Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis 17112210050 (Thesis)
Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis 17112210050 (Thesis)
Zulfatun Maghfiroh Kharis 17112210050 (Thesis)
(Taylor Swift)
All praise be to the lord of this universe, by the grace of Allah the highest
finally the writer is able to finish her thesis after long effort of writing. Peace,
blessing and salutation be upon our great prophet Muhammad, his family, his
descendants, and his followers who strived in Islam.
The gratitude and appreciation are addressed to:
1. H. Ahmad Munib Syafa‟at, Lc., M.E.I. The rector of Islamic Institute of
2. Dr. Siti Aimah, S.Pd.I., M.Si. Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
3. Dr. Hj. Zulfi Zumala Dwi Andriani, SS., MA. Head of Undergraduate
Program in English Education Department
4. Dian Kurniasih Wahyusari, S.S.,M.Hum my advisor who has given me
sincere advise and available guidance during the preparation and
completion this thesis.
5. All of my teacher and lecturer who has been ever taught and guided me all
this time.
6. My beloved parents, Mr. A. Za‟imuddin Al Kharis and Mrs. Kuswati who
always give their love sincerely, so that they are able to become the
biggest motivators in every step of reaching their goals so that there are no
words that can be expressed to repay your love. May Allah always give all
the best for you.
7. My beloved family who cannot be mentioned one by one, especially my
sister Zilvie Zuhdatul Mukarromah Kharis, and my aunt who has always
been the second mother after my mother, thank you for your prayers and
support, without your presence all of them are meaningless.
8. All of my friends, my thesis colleagues, especially Nadila Afifatul Aini
who have supported my spirit and have helped me to complete this thesis.
9. All members of Tuhfatun Nidhomiyyah Dormitory, thank you for your
10. The small family of Rumah Kita, thankyou for the support and
11. All friends of TBIG 2017, thank you very much for your cooperation so
12. All parties who helped in the process of completing this thesis
COVER ...........................................................................................................
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS PAGE ........................................................... ii
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ......................................................... vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of Study ........................................................................... 1
B. Research Problem................................................................................. 4
C. Objective of The Study ........................................................................ 4
D. The Scope and Limitation .................................................................... 4
E. Significance of The study..................................................................... 5
F. Definition of Key Terms ...................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................... 7
A. Theoretical Review .............................................................................. 7
1. Figurative Language....................................................................... 7
a. Definition of Figurative Language ........................................... 7
b. Kinds of Figurative Language .................................................. 8
2. The Nature of Music and Song ...................................................... 12
a. Definition of Music .................................................................. 12
b. Definition of Song .................................................................... 14
c. Genres of the Song ................................................................... 15
d. Lyrics........................................................................................ 16
3. Ed Sheeran ..................................................................................... 16
a. Ed Sheeran‟s Biography........................................................... 16
b. Ed Sheeran‟s Early Life ........................................................... 17
c. Ed Sheeran‟s Career ................................................................. 18
4. Ed Sheeran‟s Song Lyric ................................................................ 21
a. Thinking Out Loud ................................................................... 21
b. Perfect ...................................................................................... 23
c. Photograph ............................................................................... 24
B. Previous Study ..................................................................................... 26
C. Research Preposition ............................................................................ 30
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 31
A. Research Design ................................................................................... 31
B. Subject of Research .............................................................................. 31
C. Data Source .......................................................................................... 32
D. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 33
E. Data Validity ........................................................................................ 34
F. Technique of Analysis Data ................................................................. 34
A. Result ................................................................................................... 36
B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 44
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 57
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 57
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 58
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 59
means we cannot live without words. Khoirul Nisa in her thesis stated that
used in literary works like poem and lyrics of the song. One of the
examples in the song lyrics that use figurative language is the lyrics from
Ed Sheeran songs.
development of art goes so fast and music or song is one of the branches
many literary or artistic works use figurative language to make them more
imaginative as well as more interesting. And every literary work has its
pop, jazz and blues, rock, religious and others. Nowadays, music that is
Song lyrics are an expression about something that has been seen,
meaning. Apart from that, songs are one kind of unique way to be enjoyed.
some students. The writer found the thesis by Dewi (2020), her thesis
Zain‟s Song Lyric‟, Kurniawati (2018), her thesis entitled „An Analysis of
a song.
his musical career in 2004 until now. Not only works as a singer, but he
composed many songs, and each one has its own deep meaning. Ed
Sheeran also uses figurative language in some of his song lyrics to convey
the message or meaning of the song indirectly and to make the song more
B. Research Problem
song lyrics?
3. What the relation between the songs and the society at the time?
3. To find out the relation between the song and the society at the
In order to make the study more focus, the study is focused on the
Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. And the figurative language focused
1. For Students
For students, I hope this research can be useful to learn more in-
depth figurative language, not only from their textbooks but also from
2. For Lecturer
language and also new vocabulary, not only from handbooks, but also
for singing.
A. Theoretical Review
1. Figurative Language
1) Simile
resemble (Laurence:1969).
2) Metaphor
3) Personification
4) Apostrophe
5) Synecdoche
6) Metonymy
7) Symbol
8) Allegory
9) Paradox
10) Hyperbole
11) Understatement
opposite of overstatement.
12) Irony
a. Definition of Music
and tempo, and this gives each its own character in music.
(Sayuti, 1985:13).
b. Definition of Song
separate from the music. Song and music are related to each
become better.
song and music are two parts that cannot be separated each
1) Art song
2) Folk Song
many more.
d. Lyrics
3. Ed Sheeran
a. Ed Sheeran‟s Biography
one in the UK and US. In 2015, x won the Brit Award for
the UK, US and other countries. The first two singles from
from London.
c. Ed Sheeran‟s Career
Need Me, before going on tour with Just Jack. He has also
on campus.
songs with other singers. Among them are the singles titled
in Game of Thrones.
Darlin' I will
Be lovin' you
Baby my heart
At twenty three
So honey now
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)
It's evergreen
Baby now
b. Perfect
my breath
c. Photograph
B. Previous Study
part, the researcher will discuss several previous studies as a guideline for
working on the thesis. The writer found in the thesis by Dewi (2020), her
Maher Zain‟s Song Lyric‟, Kurniawati (2018), her thesis entitled „An
Album by Taylor Swift‟, and Akbar (2016), his thesis entitled „Figurative
to find the types of figurative language in Maher Zain‟s songs and disclose
the research design was content analysis. Based on the result of the study,
Zain. This research used qualitative content analysis. From the results of
the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there are n the song "Insha
Synecdoche, and Euphemism. And in the song "For the Rest of My Life",
are: (1) to find out the types of figurative language used in song lyrics of
album by Taylor Swift. The result of this research shows that the total
Now” album by Taylor Swift are 48 types of figurative language. And the
dominant one is Hyperbole, there are totally 17 types. And that there are
synecdoche that is used in the song lyrics of “speak now” album by Taylor
Swift. The writer concluded that there are seven types of figurative
of Sumatera Utara. The purpose of this research to find out the type and
The writer concluded that metaphor becomes the most dominant type of
The similarities between the four previous studies that have been
song. Whereas the difference between the four previous studies and this
Zain's song, while the researcher analyze the type and the most figurative
analyzed the type and most dominant figurative language only in three
in the song Speak Now and described the interpretation of the figurative
language, while the researcher analyzed type and the most dominant
Rizqi Aldilini Akbar , he analyzed the type and most dominant figurative
only analyzed the type and the most dominant figurative language in three
songs by Ed Sheeran.
The four previous studies are very helpful and provide a reference for
C. Research Preposition
Out Loud tells about the love of a pair of lovers who are eternal until old
age, which will not be fragile even with age. According to the researcher's
person is a child, which then recurs when he is an adult. And the man in
this story praises his lover who he thinks is so perfect. The researcher
assumes that in this song there are metaphors, hyperboles, and similes.
a person who has to undergo a long distance relationship with his partner,
and to treat his longing he sees a photo of his lover. In this song, the
researcher argues that there are several figure of speech used, including
selected song, there are Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph.
From the three songs, the researcher concludes that from all the figure of
A. Research Design
one type of research that can be used in the scope of education in addition
songs are: Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph. Thinking Out
Loud and Photograph are Ed Sheeran's singles from his second album
entitled X (Multiply), which was released in 2014. While the song Perfect
is one of the singles from Sheeran's third album entitled (Divide) which
C. Data Source
In this research, the researcher uses two source, they are primary
2. Secondary Data
appreciate the song lyrics that would research use. The technique for
1. Library Research
2. Browsing Internet
D. Data Validity
The validity of the collected data is vital. Wrong data will lead to
researcher will write all of the finding content analysis that researcher find
in the research and classify all of the statements included in each type of
figurative language. Data is the focus of analyzing the song lyrics in the 3
The first step the researcher took in analyzing the data was
3. After listening to the song, the next step is to read the lyrics of
In this chapter explanation about the research finding that the writer found,
there are the types of figurative language in Ed Sheeran selected song lyrics. The
A. Result
So honey now
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)
Cause honey your soul can never grow old it's evergreen
Table 4.1
No. Figurative
Data Bait
When your legs don‟t work like
1. Simile 1
they used to before
Baby my heart could still fall as
hard at twenty three
Will your mouth still remember
2. Metaphor 3
the taste of my love
Darling I will be loving you till
we‟re seventy
Kiss me under the lights of a
thousand stars
Maybe we found love right
where we are
When my hairs all but gone and
my memory fades
When my hands don‟t play the
strings the same way
Cause honey, you soul can
never grow old, it‟s evergreen
Baby your smile‟s forever in
my mind in memory
heart 38
2. Perfect
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
Table 4.2
No. Figurative
Data Bait
I found a love, to carry more
1. Simile 16
than just my secrets
Darling, just dive right in and
2. Metaphor 2
follow my lead
But darling, just kiss me slow,
your heart is all I own
my breath
my breath
3. Photograph
I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you
Table 4.3
No. Figurative
Data Bait
We keep this love in a
1. Metaphor 5
When our eyes are never
Next to your heartbeat where I
should be
B. Discussion
The lyric above included simile because in this lyric the songwriter
compares the legs of his girlfriend with the ones she had in the past.
idea that his heart will always be young and tough with the idea of
What the writer wants to state through this line is whether or not
This lyric in literally means that the songwriter will still love his
metaphor to say „old‟. So, the real meaning of this lyric is „Darling
beautiful night‟.
they fall in love to each other at the day they meet. Whereas love is
meaning that the songwriter asked to his girlfriend „will you still
Like the lyric before, this lyric also a metaphor of when the
i) Cause honey, you soul can never grow old, it’s evergreen
and compassion.
another way to say that the songwriter will forever remember her
girlfriend‟s smile.
The lyric above is hyperbole because the light of stars is just like a
Smile is human ability and eyes cannot doing smile like a person.
synecdoche pars pro toto that a word or a part represents the whole.
„a person‟. So, this lyric means is not just the name that the crowds
b. Perfect
In this lyric, the songwriter used „more than’ that one of simile
criteria. The songwriter compares to carry his love with carry his
that the lover is enough to dive into himself, the speech is only
That lyric used hyperbole figurative language because said that the
This sentence used hyperbole because the future cannot be see let
the songwriter said that his girlfriend is looked a mess, but in the
c. Photograph
People close their eyes when they sleep or die. By saying „where
about the place where they don‟t sleep or die. What the
pocket of jeans. The thing that she keep inside the pocket of jeans
Mend means to repair something that has been broken. And the
that love can be felt even after until the person is dying.
himself with photograph, from that lyric can be assumed that the
i) Oh you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were 16
The song writer used metaphor to said that he ask the women to
with the lyric before that the song writer ask her woman to love
Hurt is the human ability, in this lyric the songwriter gives the
Eyes cannot do what human being can do, for example, meeting
that he wants his girlfriend to hold him close until they finally see
each other.
From the data, the writer can concluded there are many figurative
language uses in the song lyrics that the writer analysed in 3 song
In the first song “Thinking Out Loud”, the writer found 15 the
used in the third song, the writer make table, to classify each song the
Table 4.4
Song S M H P Sy Pa
1st song 2 8 1 2 2 -
2nd song 1 6 2 - - 1
3rd song - 11 - 4 1 -
In the first song, the writer found the most dominant figurative
song also metaphor, with 6 song lyrics, and the third song, the mos
lyrics. From the third songs that the writer analyzed, can be concluded
3. The Relation between the song and the society at the time
the music video for this song, Ed Sheeran learned to dance with
love story of a couple who grows old, but their love never fades
even though their physical bodies are getting weaker and their
turned out that there was a mysterious voice recorded in the song.
The voice that was heard at the 45th second was the sound of a
child reciting the word 'heart' after Ed Sheeran recited it. The voice
music listeners.
2. Perfect
titled Divide. The song 'Perfect' tells the story of the singer's (Ed
Sheeran) feelings for his girlfriend. The lyrics of the song 'Perfect'
are not too complicated and very beautiful. The song 'Perfect' is a
grew up and was educated. Their love story that began when they
this song express Sheeran's deep love for Cherry, the woman he
in living love and its twists and turns. The woman is described as a
figure who is loyal to save her love but is also strong and patient
waiting for her true love to return to her. Especially when faced
is in love, his heart is full of flowers, and full of praise for the
expects his lover to accept his love again and build a household
with him. His heart is very sure that his love is not one sided and it
is true. The songwriter realizes that his meeting with his teenage
their teens. The songwriter feels happy in his body and soul when
in the end he realizes that his lover is a perfect woman in his eyes,
who he has been looking for all this time, and he feels that she is
his soul mate and is determined not to let his lover's love down for
man and a woman who was in love can end with a happy ending
Here, the speaker wants to invite his lover to knit love again and
figure to complete his life in living the bitter and sweet life of life.
3. Photograph
and backing vocalist of the Irish band Snow Patrol. The song is
singer and songwriter, who became his girlfriend at the time. They
Sheeran spent five months away from Nesbitt, three months when
he went on concert tours with Snow Patrol and two months when
A. Conclusions
meaning contained in the lyrics of the song there is a star meaning and an
explicit meaning. From the data above, the researcher can concluded there
are many figurative language uses in the song lyrics that the writer
In the first song “Thinking Out Loud”, the researcher found kinds
and synecdoche. And the dominant is metaphor with song lyrics. In the
the third song “Photograph”, the researcher found the kinds of figurative
After sum all of the song lyrics in 3 songs that the researcher
figurative language. So, from these findings, it can be concluded that the
Thinking Out Loud, Perfect, and Photograph, that the researched the kind
studied romantic song about love, which is full of beautiful words that
describe the happiness of people who are in love and so on, so the
B. Suggestion
lyrics, etc. This thesis examines the style of language in the lyrics of
Maher Zain. Cirebon: Syekh Nurjati State Insitute for Islamic Studies
Dewi, Laila Alviana. 2020. Figurative Language in Maher Zain’s Song Lyrics.
Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary. New York: Oxford
University Press
Keraf, Gorys. 2007. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka
Ma‟fiah, Imroatul. 2020. Lagu “Perfect” oleh Ed Sheeran dan “Marry You” oleh
So honey now
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm)
Cause honey your soul can never grow old it's evergreen
2. Perfect
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
3. Photograph
I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you
NIM : 17112210050
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