Hoel-1978 Monopoly
Hoel-1978 Monopoly
Hoel-1978 Monopoly
* An earlier version of this paper was written during a one year visit at MIT, and present-
ed at The European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Vienna, September 1977.
Financial support from The Bank of Norway’s Fund for Economic Research and The
United States Educational Foundation in Norway is gratefully acknowledged. I would
also like to thank Donald Hanson, Hal Varian, and two anonymous referees for useful
Copyright 6 1978 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
subject to
S(t)= -X(f), S(O)
= so9 (2)
so>3 0, x(t)3 0, y(t)3 0. (3)
Here x and y stand for resource extraction and substitute production by the
monopolist, while S is the remaining resource stock (S, is given). The discount
factor (v) and the unit cost of producing the substitute (c) are both positive,
and the unit cost of resource extraction (b) satisfies 0 < b -C c. The function
F(x + JV)gives the monopolist’s total revenue.
In the case with no backstop technology we have the additional constraint
u(t) = 0, and the revenue function is
where f-‘(p) is the demand function and p is the price of the resource.
Throughout our analysis we assume that
L$df(X) = cc (5)
so that we can disregard the possibility of zero resource extraction when there
is no substitute. We also assume that f’ < 0 and that X$(X) is strictly
concave, so that the marginal revenue function declines with x everywhere.
Under these assumptions it is well known [5, 81 that the monopolist’s optimal
extraction path makes the marginal current profit rise with the rate r, with the
initial extraction determined so that
x(t) nt = s, . (6)
q = g(x) = f(x) + xf’(x) - b (7)
as the marginal current profit, we therefore have
where the subscript 1 refers to case number 1. The value of ql(0) is determined
so that (6) holds when x = g-l(q) is used.
If substitute production is possible and controlled by the monopolist there
are no additional constraints to our problem (l)-(3), and F(x + y) =
(x + y)f(x + y) like before. Since c > b and r > 0, it is obviously not
optimal for the monopolist to start producing the substitute before the
resource is exhausted. Furthermore, after the date of exhaustion we must
have marginal revenue equal to marginal cost, i.e., q2(f) + b = c from (7)
(the subscript 2 refers to case number 2). Like before, we have q2(t) rising
with the rate Y as long as resource extraction takes place, and it is easy to
verify that q2(t) must reach its long-run value (c - b) exactly when exhaustion
occurs (see, for instance, Dasgupta and Stiglitz [I] or Hoe1 [3]). The solution
in this case is therefore given by
q2(t) 1 (c - /J) .@+),
where T,
is the date of exhaustion. The value of
that (6) must hold with x(t) = g-l(q2(t)) for t <
is determined by the fact
and x(t) = 0 for t > T,
Our third monopoly case is slightly more complicated than the two
previous cases. Here we have the constraint y(t) = 0 like in case number 1
(remembering that y is the quantity of the substitute produced by the
monopolist). Furthermore, the monopolist cannot sell any resources at a
price exceeding the competitive substitute price c. To simplify the mathe-
matics, we assume that the monopolist can sell as much as he wishes, up to
the total demand f-‘( p), at p = C. Since r > 0, it will not be profitable for
the monopolist to have 0 < x(t) <f-‘(c) for any period, since he at the
price c could obtain a higher discounted profit by letting x(t) = f-‘(c) first
and x(t) = 0 later in such a period. We can therefore solve the optimization
problem by introducing the additional constraint
subject to (2) (3), and x(t) > f-l(c), where the date of exhaustion
control variable. The Hamiltonian corresponding to this problem is
T, is a
where < implies x(t) = f-‘(c). The horizon T3 must satisfy H(x,(T.&
h, TJ = 0, i.e., from (4) and (11)
The solution for q3(t) = g(xS(t)) follows from (12) and (14):
Like before, T, is determined by the fact that (6) must hold with x(t) =
g-l(qg(t)) for t < T3 and x(t) = 0 for t > T3 inserted. In other words, the
monopoly solution in this case has two phases: In the first phase the marginal
current profit rises with the rate r until the resource price reaches its upper
limit c in the end of this phase. In the second phase the resource price is
constant and equal to c, and this phase lasts until the resource is completely
exhausted. Notice that the second phase must always occur in a solution
(cf. (15) and (16), which imply that q3(t3) = Zj for t sufficiently close to T,).
However, the first phase need not exist. This is true no matter how large S,,
is if 4 < 0. Since b > 0, it is clear that a suficient condition for 4 < 0 is
that the demand elasticity (=f(-xi’)) is
. smaller than one for all p < c. If
the second phase does not exist (due to 4 < 0 or S, sufficiently low to make
e-rT3(c - b) 3 q), the monopolist’s solution is simply to set x(t) = f-l(c)
until the resource is exhausted.
Since the first two monopoly cases both are characterized by q(t) increasing
with the rate r whenever extraction takes place, q2(t) - ql(t) must have the
same sign for all t < T, . But since the resource is exhausted in finite time
when a substitute exists, and x is higher the lower q is, we must have q2(t) -=c
ql(t) for all t < T, . From the relationship between q(t), p(t) and x(t) we
therefore can conclude that
In other words, the resource is exhausted at an earlier date when the substitute
is supplied competitively than when it is controlled by the resource owning
From (9) it is clear that we may well havep,(t) > c for all t. Sincep,(t) < c,
this means that pz(t) > pa(t) for all t is possible. However, we see from (9),
(15), and (18) that
PdO)> P,(O),
x3(0) -=cx,(O) if p,(O) < c.
This result is rather surprising. The case in which the substitute is supplied
competitively is in a sense more competitive than the case in which the
monopolist controls substitute production as well as resource extraction.
Intuitively, one might expect the price alway to be lowest in the most com-
petitive case, at least for some well-behaved demand functions. The result
above shows that this is never true unless the constraint pa(t) < c is binding
for all t: The initial price is higher, and initial extraction lower, in the case
with a competitively supplied substitute than in the case in which the
monopolist controls the substitute production, as long as pa(O) < c.
Since T3 < T, , we obviously must have x3(f) > x&) for some t < T3,
PdO< A(t),
40 > x2(t)
for t smaller than but sufficiently close to T3 . This result helps explain why
~~(0) > ~~(0) is not so surprising after all: The existence of the constraint
p3(t) < c when the substitute is supplied competitively prevents the mono-
polist from charging as high a price sometime in the future as he would have
if he controlled the production of the substitute. It then seems reasonable
that some of this reduced future price will be compensated for by raising the
price early in the period of extraction.
From (17) and (20) we see that
It is well known [5, 81 that the extraction path described by (25) is identical
to the extraction path under perfect competition.
Inserting this equation into (6) and integrating (remembering that x,(t) = 0
for t > T.J gives
which holds for all t < T, . Comparing (27) with (25) of course confirms
our general result (17).
Dasgupta and Stiglitz [l], Hoe1 [3], and Nordhaus [6] have shown that the
competitive extraction path when a substitute exists is given by (9), except
that q2 is substituted by pz - b. In the present case this is the same as sub-
stituting c with c(1 - u)-l in (9). This means that the competitive solution
is given by (27) with (1 - u)/c substituted by l/c (see [ 1, Sect. 2.11). We
therefore have the following result for our present case: While the compe-
titive and monopolistic extraction paths are identical when no substitute
exists, the presence of a substitute gives the competitive path a higher rate of
resource extraction up till the date of exhaustion than the rate of extraction
is when a monopolist controls resource extraction and substitute production.
Let us now turn to the case in which a monopolist extracts the resource
and the substitute is supplied competitively. From our result (19) and what
we said above, it is clear that unless ~~(0) = c, this intermediate market
structure does not have an initial price and initial extraction rate which lies
between the prices and extraction rates of full monopoly and full competition.
To study the present market solution in more detail, we find an explicit
solution for x3(t).
From (15) and (23) we get
q3(t) = c * Min[l - a, e-T(T33-t)],
S,, is sufficiently large to make pa(O) < c. Denoting the time when p3(t) = c
is reached by t, , we see from (28) that
ebla)(r3-t3) = (1 _ a)-ll"
a + Ml - 4 C-l/a e-(r/a)t
fSo + a (30)
which is valid for all t < T3 . From our assumption ~~(0) < c we have
if ~~(0) < c.
In other words, the initial price is higher and the initial extraction is lower
when a substitute is supplied competitively than when no substitute exists.
This rather surprising result can be given an interpretation similar to the
one we gave after (20): Introducing a competitively supplied substitute
affects the monopolist in the same way as introducing a maximal price c.
If such a maximal price depresses the monopolist’s future price, some of
this price reduction may be compensated for by raising the price early in the
period of extraction.
When a substitute exists, one expects the price to be lower the lower this
cost is. This is indeed the case when the monopolist controls substitute
production: From (27) we get ax,(t)/& < 0 for all t, which means that the
extraction will be higher, exhaustion will occur earlier and the price will be
lower the lower is the cost of producing the substitute. From what we said
above about the competitive solution, it is clear that the same results hold
under full competition. It is also easy to see that these results are valid also
for the more general case treated in Sections 2 and 3.
From (31) it is clear that as long asp,(t) < c we get ax(t)/& > 0. In other
words, the initial price is higher and the initial extraction is lower the lower
the cost of producing the substitute is. For larger values oft we havep,(i) = c,
so that the opposite result is true for this part of the extraction period.
Clearly Z&(O)/& < 0 must imply at,/& > 0 by the definition of t3 (i.e.,
p3(t3) = c). But since T, - t, is independent of c (cf. (29’)), this means that
the resource will be exhausted earlier the lower is the cost of producing the
We saw above that the initial resource price is higher the lower the cost of
substitute production is, as long as this cost is relatively high. For lower costs
of producing the substitute (giving ~~(0) = c), the initial resource price is
lower the lower this cost is. One may be interested in knowing more precisely
how low c may be before ~~(0) = c. From (30) it is clear that the critical
value of c, denoted by C, must satisfy
From (33) we see that 2 is higher the lower the initial resource stock S, is
and the lower the demand elasticity I/a is (i.e., the closer to zero 1 - a is,
remembering our assumption a < 1). In the limiting case when a = 1 we get
E = + co, i.e., ~~(0) = c no matter what values S,, and c have.
We have seen that for quite general demand functions, the intermediate
market structure in which a monopolist controls resource extraction, but a
substitute is supplied competitively, gives a higher initial price and a lower
initial resource extraction than we get when a single monopolist controls
both resource extraction and substitute production. This conclusion holds
as long as the cost of producing the substitute exceeds the initial price charged
1. P. DASGUPTA AND J. E. STIGLITZ, “Uncertainty and the Rate of Extraction under Alter-
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6. W. D. NORDHAUS, The allocation of energy resources, Brookings Papers Econ. Activity
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9. J. L. SWEENEY, Economics of depletable resources: Market forces and intertemporal
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