Excessive Use of Electronic Gadgets: Health Effects: The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine August 2020
Excessive Use of Electronic Gadgets: Health Effects: The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine August 2020
Excessive Use of Electronic Gadgets: Health Effects: The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine August 2020
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All content following this page was uploaded by Gurmeet Singh Sarla on 26 August 2020.
de Quervain’, s tenosynovitis, electronic gadgets, repetitive strain injury, smartphone,
Egypt J Intern Med 31:408–411
© 2020 The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine
© 2020 The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow DOI: 10.4103/ejim.ejim_56_19
Excessive use of electronic gadgets Sarla 409
coined by Fernandez-Guerrero [3], was first reported involvement is often reported in new mothers or
in a 34-year-old pregnant woman presented with child care providers in whom spontaneous resolution
bilateral wrist pain. It resulted from an overuse of typically occurs once lifting of the child is less frequent
the mobile text messaging, for more than 6 h, [8]. NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, splinting with a
exerting ‘continuous movements with both thumbs thumb spica [9], or a wrist brace may be offered as
to send messages’. The woman was diagnosed with treatment.
‘WhatsAppitis’, which involves bilateral extensor
pollicis longus tendinitis of the thumb or injuries Addiction
relating to overuse of the popular social messaging There is a difference between addiction to the internet
application. and addiction on the internet [10]. When a person
uses internet to play poker on his smartphone for
‘PlayStation thumb’ and ‘cell phone thumb’ are a form prolonged periods, it is more appropriately an
of RSI and were reported in 2009 among teenagers addiction to internet because of his addiction to
who used PlayStation for video-gaming and mobile playing poker rather than a smartphone addiction.
phone texting for longer duration [4]. Acute Wiiitis In addictiveness of smartphone games by game
was described in 2007 and was named after Nintendo players, the addiction is to the gaming behavior and
Wii tennis video game, characterized by intense pain in not to the device as a whole. Hence, to use smartphone
the right shoulder which was reported in a 24-year-old for gambling or to engage in other addictive behaviors
male who had a history of playing several hours of should not be confused with a smartphone addiction
tennis video game where the player made repetitive [11]. The same reasoning distinguishes between an
same arm movements affecting his infraspinatus internet addiction and addictions to specific activities
muscle [5]. carried out on the network, with one of the most
prevalent behaviors online being social networking
Today in this era of computers and mobile phones, [12].
there is an epidemic of upper limb pain. Patients report
to the general surgery and orthopedic outpatient Effect on eyes
departments with symptoms of vague pains involving Prolonged use of electronic gadgets causes ‘computer
the arm, forearm, wrist, or fingers and/or thumb. These vision syndrome’ which manifests as eye strain, dryness,
symptoms which were earlier found in musicians have irritation, burning sensation, redness, blurred vision,
been increasingly observed in young adults owing to and double vision [13]. National Eye Institute has
prolonged use of computers, video-games, and mobile recommended that computer users follow ‘the 20-
phones. These symptoms are generally labelled as 20-20 rule,’ which implies that after continuous
tenosynovitis as no pathology has been found in working on a device for 20 min, taking a break for
tendon sheaths at surgery in such patients. 20 s by looking at a distant object 20 feet away along
‘Repetitive strain injury’ or ‘overuse syndrome’ are with frequent blinking of eyes which will reduce
better terms that can be used to describe these dryness and further strain to eyes [14].
symptoms because they are caused owing to overuse
phenomenon of muscle, joints, and ligaments and Neck pain
respond well to rest. Complaints of arm, neck, and shoulder are widely seen
among gadget users and is defined as ‘musculoskeletal
De Quervain tenosynovitis: De Quervain’s complaints of arm, neck, and/or shoulder not caused by
tenosynovitis is named after the Swiss surgeon, Fritz acute trauma or by any systemic disease’. The pain
de Quervain, who first described it in 1895, which mainly results from improper posture or technique in
involves tendon entrapment affecting the first dorsal handling computers. One of the most common causes
compartment of the wrist. Thickening of the tendon is using computer and desk setups that are not
sheaths occurs around the abductor pollicis longus and ergonomically sound [15]. People who work on
extensor pollicis brevis where the tendons pass through computers for prolonged periods should adopt
the fibro-osseous tunnel located along the radial styloid ergonomic measures like good posture, use
at the distal wrist. Pain is exacerbated by thumb ergonomically fit furniture, move for ergonomic
movement and radial and ulnar deviation of the friendly innovative gadget designs and do stretch
wrist [6]. A classical patient of De Quervain’s exercises to reduce strain and discomfort without
tenosynovitis is a mother of newborn who repeatedly affecting productivity. Moreover, they should take
lifts her child with thumbs radially abducted and wrists adequate break whenever possible. There is a
going from ulnar to radial deviation [7]. Bilateral significant association between the number of hours
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