Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis 17112210050 (Thesis)

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Presented to the faculty of Education and Teacher Training in a Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata 1 in English Education Department










Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what

you want over and over again…even though every

time you’ve tried before you’ve lost

(Taylor Swift)


Kharis, Zulfatun Maghfiroh. 2021. The analysis of Figurative Language in

Ed Sheeran Selected Song Lyrics.
Key Word: figurative language, Ed Sheeran selected song lyrics

Figurative language is the language used to express one's thoughts, feelings,

imagination or messages in a work, which is conveyed through a different
language from the original literature with the aim of making the work more
beautiful and more interesting. Usually style is used in poetry and song lyrics.
Likewise in the lyrics of Ed Sheeran's song which contains several styles of
language and contains an indirect message. The purpose of the study was to
determine the types of language style and the most dominant style of language
used in several selected songs by Ed Sheeran, namely the song Thinking Out
Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. According to Perrine, the various styles of
language include metaphor, simile, personification, synecdoche, metonymy,
symbol, hyperbole, and paradox. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research
method where the researcher tries to find out the type of language style used and
the most dominant in Ed Sheeran's songs. The data source is all the lyrics of
Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. From the results of data analysis,
the researcher concludes that in the song Thinking Out Loud there are 5 types of
figurative language, namely: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and
synecdoche. In the song Perfect, there are 4 types of figurative language, namely:
metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and simile. While in the song Photograph, there are
3 types of figurative language, namely: personification, metaphor and synecdoche.
These findings indicate that the most dominant language style used in the three
songs is metaphor. From the conclusion of this research, the writer suggests that
in order to increase students' knowledge about language style, readers should
apply language style analysis or type of language style analysis.


Kharis, Zulfatun Maghfiroh. 2021. The analysis of Figurative Language in

Ed Sheeran Selected Song Lyrics.
Key Word: figurative language, Ed Sheeran selected song lyrics

Gaya bahasa adalah bahasa yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pemikiran,

perasaan, imajinasi ataupun pesan seseorang dalam sebuah karya, yang
disampaikan melalui bahasa yang berbeda dengan literature aslinya dengan tujuan
agar karya tersebut lebih indah dan lebih menarik. Biasanya gaya bahasa
digunakan dalam puisi dan lirik sebuah lagu. Begitu juga dalam lirik lagu milik
Ed Sheeran yang mengandung beberapa gaya bahasa dan mengandung pesan
secara tidak langsung. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis gaya
bahasa dan gaya bahasa yang paling dominan yang digunakan dalam beberapa
lagu pilihan milik Ed Sheeran, yaitu lagu yang berjudul Thingking Out Loud,
Perfect, dan Photograph. Menurut Perrine macam-macam gaya bahasa antara lain
yaitu metafora, simile, personifikasi, sinekdok, metonimi, symbol, hiperbola, dan
paradox. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian qualitative descriptive
dimana peneliti mencoba mencari tahu jenis gaya bahasa yang digunakan dan
yang paling dominan dalam lagu-lagu Ed Sheeran. Sumber data adalah semua
lirik lagu Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, dan Photograph. Dari hasil analisis data,
peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dalam lagu Thinking Out Loud ada 5 jenis gaya
bahasa, yaitu: simile, metafora, personifikasi, hiperbola dan sinekdok. Dalam lagu
Perfect ditemukan 4 jenis gaya bahasa, yaitu: metafora, hiperbola, paradox, dan
simile. Sedangkan dalam lagu Photograph terdapat 3 jenis gaya bahasa, yaitu:
personifikasi, metafora dan sinekdok. Dari temuan tersebut menunjukan bahwa
gaya bahasa yang paling dominan digunakan dalam tiga lagu tersebut adalah gaya
bahasa jenis metafora. Dari kesimpilan penelitian ini penulis menyarankan bahwa
untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang gaya bahasa, pembaca harus
menerapkan analisis gaya bahasa ataupun analisis jenis gaya bahasa.



All praise be to the lord of this universe, by the grace of Allah the highest
finally the writer is able to finish her thesis after long effort of writing. Peace,
blessing and salutation be upon our great prophet Muhammad, his family, his
descendants, and his followers who strived in Islam.
The gratitude and appreciation are addressed to:
1. H. Ahmad Munib Syafa‟at, Lc., M.E.I. The rector of Islamic Institute of
2. Dr. Siti Aimah, S.Pd.I., M.Si. Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
3. Dr. Hj. Zulfi Zumala Dwi Andriani, SS., MA. Head of Undergraduate
Program in English Education Department
4. Dian Kurniasih Wahyusari, S.S.,M.Hum my advisor who has given me
sincere advise and available guidance during the preparation and
completion this thesis.
5. All of my teacher and lecturer who has been ever taught and guided me all
this time.
6. My beloved parents, Mr. A. Za‟imuddin Al Kharis and Mrs. Kuswati who
always give their love sincerely, so that they are able to become the
biggest motivators in every step of reaching their goals so that there are no
words that can be expressed to repay your love. May Allah always give all
the best for you.
7. My beloved family who cannot be mentioned one by one, especially my
sister Zilvie Zuhdatul Mukarromah Kharis, and my aunt who has always
been the second mother after my mother, thank you for your prayers and
support, without your presence all of them are meaningless.
8. All of my friends, my thesis colleagues, especially Nadila Afifatul Aini
who have supported my spirit and have helped me to complete this thesis.
9. All members of Tuhfatun Nidhomiyyah Dormitory, thank you for your
10. The small family of Rumah Kita, thankyou for the support and
11. All friends of TBIG 2017, thank you very much for your cooperation so

far, wish you all the best.

12. All parties who helped in the process of completing this thesis

Banyuwangi, 10 August 2021

Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis


COVER ...........................................................................................................
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS PAGE ........................................................... ii
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ......................................................... vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of Study ........................................................................... 1
B. Research Problem................................................................................. 4
C. Objective of The Study ........................................................................ 4
D. The Scope and Limitation .................................................................... 4
E. Significance of The study..................................................................... 5
F. Definition of Key Terms ...................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................... 7
A. Theoretical Review .............................................................................. 7
1. Figurative Language....................................................................... 7
a. Definition of Figurative Language ........................................... 7
b. Kinds of Figurative Language .................................................. 8
2. The Nature of Music and Song ...................................................... 12
a. Definition of Music .................................................................. 12
b. Definition of Song .................................................................... 14
c. Genres of the Song ................................................................... 15
d. Lyrics........................................................................................ 16
3. Ed Sheeran ..................................................................................... 16
a. Ed Sheeran‟s Biography........................................................... 16
b. Ed Sheeran‟s Early Life ........................................................... 17
c. Ed Sheeran‟s Career ................................................................. 18
4. Ed Sheeran‟s Song Lyric ................................................................ 21
a. Thinking Out Loud ................................................................... 21
b. Perfect ...................................................................................... 23
c. Photograph ............................................................................... 24
B. Previous Study ..................................................................................... 26
C. Research Preposition ............................................................................ 30

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 31
A. Research Design ................................................................................... 31
B. Subject of Research .............................................................................. 31
C. Data Source .......................................................................................... 32
D. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 33
E. Data Validity ........................................................................................ 34
F. Technique of Analysis Data ................................................................. 34
A. Result ................................................................................................... 36
B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 44
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 57
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 57
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 58
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 59



A. Background of the Study

We as humans cannot be without contact and interaction, which

means we cannot live without words. Khoirul Nisa in her thesis stated that

language is the medium of communication by which people can maintain

their social relationships. "Language is an arbitrary system of vowel

symbols by which humans communicate," writes (Wardhaugh,1992:3).

Figurative language is the language used to express someone's

feelings by using a language that is different from the original. According

to Zainuddin (1992:51) figurative language is a term that refers to a

number of ways that people use language to convey their thoughts. It is a

way of expressing something other than the literal sense of words.

Parables, metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, symbols, idioms,

disparaging, rhetoric, repetition, onomatopoeia, metonymy, simile, and

irony are all examples of figurative language. Usually figurative language

used in literary works like poem and lyrics of the song. One of the

examples in the song lyrics that use figurative language is the lyrics from

Ed Sheeran songs.

Modern globalization has both positive and negative consequences

today. One of the impacts is to provide major developments in the fields of

science, technology, economics, education and also the arts. The

development of art goes so fast and music or song is one of the branches

arts that have a huge influence on society. Music is entertainment that


might represent bad or good human feelings, able to express thoughts,

experiences, emotions, and beliefs, and expresses imagination. Therefore

many literary or artistic works use figurative language to make them more

imaginative as well as more interesting. And every literary work has its

own message and is different. Music has several classifications, including

pop, jazz and blues, rock, religious and others. Nowadays, music that is

favoured by the public, especially among teenagers, is western music.

Where in western music it is often found the use of figurative language to

convey the message contained or to make it more interesting and


Song lyrics are an expression about something that has been seen,

heard or experienced. Songs are accompanied by more lyrics that have a

structure and a relationship between them, which has the impression of

meaning. Apart from that, songs are one kind of unique way to be enjoyed.

Because music is better at combining sound with lyrics. In conclusion, the

song is an association of several lyrics that have a link between them,

which is always accompanied by music or melodic sound. Singers can

influence the listener's subconscious.

The study about figurative language, especially in the song lyrics

was conducted by reviewing some relevant thesis, particularly written by

some students. The writer found the thesis by Dewi (2020), her thesis

entitled „Figurative Language in Maher Zain‟s Song Lyrics‟, Nisa (2020),

her thesis entitled „An Analysis of Figurative Language in the Maher

Zain‟s Song Lyric‟, Kurniawati (2018), her thesis entitled „An Analysis of

Figurative Language Used in Song Lyrics of Speak Now Album by Taylor

Swift‟, and Akbar (2016), his thesis entitled „Figurative Expressions

Found in Ed Sheeran‟s Album X: a semantic Analysis‟. That four research

have similarities, both of them have been examining figurative language in

a song.

In this study, the researcher analyzed the figures of speech

contained in the selected songs of Ed Sheeran. This research was

conducted based on the researcher's knowledge that Ed Sheeran's songs

contain a lot of figure of speech in them. Therefore, the researcher

analyses the figurative language contained in Ed Sheeran's song.

In addition, Ed Sheeran is a pop singer from England. He started

his musical career in 2004 until now. Not only works as a singer, but he

also works as a songwriter, record producer and also as an actor. He has

composed many songs, and each one has its own deep meaning. Ed

Sheeran also uses figurative language in some of his song lyrics to convey

the message or meaning of the song indirectly and to make the song more

beautiful and more interesting.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

analysing the figurative language contained in a song. By looking at the

figurative language contained in the song, someone can better animate or

understand what message the song contains. Therefore, researcher will

conduct research with the title of research ”THE ANALYSIS OF



B. Research Problem

Based on the background of the research discussed above, the research

problem are formulated as follows:

1. What types of figurative languages are used in Ed Sheeran selected

song lyrics?

2. What type of figurative language is dominantly used in Ed Sheeran

selected song lyrics?

3. What the relation between the songs and the society at the time?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the statements of research problem above, the objectives

of this study are:

1. To find out the types of figurative languages are used in Ed

Sheeran selected song lyrics.

2. To find out the most dominant figurative language in Ed

Sheeran selected song lyrics.

3. To find out the relation between the song and the society at the


D. The Scope and Limitation

In order to make the study more focus, the study is focused on the

figurative language used in Ed Sheeran selected songs, they are Thinking


Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. And the figurative language focused

on hyperbole, metaphor, personification, simile, synecdoche and also


E. Significance of the Study

1. For Students

For students, I hope this research can be useful to learn more in-

depth figurative language, not only from their textbooks but also from

English song lyrics. In addition, in practice, students can practice their

ability to memorize more vocabulary and improve their skills in


2. For Lecturer

For lecturers, I hope this research can help in teaching figurative

language and also new vocabulary, not only from handbooks, but also

practical from reading and analyzing song lyrics which is expected to

help students acquire their new vocabulary effectively.

3. For the Future Research

For further research, hopefully this research will be one of the

important reference for English Education who conducted similar


F. Definition of Key Term

The title of this research is “The Analysis of Figurative Languages

in Ed Sheeran Selected Song Lyrics”. Concerning with this title, to avoid

misunderstanding the researcher would like to give some definitions:

1. According to Keraf (2009), Figurative language is a way of

expressing the author's feelings using beautiful languages.

2. Song is the act of singing, short composition in which word and

music combined together for unity (Longman Modern

Dictionary). According to Jamalus (1988:5) reveals that songs

can be described as art works in singing to musical instruments


3. According to Hornby (2000:802), Lyric is expressing a

person‟s personal feelings and thoughts, connected with written

for singing.


A. Theoretical Review

1. Figurative Language

a. Definition of Figurative Language

The researcher applies Perrine's theory (1987: 576-

645) in his book Literature, Structure, Sound, and Sense to

this research. Figurative language, according to Perrine, is a

way of expressing something in a non-traditional way.

Metaphor, simile, personification, synecdoche, metonymy,

sign, and hyperbole are among the forms of figurative

language described in his book.

A literary work contains elements of beauty in its

language, contains meaning that is not in accordance with

the original. One that is used to make a literary work more

attractive and more beautiful is the use of figurative


Figurative language are words or phrases used by

the author to beautify his work and to convey messages or

meanings indirectly. Figurative Language is a style of

language that can be figurative, like, parable which aims to

beautify the meaning and message of a sentence



Figure of speech is the style of language used by the

writer to convey a message in an imaginative and figurative

way (Ratna:2019). Figurative language is language that

uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different

from the literal interpretation (Adkins:2001). Bardshaw

stated that figurative language of figure of speech is

combinations of words whose meaning cannot be

determined by examination of the meanings of the words

that make it up or to put it another way, a figurative

language uses a number of words to represent a single

object, person or concept (Bardshaw:2002).

From some of the above meanings, it can be

concluded that figurative language is a person's way of

expressing imagination conveying messages from the work

they make, either through written or oral.

b. Kinds of Figurative Language

1) Simile

Simile is almost the same as Metaphor, it's

just that Simile uses direct comparisons, usually

using the words: Like, As, etc. Simile is the

comparison of two things, by the use of some words

or phrase such as like as, than, similar to, or

resemble (Laurence:1969).

Example : Busy as a bee


2) Metaphor

Metaphor is a language used to compare an

entity to another. Usually, different things are being

compared, between what is abstract and what is not.

According to Keraf “metaphor is a figure of speech

which compares two things directly, but in a simple

form. Metaphor cannot use word like, such as,

similar to, and, resemble.” (Reaske, 2000:67).

Example : Time is money.

3) Personification

Personification is to think that objects other

than humans have feelings, behaviours (verbs), and

are physical like humans. Describing inanimate

objects as if alive. Keraf, said “Personification is the

figurative language that describe a nonlife things or

non-human object abstraction or ideas able to act

like human being.” (Reaske, 2000:68)

Example : The sun played hide and seek

with the clouds.

4) Apostrophe

Adding a non-existent or inanimate object

seems alive and could mistake what someone said.

Example : “Actually cannot want to say, but

your child very naughty”


5) Synecdoche

A figure of speech in which a part represents

the whole. Perrine states synecdoche is the use of

the part for the whole (Perrine:69).

Example : lend you a hand (you don‟t really

just want his hand).

6) Metonymy

Metonymy is a style of language used by

mentioning brands or other terms of objects that are

still common. Perrine states that metonymy is the

use of something closely related to the thing

actually meant (Perrine:69).

Example : Budi went to Surabaya to ride a

deer (what is meant here is a car branded as a deer).

7) Symbol

Perrine states that symbol is defined as

something that means more than what it is

(Perrine:82). Symbol is a language style that

compares something with something else using

symbols, symbols or objects.

Example : Now Ana is already good at

fighting the tongue with his parents.


8) Allegory

Perrine states that allegory is a narrative or a

description that has meaning beneath the surface

one (Perrine:91). Allegory is a language style that

uses figuratively in the form of object, symbol or

other characteristics with or without an explanation

of the real meaning.

Example : “Story about mouse deer and


9) Paradox

Perrine states that paradox is an apparent

contradiction that is nevertheless something true. It

may be either situation or statement (Perrine:109).

Paradox is a style of language that expresses its

meaning by comparing two things that are

contradictory but it is true.

Example : “She feel alone in center of town”

10) Hyperbole

Perrine states that hyperbole is simply

exaggeration out in the service of truth

(Perrine:109). Hyperbola is a language or figure of

speech used to express or exaggerate something.

Example : You have big eyes like an apple.


11) Understatement

Perrine in his journal states that

understatement is saying less than one means that

may exist in what are said or merely in how one

says it (Perrine:111). Understatement is the

opposite of overstatement.

Example : Swimming with those starving

sharks might be a bit unpleased.

12) Irony

Perrine states that irony is the opposite of

what one means (Perrine:113). Irony is a language

style that expresses meaning using subtle innuendos

that contradict the real meaning.

Example : “your rapport is very good, until

red‟s colour all”.

2. The Nature of Music and Song

a. Definition of Music

Music is one medium of art expression; music

reflects the culture of the community. In the music

contained values and norms that are part of the cultural

enculturation process, both from the point of structural and

type in culture. Music is a an art of arranging sounds to


produce an unified and evocative composition as through

rhythm, melody and harmony („Ain:2013).

According to Hornby (2000: 873) said that music is

sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or

exciting to listen to. So the art of music is the expression of

feelings or thoughts spark which issued regularly in the

form of sound. The most basic element of music is the

sound. The sound of good music is the result of the

interaction of three elements: rhythm, melody, and

harmony. Rhythm is sound settings in a time, long, short,

and tempo, and this gives each its own character in music.

Combination of pitch and rhythm will produce a certain

melody. Furthermore, a good combination of rhythm and

melody and harmony produce a beautiful sound when


The lyrics have two meanings, namely (1) a literary

work (poetry) that contains an outpouring of personal

feelings, (2) the composition of a song (Moeliono,

2003:678). To use a lyric a poet must be good at processing

words. The word song has meaning all kinds of rhythmic

sounds (2007:624). Poetry (song lyrics) is an arrangement

of words in which each line has certain rhyme or rhyme

(Sayuti, 1985:13).

b. Definition of Song

Song is a composition of tone or voice in sequence,

combination and temporal relation to produce a musical

composition that has unity and continuity. According to

Hornby (2000: 1281) said that “Song is a short piece of

music with words that you sing”.

Longman Modern Dictionary states that song is “the

act of singing, short composition in which word and music

combined together to unity”. It means that song cannot be

separate from the music. Song and music are related to each

other in order to make good symphony.

Songs are highly expressive. Some convey love and

emotions, some tell a memorable and moving story, some

create one‟s dreams and ideals, and some reminisce about

the golden past. Songs has a beautiful melody to make our

sense change to be better. Music instrument make a good

song which nice to listen. Song can change our mood

become better.

Songs can be sung solo, both (duet), three (trio) or

the rollicking. Words in the song are usually shaped

rhythmic poetry, but there is also a religious nature or free

prose. Songs can be categorized in many types, depending

on the measure used.


Song is the art of sound or tone that has a

combination or sequence that is usually accompanied by a

musical instrument to produces a continuous music. So,

song and music are two parts that cannot be separated each


c. Genres of The Songs

Songs can be broadly divided into many different

forms and types, depending on the criteria used.

1) Art song

Art songs are songs created for performance

by classical artists, often with piano or other

instrumental accompaniment, although they can be

sung solo. Art songs require strong vocal technique,

understanding of language, diction and poetry for


2) Folk Song

Folk songs are songs of often anonymous

origin that are transmitted orally. Folk song are

frequently a major aspect of national or cultural

identity. Art songs often approach the status of folk

songs when people forget who the author was. Folk

songs include ballads, lullabies, love songs,

mourning songs, dance songs, ritual songs and

many more.

d. Lyrics

Lyrics are the compositions in verse which is sung

to a melody to constitute a song. Lyric is expressing deep

personal emotion or observations. Lyrics are a set of words

that make up a song, usually consisting of verses and

choruses. Some lyrics are abstract, almost unintelligible,

and, in such cases, their explication emphasizes form,

articulation, meter, and symmetry of expression. A lyric is a

paper written by someone who has imagination in

composing beautiful words that have deep meaning. Lyrics

and music combined would be a wonderful song and

pleasing to the ear. According to Hornby (2000: 802), he

stated that the lyrics is expressing a person's personal

feeling and thoughts, connected with singing and written

for a lyric poem is the words of a song.

3. Ed Sheeran

a. Ed Sheeran‟s Biography

Ed Sheeran whose full name is Edward Christopher

Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England on

February 17, 1991. He grew up in Framlingham, Suffolk.

He is an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, record

producer and actor. He entered the Academy of

Contemporary Music in Guildford as a scholar at the age of


18 in 2009. In early 2011, Sheeran independently released

an extended play entitled No. 6 Collaboration Projects.

After signing with Asylum Records, his debut

album, + (pronounced "plus"), was released in September

2011. It topped the UK and Australia album charts, peaked

at number five in the US, and has been certified seven-

times platinum in the UK. Raya.

His second studio album, x (pronounced as

"multiply"), was released in June 2014. It peaked at number

one in the UK and US. In 2015, x won the Brit Award for

Album of the Year, and he received the Ivor Novello

Award for Songwriter of the Year from the British

Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors.

Sheeran's third album, (pronounced as "divide"),

was released in March 2017. It debuted at number one in

the UK, US and other countries. The first two singles from

the album, "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill", were

released in January 2017 and broke records in various

countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, and

Germany, debuting in the top two positions on the charts.

b. Ed Sheeran‟s Early Life

Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and

moved with his family to Framlingham in Suffolk when he

was a child. He has an older brother named Matthew, who


works as a composer. Their parents, John and Imogen, are

from London.

Sheeran sang in the local church choir from the age

of four, learned to play guitar while attending Rishworth

School, and began writing songs while attending Thomas

Mills High School in Framingham. He was accepted into

the National Youth Theatre in London as a teenager. He is

patron of Youth Music Theatre UK and of Access to music,

where he majored in Artist Development.

c. Ed Sheeran‟s Career

Sheeran began recording music in 2004, and

independently released his first collection, Spinning Man.

He moved to London in 2008, in that year, he auditioned

for the ITV series, Britannia High. He also opened for

Nizlopi at Norwich in April 2008, after being one of their

guitar technicians. He released another EP in 2009, You

Need Me, before going on tour with Just Jack. He has also

done several collaborations with Essex singer Leddra

Chapman, including "Fuck You" Cee Lo Green. In

February 2010, Sheeran posted a video via SB.TV, and

rapper Example invited Sheeran to tour with him. That

same month, he also released the EP Loose Change,

featuring his upcoming debut single, "The A Team". In the

fall of 2009, Sheeran began studying music at the Academy


of Contemporary Music (ACM) in Guildford, Surrey as an

undergraduate, although it is unclear how long he remained

on campus.

Sheeran began to be seen and known by many

people through the internet through YouTube. He

performed at the Station Session in St. Pancras

International in June 2010. Then Sheeran also self-released

two other EPs in 2010, Ed Sheeran: Live at the Bedford and

Songs I Wrote with Amy, which is a collection of love

songs he wrote in Wales with singer, Amy Wadge. In 2010

he was in Los Angeles and was invited to perform at The

Foxhole, a club run by actor Jamie Foxx, which ended with

an invitation to stay at Foxx's house.

On January 8, 2011 Sheeran released another

independent EP, No. 5 Collaborations Project, featuring

artists such as Wiley, Jme, Devlin, Sway, and Ghetts. Three

months later, Sheeran put on a free fan show at Barfly in

Camden Town. Later that month, Sheeran was signed to

Asylum Records. His first album, + (Plus) released on

2011, some of his songs include 'The A Team, Drunk', 'You

Need Me, I Don't Need You' and 'Kiss Me'.

Sheerans' second album, x (pronounced as

“multiply”), was released on June 23, 2014. Some of the

single songs included in this second album include. In


2017, Sheeran released his third album, (pronounced as

“divide”), Perfect, Shape of You, Castle on the Hill are

some singles that are included in “multiply” album.

Sheeran's fourth album, No.6 Collaborations Project

released in May 10, 2019. In this album, Sheeran includes

songs with other singers. Among them are the singles titled

"I Don't Care" which is a duet with Justin Bieber, "Cross

Me" which features collaborations Chance the Rapper and

PnB Rock, "Beautiful People" with Khalid, "Best Part of

Me" with Yebba, "Blow" with Bruno Mars and Chris

Stapleton, “Antisocial” with Travis Scott and “Take Me

Back to London” with Stormzy.

Sheeran made his acting debut in 2014, a supporting

role as himself in the New Zealand soap opera Shortland

Street, which was filmed while he was in the country. In

May 2015, he appeared as himself and appeared on an

episode live of komsit NBC Undateable. That same year,

while in Australia, he filmed a scene for a soap opera Home

and Away, as a character inspired by himself. Sheeran was

chosen by creator Kurt Sutter to play Sir Cormac in the

play The Bastard Executioner on the FX channel. Sheeran

also appeared as himself in the 2016 film Bridget Jones's

Baby. In July 2017, Sheeran appeared in a supporting role

in Game of Thrones.

4. Ed Sheeran’s Song Lyric

a. Thinking Out Loud

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

Darlin' I will

Be lovin' you

Till we're seventy

Baby my heart

Could still fall as hard

At twenty three

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe it's all part of a plan

Me I fall in love with you every single day

I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now

Take me into your lovin' arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades


And the crowds don‟t remember my name

When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)

I know you will still love me the same

Cause honey your soul

Can never grow old

It's evergreen

Baby your smile's forever in my mind in memory

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just a touch of a hand

I'll continue making the same mistakes

Hoping that you'll understand

That baby now (oooh)

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are (ohh ohh)

Baby now

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars (oh darlin')

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are


We found love right where we are

And we found love right where we are

b. Perfect

I found a love for me

Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath

my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her


I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love


Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

c. Photograph

Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves


Where our eyes are never closing

Our hearts are never broken

And time's forever frozen, still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home

Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know, know

I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of


And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home


You can fit me

Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen

Next to your heartbeat where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

Well that's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost back on Sixth street

Hearing you whisper through the phone

Wait for me to come home

B. Previous Study

There are many previous studies related to figurative language. In this

part, the researcher will discuss several previous studies as a guideline for

working on the thesis. The writer found in the thesis by Dewi (2020), her

thesis entitled „Figurative Language in Maher Zain‟s Song Lyrics‟, Nisa

(2020), her thesis entitled „An Analysis of Figurative Language in the

Maher Zain‟s Song Lyric‟, Kurniawati (2018), her thesis entitled „An

Analysis of Figurative Language Used in Song Lyrics of Speak Now

Album by Taylor Swift‟, and Akbar (2016), his thesis entitled „Figurative

Expressions Found in Ed Sheeran‟s Album X: a semantic Analysis‟.


The first is research by Laila Alviana Dewi (2020), entitled

”Figurative Language in Maher Zain‟s Song Lyric” from English

Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo. The purpose of this research were

to find the types of figurative language in Maher Zain‟s songs and disclose

the most dominant types of figurative language in Maher Zain‟s songs.

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach and

the research design was content analysis. Based on the result of the study,

it can be concluded that the most dominant types of figurative language in

Maher Zain‟s song is hyperbole.

The second is research by Khoirul Nisa (2020), entitled “An Analysis

of Figurative Language in Maher Zain‟s Song Lyric”. From English

Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

Institute of Islamic Studies Metro. The purpose of this research is to know

what types of figurative language can be found in song lyric by Maher

Zain. This research used qualitative content analysis. From the results of

the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there are n the song "Insha

Allah", there are 9 types of figurative languages, namely: Personification,

Metaphor, Simile, Hyperbole, Irony, Alliteration, Parallelism,

Synecdoche, and Euphemism. And in the song "For the Rest of My Life",

there are 3 types of figurative language, namely: Hyperbole, Litotes, and

Alliteration. In the song "Hold My Hands", the author found 7 types of

figurative languages, namely: Personification, Metaphor, Antithesis,

Simile, Irony, Parallelism and Synecdoche.


The third research by Nita Kurniawati (2018), entitled “An Analysis

of Figurative Language Used in Song Lyrics of Speak Now Album by

Taylor Swift”. English and Education Department, Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. The purposes of this research

are: (1) to find out the types of figurative language used in song lyrics of

“Speak Now” album by Taylor Swift. And (2) to describe the

interpretation of figurative language used in song lyrics of “Speak Now”

album by Taylor Swift. The result of this research shows that the total

number of types of figurative language used in song lyrics of “Speak

Now” album by Taylor Swift are 48 types of figurative language. And the

dominant one is Hyperbole, there are totally 17 types. And that there are

10 similes, 8 personification, 8 symbol. 2 metaphor, 2 oxymoron and 1

synecdoche that is used in the song lyrics of “speak now” album by Taylor

Swift. The writer concluded that there are seven types of figurative

language used in song lyrics, they are Hyperbole, Personification, Simile,

Metaphor, Symbol, Synecdoche, and oxymoron.

The fourth research by Rizqi Aldilini Akbar (2016), entitled

“Figurative Expressions Found in Ed Sheeran‟s Album X: A Semantic

Analysis”. Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University

of Sumatera Utara. The purpose of this research to find out the type and

the most dominant figurative expressions which specifically discusses

about figurative expressions found in Ed Sheeran‟s album X. the result of

this research shows that researcher found 118 data: 10 of Personification,

76 of Metaphor, 6 of Simile, 14 of Synecdoche and 12 of Metonymies.


The writer concluded that metaphor becomes the most dominant type of

figurative expression occurred in the album.

The similarities between the four previous studies that have been

mentioned with this study are both examining figurative language in a

song. Whereas the difference between the four previous studies and this

research is that, in research conducted by Laila Alviana Dewi, she

analyzes the figurative language that is the most prominent in Maher

Zain's song, while the researcher analyze the type and the most figurative

language that occurred in three songs by Ed Sheeran.

Khoirul Nisa's research analyzed the types of figurative language

contained in each of Maher Zain's songs, while the researcher only

analyzed the type and most dominant figurative language only in three

songs by Ed Sheeran. The third previous study was a research conducted

by Nita Kurniawati, she analyzed the type of figurative language contained

in the song Speak Now and described the interpretation of the figurative

language, while the researcher analyzed type and the most dominant

figurative language. The fourth previous study was research conducted by

Rizqi Aldilini Akbar , he analyzed the type and most dominant figurative

language in one album of Ed Sheeran that namely X, while the researcher

only analyzed the type and the most dominant figurative language in three

songs by Ed Sheeran.

The four previous studies are very helpful and provide a reference for

researchers in analyzing figurative language contained in a song.


C. Research Preposition

According to the researcher, Ed Sheeran‟s song entitled Thinking

Out Loud tells about the love of a pair of lovers who are eternal until old

age, which will not be fragile even with age. According to the researcher's

temporary assumption, this song contains hyperbole, personification and

metaphor. The figure of speech that dominates is a metaphorical figure of


Perfect song by Ed Sheeran tells the story of a love affair when a

person is a child, which then recurs when he is an adult. And the man in

this story praises his lover who he thinks is so perfect. The researcher

assumes that in this song there are metaphors, hyperboles, and similes.

However, the most widely used figure of speech is hyperbole.

Meanwhile, Ed Sheeran's song Photograph is about the longing of

a person who has to undergo a long distance relationship with his partner,

and to treat his longing he sees a photo of his lover. In this song, the

researcher argues that there are several figure of speech used, including

metaphorical figure of speech, hyperbole, personification. And most of

them are metaphorical figures of speech.

The data collected is in the form of the lyrics of Ed Sheeran

selected song, there are Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph.

From the three songs, the researcher concludes that from all the figure of

speech used in the three songs, it is a metaphorical figure of speech.



A. Research Design

There are two kinds of research methods, namely qualitative

methods and quantitative methods. This research is classified according to

its purpose. Quoted according to Creswell that "Qualitative Research is

one type of research that can be used in the scope of education in addition

to quantitative research and classroom action research". In this study, the

researcher chose to use descriptive qualitative research methods, where the

data were described systematically to get accurate results. The purpose of

descriptive research is to systematically describe the facts and

characteristics. And in this study using this method because it aims to

describe and analyze the type of figurative language used in Ed Sheeran's

chosen songs. This research is done by formulating problems, collecting

data, classifying data, and analyzing data.

B. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research are 3 selected songs by Ed Sheran that

could potentially have an interesting figurative language to be studied, the

songs are: Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. Thinking Out

Loud and Photograph are Ed Sheeran's singles from his second album

entitled X (Multiply), which was released in 2014. While the song Perfect


is one of the singles from Sheeran's third album entitled (Divide) which

was released in 2017.

C. Data Source

In this research, the researcher uses two source, they are primary

and secondary source.

1. Primary Data Source

According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh and Sorensen (2006:

446-447) primary data sources are original documents

(correspondence, diaries, report, etc), relics, remains, or

artefact. These are the direct outcomes of events or the record

of participant. In this research, primary data source are the lyric

script of 3 selected songs by Ed Sheeran entitled “Thinking

Out Loud”, “Perfect”, and “Photograph”.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data source the mine of a non-observer also

comes between the event and the user of the record.

Secondary data source are articles and previous study which

related about of figurative language. It means that the

secondary data source, existing data and found the results to be

reviewed. In this research conduct secondary data source to

strengthen the results of the analysis of the primary data source.


D. Technique of Collecting Data

The data collection technique is the most important part of the

success or failure of a study. The aim of technique is to measure the extent

to which the object that the researcher‟s research understand and

appreciate the song lyrics that would research use. The technique for

collecting data is the observation and study documentation, and another

data are collected through:

1. Library Research

Literature technique is "library research carried out by

reading, studying and recording various literature or reading

materials that are in accordance with the subject matter, then

filtered and poured into a theoretical framework" (Kartono,

1998:78). Library sources like books and other papers that

related with the research. The quotations are taken by doing

reading activities from different libraries or downloaded from

some sites in form of e-books or other.

2. Browsing Internet

Accessing Internet Sites (Websites) this method is done by

browsing websites/sites that provide various data and

information related to research, namely sites regarding research

journals on figurative language and various other sites that

serve as a basic basis or reference for studying various theories

and practice that the authors are investigating.


D. Data Validity

The validity of the collected data is vital. Wrong data will lead to

wrong conclusions, nd vice versa, valid data will be a conclusion to the

correct results. Gunawan (2017: 216) determines the uniqueness of the

data, a technique of checking data is needed. A data checking technique

for a study and a technique based on a multi-perspective perspective on


E. Technique of Analysis Data

The technique that the researcher uses is content analysis. The

researcher will write all of the finding content analysis that researcher find

in the research and classify all of the statements included in each type of

figurative language. Data is the focus of analyzing the song lyrics in the 3

songs by Ed Sheeran. There are any steps to analyze data in order to

understand about the result of the data.

1. Listening the selected songs of Ed Sheeran.

The first step the researcher took in analyzing the data was

listening to all of Ed Sheeran's songs that had been selected for


2. Reading the lyrics of selected songs of Ed Sheeran.

3. After listening to the song, the next step is to read the lyrics of

each song carefully and carefully.

4. Underlining the words which related in figurative language.


5. Then underline the lyrics that contain or use language styles in


6. Identifying. After being marked or underlined, the next step is

to identify the language style contained in the lyrics.

7. After identifying and finding the type of language style used,

the next step is to classify the song lyrics according to the

language style used.

8. Reanalyze the classified statements and figurative language to

avoid mistakes by using the theories of experts. This section is

very important, because when in the classification process,

mistakes can occur in classifying lyrics with figurative

language, therefore it needs to be reviewed to strengthen the


9. The last step is to determine the most dominant language style

used from all the songs analyzed.



In this chapter explanation about the research finding that the writer found,

there are the types of figurative language in Ed Sheeran selected song lyrics. The

songs are Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph.

A. Result

1. Thinking Out Loud

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

Darlin' I will be lovin' you till we're seventy

Baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty three

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe it's all part of a plan

Me I fall in love with you every single day

I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now

Take me into your lovin' arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud


Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades

And the crowds don’t remember my name

When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)

I know you will still love me the same

Cause honey your soul can never grow old it's evergreen

Baby your smile's forever in my mind in memory

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just a touch of a hand

I'll continue making the same mistakes

Hoping that you'll understand

That baby now (oooh)

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are (ohh ohh)

Baby now take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars (oh darlin')

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

We found love right where we are


And we found love right where we are

Table 4.1

No. Figurative
Data Bait
When your legs don‟t work like
1. Simile 1
they used to before
Baby my heart could still fall as
hard at twenty three
Will your mouth still remember
2. Metaphor 3
the taste of my love
Darling I will be loving you till
we‟re seventy
Kiss me under the lights of a
thousand stars
Maybe we found love right
where we are
When my hairs all but gone and
my memory fades
When my hands don‟t play the
strings the same way
Cause honey, you soul can
never grow old, it‟s evergreen
Baby your smile‟s forever in
my mind in memory

Kiss me under the lights of a 14, 31,

3. Hyperbole
thousand stars 37

Will your mouth still remember

4. Personification 3
the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from
your cheeks
5. Synecdoche Place your head on my beating 15, 32,

heart 38

And the crowds don‟t

remember my name

2. Perfect

I found a love for me

Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my


But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love


Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

Table 4.2

No. Figurative
Data Bait
I found a love, to carry more
1. Simile 16
than just my secrets
Darling, just dive right in and
2. Metaphor 2
follow my lead
But darling, just kiss me slow,
your heart is all I own

Well I found a woman, stronger 14


than anyone I know

Baby, I‟m dancing in the dark,
with you between my arms
When you said you looked a
mess, I whispered underneath 12

my breath

I see my future in your eyes 23

But darling, just kiss me slow,

3. Hyperbole 8
your heart is all I own

I see my future in your eyes 23

When you said you looked a

4. Paradox mess, I whispered underneath 12

my breath

3. Photograph

Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Our hearts are never broken

And time's forever frozen, still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet


You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home

Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know, know

I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you

And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

You can fit me

Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen

Next to your heartbeat where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

Well that's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me


And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost back on Sixth street

Hearing you whisper through the phone

Wait for me to come home

Table 4.3

No. Figurative
Data Bait
We keep this love in a
1. Metaphor 5
When our eyes are never

Hearts are never broken 8

Times forever frozen still 9

So you can keep me inside the

pocket of your ripped jeans

Loving can mend your soul 14

And it‟s the only thing we take

with us when we die
Inside these pages you just hold
Oh you can fit me inside the
necklace you got when you 30-31

Next to your heartbeat where I
should be

Keep it deep within your soul 33

2. Personification Loving can hurt 1


Holding me closer still our eyes


Loving can heal 14

And if you hurt me that‟s OK,

baby, only words bleed
Remember that with every
3. Synecdoche 16
piece of you

B. Discussion

1. Analysis of the Lyric

a. Thinking Out Loud

a) When your legs don’t work like they used to before

The lyric above included simile because in this lyric the songwriter

compares the legs of his girlfriend with the ones she had in the past.

It is about whether or not they will still do the same.

b) Baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty three

This sentences included simile because the writer comparing the

idea that his heart will always be young and tough with the idea of

a heart of a 23 year old man.

c) Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

This lyric is obviously a metaphor for it is impossible to remember

the taste of love. Love is an abstract object and it cannot be tasted.

What the writer wants to state through this line is whether or not

the woman still feels his love.

d) Darling I will be loving you till we’re seventy


This lyric in literally means that the songwriter will still love his

girlfriend until they were 70 years old. The number of 70 just a

metaphor to say „old‟. So, the real meaning of this lyric is „Darling

I will be loving you until we both are old‟.

e) Kiss me under the lights of a thousand stars

That sentences is a metaphor of „night‟ for stars only show up at

night. Therefore the meaning of this sentences is „kiss me at this

beautiful night‟.

f) Maybe we found love right where we are

The line above is a metaphor, because the songwriter states that

they fall in love to each other at the day they meet. Whereas love is

an abstract object that cannot be found.

g) When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades

That lyric is a metaphor of the characteristics of old man. This lyric

meaning that the songwriter asked to his girlfriend „will you still

love me when I‟m old and no remember you?‟

h) When my hands don’t play the strings the same way

Like the lyric before, this lyric also a metaphor of when the

songwriter in old, when the songwriter can no longer play a guitar

like he used to when he was young.

i) Cause honey, you soul can never grow old, it’s evergreen

Soul is an abstract object. Literally, it cannot grow old. This line is

a metaphor that states that she is a kind-hearted woman with love

and compassion.

j) Baby your smile’s forever in my mind in memory

That lyric used metaphor figurative language. That sentences is

another way to say that the songwriter will forever remember her

girlfriend‟s smile.

k) Kiss me under the lights of a thousand stars

The lyric above is hyperbole because the light of stars is just like a

dot and stars cannot be counted as well.

l) Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

This lyric included personification because mouth is a thing that

cannot doing the human ability.

m) Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

Smile is human ability and eyes cannot doing smile like a person.

n) Place your head on my beating heart

That sentence is a synecdoche. And in this sentences used

synecdoche pars pro toto that a word or a part represents the whole.

In this sentences „beating heart‟ is represents the word „chest‟.

Heart is a part of chest.

o) And the crowds don’t remember my name

This lyric is considered as synecdoche which is the use of a part of

thing represents the whole. In this lyric, word „name‟ represent to

„a person‟. So, this lyric means is not just the name that the crowds

don‟t remember, but a person.


b. Perfect

a) I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

In this lyric, the songwriter used „more than’ that one of simile

criteria. The songwriter compares to carry his love with carry his


b) Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

This sentence uses a metaphorical figure of speech, because it says

that the lover is enough to dive into himself, the speech is only

figurative language or other language to say that it is enough to

recognize him more deeply and follow it.

c) Baby, I’m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

The lyrics contain a metaphorical figure of speech where the

songwriter doesn't actually dance in the dark, meaning they dance

one night with their lover in their arms.

d) Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

That lyric used word „than‟, that is one of characteristic from

metaphor figurative language.

e) But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

That lyric used hyperbole figurative language because said that the

heart is all can own, it is a express of exaggerate something.

f) I see my future in your eyes

This sentence used hyperbole because the future cannot be see let

alone look in someone eyes.


g) When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my


This lyric included to paradox figurative language because both the

sentence and the fact are contradictory. In this sentence, literally

the songwriter said that his girlfriend is looked a mess, but in the

fact she is very beautiful.

c. Photograph

a) We keep this love in a photograph

Love is an abstract object that untouched and unseen, so, it is no

way love can be kept in a photograph.

b) When our eyes are never closing

People close their eyes when they sleep or die. By saying „where

our eyes never closing‟, metaphorically, it means he is talking

about the place where they don‟t sleep or die. What the

songwriter implies is „a place where we always feel happy‟,

that is why they don‟t feel like sleeping.

c) Hearts are never broken

Actually hearts can be broken it means can be infected by virus.

That sentence is a metaphor way chosen to actually say „keep being


d) Times forever frozen still

Forever frozen still‟ means „not moving‟ it means stop. So

figuratively, this line means „times stop‟ or in other word, forever.


e) So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

This lyric contains. It is impossible to keep someone inside the

pocket of jeans. The thing that she keep inside the pocket of jeans

is photograph. In other word, the song writer wants her girlfriend to

treat him like a photograph, to be kept forever means be together


f) Loving can mend your soul

Mend means to repair something that has been broken. And the

love is impossible to repair something that has been broken,

because love is not concrete object. It is a metaphor to say that with

love we can feel peace.

g) And it’s the only thing we take with us when we die

In literally, love is thing that we take with us when we die. It means

that love can be felt even after until the person is dying.

h) Inside these pages you just hold me

The lyric above used metaphor. The song writer symbolized

himself with photograph, from that lyric can be assumed that the

woman is holding him.

i) Oh you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were 16

The song writer used metaphor to said that he ask the women to

keep him in her heart or ask her to always love him.


j) Next to your heartbeat where I should be

Heartbeat is related to heart and has relation with feeling. Same

with the lyric before that the song writer ask her woman to love


k) Keep it deep within your soul

This sentence is metaphor, because it is impossible to keep

something in soul, soul is not a place. In other word the means of

that sentence is to suggest the woman to always remembering him.

l) Loving can hurt

Hurt is the human ability, in this lyric the songwriter gives the

human ability to abstract object „loving‟.

m) Holding me closer still our eyes meet

Eyes cannot do what human being can do, for example, meeting

someone or something. The songwriter tries to say to the listener is

that he wants his girlfriend to hold him close until they finally see

each other.

n) Loving can heal

„Loving‟ means the act of giving affection toward someone. The

writer combines it with the word „heal.‟ By doing this, it can be

interpreted that loving someone can literally heal you from

diseases. But the real point of this sentence is that by loving

someone, everything will seem better for us.

o) And if you hurt me that’s OK, baby, only words bleed


That lyric included to personification because the writer personifies

the word „words‟ as if they can bleed like human being.

p) Remember that with every piece of you

In this sentence word „piece‟ represent to all about someone not

just every piece of someone, but as a whole person.

2. The Most Dominant Figurative Language

From the data, the writer can concluded there are many figurative

language uses in the song lyrics that the writer analysed in 3 song

lyrics which is the writer research.

In the first song “Thinking Out Loud”, the writer found 15 the

kinds of figurative language, there are: Simile is 2 song lyrics,

Metaphor is 8 song lyrics, hyperbole is 1 song lyric, Personification is

2 song lyrics, and Synecdoche is 2 song lyrics.

In the second song “Perfect”, the writer found 10 the kinds of

figurative language. There are: Simile is 1 song lyric, Metaphor is 6

song lyrics, Hyperbole is 2 song lyrics, and Paradox is 1 song lyric.

In the third song “Photograph”, the writer found 16 the kinds of

figurative language, there are: Metaphor is 11 song lyrics,

Personification is 4 song lyrics, and Synecdoche is 1 song lyric.

In order to know the most dominant figurative language which is

used in the third song, the writer make table, to classify each song the

kinds of figurative language.


Table 4.4

Song S M H P Sy Pa

1st song 2 8 1 2 2 -

2nd song 1 6 2 - - 1

3rd song - 11 - 4 1 -

In the first song, the writer found the most dominant figurative

language which used is Metaphor, with 8 song lyrics. In the second

song also metaphor, with 6 song lyrics, and the third song, the mos

dominant figurative language which used is Metaphor, with 11 song

lyrics. From the third songs that the writer analyzed, can be concluded

that the most dominant of types of figurative language which is used is

Metaphor, the total 21 in the song lyrics.

3. The Relation between the song and the society at the time

1. Thinking Out Loud

The song 'Thinking Out Loud' is a romantic ballad song

written by Ed Sheeran himself, assisted by Amy Wadge. This song

was released on October 7, 2014. To support the process of making

the music video for this song, Ed Sheeran learned to dance with

Britany Cherry, a choreographer who is Nappytabs. Sheeran also

learned to dance to Paul Kamiryan to support his totality.


Broadly speaking, this song tells about eternal love. The

love story of a couple who grows old, but their love never fades

even though their physical bodies are getting weaker and their

physical beauty is fading.

The fame of the song Thinking Out Loud grew when it

turned out that there was a mysterious voice recorded in the song.

The voice that was heard at the 45th second was the sound of a

child reciting the word 'heart' after Ed Sheeran recited it. The voice

became a hot topic on social media at the time, especially among

music listeners.

2. Perfect

The song 'Perfect' is a song from Ed Sheeran's third album

titled Divide. The song 'Perfect' tells the story of the singer's (Ed

Sheeran) feelings for his girlfriend. The lyrics of the song 'Perfect'

are not too complicated and very beautiful. The song 'Perfect' is a

song that tells about Ed Sheeran's lover named Cherry Seaborn.

Cherry is a 24-year-old woman from Suffolk, UK, where Sheeran

grew up and was educated. Their love story that began when they

were very young in school is contained in this song. The lyrics of

this song express Sheeran's deep love for Cherry, the woman he

loves and wants to edit her as his life partner.

Based on the locational interpretation, the reality of the

situation expressed in the lyric discourse of the song 'Perfect' is a


pair of lovers who are reunited by an opportunity and fall in love

again. The topic of conversation in this song is happiness, joy,

hope, beautiful nostalgia, and dreams but also shows determination

in living love and its twists and turns. The woman is described as a

figure who is loyal to save her love but is also strong and patient

waiting for her true love to return to her. Especially when faced

with a condition that has separated from the songwriter as a couple

in the past. The songwriter's behavior is described as that the man

is in love, his heart is full of flowers, and full of praise for the

woman. With a beautiful and seductive expression of love, he

expects his lover to accept his love again and build a household

with him. His heart is very sure that his love is not one sided and it

is true. The songwriter realizes that his meeting with his teenage

sweetheart was an accident. Their new relationship begins with

romantic memories of their love story, a love that ran aground in

their teens. The songwriter feels happy in his body and soul when

he is reunited with his lover and tries to restart their relationship

and arranges to live together to form a family after separation and

in the end he realizes that his lover is a perfect woman in his eyes,

who he has been looking for all this time, and he feels that she is

his soul mate and is determined not to let his lover's love down for

any reason. The songwriter is a romantic man, full of flowers in

every sentence, and full of care and surprise. An encounter in a

long-buried love relationship can occur by accident. In social life,


this is something that often happens, even an encounter between a

man and a woman who was in love can end with a happy ending

where they fall in love again and have a romantic relationship

again if the conditions and situations at the time of meeting have

changed as physical. they also change (more beautiful or more

handsome), socio-economic conditions change (work and succeed

or have a lot of money), psychological conditions change (more

mature ways of thinking, wise, logical thinking, confident and

more connected in terms of talking to partners) , and changing

situations (established and trustworthy). This will indirectly have a

positive influence on social relations with the people around them.

Here, the speaker wants to invite his lover to knit love again and

build a household because he believes that his lover is the perfect

figure to complete his life in living the bitter and sweet life of life.

The figure of the woman he loves is a beautiful, strong, loyal and

gentle figure who is suitable to accompany his life.

3. Photograph

"Photograph" is a song by British singer-songwriter Ed

Sheeran from his second studio album, X (2014). Ed Sheeran wrote

"Photograph" in May 2012 with Johnny McDaid, instrumentalist

and backing vocalist of the Irish band Snow Patrol. The song is

about a long distance relationship between lovers. The making of

this song was inspired by Ed Sheeran's personal experience of


having a long distance relationship with Nina Nesbitt, a Scottish

singer and songwriter, who became his girlfriend at the time. They

were in a relationship for about a year and during this relationship,

Sheeran spent five months away from Nesbitt, three months when

he went on concert tours with Snow Patrol and two months when

he went on his own tour.



A. Conclusions

In every song there must be a style or figurative language which

has deep meaning by songwriters when writing song lyrics. Meaning or

meaning contained in the lyrics of the song there is a star meaning and an

explicit meaning. From the data above, the researcher can concluded there

are many figurative language uses in the song lyrics that the writer

analyzed in 3 song lyrics.

In the first song “Thinking Out Loud”, the researcher found kinds

of figurative language., there are: simile, metaphor, personification, simile,

and synecdoche. And the dominant is metaphor with song lyrics. In the

second song “Perfect”, the researcher found the kinds of figurative

language, there are: metaphor, hyperbole, personification, and synecdoche,

the most dominant figurative language is metaphor, with song lyrics. In

the third song “Photograph”, the researcher found the kinds of figurative

language, there are: personification, metaphor, and synecdoche. The most

dominant also metaphor with song lyrics.

After sum all of the song lyrics in 3 songs that the researcher

researched, the researcher found the most dominant of figurative language

in 3 songs is Metaphor. The toatal of Metaphor from 3 songs is 21

figurative language. So, from these findings, it can be concluded that the

frequently used in the three selected songs by Ed Sheeran entitled

Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph, that the researched the kind


figurative language is Metaphor. As well known, that the researcher

studied romantic song about love, which is full of beautiful words that

describe the happiness of people who are in love and so on, so the

dominant figurative language used in the three songs is Metaphor.

B. Suggestion

Figurative language in this case has an important role position in

linguistic studies, especially in literary works, such as poetry, novels, song

lyrics, etc. This thesis examines the style of language in the lyrics of

selected songs by Ed Sheeran, entitled Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and

Photograph. The author hopes:

1. For literature lecturers, this research can be used as an example for

learn about figurative language.

2. For students majoring in English, they can learn and add

knowledge about figurative language.

3. Readers can be more interested in listening to music or songs in

foreign languages so they are interested in learning them too.

4. For further researchers to continue research to compare, because

figurative language cannot be understood briefly, must continue to

be studied in some literature. To enrich our understanding of

figurative language and to get a more reliable justification, a wider

and further study scope necessary.


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Ed Sheeran Selected Song Lyrics

1. Thinking Out Loud

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks

Darlin' I will be lovin' you till we're seventy

Baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty three

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe it's all part of a plan

Me I fall in love with you every single day

I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now

Take me into your lovin' arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades

And the crowds don’t remember my name

When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)

I know you will still love me the same


Cause honey your soul can never grow old it's evergreen

Baby your smile's forever in my mind in memory

I'm thinkin' bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just a touch of a hand

I'll continue making the same mistakes

Hoping that you'll understand

That baby now (oooh)

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are (ohh ohh)

Baby now take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars (oh darlin')

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

We found love right where we are

And we found love right where we are

2. Perfect

I found a love for me

Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet


Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my


But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful


I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

3. Photograph

Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Our hearts are never broken

And time's forever frozen, still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home

Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know, know


I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you

And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

Holding me close until our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

You can fit me

Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen

Next to your heartbeat where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

Well that's okay baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost back on Sixth street


Hearing you whisper through the phone

Wait for me to come home


Name : Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis

Date of Birth : Banyumas, 24 Juli 1998

Address : Karanggintung, RT 03/03, Kemranjen,

Banyumas, Jawa Tengah

Study Program: English Education Department

NIM : 17112210050

Educational background :

1. MI Al-Hidayah Karanggintung (2005 - 2011)

2. MTs Ma‟arif NU 2 Sumpiuh (2011-2013)
3. MA Negeri Sumpiuh (2013-2016)
4. Pondok Pesantren Nurul Iman Parung, Bogor (2016-2017)
5. Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung (2017-now)
6. Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung (2017-now)


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