Ent 01
Ent 01
Ent 01
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Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• What is Entrepreneurship?
– Entrepreneurship is the process of creating
something new of value by devoting (giving) the
necessary time and effort.
– By accepting and acknowledging the necessary
financial, psychological, and social risks, and
– Finally receiving the resulting rewards be it monetary
and personal satisfaction and freedom to do what
you want.
(Robert D.Hisrich, M. Peters & D.A Shepherd)
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Simple Definition
– Process of creating something new and
assuming the risks and rewards.
Robert D.Hisrich, M.P.Peters & D.A.Shepherd
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• What is an Entrepreneur?
– He or she is an individual who actively form or lead their own
business and nurture them for growth and prosperity.
UiTM Entrepreneurship Study Group
• Benefits of Entrepreneurship.
– Societal Responsibility and Recognition.
• Small business owners are among the most
admired, respected and trusted individuals of
• Customers have shown their trust and faithfulness
over their years for their business.
• Help to contribute employment, business
opportunity in a particular locality or area.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Benefits of Entrepreneurship.
• Opportunity to engage in work of their choice
– Small business owners tend to engage in business
that gives them personal satisfaction.
– Though they may work long hours and engage in very
industrious work that is beneficial to their organization
and themselves.
– Most of all the work they engage in helps to benefits
the community, society and the nation.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
– Long Hours and Hard Work
• Entrepreneurs tend to be generally workaholic, and
under tremendous pressure to produce the result
they expect.
• Entrepreneurs seldom find time to be away from the
business but tend to pour all their effort and
resources to achieve their personal entrepreneurial
• Some even go to extent of making big sacrifice and
deprive themselves of a personal life, wife and
children and social and family associates.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
– Lower Quality of Life until the business get
• In order for the business to be successful the
entrepreneur must engage himself to produce the
kind of result he expects.
• He cannot rest on his laurels (take it easy) until
and certain the business has stabilized and
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
– High level of stress
• Starting the business can be very rewarding experience, but it
can be stressful.
• An entrepreneur have left the comfort and security of secured
job to venture into their own business.
• Failure can bring about tremendous personal failure, and in
turn creates intense levels of anxiety and stress.
• Financial burden may increase and the entrepreneur may face
difficulty sustaining the business or may decide to call it for day
and wind up the business for good.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
– Complete Responsibility
• Must be prepared to make decision that are
unfavorable (swallow the bitter pill).
• Must make decision in areas that the entrepreneur
is not familiar at all.
• Fear of making decision that can have a
devastating effect on the business and its people.
• Tremendous pressure to perform as the
entrepreneur is too deeply engaged in the
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
– Discouragement
– To undertake a business requires a lot of dedication,
discipline and tenacity.
– During running the business they will face many
difficulties, obstacles which may difficult to overcome.
– Further difficulties, discouragement and disillusionment
are common emotions.
– Successful entrepreneurs escape through rough times
or difficult times through sheer hard work, self
confidence and full of optimisms.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship