Board Model Test Paper 1 Physics
Board Model Test Paper 1 Physics
Board Model Test Paper 1 Physics
General Instructions:
1. There are 35 questions in all, All questions are compulsory.
2. This question paper has five sections: Section-A, Section-B, Section-C, Section-D
and secion-E. All the sections are compulsory.
3. Section-A contains MCQ of1 mark each, Section-B contains 7 questions of :
marks each, Section-C contains 5 questions of 3 marks each, Section-D contains 3
long questions of 5 marks each and Secion-E contains 2 case study-based questions
of 4 marks each.
There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been proided in
section-B, Section-C, Section-D and Section-E. You have to attempt only one of the
choices in such question.
5. Use of calculators is not allowed.
1. The dimensional formula of relative density is [1]
(1) [ML-3 (2) (LT
(3) [MLT (4) [MOLOTO)
2. The number of significant figures in the number 0.010780 x 103 are
(1) 6 (2) 5
(3) 7 (4) 4
3 If y = cose, then value of 2 ydê will be
(1) 0
(3) 1 (4)
Corporale Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Physics (Class X} Model Test Paper-1|
(1) 20 J (2) 40 J
(3) 100 J (4) 80 J
7. For maximum loss of kinetic energy, coefficient of restitution should be [11
(1) e <0 (2) e> 0
(3) e= 0 (4) Either e <0 ore> 0
B. Which of the following expressions represents a simple hormonic progressive
wave? (Symbol have their usual meaning).
(1) y= Asinot (2) y=Asinot coskx
(3) y = Asin(uot- kx) (4) y= Acoskx
9. The phase difference between velocity and acceleration of simple harmonic
(1) (2)
(3) ÷ (4) 7
Corporate Ofice: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Model Test Paper-t Physics (Class XIn|
10 In an adiabatic expansion of a gas [1
(1) Heat is either gained or lost (2) Heat is neither gained nor lost
(3) Temperature is kept constant (4) Volume is kept constant
11 A body of density d is dropped in a liquid of density . If d> d, then the
downward acceleration of the body in the liquid is [1
(1) g
() o12) (4)
12. AbsSorptive power of a perfectly black body is [1]
(1) 1 (2) -1
(3) 0 (4)
13. A graph between pressure P and where Vis volume for a gas, at constant
temperature is [1]
(1) Parabola (2) Rectangular hyperbola
(3) Ellipse (4) Straight line
14. A wire can be broken by applying a load of 10 kgwt. The force required to
break the wire of same material but of twice the diameter is (in kgwt) [1
(1) 10 (2) 20
(3) 40 (4) 80
15. f the earth suddenly stops rotating, the value of effective gravity at the
equator would
(1) Increase (2) Remain same
(3) Decrease (4) None of these
16. Assertion (A): A table cloth can be pulled from a table without dislodging the
dishes. [1]
Reason (R): To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) (A) is false but (R) is true
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Physics (Class X) Model Test Paper-1
Strain Strain’
Coporate ofice: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Deln-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Model Test Paper-1 Physics (Class XI)
The graphs are drawn to the same scale (Slope of 8 < Slope of A).
(1) Which of the material has greater Young's modulus?
(2) Whlch material is more ductile? [1]
24. Explain why an ice-skater is able to increase her angular velocity by folding
her arms. State the law involved. (2
25. Aparticle is thrown vertically upward with velocity 10 m/s and it moves freely
under gravity. Find
(a) Time to reach at maximum height.
(b) Maximum height
10 m/s g=10 m/s?
26. (a) A small coin is placed on a rotating disc. The coin does not slip on the
disc. Where does it get the centripetal force from? [1%]
(b) Sparks produce when a knife is sharpened on a rotating grinding stone
and always travel tangentially. Why? [1½]
27. (a) Two spheres of same mass and radius are exactly similar. One is solid
and the other is hollow. How will you ldentify them on the basis of thelr
roling motion down the inclined plane?
(b) A circular disc of radius R has a uniform thickness. A circular hole of
diameter equal to the radius of the disc has been cut out. Find the center
of mass of the remaining system. Take the co-ordinates of center of main
body as (0, 0). 2
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhl-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Physics (Class X) Model Test Paper-1
Xo (3+ 2t +6) m
X¡ (5+ 4)) m
Which of them has non-zero uniform acceleration, explain with reason? (3]
An air chamber of volume V has a neck area of cross section 'a' into which a
ball of mass m just fits and can move up and down without any frictlon (Figure
below). Show that when the ball is pressed down a little and released, i
executes SHM. Obtain an expression for the time period of oscillations.
(Given Bulk modulus of air = B) [3)
31. (a) Derive the relations: (0) = + 2as, (ü)) v= u+ at, (ii) s =ut + af
using calculus method. [3]
(b) What is the use of v - t graph? [2)
(a) The speed of air above the wings of an aeroplane is 120 m s-1 and below
the wings it is 90 ms1. If density of air is 1.3 kg m, then how much is
the pressure difference above and below the wing? (Neglect the
thickness of wings) [3]
Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
Madel Test Paper-1 Physics (Class XI)
(b) The displacement of a particle moving in one dimension under the action
of a constant force is related to the time t by the equation t =x +3
where x is in meter and t is in second. Find the displacement the
particle when its velocity is zero. [21
32. (a) Discuss the formation of standing waves in a string fixed at both the ends
and first two modes of vibration with necessary diagram. [3]
(b) What are beats? What is the essential condition for the observation of
beats by normal human? [2]
(a) Define forced and resonant oscillations. Find the total energy of the
particle executing SHM and show graphicaly the variation of potential
energy, kinetic energy and total energy with time in SHM. [3
(b) Asimple hamonic motion is represented by x= 10 sin(20t + 45"), where
displacement is measured in meters and time in second. Write down its
amplitude, angular frequency, frequency and initial phase. [21
33. (a) Why are circular roads banked? With the help of suitable diagram, obtain
an expression for the maximum speed with which a vehicle can safely
negotiate a curved road banked at an angle The coefficient of friction
between the wheels and the road is u. [3
(b) A 1000 kg car goes round a curve on a flat road of radius 50 m at a speed
of 54 km h-, will the car make the tum or will it skid if the coefficient of
friction is 0.60? Justify.
34. If two objects collide to each other, then the linear momentum of the system
just before the collision and just after the collision will be conserved and
kinetic energy of the system just after the collision may be less than kinetic
energy just before the collision which depends on nature of collision i.e.,
co-efficient of restitution (e) between the colliding bodies.
(a) When is the exchange of energy maximum during an elastic collision?
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005. Ph.: 011-47623456
|Physics (Class XI| Model Test Paper-1
(b) Two balls of same mass moving in opposite direction with same speed
collide head-on with each other. Assuming a perfectly elastic collision,
predict the outcome.
(b) Aboat carryinga large number of stones is floating in a water tank. What
will happen to water level if the stones are unloaded into water?
(c) Ablock of wood floats in water with th of its volume submerged, but it
just floats in another liquid. Find the density of liquid in (ka/m). [2]