Lesson 2-Food Chain Practice
Lesson 2-Food Chain Practice
Lesson 2-Food Chain Practice
Sciences Department
MYP Year: (3)
Unit# (2) How does our
Matter and Energy in Ecosystems planet work?
Students should be able to:
-Construct simple food chains
-Identify trophic levels in food chains
ATL Skill: Research/media literacy/locate, organize, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information
from a variety of sources and media.
1-Coral reefs are formed by tiny animals called coral polyps. Their hard skeletons provide many different
habitats where other species can live. One of these species is a single celled alga. Herbivorous fish eat alga.
Carnivorous fish eat the herbivorous fish. Humans often eat the carnivorous fish.
a) Thousands of different species live on coral reefs. Use the information above to suggest why so many
species can live there.
b) Use the information above to construct a food chain. Explain how matter and energy flow in this food
2- In 1977, a completely new ecosystem was discovered. In the deep ocean, below the surface, scientists
found places where hot water rushes out from the sea bed into the water. These places are called
hydrothermal vents. Hydro means water, thermal means heat and a vent is an opening that things can
pass through.
No one expected to find any life at the hydrothermal vent. It is completely dark. The water temperature
can be as high as 400˚C where it pours out, although it cools as it mixes with the sea water. But scientists
found many living organisms in this strange ecosystem. Instead of plants, tiny bacteria are the producers in
the food chain. Instead of using light energy to make food, they use energy in the chemicals dissolved in
hot water. The bacteria are able to survive in much higher temperatures than most living things.
Other bacteria live in the hot water around the vent. They form thick mats on the sea floor. The bacteria
are eaten by shrimps and tiny floating animals called zooplankton. The zooplankton are eaten by sea
anemones. Crabs and octopuses eat sea anemones and tube worms.
b) Construct a food chain, containing four types of organism, that occurs at a hydrothermal vent. Explain
how matter and energy flow in this food chain.
c) Name the producer in your food chain and outline where it obtains its energy from.