DM Note 7th Sem
DM Note 7th Sem
DM Note 7th Sem
Detinisastey is y Tyie Event Hht on C2 u3e
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s +is Inpaare hat we Hougi, wnderstn
Mane t%cir l»spat Impenai
Taendersisno Disastr !iS.essedt t ndei
Haza rd ard Aisk
Retete Cyc-tome, Stum, Hunaicane. Tornaalo
Ctouet bun st, o
Fathe Ad, .Tsmanis, Avatancegit
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ars, Bttte, Riots,
ecal Conietr
escieqr posio Aeciaent 5
ef socieiy is
apikute otdisptoced
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Copa city to displace Enornos
Fjnanciod is neekd
as fom the Putlic.
held m June
1992, te Dis as te
eIperts have a9apeent
Disqsters. yt h95Bufeins. of
Risk. RÍSk is been Csed
consicicsed as e*pasure to 929rd.
blity and
expresion Could
Risk =
Cyacly Butdng
Risk Management
Ditastey ReEponIe’
in i Buene Hire:
Tmpats wold be limitecd t
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Conthol Disaster Engineer
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Hydrological disasters
A lood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerycs land.B The EU Floods directive
defines aflood as a iemporary covering by water of land not normally covered by water. In the
sense of "lowing water", the word may also be applied to the inlow of ihe tide. Flooding may
result fromthe volume of water within a body of vwater, such as a river or lake, which overllows
or breaks levees, with the result that some of the water escapes its usual'boundaries.
size of'a lake or other bòdy of waieriwill varý with seasonal chänges in precipitalion and snovw
melt, it is not a significant flood uniess the water covers land used by man like a village, ciy or
other inhabied arca, roads; exþarSs of farmland, etc.
Waves to be comG
is ot
I ced by
moves touads tte
Peniodi c byouqtt
Arnost GS t the otl aien n India. is Drp'uht P;31e
Whiels canreEn
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Ciimatilogica D0Sster rc
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Coastal házards play a major role in today's society because it is apart of hunun nture to live
live within 100 km
near or along the coast. 80% of people live near the coist. I.2 billion people on coaslal
coast and it is on the rise. I is important for us to educate our'selves und others
of ihe
Lhazards so we can coninue living near the coast wilh the least amount o1 Jnlage lo he
environment. In the past, human development has effected our cvastal ii ing urrayements by
making itvutnerableta such fragile environments such as the barrier islands. Disasters such
hurricanes with high winds and swells, cause erosion along coas1lines. Due lo lhis cerluin
policies have been sei in pläceto try and manage disaster property damages. FEMA, NFIP,
CZM, and ele. Adapiive management has becöme a major source of piarning in order lo make
development sustainable for the environment. Structural versus non-struclurai mitigation
iechniques have been a main focus for planners towards coastal hazardsShort lcrmsolutions.
veraus iong term solutiens; dune, sea;walls, etc., which one should planners focus bn and overall
which would be the better option to spend funds on. Current strategies ure only anillusion
safety towards our coastlincs,
For coastal hazards it is impornant tò have emergency management plans in advance so agencies
recovery time
can respond quickiy 'and effectively. If we have beter plans it will create a faster
state. For example,
that will ensure economic, social, and environmental life back io its original management
Huricane Katrina wasan nationa! eye opener on how on the risk of improper ri_k
fedcral system and
-between. federal; state, and local governments. Due to the nature of' the
in addition 10
policies ofien conflict with one another between both private and public agenciesyovernments
Communication betWecH these is
mandated mitigation programs going unfunded. hazards are
essential incoordinating-an effective response thrOugh mitigation: Cyastal
everyone to-be
unpredicËable to knowwhere and when they willoccur and it is important for
Coastal Environments
of'the United States with very
There are many different types of environments along ti: coasts
that are involved.
diverse features that affect, influence, and mold the nearsiore processes
Understanding these ecosystems and environments can further advance the mitigating
hazards in these
and policy-making efforts against natúral and man-made coastal the norhern ice-pushing,
areas. The five most common types of coastal zones range from
mountainous coastline of Alaska and Maine, the barrier island coasts lacing the Atlantic, the
teep, cliff-back headlands along the paçific coäst, the marginal-sea type coastline of' the Gulf
and Hawai.l2
region, and the coral reef coasts bordering Southern florida
Ice-Pushing/Moünta inous Coastline
alleclcd predominantly
These coastal regions along the Northern-most part of the nation, were forming a very long,
by, along with the rest of the Pacific Coast, continuous tecionic activity,
environments are heavily
irregular, ridged, steep and mostly mountainous coastline. These conditionsaffecting Alaska's
Occupied with permafrost and glaciers, which are the two major
Coastal Developmnent.2]
Thepopulation that lives along or near our coastlines are an extremely vulnerable
Therèare numerous issues facing our coastlines and there are two main populalion.
hazards can be plced under, National disasters and Human disusters. Both of' thesethat these
great damage to our coastlines and discussion is stil ongo1ng regarding what issues cause
responses need to be met to hclp both the individuals who want 10 continue living along the
coastline, while keeping them safe and.not eroding more coastline away. Natuçal disasters are
disasters that are out ofhuman control ând are usually caused by the weather: Disasters thal
include but arcnot limiled to; storms, tsunamis, typhoons, lvoding: udes.
nor'easters, and storm surge. Human disästers occur when humans are the walerspouls.
muin culprit belhind
why the disaster happened. Some hunan disasters äre but are nt limited 0; pollutiun, rawling.
and human development. Natural and humarn disasters continue lo harnn the coastlines s'verly
and they need to be researched, in order to prepare/styp the hazards if possible.
The populations that live near or along the coas! experience many huzards and iu atlecis millions
of people. Around ten milion pcople globally feelthe effects of coastal probleHns yeariy and
most are dåe to certain natural ha|ards like coastal flooding with storn surges and typhoons. P A
'major problem related tÏ coastalregioDs deals with how the entire glohal eivironment is
changing and in response, the coastal regions are easily eflecied.
Storms are one of the major hazards that ate associaled 1o coastal regions. Slorms, flooding, and
stormsor Hurricanes
erosion are closely associated andcan happen simultaneously. TropicalHurricane
during Andrew
especially can devastate coastal regions. For examplé, Florida hurricane that caused S26.S
Occurredin 1992 that caused extrem damage. It was a rategory five
from ilhe storm. Hurricane
bi llion dollars in damages and even 23 individuals lost their lives hurricane can do in u
Karinaalso caused havoc along the coast to show the extreme force a
that causes flooding and
certain region.. I n almost all cases, storms are the major culprit
when £massive amount of rainlall comes
erosion. Flash flooding is caused by storms that occurs
Where as a storn1 surge, which is closely related to
down into an areaover a short period of time. poshes water lowards low pressure or inland and
Iropical storms, iswhen the wind collects and a higher sea level that rises
can rise rapidly." is an ofishore rise of water and overallcreates
pushed inland. The amount of rise or fall of storm surge depends greatly on he amount
and is occurs during a high lide il can
and duration of wind and water in a specific location. Also if' i
have an even greater effect on the coast.
P o l i c i
Amos1 allstoms with high wind and waler cause crosion along the coast. Erosion
hut not limitcd io: along shorc currents. lides, sea levcl rise and fall, and high winds. occurs
Largerwhen Nati
amounts of crosion causc thc coastline loerode away at-a aster rate and c¡n teve
homeless and leave lcss land to devclopor keep for environmental reasons. Coastalpeople
becn incrcasing ovcr the past few ycars andit is still on the rise which erosion has
hazard. In the United Statcs, 45 percent of its coast line is alang the makes it a major coastline
hc crosion rate pcr ycar along the Gulf co£st six Atlantic-or Gulf coast and
feet a year. The averáge rate of erosion
along the Alanticis aroundtwo to three.fect. a vear. Even
speciiic iocations vary becÁuse of various with these findings, erOSION rates in
cause major erosion upwards lo 100feet orenvironmenial factors such as major storms.that can
more in only one day.
Pollution, Trawling, Human Development
Stoe l l i a cking
Cociyta dgaikn
aliial. drkastc
A blizzard is a severe winter storm icy and windy
conditions characterized by low jempeCaures
strong winds, and heavy snow.
JH o
Scientists warn that plobal warming and clinmatechane nayresul1 in mor:
ComIng years. exlensive droughts in
A hailstom isa inaturel hazard where a
dautage the locaticn in whhch they fal!. thunderstorm produces numerous haistone_ which
HailstormsCan be especial!y devastating fo fartelds;
ruining crops and damaging equipmen.
Heat wave.
Aheai wave is ahzard charactrized by heat
which is considered extreme and unusual in the
area in-whieh it occurs. Heat wavës are rare and
tó take place, and may require.speciic combinations of weather events
include-temperature inyersionskatabatic
There ispotential for longer term events causing global wind[: OLotherDhenomena,.
opposíte tó glacial 'ité age'.events),or through human induced including stadial events (the
climatic warming.
cwnt wateu ka move:te
AmaelsrGín. is a very powerful
dowsdraf.. Ther are virtually nowhirlpool.
li is a large, swirling bodv of water with
documented aceounts considerable
of large ships being sucked into
maelstron,although smaller crafi and swimmers are in danger. a
nay even threaten iarger crafts. ’ Fsunumi generated máelstroms
bot /Shipsareat /4paacat
Cycionic storms: Hurricane Kalrina
Hurricane, Iropicai cyclone, and typhoon are different names for the same phenomenon: a
CVclonicstorm system tha forms over the occans. It is caused by evaporated waterha çomeS.
off of the ocean and becomes a storm. The Coriolis Effect
causes the storms to Spil, and2
hårricane is declared when this spinning mass of storms. attains a wind speed greater thán 74 mph
(119 km/h). Hurricane is used or these phenomena in thc Atlantic and casten
tropical cycl:ne in the Indian, typhoonin the western Pacific. Paciticceans,.
Ice storm
An ice storm isa.particular wcather cvent in which precipitation lalls as ice, due :o atmosphere
ALomado is a natural disaster resulting from a thunderstorm. Tornadogs are violent, rotating
columns of air which can blow at specds berween 50 mph (8O km/h) and 300 mph (480km/h),
and possibly higher. Tormadocs.can Qcaur anÈ s ac, or can occur in large tornado outbreaks
associatCd witn superccBls or in other lai ze a.cas 0. understorm development. Waterspouts are.
tornadocs occurring ovcr tropicai waters in ight :ajn conditions.
imate change
Climate change is along-term hazard wiich.can inctease or deerease the risk of gtker weather
hazards, and also directly endangers propeity due to sea level riseand biologicál organisms due
1o hahita! destr.ction.
Geomagnetic stOrm
Gcomagneic slorms car disrupt or damage technoiogical infrastructure, and disorient species
with m8gnctoccpliop.
A blizzard is a severc. Suoystom charzcterized by-strong.winds. and. low temperatures. Ths
diferençe bélwccn ablizzard and a snowstorm is.he strength ofthe wind. To be a blizzard, a.
Snow.storm must have sustained winds.of frequent gusts that are greater than or equal. to 56 mile
melersor.a quarer
(35 ph) with blowing or rifiing 'snow which reduces visibility to 400houis.oLmore
oftime -ypically thre Snowfali
or less. and. mus lastI aprolongcd criod that at least soine snow
amounts do not have to.b¹'signi!icarit. In.Australia the definition requires
has been raised.irom the grcund.
zero yisibility; and temperaturcs of-2
A sCvere blizzard bas winds over 72 km/h (45 mph). near blowing snÍw near the ground, but no
Snawdrifis and
^( (0 )or lower. Aground blizzard has
lalling Snow(!
is part o! Direclorale
The neart of the Mechanisn is the Monioring and information Centre. I accessible 24
General for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protecuon of the European Commission and
hours a day. It gives countries access to a platform, to a one-stop-shop of' civil protecion
outside the Union
available amongst the allthe participating states. Any country inside or the
affected by a major disaster can make an appeal for assistance hrough MIC. I acts us a
communication hub at headquarters level between participating stzies, the allected coun1ry und
status o!
despatched field experts. It also provides useful and updated information on the uctual
an' ngoing emergency.Da
National organizations
Public Safery Canada is Canada's national emergency mahagement ayency. Each provinceis
required to have legislation in place foY dealing with emergencies., as. well as establish their own
emergency management agencies. ty pically called an "Emergency Measures Organization"
(EMO). xhich funcions as the primarv liaison with the municipal and federal level.
Public Safety Canada coordinates and supports the eitots of. lederal organizatons ensuring
national 'security and the safety of Canadians. They aiso work with other levels of goerment.
first responde1 s, cordmunity groups. the privatc secior (operátors of' critical inirasiructure) and
other nations.
PubBic Safety Canada's work is based on a wide rangc ot' policies und legislation through the
Pubie Safety and Emergenc; Preparedness Act which detines the powers, duties andiunctions
oi PS are ouiined.Other acts are specitic to tields such an correciens. emcrgene: mungment
lovw enforcement. and national security
In Germany the Fedcral Govcrnment controls the German
and Zivilschutz (civil protcction) programs. The local unitsKatastrophenschutz (disaster relief)
çf German fire department and the
Technisches Hilfswcrk (Federal Agencyfor Technical Relief,. THW) are part of these
programs.& Thc German Armed Forces (BundeSwehr), the German Federal Police and the i6
state police forccs (Länderpolizei) all have been deployed for disaster relief operations.
Bcsides the Gcrman Red Crossclain neocal, humanitarian help is dispensed by the Johannitcr
Unfallhilfc mn nevcc the Gcrman cquivalent of the St. John Ambulance, the Maltescr
Hill'sdienst, aemcct the Arbciter-Samaritçr-Bund cQN nesl and other private Organization,
to cít the largest relicf organisation thatare cquipped for large-scale emergencies. As of 2006,
there is a jointcourse, at the (Iniversity of Bonn leading to the degree"Master in Disaster
Prevention and Risk Governance"L"]