HR Stakeholder Management Sample Survey

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Sample HR Stakeholder Management Survey Questions

Overall Satisfaction

1. Overall, considering all factors, how satisfied are you with the HR department and its ability to
support your needs? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied]
2. How satisfied are you that HR provides high value relative to your perception of its operational
and staffing costs? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied]
3. What is your top suggestion for how HR can change or improve to better meet your needs?

HR Importance

4. Please rank the relative importance of the following HR services provided:

a. Talent Acquisition (Talent sourcing, interviewing, and candidate selection)
b. Talent Management (Managing talent resources to meet current and future
organizational needs.
c. Learning & Development (HR-facilitated internal training opportunities, skill
advancement, internal role progression, etc...)
d. Employee Relations (Contract administration, negotiations, investigations, disciplinary
processes, etc...)
e. Employee Engagement (Measuring, monitoring, and improving employee engagement)
f. Labor Relations (Managing a unionized environment, which includes the negotiation,
maintenance and adherence to collective agreements.)
g. Performance Management (Managing the process and providing support for
performance reviews, coaching, and goal setting.)
h. HR Technology (Using information technology to support HR processes and services.)
i. Health & Safety (Providing a safe and healthy work environment)
j. Metrics & Analytics (Analysis of employee data for reporting and decision making.)
k. Compensation & Benefits (Competitive compensation, benefits, rewards, and
recognition to attract and retain employees)
l. Culture & Innovation (Suggesting and implementing innovative HR practices and policies
to support the desired organizational culture)

Talent Acquisition

1. How satisfied are you that HR understands the specific recruiting needs of your department and
recruits candidates that meet these needs? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
2. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of employee recruitment and selection? [Open-ended]
Talent Management

3. How satisfied are you with the programs and planning that identify and manage talent to meet
current and future organizational needs?? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
4. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of managing talent resources? [Open-ended]

Learning & Development

5. How satisfied are you with the learning and development opportunities provided to employees
by HR? (Do employees and the business receive value from this training in order to do their jobs
more effectively or develop their career?) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
6. What is your best idea for how HR can improve their training and development programs and
better support existing employees in advancement of their skills? [Open-ended]

Employee Relations

7. How satisfied are you that HR provides managers with effective support in dealing with
employee issues? (Examples include, but are not limited to, contract administration,
negotiations, investigations, and consulting on disciplinary processes) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to
10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
8. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of contract administration, negotiations, investigations, and disciplinary processes? [Open-

Employee Engagement

9. How satisfied are you with HR’s programs to monitor, manage, and improve employee
engagement? (Does HR measure engagement levels and create action plans to improve
employee engagement?) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
10. What is your best suggestion for HR to support and improve employee engagement within your
business unit? [Open-Ended]

Labor Relations

11. How satisfied are you with the HR department’s support and handling of all tasks and issues
related to labor relations? (Examples include, but are not limited to, administering provisions,
grievance management, and contract negotiation.) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied
or NA]
12. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of managing a unionized environment? [Open-ended]
Performance Management

13. How satisfied are you with HR’s involvement and support in the performance management
process? (For example, does HR have the right tools and processes in place to make
performance management as effective and efficient as possible?) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 –
Fully Satisfied or NA]
14. How can the HR department better meet your needs when it comes to performance
management? [Open text]

HR Technology

15. How satisfied are you with the use of information technology to support HR processes and
services? (Examples include, but are not limited to, HRIS, Learning Management System,
Applicant Training System, etc ...) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
16. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively use HR Technology to support your
business unit? [Open-ended]

Health & Safety

17. How satisfied are you with HR’s role in providing a safe and healthy work environment?
(Examples include, but are not limited to, employee wellness programs, health and safety
policies, and injury case management.) [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
18. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of providing a safe and healthy work environment? [Open-ended]

Metrics & Analytics

19. How satisfied are you with the HR department’s analysis of HR-related data? (Is the process to
access information effective? Is the data analyzed and used to make decisions? Etc...) [1 – Not at
all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
20. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of analyzing, reporting, and making decisions based on employee data? [Open-ended]

Compensation & Benefits

21. How satisfied are you that the compensation structure and benefits package is sufficiently
competitive to attract and retain talent while maintaining budgetary responsibility? [1 – Not at
all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
22. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of attracting and retaining employees with competitive compensation, benefits, rewards and
recognition? [Open-ended]
Culture & Innovation

23. How satisfied are you with HR’s ability to create and implement innovative HR processes and
practices that support your organizational culture and drive value for the business? [1 – Not at
all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
24. What is your best idea for how HR can more effectively meet your business unit’s needs in terms
of implementing HR practices and policies to support the desired organizational culture? [Open-

Administrative Duties

25. How satisfied are you with the speed of responses for general HR enquiries and administrative
tasks? Examples include, but are not limited to, documenting time off, answering employee
questions about compensation and benefits, answering policy questions, etc... [1 – Not at all
Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
26. How satisfied are you with the quality and value of responses you and your team get from HR
related to general HR enquiries and administrative tasks? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully
Satisfied or NA]

Programs and Planning

27. How satisfied are you with the level of focus and involvement of HR in designing, implementing,
and aligning programs that meet your department’s needs? Examples include, but are not
limited to, compensation and benefits packages, reward and recognition plans, and recruiting
plans. [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]
28. How satisfied are you with the quality and value you and your team receive from implemented
HR designed/supported programs? (Do their programs align to your needs? Does your team
realize benefits from the programs? [1 – Not at all Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied or NA]

Trust and Alignment

29. To what extent do you trust that HR will appropriately handle employee situations, follow
through on their commitments, and provide value to your department or group? [1 – No trust to
10 – Full Trust]
30. What best describes your view of HR in relation to their support of your department or group?
[1- No Partnership to 10 – HR is a strategic partner]
31. To what extent do you believe HR has a strategic plan that aligns with the goals and objectives
of the business? [1 – HR is not aligned to 10 – HR is fully aligned]
HR Relationship

32. How satisfied are you with your relationship with HR in terms of:
a. HR understands your needs
b. HR is able to execute your requests in a way that meets your needs
c. HR communicates with your group effectively

[1 – Not at All Satisfied to 10 – Fully Satisfied]

Additional Comments

33. Please add any additional comments here. These will be presented anonymously to the survey

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