Testing Methods in Tribology of Polymeric Composit
Testing Methods in Tribology of Polymeric Composit
Testing Methods in Tribology of Polymeric Composit
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3 authors:
Saijod Lau
Multimedia University
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Tribology is defined as the study of friction, wear and
lubrication of interacting surfaces in relative motion.
The importance of tribology at present time is crucial
since most design applications involve ‘wear and tear’
process when subjected to relative motion. Medalia
(1980) reported that about 63% of wear has
contributed to the total cost of industries. Interestingly,
these contribution factors (friction, heat, wear, etc.)
cannot be eliminated completely; however, they can be b) Four stroke inline engine
minimized. According to the famous law regarding Figure 1: Typical spots on the importance of tribology
conservation of energy, it states that the total amount
of energy created can never be destroyed; it can only From the past decade up to present time, many
be transformed from one state to another, for an researchers had introduced advance materials as a
example, kinetic energy is transformed into useful substitute to the conventionally used materials as these
work, friction and heat dissipation to the surroundings. modified materials are excellent in wear and friction,
To link the above idea in terms of tribology, Figure 1 light in weight and improved life span (El-Tayeb,
is presented. It illustrates two typical examples relating 1997). For an instance, Nautiyal et al. (1983) observed
wear process due to relative motion; the human that the factors responsible for wear of a piston ring
skeleton (c.f. Figure 1a) and the inline four stroke sliding against cast iron combustion chamber were its
engine (c.f. Figure 1b). Thus, depending on the surface temperature, peak combustion pressure, total
severity of the wear process, these areas (red spots) energy of the wearing surfaces and other physical
have a certain period of life span. This naturally properties of the material under sliding. As such Dahm
occurring process (i.e. the decrease of output power of et al. (2003) proposed to replace the conventional
piston rings with ceramic matrix nano composite the drum rotates at a desired speed with the help of the
piston rings as the latter had smooth wear (i.e. micro drive chain. The speed of the specimen and the drum
scale wear) which contributed in low wear rates during can be controlled by means of a speed controller
the test. Nevertheless, new applications involving incorporated at the motor system. Test can be abrasive
natural fibres in polymeric composites are being if drum is coated with abrasive paper of different
introduced in various areas such as housing grades. Without abrasive paper, test is adhesive. Drum
construction materials (Hariharan et al., 2005), can be of different material (i.e. stainless steel,
industrial applications (Satyanarayana et al., 1990), aluminum, cast iron, mild steel, etc) based on the
automotive parts fabrication (John et al., 2008), suitability of the test conducted simulating the real
bearing applications (El-Sayed et al., 1995), structural time conditions. Application of test involves sliding of
and non-structural applications (Sreekala et al., 2002). goods on rotating rollers or conveyer belts (Rajesh et
Hence, scientific principles and calculating methods of al., 2002; Stevenson et al., 1996; Mutton 1978;
creating new materials / composites and estimation of Mutton, 1980; Blickensderfer et al., 1988).
its wear resistance of friction nodes as well as physical
simulation of friction and wear processes on a small-
sized laboratory test machine need to be carried out Hopper
experimentally before a proposed material/composite
is commercially introduced in the market (Dahm, et al.,
2003; Pogosian 1973). Prior to this, a suitable type of Rubber Wheel
wear test rig should be used with appropriate
parameters selected which reflect the real time
application of the material/composite. Examples of this
parameters are testing techniques, type of counterface
used against the test samples, sliding velocities, sliding
distances, applied loads, contact conditions and Specimen
orientations of the test specimen with respect to the
sliding direction of the counterface.
Figure 2: Schematic view of a dry sand rubber wheel
Having such knowledge, a tribo-testing machine which wear test rig
is capable to simulate the wear and frictional test based
on the selected parameters is developed. From Travel
Power screw
available published works, there are numerous types of Weights
tribo-testing machines. They differ with one another
based on the suitability of the test for a specific
application. Thus, the aim of this paper is to explain Drive chain
the various types of tribo-testing machines used in
performing different types of test which reflects the Chuck Motor
real time conditions. In conjunction to that, the work
further illustrates on common ways in presenting
data/results upon completion of a tribological
experiment/test. Drum
weight Load
balancer cell
surface due to relative motion (Hummel et al., 2004; contacting surfaces are smooth ( 0 ). In regard to
Harsha et al., 2002). Many researchers prefer to this, many reported works used various grades of
express wear performance of a material in terms of abrasive sand papers to achieve a relatively smooth
specific wear rate. Specific wear rate can be defined as surface by the contacting bodies. After due research,
follows: Figure 8 proposes one possible way in achieving
V smooth surfaces between the test specimen and
WS (1)
Fn . D counterface before experiment start-up.
where; Ws = Specific wear rate, mm3/N.m, ∆V = Wear track region
Volume difference, mm3, Fn = Normal applied load, N,
D = Sliding distance, m. Therefore, the wear
performance of a material is said to be superior if the
specific wear rate is low (i.e. material / specimen
exhibits low volume loss). However, there are a lot of
other factors contributing to the wear performance of a Top view
material subjected to tribological test. Naming a few,
the contact condition of the test specimen (i.e. dry /
wet), orientation of the test specimen with respect to
the sliding direction of the counterface and the types of
reinforcements used (i.e. natural fibre / resin) are Counterface
critical factors / parameters in affecting the wear
performance of a material.
Test specimen
3.2 Frictional performance
Friction performance of a material can be defined as
the force resisting the relative motion between two Rotating
sliding interfaces. Generally, higher frictional Fn 10 N direction
performance implies the superiority of a material in
exhibiting low friction coefficient values during
tribological testing. Friction coefficient can be
expressed as follow: Contacting surfaces polished with:
Grade 200
where; = Friction coefficient, Fr = Friction force, N, Grade 400
Fn = Normal force, N. Theoretically, the component of Cleaned with
Grade 600 liquid acetone
Fr is contributed by two main elements such as
adhesion force, Fa , and deformation or ploughing Grade 800
force, Fd (El-Sayed et al., 1995). Their corresponding
Water introduced
relation to friction force is shown in Eq. (3). Grade 1000
when polishing
multiply with area of material contact ( A ); Eq. (4) Figure 8: Proposed flow chart in achieving smooth
(Rabinowicz 1995) while Fd is expressed in Eq. (5) interacting surface before experimental start-up
(Rabinowicz 1995; Stolarski 2003; Bhushan 1999).
3.3 Temperature performance
Fa s A (4)
It is important to relate/include temperature
2 Fn tan characteristics of a material when conducting tribology
Fd (5) tests. This is because under dry adhesive wear, surface
temperature of the interacting surfaces increases over
where; θ is the attack angle / roughness angle of the
time. Hence, effects of thermo-mechanical loading will
asperity. In summary, it can be said that from Eq. (3), be more significant on the softer phase (Bhushan
(4) and (5), there are multiple factors affecting the 2001). This affects the wear and frictional performance
frictional coefficient of a material. Factors such as the of a material over long duration of experimental
roughness angle of the asperity with respect to the testing. Following to this, few techniques have been
contacting surface can be minimized when the
adopted in measuring temperatures during tribological However, the main limitation here is due to the design
test. One of the most convenient ways is by using an of the machine itself which limits the placement of the
infrared thermometer (Bhushan 2001). From Figure 9, infrared thermometer close to the test specimen. To
an infrared thermometer is placed at a fix horizontal minimize the measurement error of interfaces
distance ‘x’ away from the test specimen. Accordingly, temperature, El-Tayeb et al., (2005) incorporated a
interfaces temperatures can be measured during the thermocouple in an un-through hole of 2 mm in
test. However, it is to be highlighted here that the diameter which was pre-drilled on the test specimens
accuracy of temperature measurement varies with the (i.e. hole located approximately 0.75 mm above the
distance ‘x’. For example, a temperature measurement test specimen contacting surface with counterface)
at x = 1 m will differ with x = 2 m for the same test during composite fabrication. Following to this, an
conditions. In other words, temperature measurements external heat source was supplied to the counterface by
will be more accurate when the infrared thermometer means of a Bunsen burner. Concurrently, two
is placed closer to the test specimen. temperature readings were recorded, i.e. from infrared
thermometer and thermocouple device (c.f. Figure
0.747 10a). Based on the results obtained, a calibration graph
was generated where the calibrated linear equation (c.f.
Infra red
thermometer Figure 10b) was used to determine the real interface
temperatures. This method was reported to be more
accurate (i.e. up to 90% accuracy in temperature
Tripod stand
recordings) (Yousif, et al., 2010; El-Tayeb et al., 2005;
Nirmal, 2008) as compared to other measurement
techniques (Chang 1983; Hanmin et al.,1987; Malay et
al., 1982; Zaidi et al.,1999).
Figure 9: Incorporation of an infrared thermometer to
measure interfaces temperatures (Nirmal, 2008) Table 1: Methods in expressing roughness property
Symbol Brief description
Rq Root mean square average
Rsk Skewness average
Rku Kurtosis average
Rt P-V distance average
(P-V: highest asperity to the lowest valley
found anywhere along the profile length)
Asperity (peak) Center datum line
40 g h i j k l q r
A a c m n o p s t B
b d e f
Equation: y = 9.6875x + 25.323
20 Valley
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Infinitesimal area
Infrared temperature, oC
b) Profile length, n
b)Corresponding calibration graph (Nirmal, 2008)
Figure 10: Temperature calibration process with Figure 11: Graphical illustration in determining
corresponding calibration graph roughness average, Ra (Nirmal, 2008)
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