book, and by the virtue of
them all, that You enable me to congregate all Your spirits, that they
may give me a true answer of all my demands, and that they satisfy
all my requests, without the hurt of my body or soul, or any thing
else that is mine, through our Lord Jesus Christ Your son, who lives
and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God world
without end. Oh Father omnipotent, Oh wise Son, Oh Holy Spirit, the
searcher of hearts, oh you three in persons, one true godhead in
substance; oh You most merciful, when I �y unto Your mercy, and
beseech You by all the means I can, by these the holy names of Your
Son; to wit, Alpha and Omega, and all of his other names, grant me
Your virtue and power, that I may be able to cite before me, Your
spirits and that they may speak with me, and dispatch by and by
without delay, and with a good will, and without the hurt of my body,
soul, or goods.
Concluding Prayer
Let us pray. Let us pray. O WISDOM, who came from the mouth of
the Most High, reaching from end to end and ordering all things
mightily and sweetly: COME, and teach us the way of prudence.
Concluding Blessing
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to
everlasting life.
— Amen.